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Increasing number of protests. We found one guy, who wanted to show his support for president trump. He took it to the river, few that want to see him sink. President trump was insisting tuesday that there are two sides to blame for the violence in charlottesville, as many slam president for his response. You look at both sides, i think there is blame on both sides, i have no doubt about it, and you dont have doubt about it either. Democrat nominee for governor new jersey mil murphy warned of political environment in u. S. Similar to one that arrived in nazi germany. I lived in germany twice. I am a student of german history, i know what was being said about someone el in 1920s, you can drop in names from today. In to those b observations. Thousands of others protesting outside of trump tower, and one man does this. He is a former marine, who is not afraid to say lets keep America Great in 2020. He rows around the hudson river. I get a lot of, you know new york city, the bubble, that safe space there bad reaction, you would be surprised how many great reactions that i get, they are quiet, absent except for construction workers, it is easy to say ftrump and racist it taxes a look the work to go out with your flag and hold it for your candidate, i do it every day not for them but for people who support trump. What do you think . I want to hear from you, tweet me diana black or the show as chasing news. Bringing in our panel. Welcome wayne smith. Good to have you back. President ceo associate, and matt rooney founder publisher of jersey blog, and jamaal holly welcome to chasing news. Member of assembly and former mayor, what is going on, they are exploding and right here in our backyard. Absolutely crazy, but it is no surprise to no one. Donald trump has displayed this type of action, throughout his campaign with literally and campaign ad and rhetoric. Now it is coming to reality, this is not surprising. But it is a little upsetting because in this day and age, this type of behavior is not necessary. Were all americans, we should be one. You agree with that . Is this all about trump . You know we were talking off camera this goes back to seeing things that weve not seen since 1960s in terms of racial tension. Seminole issue is. Questions for 20th century, issue of race. And no matter how we try to get away from it that pressing issue comes back, challenge about what people view confederacy, i look at the preamble to constitution, it says we the people, that did not mean me at that time, as we try to make american a more Perfect Union these issues are exploding, the way that president ial leadership address z those particular rishe issuess people feel excluded. I hear progress since the founding of the country, and then you see this all unravel, but is this really about the president . Or is this about a bunch of violent people, that just want to cause trouble on both sides. It is about politicians, that down appeal to as lincoln said d better angels of our nation, why you you have to boat off shower, who is to blame . Is donald trump the mostar tick late guy in the world, no, but murphy months ago was out their calling all Trump Supporters nazis. Jamal. This is ridiculous. What one thing about firstmm amendment rights people can go out, rally, but at the end of the day this is pure hate, this is about hating people, people not not liking a certain race. You cannot have a conversation without recognizing that certain people showed up to fight. I have not see seen violent n any other places. No blame on black lives matter. Absolutely not. Doe you agree with that. Debate about black lives matter you take people who have been historically opressed and they are fighting for their rights here, you have a group say that i am supreme. A rally was peaceful, according to all video and evidence. Until the opposition showed up, looking for a fight. Evil does not work in degrees, if you black and you hate white people, you are a racist, if you are blac white ad hate black people you are a racist. This is a Domestic Terror Group here in new jersey, as donald trump pointed them out, that all these folks are not who america is, i dont see what is wrong with that. President should have had a better message, he should bring people in and joining people particular not you know this back and forth to blacks and whites and jews, and christians and this about one america. He said make America Great again. How can we make America Great again by only calling one group racist. Why do you have a guy running for governor who wanting to nationalize this conversation, instead of addressing what is happening at home. Charlottesville, said, you know something got out of control, someone was not on the job. You have most powerful person in the country, who is adding to this fuel. Not bringing people together. Everyone will react, murphy had every right to say what he said as governor of state, he is about all of the people not just this one sidedness. Except the people he believes are nazis. Come on. I have to leave that right here, i want to know what you think. It seeps that bot seems that boa little bit of responsibility. You cannot blame violent as violence, it takes two to tango, i think that president s remarks are being taken out of context, for politicians too get a sound bite, who do you think . Tweet me. All