Transcripts For WTXF Chasing News 20160909 :

Transcripts For WTXF Chasing News 20160909

>> you guys are completely insane. i love it. >> you're chasing a story out of lake greenwood, a tranquil lake that people love to relax and have their boats on. an unbelievable accident at night as two men in the hospital fighting for their lives. what you got? >> it's true. there was an accident and everyone felt it couldn't happen to a nicer group of people. two are injured critically. it was an easy breezy labor day night. there gathering turned into a family's worst nightmare. >> it was struck by another that did not stop. four people were injured, too critically. now the detectives are searching for that person. >> they were on a slow dinner cruise with their friends and a boat tour out and ripped into the stern of the boat the seniors were driving. they say it literally drove over them. they are in critical condition at st. joseph's regional medical center. those writing up front were also hurt. they are the ones responsible for calling 911 and getting the boat back to the marina. the driver apparently never looked back. he continued into the darkness and police continue their search for the hit-and-run voter or boaters tonight. >> the investigators reconstruct what happened based on evidence. based on witness statements and then it's just old-fashioned detective work where there's going to be boots on the ground, talk with neighbors and people in the area. >> i dropped by the sportsman's marina marina where one voter told me there was just too much activity on the lake after dark. he called it reckless. the marinos owner told me that one of the more critically injured was a navy veteran who dedicated his life to safety and he kept his boat in meticulous running condition. the police need your help. call the number listed here on your screen if you have any information on what might've happened labor day night. >> what we can surmises the boat came up the other behind the other boat and literally launched over. that to me is amazing that you would hit it that perfectly that you go over it. have a speculated whether it was on purpose? >> there was no speculation that there was any malicious intent. think about it, it's labor day night, you might be a couple cans of beer into it. people tend to mix alcohol and boating. >> have the police but out any information? >> they say it looks like this a liner. they said this is not the boat but this is what they think it might've look like and they said it was either in inboard or inboard outboard. >> somebody had to get in and out they had to docket and get it on and there's probably some surveillance out there. i think it will only take a few days to figure out. >> now you're ready. >> this is the most terrifying thing you have ever seen. it's actually situated in a theme park in china. you have to pay to go on the swing but you are swinging over a 900-foot cliff. if you fall, i'm pretty sure you die. it's absolutely terrifying. it's petrifying. >> so michael, tim tivo signs with the mets. >> no, make it stop. >> did you say mets? >> yes, the new york baseball mets. >> that's why he's so upset. >> it has been nearly a century since the bald eagle was born in new york city. now there is a controversy brewing over whether or not the baby bald eagle spotted in a parked behind me is a native new yorker. >> what's the matter for you? >> or just passing through. >> the problem is we can't find the nest. >> i came here to a unique area to meet up with warren. he's a wildlife enthusiast. >> the first one was perched in this tree right behind us. a year later this is probably the mail we are looking at right behind us and he showed up as a young adult, maybe four years old. >> what he is referring to and the one we are chasing is actually known by locals. is part of a local bald eagle couple and they are named after what else, the godfather which was films around here. >> we came to the park early because we thought we would spend a lot of time trying to find them but we spotted them right away sunbathing on the beach. >> why the controversy? >> until then we won't have hard evidence of whether this guy is a native new yorker. >> they hate the stereotype, they say it doesn't exist, it's called the bald eve eagle the ito. even the bird is in the mafia. >> were done, thanks. >> i'm in the bronx at the apartment on the day of summer celebration. wednesday they officially dropped charges against the would be rapist that i covered back on may 31. he beat him to death with a tire iron when he encountered the mentally ill man. mama do faced manslaughter and then assault charges and now faces in large part, to the urgent victim, actually he is a free man. in a letter written, jennifer cruz, they said they didn't want her behind bars. in part they said we truly believe that the family has suffered a great deal as a result of the attack. we cannot undo the damage that was done that evening but we hope to bring