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Place out to a lot of peoples places, and burglarizing them. Chris . Police are investigating a shooting, latest details on this investigation, straight ahead. And sue, good morning to you. Should be casino of humid hot one . Oh, yes, back to the 90s today. The question of course is how long are we going to stay there . Well have lots of answers for you coming up. Sabina . Kops got new claim to fame. Home to the largest target. This side of the mississippi. It has got all of the bells and whistles. Whats it mean for traffic, well talk about it, guys . Fantastic, sack even a50 00; wednesday july 23rd, 2014, looking forward to that thousand dollars shot you can down right rough . Very oppressive, very sticky, part of it, though, is that it is probably not going to last, after we get some thunderstorms later on, the conditions will improve. So lets get to it with our weather by the numbers. Today weve selected for you a six. Well have sunshine, summary temperatures, yes, but very hot, humid today. So casino of oppressive with the dew points, and thunderstorms. They will roll through late in the day, perhaps affecting your evening commute, but more likely toward sunset and after dark. And you can see the Boundary Line there in ohio, northwestern ohio, some thunderstorms there, with the cold front, well get some pop ups in advance of the front. Well look at our sliver after moon out there, 72 degrees, right now in philadelphia, with 76 relative humidity. About where woe were yesterday. Maybely warmer. But just about as humid. We have 67 degrees in mount pocono, 69 degrees atlantic city, 67 in lancaster, so, plenty of places in the 70s, but it is not as stifling as it could be, two to 8 degrees warmer than it was yesterday. Weve been following these dew points cents as they rise little bit. Nothing in the extreme range, just pretty typical for a hot and humid july. Yesterdays high, 88 degrees. Seasonable temperatures for sure. Today we expect to the get to the 99s, 87 by lunchtime, steamy afternoon, hot, 93 degrees, for High Temperature today, one day special. Well take it, thanks, sue. Good morning, southbound side of 42 the ramp to 295, good news this construction just cleared three minutes ago at 5 00 oclock so out of your way see things moving along fine there. Eastbound, westbound on the pennsylvania turnpike, eastbound construction this morning, right at bensalem. You have the right lane block then just slow down if you are headed westbound too. Lots of little gaper delays. Allinall see lots of green throughout what we like to see this morning. Shooting happened in philadelphias strawberry main sean neighborhood, on 29th and ridge avenue. Police say he was shot in each leg, in stable condition, thats good, no word on the shooter. Meanwhile, bicyclist in Critical Condition after being shot several times in west philadelphia. That man was shot riding along the 4900 block of West Thompson street there is was around 10 00 last night. No word on whether the shooters been arrested. And another man, in Critical Condition this morning, after being knocked off his bike by a car. This happened last night, as well, on 4200 block of north broad and the boulevard. Police say he was taken to the hospital with a head injury. The car that hit him stayed at the scene. Later today, we should learn more about a Home Invasion suspect now in custody in Montgomery County. Accused of terrorizing two homeowners, now other police didnt want to know if you see connect today cases in their department. Fox 29s steve keeley live outside the Upper Merion Police department for us. Good morning, steve. Well, chris, little history lesson. Main line got its name from the old main line train line, the pennsylvania railroad, and it takes its trains running through all the wealthy suburban towns out herement some of the wealthiest towns in the entire country. And now, police say, this guy from philly, used this commuter line as his main get to and get away vehicle, to breakin to a lot of rich peoples homes here. Close to train stations, where he would hop off, hop back on, with peoples cash, credit cards, jewelry and small electronics. All he could conveniently carry away with him with little notice on the trains looking like average daily commuter to and from work. But his work, the illegal kinds, his slip up yesterday, hitting his latest house while the homeowners were still home. Instead of running out he used the homeowners shotgun, then try to get the guy to go to the closest bank machine for cash. We believe this was a burglary, initially, when the actor goes inside the house, he hears people upstairs. When they come downstairs, a conversation, he pulls a weapon, now escalates this into Home Invasion robbery. Im not ready to start living my life in fear. Im concerned, we dont want this in our neighborhood. Yes target in the house, when people were still trying to determine that. Well, no name put out to the public yet by police here. And still waiting for the first formal charges in this case, soon to be filed Police Promise with many more charges in many more cases, all on the main line of course, as Main Line Police departments will now have their hands on this guys fingerprints hoping