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Look at this video in pennsylvania. A man on a crowded bus shoots heroin into his arm. He has no regard for anyone them round him. He almost immediately collapses. It triggered 911 calls all around. Hes revived by revived by police using injectors but the Police Superintendent said look, this is just the illustration of a symptom. We save somebody at 9 00 oclock in the morning and by 2 00 oclock in the afternoon they are using heroin again. The buses rolled on as they always do but we paid a visit to the rehab house. That chunk of video is a 22nd illustration of the american heroin epidemic. I cant believe what was going through that persons mind doing the drugs on the bus and what people must of thought. Its the compulsion of the disease. He shooting up on the bus, a crowded bus. They do the hard work of rehabilitating people with Substance Abuse problems. 75 75 of them are heroin users. At thats up about 8 from just two years ago. Joy tells me the tran is toward the younger user. Age 18 30. Maybe back in the day, it was older people. Older heroin addicts coming in. Now its a lot of kids who have tried the axes first. We are treating a lot of young kids now. Shes been doing this work for 25 years years so she does have that perspective. The Police Superintendent agreed that there have got to be effective programs in place or we are going to see addiction when we look into the mirrors for generations to come. Look at this video. Hes on the bus. There are people all around him. But thats not surprising. Its not surprising that hes doing it on the bus because an addict will do it anywhere, anytime at any day. You name it, they will do it. The interesting thing about the buses people are on the phone and minding their own business but this is my own impression but by looking at the video hes here up against the wall of the bus. I feel like if he doesnt roll into the isle of the bus passed out and no one is the wiser. What are you supposed to do . You cant interfere. You dont know if hes going to be violent. That is the problem. There isnt any tool to stop that. What is it . To the complexity of the problem, i said that its a local problem but its also a federal problem. You have to kill the supply. Whos doing that . Theres never been so much of it and its never been so cheap. Do you know if the guy on the bus, did he get the help he needed . Is he back on the street . He was actually arrested because he was in possession with several additional packets of heroin and he did do it on the bus. I thought we had quite the bond, but james isaac and his service dog have truly a bond you have to see to believe. The 9yearold dog cant see, he will make eye contact and he wont have any sort of physical contact with his family. But he snuggled right up here. The photography took photos of the dog lying next to james. The middletown male robber has apparently been caught. On friday we brought you a story of a package thief robbing in broad daylight. Here she is at work snatching packages off the porch. Itll town police say that woman is 51yearold lauren miller, also of middletown, she middletown, she has been arrested and charged with three counts of theft. She was released on her own recognizance pending a court date. Take a look at this picture. When you see this image, what what comes to your mind . Not buddha. Not buddha. Thats a good point. Records sr. Was coming back to her room one day from the gym at the livingston apartments on rutgers campus. She saw that above her door. Now she said clearly she was very upset. She happens to be jewish and the culprit she said are her former roommates. She is no longer living there. At the time, she was so upset she called campus police. I have family members who have died in the holocaust and one that happen to survive. To say i was panicked, frightened, those words just dont even come close to describing what i was feeling. Now rosen said there were a few things that led up to this. One of the things was she had a dispute over dirty dishes with her remains. They are both men. Also, she said there was another situation where one put up a Facebook Post about hitler and said this should be interesting. She said come on, on social media, actual buddhas have reached out to her. One person said it can be found on alters and said no self respecting hindus or buddhists would use duct tape. That is what they made it out of. So theyre talking about the duct tape and not the symbol. Yes. I no, but they were just saying that it was not even used appropriately if they were really buddhists. She was even more furious with how rutgers has handled the situation. Ive been attending meeting after meeting with campus deans, administration, and ive just been getting the same answers. Sarah this is an educational experience. Sarah, boys will be boys. Theyre just not as mature as you. So i put in numerous calls to rutgers. They have yet to hear back to the university. I did reach somewhere where they said they have not determined if this was a bias crime. Those from the Antidefamation League say they are demanding that the University Speak out against the. When a university does not speak out against bias or bigotry, it sends a message to students that they accept these types of acts on campus. Give me a break. I mean many of us who have lived on College Dorms often have the issue of roommates