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Pthank you for waking up with us pim laura moody. Pim Russell Rhodes outside with pdave. Pa little cooler. Pyou wanted me to wear the hat i pdid, dont need it though. Pno its warming up quickly. Pwe talked about this too the air pso dry with sunshine, you know pnow our, thats last time youre pgoing to need it until end of pfall. P all right. Ut it away. P okay. Ut in styrofoam and peanuts pmoth balls whatever you want to pdo. P53 degrees. Pthats our current temperature pout of tampa international. Pthats just the beginning of our pwarm up here. Pwere already 49 in brooksville. Pyou say 49 is chilly, yes, it is pthey were in upper 30s last phour. Pbrandons back up to 50. P59 in st. Petersburg. Pwait until temperatures next phour come in a lot warmer than pthat. Pwere running a couple degrees pwarmer actually in tampa then pyesterday at this time. Pi just think it will be a pbeautiful day. Pthe chilly start will give way pto pleasant conditions this phigh of 73. Ptomorrow even nicer with high ptemperature near 80. Pwell starting to see some ptraffic thinning out along pinterstates. Pmuch better shape now along 275 pat the tampa side of howard pfranklin bridge. Pyou can see traffic starting to pbreak up and move along a little pbit better there. Pits about a ten minute trip pright now in between fourth pstreet all way across the span pinto kennedy. Inellas county drivers you want pto keep this area in mind all pweek long. Pwestbound 580 is closed with proad work in between mcmullen pbooth and landmark drive. Pcure will you road or enterprise proad will be two best alternates p sarasota drivers authorities pare working a very serious paccident that currently has peastbound and westbound pfruitville road shut down. Proad. Pdetour is in place traffic pjammed through area. Pif this is part of your morning pcommute definitely avoid pfruitville road in between ptuttle and boniva. P thank you, courtney. Pit was terrifying, its been pterrifying day in brussels. Pcity left people running for pcover. Pnow the government is telling eople wherever you are just pstay there. Pthe explosions happened at the pcitys airport, two of them pthere. Pand then at the metro station pnear the European Union pheadquarters. Pone, explosion there. Pwalter has covering it since pearly this morning. Pwere going to check back in pwith him good morning, president pobama has been briefed on the psituation while in cuba. Phell speaking at ten 10 this pmore than we will air that lie phere on fox 13. Pwhite house says u. S. Officials pare in contact with belgian pofficials. Pa public should report any psuspicious activity in their pcommunities to Law Enforcement ptheories. Pa heres what we know so far pbrussels and main other european pcities are now on high alert. Pearly this morning two pexplosions were reported a pbrussel airport in middle of prush hour passengers were trying pto check in. Assengers were led on to the ptarmac, the airport told people pto stay away. Pand at last check at least 11 eople were killed in those pexplosions. P81 others injured. POfficials Say at least one of pthe explosions is believed to phave been by a suicide bomber. Pshort time later an explosion a pmetro station in city near pEuropean Union headquarters. Pbell june Officials Say there pare at least 15 people dead pthere. Pand another 55 injured in the paftermath facebook activated its psafety check system to help eople find friends and loved pones who are in the city. Pbelgian federal from prosecutor pis calling us a three explosions pterrorist attacks it happened pdays after prime suspect in aris was arrest in brussels. P laura. P all right thank you, walter. P back in bay area, a p91yearold man dies a week pafter being injured on psta bus. Pnow police need to find other eople who were on that bus at pthe time. Pfox 13s Shayla Reeves has more pnow on story electric st. Etersburg police department. P hi good morning to you. Pit all started with yellow light pa turn and the schooler that ptipped over. Pa man on his way to the hospital palready instead ends up hurt. Pand right now, police are pworking to track down any assengers who might have been pon a bus, and they might have psome information that can help pout the investigators working pthis case. Pi want to take you to this map. Pthis is area that were talking pabout in st. Pete. Pthis is near intersection of p72nd street and 22nd avenue pnorth. Pinvestigators say a pinellas psuncoast Transit Authority bus papproached as the light turned pyellow at that intersection. Pthe bus driver made the turn at pa slightly excessive speed. Pnow passengers on board included p91yearold henry of largo. Phis moblt scooter tipped over he psuffered injuries to his arm and pchest. P the bus driver reportedly pstopped but did not call pauthorities or letter a pstepped in to secure henry to phis koort again he continued at pthat ride to his destination bay ines Va Medical Center and pinstead of his doctors pappointment we learned he did phead over to