right, switching gears. Talk about gun buybacks, a steer about buybacks that happens in cities in our area, i think a waste of taxpayer money, well get to a discussion, but first rohan. Nasda new jersey Gun Buyback Program allows new jersey to give firearms to state authorities with no questions asked. Does that make new jersey safer. He said no way. It is an opportunity for politicians to get their names in the paper and boost themselves some promote themselves, and give illusion they are doing something about crime and criminals, when they are not. Latest buyback august 8 was held in newark, trenton and camden, netted over 5,000 firearms, no longer on streets of new jersey. But what does the victim of gun violence peal about this . I talked to marissa carter, here daughter gabby, was killed in cross fire right outside their home. They dont have the people that was involved in the situation with my daughter, it is like they are still doing the same thing, they just find ways around. I am rohan for chasing news, you can tweet me, and wil always tweeture show. All right. Thank you. So, you guys two of you have served as mayors, wayne is this what i think a taxpayer boondoggle . A lot of funded by private money, where Community Goes out and raises money to do the gun buybacks, this is no taxpayer money involved. When you look at in ca camden. In 2003 a bought a number of gun off street maybe a thousand or more, 5 were assault weapons, i dont know why anyone would have one unless they were trying to did something nefarious, you canyoucant hunt with it. Jamaal, i heard this as a talking point, if is saves just one life, crime was skyrocketing in camden, you know what changed it . Cops. It works. We could say have universal background checks and limit ammunition. Two mayors, it has nothing to do who domestic opportunity, jobs or gangs it has to do with gun. Easier on blame the gun, instead of a policy bill that reliefs crime. Okay. I was knee high. They continue to look at front office. Put forward policy they make it harder for people to defend themselves. You will never eliminate crime, but, the steps are headed in right direction, Gun Buyback Program, would do justice. We have no agreement or consensus on gun buyback, but there is no doubt that you need more cops in cities, combine this with Economic Opportunity or you will never solve crime problem in this state . What do you think . Is it guns, crime or Economic Opportunity. A lot more to come, hire are some headlines. President trump long time aide hope hicks has been named white house interim communication director. Filling vacanty left by scaramucci, she was a spokeswoman for trump during his president ial campaign. The diocese monday removed two signs from a Brooklyn Church that honored general lee, the building in Fort Hamilton replaced a older build are where lee and jackson once worshiped. That is some headlines were chasing today. A little known connection to confederacy here in new jersey. Is this going to cause debate . History is important. I will not be visiting that place. Do you think it should be torn down. You cant improve the future by sanit. Welcome back to chasing news, i am bill spadea, we have more for you, there is a local connection, we were talking at top of show about all contentious debate surrounding donald trump and charlottesville. In say little known connection to confederacy here in new jersey. A monument, 85 foot monument to honor fallen confederate soldiers who were kept in captivity during the war at fort delaware, is this going to cause debate . Should it come down . Is it there to mark and honors dead. We have more on the story. Protester tear down a statue of a confederate soldier in north carolina, in aftermath of charlottesville last weekend, markers and memorials to losing side of civil war are in the cross hairs, but what if i told thrufs therewas a massive modero confederates in new jersey. I came to the cemetery in salem county. Dedicate by united states, recognition of 2436 confederate soldiers. It may not have the Confederate Flag on it but it does mark rifting place of more than 2000 rebel soldiers who died in cramped prisoner of war camps in islands on delaware river, right next to the spot where they are buryd. This country went confederate crazy. Dave hahn i spoke with while here. He is commander for new jersey sons of confederate war veterans, they hold a ceremony every year. This is a part of history. Union and conse confederae sides are honored here. But in a corner by edge of. Another surprise, marker to other enemies that u. S. Faced in battle, 13 german prisoners of war, captured in worl world war, hahn said he was sickened by the neonazis who descended on charlottesville last week, condition rar contrary to his ideology. We dont need their poison, we dont want their twisted views. It is for us the living to make sense of our history. And whether we try to hide it, face it. What do you think tweet me or tweet the show. Want to hear your thought. Thank you alex. Bringing back our panel could wayne smith, thank you, and matt rooney and jamaal holly, what do you think . Take it down a gravesite in lieu of individual graves or is this something that brings the memory of terrible war back to jersey. You know, history is important. What i will tell you, i will not visit that site. Not never. But it is important to know that this type of history is in