Transcripts For WTVT Good Day Tampa Bay 9AM 20160312 : comp

Transcripts For WTVT Good Day Tampa Bay 9AM 20160312

@area this morning hoping to win @the vote of his home state. @ violence on the street of @chicago as protesters clash at @a donald trump rally. @look at this. @down. @what trump himself blames the @anger on. @>> announcer: from tampa bay's @number one news station, this @is fox 13 fox 13. @-- this is "good day tampa bay @bay." @>> anjuli: good morning to @bay." @i am anjuli davis. @>> walter: and time in for @alcides segui, i am walter @allen. @we want to get to that @developing story out of @hillsborough county. @sheriff deputy john catfilla @has been killed by a wrong-way @driver. @it happened on the selmon @expressway around 3:00 this @morning. @the driver who hit the deputy @is also dead. @kelly cowan has been following @this all morning long. @kelly, you are standing in @front of the entrance ramp on @to the selmon. @they are diverting traffic. @where is traffic going? @>> reporter: they are diverting @normally you will be able to @get mere if it was a weekday @morning. @through the weekends they have @this closed. @it was closed last night when @that wrong-way driver would @have ent everyed. @they have the do not enter sign @they have the do not enter @signs up. @these arms marked with lights @warning drivers not to get on @the selmon expressway here. @we are told that as deputies @investigate this crash, the @selmon expressway heading west @is closed right now. @that should be open shortly, @but it haven't been opened @already; however, the eastbound @lanes are expected to be closed @for several hours as this @investigation goes on. @but in is where police -- or @deputy believe that the wrong @way driver this morning would @have entered the selmon @expressway. @the sheriff's car there. @they believe that the -- that @the wrong-way driver would have @diverted around these warnings @not to enter on to the ramp, @and would have taken those @lanes to the side there. @now we have learned the name of @the deputy that was killed in @this morning's fatal crash. @one of them, hillsborough @county sheriff deputy john @robert catfilla jr. @he was with the force for six @years here. @and he actually comes from a @law enforcement family we are @told. @he was a traffic crash @investigators with the @hillsborough county sheriff's @office. @he was driving a marked 2013 @dodge charger. @now the sheriff's office has @provided us with a photo from @this morning's scene. @it is simply heartbreaking. @you can't barely make out the @marked squad car there. @the door over on the side. @they had to extricate the @deputy from his vehicle this @morning. @he was still alive this morning @and quickly rushed to tampa @general hospital where he died @there. @we also have a photo of this @officer because last year we @did a story on him. @you see he is pictured with a @kitty cat. @pause he helped save the cat @that had fallen down this storm @drain and we have met this @officer before. @huge tragedy, a huge loss for @law enforcement here, and they @were very emotional, the @sheriff deputies, when talking @with us. @this just a horrific scene for @them to arrive upon this @morning. @>> the men and women are out @there trying protect everybody, @ and these guys are very @night. @in fact this deputy @in fact this deputy had hoped @to become a traffic homicide @vectors at this point in his @career, but, you know, like a @large family, sometimes you @don't always get along. @but when something happens, @draws you reclose today. @robert cafilla jr. just 30 @years old died this morning in @that wrong-way vehicle crash. @both drivers of both vehicles @dead this morning after that @crash we are also told too @early in the investigation just @yet to determine if alcohol was @involved in the crash so we @will have more updates through @the day as we follow this @story. @for now reporting live in @brandon, kelly cowan, fox 13 @news. @>> all right, kelly, we will @talk to you in a half hour from @now. @a rough morning. @headline s, following @developing story out of tampa. @a person has been hit by a car @that hate bike. @that car tack took off 30th @avenue east and 50th street @north. @tampa police say that area has @been reopened. @the bicyclist is currently in @the hospital with @life-threatening injuries. @police are asking anyone in @that area or saw anything to @give them a call. @lindsay. @ good morning. @temperatures are going up. @80s are bang. @on the map this morning across @our inland zones. @we are at 73 in tampa. @hazy, high clouds. @we will be thickening by @tomorrow. @tomorrow, the wetter day and @the day where we are going to @watch sky tower in st. pete. @big event around 1:00 will keep @the rain developing the gulf. @70 degrees. @southeast winds and as warm as @74 in wesley chapel. @it is cool and upper 60s in a @few spots and one lonely shower @over bartow. @the heating of of the day, i @will throw in a 10% to 20% @chance of an inland shower @lifting north that will stay @dry at the beach. @and notice the rain off to the @west. @south of the panhandle the @leading edge of our rainmaker @for sunday afternoon. @about the warm temps. @low 80s the sea breeze at the @beach. @>> anjuli: thank you, lindsay. @large pictures of the -- live @pictures of the crowd as marco @rubio makes his first stop in @the bay area. @peaking at beckwith avenue on @108 @108th avenue in largo. @then head to to ron teas @barbecue in hudson. @he will make two more @appearances in tampa and then @heading up to pensacola. @ thursday night debate marco @rubio said the winner of the @florida primary will be the @republican nominee and he @intends to win his home state. @a recent fox news poll show he @has ground to make up. @donald trump leads marco rubio @by 25% among likely gop voters. @ a few delegates up today. @in washington d.c. will caucus. @19 delegates are at stake @republicans will caucus in @wyoming and the pacific island @of guam. @democrats in northern mariana @islands will do the same. @>> anjuli: trouble on the @campaign trail for donald trump @violence breaking out at a @rally in chicago. @people gathered for the @raleigh, protesters ended up @with tickets to that rally. @many of them said they were @crash it. @frustrations flared and that @when the sparks and punches @began flying. @an unbelievable scene inside @and outside of that arena where @the rally was to take place. @trump commented on this @themselves saying that people @are angry over a lack of -- @>> an economic problem. @people want to have increases @and work and have good jobs or @at least have the ability to @have a job. @we don't have that in this @country. @>> anjuli: voter also head to @the polls on tuesday. @ for more, craig patrick, @our political editor. @craig, you mentioned that @protests like this obviously @noted a violent but they have @been going on for some time @now. @these candidates, especially @trump, what can they do it to @stop it if anything. @>>reporter: there comes at a @trouble @troubling time for donald trump @because remember in the last @republican debate, he did not @roll in the mud. @he did not throw inunited @states is with marco rubio back @and forth as we have seen. @he tried to project leadership @tried to be presidential and @received a key endorsement by @ben carson. @ben carson said donald trump @was the best person to unite @the country. @this is followed think about @discord. @this has the potential to @obviously backfire on donald @trump. @it is incumbent therefore on @him to find a way in the next @couple of days to prevent these @kind of crashes from breaking @out yet again while maintaining @his stance and he continues to @assist that -- insist that @protesters are at fault. @clearly organization @clearly organization to this. @you have hundreds of protesters @apparently representing @and with protest signs and @given the frustration and anger @that trump supporters have, you @get these kind of clashes i @think what happened in ohio and @certainly bears a lot of @watching. @>> walter: i just got word @from our producer that trump @cancelled his event in @cincinnati. @possibly because of this. @maybe not. @time will tell. @craig, i do want to move on to @marco rubio. @the fact that he is asking @people in the state of ohio to @vote for their governor john @kasich as opposed donald trump @kasich as opposed donald trump. @is this the last we are seeing @of marco rubio. @>> reporter: marco rubio was @down 20 points in the state of @florida, and not only was he @down that much, the internal @polling show that trump's @numbers have been accelerating @in the state of florida. @rubio has not been closing the @gap, in fact it has been going @the other way. @it leaves him in a situation @miracle knowing full well he @can't spend time in ohio. @he is not going to win there. @asking voters -- even though @you want me, don't vote for me. @vote for this other guy kasich @because the best way to set the @table to trump doesn't get the @nomination. @that is a very difficult @argument to make to voters who @are not used to trying to rig @something for the benefit of @one candidate to the other but @just want to go in the booth @and vote the person they @believe in. @this is continue at mount a @hail mary in politics that he @is trying to throw in ohio and @january kasich is not @responding the same way. @if people want to vote for john @kasich, vote for john kasich no @matter where you live. @>> walter: craig, let's switch @things. @bernie sanders not the favorite @here in florida, but he wasn't @the favorite in michigan, do @you ehim pulling out