they are a clear cut match against those they have on file already from a whole lot of burglaries out here, in recent years. His previous burglaries may also match up anything this guy did not fence or sell to a pawn shop, say, with heart broken homeowners, who may have had engagement rings. Family hairs looms, lots of sentimental stuff stolen figuring it was gone forever. So maybe little hope, in their minds, as well, that this guys got some stuff stashed on his bedroom bureau, chess, that he just couldnt sell or didnt want to sell. Lets hope there is some upside to this story, steve, thanks. Developing this morning, secretary of state john kerrey flying into israels main airport despite 24 hour faa ban on all flights to testify al eve. He was planning to meet with israel prime minister, the palestinian authorities president , and the United Nations chief to try to bring an end to the conflict. Meanwhile, palestinian families are scrambling to flee a Southern Gaza strip neighborhood, under intense shelling. And while kerrey can fly to telaviv, travelers here in the philadelphia area cannot, because of that faa ban. A flight due into philadelphia from telaviv this morning is canceled, delta airlines, and united, said earlier both suspending service indefinately. We caught up with people impacted by these concellations, at philly international. Are you wore bid flying . Boardwalk protect you, youre not safe here, youre not safe there, youre not safe there. Only save where the board walk is. Well, of course, you can see how the cancellation haves affected the faa, says, they will revisit lifting this restriction, sometime this morning. Remains of 200 victims killed in the downed malaysian airliner, taken to the netherlands during departure ceremony. Most were dutch. Today, has been declared day of mourning in the netherlands, as the country prepares to receive those remains. Meanwhile, it is unclear, when full internal investigation or international investigation, i should say, into the planes downing could take place. Believes it was shot shot down, Us Intelligence Officials Say theyve no direct evidence the russian government was involved. 5 08. The largest target on the east coast is now right home in our area. With the opening comes employment opportunities, but maybe also some travel headaches. Sabina kuriakose outside the brand new king of prussia target. Sabina, good morning. Reporter good morning, guys. No doubt this target is definitely going to be a destination spot for shoppers. But that means tons of added traffic on 202, well get to that in a minute. First off lets take a look inside. Employees celebrating the opening last night. Store employees and their families were able to shop and break the registers in. The store 135,000 square feet. The grocery, pharmacy, much more, all good. But here is the catch. With congestion on 202 already an issue, some folks told us they worry this huge store will only maple it make it worse. Upper merion and store employees say kop can hand it will. Traffic always a concern in upper merion township. I feel real good most of the traffic that will occur at target will occur on saturdays, sundays, generally speaking has less traffic than say monday through fridays with rush hour. Something was going to be here regardless whether it was a target or not. This is always a congested area. So, i dont think it is hurting the traffic any more. Well, definately see how it all plays off. The store opens on sunday, to the public. Back to you guys. Sack even, a thank you. Real quickly before we let go, compare this tarring tote like say the size of the ikea which isnt too far down the road. We were just talking about it, it looks like an ikea, raised parking garage, parked under the store, see the logo from the road, looks just as big as an eye key, a im sure, has much stuff inside, there as well. Everything could you possibly want. Thank you so much. The best. Just about 5 11, time for weather on the ones. Have to restrain myself from going shopping at the moment in orders to present this weather forecast. Here we have ultimate Doppler Radar to show you no rain, not any clouds, clear night overnight. Thats what prevented us from being really mug think morning. Were just muggy, not really muggy. So, heres a look at the cold front, that will be visiting us later on in the day. And that cold front will be accompanied of course by scattered showers, and thunderstorms, so nothing to worry about yet. And future cast shows when we get things fired up. Not around noon, it looks like it will just be pretty hot, humid by then. Any time after 5 00 p. M. , we start to see the isolated pop up thunderstorms. Some could be kind of cloud. And thats through maybe 11 00, 12 00 midnight we get the thunderstorms, some left over showers, possible, through about 8 00, 9 00 tomorrow morning. And then were fin wished that for the rest of the day. Then we can look forward to nicer, nicer temperatures, and dew point. Seventytwo in wildwood, 17 in wilmington, 61 mount pocono, 70 down in dover. So, with some us in the 60s, it is not the worse morning weve seen in the summertime and certainly not extended heat and humiditiment calm win for the most part, do get a breeze, out of the south, where the