battling each other out. Clearly this was not threatening her life. It was not a death threat. She chose to call the police and get the police involved. This is the kind of issue that a lot of kids deal with when theyre on campus. It couldve been dealt with the dean or student affairs. She didnt have to escalated to that level. You think she shouldve handled it herself . I can agree with you to a certain point. Not by herself, but its not a police matter. These roommates are clearly miss informed. They said it was a buddhists symbol and they werent wrong. Efficacy Different Things but shes either threatened or shes offended. This is the place my life change. This is where i came down here to help as a Police Officer, as a marine, and then i became i became a felon. With governor christie back from a failed president ial campaign, theres new hope for a pardon of cody donovan. He was a 22yearold former Marine Police officer who heard over the radio there was an active shooter at the Garden State Plaza mall. He rushed there and ended up leaving the scene in handcuffs. And happen right here. The reporters were swarming me. The face was all over the papers because at this point im just a vigilante. The busy holiday season, this was november 2013. Shoppers were fleeing for their lives. Others were hiding inside the mall. Cody said when he got to the scene, as a trained Marine Police officer, he asked other cops what could he do. He actually h had an exclusive interview with cody. We were taking the families that were coming in and telling them to go to this parking lot directly across from you here. The problem was, he was dressed like the shooter. Not only that, he was carrying a loaded gun without a license to carry. They actually held up a picture of the shooter next to his face and said you know what, he looks like the shooter. Did you look like the picture . I kind of did. I knew it wasnt me, but he kind of look like me. He was around the same age. He pulled out the new jersey gun laws book on him and basically decided he had no right to carry that gun even when he explained he was a Marine Police officer and they arrested him and charged him as a seconddegree felon. While cody has been on probation, he tested positive and it was a false positive. All the stress caused cody to take medications for sleeping aids, he was taking medications for heartburn and also for asthma and allergies. That combination created a false positive. Theres documentation stating that im not a drug user and show no signs of it, however, it still in their system. They still having there for the positive. It doesnt go away. Its amazing to me at the exact thing you would want to see, a former Police Officer getting involved in helping out, that should be encouraged not discourage. Hold on. Im sure hes wellintentioned, but one of the first things he should of learned is jurisdictional training. Youre not on a marine base. You dont belong at that scene. Hes not familiar with the communication protocols that the cops are using. Hes not able to identify himself as positively over the radio. Numbers two thing you worry about is accidentally shooting at each other. There is a man who has a power to pardon him. He was only 22 when it happened. Now hes 24. Governor. Governor christie, if you would look into his case and pardon him, maybe he can move on. Hi everyone, i recently went to new jersey. Jack are favorite jersey girl and former new york American Idol contestant was there to talk about her concert. You literally neck jock off her seat. 7yearold elyse has rock star potential right there. If you would like to see her perform live she will be there on april 3. Tickets are available on our website and we look forward to seeing you there. This guy could be a silly or a killer. For the eastbound killer has a killer. For the eastbound killer has taken us ive been a turkey farmer my whole life. And i raise turkey for shady brook farmsĀ®. We dont use growthpromoting antibiotics, thats just the way things should be done. Thats important to me. My name is glenn, and im an independent turkey farmer. female announcer shady brook farmsĀ®. No growthpromoting antibiotics, just honest, simple turkey. This guy was a serial killer. Live near the railroad trips in a manic city. Our search for the eastbound serial killer has taken us in different places. Were talking with the detective and we headed into manhattan to meet with dr. Michael, a forensic pathologist pathologist whos done more than 20000 autopsies. Are talking about a string of murders on long island. They said they were the work of a serial killer and most were women, some prostitutes like our girls were found in Atlantic City. Could these be connected . [8n . n . n if you catch one guy, and its the wrong guy, theres a real guy is still out there. They tend to do things over and over again and they sometimes do it differently. They were discovered in 2011 and 2012. It made the stretch of the road seem dangerous. Ten bodies were discovered out there. Mostly they were women, but one man was discovered. There was some dispute, authorities admitted they were dealing with the serial killer and the fbi was called in earlier this year. He was named the craig list killer because many of these women were listed on craigslist selling Prostitution Services peer she was 23 when she disappeared on me first 2010. It was her disappearance that blew the lid off