the emergency room pthere and was eventually ptransported to Bayfront Health ptrauma facility. Pwe learned he stayed there seven pdays and ultimately passed away pfrom his injuries on march the p11th. Pagain, st. Pete police are pinvestigating this case and they pare asking any passengers who pwere on that bus at the time of pthe this accident to please go pahead and give police a call. Pback to you. P thank you, shayla. P it is 9 06 now. Ptampa bay area is one of nine laces across the u. S. That can psee a large number of type of pmosquito that carry zika virus. Pfox 13s ken suarez is live for pus at the Hillsborough County phealth department. Pken, what is all this about . Pwhy us . P well, you know all about a pcarries a zika virus. Pcalled 80s. Pwe have a whole lot of them punfortunately here in tampa bay. Pa new report indicates tampa bay phot zone for that particular pspecies. Pwe are a perfect environment for pthe species to prosper, and for opulation to grow. Pin summer as you know t hot and pwet here. Pthe report also indicates mo key pto can found in heavy pconcentration all along gulf pcoast and along the atlantic pcoast from miami to charleston. Pto a lesser degree it shows up pas far north as new york and hilly. Pbut the populations there are pnothing close to the population pright here in tampa bay. Pso Health Officials have a phealth heads up for you this pyou have doing or hopefully have pbeen doing to protect yourself pagainst every mosquito born pdisease. Pjust common sense stuff that you phear about every year you may or pmay not do. Pso, you cover up, you use a roduct that may have deet in it por some other mosquito plittlest ones out of areas and pout of you know in the house, pwhen its dusk and dawn. Pand this particular type of pmosquito loves standing water pthis in particular loves that so pyou get rid of any standing pwater in a bird bath or any lace in your yard. Pthats best thing that you can pdo to protect yourself. P all right. Pken, thank you. P we want to stay with this pfor just a minute. Pall of this is clearly a big pconcern for people in the bay parea. Pthere are 71 reported cases in pthe state of florida. Pthree of them are in pHillsborough County, two of them pare in polk county and we wanted pto bring dr. Jo in to talk about pthis a little bit more about pzika virus. Pgood morning to you dr. Jo. Pgood morning. Pall right. Plets talk about the cases here pin the bay area and in florida. Pwhat do we know about them . Pwe dont know a whole lot cases phere in bay area. Pwe know they are all travel prelated someone went to one pareas and came back with that pvirus. Pwe do know in polk county that pvirus was then transmitted psexually to someone else. Pwe do know about that. Pstate of florida we have four pwomen pregnant women who have pbeen reportedly diagnosed with pzika virus again dont have lot pof details about that. Pwere really very, very worried pabout this virus because of its pconnection with microcephaly and pvery serious birth defect where pbabies are born very small pbrains, very small heads. Pbut it goes beyond that. Pthe nih last call that i plistened in on, their concern pthat even when a woman is pinfected later in pregnancy that pthey dont know if going to pcause learning disabilities. Palways already linked otentially to vision problems. Ptheres lot there we dont know. Pagain, they are trying to prove pthat link but getting closer and pcloser. Ptheres also something called pguy on beret in an adults it can pcass paralysis. Pvery, very close to proving that pthat link exists between the pzika virus and that particular pdisorder. P were running out time pdr. Jo. Pone i wanted to ask you, does a pof mosquito look different than plets say just bite from an paverage mosquito . Pno. Pit really doesnt. Psometimes they can get a little pmore aggressive and can bite pduring day not just dusk and pdawn. Pthey like to live around your phome. Pthey dont travel very far. Pso the better you protect pyourself by eliminating that pstanding water that ken was ptalking about the better off you pare about not getting bitten by pone. Pbut again, these 80s he pmosquitos are again all over pflorida. P80s go all way up to new jersey pcdc says they really do not have pan accurate map at this point in ptime as to how widespread all pmow ski tos are here in it pcountry. Revention, prevention and peducation, knowledge is power. Pabsolutely. Pthank you, dr. Jo. P russell. P thanks laura. P much more pomp and pcircumstance for president obama ptoday. Phe starts the final day of his pthree day visit to cuba. Pyesterday a big step in the pthawing relation between the resident not only met with pcuban president castro, they pshook hands. Pthey held a joint press pconference. Pno american president has pvisited cuba in 88 years. Pand both made it clear hot pbutton issues that have to be presolved like human rights and pu. S. Trade embargo. P just as i continue to call on pcongress to lift the trade pembargo, i discussed with resident castro we urge cuba to ptake