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Then your dentist usually recommends that you dont drink wine. But local dentist offers not only say go ahead have, a glass, theyre offering it to you at their office. Well tell you where, and why. Big message for his fans, all about his sister, his message, coming up in the trend. Hes good. Got a little stage presence, dont youy . Waiting for this 1t should be fun. Good day, it is wednesday, october 8th, 2014. Lunar eclipse i guess is getting underway as we speak. Hi, sue serio. Hi, yes, we will be starting to see it soon, as long as the clouds clear. There is a look at the moon, and you can see it, starting to get that redish continuing, as it passes the earths shadow will passover. So well keep an eye on. That will well keep an eye on your weather for the rest of the day, the thunderstorms are gone now. So, were ready for sunshine today, and a eight out of ten, in your weather by the numbers. There you see all of the thunderstorms have moved off shore for us, to up new england for some, and so now, again, the clouds are starting to thin out. So i think we are going to probably be able to see that Lunar Eclipse. Sunrise happens at 7 04, right around when it is just after the peak of the eclipse. So we probably wont be able to see the whole thing because of the moon setting and the sun rising. 64 degrees, right now, other temperatures, are in the 50s, and 60s, and were headed to high of 74 degrees, we think, by the ends of the day today. So, thats your Weather Authority forecast. Lets get to traffic at 5 02, on your wednesday morning. We start off in mt. Laurel, where there is a water main break, moorestownmt. Laurel road between union mill road and wood view drive. That road is closed, your alternate is hartford road. Now the pennsylvania turnpike, approaching reading, we have an accident involving a tractortrailer, and trash truck, and you are not going to be able to get by there. So, the debris is in the westbound lanes, and it actually will be very slow going for you there this morning. Finally, the accident on 295, the northbound ramp to route 70 eastbound, vehicle spun out, the ramp partially block, well, theyve cleared that up now, kerry . Sue, thanks, 5 03, breaking news right now, man arrested for drying under the influence following Early Morning car crash in philadelphia. It happened just before 2 00 near second and erie. Police say the driver broke his leg, and was taken to the hospital to be treated. Woman visiting philadelphia says she was kick off a flight headed to boston overnight, because of something she tweeted. Yes, fox 29s Lauren Johnson live at Philadelphia International airport, with that story, so, what happened . Well, it is worlds we live in, kerrey, chris. Something hams. We immediately go to our social media site. Good or bad, telling the world exactly what happened. Several pass inning or 760 took to twitter, one of the passengers was Lisa Carter Knight from new hampshire. She was in philadelphia to care for her mother, a Breast Cancer survivor, who recently underwent surgery on her twitter page we see several pictures of that plane in question. Then few more passengers crowded around the counter at the gate. Well, in a statement, jet blue tells us flight 760 did experience a ground delay after a passenger accused the pilot of being drunk. Well, according to passenger accounts on twitter, someone joked with the pilot by saying the flights two hours late, were you at the bar . Jet blue says the pilot was tested, passed the test, and the flight headed to boston just after midnight, but when it was all said and done, one passenger claims she was not allowed back on board. Im just sad in this country that you can get a corporation can shit you down, and not just shut you down, but actually deny you service. By the way, i paid for a ticket that was refunded to me. And im standing near front of you today without that refunds in my bank account. So im going have it wait 48 hours just to be able to replace that flight. So again, dont know the details about why this woman was not allowed back on board. According to her, she says, that jet blue did give her her money back. Now she has to sit it out, wait it out, for that n now show up in her account to get a ticket back home to boston. Chris, kerry . So miss carter night night then, was she the one do we know yet that actually tweeted about the pilot joking with the other passenger about being drunk or not . Reporter no, she was not, chris. In fact, she and several other passengers tweeting about what happened sort of just document wag was going on, in fact, one person even used the hashtag bone head pilot. They were calling the pilot irate, said he took offense to customers joking, the flight was delayed, and then thats when he got angry, told everyone to leave. He had to undergo the test. So she did not make any accusation was him being drunk specifically. Kim of