another @win in the state of florida @like he has predicted? @>> that going to be a very tall @yes. @he defied the polls in @michigan. @much tighter than what the poll @polls are suggesting in. @ there. @we have seen numbers showing @him down 30 points, down much @more than he was in michigan @but a big difference of the @democratic and republican races @winner take all in the @republican not the democratic. @off 15% threshold there. @so with this, bernie sanders @does not have to win the vote @in florida to still walk away a @decent number of delegates and @that is why he is making a play @here pause if he concedes the @state to hillary clinton he @will walk away a treasure trove @of delegates to make it harder @for bernie sanders to check up. @>> walter: money, power and @politics heavy hitters @including charley belcher. @>> reporter: absolutely, he has @megaphone. @marco rubio one on one and @charlie laduff as well to take @us through a trip to i-4 @corridor of who the people are @and what will swing their votes @and what will swing their @votes. @>> walter: charley belcher @with a mega phone must mean it @is election season. @craig patrick, thank you so @much. @>> reporter: thank you. @ still ahead, get ready to @spring forward tomorrow @morning. @>> anjuli: bad news for us on @the morning show shift. @how lawmakers want to see an @end to daylight saving time. @hey, lindsay. @>> lindsay: good morning. @people are lucky to head to the @beach. @weather looks perfect for a @beach day. @spring breakers are out there @and the clouds are in the @distance. @i picture today for a beach @day. @temperatures from the low 70s @to 80s. @and a dry day today at the @and we w @ @ developing this morning a @hillsborough county deputy has @been hit and killed this @morning by a wrong-way driver @on the entrance ramp from i-75 @sheriff david gee released his @name an hour ago. @deputy john cafilla. @he was 30 greers old @he was 30 greers old and has @been with the sheriff's office @for six years. @>> walter: this is the second @time we showed this picture and @kelly had it at the top of the @9 and this is the first time @that i am able to dissect it. @the two cruiser doors up @against the concrete barricade @there. @it shows they had to cut the @deputy out of the car to rush @him to the hospital and @unfortunately he didn't -- he @didn't survive his injuries. @again, six years with the @department. @he was hoping to be a traffic @homicide investigators @homicide investigator. @just -- just -- a tough loss @for the -- for the department @of law enforcement all around @the area and the country. @>> that wrong way driver is @also dead and we will continue @to follow this developing story @throughout the morning and @check our web site for updates @at @ to some other headlines @right now at 9:17. @have an excuse to miss work on @monday. @the new jersey transit agency @has reached a tentative @agreement for the rail workers. @a strike that threatened monday @morning's commute into chaos @has at this point been avoided. @ all right, our least @favorite time of the year, @getting ready to spring forward @getting ready to spring @forward. @clocks are moving ahead at 2:00 @tomorrow morning. @>> anjuli: @. @>> anjuli: always stuff. @some people believe that day @some people believe that @daylight saving time should be @phased out. @myself included. @they stay does damage to our @health. @opponents stay causes traffic @accidents, heart attacks and @strokes all increase when you @change the time and contrary to @popular belief, it does not @save electricity. @there are states that want to @get rid of daylight saving time @all together and move eastern @time to atlantic time permanent @time to atlantic time @permanently. @what do you think, an extra @coffee day tomorrow. @basically like an irk v of @coffee what you need for the @>> lindsay: can we create a @buddy system where we both @reach out to make sure we are @thing. @>> anjuli: walter is doing a @great job on the weekend shift, @he can do both jobs for us. @>> lindsay: and bring us @>> walter: thank you. @so much. @. @>> enjoy it very much. @>> lindsay: i will say this, @some people like the change @because if they work in the day @late in the day. @there are trade-off @there are tradeoffs. @i am one of the ones and you @are some of the ones with a @thumbs down. @>> walter: glass is always @half full. @>> lindsay: i am trying @because people on faceback may @not be happy about that. @the sun rises at 6:41. @tomorrow 7:41. @but here is the change. @sunset before 8 p.m. as we @spring forward, that hour of @daylight will be later on. @we don't necessarily gain or @lose any more time. @check the batteries and the @clock. @doyle every single clock before @i go to bed. @looking toward the beaches, 73 @degrees. @high clouds overhead that will @thicken between this time now @and tomorrow in st. pete for @the grand prix at 70 degrees. @getting ready for lots of @activity here today. @weather looks good. @generally dry and tomorrow, a @little tricky on the timing of @when this rain will move in. @the big race the verizon indy @car race. @and showers not necessarily in @st. pete but a good day to @track sky tower. @i am expecting at some point @later in the day for redevelop @later in the day for @redeveloping rain and some @storms to the gulf. @72 in sarasota. @74 wesley chapel. @77 already in brandon. @so the heat is on today. @it is muggy too. @look at our dew points @approaching 70 degrees. @so we have noticed throughout @the week every day, we will @spend more. @and the humidity is out in full @force. @what that did this morning fuel @a few showers. @left of them north of bartow @i expect plant city to stay dry @if it is the weekend. @high pressure to the east that @will open the door for not all @of this moisture but some of @this moisture. @this low, this cart off low has @been stuck. @it if you have been watching @our news or -- this rain season @not going to move much by today @but by tomorrow, moves to the @east and n @east and moves to the north and @east. @futurecast, high clouds @thickening. @don't be surprised if you live @east of i-75 and north to see a @couple of showers. @look at the arrows, the sea @breeze that will protect us @from the wind at the beach and @st. pete. @early this evening perhaps a @few showers and we wake up dry @sunday morning and low clouds @and extra clouds. @to the west is where the rain @starts to move in. @by lunchtime @by lunchtime kind of dry and @interior showers. @afternoon and evening if some @of this hodes together not @everyone will be dealing with @40% rain chancing @rumbles of thunder and @innisbrook and st. pete. @sky tower helps us out. @check it out tomorrow in cases @there any lightning around. @83 for today. @slip rain chance. @plenty of high clouds that @thicken and spring forward. @sunset at 6:37. @tomorrow, sunrise, 7:41. @more clouds. @that 40% chance of rain @developing still in the 80s. @light chop. @gulf buoy at 57. @and the seven-day forecast for @spring break, it is warm. @it is humid. @the rain through monday, but @friday we start to up the @temperature and next weekend, i @am expecting a better rain @chance, just f y+ i. @>> anjuli: thank you, lindsay. @ after the break the @lightning take another loss @against the flyers. @show you the flight amalie @arena. @ plus, jordan speith gets @into the weekend play by the @skin of his teeth. @who is on stop of the @ we continue to follow the @top story of the morning at 9 @top story of the morning at @9:22. @in the brandon area. @you are looking at live images @from skyfox. @that is deputy catfilla's @cruiser after he was hit and @killed by a wrong-way driver. @it happened about 3:00 this @morning. @the driver, the wrong-way @driver has been killed as well. @eastbound express lanes of the @selmon have been shut down. @you can see they are in the @pr @ @. @tampa bay lightning lost @another tough one at home in @amalie arena to the @philadelphia flyers. @the flyers are just two points @out of a playoff spot, and her @hungry to get back to the post @season. @sam gagner and matt reid both @scored power play goals. @not great night for the bolts. @they didn't have a shot. @the first nine and a half @minutes of the third. @the lightning head to ohio to @play the bluejackets. @a very beatable team tomorrow @afternoon. @ the green, round 3 for the @valspar championship. @sharing the top spot is jordan @mckenzie. @jordan speith. @you he made the shot with one @shot to spare. @pretty exciting eight shots @separate the top and bottom of @the leader board. @ the tampa bay rays are in @port charlotte getting ready @for a game against the tampa @lost 4-3. @and by tomorrow would be the @boston red sox. @>> anjuli: to the racetrack @where nascar turns to the @desert of phoenix. @kyle busch on the polls for the @race after posting the fastest @time during qualifying @time during qualifying last @night. @push's first pole win of the @season. @joe gibbs racing locked up the @top three spots with carl @edwards qualifying second an @denny hamlin in third. @of course you can catch that @race right here on fox 13. @coverage starts at 3:00 @tomorrow afternoon and the @green flag for all 312 laps for @the 500 should be waved around @3:30. @calorie calorie @calorie @ @>> walter: you were telling me @advertising doesn't work. @i was looking a that the car @and saying want some skittles. @i haven't had skittles in a @long time. @>> anjuli: a marketer's dream. @ the bike, water taxis @already, but now a new form of @transportation is on the way. @cowan covering the deadly wrong @cowan covering the deadly @wrong-way