to show that its ready to pdo more business. P president and fist lady also pattend ad state dinner in their phonor last night. P another jam packed day for resident today he schedule to pmeet with cuban dissidents, pthats this morning for articipating in Civil Society pevent at the u. S. Embassy. Pand then theres game time hes pgoing to watch the rays take on pcuban National Baseball team. Pthis afternoon, hes scheduled pto go to no word yet if he pchanging his schedule to a pand heres another sign of peasing tensions between our pcountries. Pamericans will soon be able to ptake a cruise to cuba. Pcarnival has just gotten papproval from cuban government pto set sail between miami and pcuba you know its not far. Pservice begins may 1st currently ptwo cruise line service the pisland visiting havana and psantiago once a week from nearby pcaribbean islands. P 9 12. Plook some days top stories gas pstation on ferris avenue is pclosed this morning after driver pdrove right into a gas pump and pset it on fire. Pthis happened overnight. Pcompletely burned. Pfire crews got fire out quickly. Pbut station was closed as hazmat pcleaned up the mess. Pnorth port a family gets credit pcards jewelry and prescription pdrugs stolen during an open phouse. Pthis happened march 13th. Olice say family held an open phouse and they got a call about psome possible fraudulent pthat is when they found out pstuff was stolen. Pmen were spotted use the camera pusing the cards around the pvenice area on security cameras pany information who they are, olice. P another big win for a hulk phogan, he got awarded punitive pgadgets damages of 25 million. Pthats on top of 115 million pthe jury awarded him last week. Pthis all stems from his lawsuit pagainst the gossip website pgawker. Pthey posted a clip of sex tape phogan was in few years ago hogan psued saying that he did not know phe was being filmed. Pgawker says they are already lanning to appeal the ruling. P Pinellas County authorities pdealing spike in deaths from pstreet drug that looks like pxanax. Pbars are actually mixture pvirginia najs and fen lynn a psynthetic opoid, its 50 times pmore positive ten then wur pheroin sheriff says people pbuying what they think xanax ponly to take it and never wake ptodays good day good deed was ut a smile on your when we preally could use it group pmanatee county sheriffs pdeputies did break it down pduring a kids party. Pthey were Community Event pdesigned to bridge gaps in the pcommunity and focus on community porient policing . Plook at the moves they posted pthis video on their facebook age and said kids and deputies phave a blast. P nice. Phard to not cha cha slide when pyou hear that music. Pexactly. Pexactly. Pall right. Pstill ahead this morning a great pcombination we think. Pdonuts and ice cream. Pwere fans of both. Pbut now its your chance to try pthem both together. Pwere going to tell you where pyou can try this internet psensation for yourself later pthis week. Pand then taking a peek behind pscenes in cuba. Pthese pictures are incredible. Pwe know rays will take center pstage today. Pcoming were looking some ictures taken by one of our own hoto journalists there. P and we check in one more time pwith Charley Belcher. Pbeen busy this morning going pthrough things. Pfinding all kinds of cool stuff. Pyes, indeed. Pexploring, picking a little bit. Pschillers salvage is where we pare. Pcypress and rome in tampa. Pand surrounded by look at all of pthis, all of this wood has been psalvaged from some other place. Pmay have stood somewhere for pdecades and decades. Ponly to be here and then resold pand then stand somewhere else ossibly for decades and pdecades. Lace like oxford exchange. Ptasting room copper tail pbrewery. Pthey have been transformed pwherist going p running of the bulls finally pcoming to an end u. S. S f women ptook on ucla last night in ptournament. Pthis one as battle right from pand one point they were down by pdouble digits in first half. Pthey did manage to cut the lead pback. Pthey were within one in fourth pquarter. Pbut it wasnt enough ucla wins p72 to 67. P they just cant get past pthat second round. Pthats been their nemesis. Pmaybe next year. Phave we told you rays in cuba pfor big baseball game. Pthat game will happen later on ptoday. Pthe rays worked out monday at pthe stadium in havana. Pbig crowd came to cheer them on. Pand a this morning game starts p2 oclock both president obama pand cuban president castro are pscheduled to be in the stands. P by the way, very impressed pwith your pronunciation of the pstadium. P i was worried about it. Pwe have a crew in havana pcovering rays and president s pvisit. Pthat includes one of our good pday photographers. Pjoe vazquez. Pcandid pictures to his facebook age really giving us a behind pscenes look at the trip. Pas reminder catch scott smith pand Political Editor craig atrick live from had have a pstarting at 5 oclock tonight. P nice pictures. P okay. Pi said look at those old ictures. Pthey are not old pictures new ictures but thats just how