Transcripts For WTVT Good Day Tampa Bay 8AM 20160314 : comp

Transcripts For WTVT Good Day Tampa Bay 8AM 20160314

pover anna maria. pwork et cetera way into braden pto where it will start to full papart other than that rain pchance relatively quiet. p80 for high temperature. ptomorrow. pand still keep temperatures in plower 80s for afternoon highs. pvanessa good morning. pgood morning. retty hectic morning on proadways we will start you off pwith new crash before we get to pwhat's going on bridges. pstay tuned in you have to travel pfrom pinellas to tampa. pwe're taking live look at 275 psouthbound. pthis is near bird street. pas we look towards sligh avenue pa crash reported in that area. pblocking a center lane. pyou can see travel times are up pquite a bit. palmost ten minutes worth of pdelays at this point. p36 minuteses your ride from pbeers road to i-4 appear soled pback up to fowler at this point. pdrivers especially through that pstretch between sligh and fowler ptake florida avenue. pmeantime we mentioned we have pjams going on bridges courtney pcamp em causeway skyfox overhead pthis one finally showing us pwestbound lanes blocked due to pthis crash which we showed you psome scene pictures from pearlier. pinvolving a coca-cola truck and panother vehicle. peastbound. ptravel lanes are open it appears pas though those are really ptaking a hit. pservice maybe on looker and just pfolks slowing down as they are assing by. pyou will want to avoid that pbridge completely eastbound an pand westbound due to roadblock pages and a delays. pnormally i push you off on to phoward franklin an earlier crash pblocking a lane we haven't precovered as far as those travel ptimes in northbound direction. pso it looks like you're best pbets are going to be phillsborough avenue. pyou can also take gandy bridge. pwhich looking pretty clear. lease leave early though. p all right vanessa thank you. pirony that could have become ptragedy. pearly this morning two officers atrolling for stolen cars find pone. pbecause it rammed right into ptheir undercover vehicle. pand in that stolen car a bunch pof teen agers fox 13 beings ken psuarez live in st. pete. pi understand a knob number of eople have to go to hospital pbecause of this crash. p>> as a matter of fact, six in a pcar and two officers, officers pdoing pretty much okay. punfortunately the driver of the pstolen vehicle in critical pcondition thank goodness nobody pwas as killed. pbottom line this is tampa bay phas a pretty big problem with pstolen vehicles. pthis is a perfect example. pand unfortunately, that problem pis getting even bigger. pnow st. pete has more than its pshare of stolen cars. pfound out a little while ago p2200 a year or ripped off. pmany times because of the driver pleaves his or her her keys in pthe car. pthat's what investigators say phappened in this case. pcar involved in this crash povernight was stolen last week pcoming north on 54th street. pwhen it slammed into a pick up pwith two undercover officers pinside. pearlier the chief told us that pst. pete police have their hands pfull with this kind of problem. p>> ike think about this, we were pwe ran into another stolen car. pwe have a situation where he unch of people coming on to phospital one critically injured pdon't know the outcome there and pit's all really unnecessary. pi can tell you at this point the ractical information here is pthat central has been closed for pbetter part of the night. pshould be opening not too long pfrom now. pan officer tells us probably pwithin next 45 minutes or so, we phave one tow truck there, pwaiting for second, and then pit's going to cleaned up. pcleaning up the problem of pstolen cars a much bigger one. peasiest all of us to do take pyour keys out car and leave it pat that. pback to you aguys. pa so many problems. pthank you, ken. p>> and a time is now 8:04. plater this week law enforcement pfrom all over country will come pto hillsborough county to mourn pa death deputy killed by a pwrong-way driver. pthat crash happened early psaturday morning on selman pexpressway. pdeputy john is the sixth phillsborough county sheriff's pdeputy to be killed in car paccident while on duty. pinvestigators say deputy was pdriving on elevated lanes of pexpressway when eric mcbeth pcrashed into him head-on. pthey believe mcbeth drove around pwarning sans and barriers to an penter selman expressway going pwrong way. phe had been with department for psix years. psheriff's office is working with phis family to finalize funeral lans. pand in maryland two people are pnow behind bars after police say pthey shot and killed a police pofficer as he was walking out of pa substation. p>> the police chief said pcompletely unprovoked officer pwho was killed just days short pof his 29th birthday and was pworking as an undercover pnarcotics officers at the time pof that ambush. p>> that was scene outside of a pdonald trump rally in chick. pjust after it was cancelled. pviolent clashes broke out in the pstreets between trump protester pand a supporters. pat least 5 people were arrested. pand chicago police officer was pinjured. pin ohio, in kansas city there pwere similar issues trump prallies too. ptrump is hoping for much quieter prally here in tampa. phe's invited a large group to an pevent at the convention center. pthere are still some tickets pavailable for that