some closure. not only to our family but their family as well. we wholeheartedly recommend dismissing all charges. people in the neighborhood tend to agree that they should be free. >> he did what he had to do to defend his wife. his wife was going to get raped. he defended to do what he had to do. >> he was actually on the verge of taking a plea deal that would have had him deported from this country, it is one thing to be able to live free, but is is a complete? he is a taxi driver here before he saw that his license was taken away. following this development they said as soon as we see the just mission with proof that the charges have been dropped he will be immediately. [inaudible] >> hearing what they had to say about dismissing all the charges, it's 2016 and we live in this litigious society that when anyone goes wrong, you want to sue someone and send them to jail. just putting them to rest is a great sign that people can actually move on after incidents like this and not drive dragged on for years. >> he was a career criminal that was still on the streets and bringing harm to other citizens. he had to be stopped. >> it's nascar style, boogie boogie. there was the yellow flag. there's a high in the '90s until the rain cools things off. last, friday night in the low 70s. [inaudible] it will be hot in jersey tomorrow. there's a 40% chance of rain. it won't likely last into friday night but there is a chance of rain down to 20%. one lap, one to go. leading the pack with the best weather, he's down the backstretch with the lower 92 degrees on friday and new york city does not get caught up in other peoples rain mess. only a 20% 20% chance of rain into friday midnight as the checkered flag flies, new york city wins the back porch whether driver. >> the nursery has been found. >> we believe most of the sharks were born in may or june. >> nobody's worried about the sharks eating us? >> how many great white attacks have week had i//] >> it's okay, ready? most kids love the slip and slide, check check out the slip and slide on steroids. it was built by a kid in australia and its 330 m long. that's more than three times the size of a football field football field. it was built to celebrate australia day which was january 26. >> i don't think the bottom is big enough. >> is that a baby white shark? >> it's a baby white. powerful, dangerous, glorious great white shark. where do they come from and how do they breathe breed? it's always been a mystery until now. a great white shark nursery has been found. that's right, the great whites have been popping out more right along long island south shore. >> this trail is the holy grail. >> i think it's important that the people off of new jersey and new york understand they live in a very special place. they live in the birthing site of the great keeper of the north atlantic. >> the crew tagged a 16-foot female in the area back in 2012 named 12 named mary lee. in may, what did they see? she had come back to most likely breed. so they hit the south shore thinking they would catch one and they hauled in nine. >> we believe most of the sharks we captured were born in may or june. they were for or 5 feet and they still have the scars on their chest from where they disconnected from the umbilical cord. it's their bellybutton for lack of a better word. >> they set out on a two week journey recently and made the most significant shark discovery in the north atlantic has ever seen. >> we suspect they were two or three months old and that's when they are most vulnerable. they're just little sharks. it's toughest for them to survive. if we can understand their life stages and these large adult sharks, it will keep the sea life in balance and allow everyone to thrive. >> they were named accordingly from montauk to manhattan. >> we will name this shark manhattan so we bring all those people on that island into this conversation because it's going to. [inaudible] >> they find it so scientifically significant and that means it's a good day. >> how many great white attacks have we had in the last decade? none. a lot of people go into panic when they hear something like that but really there's nothing to worry about - nobody is worried about these sharks eating us? >> no. >> no one? >> don't worry about it. there's very few shark attacks that happen across the world. >> he does a great job. you are able to track any shark they have tagged up and down the eastern seaboard and all across the world. it's really cool. >> i'm personally honored as a long island girl myself, born and raised on the south shore, these are my people, or my animals. >> their fish. >> my fish. >> you should be honored. in the history of science, no discovery, no discovery like this has ever been made in the north atlantic at all. this is pretty significant and it's very cool to be happening right off of our shore. >> it was all for nothing. this week is back to school week and i'm sure you all understand that very well. eight employees