humidity comes from. So here we go, phillies and giants, again. And weve got 89 degrees, with possibility of rumbles every thunder at game time, winds out of the southwest at about 10 miles an hour. So, it is an eye on the sky kind of night at the ballpark. Ninetythree today. But thats the only day we have in the nines. Eightythree tomorrow. Then beautiful day, ten on friday, saturday looks pretty good, it will be warmer, but still not excessively humid. Sunday is the day. Talking about a chance of a thunderstorm. And by monday, it is still a little on the unsettled side. But, no more 90s, kacie, after today. I cant say that im sad. I can deal with 80s, thanks, sue. Looking everywhere, 62 miles per hour, headed out on the turnpike, 50, on 76. Ninetyfive up on 476. Taking a look at 95, this is 95 right around route 420. Looks like this construction just cleared out of the way, northbound side of 95, was down to one lane, between 420 and the philly international airport. As you can see clear, still on the camera, out of the way, nothing worry about right now. More on construction, more long valley, new jersey, when all after sudden answer car alarm goes off in a neighborhood. There goes. Scares the bear up the tree. He takes a good look around at his surroundings, and eventually, makes his way down the homeowner said he took one more look around the yard before going back into the safety of the woods. A giant and a con did a on the loose in new jerseys biggest fresh water lake and wildlife experts doing whatever they can to find it. It is missing somewhere in this area. The lake. About 3 miles wells every newark, right . Experts say the snake you grew up in this area, flight. I went to high school around here. Did you ever see anything alike this . 14foot green , no but a lot every bears in long val. I People Living near the lake may have been keeping an eye out. No one has caught it yet. Kids are concerned, parents concerned, everyones concerned. Weve had some people come down, scared to go in the water, one guy went and bought a michetti. Wildlife experts have set traps around the lake to catch the and con did a. The search for five year olds girl from kansas, comes to tragic end, police say theyve recovered the body of harris, arrested 30 year old marcus mcgowan. Kade ends mom dated mcgowan on and off for five years. I had fear for my own live, never for my daughters. Police are staying quiet on why mcgowan may have killed her, but hes facing long list of charges through everything first degree murder. Authorities say someone called police, after seeing the infant sitting in a carseat alone, according to witnesses, the windows were cracked, and the car was unlocked. Police stayed with that baby for 20 minutes, until the mother returned. Never makes sense, six month olds in a car unattended at any time, let alone on a hot day. The concern is that people just arent thinking. When it comes to their children and pets, common sense, you cant leave them in a hot locked car. In maryland, man accused of leaving his 98 year old mother locked inside hot karat a casino. Police say, Dwight Macinnis left his mother, for five hours, as he plays dollars bets at a casino in hanover. The car was 81 degrees at the time. Found, now, Officials Say the woman was a bit inch incoherent, but did not need medical attention, in you in the care of her caughter. Seattle grandmother the first to buy legal Recreational Marijuana in washington is being honored, yes, dads green tshirt, hat, the pot she bought, donated to the museum of history and industry, although this an unusual honor. Green said she is proud to be part of the city history. 5 19. Eight year old boy from indianna, is bitten by a shark, while vacationing with his family in florida. Foxs darryl nail sat down with the brave young man and his mother. Eight year old aiden said he was playing in the surf yesterday afternoon around; felt sudden pressure in his right knee. I felt it, my eyes opened, and then about a second later, i started screaming, because it hurt so much. His mother, michelle, who brought her son here on vacation from indianna, was just few feet away when it happened. And i just heard him scream. And i turn around, and he was, you know, within several arms reach. I just reached up, pulled him up out of the water, and coy see the bone on his knee. Aidens leg had been sliced wide open. A six to 7inch long laceration more than an inch deep, when Emergency Personnel arrived, they toll her it appeared that her son was bitten by a shark. I could see the teeth mark, it was very. I this is real. Yes, scary, like, all your fears came true at once. I ruined everybodys vacation. No, you didnt, no, you didnt. 