event. pfox 13 elly is live at the pconvention center where look pwhat you can expect to see if pyou plan to attend. peven if you don't kelly, there pare some closures people need to pknow about, right? p>> that's right. pwell just outside of the pconvention center, we were told pit would start at 8:00 a.m. the proad is still open but franklin pstreet right in front of pconvention center should be pclosing shortly to traffic. pso that could make things a plittle interesting if you are pcommuting through here. articular toll harbor island. pwe're told that you should look pup some ways to divert around pthis traffic. pone of the ways take an palternate bridge. pme right now i am new to this parea to please forgive. pheavy police presence building palready in this area. pseveral police cars arriving a plot of flashing lights around phere. pi'm told by my colleague here pthat's with me bringing pequipment into building already pthis morning security has been pvery tight. pof course, we as the media have pto have all of our gear checked pahead of that 2:00 p.m. stage ptime for donald trump. pand it's been a little pinteresting out here so far this pmorning. pbut as you mention tickets still pavailable to today's event. pyou can check out our website to pfind the link to the place where pyou just sign up. pabsolutely free to attend here. pgates open at 11. pbut other side of this building pthe main entrance people are palready lining up. pso if you want one of those top pseats you might want to get down phere now. pthousands expect. plast time donald trump came to pthe tampa bay area about a month pthe sun dome at usf. pfor now reporting live in pdowntown tampa, i'm kelly cowan, psend it back to you in studio. pkelly, vanessa says beneficial pbridge i wouldn't have known pcertainly wouldn't have known pthat either. pso we got that for you. pbeneficial bridge. pthanks we're talking later i'm pglad she's there to keep us pcovered. pthanks. psee you later. pand not just donald trump who is pbeing met by protester marco prubio had his own bizarre county pwith one during an event in pvillages yesterday. pa man stood up in front of room paccused rubio trying to steal phis girlfriend. p>> that's enough i have to tell peveryone marco rubio. p>> geez. pis trying steal my girlfriend. pshy doesn't look at me any more. pwe don't beat up our hecklers pthis at our event. pmarco rubio just took a dig at pdonald trump who come under fire pfor violence at his rallies. pviolence but said eat foot legal pbills of those that attack rotester hillary clinton and pbernie sanders took to national pstage for a televised town hall pthe big point both were trying pto make, why they would be erson to beat donald trump. pespecially since trump continues pto lead the rest gop candidates pclinton says she believers she pwould attract more voters saying pshe's only candidate that pactually gotten more votes than ptrump at this point. p>> but sanders fought back psaying it's still too early to ptell. p>> and here's how things are plooking so far. pflorida is a must win state for psenator rubio fee wants to stay pin this race. pright now not looking too good. paccording to cbs news poll trump phas 44 percent of vote among pregistered voters followed by pcruise 24 percent rubio trails pin third at 21 percent. pmost recent fox 13 opinion savvy oll puts rubio trailing by pnearly 20 points. pon democratic side a wall street pleading bernie sandersly 30 oints in a florida. p20 in ohio 6 in illinois. p>> a dave back with late edge on pour beautiful beach forecast pwelcome to march madness a big pannouncement expected for puniversity of south florida. pwalter allen is live there this pmorning. phey there my friend. pgood morning there guys. pstanding with head coach jose pfernandez first teach me how to pshoot a free freeh throw. phere we go. pare you kidding me, seriously pright now? plet's go to charley. pcharley save me. psave me. p>> the madness has begun. pi am in davenport this morning pdavenport school of the arts pfr pour cool school of the week pwe're going to get funky with pthe jazz band. poh, yeah. pwe're going going to take you puptown davenport. pstick are everybody. 3 3 ((russell 2shot bw)) it's march madness! and a huge day for the university of south florida's women's basketball team.((dave)) they are expected to find out today where they will fit into pthey are expected to find out ptoday a where they will fit into pa ncaa tournament. pfox 13 walter allen our resident pbasketball guru and player is plive this morning to talk about pwhy this is such a huge deal for pthe team. p>> did you not just see that, pdave? pwe saw it. pwe just think you were having a pbad moment. p>> i think you should try it pagain. pyeah, that's what it was. pno, no, we will leave it alone. pthey are saying a bad moment i'm pactually much better than what pwas on display a moment ago. pi don't know about that. p>> you're running around after pthat basketball a long time pgetting warmed up. retty much, i was just chasing pit jose joining us pcongratulations. p>> thank you. pthank you very much. phow much time do you spend penjoying moment or already plooking forward to next game? p>> well after last monday night. pbig monday against connecticut pwe had some, we had some time poff. pand we brought our kids back pthis weekend. pi know we're excited