things. Why was she the one singled out. And the pilot you actually have to understand where he is on the whole thing. Pretty serious stuff, Lauren Johnson, thanks so much. Also new for you this morning, two Police Officers accuse in the sexual assault. This alleged assault happened at the Taj Mahal Hotel and casino. Andre torez, officer with new york city, and thomas, officer with the new york state police, were charged with two sexual assaults. This right now is live look at the taj mahal in Atlantic City. Police say that a 34 year old woman was assaulted back in april. These two officers are expected to be arraigned today. Parents concerned this morning as the new Jersey Department of Health Announces cents five more enterovirus cases across the state bringing the total number to 14, look at the five separate cases here, all across new jersey. Fox 29s steve keeley live in Hamilton Township, new jersey, with the details on this. Steve, good morning. Bringing their kids to school, but we figure there were parents not here, because they were not letting their kids come back to the school. And so parents spoke to us on monday, told us, they have complete confidence in the local school and Health Department leaders, convinced it was safe to bring their kids here, after confirmation that virus killed 14 year old classmate here. With the latest state number you just talk about, showing another case up here in Mercer County, it was cents pointed outright away that that case is not even here in the Hamilton Township, but some other town in Mercer County, so not the other four year old boy that we reported on here all monday morning, who has enterovirus symptoms. Lab tests on him, believe it or not, still not even conclusive yet. Parents were finally told a time line every events at the meeting last night, which show that the other boy was kept home sick from the school here, two full days before eli waller missed his one day with just case of pink eye, and then died suddenly in his sleep the next day. September 26th. His lab samples not sent to the cdc in atlanta until five days later, results on him not back for more than a week, eight days after he died, very disturbing details to some parents who showed up, spoke up last night. That elis death will probably never know where that virus came from. But, it is a partnership for parents, for educators, for business owners, for all of our citizens, to understanded personal hygiene is the way you prevent this. Fan we all partner up and do that, then, unfortunate cases cents might not occur. And it would be a lesson of education, is what im trying to get out. And supposed to have the best attention, especially by the Health Officer. He didnt go to work saturday, sunday. He didnt go to that school. Our kids were walking around, common i see i mean, something that like virus, can you not really avoid it, can you not stay home and not go anywhere. So two distinct differences in parents from the same school here. Chris, kerrey, after getting all of that criticism, how the house handled this, the first thing you heard from there, Hamilton Township Health Officer revealed his wife was one of eli wallers teachers here, he said, eli sat on his wifes lap every morning. He told the frustrating parents criticizing him, so he said hey if i thought there was anything more serious i would have done all i could, because his wifes life was on the line, as well, so he was trying to point out, believe me, im doing everything i can. Trying to do all we can and get out the information as soon as we get it. But when you are test ago kid for a virus we learned, youll test him, how many virus also there in the whole worlds, and they have to do all of these other tests before they can pinpoint this one. So scary. People still dont know exactly what they need to look for, steve, thank you. Other scary virus, of course, bowl a authorities from spain released new video of the hospital room where a priest died from ebola virus, video shows hospital workers, and protective gowns, including room in madrid, priest had just returned from sierra leone, doctors believe a nursing assistant at that hospital became infected with the virus, while caring for him. The woman reportedly the first person to contract ebola outside of west africa. And, investigators want to know exactly how the pokes usual happened. Meanwhile, officials in madrid issued court order to euthanize dog because of chance it is may have spread the disease. Robot could be cutting edge tool on the way in helping ward off ebola transmissions cents, this is from saint antonio, texas, hospital there, where robot uses uv lights to kill viruses and might be more effective way to clean rooms than using soap and water. Robot currently being used at more than 250 hospitalization across the us, including the one in dallas where a patient was diagnosed with ebola. Violence breaks out in the middle of a northeast philadelphia grocery