the pworld there stopped for so long. Pit did. Pit did. Pas well cars that they have the pgreat shape. Pright. Pbut youre going back. Pdecades. Pand francis love shack was pshowing some pictures he took pduring 8 oclock hour. Pi mean its the same thing. Pgoing to be interestng to see pnow what happens as if trade is pbegun things are lifted what pwill happen to old cars. Pthere already is influx of newer pmodels. Pinteresting to see how it plays. Pi cant wait to talk to them pabout how they get back what pthese citizens of havana were plike. Pweve never known until now. Pit will be interesting. Pwere at 53 degrees. Pgetting warmer by minute. Pkind of nice really. Pwait until about noon time ptoday. Pthats what i want. Pgoing to be absolutely gorgeous. Pi mean weve got this beautiful pwall to wall sunshine. Pbrilliant blue skies. Ptheres your 53 in tampa. Pwestchase already up to 51. Pst. Petersburg 59. Pbrandons at 54. Pcrystal river, an hour and a phalf ago was in mid 30s. Pthey are already at 50 degrees. Pyou want to talk about how fast pthings warm up here late march, pthere you go. Pso maybe you slept in crystal priver. Pyou didnt even feel mid 30s, pyou know what, its warmer right pback up for you. Plow to mid 50s south of tampa parea. Pweve still a couple of 40s in olk county. Ptrust me not for long. Pbecause the sunshine, dry air, pthe east wind. Pit all adds up to one thing. Pand that is mild temperatures. Pthese dew points in the 30s, pthats like chap stick weather. Pnot going to last long. Pnot with windshield eventually pin southeast. Pif you love this cooler drier pfeel to the atmosphere, i its pnot going to last long. Pvisible satellite. Plets look for a few clouds. Pand look off the east coast. Pthere you go. Pclosest we have to get something pcloud cover right now. Pi just think with beautiful psunshine today well have no pissues getting back into the plower 70s. Pso really quite a temperature prange. Pweve got down to upper 40s in ptampa today. Pwell go back to the lower 70s. Pgrab your jackets tonight. Pi think we get back into the 40s pand 50s again. Pit wont quite as cold tomorrow pmorning. Pbut definitely be a bit of a pchill in the air as you wake up pon your wednesday morning. Pby afternoon hours, as you pexpect, lots of sunshine warmth. Phigh temperatures tomorrow preaching big 80. Pmarine forecast today moderate pchop set up seas running two to pthree feet. Peven nice little dip in water pthey will warm right back up pagain. Pour next tide is high tide 2 48 pthis afternoon. P its only tuesday. Pso that weekend forecast will pchange as well kind of define pit a bit as we get closer to peaster weekend. Pin general a lot of cloud cover punsettledwith showers around psaturday and sunday. Pbut warm. Phigh temperatures both days in pthe lower 80s. Pcourtney. Pall right dave. Pwe still have big problems this pmorning in sarasota. Pauthorities are on scene of a pserious accident thats happened pa little bit earlier this pmorning and still has fruitville pdirections. Pin between tuttle avenue and a pboniva road currently closed peast and westbound along pfruitville detour in place but pdo expect big delays through parea avoid it if you can. Palso, the interstates now were pin pretty good shape there, no pbad news if youre heading out pi4 westbound ten minutes from p75 into 275 interchange. Ponly an eight minute ride pinto i4. P donuts, ice cream. Pon their own two very delicious pthings, right . P so what happens when you put pthem together . Pone internet most coveted pdesserts is coming to a bay area pdonut ice cream cone. Pyes. Pdonut ice cream cone. Its coming. Pnow you can get your hands on it phere. Pthursday, they are going to phanding out a limited number of psweet treats at their store pstarting at noon. Pdonut hes cream cones nutella pin middle and sell for 10 a op. P better be good. Pnasa has accomplish ad lot. Pbut kepler space telescope pmanage as first. Pvery cool moment in time they pcapture and the video that will phave you in awe. Pfirst Charley Belcher is a ickers paradise this more than pcoming up after th hi, guys spring is almost here and you know what that means easter is hopping along. So, if youre looking to stretch your dollar this easter holiday, just look at these savings at your local walmart. Tampa, the total amount saved at walmart vs. Winndixie was 14. 