and we're plooking forward to tonight to psee where we're head is there pany difference between ptournament games versus regular pseason games or all basketball. pof course right now your next pgame could be your last. pyou know, and this team, this pteam hasn't had their best pmoment in this season. pso we're looking forward to pwhat's ahead of us. pnow you've been to post season p12 years in a row. phow do you keep that going year pafter year after year keep precruiting like kids here on my pright. pgood segue. pmaria all way from denmark. pokay. pgoing to dance this is your pthird year. pwhat are you alooking forward to pmost? pgetting everybody, take one game pa time because that game could pbe our last. plike coach said. pjust come in there we going to pbe focused and give it our all. pnow level of play is it that pmuch more competitive being a ptournament? p>> yes, sir. pand that does mean it we could pget everybody's best. pso they going to leave it all pout there on the food. pwe just got to take everybody pbest chance. pyour second year in tournament pbig difference between last year pand this year. plast year i had no idea going on pi come come denl mark i had at pthe selection show i was just plike hey our name there is pstanding up clapping an an hour pto realize we were hosting i had pno idea. psome much year i'm much more pexcited i cannot wait for ptonight. plot of athletes say this their psecond year, game is lot slower, pis that something that you pexperienced? p>> i mean it takes a while to pget used to the college way of laying especially when you come pfrom europe. pso yeah, i don't want say slow pwe don't play slow but it's, pit's easier to, to just do peverything. pall right. pbest of luck ladies. pjose i'm sure your message to at pfans out there come out and be ploud and proud. p>> yeah. pyou know tonight, doors open p6:30 selection slow starts at 7. pand really looking forward to a pwhat, where are we going to host por go on the road? pwe got a very, very talent the pbasketball team we've been in pboth polls top 25 polls since pvery beginning of the season. p>> and hopefully you do p>> that would be nice. pwe had 7,000 both nights when we phosted here in sun dome. pbest of luck guys we will talk pto you later on a 9 o'clock. pdon't go anywhere. pguys, russell, dave, back to pyou. pi will work on my shot in pbetween. pit's okay. pit's okay. pnot your strongest sport but pthat's okay. pbut you know, 8:17. psorry there. pwe've got a great start to the pday. p>> the thing with a today is pit's going to feel, look ptemperature wise a lot like pyesterday did, right? pyou got cloud cover. pyou get that warmth. pyou get mugginess. pnow we are well below normal for pmarch rainfall. pan inch out at the airport. pyou see a couple of rain drops pthis morning. pon the camera one here, one phere. pthe radar. phow's lakeland look for you this pmorning? pmostly cloudy skies appear we pare streaming a few sprinkles or plight showers. psouthern pinellas county for pfort de soto over sunshine pskyway into macdill south tampa pand then just north of brandon a plittle bit of light rain shower pactivity. pthat's it as far as rainfall pgoes. pbut you're underneath that the pto let you know. pintermittent on windshield pwipers for a little bit. pnext hour or so. pwe're running 70 to the 72 pdegrees. pa lot of us sitting in lower p70s. pthese are our morning lows. pjust crazy. pand even though we're looking pgeneral today. pbreezy warm conditions pthroughout. peverybody gets back up to at pleast 80 degrees. pcouple of spots if you get a plittle more sunshine you may get pa little warmer than that. ptonight overnight lows, near 67. pclearing late mild and muggy. pand then for tomorrow, mostly psunny and warm with high ptemperature of around 80 pdegrees. pwe'll stay in the low 80s right pthrough the week. pinto weekend. pwhen another, this time a better prain chance looks like it will pcome squeezing through late psaturday or early into sunday. pvanessa. pdave our crashes continue here. pwe've got new one in pinellas pcounty. pwe're seeing some delays knot pbound along 275. pthis live look near 22nd avenue pnorth. pi have a suspicion that this pmight previously been blocking psome travel lanes. peven though it's on shoulder at pthis point because we've got psome serious lingering delays pall way back beyond the trop. pso plan extra time if you have pto head northbound along 275 papproaching 22nd avenue north. pwe do also have a some very, pvery heavy travel times the pcrash where you saw just now, pthat's probably factored into ptravel times here where we see pfrom pinellas bayway up to i-4 premember we have delays oh phoward franklin bridge probably pincluded in here this one hour ptravel time through the stretch pof 275. pquite heavy. p>> 75 southbound, bruce b. downs pto i-4 up to 18 minute ride. pwe're sitting just under 20 pminutes westbound i-475 to 275. pjust a reminder throughout pmorning we will reminding folks pc s x work started this more pthan closing u.s. 41 completely pnorth screen saw lake roads. pwe delays northbound and psouthbound. pkeep in mind two-week closure pyou will see detour in area and pdefinitely see delays. p>> are you baby family in middle pchild maybe only child? pat 9 hear how birth order paffects your health. pi'm middle child. pcould you have guessed it over