our particular state, i would not recommend going to rallies and to out there to do all types of thins that are going on in the rest of the country. I am not going to incite violence. Interesting, wayne, dont you think it should be a part of a mandatory School Curriculum to have kids see this and understand the actual history in the war fought. I think there are better ways than paying tribute to, what today would be domestic terrorism. This i would not be paying tribute to them, that is my position. Do you think it should be torn down. I think it should be buryd. Matt . You cant improve the future by sanitizing the past, other cultures have tried, it fail, put a big old plaque and have a ped gopedagoggal value added tos so kids cann t, we forget how to exercise our First Amendment rights in a cop str construce way. What about the british soldiers . 1958 in heat of segregation in south, when my parents and grandparents were fighting for the ending of segregation to remind us daily we had that story to me is wrong. All right, well leave it there appreciate you being here, thank you, you are one of the best groups of people weve had as far as a panel, i love energy and path, wayne smith, and matt rooney, and jamal holly well have you back. Next. Switching gears, the most interesting boat have you seen, a boat with a chainsaw. Have you to see it for yourself. New buzz here on water of lake greenwood. Second largest public lake in new jersey, 9 miles long. Hoof in village of greenspan gr, new york. I started saw. This boat is a one of a kind in country, known as sump boat, the founder is entertaining, he is a mission to clear out more than a thousand dangerous sumps that boaters and stumps that boaters and swimmers cannot see. If you fell on this or hit it with your boat, even though it not big it would be a bad day. Greenwood lake commissioner secured more than 84,000 from new Jersey Department of the environmental pro tiks t tikdz t this protection to get this process underway. We reduced 2000 stumps further south of hire here and t 1200. They are very dangerous, water goes up and down you cant see them. Greenwood lake is source of water for 3 million residents he said this job is one of the most challenging, i would love to her your thought, have you heard of stump boat, you can tweet me. Or chase the show. I am meteorologist dan with a like at your forecast, but first lets talk about today. Hopefully you got to soak in sunshine, temperatures into 80s, a nice quiet summer evening, we will bottom out in mid 60s. Mostly clear skies, and i think well avoid fog. That we had last night. A nice day tomorrow, well start with sunshine could but clouds will build in, as day goes on. High temperatures for thursday, a little bit cooler than wednesday. Lower 80s, but still nice. Changes ahead for friday. Have a wet and stormy day in forecast. Scattered showers will be pole throughout the day, some possible throughout day, thunderstorm with heavy rain in there it will be humid, and breezy, temperatures are tricky for friday. If we see some solid breaking of sunshine it may get us warm as 84 or 85, if clouds win, the sky, will be about 75. To close out workweek, a little bit of wiggle room and the weekend, some good news, i really like what i see here, i cant rule out a couple showers, but it does look like any big storm threat will stay away this weekend, it looks warm, saturday close to 90. And sunday well into 80s. I am meteorologist dan. A look at some headlines were chasing today. Elvis presley fans gather at his graceland mansion in tennessee, for a candle light vigil to celebrate 40th anniversary of his date. He died at age of 42, celebrations will continue for elvis all week. Atlantic City Police Officers found a 3 foot gat alligator ina pool, it was taken to the zoo. Daniel craig who once said he would rather break glass and slash his wrist than play double 07 again, told Stephen Colbert he will return for another bond movie. Bond 25 starring craig is due out in 2019. This is a an update on religious conversey. Police are investigating. A second day of vandalism. People are afraid of unknown problems. Welcome back to chasing news, i am bill spadea, we have a story for you, update on relinl religious controversy going through towns. North jersey. Police are investigating a second case of vandalism on th eruv in maya, new jersey, someone took a sharp object. Now they allow are o orthodox jn sab. People who are either, fear the unknown or people trying to stir the pot and cause problems. This is an necessity for people. I have a problem with my we thin we have been covering animosity in mahwah. You know, symbolic religious icon. Mayor announced a reward for information leading to an arrest, i want to hear from you, your thoughts, on what some are saying is antisemitism in ma where maya. Thank you. A great night of chasing news, we appreciate you letting us into your living room to talk to you about issues that impact our local community. I know there are things that i say and panel says that you love and agree with, and others that you cant believe that i say it, let me know on twitter, follow he and tag doh tires screeching grunts homer doh tonight, tonight ill win at cards tonight my flushes will be straight tonight lennys gonna dominate tonight carls gonna be a little late tonight tonight, tonight

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