store. Yes, one man in the hospital after he was stabbed twice. It happened at the pathmark on the 800 block of cottman avenue yesterday evening. Police say two men, who knew one another, began to fight, before one of them stabbed the other in the face and then in the neck with a kitchen knife. There was blood all over the grocery store. Scary, ive been to pat maker over 32 years, first time ive seen Something Like this happen. Scary, really is, because you think youre going into safe place, youre going shopping for food. You dont expect violence. The accused attacker was caught just about mile away. Hes charged with aggravated assault. The victim is expected to survive. Lets take live look at the moon, at 5 11, as we go to sue serio, sue, this is the combination of a full Lunar Eclipse. How long does it take to reach the full it will be between now and about little after 7 00 this morning for the whole thing to happen. But, the shadow of the earth hasnt passed over the moon yet. Right. Basically the moon is inbetween the sun and us. And so we will see the shadow. It will be pretty cool, though. So lets get you through the rest of the day today. And talk about whats going to happen after that. Specially, since it is cents a holiday weekends for a lot of folks who have off on monday for columbus day. So, for this morning, we do have some clouds around. But theyre clearing up, it will be breezy, and mild for this time of year. Sunny skies, breezy, cool, both today and tomorrow, but the weekend, we have some rain starting on friday, that may hang around on and off through the weekends, we will call it un settled, and cool, through columbus day. Thats your weather to watch, on wednesday morning. Now, on the pennsylvania turnpike, this is westbound, approaching willow grove. We have construction that has the two left lanes blocked. Thats really going slow you down this morning. We will be back with more on the fox we put a man on the moon, late 60s. Off initials Northern California say air tanker pilot fighting a wild fire at the Yosemite National park may have been trying to lay down fire retards around when his plane crashed into a canyon walling kill him. Plane disintegrated on impact, took several hours for rescue crews to reach the planes wreckage. Pilot is believed to have been the only person on board. A chicago standoff ended last night with Police Captain shot and suspect dead. It is unclear how the suspect was killed, but we know second suspect was taken into custody afterward. Police say that he was want in the connection to three shootings, and carjacking, the injured Police Officer is in serious condition, but expected to survive. Los angeles county Sheriffs Department releasing the 911 call made the night that Daniel Crespo was shot to death. Yes, crespo shot by his wife after he allegedly attacked their son. This is their son, making that call, moments after the shooting. High the investigation is still going on. At this point there havent been any arrests. 5 16 the time. Violent protests in turkey left at least 14 people dead this morning, dozens more injured. Gunfire broke out overnight as protesters admitted that they attempt to approach Police Station province of adana. Demonstrators demanding turkey off more help to curds i shall forces lying to hold onto kabani. Fbi needs your help identifying English Speaking millitant seen in a recruitment video for isis. Now, this is the guy right here, in the video, Officials Say, he switches from speaking classic arabic to perfect english, with a north american accent. Intelligence Officials Say about dozen us citizens are fighting alongside isis in syria. And more than 100 others have been traveling therefore training, and are now back on us soil, kerr. I 5 17, chris. Canada joining the fight now against isis. Parliament voted yesterday to authorize air strikes against isis in iraq, following a request by the united states. This motion authorizes air strikes in iraq for up to six months, and expolice italy states that no grounds troops be used in combat operations. In your health this morning, charging your phone, your tablet, in your bedroom could make you fat. There is cents a new study that says light emitted by these devices harms the production of the sleep hormone meletonin. It promotes regular slope which heads the bodys metabolism. Researchers say healthy meletonin levels promote good sleeping patterns helping the body convert food and drink into energy efficiently. The study was done at Manchester University in england. Glass of wine before your next filling at the dentist . It may be just what the doctor ordered, yes, growing trends across the country, and right her in our area. Some dentists say theyre now offering little wine before patients have procedures where people terrified the dentist just a way for them to just relax, take the edge off. Help seize the transition for some patients from the waiting room to the dental