07. Thats 10 on this weeks easter basket. Why shop anywhere else . Fill your basket with walmarts every day low prices and get big savings. Start shopping with walmarts every day low prices today. And see what you could save. It took Joel Silverman years to become a master dog trainer. But only a few commands to master depositing checks at chase atms. Technology designed for you. So you can easily master pcoming from tampa from so i psuppress street and rome avenue pto be exact. Pschillers salvage will be phanging out Larry Schiller all pmorning his better half right phere. Pcharley schiller, look at that ptwo charleys for price of one. Pand you, can put it in erspective of where this youre pan artist and designer yourself. P correct. Pso when you see some of this pstuff coming through. Pyou dont see junk or salvage, pyou see opportunities im sure. P exactly. Pand were lucky to have lot of pinterior designers and parchitects visit us actually phere they can see past all the pgrime all the dirt, everything. Pand into what it can become. Pyou work with on projects for poxford exchange which is ptaste room copper tail brewery poh my goodness thats beautiful proom. Pi didnt realize you had your pfingerprints all over those ptypes of areas i do im actually pdoing more brewery right now we pwere able to use just because of pcraft beer and what its become pfor tampa in the end, salvage pmaterials really suit that kind pof project. Pthis stuff right here this was artition in bathrooms in bell pview built more . Pcorrect. P its bead board. Pits old heart pine. Pand now were going to be using psome of this for a brewery in pwinter haven actually. P as a partition wall. Plower portion of that. Pand its, its slated to open in pa couple months. Psee i see this an oak barn. Psiding i got to see something plike this. Pi would never in million years, pif ive seen that laying psomewhere i think that garbage. Pexactly. P. Plets just burn this maybe or psomething. Psee when you see this, charley . P well what were looking for pwood. Pso a lot of this, that doesnt pnecessarily have either, can laned or cut off i use these pfor all of the tables. Pa lot of cladding, copper tale pbrewing. Pand recently again upstairs we pfurnish the second floor. Pso, we used all of this and had pcustom tables made. P and even things like this, pthat, you dont see how pbeautiful it is right now, but, pspecies like this that was white poak became flooring at oxford pexchange. Pwow. Pwow. Pall right. Pnow, jason will take a little pwaum were staking here. Pyoure going to that will been phostess, a host stand in ill pkeep going out there. Pthat, that big piece of wooden plectern thing right there, pcorrect. Pthat was actually an old french pstand. Pit slated now. Pshould go to the water works prestaurant at the berry more photel im going to use it as phost stand for the restaurant. P thats so cool. Pits so cool. Poh when do you guys open . Pwere open monday through psaturday. P9 to 5. Pmonday through saturday, nine to p5. Pcome explore. Pyou were talking about chilly pweather today. Pits perfect weather to come phere. Pin august it gets a little warm pin here. Pso dont complain about the pweather. Pget down here now go hunting icking exploring i it will you pand back again next month it pwill look all different next pmonth. Pthere you go, folksplenty more pgood day headed your way stick paround dont go don s beautiful moments. With flonase allergy relief, they wont. When we breathe in allergens, our bodies react by over producing six key inflammatory substances that cause our symptoms. Most allergy pills only control one substance. Flonase controls six. And six is greater than one. Flonase outperforms the 1p nondrowsy allergy pill. So you can seize those moments,rwherever you find them. Flonase. Six is greater than one changes everything. Aha oof weee slurp. Mmmmmm. Cinnamon. Milk. Cinnamilk. Crunch crave those crazy squares. 3 welcome back. The time is 9 xx. Were cont p welcome back. Ptime right now is 9 33. Pand we are continuing to a pfollow the terror attacks that pkilled at least 26 people in pbelgium this morning. Psecurity officials now say they phave found at least one, ossibly two ak47s inside the pdeparture lounge at the airport. Pat the same time, train station phas been he vac wade while olice search a train that left pbrussels shortly after the pattack. P as you may know earlier today ptwo explosions went off at an pairport during rush hour. Pthen just over an hour later, a pthird explosion inside a car at psubway station. Pthe city is now on lockdown. Pbelgiums terror alert level is pshut down, people being told pstay where you are. Resident obama has been briefed pon the situation as you know. Phes in cuba speaking from there p10 10 this morning we will air pthat live right here on fox 13. P the courtroom battle between pthe department of justice and papple is on hold. Pthe doj wants apple to help them phack into the San Bernardino pgunmans iphone. Papple says any software created pto do that would open door for phackers to break into others i hones. Pyesterday, the agency said it pmay no longer need apples help. Pthey say that an outside party phas shown them an alternative. Pagency plans to notify the judge pof the results in two weeks. P meantime apple unveiling new ptechnology including a new four pinch iphone sc. Pnew ipad pro, new watch bands, pas well software updates. Pnew iphone and new ipad both phave smaller screens. Pand apple watch is now cheaper ptheir newest operating system pnow has night shift chase screen pthat ajusts for late night preading and fingerprint lock for psecret documents. Pin notes app. P hmm. Ptake look at this, nasa catches pan amazing sight on camera. Pin less than 20 minutes it phappened 1. 