pcompensatedi'm only child. pcould you have guessed it do we pneed a dose craig patrick to ptalk about politics and clear up pup this muddy mess. pgoing to injoe us with new poll pthat has marco rubio in third lace. pand it's monday. pthat means we are checking out panother cool school this morning pcharley is at davenport school pof the arts. pwhy is this a cool school? p good day tampa bay. pi'm charley belcher in davenport pthis morning. pdavenport school of the arts is pour cool school of the week. pnothing like standing in front pi'm a little intimidated in this pgroup. pyou're in charge of jazz band phere. pand what else at davenport i pteach guy star. psteal drums for elementary pschool and middle school. pand beginning band and advanced pband. pand jazz band. pnice. pgood for you. pjazz band, it's tough to put ptogether a good jazz band. pespecially tough to do anything pwith middle schooler. plet's be honest, right? p>> how's it going? pwee have good time. pdefinitely learning one day a ptime definitely making progress pand a having good time doing it. pdo you have regular performance pand all class ask cool work? pwe play during day and clurg pclass of course and a few pconcerts throughout year erforming on april 23rd for olk county fine arts festival pnext. pvery nice. pthis is everybody? por is it even bigger than this? retty much everybody. p>> so now this is a pretty good psized band. pi see we have some, here's where pwe practice. pwe have guitars back there. pguitars. p>> there we go. pgood enough. pbass guitar back there. pi dig that. pwe've got drums. pdrums. pjust hit the cymbal. pthank you. ptwo keyboards. pa little xylophone action up phere. pvery nice. pthank you for not doing nbc pchime. ptrumpets in the back. pwe've got trombones here. pand of course the best section pin any band, and maybe i'm artial because i played al to psection. pwe didn't need rehearsal. pall right how would you like to pall play together? pall right. phow about you take us uptown. p p p p p yeah. pthat will get your foot stomping pa little bit this morning. pyou lost an hour? pyou gain a little blood pressure phere. prussell, anjuli. p>> playing the hits too. pi love it. pthat's good. p>> that's fun. p>> i got my foot tapping here. p>> yeah. pnice. pmore later, right? pyes. psee you later. pthanks. pall right. pdonald trump will be holding a plast minute rally in tampa ptoday. pwe're live at the convention pcenter to tell you how you can psee it. pand families displaced but not palone. phelp they are getting the bigger the burrito, the bigger the fun. dunkin's new grandde burrito -- a breakfast burrito packed with big southwest flavor. go grande with veggie or sausage today. this is a letter from someone who's here. she has to take a brand name drug. been taking it since the early 1980's. at that time it cost approximately $180 for 10 shots. the latest refill was $14.700 for the same 10 vials and the company is called valeant pharmaceuticals. i'm going after them. this is predatory pricing and we're going to make sure it is stopped. i'm hillary clinton and i put more fun in your day with ice-cream-flavored coffees at dunkin' donuts. go for delicious flavors like butter pecan, cookie dough, or new pistachio. enjoy one today. america runs on dunkin'. 3 ((anjuli 2shot)) it's 8:xx and p it's 8:30. pthis morning top stories at pflorida legislature passed plargest budget in state history pand they did just in time for psession to wrap up. p>> the yay$.3 billion budget is pnot only historic it's amount pbut also the first time pdemocrats in both houses voted pfor a republican drafted pspending plan. pnew budget increase spending on pschools prison and also trimmed pback property taxes. plaw make are rejected governor pscott's plan to draw new pbusinesses to the state. pbut so far, scott has not given pany signs that he plans to veto pthe budget saying it looks like pa good budget. p>> also passed just in time a pschool choice education package pthat's now on governor scott's pdesk ready for his signature. pchanges how charter schools can pfunded. pand it limits school district pspending on accident happen tall rojects. pmeasure also allows parents to psend students to any public pschool in the state as long as pthis school is not at capacity. p>> protester pickett donald ptrump rallies across the pcountry. pin chicago 5 people were parrested and an officer was even pinjured after protesters battled ptrump supporters. pin ohio protester rushed stage pas trump was beginning speak. phe was arrested. pand in kansas city protester pthere battling supporter as they pwalked into the event. pseveral people were arrested pthere. p>> with that being said trump is pcoming to tampa today. pcrowds already starting to pgather outside of the convention pcenter for this afternoon big prally. ptampa bay police are also there pto make certain that donald ptrump's rally here is a much pquieter event. pfox 13's kelly cowan is live poutside of the convention center pto walk us through the event and pthe skoort measures. pgood morning again, kelly. p>> well good morning. pwell that will road that i was ptelling you about franklin pstreet just in front tampa pconvention center is now closed. pat this time. pso that will be closed pthroughout remainder of the day. pwhile this rally takes place. pof course, trump supporters palready