chair. My golan treatment of patients is to make sure that theyre not white knuckle, holding on to the arms of the chair. If you can lighten it up, im in. Cheers. I wonder where this is . Because im signing up. Local liquor control agents say theyre aware of the practice of serving little alcohol of all kind of businesses, and there are ways to do it legally. Yes. 5 19. Medical miracle in sweden. Woman with transplanted uterus gives birth to healthy baby boy. Now the parents are speaking out about that new bundle of joy. Little vincent born month premature. Otherwise perfectly healthy. His 36 year old mom was born without an uterus, and told obviously that she would never have her own child. But last year she was one of nine women to receive wounds transplants. Her uterus donated by a 61 year old family friends. Vincents parents arent revealing their identities, but they are happy to share their joy. Yes, fantastic, fantastic feeling, i really felt like a mother the first time. So even if i had years and years of sorrow and lost and hope, at the first touch and when i saw my baby, i just felt like a mother. Cant imagine. Vincents parents say they hope the story of his birth will inspire him to become a doctor when he gross up. I love the little feet. So cute. Hearing from the School Superintendent for the first time after a new Jersey High School Football Program was shut down. This comes after allegations cents cents of hazing, bullying at high school, superintendent says there was enough information to warrant a criminal investigation. So leaders made the decision to cancel the entire season. The case now hands down to the county prosecutors office. There were incidents of harrassment, intimidation, and bullying as constituted by the definition within the antibullying statute. The decision to cancel the season affects players on the freshman, jr. Varsity, and varsity football teams. All right, coming up on 5 21. Time for weather on the ones, of course, were looking into the Lunar Eclipse this morning, as well, sue. Yes, we will be watching that with you all morning long. We will take a look right now the seven day forecast, as ones we get over the hump getting ready for the weaken which includes for some columbus day holiday on monday. We have 74 degrees today. Then cool down as we head into the weekends with temperatures in the 60s, rain moves in on friday, on and off, should be with us through saturday morning, and then it remains to be seen what happens sunday and monday with rain. But we do expect a lot of cloud cover, 63 degrees on sunday, which means, chilly night at lincoln financial field, for the eagles game. And then mostly cloudy skies, but 72 degrees, on monday, even milder tuesday. Thats your Weather Authority forecast. We start off this report on the blue route. Southbound ramp to the schuylkill expressway westbound. There is a disable vehicle. But it is on the shoulder. Usually that doesnt matter. It will still slow you down anyway. Kerry . 5 21, famous rapper making quite the name for himself on youtube. Rapping covers of the hit songs. His latest video is an original, and it is all for his sissy. Coming up in the trend. Im Robert De Niro and new york is my home. Its the best place to visit in the world and now its the easiest, because now there are new tourism guides on the road, and on your phone that make it easier to find the places you love. Find great dining, amazing history, and worldclass entertainment, no matter where you are. Take the ultimate road trip and see why i love new york. For more information, go to iloveny. Com investors looking for signs of whether the Federal Reserve love increase Interest Rates today. Comes as the fed releasing its notes on its latest meet recalls. Stocks tumble out of weak data out of germany. Do you down whopping to 16,700. S p fell 29 to lands at 1900. And the nasdaq composite ended the day at 4300 after dropping 69 points. Walmart meanwhile is slashing benefits for part timers who work less than 30 hours a week. Those employees will no longer have access to walmart sponsored plans. That accounts for about 2 of the retailers work force. The Company Calls it a cost cutting move. Walmart Officials Say theyve tried to prevent passing increasing healthcare costs onto its owes at, but this year, their premiums are going up. Federal Appeals Court has declared same sex marriage legal, in both idaho, and in nevada. Couples in idaho can marry immediately, but in nevada a court must issue formalin junction. Yesterdays ruling comes one day after the u. S. Supreme court refused to hear appeals from other states want to go upholds bans. That effectively makes same sex marriage legal in 30 states, and in washington, d. C. 5 26. Our bruce gordon always getting results, a local rocker, loses his sheet music. Our view finds it thanks to our story, i should say, not our viewer, one of our viewers. We have one viewer. And you at home are it. Congratulations