2 billion light years paway. Pbut they did manage to capture a pstar exploding. Pthis first time an exploding pstar is shock wave has been pcaptured. Pthanks to the kepler space ptelescope. P isnt that wild . Pthat will start messing with pyour head how long ago that pactually happened. Pthat doesnt seem real. Pi know. Pi know i wasnt wait over next pcouple of years, they are going pto get bigger badder telescopes pout in space too i cant imagine pwhat they will find up there not pbetter and better. Pevery single day. Pits beautiful out here isnt pit . Pits nice. Preal nice. Pits not cold. Pno, i mean. Pits cool. Pths cool. Pits cool out. Pthats changing quickly. Penjoy it because its going paway. Pthis is it. Penjoy it we will number 80s pbefore you know it. Pand you know the things were up pin Citrus County earlier this pmorning. Pit was in the mid 30s. Pyeah its cold. Pthey are already back to 50 pdegrees. Pyou looking clearwater beach, pand what a pretty picture. Pi mean weve got gorgeous wall pto wall sunshine everywhere. Pbrook dale bay shore, youve got pa lakeland. Ptemperatures are quickly warming pup wul with all this dry air in lace. P49 in brooksville. P54 in leesburg. Pyou got bartow, which was in the pupper 30s an hour ago. Pthey are back to the upper 40s. Pso near 60 degrees already in pst. Petersburg. Pand you will likely see big jump pin temperatures in about 20s pminutes when new hourly come in. Oint is, i mean this is pbeautiful stuff. Pnormal this morning. Pand for lot of people youre pready for the 80s, they are not pfar off. Pabout, i dont know about 30 phours away. Pbecause i think weve got to pstop somewhere in the middle. Pand with an east wind dry air in lace, full sunshine, were pgoing to make it back to the 70s ptoday. Plikely the lower 70s. Pso a bit below normal for this ptime of year. Pbut then beginning tomorrow, pwinds more of shift toward the psoutheast. Pwe will have one more cool night ptonight. Pthen tomorrow afternoon, it goes pupper 70s. Plower 80s. Pand well stay that way going pinto easter weekend. Pthing with easter weekend one pfronts will wash out on top of pus again like last weekend. Pthats going to keep it unsettle pweep we will shooirs around yes. Pwe will etch individual day be pwash out . Pno. Psimilar to what we had to deal pwith, last weekend. Pgorgeous sunshine, mild finish ptoday. Ptheres your 73 for a high. Ptonight, overnight lows will be pin mid 50s, then for tomorrow pback to the lovely 80. Pyoure boating for today high ptide just before 3 oclock. Pseven day outlook. Pafter todays 73. Pback in lower 80s. Pright through easter weekend. Pbut again there will be showers paround. Pwe will fine tune that forecast pa we get closer and closer to psaturday. Pa couple of first birthdays for pyou this morning. Pand happy birthday to look at pthat cute little adorable smile pshe loves to play with brother pand sisters. Pshe also loves to eat and watch pMickey Mouse Club house. Pand doc mcstuffins. Phappy first birthday to kaleb. Pkaleb loves to watch daniel ptiger Mickey Mouse Club house. Plook at that out it fit he loves pto play with pets and dance paround the house. Phappy first birthday to two of pyou. Pvery cute. Phappy birthday. Pall right. Pdave. Pwere starting to see conditions pimprove along interstates but psomething to keep mind. Plong westbound along i 580 pblocked with construction plandmark drive. Pand an expected to last pthroughout week. Pyou can take cure will you road pto north and enterprise just to pthe south just to get around pthis closure here. Psarasota drivers serious paccident still a fruitville road pshut down in both directions ptuttle avenue boniva road could pquite some time before pauthorities clear this scene of pthis accident. Pfinal check on the howard pfranklin bridge, tampa side you pcan see in both directions up to pspeed. Pwell nobody fights like gaston, pwho can sing like him . Ptwo a list actors go head to pwhat happens we pno, news is going on since p4 oclock this morning. Pheres the question what happens pwhen you of two gastons on your pshow at the same time . P well if youre british ptalkshow host Jonathan Ross you phave them participate in a pgaston off. Yep, hugh jackman was on promoting eddie romote ed heing high rise. Pthey duke it had out to see who pwas the burliest. Pjackman could star a singing plines of gaston. P se emma stone reportedly psigned up to a move rosemary pkennedy. Pletters from rosemary contend is pabout to be a biographical drama pabout the eldest sister in the pkennedy clan. Pfilm will explore her life and pher final days. Prosemary contend was pintellectsally sdakd and psubjected to disastrous lobotomy pat the age of 23. Pthat left her unable to care for pherself. P you know weve seen a lot of pfaith based movies hitting big pscreens in recent months. Pfox news Michelle Pollino tells pus why faith based projects are pon the rise. Pfrom fox live broadcast of the assion to big scene features pgods not dead too the young pmessiah miracle