5 20, breaking news we need to get to. Firefighters still on the scene after scare, at the Sheraton Hotel on north 17th. Circuit breaker in a basement that far hotel blew a short while ago. That caused smoke in the building and people inside the hotel were evacuated. Officials tell us everything is now under control. Weather on the ones, we focus on your commute morning and evening, and see what it is going to be like. This morning should be fine, as long as you have airconditioning in your car. By 7 00 it will be in a muggy 70s, sun by 8 00. About 75. By 9 00 oclock youll need the airconditioning with 78 degrees, because it is so humid outside. This is possibility, of what your evening commute may look like, if you get a pop up thunderstorm. Well get up to 93 degrees for High Temperature today. And the possibility is there, any time, after, say, 4 00, 5 00 this evening, all the way through after dark. So, eye on the sky this evening, just make sure to watch out for the storms. Caste . Thank you, sue. Taking a look at all of the travel times, lots of green out, there good news, still no accident to report. No disable vehicles, no downed wires, downed polls, nothing like. That will just some construction, we will get to that coming up next. Thieves got into one more than a thousand accounts and get tickets. Expect to make arrests in the days which expects to go international. News conference set up for later today. According to stub hub, thieves didnt hack into the company directly, but they got the information from other data breaches. Walmart, cosco, trader joes have been told to pull their fruit. The possible listeria contamination led to National Recall of whole peaches, nectarines, plumbs, and prots by a california company. No illnesses reported. But the Packing Company told retail tears pull the fruit off store shelves, recalled products stickers read sweet two eat. Hey, could crcs, closing to up 100 of their shoe stores and laying off workers. It will cut back on the number of shoe styles. They theyre hoping to boost sales. Residents in denver are enjoying new Service Thanks to app that allows liquor deliveries. The app is drizzly, just scroll through the catalogue, select, and youll have your spirits delivered in 45 minutes or less for just 5 in case youre wondering delivery might be little more strict. Drivers will use an i. D. Kantor check the validity of your identification. People in denver are very techsavvy casino of early adaptors of new technology of Services Like this, real rich craft bare and craft wine and liquor, while liquor industry. Well, arent you special. Drizzly is already being used in boston, new york, chicago, los angeles. Still ahead, the largest target on the east coast, opening right here in our area, well take you inside this brand new super store. Overnight shooting in the Strawberry Mansion section leaves one man in the hospital. Full details on this violent shooting coming up. Home invasion suspect in Montgomery County now in police custody, but now police think he may be connected to some other cases. Largest target store opening, will the new super store cause traffic grief . Most notably right there along the 202, 76, all of that comes together. Good day everyone it, wednesday, july 23rd, 2014. On the way every misery index, would today be relatively high . Weve not had one of those extended periods every heat, humidity, but it is nothing you cant handle, what were saying, because really wasnt that bad yesterday. Told we will. Why not go to the beach with bus stop buddy . Hell save a spot right there on the sand with muggy the dog, obviously, doggy friendly beach, where he is. 60s, 70s, this morning, and, yes, it is a meg morning, you want to spend the day at the beach, if you possibly can, weather hotter, more humid, plus thunderstorms in store for later in the day. Plus side, well have the summary temperatures, so starting to get light out. 72 degrees, our sunrise time 5 52. Southerly wind got tomorrow 88 yesterday, average high being around 87. So seasonable, but way above average today. With 93, and those isolated showers, later on, tonight, well have the evening scattered thunderstorms, in fact, we could see thunderstorms throughout the night. Love it, sue. Still looking good on the majors, no huge slow downs, 56 headed out on the turnpike, looking at 95, right around route 420, did have it down to one lane, back open for business right now. So, nothing slowing you down in that stretch. The southbound side of four it, the ramp to 295, you had construction there, thats just cleared, out of your way this morning, and the eastbound side of the pennsylvania turnpike, at bensalem, you can also see the slow down westbound, youve got the right lane blocked there for some construction. Kerrey, chris . Kacie, thanks. 5 31, breaking news out of center city, firefighters are still on the scene of a scare, at the cher did a tan hotel on north 17th. Circuit break nerve basement that far blew short while ago it caused smoke to fill into the buildingment people inside the hotel were evacuated. Crews currently ventilating the building. Guests should be allowed back in shortly. Also, developing this morning, 21 year old man recovering from a shooting. Happened on 29th and ridge avenue. Yes, and the man evidently was shot in each leg, was reported in stable condition. No word on the shooter this morning. Meanwhile, bike nerve Critical Condition after being shot several times in west philadelphia. He was shot riding along the 4900 block of West Thompson street right around 10 00 oclock last night. No word on whether the shooter has been arrested. 