well tell you will where that sheet music was the entire time. Where off our rockers. Then, what city do you think has theyre calling the ugliest accent. Yes. Philadelphias on this list. Well tell you about the socalled competition, across the country. Passenger accuse the pilot of being drunk, so he has to be tested. Well tell you what happens after that coming up in a live report. Chris . Looking forward to. That will meantime, facebook account is set up using a womans real pictures. But she had no idea this was going on. A Law Enforcement officers allowed to do this . Well, what they say about it. And, for the first time, were getting a look, or listen, i should say, at the conversation between seventh heaven star and his wife after he allegedly admits to molesting children. What he had to say in newlyreleased audiotapes. Oh, theyre creepy. Good day, it is wednesday, october 8th, 2014, a lot going on weather wise, sue, weaver the winds of course, especially down the shore, then as we look to the skies Lunar Eclipse. Yes, so we will keep an eye out for. That will buddly get extra credit in science class for that. Now, starting to happen. The shadow of the earth over the moon, it will eventually obscure the moon completely, and then of course, come out on the other side. But by the time thats happening, we will probably be in the middle of sunrise. Isnt that cool . Now the moon is starting to look a little weather. We call this the blood moon eclipse. So we are seeing a little bit of red in the moon. It is fun. Astronomy. So heres bus stop buddy. Eventually we get some sunshine today. Temperatures still comfortable, theyll and lot chillier tomorrow, ill warn you, but theyre in the 50s, 60s there is morning, so we will give you eight out of ten today. Your weather by the numbers, we have sunny skies now that the cold front passed through with overnight thunderstorms, seasonable temperatures, but gusty breezes, as well, so dont take a lot of time with your hair this morning, it will be windy out there. So most of the rain, all of the thunderstorms have moved up to new england, now, so some of those are severe. But for us, we a lot of winds in some places cents overnight. At one point, in ocean county, we had Tornado Warning in effect about 1 30 in the morning, but thats been lifted long time ago. So, it is still breezy as we said. See with flag there, 64 degrees, 14mile per hour breezes, 7 04 your sunrise time. So, it starts getting light out before that. And thats why we may not see the entire Lunar Eclipse. 74 degrees is our high today. Mostly sunny, breezy, and cool. And then tonight were down to 50 degrees in the city, 40s in the suburbs, chilly night tonight. Thats your Weather Authority forecast, at 5 32, and now, lets get to the roads. This time, we start off in trenton, we have brunswick pike, which is route one, at Franklin Corner road, and bakers basin road. There is flooding that has the right northbound turn lane, and the left southbound turn lane blocked. So some flooding around there. That could slow you down, you have to probably go another way. Water main break in mouth hall, it is moorestownmt. Laurel road. Love how new jersey, every road has cents to be two names. Between union mill road and wood view drive all lanes blocked this morning. Well, thats cleared, actually, and then, as youre going out toward reading the pennsylvania turnpike, an accident involving a tractortrailer and a trash truck east calico. Debris westbound lanes, could cause some delays this morning coming say from the city toward reading is ramp to the schuylkill, disable vehicle off on the how older. 5 52. Breaking news get tonight Philadelphia Police arrested man early this morning for driving under the influence after he crashed his car. It happened just before 2 00 near second and erie. Police also say that driver broke his leg and was taken to the hospital to be treated. A woman in Philadelphia International airport claims she was kick off a plane overnight for tweeting about the delay. Yes, fox 29s Lauren Johnson live at the airport with story for this morning, lauren . Hi, lawyer. Reporter arent we all guilty of this . Something hams we go straight to twitter, instagram, social media sites, good or bad. Well, couple of passengers hears at the airport did that yesterday in regard to flagg 760. Took to twitter. One of them Lisa Carter Knight from new hampshire, in philadelphia to care for her mother, Breast Cancer survivor, recently underwent surgeriment on her twitter page see several pictures of the plane. She explaining what was happening, then few more passengers crowded around the counter at the gate. Well, in a statement, jet blue tells us, flight 760 did experience a ground delay after a passenger accused a pilot of being drunk. Not sure what passenger. Well, according to passenger, accounts on twitter, someone joked with the pilot, by saying the flights two hours late. Were you at the bar . Well, jet blue said the tie lot was tested, passed the test, the flight head today boston just after midnight. When all said and done, one passenger claims she was not allowed back on board. Im now standing here at 2 00 in the morning, without a flight to go home. Jet blue has denied me service at all on any flight back to boston because a pilot made a decision that my social media interaction with my friends, and family, was not appropriate, and he was not going to be tolerated by him. So i was cents thrown off the flight tonight. Reporter so this mother of three says jet blue refunded her ticket but the money wont be back into her account for 48 hours. Were still not sure why jet blue did not allow her back on the flight. We did not hear from them about that specifically. But did i just get a tweet from lisa carter night night. She says im due to flight out this morning, so no official response from jet blue as to why they denied me service on flight 760. So of course, still some answers or questions, answers were trying to wait to find out. Chris, kerrey . Great job as always. I have to correct you on one thing however. Whenever something happens, i dont go right to twitter. I cant stands t ill tweet if i have to at work, but thats it. Thats what we do. We have to. We dont have to do anything when it comes to social media. I got to feed my kids, love my wife and pay my bills. Lauren johnson ill be sure tell you said that. Definitely not watching at this hour. All right, 5 35. Somebody in a bucks county neighborhood has been breaking into cars and homeowner said he caught one of those burglaries on video. Check it out for yourself, surveillance video, shows the man homeowners believe is responsible for breaking into those seven cars and early monday morning, all of the victims live here, the 2,000 block of colonial drive. Now the video shows the thief rummaging through one car for more than seven minutes. Not much was taken, but homeowners say theyre going to make sure to lock their doors from now on. I work hard to have what i have. Somebodys going to come in and take what we work for . I dont think it is fair. Right now, police are still gathering information and say there could be more victims, if you know anything about this, call the township. A delaware man is behind bars after troopers found more than 1900 bags of heroin. Authorities say they went to approach 23 year old toronto mann while park along hitch ponds road in laurel. They say when they got to his car, he pulled off, hit two unmark police cars, he eventually stopped, he was arrested. Officer say the drugs were found near the initial place that they tried to stop him. They also say that he had close to 900 on him, as well. Touring the devestation. Californias wine country still struggling to get back on its feet after fears earthquake. Coming up the progress theyve made so far. Then, this pint size rapper is his sisters hero. How hes using his youtube fame to send a big message coming up in the trends. Look at that. Baby cam, all of that, this is moon cam. So, what, halfway through this full Lunar Eclipse. You can see half of the moon covered by the earths shadow. And, were going to keep this up for you, are we going to keep this up . I think we are. This moon . Irk see the win there. Well get to that in a moment. 5 40, people in nap a california still dealing with the damage left behind by that 6. 0 magnitude quake over the summer. August quake toppled buildings, the bridge for the most part retained their shape. But, there are few more problems to deal with. Contractors now doing spot picks on several bridges across the wine country, lane closures go into effect today, as repairs begin. These heavily reinforce deep foundation bridges. So much like the rest of the country, the structure has been big problem, lack of upkeep, the biggest problem, of course, for all of those wine barrels that topple to the ground, and everything spilled out. That is such a shame. What a waste. 5 41. Were explaining what is happening with this Lunar Eclipse, in progress right now, as you see, moon cam there, yes, so were almost halfway obscured now, with the shadow of the earth passing over the moon. You see it right there. , that arm, see it right there . It is a moon eclipse. See the moon starting get little red. Not that red. Thats the sun. This is the moon passing between the earth and the sun. So, the clouds could impact your viewing, but you want to look at it, go outside, figure out where west is, and then look up, you should be able to see it yourself. Because the clouds have cleared pretty nicely for us. We think that was pretty good timing. So thank who ever is responsible for that. 74 degrees today. This could be the warmest day for awhile, we cool to the 60s all the way through the weekend, with some rain, possible on friday, saturday morning, sunday mostly cloudy skies, and a lot of clouds for columbus day monday. Thats your Weather