crash in hillsborough @county. @and she will have the latest on @that. @kelly, good morning. @>> reporter: start rolling -- (phone ringing) you can't deal with something, by ignoring it. but that's how some presidential candidates seem to be dealing with social security. americans work hard, and pay into it. so our next president needs a real plan (elephant noise) hey candidates, @ @. @ welcome back, everybody, at @9:30. @the top story of this morning @another deadly wrong-way @accident. @this time on the selmon @expressway. @>> anjuli: truly heartbreaking @>> anjuli: truly @heartbreaking. @a hillsborough county sheriff @deputy is dead along with that @wrong-way driver. @it happened very earl this @morning on selmon expressway at @the brandon express exit. @now all morning long, eastbound @closed down but a few minutes @ago they have reopened. @you can see from skyfox, the @deputy's cruiser which is @practically unrecognizable, as @well as a white suv have both @been towed away. @fox 13's kelly cowan joining us @now live from the scene with @the very latest. @kelly, we now know the victims' @names, right. @>> reporter: we know the victim @>> reporter: we know the @victim's name. @his name eric macbeth. @that was the wrong-way driver. @we know both victims' names. @eric macbeth and the deputy who @was passed away -- he was hit @head on traveling correct way. @his name john robert kotfila, @jr. @just a short -- a few minutes @ago we could see both vehicles @drive by us on wreckers. @both of them taken from the @scene from what we can tell, it @seems that all roads have been @since reopened this just a @horrific crash. @both of them smashed completely @in, and you can see the -- you @can see the two vehicles right @here from the photos that we @were sent this morning from the @scene. @of course, hillsborough county @sheriff's office gave us a @close-up look of what that @deputy's car looked like after @this crash. @his front end completely mashed @in. @he had to be extricated from @the car. @the roof cut off. @a photo of john kotfila that we @have after a story last year. @he actually rescued a kitten @from a storm drain. @you see him holding a cat here. @we have done a story before @with this officer. @he is a traffic crash @hillsborough county sheriff's @department. @he has been working for them @for over six years. @30-year-old deputy, and just @such a tragic loss for this @entire community. @when we were talking to other @deputies this morning, just so @much emotion in their voices. @actually one of them broke down @exactly what emergency @resfoonders came upon this -- @responders came upon this @morning. @okay, so we will keep you @updated throughout the day and @just now still too early in @this investigation to know @whether or not alcohol may have @been a factor. @of course this crash occurred @very early in the morning just @before 3 a.m. in this area, and @i want to point out something @behind me where sheriff @deputies believe the driver @would have gone on the wrong @way. @this changes direction @depending on what time of day @it is. @at this time these barricades @that you see "do not enter" @signs clearly marked. @lights flashing. @it would have been dark out and @the lights would have been @flashing but just on other @side, nothing there. @ramp at the time that that car @would have been able to get on @ahead of the wrong way and @moments later that crash @occurred just before 3 a.m. @they are not sure if alchohol @is a factor. @we will have updates. @stay with us on fox 13. @for now reporting live, kelly @cowan, fox 13 news. @and i will send it back to you. @>> anjuli: just heartbreaking. @our thoughts and prayers are @with that deputy's family. @ time 9:34. @st. petersburg police have @arrested a man after they say @he showed up to a gas station @with the ingredients to make @meth. @around 10:30. @officers were called out to the @wa-wa on 22nd about a @trespasser when they got there @they found gregory lawrence @with a bottle of chemicals to @make meth. @the area was closed down until @the narcotics unit could @dispose of that bottle. @ the humane society has @dogs. @they were rescued from an @arkansas puppy mill. @300 were found living in @deplorable conditions. @that's right, i said 300. @treated for un-- they were @suffering from untreated @medical issues. @they are facing animal cruelty @charges. @they will be provided with the @medical care; @medical care spayed, neutering, @microchip and they will be put @up for adoption to find their @forever home. @ hulk hogan has rested their @case against gawker. @the wrestler whose real name is @terry bollea is suing gawker @for $100 million for posting a @sex tape with him and his @former best friend's wife. @hogan said he didn't know he @was being recorded. @stalky -- gawker said they had @a right to publish @a right to pub it under the @first amendment. @ a service similar to uber @and lyft is headed to tampa. @it is called downtowner and @this one free of charge. @using an app, you can hail six @using an app, you can hail @six-seater open air vehicle @anywhere downtown from channel @anywhere downtown from @channelside to ulele all over @the place curtis hixon park. @the tampa downtown partnership @said this should make up for @areas that were lacking. @>> we really feel that people @want that on demand kind of @point-to-point service. @they are not as interested in, @you know, a specific route when @it comes every ten minutes or @ten minutes at best. @>> walter: the downtowner app @from 11 to 11 on weekdays and @11 to 7 at night on weekends. @they hope to launch in june. @ events in tampa and st. @pete. @across the bay. @whatever you are doing the @temperatures are going up. @another rewarm afternoon. @look at around the bay area, @low 70s. @then you go to miami and west @palm, already pushing 80 @degrees at 9:30 in the morning @in early march. @it is wild. @goes on a slight uptick on the @clouds. @and the clouds that are @overhead, they are any nature, @so no rain in bradenton beach @today. @sea breeze will be noticeable. @lakeland, i got one tiny little @shower and how timely we can @see it from this vantage point @over lake mirror. @the bulk of steady rain. @it won't move much south of the @panhandle and ahead of the @storm system that is stuck, it @is on the move and go from a @10% rain chance today to 40% @tomorrow. @there is that one little shower @between plant city and lakeland @lakeland. @that's it on sky tower. @10% rain chance inland. @up to 40% west to east sunday @afternoon and evening and by @monday, still some rain, but @the heat doesn't go anywhere. @will it stay that way all week? @i will have the seven-day @coming up. @>> walter: lindsay, thank you. @ :37 @ :is the time. @festival. @50 bands will play on five @stages. @everything is taking place at @tickets start at $30. @thank you so much for not @making me say any of those @names. @our producer. @[ laughter ] @and then in ybor city tonight, @the annual rough riders st. @patrick's day parade. @crews from all over south @florida will take over 7th @avenue with beads, floats, @plenty of fun. @starts at 7:to 30 and best part @won't cost you a time. @ people are expected to turn @out for all of the @egrandparents for the grand @prix. @officials say budget more time @this year for new security @screenings which are similar to @the ones at major sporting @stadiums. @the engines fire up in half an @hour for the pro mazda series. @racing starts at 9 a.m. leading @up to the afternoon indy car @grand prix. @if you were heading down there @or avoid everything all @together, vanessa rufus has you @covered. @>> reporter: good morning, @yeah, we want to talk about @some events and road closures @that come with them. @we have been talking about the @firestone grand prix happening @we do have not only roads @closed but roads with limited @access. @so we will get to that in just @a second. @these are the roads that will @be closed completely. @most of them will be southbound @most of them will be @southbound, southbound thorough @fares, all of them except for @first avenue south. @first street south affected. @and beach drive and bayshore @drive. @completely avoid those areas. @certainly expect heightened @traffic in the area. @as i mentioned we have some @limited access roads. @a full list on that as well as @some information on parking and @pedestrian impacts on my @facebook page. @fox 13's vanessa rufus. @over to ybor city the st. @patrick's parade later today @and road throw closures @starting the afternoon. @3:00 in the afternoon when we @start to see 7th avenue where @you knee nuncio and 7th. @and 7:00 to 8:00. @palm avenue will shut down and @2:00 this afternoon will be tow @ed. @have a fun and a safe time. @ all right, coming up, how @we always think of women being @self-conscious about their before contemplating the many choices on steak 'n shake's $4 dollar menu, one must calm the mind in our zen garden. focus. the garlic double steakburger meal. reflect. the taco salad meal. zen the original double 'n cheese steakburger meal. oh! the $4 menu. where all meals are under $4. @ @ we are having too much fun @this morning. @just look at that photo. @that is a reason not to workout @workout. @>> walter: is that a picture @of a fitness museum like in the @'60s or something? @>> lindsay: i don't know. @>> anjuli: the results are in @of a new study. @men feel they are judged on @their looks. @>> walter: the media is @getting the flame. @fox has the story. @>> reporter: we talked about @the issue of female body image, @but research show men are @nearly as dissatisfied with @their physical appearance