beginning to a line up pwhere that 2:00 p.m. rally ptrumps only stop here in the psunshine state. pbefore tomorrow's primaries. pnow trump last visited the bay parea one month ago where a rally pat usf drew more than 10,000 to pthe sun dome. pthis weekend violence marked pfights broke out friday night at prallies in chicago forcing trump pto a cancel the event. pmarco rubio meanwhile says he's pnot surprised by the scene pthere. p>> some of these people are rofession will disrupter they pget sxhierd a paid to be ruded pand nasty i'm not ex excusing pthat i'm also not ex excusing pfact you have lead contender ptelling people go ahead and unch someone in face i'll pay pyour legal bills. pthat's not an excuse excusable palt attitude that wrong if our pkids did it that disastrous if a resident does it. p>> now trump originally was pschedule to have second stop in pflorida today in miami area. pthat has since be cancelled in pfavor of a trip to ohio. pa last minute speaking in youngs ptown. plot of people are reiding into pthis he might not be so pconcerned about florida where he pdoes have koovrgd to latest data p20-point lead over senator marco prubio. pyou might be stepping into john pkasich territory to shore things pup there. pwe will see how everything pshakes up tomorrow and full pcoverage throughout today and ptomorrow on the florida rimaries. preport live outside convention pcenter i'll send it back to you pin very dry studio. p>> all right. pi got your hint. pthank you, we'll talk later. p>> and speaking of trump his pname came up quite a bit pdemocratic town hall last night phillary clinton and bernie psanders discussed violence at phis rallies. p>> donald trump is responsible pfor what happens at his events. phe is the person who has for pmonths now been not just pinciting violence but applauding pviolence. p>> our campaign does not believe pin & never will encourage panybody to sgrupt anything. pwe have a millions of supporters eople do what they do. pmake their final plea to pamerican people before super ptuesday right now sanders is pbehind clinton in the polls but phe says he believes the numbers pcould turn in his favor by the pend of tomorrow. p>> and an early voting wrapped pup yesterday in florida. pofficials say nearly two million pballot lots were cast over last ptwo weeks. prepublican voters out number the pdemocrats 1.8 million absentee pvoters. pthey are expected to account for pat least half total number of pvotes in tomorrow's primary. olls will be open from p7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.. p an accidental shooting an pocala shooting range has sent psix people to the hospital pincluding 4 children. pmarion county sheriff's office psays a 21-year-old man was ploading an team shotgun when it pwent off shooting pellets into a pconcrete slab ricochetted phitting six people man was not pcharged deputies did take a preport but they believe it was pjust an accident. p>> an argument between two padults escalated when physical pviolence but it was toddler that pended up in the hospital. phillsborough sheriff's deputies psay 5 or six family members got pinto a fight at home on in pbrandon. p1.1 person picked up a baseball pbat and a swung it the another padult but hit a two-year-old pinstead. pchild taken to hospital is now pin stable condition. phillsborough county sheriff's poffice is charges have not yet pbeen filed. p>> thieves bust into hudson rv ark and pasco county sheriff's poffice. pit could 80 people personal pinformation at risk. phappen barrington hills off new pyork avenue in hudson. pthe detectives say a someone pbroke sw a club house office and pstole a safe which held a credit pcard information for residents pat the park. psheriff's office is asking eople who live there to careful pmonitor their credit card pactivity. p right now people in plouisiana are struggling after a pdays of intense flooding there. pin fact friday night more 730 eople moved into red cross pshelter because they had nowhere pelse to go. pto help them tra branch american pred cross will be sending pvolunteers to gulf coast. pthousands of people have been pforced from their homes because pof rising flood waters. pyou can see just how bad in this pvideo here. pvolunteers will help serve in pservices function over there at pthe red cross open moore pshelters in louisiana, this pweekend then in past decade. eople living in state are reparing their homes for more pflooding today. p>> what a mess. p>> sure is. psure is. p>> get over to dave right now pand more about that and our pweather as well. pyou get 12, 15 inches of rain in pday that is problem. phuge problem. eople don't realize are go over pwhen rain stops. pthat's when it starts all ptributaries go down to bigger privers and all of that water pjust starts to go up. peating:37. phey least we've got couple of ptiny little showers out there. pseems to be like a little line pstretching from southwest to pnortheast. pyou can see here when we over pfort de soto. pover sunshine skyway. pright over tampa bay a few psprinkles here and there. pone heavier shower which is just psouth of ruskin. pone of those deals where it's pgoing to rain for couple minutes pand that's it. p>> so far, for month of march pwe've only picked up two tenths pof an inch of rain out tampa pinternational. pwe've locking in rain. pbut not in warmth