Authority forecast. Lets go back to the roads. We start off with this route one, brunswick pike, bakers basin road, we have some flooding from the rain that moved through overnight. And the right lane is blocked. Chris . Sue serio, thank you. A 42 00 is the time. Adrian petersons lawyer now speaking out about the child abuse case against the football star. What he is saying about t for very dry skin, basic moisturization isnt enough. You need healing. The only lotion with healing microdroplets of vaseline jelly, new vaseline intensive care relieves very dry skin from the first application and deeply moisturizes to heal it in just 5 days. Clinically proven. Skin healed in just 5 days. Thats the healing power of vaseline. Good morning, im howard eskin, new york giants in what will be tougher game than all of us thought weeks ago, but last weeks question. Lesean mccoy said he pulled himself out of the game, in a critical series, then changed and said it was the coach deuce stale. I last week we sat talking about whats of lets get darr never there. Now what we are saying, we want him in there a lot. Not considered critical situation. So from our stand point, were happy to answer the questions, but it is not a big issue. All right, the cards and not the dodgers moving onto st. Louis, Clayton Kershaw, who would have figured with twonothing lead in the seventh, he would give up a threerun homer to matt adams. Unbelievable. The cardinals go onto win threetwo, st. Louis, will win the series, three games to one, when Clayton Kershaw pitches two games in the series, to figure how account dodgers lose . They lost, st. Louis that does move on. Thats sports in a minute. Im howard eskin. Boy, cardinals have been so good. They havent missed Albert Pujols a bit. Vikings running back peterson said the athlete will plead guilty to child abuse charges if asked, i should say, he will plead not guilty, not guilty, to child abuse charges if asked for plea during court peers today. Accused of injuring his four year old son after whipping him with a wooden switch. Peterson has been side lined while this case plays out. Ankle tore famous for playing a family man and preacher is charged with child molestation, starring in seventh heaven since the news broke, that series hand been fuld from several networks. Collins also dropped from the film ted two. According to tmz, the stars estranged wife taped him during a therapy session, admitting to having sexual contact with three victims. We dont know quite what she is referring to in that particular instance as far as shotgun goes, but tells estranged wife trying to extort the actor, so stay tuned for good day, because legal analysts cents ken rotweiler will be in the studio to discuss this case. Meantime, 5 47. New york woman arrest he is in the cocaine case suing the dea after the agency set up fake facebook account. Using information they took from her cell phone. The dea set up the account using pictures, and other personal information from the womans phone, in hopes of tricking her friends and associates in revealing incriminating drug secrets. Justice department initially defend dollars the practice in court filings, but now says, it is reviewing whether the facebook guys went too far. Philadelphia taking on pittsburgh in a new on line tournament for the worse accent in america. What do you think of this . The website gawker put up bracket last week, and philadelphia is just lost to pittsburgh. They are now the fifth seed. Pittsburgh fourth, right now, looks like, boston is the favorite. All right, bankruptcy judge proves the sale of Atlantic City revel casino for fraction whatever it cost to build. The judge okayed the sale of the revel for 5 cents on the dollar to toronto company, the revel cost nearly two and a half billion dollars to build and closed last month, after just two years in operation. The toronto firm which runs couple of other casinos says it plans to reopen revel as a casino, as well. 5 49 this morning, protein rap is her defending his sister who has downs syndrome. Eleven year old mattie b sharing his Important Message on line with this powerful new video. Thats just great message this little kid is sharing. Mattie b and his sister sarah live outside of atlanta. He said his sister is just like any other kid. He want her to be treated fairly and kindly. Their parent helped them write the song. I love it. So this morning, if you have missed us talking about it, there is total Lunar Eclipse. Called blood moon. You can actually see it from your house, you can in some instances, gotten tweets from people, having little difficulty because clouds and the angles of the clouds were there. If you can see from your house, take a picture, sends it us to, tweet it to us, use the hashtag fox 29 good day, so that we can see it. Hopefully we can get it up there and put it on tv for the rest of our viewers. Get two of these in 2015, and two in 2014, second of which