5 32 the time. Upper merion Police Say Suspect in custody for a burglary turned Home Invasion, well, now being looked at by other police in the area for more daytime burglaries. The man was arrested after police say he broke into a home, on hole steen lane near the schuylkill expressway around 8 00 yesterday morning. Now they say he was surprised to find the couple still inside the home, so he tied up the woman, forced his fiancee at gunpoint, with a weapon he found inside their home to go to the wawa atm and withdraw money. Im concern, we certainly dont want this in our neighborhood. Police believe he took a regional train to get to the area. King of power home to the largest target store on the entire east coast. This new mega store has a lot of implications though for the area. Good for shoppers, bad for people who are trying to drive in that area potentially, right, sabina . Yes, thats right. You know, 202 already pretty congested. Now, a lot of shoppers coming out. See how big this target is. 135,000 square feet. The store had a soft opening last night, for employees, and their families. Theyre so excited. Upper merion township says kop now sports the largest target on the east coast. Store Officials Say the grocery section is 40 bigger than most other target stores. Electronics department is larger than other locations, too, also target pharmacy inside. Now the stores been under construction for a few years, needless to say, it has been highly anticipated by shoppers and employees alike. The opening means hundreds of new jobs. It means. It has opened up a lot of jobs for the surrounding area. It will mean a lot. Will bring a lot of outside, everybody will be coming, im way over here at the target, yes, i think it will do great. Any time more jobs, a great thing. Store opens officially sunday to the public. Kerrey, chris . All right, sabina, thank you. Children from around the world are in our area this week. Theyve all have one thing in common. Theyve lost someone they love to terrorism or to war. Group named tuesdays children, putting on the special camp in bryn mawrment the name reflect the day many of their lives changed forever get to talk about their pain, but also laugh, learn ways to cope from one another. Can emphasize moran able to trust them, because they know what youre going through. Seventytwo campers are taking part this year, from places such as ireland, you just heard that one, from northern ireland, talk about this, also from spain, pakistan, and argentina. Coming up new warning about the dangers of eating too much junk food watch it could do to your other senses. And a bride grieving the loss of her father finds a way to lift her spirits on her big day. Who walked with her down the aisle coming up in the trend. 5 38, fire continues to burn in utah. Blamed on a bolt of lightning, happened sunday in westbound err canyon. Fire isnt threatening any structures, but division of forestry closed down the weaver river for recreational activities. More than 08 fire fight remembers working this fire, they say they still dont know when it will be contained. Meanwhile, firefighters in Washington State continuing battle wild fires there. And now there are reports of looting, as well. People living in some of the hardest hit places say strangers are coming in, and taking stuff from the ashes of houses that have just been burned to the ground. Mark miller was able to save five family members, homes after the fire, but he lost one house, and thats all thats left right now, debris. So why would a thief want to take this stuff from a burn out home . Dont even get a chance to go through what salvable theyre trying to find. They fought fire all night, sitting there Drinking Water exhausted and a truck pulls up into his driveway. Somebody turns on flash lied. They speed off. So, evidently, these looters are therefore the metals that they can take to sal raj yards and cash in, police say, anyone caught looting, of course, will face stiff penalties. Drought has been issue in california all year long, because that far conserving water really a must. Santa clara water did i strict now planning to hire cops, strictly tone force their water restrictions, noon hire ten people, the district says in the last week alone gotten about two dozen complaints, about waterways ers. The money to fund this 500,000 program will ultimately come from the water customers. So we hear, sue, in that area there is public shaming going on. Where people take pictures of people wasting water, then it is put out there on instagram, you name it, some of the local tv stations are putting video of people wasting water on the news. Social media, cant get away with anything any more. In that case, it is probably good thing. So looking at a pretty sunrise, it is happening pretty much as we speak this morning. Sunrise officially at 5 52. So, here we go. With another sunny start to the day. But it is on the muggy side. As well. And that will make the big difference. So, what better day to be at the beach. Shorecast for today, for temperatures in the lower 80s, southerly breeze at 10 miles an hour, surf temp still in the lower 70s. The rip countries being is low. You should still swim near a lifeguard. Newspaper for uv index today, very, very high. We do have some changes on the way, early part of the day will be fine, here comes this cold front, in ohio right now, and ahead of it well see some thunderstorms touching off. Then the actual cold