and mugginess. p71 in tampa. p71 in st. petersburg. p>> juicy, juicy air mass with a pdew points in upper 60s to paround 70 degrees. pjust continue to be warm and pbreezy throughout the day today. phint of shower. prain chance overall going to be paround 20 percent. pnow beginning tomorrow we will pget back into more sunshine. pi still think we will stay in plower 80s and still stay muggy pall week long. phigh temperatures near 80 pdegrees today. pagain just heads up for quick plittle shower. p67 degrees tonight for overnight plow. pand then mostly sunny and warm ptomorrow with high temperature pof around 80 degrees. pboaters got light chop for you pas you just showed you skytower pradar watch out for couple plittle tiny showers here or pthere especially over tampa bay. pand parts of gulf off the coast pof pinellas county. phigh tide eight:11 this morning pwe're at that now, slowly going pto have a low tide early this pafternoon. pand then we'll be in 80s all pweek long. pnext chance of reason after ptoday is going to be i think on psaturday and going into sunday. plet's do it, okay? plet's give it away. pour first first fox 13 good day pmaking we live here. pgo to a facebook page go to my pfacebook page like it and you pcan click on the link this is p#we live here and our first mug ptoday, i want to give everybody pan idea of some of the pictures pwe're looking for. phere's our winner. ptimothy alexander in just a ptremendous sun up. plook at that. pdoing a little fishing i don't pknow exactly where that is. pbut it's just gorgeous. pand that's #welivehere. pthat's our first did today mug. pgiving one every day this time pmonday through friday. pgreat picture. pmakes me want to go up early go pfishing doesn't it? p>> on a weekend? pno. pjust me. pokay. pgeez. pall right. ptough crowd. p>> dave, thanks. p8:40. plet's check on roadway more pspecifically we want to get oh pcheck on bridges earlier of pcourse remember dealing with preally horrible slow downs, pnorthbound on 275 over howard pfranklin. pas well as eastbound over pcourtney campbell looks like pwe're seeing some small pimprovements here along 275 pnorthbound. ptampa side of howard franklin. pwe were watching a scene on the pshoulder which looks like it pcompletely cleared out. pdelays are getting down towards pnormal range but still looking a plittle bit slow. pit's not enough unfortunately at pthis point you will save time. pby taking an alternate route pbecause look likes gandy pretty pjammed up eastbound please leave pearly if you have to head that pway. pmeantime update to courtney pcampbell crash of course an pearlier seen picture. pwestbound lanes still blocked. pbut we're hearing maybe at this oint or we might be in process pof getting one of those pwestbound lanes open. peastbound delays have improved pjust a little bit. pbut still there. psame situation with howard pfranklin. pjust leave early i don't think pyou will save much time by ptaking another route. phere 8:41. ptouch on some other ptransportation news. pmore than two dozen people in phospital this morning after 5 pcars of amtrak train derailed in psouthwest kansas. pthis train was on its way from pchicago to chicago i should say pfrom los angeles when the crash phappened. p27 people were taken to local phospitals, two of those were plisted in critical condition. p128 passengers were on board the pand they were offered palternatives to their final pdestinations. pright now amtrak says it does pnot know what caused the train pto go off the track. pwell it's spring break, time to penjoy the fun, the sun, and our pkids. pbut there's some things we need pto watch out for. pour doc on call has tips to m is the economy rigged? acquired more wealth than the bottom 100 million people combined. i'm bernie sanders, and i approve this message. my plan -- make wall street banks and the ultra-rich pay their fair share of taxes, provide living wages for working people, ensure equal pay for women. the middle class will continue to disappear unless we level the playing field. with your help, as president, 3 ((russell on cam)) it's pirtsdz 8:45. pthat time of year again. pspring break. pnot just for us a lot of people phere visiting. pthere's no better time to talk pabout spring break safety than pright now. pour doc on call dr. patrick mull preason from all children's phospital is on call, on the hone with us to keep our kids psafe this time of year. pgood morning, how you doing? pgood morning, russell. p>> let's talk about sun burns. phow much sun is too much and i pknow i know sunscreen going in. pburn? p>> yeah you know russell, peverything in moderation, of pcourse. pand for every child it's pdifferent. pyou know some children with pdarker skin can out a lot longer pthan those kids that are really ale you need to know your child pand how long they can tolerate pimportant thing this week during pspring break make sure you're ptaking breaks in shade and lunch pa gym toor for that to get kids pinto shade check them out. plet them dry off and then preapply sun block. pif you're purchasing sunscreen, pi illed only purchase sunscreen pthat is spf 50 and above. pno sense in buying 2015 stuff. pyou should buy highest sunscreen rotection out there. pthen just reapply. preapply. pevery 60 to 90 minutes. arents that live ear or coming pdown from pennsylvania are, pohio, michigan. pkits