just found out they will not going back to school that's this year along with 40000 students. that's because itt tech suddenly, permanently and abruptly closed their doors on tuesday with no notice. now this left 40000 students without a place to study and 8000 employees without a paycheck. i'm at the only location in new jersey but the company also had 130 campuses across 38 states in the country, all of which have permanently closed now. the u.s. department of education reasoning for that is the for-profit school was unfit to receive federal student aid. they banned enrolling new students who rely on that federal aid. i spoke to a new jersey student and former military man. >> i came to itt to further my education. as you know, they shut down. >> what did you find out? >> i found out on monday. >> i also learned about plans for the future. where my supposed to finish school and where my supposed to go? >> the department of education contacted some of the current and recent student saying their loan debt from the school might be wiped away completely but that just doesn't disappear, does it. taxpayers will be on the hook for some half $1 billion of that forgiven debt if that occurs. many community college have stepped up and community college of philadelphia wants to take in some of these display students as early as right now. if you know anybody affected by the itt tech permanent closure, please tweet us or the show at chasing news. >> one week out from top television honors, the 68th annual emmy awards, there's already a lot of buzz about who's on the list. one of our friends from dish nation based out of atlanta will be on the red carpet. but they are keeping us in suspense as to who. now they tell us this year's awards may be met with some controversy. as we all remember a lot of stars boycotted the oscars because of the issues surrounding a lack of diversity when it comes to the winner. >> i think it will be the same thing like it was against the oscars. will write shows be nominated? will the wrong shows get over nominated because they tried to make up for a lack of diversity in previous situations? everybody is so sensitive at this point. >> in his opinion you are getting an inaccurate view of everything. >> as long as my girl cookie wins, i'm good. >> layoff the cookies. you have to make sure that soup fits. could be used. >> even a 76767 or 747, how could it possibly go through this. >> he took a tough stance on terrorism. >> this is probably worse than big oil polluters. they have a friend in pennsylvania. millionaire pat toomey. toomey voted to protect their special tax breaks. saving oil companies twenty-four billion dollars. and big oil polluters have given toomey seven hundred thousand dollars in campaign contributions. tax breaks for them. campaign contributions for him. pat toomey. he's helping big oil polluters and millionaires. not the rest of us. lcv victory fund is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> coming up next, that moment you jump off a cliff and realize your little closer to the edge then you want to be. >> you can see him walking along three, two, i got to hang out with actor and comedian adam mj ferrara i got to hang out with actor and comedian adam ferrara with bill this mounting. one of them wrote their own jokes and they laugh. >> did you hear about the alligator who couldn't get directions? >> i did not hear about that. >> he had a reptile dysfunction. >> okay, he wrote his own jokes. >> check out the factory in brunswick. the daredevil goes by the name. [inaudible] he was trust passing by the coast. you can see him walking along the cliff on the wrong side of the fence pretty then jumped jumped off the cliff and very narrowly misses hitting rocks at the bottom. >> did he see them, i don't know but he posted on the video which he posted about a month ago saying i walked away with just a minor scrape on my back, how i do not know. - i don't know either buddy because it looks pretty stupid. >> congratulations to former chaser fox five reporter and host. he made the 15 most beautiful people and number 49 on the list but apparently only the top ten are ranked. he's number one in my heart. we love you man. >> he is officially one of the beautiful people. >> it is official now. >> there you go. >> i just need a second. >> okay. >> i'm ready now. >> ahead of 9/11 anniversary on sunday, we uncovered a phone interview with presidential candidate donald trump on the day the towers fell 15 years ago in 2001. on that terrible day in american history, we hear echoes of donald trump's tough stance on terrorism. he on terrorism. he said as president he would take a tough line and b stern. >> i would take a very tough line. this just can't be tolerated. this was probably worse than pearl harbor. many more people are dead. i have somebody who was down there and witnessed at least ten people jumping out of the building from 70 and 80 stories up in the air. >> at that point in the day, people