front comes through, in the overnight hours. See, the temperature trend over the past five days has been going up, up, up. We had our very comfortable weekends, low 80s, we had 86 degrees monday, 88 degrees yesterday. We will be hotter than that today. And then, eventually, those thunderstorms, what time . Probably about 5 00 oclock, 4 00, 5 00 when they start to get fired up. Pretty random then. By 11 00, 12 00 tonight when the actual front comes through, thats when well see some more of them, could wake you up, little later on, future cast shows clear skies eventually although we could have left over showers in the morning tomorrow. So 72 degrees in philadelphia, 71 wilmington, 67 degrees in mount pocono, and 72 getting your day started in wildwood this morning. Not bad beach day, especially early, just later on, have it watch out for the thunderstorms, so it will probably be dark by then anyway at the shore. Rumbles every thunder possible at the ballpark tonight. Going to the game with the phillies and the giants, again, 89d degrees, when the game begins, so it will already be hot, with the high of 93. Still, hot, later on, and a six is your number for the day. Tomorrow was thunderstorms and rain to start the day. It will cool off later on, then were to up ten on friday, with high of 85, and the low humidity, always a happy occurrence to passalong, even though hotter on saturday, still nice day, thunderstorms possible on monday, still unsettled, sunday and monday, and tuesday mostly cloudy. So there is your seven day forecast. Looking forward again kacie to friday. All right, looking forward to friday. Today is going to be all right. It will be little hot. Sue i dont have an incident in site. Everything looks great on the majors, lots of green. Take a look at the travels time, 476, turnpike, in new jersey, 476, turnpike, pennsylvania, everything looks great. Headed out to the new jersey turnpike, right at 195, there is not a car on the new jersey turnpike, so, things looking great this took six hours, but phillies found another way to lose, after Jonathan Papelbon blew a save in the ninth inning. Phillies and giants did not score again until the 14th inning, when San Francisco scored four runs. Phillies try to mount rally in the bottom of the 14th, lost the game, nine to six. The two teams continue their four game series tonight, at Citizens Bank park. For a look at the other night in sports, howard eskin. This is fox 29 sports in one minute. Good morning, im howard eskin. There have been quite a few trades in major league baseball, none by your phillies. It doesnt mean they wont do anything. Last night in puts burying, wild one between the pirates, dodgers. Going to pittsburgh, it was puff night at the pirates. Look at the puffiest there. Big puffy actually right there. Oh, so nice. And it was a little tough for andrew mcceuchins, gets hit in the sixth. What do the pirates do in the seventh . They hit turner. But what that does is the umpire without a warning previously throws out the pitcher, then clint comes out, you had no warning, so he they throw him out the pirates win it 12seven. All right, after off day monday, back to raising tuesday, the tour de france, australias Michael Rogers win in a sprint. But italys holds on to the yellow jersey, at the tour leader. Can we phillies play again tonight against San Francisco. Thats sports in a minute. Im howard eskin. In your health this morning, new warning about the dangers of eating too much junk food. Junk food is long been linked to obesity, new study shows it, could also destroy your sense of smell. Researchers of at Florida State university found high fat diet linked to major structural and functional changes in the nasal system. The scientist also now investigate if high sugar diet would have the same effect. All right, if you would like to drop couple every pounds, may want to jog over to your thermostat before go to bed. Thats because new study shows sleeping in cooler temperatures could help you lose weight. Researchers say your bodys metabolism speeds up when it is colder. And a study shows that when people slept in the in reverse, the opposite happened. This study comes from the National Institutes of health. 5 48 right now. It is coming up on time for the trends. Kacie has been researching this latest one. Yes. And it is evidently a bride who find a way to lift her spirits on her big day, and in the thing here is that this is kind of going viral, kacie, we understand . Going viral as they say. Nice story. Miami bride grieving the loss of her farther finds the perfect person or should i say thing to walk her down the aisle. Take a look. cheers . Thirty year old Jennifer Sullivan lost her dad two years ago, but when her husband pat prick proposed jennifer said she was happy but sad because he wouldnt be there to walk her down the aisle, so the university of miami alum thought the best way to honor her football loving father walter was to have the hurricanes mascot escort her down the aisle. She said she didnt want to row place her dad but rather honor him. Very cute story. Today, shifting gears, is National Hotdog day. So we want to know what toppings do you like to put on your dog, let us know what you think to sell the best who do you think