don't have base that they pdid last time you were spending pton of time in sun. psouths all new to them. pthey are going to get burned peasy now than in middler in when pnice tan base. pyou can do give them ibuprofen a ain reliever but also has pantiinflammatory in there that pwill help them out aloe or some ptype of hydrating cream to preplenish the skin and keep them pheals. pbut putting a kid with minor pburn out skin is extra sensitive pat that point keep them out sun pget them burned. panother thing to think about pare, cuts and abrasions. pespecially on the feet. pkids are walking around out in pwater. pand when they cut themselves out pthere. pyou're not always sure what it pis they cut themselves on right? pthat's right. psomething shocking so many arents don't know the dangers pthat are going on with regards pto the feet. pand we see it all too often. pespecially now when we have a plot of spring breakers down kids pare playing at the beach and pthey get bored they move over to pwhere rocks are retaining walls. roblem is that barnacles go on procks they are filter feeder pshellfish that sit against the pthere and they want to exact pwhere we want in area that tidal pwater. pwhat happens kids will make pmisstep step down into these pbarnacle and they are super psharp they will cut feet and pbreak off in the feet. oor anxious children come in pwith big cuts and for bodies pbecause shells broken into pthere. pso super dangerous. pso keep your kids out of those pshell tidal waters and pabsolutely no playing on the procks or sea walls at the beach. p>> okay. pso we're talking about things pgoing on at the beach lot of pfolks coming to town right now pmaybe folks from here or headed pacross the bridge to beach. psomewhere? ptraveling by car? phave? p>> you know i think the most pimportant travel tip is now a pdays, it's not like we were pkids, kids are all watching ptechnology some type of handheld pin hand they get like into home pmode they want to lay down, they pwant to put their feet up. pat that point they are not using ptheir seatbelts correctly. pi see with my own children. pcheck rear view mirror and make psure your children are wearing pthem correctly people with young pkids you need to just get pthrough your mind that the trip pis going to take an hour, hour pand a half longer. pand you know savor the journey, pstop, stop on road a some point. plet kids run around. pif you see park or an open field plet them go and have fun for 20 pminutes get some energy out so pthey are more comfortable in the pcar. pcan't do that on plane, can you? pno, unfortunately you can't one pthings russell we see so often pright now when everybody flying pdown family comes down for pspring break three days a little pone runny nose and cough. pbiggest problem with air travel pis that you know even though pthey pressurize aircraft there's phardly any humidity in those paircraft everything gets dried pand nasal dry that leads you rone to infections i'm not huge pfan wiping down with bleach i'm pnot sure that's that good at prestaurants and things like that pbut on airplane it might not be pa bad idea to bring with you psome type of wipe. pand wipe down the arm rest wipe pdown the tray table. pand then use hand sanitizer poften when you're on plane. plast thing you need to splurge pfor that water once you get pthrough tsa buy a bunch of water pmake sure they are drinking a plot kids can get dehydrated when pthey are oh plane you need to pmake sure their hydration status pis up they arrive there healthy pand don't get sick during spring pbreak. pnice advice i know what we will pneed to talk about soon though, pallergies. pallergies. poh, popping up at my house too. pi hope everybody has a wonderful pspring break. pthanks, russell. pgood to hear you. ptake care. pwe'll talk again soon. pbye. pall right. pto charley belcher we go at pweek's cool school. pman that band is good. preally good. pwe're not finished yet. pwe stepped outside i want to pshow you how big this campus, pbig beautiful fairly new campus pfive years under their belt pstarting six year speaking pmusicgot a little cloudy. pwe need some like sunny island pmusic to get us get that sun to pcome back out. poh. phow about some steel pstick around, davenport school pwell i do believe the steel pdrums helped. psun peeking out behind this cow pthere. pcloud. pi said cloud. pkind of. pand here comes the rain. plet's hurry up. pgood day tampa bay. pi'm charley belcher in davenport pthis morning. pdavenport school of the arts. pwonderful talented young people. pwe're going going to talk to psome of middle school all way pdown to elementary school. pthis is k-8. plet's start down here. pwhat's your name p>> anne marie. pwhy is this such a cool school? plet me tell you charley. pthey not only prepare urs for pacademics this prepare ur nows plife afterwardscomes from the pheart. pand all the opportunities that pthey give us are just so blessed pto be here. pvery nice. pyou're involved in jazz band psteel drum band. pyou're bell and beauty in beast? p>> good for you. p>> thank you. pi love that. psuch have i vagus personality. psavannah you're in ith ath pgrade. pyou're 8th grade. pwhy is it cool school? pwell i think a cool school pbecause all leadership popportunities. pwe have student leadership team pstarted by lovely. pand she encourages every idea pthat