weren't sure how terrorist had pull this off or how osama bin laden had orchestrated it but it did not top donald trump from coming up with his own theory. >> how could a plane, how could it possibly go through? i happen to think they had not only a plane but bombs that exploded simultaneously because i can imagine anything being able to go through that wall. most buildings are built with steel on the inside around the elevator shaft. >> he explained how difficult it would be to tell this to your grandchildren. >> when you show your grandchildren or your children what new york look like in the year 2000, and then what new york look like a year later, they would say what happened. >> listening to that audio, it's very interesting on a lot of levels for me. where his mind was on that day, i think you could almost make the case that his comments wouldn't be all that different now. >> he explains that when you think of a bomb going off in the basement of a building, it would run into a lot more than it did. he said it stood solid after that. i think his insight even to that showed a lot more knowledge than i thought he would've had on the situation. >> this phone interview shows how 911 helped shape trumps foreign policy. >> meet the world champion in air guitar. >> i've won a bunch of national championships but this was the first time i wanna national championship. come can do it! dogs just won't quit. neither does frontline. introducing new frontline gold. with its new easy applicator frontline gold delivers powerful protection that doesn't quit for a full 30 days. its new triple action formula is relentless at killing fleas and ticks. frontline gold. the latest innovation from the maker of frontline plus. for persistent protection you can trust... good boy! go for the gold. new frontline gold. available at your vet. (giggles) d'oh! (grunts) woo-hoo! (screams) d'oh! and i regret to inform you that our soviet sister city, springograd, has disappeared from the map. now, i'd like to welcome our beloved four-time mayor, hans moleman! (applause) springfielders, rejoice. what is the one thing our blessed little town has lacked?

Related Keywords

United States , New York , Staten Island , Australia , Montauk , New Jersey , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , China , Russia , Jersey , New Yorker , Soviet , American , Pat Toomey , Marina , Adam Ferrara , Jennifer Cruz , Mary Lee ,

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Transcripts For WTXF Chasing News 20160909 :

Transcripts For WTXF Chasing News 20160909

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>> you guys are completely insane. i love it. >> you're chasing a story out of lake greenwood, a tranquil lake that people love to relax and have their boats on. an unbelievable accident at night as two men in the hospital fighting for their lives. what you got? >> it's true. there was an accident and everyone felt it couldn't happen to a nicer group of people. two are injured critically. it was an easy breezy labor day night. there gathering turned into a family's worst nightmare. >> it was struck by another that did not stop. four people were injured, too critically. now the detectives are searching for that person. >> they were on a slow dinner cruise with their friends and a boat tour out and ripped into the stern of the boat the seniors were driving. they say it literally drove over them. they are in critical condition at st. joseph's regional medical center. those writing up front were also hurt. they are the ones responsible for calling 911 and getting the boat back to the marina. the driver apparently never looked back. he continued into the darkness and police continue their search for the hit-and-run voter or boaters tonight. >> the investigators reconstruct what happened based on evidence. based on witness statements and then it's just old-fashioned detective work where there's going to be boots on the ground, talk with neighbors and people in the area. >> i dropped by the sportsman's marina marina where one voter told me there was just too much activity on the lake after dark. he called it reckless. the marinos owner told me that one of the more critically injured was a navy veteran who dedicated his life to safety and he kept his boat in meticulous running condition. the police need your help. call the number listed here on your screen if you have any information on what might've happened labor day night. >> what we can surmises the boat came up the other behind the other boat and literally launched over. that to me is amazing that you would hit it that perfectly that you go over it. have a speculated whether it was on purpose? >> there was no speculation that there was any malicious intent. think about it, it's labor day night, you might be a couple cans of beer into it. people tend to mix alcohol and boating. >> have the police but out any information? >> they say it looks like this a liner. they said this is not the boat but this is what