heaven and preaching a broad audience during pholy week. P everything looks okay. Peverythings fine. Peverything is not fine. Psome cast members told us ptheres a reason. Ptheres got to be balance here. Pyou know, Television Film are pgoing one way, dark and darker, pdarker people are look for light pand god and faith and something pto up lifts makes them feel pgreat why such hunger for this pkind of programming. Pso important that all of the pmedia is not just sin kel but pwith that we also use film to ptell stories that encourage eople and remind them that the pworld is a beautiful place. Pthe subject matter is very oignant. Pits definitely going to open up pthe conversation about the role pof religion in our modern psociety. P its a society thats pincreasing more secular. P tyler perry who narrate assion was happy a major pbroadcast network took a chance pon the live musical. Pfor to say yes to this because erformed in netherlands for plong time. Pi know that this country needs phope, that we need, we need psomething positive. Pwe need faith. Pwe need god. Pwe need something to lift us. Pin hollywood Michelle Pollino pfox news. Pthere are few things stronger pthan the bond between a human pand their pet. Pcolorado group thats the sunll come out tomorrow. For people with Heart Failure, tomorrow is not a given. But entresto is a medicine r that helps make more tomorrows possible. Tomorrow, tomorrow. I love ya, tomorrow p in the largest Heart Failure study ever, entresto helped more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading Heart Failure medicine. Women who are pregnant must not take entresto. P it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. Dont take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren. If youve had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, dont take entresto. Are angioedema, low blood pressure. Kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. P tomorrow, tomorrow i love ya, tomorrow r ask your heart doctor about entresto. Prise and shine, this is good day ptampa bay. P its about 9 48. Pan organization in colorado is ptrying to keep the strong bond pbetween humans and pets ptogether. Pand as foxs tells us they are praising money to make sure phomeless veterans and beloved ets can Stay Together and get poff the streets. P its important to understand pthe relationship between a human pand his pet. P theres my baby. Peven more so, the bond between a p yes. Pfor William Adams former Pmilitary Police officer. Pyoure reason why i live. Pyes, yes, yes. Pbond he shares with an iin a pstaica eightyearold german pshepherd he says saved his life. Pthis is, day she was born. Pso i made sure i had this on my pown i would never forget the day pthat i got the one that actually pstarted pulling me out of the padams currently homeless, i told pyou to be honest with you phousing for vets is great. Plot of them wont take in dogs. Pthats denver bark and play pdoggy day care teaming pvolunteers America Veterans pservices and the center for panimal wellness vet clinic. Psomebody has to pay that pet pdeposit dpovt these guys cannot pand wont separate. Pthey will rather stay on street pwith their dog. Pleading up to Armed Forces Day pthey are trying to raise money pto keep vets and their pets ptogether. Pthe goal here is to honor those pveterans for their service adams pis inspiration for this cause. Pweve got to get off streets. Pshes only thing in world i have pright now. Phelp means saving an unbreakable pbond from the grips of the pstreets. P without her, the way she pcares about me, and everything pshes done for me, i would robably end up going into a pdeeper state of depression than pwell right bac if your family outing is magical for all the wrong reasons. You may be muddling through allergies. Try zyrtec for powerful allergy relief. And zyrtec is different than claritin. Because it starts working faster on the first day you take it. Try zyrtec. Muddle no more. When your type 2 diabetes numbers arent moving in the right direction, it can be a burden. But what if you could wake up to lower blood sugar . Imagine loving your numbers. Discover oncedaily invokana. Prescriptions and counting, its the 1 prescribed sglt2 inhibitor that works to lower a1c. Rrr invokana is used along with diet and exercise to nsignificantly lower blood sugar in adults with type 2 diabetes. P p its a oncedaily pill that works around the clock. Heres how p p invokana reduces the amount of sugar allowed back in to the body through the kidneys nand sends some sugar out through the process of urination. And while its not for weight loss, it may help you lose weight. R r invokana can cause important side effects, nincluding dehydration, which may cause you to feel dizzy, p p faint, lightheaded, or weak, especially when you stand up. P p other side effects may include kidney problems, p p genital yeast infections, urinary tract infections, r r changes in urination, high potassium in the blood, p p increases in cholesterol, or risk of bone fracture. Do not take invokana