than @women. @majority of men feel they are @judgeed based on their looks. @a lot of that pressure steps @from what we see in the media. @>> i see a lot of these @celebrities, a lot of these @fitness commercials, guys with @six-pack, muscles, very fit. @want to look like that. @>> reality tv things like @instagram. @even the retail clothesing for @guys. @everything is thin fit, skinny @fit. @>> reporter: is your girlfriend @in great shape. @>> she is. @>> reporter: how does that @impact your own decisions. @>> she motivates me and wants @me to be a better person and @fit. @>> you know, it is a lot more @involved. @i than i am want to look like @him. @>> reporter: these experiences @are not unusual according to a @new study conducted at chapman @university. @>> about 20% of men are @dissatisfied with their overall @appearance. @40% are dissatisfied with their @weight and 40% are dissatisfied @with their muscle tone. @29% of men say that the media @feel pressure from the media to @attractive. @>> reporter: turns out these @expectations of perfection are @even being promoted to kids. @>> the ideal male body has @changed from 1950 to present. @action figures gi joe's from @the 1960 look like regular @slenlder normal guys, but fast @forward to 2010, these toys, @lifting weights, hitting the @gym. @don't coat me on this om of -- @don't quote me on this, they @are on steroids. @the gi joe, if you blow him up, @his bicep will be bigger than @your head. @>> walter: don't forget the @true start of summer is just @three months away. @of coursi it is pretty nice @here all the time so we have to @be in beach body mode. @>> anjuli: 24-7. @>> walter: 24-7. @almost this time of year where @we show you the blossoms in our @nation's capitol and when they @are full in bloom. @how much cvs lost in revenue @when they stopped selling @cigarettes in their stores. @good morning, lindsay. @>> lindsay: temperatures are @going up by 10 a.m., most of us @in the mid-70s appear a big @deal even though we are not at @the official spring start. @75 in tampa and sebring. @go to the strawberry festival @today and enjoy shortcake. @weather looks good. @low to mid-80s with increasing @high clouds, slim rain chances, @one shower north of plant city @right now but that's it in the @r @ @ the time is 9:47. @ex-los angeles clipper donald @sterling and his wife shelly @have decided to call off their @divorce believe it or not. @sterling was fined $2.5 billion @and had his team taken away @from him. @he was banned from the nba for @life after tmz posted an audio @recording of him talking to his @mistress using racial slurs. @the couple says after 60 years @of marriage. @they have worked it out and @will stay together. @ cvs says since last @september lost money in sales @when they stopped selling @tobacco products all together. @cvs has announced they will @spend $50 million to help end @an epidemic of tobacco use. @their aim is to cut smoke big @ the the famous cherry @blossom trees will be blooming @in washington d.c. they are @expected to be in full bloom a @week from today and last @through march 18. @the current conditions will @make them open up a little bit @early. @couple of days ahead of @schedule. @cherry trees are along the @tidal basin and a gift from @japan in 1912. @beautiful. @>> anjuli: i would love to see @them in person. @such a cool thing. @ locally a lot of counties @on spring break and the party @starts now. @>> walter: all over. @>> lindsay: mother nature is @in the wrong season. @not officially. @83 with increasing high @clouds, but we are not the only @one with above average temps, @dallas, 72. @chicago, 59. @d.c., 58. @some rain along the northern @gulf coast, but the flooding @potential continues to go down. @our temperatures continue to @stay up. @our handy dandy calendar show @that today will be the 6th day @degrees at tia. @our average high, 76. @today we will shoot for 83 not @to mention even warmer the @further away from the beaches. @71 brookdale bay. @ shored. @winds making it feel humid, but @the cloud cover is shielding us @a bit from some of that warmth. @70 at usf marine science @camera. @and looking forward to all the @action for the grand prix. @several even going on today. @the big race tomorrow could @include some rain and isolated @storm and we will be watching @that tomorrow afternoon, not @this afternoon in st. pete. @75 in sebring. @72 lakeland. @70 in st. pete. @so we are all above average. @lots of beautiful high clouds @coming in from the southeast. @you can see the wind arrows and @the wind direction. @winds sustained anywhere from @10 to 12 miles per hour. @not a big breeze today but a @warm breeze bringing the warmth @warm breeze bringing the @warmth. @86 in arcadia. @a warm afternoon but look at @the yellow. @what happens is the southeast @winds will veer on shore, so we @get what called a sea breeze. @67. @so will be a bit milder at the @beaches. @83, very warm for us here in @tampa and plant city, north of @plant city, one tough little @sprinkle. @leftover rain that is held @together all morning started in @highlands county and nice and @quiet. @high pressure has been @protecting us keeping us warm @that breaks down today and if @it does to, some of this rain, @not all of it, but some of it @to our west associated with @this low that was stuck, that @is what is east into the gulf. @with it more clouds. @best rain chance. @time it out on future cast. @today at 10% rain chance. @primarily inland and north of @the bay. @the breeze will protect the @beach from being dry. @overnight, clouds move in and @thicken a bit tomorrow morning @and through about lunchtime, we @are mainly dry. @but rain shifts inland. @so that is the first wave. @and we have that upper level @energy to the west. @so that's what i am concerned @with any delays at ennisbrook. @not a widespread thing and @with the heating of the day, @another 30% rain chance. @midweek weather appears to be @drier but temperatures do not @appear to be cooler. @83, slim rain chances. @high clouds. @they thicken tonight. @spring forward before you head @to bed. @that means tomorrow's sunset an @hour later. @tonight's sunset at 6:36. @and sun rise 7:41. @the change and isolated @thunderstorm chance developing. @we are not expecting a is he @rear weather set-up tomorrow. @good news. @light chop for the boaters, @seas at 2 feet. @winds veering south and what do @you know, low tide at 9:53 @you know, low tide at 9:53. @st. pete pier. @a good one if you like the @warmth. @st. patrick's day. @we bring in deeper moisture and @watch next week closely, guys. @>> walter: 9:52. @lakeland l is the economy rigged? well, the 15 richest americans acquired more wealth in two years than the bottom 100 million people combined. i'm bernie sanders, and i approve this message. my plan -- make wall street banks and the ultra-rich pay their fair share of taxes, provide living wages for working people, ensure equal pay for women. the middle class will continue to disappear unless we level the playing field. with your help, as president, @ @ fox 13's "good day" local @for you all morning long. @>> anjuli: finally this hour, @the world's largest event -- i @can say this, professional @radio-controlled pilots ends in @lakeland. @walgreen's wall we have been @anchoring for a few hours. @pilots come from all over the @world to perform in this event. @lucas bogg show us they may be @small, but they are still fast. @part of the event is called red @flag and it is a competition. @these guys come from all over @the world and they get judged @for every moment they fly. @people think model airplanes @are strings going around and @around in circles. @no, this elite. @the very top layer. @average here is $15,000. @average. @limited by law, by the faa to @200 miles per hour. @these airplane also do @everything that a full-scale @airplane will do and do some @stuff that a full-sized airport @cannot do. @how many of you guys can fly at @200 miles per hour. @look at that. @>> anjuli: pretty neat. @the tenth year for jet week. @if you want to see it doors @open from 9 to 5. @>> lindsay: weather looks good @for it. @grab @ grab the sunglasses. @i think you will need it. @afternoon and we get some rain, @perhaps the storms moving from @the gut of and beyond the rain, @midweek looks good. @warm, drier air.not bad. @keep up to date on all the news @by logging on to our website at @>> lindsay: be sure to follow @us on facebook and twitter. @>> walter: leave with you a @picture from the hillsborough @county sheriff's office about @the fallen deputy, john @kotfila, jr., killed by a wrong @kotfila, jr., killed by a @wrong-way driver. @it reads deputy john kotfila @2016. some people don't like to share their wifi, but at bright house networks, we do. login to one of our hotspots and get your code for free wifi at over 50,000 bright house wifi hotspots. - it's pretty amazing to think that gravity will determine how much the ocean rises and falls throughout the day. so this week on awesome planet, we'll explore the extraordinary science of tides, how they're caused, how they vary, and the impact they have on ecosystems and the planet. (soft rock music) believe it or not, some tides arrive with incredible force. that is a crazy wave! and sometimes they have the power to destroy entire coastlines. this is a pretty dramatic example of what's happening here - what can occur. - [philippe] join me, philippe cousteau, as we venture to four different places where tides make a huge impact on xploration awesome planet. each day, our oceans

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Transcripts For WTVT Good Day Tampa Bay 9AM 20160312 :