they think it might've look like and they said it was either in inboard or inboard outboard. >> somebody had to get in and out they had to docket and get it on and there's probably some surveillance out there. i think it will only take a few days to figure out. >> now you're ready. >> this is the most terrifying thing you have ever seen. it's actually situated in a theme park in china. you have to pay to go on the swing but you are swinging over a 900-foot cliff. if you fall, i'm pretty sure you die. it's absolutely terrifying. it's petrifying. >> so michael, tim tivo signs with the mets. >> no, make it stop. >> did you say mets? >> yes, the new york baseball mets. >> that's why he's so upset. >> it has been nearly a century since the bald eagle was born in new york city. now there is a controversy brewing over whether or not the baby bald eagle spotted in a parked behind me is a native new yorker. >> what's the matter for you? >> or just passing through. >> the problem is we can't find the nest. >> i came here to a unique area to meet up with warren. he's a wildlife enthusiast. >> the first one was perched in this tree right behind us. a year later this is probably the mail we are looking at right behind us and he showed up as a young adult, maybe four years old. >> what he is referring to and the one we are chasing is actually known by locals. is part of a local bald eagle couple and they are named after what else, the godfather which was films around here. >> we came to the park early because we thought we would spend a lot of time trying to find them but we spotted them right away sunbathing on the beach. >> why the controversy? >> until then we won't have hard evidence of whether this guy is a native new yorker. >> they hate the stereotype, they say it doesn't exist, it's called the bald eve eagle the ito. even the bird is in the mafia. >> were done, thanks. >> i'm in the bronx at the apartment on the day of summer celebration. wednesday they officially dropped charges against the would be rapist that i covered back on may 31. he beat him to death with a tire iron when he encountered the mentally ill man. mama do faced manslaughter and then assault charges and now faces in large part, to the urgent victim, actually he is a free man. in a letter written, jennifer cruz, they said they didn't want her behind bars. in part they said we truly believe that the family has suffered a great deal as a result of the attack. we cannot undo the damage that was done that evening but we hope to bring some closure. not only to our family but their family as well. we wholeheartedly recommend dismissing all charges. people in the neighborhood tend to agree that they should be free. >> he did what he had to do to defend his wife. his wife was going to get raped. he defended to do what he had to do. >> he was actually on the verge of taking a plea deal that would have had him deported from this country, it is one thing to be able to live free, but is is a complete? he is a taxi driver here before he saw that his license was taken away. following this development they said as soon as we see the just mission with proof that the charges have been dropped he will be immediately. [inaudible] >> hearing what they had to say about dismissing all the charges, it's 2016 and we live in this litigious society that when anyone goes wrong, you want to sue someone and send them to jail. just putting them to rest is a great sign that people can actually move on after incidents like this and not drive dragged on for years. >> he was a career criminal that was still on the streets and bringing harm to other citizens. he had to be stopped. >> it's nascar style, boogie boogie. there was the yellow flag. there's a high in the '90s until the rain cools things off. last, friday night in the low 70s. [inaudible] it will be hot in jersey tomorrow. there's a 40% chance of rain. it won't likely last into friday night but there is a chance of rain down to 20%. one lap, one to go. leading the pack with the best weather, he's down the backstretch with the lower 92 degrees on friday and new york city does not get caught up in other peoples rain mess. only a 20% 20% chance of rain into friday midnight as the checkered flag flies, new york city wins the back porch whether driver. >> the nursery has been found. >> we believe most of the sharks were born in may or june. >> nobody's worried about the sharks eating us? >> how many great white attacks have week had i//] >> it's okay, ready? most kids love the slip and slide, check check out the slip and slide on steroids. it was built by a kid in australia and its 330 m long. that's more than three times the size of a football field football field. it was built to celebrate australia day which was january 26. >> i don't think the bottom is big enough. >> is that a baby white shark? >> it's a baby white. powerful, dangerous, glorious great white shark. where do they come from and how do they breathe breed? it's always been a