sells the best hotdog in the area, tweet us with the hashtag fox 29 hotdog cheese dog with crowd and catsup girl. And coal beer and chips at an eagles game, thats a good day. Sequel to the hit 199s, fight club in the works but wont be in movie theatres like the original one was. , no the first rule of fight club of course. You dont talk about fight club. That s but were doing anyway. The author breaking his own rules. The fight club author is work to go create a ten part comic book series, 18 years now, after the original novel. He said the comic will be much different than the movie that starred actor brad pitt. The comic series will be released in april of 2015. That from portland, oregon. The king of song parodies is coming out on talk this weekend. According to preliminary figures, from hits daily double. Com, we are allamanda torrey frontal bumm takes the number one spot on the music charts. Seriously. He beat out jason, thanks to his take on hits like blurred lines and happy which he turned into word crimes and tacky. My goodness. 5 58. Beatles against beatles plan to honor George Harrison destroyed by actual beatles. Los angeles officials made the announcement over the weekend blaming beatles for feeding on opine tree. Grief i can park is planning to replant a tree similar to the now 10foot tall one thats being removed. No official date for that replant g is set. I guess the venue there would be that the Hollywood Bowl sits right there at griffin park. Then beatles have a great show, though, live albumn in the Hollywood Bowl. Back in the day, sioux serio. Spectacular way back. Yes, 50 years, 45, 50 years, since a lot of that happened. All right, lets go to the future. As we always remember the past, looks like it will be clear this morning. It could be worse with the muggys, but it will be warmer than it has been, and more humid, as well. 88 degrees, by lunchtime, definitely want to seek refuge in airconditioning, or at the pool or at the beach or anywhere you can to get cool. Because it will get to high of 93 degrees, and probably any time after about 4 00, 5 00, so when we can fire up some thunderstorms, overnight some can get casino every loud. That takes you through wednesday, some improvement on the way, well tell you when coming up in the seven day forecast. Nothing to improve on the roadways, looking at 76, thats what it is called, right at passyunk avenue. Things moving along, really not that many people out on the roadways, 552, maybe different story eight minutes from now, right now headed out things look good. Thanks, 5 52. Coming up this dad goes above and beyond for his little girl. Learning dance moves to her favorite song. Incredible routine coming up next. [ Michael Strahan ] im Michael Strahan, and i love new york. Theres no place like it in the world. My favorite thing is the excitement of the outdoors. Like rock climbing in the catskills, rafting in the adirondacks, surfing on long island, or getting your heart racing at watkins glen international. Come discover your favorite part of new york. Plan your Summer Vacation at iloveny. Com theres something for everyone. At iloveny. Com bring the delicious taste of hersheys chocolate to anything everything. With hersheys spreads, the possibilities are delicious. Beautiful look at the pocono mountains, beautiful morning, well check in with sue with the weather in just a moment. Turkish company vending machines that feed stray animals and they keep trash off the streets, as well. The machines currently placed through parks in istanbul, sit which more than 150,000 dray dogs and cats, with each bottle collected the machine disperse cents kennel for animals that need them. This morning, it is the fatherdaughter dance off, and youve got to see. Father teamed up with seven year old daughter in their living room, and theyre dancing to hit song problems. Two dont seem to miss a beat. Pretty good. Coming up, the largest target on the east coast, and something right here in our areament well take you inside this brand new super storm. Steve keeley following a story for just Montgomery County. Steve, good morning. Well, we got a guy who used the main line as his super store, and Upper Merion Police think they may have cracked the case of whole host of burglaries out here tense moments for fox news crew reporting from gaza. When a missile strikes a nearby hotel. The latest on the mounting violence overseas. More rubble tore the president , better known as obama care watch it could mean for you. Sell breakings at new target store, why this is bigger deal than you might think. Indeed it is, good day, good wednesday, it is july 23rd, 2014. Good to have you with us, a lot of news we need to get to. Yes, lets go to our crews, steve keeley out in Montgomery County covering all they that could be the end of rash of breakins, czar even a liver outside the new target store in king of prussia set to open this morning, and it is huge, well get to both of those stories in just a minute. First . The other big story of the day is the weather, hoping that it well it comes down, and that the muggies mover out in time for the weekend, sue . I think that target store is airconditioned. I think, so good place to be

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