this entire thing because of the 18 months they were searching for her, other victims turned up. There were similarities with other victims but police said she wasnt murdered. Ive done this for many decades and dealt with many serial murders. In many places where bodies were dumped, ive never seen to serial murders dump bodies in the same place. So is it possible that Shannon Gilbert was killed by the serial killer . I think that has to be investigated, yes. There are a number of things that point to it. The police story, gilbert ran away from something or some one in a gated community, waited into a marsh where she got stuck in either died from exposure or drum. He disagrees. If you look around, the body of water, you are always face down. She is faceup. They didnt find any evidence of drowning. The autopsy of Shannon Gilbert skeleton also found fractures and a missing bone in the throat. Those are the two areas that get damaged in manual string elation. These women started disappearing as early as 2003. These girls started disappearing right in this area. Right. Does this remind you of anyplace . They recommended we talked to john ray who is an attorney trying to get justice for them. We met the method gated community where shannon disappeared. He said the suffix county authority botched the investigation and that he has taken depositions, cell phone records and done anything everything, really his own investigation to try to find the truth. Could could there be a connection with Atlantic City as well . In that call, she definitely said they are trying to kill me. They are trying to kill me. Better yet, he thinks he may know who murdered Shannon Gilbert and that person. From instagram to fashion week, check out fashions hot new accessory. Have you thought about the hazard . Please. Stop trying to make that happen is a dragon cat a dragon cat . The dragon cat doesnt know hes a dragon cap. Chasing news. Please stop trying to make furry nails happening. They are going to happen, but really they are happening. Check out fashions new accessory. Im sure youre all about to hop in your car and try out the latest and greatest. But before you do, have you thought about the hazards . Showering, scratching. Im just weirded out by the whole thing. Eyewitness something only a handful of people have witnessed. Eyewitness from beginning to end the transformation of a free cat into a fierce dragon cat. I call him dragon cat. I went down to pennsylvania to the main area to meet the owner. I met the owner of a beautiful black cat with piercing yellow eyes. I dropped him off for a transformation of dragon cat. Im trying to say dragon cat is many times as possible because im trying to make it a thing. Out of the carrier, a beautiful. File free cat. Arent you allergic to cats . Im very allergic to cats. Hes basically a superstar in the cat world. First things first he had to get rid of all the excess for. He made a perfect dragon cat cut. When it first started flying, i dont believe youre allergic. Im very allergic. Just looking at it is making my eyes water. [laughter] we got him down to what look like a mohawk on the back. He seem like he enjoyed every second like he was some sort of cat day spa. Is he on drugs freshmen. No hes just chill. And it was a quick bath for the cat and apparently cats are afraid of water like i thought they were. Were going to get him a little wet, little clean and finish out this dragon. Looking good. Then they came up with the good stuff, transformation time. Here we we go. Like an artist they use clippers and put some finishing touches with the beard hair. Dragon cat was reborn. He showing off his new style. They came in right then to see dragon cat. He has gotten more, and he loves going out in public. How much did that cost . Usually we do a lion cut which is about 80. This is about 100. They get it every three or four months. It takes about two months for the hair to grow out. I dont pay hundred dollars on my own hair in a whole year. It just goes to show you people spend money on anything. Dragon cat. Dragon cat. I do care the shot is worth some sneezes. This is so cool. Say hello to these ladies this is a fox 29 news update. Good morning im meteorologist kathy orr. We are watching our storm pass by toward the north and the ea east. The storm is ending and drier air beginning to move in. Temperatures will be falling overnight and by the Early Morning hours temperatures will be cooling very quickly. Winds will still be gusty during the Early Morning hours. In the city 50. Suburbs 45. Winds still gusting over 30 miles an hour. Whoa tires screeching doh tires screeching grunts piano playing softly static, explosion and in other news. all sigh happily both are we there yet . Are we there yet . No. Are we there yet . No are we there yet . I said no are we there yet . Whats wrong with your ears . Are we there yet . Look out the window are we there yet . Were not there are we there yet . Are we there yet . Okay. Were there. Finally. Are we there yet . Huh . Are we there yet . Are we there yet . Are we there yet . Damn technology are we there yet . Turn it off we did. This is us. Are we there yet . Are we there yet . anguished scream laughter homer ooh, a spot. Okay, remember were parked in the ethnic princess section. horn honking homer dont worry, this time im gonna write down where i parked

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