mystery until now. a great white shark nursery has been found. that's right, the great whites have been popping out more right along long island south shore. >> this trail is the holy grail. >> i think it's important that the people off of new jersey and new york understand they live in a very special place. they live in the birthing site of the great keeper of the north atlantic. >> the crew tagged a 16-foot female in the area back in 2012 named 12 named mary lee. in may, what did they see? she had come back to most likely breed. so they hit the south shore thinking they would catch one and they hauled in nine. >> we believe most of the sharks we captured were born in may or june. they were for or 5 feet and they still have the scars on their chest from where they disconnected from the umbilical cord. it's their bellybutton for lack of a better word. >> they set out on a two week journey recently and made the most significant shark discovery in the north atlantic has ever seen. >> we suspect they were two or three months old and that's when they are most vulnerable. they're just little sharks. it's toughest for them to survive. if we can understand their life stages and these large adult sharks, it will keep the sea life in balance and allow everyone to thrive. >> they were named accordingly from montauk to manhattan. >> we will name this shark manhattan so we bring all those people on that island into this conversation because it's going to. [inaudible] >> they find it so scientifically significant and that means it's a good day. >> how many great white attacks have we had in the last decade? none. a lot of people go into panic when they hear something like that but really there's nothing to worry about - nobody is worried about these sharks eating us? >> no. >> no one? >> don't worry about it. there's very few shark attacks that happen across the world. >> he does a great job. you are able to track any shark they have tagged up and down the eastern seaboard and all across the world. it's really cool. >> i'm personally honored as a long island girl myself, born and raised on the south shore, these are my people, or my animals. >> their fish. >> my fish. >> you should be honored. in the history of science, no discovery, no discovery like this has ever been made in the north atlantic at all. this is pretty significant and it's very cool to be happening right off of our shore. >> it was all for nothing. this week is back to school week and i'm sure you all understand that very well. eight employees just found out they will not going back to school that's this year along with 40000 students. that's because itt tech suddenly, permanently and abruptly closed their doors on tuesday with no notice. now this left 40000 students without a place to study and 8000 employees without a paycheck. i'm at the only location in new jersey but the company also had 130 campuses across 38 states in the country, all of which have permanently closed now. the u.s. department of education reasoning for that is the for-profit school was unfit to receive federal student aid. they banned enrolling new students who rely on that federal aid. i spoke to a new jersey student and former military man. >> i came to itt to further my education. as you know, they shut down. >> what did you find out? >> i found out on monday. >> i also learned about plans for the future. where my supposed to finish school and where my supposed to go? >> the department of education contacted some of the current and recent student saying their loan debt from the school might be wiped away completely but that just doesn't disappear, does it. taxpayers will be on the hook for some half $1 billion of that forgiven debt if that occurs. many community college have stepped up and community college of philadelphia wants to take in some of these display students as early as right now. if you know anybody affected by the itt tech permanent closure, please tweet us or the show at chasing news. >> one week out from top television honors, the 68th annual emmy awards, there's already a lot of buzz about who's on the list. one of our friends from dish nation based out of atlanta will be on the red carpet. but they are keeping us in suspense as to who. now they tell us this year's awards may be met with some controversy. as we all remember a lot of stars boycotted the oscars because of the issues surrounding a lack of diversity when it comes to the winner. >> i think it will be the same thing like it was against the oscars. will write shows be nominated? will the wrong shows get over nominated because they tried to make up for a lack of diversity in previous situations? everybody is so sensitive at this point. >> in his opinion you are getting an inaccurate view of everything. >> as long as my girl cookie wins, i'm good. >> layoff the cookies. you have to make sure that soup fits. could be used. >> even a 76767 or 747, how could it possibly go through this. >> he took a tough stance on terrorism. >> this