Transcripts For WTVT Good Day Tampa Bay 9AM 20160312

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@area this morning hoping to win @the vote of his home state. @ violence on the street of @chicago as protesters clash at @a donald trump rally. @look at this. @down. @what trump himself blames the @anger on. @>> announcer: from tampa bay's @number one news station, this @is fox 13 fox 13. @-- this is "good day tampa bay @bay." @>> anjuli: good morning to @bay." @i am anjuli davis. @>> walter: and time in for @alcides segui, i am walter @allen. @we want to get to that @developing story out of @hillsborough county. @sheriff deputy john catfilla @has been killed by a wrong-way @driver. @it happened on the selmon @expressway around 3:00 this @morning. @the driver who hit the deputy @is also dead. @kelly cowan has been following @this all morning long. @kelly, you are standing in @front of the entrance ramp on @to the selmon. @they are diverting traffic. @where is traffic going? @>> reporter: they are diverting @normally you will be able to @get mere if it was a weekday @morning. @through the weekends they have @this closed. @it was closed last night when @that wrong-way driver would @have ent everyed. @they have the do not enter sign @they have the do not enter @signs up. @these arms marked with lights @warning drivers not to get on @the selmon expressway here. @we are told that as deputies @investigate this crash, the @selmon expressway heading west @is closed right now. @that should be open shortly, @but it haven't been opened @already; however, the eastbound @lanes are expected to be closed @for several hours as this @investigation goes on. @but in is where police -- or @deputy believe that the wrong @way driver this morning would @have entered the selmon @expressway. @the sheriff's car there. @they believe that the -- that @the wrong-way driver would have @diverted around these warnings @not to enter on to the ramp, @and would have taken those @lanes to the side there. @now we have learned the name of @the deputy that was killed in @this morning's fatal crash. @one of them, hillsborough @county sheriff deputy john @robert catfilla jr. @he was with the force for six @years here. @and he actually comes from a @law enforcement family we are @told. @he was a traffic crash @investigators with the @hillsborough county sheriff's @office. @he was driving a marked 2013 @dodge charger. @now the sheriff's office has @provided us with a photo from @this morning's scene. @it is simply heartbreaking. @you can't barely make out the @marked squad car there. @the door over on the side. @they had to extricate the @deputy from his vehicle this @morning. @he was still alive this morning @and quickly rushed to tampa @general hospital where he died @there. @we also have a photo of this @officer because last year we @did a story on him. @you see he is pictured with a @kitty cat. @pause he helped save the cat @that had fallen down this storm @drain and we have met this @officer before. @huge tragedy, a huge loss for @law enforcement here, and they @were very emotional, the @sheriff deputies, when talking @with us. @this just a horrific scene for @them to arrive upon this @morning. @>> the men and women are out @there trying protect everybody, @ and these guys are very @night. @in fact this deputy @in fact this deputy had hoped @to become a traffic homicide @vectors at this point in his @career, but, you know, like a @large family, sometimes you @don't always get along. @but when something happens, @draws you reclose today. @robert cafilla jr. just 30 @years old died this morning in @that wrong-way vehicle crash. @both drivers of both vehicles @dead this morning after that @crash we are also told too @early in the investigation just @yet to determine if alcohol was @involved in the crash so we @will have more updates through @the day as we follow this @story. @for now reporting live in @brandon, kelly cowan, fox 13 @news. @>> all right, kelly, we will @talk to you in a half hour from @now. @a rough morning. @headline s, following @developing story out of tampa. @a person has been hit by a car @that hate bike. @that car tack took off 30th @avenue east and 50th street @north. @tampa police say that area has @been reopened. @the bicyclist is currently in @the hospital with @life-threatening injuries. @police are asking anyone in @that area or saw anything to @give them a call. @lindsay. @ good morning. @temperatures are going up. @80s are bang. @on the map this morning across @our inland zones. @we are at 73 in tampa. @hazy, high clouds. @we will be thickening by @tomorrow. @tomorrow, the wetter day and @the day where we are going to @watch sky tower in st. pete. @big event around 1:00 will keep @the rain developing the gulf. @70 degrees. @southeast winds and as warm as @74 in wesley chapel. @it is cool and upper 60s in a @few spots and one lonely shower @over bartow. @the heating of of the day, i @will throw in a 10% to 20% @chance of an inland shower @lifting north that will stay @dry at the beach. @and notice the rain off to the @west. @south of the panhandle the @leading edge of our rainmaker @for sunday afternoon. @about the warm temps. @low 80s the sea breeze at the @beach. @>> anjuli: thank you, lindsay. @large pictures of the -- live @pictures of the crowd as marco @rubio makes his first stop in @the bay area. @peaking at beckwith avenue on @108 @108th avenue in largo. @then head to to ron teas @barbecue in hudson. @he will make two more @appearances in tampa and then @heading up to pensacola. @ thursday night debate marco @rubio said the winner of the @florida primary will be the @republican nominee and he @intends to win his home state. @a recent fox news poll show he @has ground to make up. @donald trump leads marco rubio @by 25% among likely gop voters. @ a few delegates up today. @in washington d.c. will caucus. @19 delegates are at stake @republicans will caucus in @wyoming and the pacific island @of guam. @democrats in northern mariana @islands will do the same. @>> anjuli: trouble on the @campaign trail for donald trump @violence breaking out at a @rally in chicago. @people gathered for the @raleigh, protesters ended up @with tickets to that rally. @many of them said they were @crash it. @frustrations flared and that @when the sparks and punches @began flying. @an unbelievable scene inside @and outside of that arena where @the rally was to take place. @trump commented on this @themselves saying that people @are angry over a lack of -- @>> an economic problem. @people want to have increases @and work and have good jobs or @at least have the ability to @have a job. @we don't have that in this @country. @>> anjuli: voter also head to @the polls on tuesday. @ for more, craig patrick, @our political editor. @craig, you mentioned that @protests like this obviously @noted a violent but they have @been going on for some time @now. @these candidates, especially @trump, what can they do it to @stop it if anything. @>>reporter: there comes at a @trouble @troubling time for donald trump @because remember in the last @republican debate, he did not @roll in the mud. @he did not throw inunited @states is with marco rubio back @and forth as we have seen. @he tried to project leadership @tried to be presidential and @received a key endorsement by @ben carson. @ben carson said donald trump @was the best person to unite @the country. @this is followed think about @discord. @this has the potential to @obviously backfire on donald @trump. @it is incumbent therefore on @him to find a way in the next @couple of days to prevent these @kind of crashes from breaking @out yet again while maintaining @his stance and he continues to @assist that -- insist that @protesters are at fault. @clearly organization @clearly organization to this. @you have hundreds of protesters @apparently representing @and with protest signs and @given the frustration and anger @that trump supporters have, you @get these kind of clashes i @think what happened in ohio and @certainly bears a lot of @watching. @>> walter: i just got word @from our producer that trump @cancelled his event in @cincinnati. @possibly because of this. @maybe not. @time will tell. @craig, i do want to move on to @marco rubio. @the fact that he is asking @people in the state of ohio to @vote for their governor john @kasich as opposed donald trump @kasich as opposed donald trump. @is this the last we are seeing @of marco rubio. @>> reporter: marco rubio was @down 20 points in the state of @florida, and not only was he @down that much, the internal @polling show that trump's @numbers have been accelerating @in the state of florida. @rubio has not been closing the @gap, in fact it has been going @the other way. @it leaves him in a situation @miracle knowing full well he @can't spend time in ohio. @he is not going to win there. @asking voters -- even though @you want me, don't vote for me. @vote for this other guy kasich @because the best way to set the @table to trump doesn't get the @nomination. @that is a very difficult @argument to make to voters who @are not used to trying to rig @something for the benefit of @one candidate to the other but @just want to go in the booth @and vote the person they @believe in. @this is continue at mount a @hail mary in politics that he @is trying to throw in ohio and @january kasich is not @responding the same way. @if people want to vote for john @kasich, vote for john kasich no @matter where you live. @>> walter: craig, let's switch @things. @bernie sanders not the favorite @here in florida, but he wasn't @the favorite in michigan, do @you ehim pulling out another @win in the state of florida @like he has predicted? @>> that going to be a very tall @yes. @he defied the polls in @michigan. @much tighter than what the poll @polls are suggesting in. @ there. @we have seen numbers showing @him down 30 points, down much @more than he was in michigan @but a big difference of the @democratic and republican races @winner take all in the @republican not the democratic. @off 15% threshold there. @so with this, bernie sanders @does not have to win the vote @in florida to still walk away a @decent number of delegates and @that is why he is making a play @here pause if he concedes the @state to hillary clinton he @will walk away a treasure trove @of delegates to make it harder @for bernie sanders to check up. @>> walter: money, power and @politics heavy hitters @including charley belcher. @>> reporter: absolutely, he has @megaphone. @marco rubio one on one and @charlie laduff as well to take @us through a trip to i-4 @corridor of who the people are @and what will swing their votes @and what will swing their @votes. @>> walter: charley belcher @with a mega phone must mean it @is election season. @craig patrick, thank you so @much. @>> reporter: thank you. @ still ahead, get ready to @spring forward tomorrow @morning. @>> anjuli: bad news for us on @the morning show shift. @how lawmakers want to see an @end to daylight saving time. @hey, lindsay. @>> lindsay: good morning. @people are lucky to head to the @beach. @weather looks perfect for a @beach day. @spring breakers are out there @and the clouds are in the @distance. @i picture today for a beach @day. @temperatures from the low 70s @to 80s. @and a dry day today at the @and we w @ @ developing this morning a @hillsborough county deputy has @been hit and killed this @morning by a wrong-way driver @on the entrance ramp from i-75 @sheriff david gee released his @name an hour ago. @deputy john cafilla. @he was 30 greers old @he was 30 greers old and has @been with the sheriff's office @for six years. @>> walter: this is the second @time we showed this picture and @kelly had it at the top of the @9 and this is the first time @that i am able to dissect it. @the two cruiser doors up @against the concrete barricade @there. @it shows they had to cut the @deputy out of the car to rush @him to the hospital and @unfortunately he didn't -- he @didn't survive his injuries. @again, six years with the @department. @he was hoping to be a traffic @homicide investigators @homicide investigator. @just -- just -- a tough loss @for the -- for the department @of law enforcement all around @the area and the country. @>> that wrong way driver is @also dead and we will continue @to follow this developing story @throughout the morning and @check our web site for updates @at @ to some other headlines @right now at 9:17. @have an excuse to miss work on @monday. @the new jersey transit agency @has reached a tentative @agreement for the rail workers. @a strike that threatened monday @morning's commute into chaos @has at this point been avoided. @ all right, our least @favorite time of the year, @getting ready to spring forward @getting ready to spring @forward. @clocks are moving ahead at 2:00 @tomorrow morning. @>> anjuli: @. @>> anjuli: always stuff. @some people believe that day @some people believe that @daylight saving time should be @phased out. @myself included. @they stay does damage to our @health. @opponents stay causes traffic @accidents, heart attacks and @strokes all increase when you @change the time and contrary to @popular belief, it does not @save electricity. @there are states that want to @get rid of daylight saving time @all together and move eastern @time to atlantic time permanent @time to atlantic time @permanently. @what do you think, an extra @coffee day tomorrow. @basically like an irk v of @coffee what you need for the @>> lindsay: can we create a @buddy system where we both @reach out to make sure we are @thing. @>> anjuli: walter is doing a @great job on the weekend shift, @he can do both jobs for us. @>> lindsay: and bring us @>> walter: thank you. @so much. @. @>> enjoy it very much. @>> lindsay: i will say this, @some people like the change @because if they work in the day @late in the day. @there are trade-off @there are tradeoffs. @i am one of the ones and you @are some of the ones with a @thumbs down. @>> walter: glass is always @half full. @>> lindsay: i am trying @because people on faceback may @not be happy about that. @the sun rises at 6:41. @tomorrow 7:41. @but here is the change. @sunset before 8 p.m. as we @spring forward, that hour of @daylight will be later on. @we don't necessarily gain or @lose any more time. @check the batteries and the @clock. @doyle every single clock before @i go to bed. @looking toward the beaches, 73 @degrees. @high clouds overhead that will @thicken between this time now @and tomorrow in st. pete for @the grand prix at 70 degrees. @getting ready for lots of @activity here today. @weather looks good. @generally dry and tomorrow, a @little tricky on the timing of @when this rain will move in. @the big race the verizon indy @car race. @and showers not necessarily in @st. pete but a good day to @track sky tower. @i am expecting at some point @later in the day for redevelop @later in the day for @redeveloping rain and some @storms to the gulf. @72 in sarasota. @74 wesley chapel. @77 already in brandon. @so the heat is on today. @it is muggy too. @look at our dew points @approaching 70 degrees. @so we have noticed throughout @the week every day, we will @spend more. @and the humidity is out in full @force. @what that did this morning fuel @a few showers. @left of them north of bartow @i expect plant city to stay dry @if it is the weekend. @high pressure to the east that @will open the door for not all @of this moisture but some of @this moisture. @this low, this cart off low has @been stuck. @it if you have been watching @our news or -- this rain season @not going to move much by today @but by tomorrow, moves to the @east and n @east and moves to the north and @east. @futurecast, high clouds @thickening. @don't be surprised if you live @east of i-75 and north to see a @couple of showers. @look at the arrows, the sea @breeze that will protect us @from the wind at the beach and @st. pete. @early this evening perhaps a @few showers and we wake up dry @sunday morning and low clouds @and extra clouds. @to the west is where the rain @starts to move in. @by lunchtime @by lunchtime kind of dry and @interior showers. @afternoon and evening if some @of this hodes together not @everyone will be dealing with @40% rain chancing @rumbles of thunder and @innisbrook and st. pete. @sky tower helps us out. @check it out tomorrow in cases @there any lightning around. @83 for today. @slip rain chance. @plenty of high clouds that @thicken and spring forward. @sunset at 6:37. @tomorrow, sunrise, 7:41. @more clouds. @that 40% chance of rain @developing still in the 80s. @light chop. @gulf buoy at 57. @and the seven-day forecast for @spring break, it is warm. @it is humid. @the rain through monday, but @friday we start to up the @temperature and next weekend, i @am expecting a better rain @chance, just f y+ i. @>> anjuli: thank you, lindsay. @ after the break the @lightning take another loss @against the flyers. @show you the flight amalie @arena. @ plus, jordan speith gets @into the weekend play by the @skin of his teeth. @who is on stop of the @ we continue to follow the @top story of the morning at 9 @top story of the morning at @9:22. @in the brandon area. @you are looking at live images @from skyfox. @that is deputy catfilla's @cruiser after he was hit and @killed by a wrong-way driver. @it happened about 3:00 this @morning. @the driver, the wrong-way @driver has been killed as well. @eastbound express lanes of the @selmon have been shut down. @you can see they are in the @pr @ @. @tampa bay lightning lost @another tough one at home in @amalie arena to the @philadelphia flyers. @the flyers are just two points @out of a playoff spot, and her @hungry to get back to the post @season. @sam gagner and matt reid both @scored power play goals. @not great night for the bolts. @they didn't have a shot. @the first nine and a half @minutes of the third. @the lightning head to ohio to @play the bluejackets. @a very beatable team tomorrow @afternoon. @ the green, round 3 for the @valspar championship. @sharing the top spot is jordan @mckenzie. @jordan speith. @you he made the shot with one @shot to spare. @pretty exciting eight shots @separate the top and bottom of @the leader board. @ the tampa bay rays are in @port charlotte getting ready @for a game against the tampa @lost 4-3. @and by tomorrow would be the @boston red sox. @>> anjuli: to the racetrack @where nascar turns to the @desert of phoenix. @kyle busch on the polls for the @race after posting the fastest @time during qualifying @time during qualifying last @night. @push's first pole win of the @season. @joe gibbs racing locked up the @top three spots with carl @edwards qualifying second an @denny hamlin in third. @of course you can catch that @race right here on fox 13. @coverage starts at 3:00 @tomorrow afternoon and the @green flag for all 312 laps for @the 500 should be waved around @3:30. @calorie calorie @calorie @ @>> walter: you were telling me @advertising doesn't work. @i was looking a that the car @and saying want some skittles. @i haven't had skittles in a @long time. @>> anjuli: a marketer's dream. @ the bike, water taxis @already, but now a new form of @transportation is on the way. @cowan covering the deadly wrong @cowan covering