if you have p p severe kidney problems or are on dialysis. Right away if you r r experience symptoms such as rash, swelling, rrr or difficulty breathing or swallowing. P p tell your doctor about any medical conditions, medications you are taking, r r and if you have kidney or liver problems. R r using invokana with a sulfonylurea or insulin r r may increase risk of low blood sugar. Imagine life with a lower a1c. Are you loving your numbers . Theres only one invokana. Ask your doctor about it by name. P another live picture of pboard on wall street markets preacting to whats going on pacross the in world today. Pdows down 82. P lets bring in lauren sim pnelly to talk a little busy news p hey good morning. Pto this is a little bit steeper pthan it had at the open. Pyou can say for most part poverall stock Market Reaction pboth here in u. S. And europe pnegative but relatively muted pmore Immediate Reaction is being pseen Airline Stocks hotel pcompanies, the travel agencies, pet cetera. Pthose stocks are down in big pway. Pa more muted reaction for poverall averages because guess pwhat weve seen blasts after pblast, terrorist attack of a pterrorist attack. Pjust think of the past couple pmonths. PSan Bernardino, paris, you know, pthe unfortunately we have become pnumb to this. Pwow. Pthat says something. Plets talk about, thats not pcoming from me. Pi mean, these are coming from pquotes from wall street traders pthat are telling us how, how pthey describe this reaction. Psadly i think it makes sense. P huh. Pchipotle, doing what it can to pget its customers back, right . Pokay someone sent me this story phas new game you play game ponline called free guacamole id prather just bay if i decided to pgo into chipotle after the nor pro virus e. Coli scares. Pbut then you know for storys psack i played game oh my god pfascinating and so ai noing and phard to beat. Pokay so basically they give you ptwo pictures, you have to find 5 pdifferences in each picture do pthat three times while they time pyou. Pits pretty difficult. Panyway, dpu good if you get it pright you will want to the right pyou get free guacamole and free pchips. Pyeah. P do what they can i suppose. Plets talk about it, how far pwould be willing to go . Pthis is what we talked about pearlier. Phow would if you never had to ay uncle sam again i would get ptattoo of the i r is as would 27 ercent of people as surveyed by pwallet hub. Pthey never say where tattoo is pyou can get a little tattoo on pbig toe or something never have pto i pay uncle sam ever. Pjust shows you how much we hate ptaxes and hoch we hate paying pup. P11 percent of people in survey psaid theyd actually spend three pyears cleaning bathroom at pchipotle believe it or not. Pthen paying uncle sam. Pand 6 percent said they had prather sell a kidney. Pthat i would not do. Pmaybe clean bathroom definitely pnot kidney. P i get kidney stones. Pi sell mine and take new one if pi could buy mine. P worn out. Pit is worn out. P hey good to see you. Pwell talk tomorrow, okay p you too, guys. Pdont miss Lauren Simonetti on pour Sister Network station fury pnot sure where to find fox pbusiness network log on to pfoxbusiness. Com and look for pchannel finder. Pi wonder how much we could get pfor russells kidney on ebay. Pnot much. Pnot much at all. P we are warming up quickly poutside. Pand by the end of the day even pthough we will be below normal pwe will up around 73 degrees. Ptonight will not quite as cold pand tomorrows high around 80. Pin fact beginning tomorrow right pthrough monday, high ptemperatures in the lower 80s. Pslightly above normal. Pyes, going to be unstrled this pweekend. Pno easter weekend is no the pgoing to wash out. Pwell fine tune those rain pchances as we get a little bit pcloser. Ets. Pthey are like family for us it pappears theres a feeling is pmutual sometimes pets even rotect us like were one of ptheir own. Poh. Pyou see that . Pdogs name you can tell hes preally fond of his little sister pso much so when dog grooming pbelow dryer ae runs to protect phe doesnt like blow dryer pwasnt taking any chance when it pcomes to his baby sister and pwanted to make certain that she pwas safe. P nice. Pthey know. Pyeah. Pi like that. Pme too. Pwe need to end with something plike that today. Pyes we did. Pthat will do it for us todays ptuesday march 22nd. P2016 live with kelly and michael pcoming up next wednesday pwilliams, remember president pspeaking 10 10 this morning as pus a get latest on website if pemergency away not on air we are ponline a www. Fox13news. Com you pcan fouls twitter instagram too. Pwe will updating very latest. Its live with kelly michael. Today, from the drama, mr. Selfridge, jeremy piven. Plus, film, television, and broadway star jane krakowski. And the latest green cars as we continue our new York Auto Show week. Also, actress Rebecca Romijn joins michael at the cohost desk. All next on live. [captioning made possible by disneyabc domestic television] and now, here are michael

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