is happening right now. Good news this morning, for south philly music legend bobby rydel. Somebody found his housing suitcase full of sheet music. Here what happenedment on his way home from a show, all of the arrangements for virtually every song every his fell out of his car along west chester pike. He retraced his steps, didnt find the suitcase, but spoke to bruce gordon hoping somebody picked it up. In fact somebody did. After our report aired last night at 10 00 viewer tweeted bruce that they found bobbys suitcase on west chester pike saturday night, they spoke to bobby and are planning to return it to him who had. Yes. Very cool. Lets get back to that Lunar Eclipse if we can, if we can see anything, there are clouds overhead. I thought we had the Lunar Eclipse cam . Did we have that . There we go. It is behind us now. Lets look. Now, sue serio . It is exciting, really is. I would say three quarters of the moon practically obscured at this time. And thats the shadow of the earth that is making it difficult to see the moon. So the clouds have cleared nicely for us. Now, last time i said, that i jinxed it and the clouds came over. But it is in the western sky. If you want to go out and look at it yourself. Hopefully the clouds will clear for you, as well. Cool. Thanks, sue. Doing weather now. Yes, we are, taking a look at whats going to be happening as far as weather systems are concerned over the weekend. So we will take a look at this one map that i have for you, up right now, and it is the surface map of whats going to be happening, we have the cold front that came through last night, thats going to Cool Temperatures down, so much the next couple of days, well see highs in the 60s, but then, that frontal system will stay stalled in our area, so by the weekend we may see some more rain from it. Things will be clearing up, eventually, but it does look like our seven day forecast has unsettled weather. Starting on friday, moving through saturday, sunday, even monday, with mostly cloudy skies, but we do expect temperatures to get back into the 70s by early part of next week. Thats your Weather Authority forecast. Now, time to take a look at traffic. We go back to the pennsylvania turnpike. Out there on the way to reading, calico area, accident, trash truck, debris all over the roadway, left lane still blocked. And the debris is in the westbound lanes. So this is as youre heading from here out toward reading, 322, kerrey; your alternate. All right, sue, thanks. 5 53. A young mom pulled over and accused of not having her child in a carseat. But the Police Officer doesnt give her a ticket. What he did instead that that has a lot of people talking. Good morning, welcome back, it is 5 56. Yes, the full Lunar Eclipse is in effect right now, were about two thirds through this event, sue serio will get us caught up on whats going on with this stellar event quite literally. Car pulled over because a child is actually standing inside a moving car. But the officer who made that stop didnt do what many expected, didnt write a ticket, he actually really helped out in a big way. The young mother was stopped friday. She says she new she was in the wrong by not having her daughter strapped in. She explained to the officer that she had recently fallen on hard times, and couldnt afford a booster seat. Well, that touched the officers heart. He told her, hey, follow me to walmart. A ticket doesnt solve the situation. What solves it is the child being in a booster seat, like she should be. Easiest 50 bucks i ever spent. Im really almost at a lost for words, because he really didnt have to do that. That mom said she hopes to pay it forward some day when she is back on her feet. 5 57 is the time. Heighten fears in Mercer County after more cases of the enterovirus in new jersey are announced our steve keeley live in Hamilton Township following this for us. Steve . Reporter yes, back up here in Mercer County, outside this yards ville elementary school, where parents have even more questions than they had on monday. This is the name your price tool. It gives you options based on your budget its a piece of cake. I was told there would be cake. Get a free quote at progressive. Com. Philadelphia police rush on a plane, what a pilot was accused of doing that grounds add flight for hours. Four year olds should not die in this country. Okay. Outrage at a meeting in Mercer County. Parents question if a school is doing enough after a child died from the enterovirus, and the number of case asks growing in new jersey, what officials are saying about how theyre handling this. In a live report from steve keel. I california mayor shot and killed in his own home. The chilling 911 call made by his own son, why he says that his mother had to shoot. Lets take this live. This is the Lunar Eclipse. What was that . I dont know. It is making that moon is making awfully funny noise

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