the deadly @wrong-way crash in hillsborough @county. @and she will have the latest on @that. @kelly, good morning. @>> reporter: start rolling -- (phone ringing) you can't deal with something, by ignoring it. but that's how some presidential candidates seem to be dealing with social security. americans work hard, and pay into it. so our next president needs a real plan (elephant noise) hey candidates, @ @. @ welcome back, everybody, at @9:30. @the top story of this morning @another deadly wrong-way @accident. @this time on the selmon @expressway. @>> anjuli: truly heartbreaking @>> anjuli: truly @heartbreaking. @a hillsborough county sheriff @deputy is dead along with that @wrong-way driver. @it happened very earl this @morning on selmon expressway at @the brandon express exit. @now all morning long, eastbound @closed down but a few minutes @ago they have reopened. @you can see from skyfox, the @deputy's cruiser which is @practically unrecognizable, as @well as a white suv have both @been towed away. @fox 13's kelly cowan joining us @now live from the scene with @the very latest. @kelly, we now know the victims' @names, right. @>> reporter: we know the victim @>> reporter: we know the @victim's name. @his name eric macbeth. @that was the wrong-way driver. @we know both victims' names. @eric macbeth and the deputy who @was passed away -- he was hit @head on traveling correct way. @his name john robert kotfila, @jr. @just a short -- a few minutes @ago we could see both vehicles @drive by us on wreckers. @both of them taken from the @scene from what we can tell, it @seems that all roads have been @since reopened this just a @horrific crash. @both of them smashed completely @in, and you can see the -- you @can see the two vehicles right @here from the photos that we @were sent this morning from the @scene. @of course, hillsborough county @sheriff's office gave us a @close-up look of what that @deputy's car looked like after @this crash. @his front end completely mashed @in. @he had to be extricated from @the car. @the roof cut off. @a photo of john kotfila that we @have after a story last year. @he actually rescued a kitten @from a storm drain. @you see him holding a cat here. @we have done a story before @with this officer. @he is a traffic crash @hillsborough county sheriff's @department. @he has been working for them @for over six years. @30-year-old deputy, and just @such a tragic loss for this @entire community. @when we were talking to other @deputies this morning, just so @much emotion in their voices. @actually one of them broke down @exactly what emergency @resfoonders came upon this -- @responders came upon this @morning. @okay, so we will keep you @updated throughout the day and @just now still too early in @this investigation to know @whether or not alcohol may have @been a factor. @of course this crash occurred @very early in the morning just @before 3 a.m. in this area, and @i want to point out something @behind me where sheriff @deputies believe the driver @would have gone on the wrong @way. @this changes direction @depending on what time of day @it is. @at this time these barricades @that you see "do not enter" @signs clearly marked. @lights flashing. @it would have been dark out and @the lights would have been @flashing but just on other @side, nothing there. @ramp at the time that that car @would have been able to get on @ahead of the wrong way and @moments later that crash @occurred just before 3 a.m. @they are not sure if alchohol @is a factor. @we will have updates. @stay with us on fox 13. @for now reporting live, kelly @cowan, fox 13 news. @and i will send it back to you. @>> anjuli: just heartbreaking. @our thoughts and prayers are @with that deputy's family. @ time 9:34. @st. petersburg police have @arrested a man after they say @he showed up to a gas station @with the ingredients to make @meth. @around 10:30. @officers were called out to the @wa-wa on 22nd about a @trespasser when they got there @they found gregory lawrence @with a bottle of chemicals to @make meth. @the area was closed down until @the narcotics unit could @dispose of that bottle. @ the humane society has @dogs. @they were rescued from an @arkansas puppy mill. @300 were found living in @deplorable conditions. @that's right, i said 300. @treated for un-- they were @suffering from untreated @medical issues. @they are facing animal cruelty @charges. @they will be provided with the @medical care; @medical care spayed, neutering, @microchip and they will be put @up for adoption to find their @forever home. @ hulk hogan has rested their @case against gawker. @the wrestler whose real name is @terry bollea is suing gawker @for $100 million for posting a @sex tape with him and his @former best friend's wife. @hogan said he didn't know he @was being recorded. @stalky -- gawker said they had @a right to publish @a right to pub it under the @first amendment. @ a service similar to uber @and lyft is headed to tampa. @it is called downtowner and @this one free of charge. @using an app, you can hail six @using an app, you can hail @six-seater open air vehicle @anywhere downtown from channel @anywhere downtown from @channelside to ulele all over @the place curtis hixon park. @the tampa downtown partnership @said this should make up for @areas that were lacking. @>> we really feel that people @want that on demand kind of @point-to-point service. @they are not as interested in, @you know, a specific route when @it comes every ten minutes or @ten minutes at best. @>> walter: the downtowner app @from 11 to 11 on weekdays and @11 to 7 at night on weekends. @they hope to launch in june. @ events in tampa and st. @pete. @across the bay. @whatever you are doing the @temperatures are going up. @another rewarm afternoon. @look at around the bay area, @low 70s. @then you go to miami and west @palm, already pushing 80 @degrees at 9:30 in the morning @in early march. @it is wild. @goes on a slight uptick on the @clouds. @and the clouds that are @overhead, they are any nature, @so no rain in bradenton beach @today. @sea breeze will be noticeable. @lakeland, i got one tiny little @shower and how timely we can @see it from this vantage point @over lake mirror. @the bulk of steady rain. @it won't move much south of the @panhandle and ahead of the @storm system that is stuck, it @is on the move and go from a @10% rain chance today to 40% @tomorrow. @there is that one little shower @between plant city and lakeland @lakeland. @that's it on sky tower. @10% rain chance inland. @up to 40% west to east sunday @afternoon and evening and by @monday, still some rain, but @the heat doesn't go anywhere. @will it stay that way all week? @i will have the seven-day @coming up. @>> walter: lindsay, thank you. @ :37 @ :is the time. @festival. @50 bands will play on five @stages. @everything is taking place at @tickets start at $30. @thank you so much for not @making me say any of those @names. @our producer. @[ laughter ] @and then in ybor city tonight, @the annual rough riders st. @patrick's day parade. @crews from all over south @florida will take over 7th @avenue with beads, floats, @plenty of fun. @starts at 7:to 30 and best part @won't cost you a time. @ people are expected to turn @out for all of the @egrandparents for the grand @prix. @officials say budget more time @this year for new security @screenings which are similar to @the ones at major sporting @stadiums. @the engines fire up in half an @hour for the pro mazda series. @racing starts at 9 a.m. leading @up to the afternoon indy car @grand prix. @if you were heading down there @or avoid everything all @together, vanessa rufus has you @covered. @>> reporter: good morning, @yeah, we want to talk about @some events and road closures @that come with them. @we have been talking about the @firestone grand prix happening @we do have not only roads @closed but roads with limited @access. @so we will get to that in just @a second. @these are the roads that will @be closed completely. @most of them will be southbound @most of them will be @southbound, southbound thorough @fares, all of them except for @first avenue south. @first street south affected. @and beach drive and bayshore @drive. @completely avoid those areas. @certainly expect heightened @traffic in the area. @as i mentioned we have some @limited access roads. @a full list on that as well as @some information on parking and @pedestrian impacts on my @facebook page. @fox 13's vanessa rufus. @over to ybor city the st. @patrick's parade later today @and road throw closures @starting the afternoon. @3:00 in the afternoon when we @start to see 7th avenue where @you knee nuncio and 7th. @and 7:00 to 8:00. @palm avenue will shut down and @2:00 this afternoon will be tow @ed. @have a fun and a safe time. @ all right, coming up, how @we always think of women being @self-conscious about their before contemplating the many choices on steak 'n shake's $4 dollar menu, one must calm the mind in our zen garden. focus. the garlic double steakburger meal. reflect. the taco salad meal. zen the original double 'n cheese steakburger meal. oh! the $4 menu. where all meals are under $4. @ @ we are having too much fun @this morning. @just look at that photo. @that is a reason not to workout @workout. @>> walter: is that a picture @of a fitness museum like in the @'60s or something? @>> lindsay: i don't know. @>> anjuli: the results are in @of a new study. @men feel they are judged on @their looks. @>> walter: the media is @getting the flame. @fox has the story. @>> reporter: we talked about @the issue of female body image, @but research show men are @nearly as dissatisfied with @their physical appearance than @women. @majority of men feel they are @judgeed based on their looks. @a lot of that pressure steps @from what we see in the media. @>> i see a lot of these @celebrities, a lot of these @fitness commercials, guys with @six-pack, muscles, very fit. @want to look like that. @>> reality tv things like @instagram. @even the retail clothesing for @guys. @everything is thin fit, skinny @fit. @>> reporter: is your girlfriend @in great shape. @>> she is. @>> reporter: how does that @impact your own decisions. @>> she motivates me and wants @me to be a better person and @fit. @>> you know, it is a lot more @involved. @i than i am want to look like @him. @>> reporter: these experiences @are not unusual according to a @new study conducted at chapman @university. @>> about 20% of men are @dissatisfied with their overall @appearance. @40% are dissatisfied with their @weight and 40% are dissatisfied @with their muscle tone. @29% of men say that the media @feel pressure from the media to @attractive. @>> reporter: turns out these @expectations of perfection are @even being promoted to kids. @>> the ideal male body has @changed from 1950 to present. @action figures gi joe's from @the 1960 look like regular @slenlder normal guys, but fast @forward to 2010, these toys, @lifting weights, hitting the @gym. @don't coat me on this om of -- @don't quote me on this, they @are on steroids. @the gi joe, if you blow him up, @his bicep will be bigger than @your head. @>> walter: don't forget the @true start of summer is just @three months away. @of coursi it is pretty nice @here all the time so we have to @be in beach body mode. @>> anjuli: 24-7. @>> walter: 24-7. @almost this time of year where @we show you the blossoms in our @nation's capitol and when they @are full in bloom. @how much cvs lost in revenue @when they stopped selling @cigarettes in their stores. @good morning, lindsay. @>> lindsay: temperatures are @going up by 10 a.m., most of us @in the mid-70s appear a big @deal even though we are not at @the official spring start. @75 in tampa and sebring. @go to the strawberry festival @today and enjoy shortcake. @weather looks good. @low to mid-80s with increasing @high clouds, slim rain chances, @one shower north of plant city @right now but that's it in the @r @ @ the time is 9:47. @ex-los angeles clipper donald @sterling and his wife shelly @have decided to call off their @divorce believe it or not. @sterling was fined $2.5 billion @and had his team taken away @from him. @he was banned from the nba for @life after tmz posted an audio @recording of him talking to his @mistress using racial slurs. @the couple says after 60 years @of marriage. @they have worked it out and @will stay together. @ cvs says since last @september lost money in sales @when they stopped selling @tobacco products all together. @cvs has announced they will @spend $50 million to help end @an epidemic of tobacco use. @their aim is to cut smoke big @ the the famous cherry @blossom trees will be blooming @in washington d.c. they are @expected to be in full bloom a @week from today and last @through march 18. @the current conditions will @make them open up a little bit @early. @couple of days ahead of @schedule. @cherry trees are along the @tidal basin and a gift from @japan in 1912. @beautiful. @>> anjuli: i would love to see @them in person. @such a cool thing. @ locally a lot of counties @on spring break and the party @starts now. @>> walter: all over. @>> lindsay: mother nature is @in the wrong season. @not officially. @83 with increasing high @clouds, but we are not the only @one with above average temps, @dallas, 72. @chicago, 59. @d.c., 58. @some rain along the northern @gulf coast, but the flooding @potential continues to go down. @our temperatures continue to @stay up. @our handy dandy calendar show @that today will be the 6th day @degrees at tia. @our average high, 76. @today we will shoot for 83 not @to mention even warmer the @further away from the beaches. @71 brookdale bay. @ shored. @winds making it feel humid, but @the cloud cover is shielding us @a bit from some of that warmth. @70 at usf marine science @camera. @and looking forward to all the @action for the grand prix. @several even going on today. @the big race tomorrow could @include some rain and isolated @storm and we will be watching @that tomorrow afternoon, not @this afternoon in st. pete. @75 in sebring. @72 lakeland. @70 in st. pete. @so we are all above average. @lots of beautiful high clouds @coming in from the southeast. @you can see the wind arrows and @the wind direction. @winds sustained anywhere from @10 to 12 miles per hour. @not a big breeze today but a @warm breeze bringing the warmth @warm breeze bringing the @warmth. @86 in arcadia. @a warm afternoon but look at @the yellow. @what happens is the southeast @winds will veer on shore, so we @get what called a sea breeze. @67. @so will be a bit milder at the @beaches. @83, very warm for us here in @tampa and plant city, north of @plant city, one tough little @sprinkle. @leftover rain that is held @together all morning started in @highlands county and nice and @quiet. @high pressure has been @protecting us keeping us warm @that breaks down today and if @it does to, some of this rain, @not all of it, but some of it @to our west associated with @this low that was stuck, that @is what is east into the gulf. @with it more clouds. @best rain chance. @time it out on future cast. @today at 10% rain chance. @primarily inland and north of @the bay. @the breeze will protect the @beach from being dry. @overnight, clouds move in and @thicken a bit tomorrow morning @and through about lunchtime, we @are mainly dry. @but rain shifts inland. @so that is the first wave. @and we have that upper level @energy to the west. @so that's what i am concerned @with any delays at ennisbrook. @not a widespread thing and @with the heating of the day, @another 30% rain chance. @midweek weather appears to be @drier but temperatures do not @appear to be cooler. @83, slim rain chances. @high clouds. @they thicken tonight. @spring forward before you head @to bed. @that means tomorrow's sunset an @hour later. @tonight's sunset at 6:36. @and sun rise 7:41. @the change and isolated @thunderstorm chance developing. @we are not expecting a is he @rear weather set-up tomorrow. @good news. @light chop for the boaters, @seas at 2 feet. @winds veering south and what do @you know, low tide at 9:53 @you know, low tide at 9:53. @st. pete pier. @a good one if you like the @warmth. @st. patrick's day. @we bring in deeper moisture and @watch next week closely, guys. @>> walter: 9:52. @lakeland l is the economy rigged? well, the 15 richest americans acquired more wealth in two years than the bottom 100 million people combined. i'm bernie sanders, and i approve this message. my plan -- make wall street banks and the ultra-rich pay their fair share of taxes, provide living wages for working people, ensure equal pay for women. the middle class will continue to disappear unless we level the playing field. with your help, as president, @ @ fox 13's "good day" local @for you all morning long. @>> anjuli: finally this hour, @the world's largest event -- i @can say this, professional @radio-controlled pilots ends in @lakeland. @walgreen's wall we have been @anchoring for a few hours. @pilots come from all over the @world to perform in this event. @lucas bogg show us they may be @small, but they are still fast. @part of the event is called red @flag and it is a competition. @these guys come from all over @the world and they get judged @for every moment they fly. @people think model airplanes @are strings going around and @around in circles. @no, this elite. @the very top layer. @average here is $15,000. @average. @limited by law, by the faa to @200 miles per hour. @these airplane also do @everything that a full-scale @airplane will do and do some @stuff that a full-sized airport @cannot do. @how many of you guys can fly at @200 miles per hour. @look at that. @>> anjuli: pretty neat. @the tenth year for jet week. @if you want to see it doors @open from 9 to 5. @>> lindsay: weather looks good @for it. @grab @ grab the sunglasses. @i think you will need it. @afternoon and we get some rain, @perhaps the storms moving from @the gut of and beyond the rain, @midweek looks good. @warm, drier air.not bad. @keep up to date on all the news @by logging on to our website at @>> lindsay: be sure to follow @us on facebook and twitter. @>> walter: leave with you a @picture from the hillsborough @county sheriff's office about @the fallen deputy, john @kotfila, jr., killed by a wrong @kotfila, jr., killed by a @wrong-way driver. @it reads deputy john kotfila @2016. some people don't like to share their wifi, but at bright house networks, we do. login to one of our hotspots and get your code for free wifi at over 50,000 bright house wifi hotspots. - it's pretty amazing to think that gravity will determine how much the ocean rises and falls throughout the day. so this week on awesome planet, we'll explore the extraordinary science of tides, how they're caused, how they vary, and the impact they have on ecosystems and the planet. (soft rock music) believe it or not, some tides arrive with incredible force. that is a crazy wave! and sometimes they have the power to destroy entire coastlines. this is a pretty dramatic example of what's happening here - what can occur. - [philippe] join me, philippe cousteau, as we venture to four different places where tides make a huge impact on xploration awesome planet. each day, our oceans

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