is probably worse than big oil polluters. they have a friend in pennsylvania. millionaire pat toomey. toomey voted to protect their special tax breaks. saving oil companies twenty-four billion dollars. and big oil polluters have given toomey seven hundred thousand dollars in campaign contributions. tax breaks for them. campaign contributions for him. pat toomey. he's helping big oil polluters and millionaires. not the rest of us. lcv victory fund is responsible for the content of this advertising. >> coming up next, that moment you jump off a cliff and realize your little closer to the edge then you want to be. >> you can see him walking along three, two, i got to hang out with actor and comedian adam mj ferrara i got to hang out with actor and comedian adam ferrara with bill this mounting. one of them wrote their own jokes and they laugh. >> did you hear about the alligator who couldn't get directions? >> i did not hear about that. >> he had a reptile dysfunction. >> okay, he wrote his own jokes. >> check out the factory in brunswick. the daredevil goes by the name. [inaudible] he was trust passing by the coast. you can see him walking along the cliff on the wrong side of the fence pretty then jumped jumped off the cliff and very narrowly misses hitting rocks at the bottom. >> did he see them, i don't know but he posted on the video which he posted about a month ago saying i walked away with just a minor scrape on my back, how i do not know. - i don't know either buddy because it looks pretty stupid. >> congratulations to former chaser fox five reporter and host. he made the 15 most beautiful people and number 49 on the list but apparently only the top ten are ranked. he's number one in my heart. we love you man. >> he is officially one of the beautiful people. >> it is official now. >> there you go. >> i just need a second. >> okay. >> i'm ready now. >> ahead of 9/11 anniversary on sunday, we uncovered a phone interview with presidential candidate donald trump on the day the towers fell 15 years ago in 2001. on that terrible day in american history, we hear echoes of donald trump's tough stance on terrorism. he on terrorism. he said as president he would take a tough line and b stern. >> i would take a very tough line. this just can't be tolerated. this was probably worse than pearl harbor. many more people are dead. i have somebody who was down there and witnessed at least ten people jumping out of the building from 70 and 80 stories up in the air. >> at that point in the day, people weren't sure how terrorist had pull this off or how osama bin laden had orchestrated it but it did not top donald trump from coming up with his own theory. >> how could a plane, how could it possibly go through? i happen to think they had not only a plane but bombs that exploded simultaneously because i can imagine anything being able to go through that wall. most buildings are built with steel on the inside around the elevator shaft. >> he explained how difficult it would be to tell this to your grandchildren. >> when you show your grandchildren or your children what new york look like in the year 2000, and then what new york look like a year later, they would say what happened. >> listening to that audio, it's very interesting on a lot of levels for me. where his mind was on that day, i think you could almost make the case that his comments wouldn't be all that different now. >> he explains that when you think of a bomb going off in the basement of a building, it would run into a lot more than it did. he said it stood solid after that. i think his insight even to that showed a lot more knowledge than i thought he would've had on the situation. >> this phone interview shows how 911 helped shape trumps foreign policy. >> meet the world champion in air guitar. >> i've won a bunch of national championships but this was the first time i wanna national championship. come can do it! dogs just won't quit. neither does frontline. introducing new frontline gold. with its new easy applicator frontline gold delivers powerful protection that doesn't quit for a full 30 days. its new triple action formula is relentless at killing fleas and ticks. frontline gold. the latest innovation from the maker of frontline plus. for persistent protection you can trust... good boy! go for the gold. new frontline gold. available at your vet. (giggles) d'oh! (grunts) woo-hoo! (screams) d'oh! and i regret to inform you that our soviet sister city, springograd, has disappeared from the map. now, i'd like to welcome our beloved four-time mayor, hans moleman! (applause) springfielders, rejoice. what is the one thing our blessed little town has lacked?

Related Keywords

United States , New York , Staten Island , Australia , Montauk , New Jersey , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , China , Russia , Jersey , New Yorker , Soviet , American , Pat Toomey , Marina , Adam Ferrara , Jennifer Cruz , Mary Lee ,

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