we have. pand also we're just surrounded pby such talent the group of kids pand such a supportive staff. p>> wow. p>> no pressure but these idz pyou just, all right. pseriously good answer. pyou shir what is your name? pi'm in 8 grade. pseventh grade pie know you want pto be in 8th grade. pnothing wrong with that. pwhy do you think a cool school? pi think it cool school because pwe get to, we get to show our ptalents to the community we preally get to show who we want pto be when ever we grow up. pgood answer. pgood answer. pyou listening to these answers? poh my goodness. p>> people get to learn dance, pmusic, art and tv production in pone day this may be shelby's pworld. pis that right? pwell look at you. pyou know what by that time i pmight hand mic right to you. pall right. p>> and now representing pelementary school, what is your pname georgia with a j. pwhat agreed are you? p>> fifth why do you think such a pcool school in well my first pour self tluf the arts. pand my second reason is even the pkids kids in elementary get to pdo many majors i love it up rose pgeorgia. pall right. phow about we hear a little bit pof this steel drum band. pcan we hear a little bit of pthis? p p p p impromptu dance team. pit is davenport school of the pcounty county. lenty more for you coming up. pinside and see the cast from pbeauty and beast. pbut steel drum music is working. phere comes the sin, yeah. pstick around everybody. with ingredients like roasted hazelnuts and cocoa, the delicious taste of nutella takes pancakes to a whole new level. make any day a pancake day with nutella. trump on top. the donald is p trump on top. phe's headed to tampa today as pnew poll is released showing pjust how far ahead he is. p>> and girls rule the school ptoday. pu skvment f women basketball pteam waits to hear who will play pin ncaa championship and. p>> good morning to you i'm panjuli davis. plaura mass morning off. ptime now 9 o'clock in case you pforget to set your clocks. p>> and i'm russell rhodes. pwhat time would it be if you pforget to set your clock? p8. pit's 9. pi'm russell rhodes. pdave and i are inside. pis it raining? pa few sprinkles here and there.

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Miami , Florida , United States , Louisiana , Tampa Bay , Barrington Hills , Illinois , Tampa , Davenport School , Kansas , Anna Maria , Pinellas County , Georgia , Pasco County , Michigan , Kansas City , Connecticut , Denmark , Lakeland , Harbor Island , Hillsborough County , Petersburg , Sankt Peterburg , Russia , Maryland , Pennsylvania , Ohio , Chicago , America , American , Pim Russell Rhodes , Marco Rubio , Pickett Donald , Pim Charley Belcher , Anne Marie , Russell Rhodes , Los Angeles , Craig Patrick , Charley Belcher , Kelly Cowan , Walter Allen , Pinellas Bayway , Eric Mcbeth , Howard Franklin , Hillary Clinton , Bernie Sanders ,

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Transcripts For WTVT Good Day Tampa Bay 8AM 20160314 :

Transcripts For WTVT Good Day Tampa Bay 8AM 20160314

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pover anna maria. pwork et cetera way into braden pto where it will start to full papart other than that rain pchance relatively quiet. p80 for high temperature. ptomorrow. pand still keep temperatures in plower 80s for afternoon highs. pvanessa good morning. pgood morning. retty hectic morning on proadways we will start you off pwith new crash before we get to pwhat's going on bridges. pstay tuned in you have to travel pfrom pinellas to tampa. pwe're taking live look at 275 psouthbound. pthis is near bird street. pas we look towards sligh avenue pa crash reported in that area. pblocking a center lane. pyou can see travel times are up pquite a bit. palmost ten minutes worth of pdelays at this point. p36 minuteses your ride from pbeers road to i-4 appear soled pback up to fowler at this point. pdrivers especially through that pstretch between sligh and fowler ptake florida avenue. pmeantime we mentioned we have pjams going on bridges courtney pcamp em causeway skyfox overhead pthis one finally showing us pwestbound lanes blocked due to pthis crash which we showed you psome scene pictures from pearlier. pinvolving a coca-cola truck and panother vehicle. peastbound. ptravel lanes are open it appears pas though those are really ptaking a hit. pservice maybe on looker and just pfolks slowing down as they are assing by. pyou will want to avoid that pbridge completely eastbound an pand westbound due to roadblock pages and a delays. pnormally i push you off on to phoward franklin an earlier crash pblocking a lane we haven't precovered as far as those travel ptimes in northbound direction. pso it looks like you're best pbets are going to be phillsborough avenue. pyou can also take gandy bridge. pwhich looking pretty clear. lease leave early though. p all right vanessa thank you. pirony that could have become ptragedy. pearly this morning two officers atrolling for stolen cars find pone. pbecause it rammed right into ptheir undercover vehicle. pand in that stolen car a bunch pof teen agers fox 13 beings ken psuarez live in st. pete. pi understand a knob number of eople have to go to hospital pbecause of this crash. p>> as a matter of fact, six in a pcar and two officers, officers pdoing pretty much okay. punfortunately the driver of the pstolen vehicle in critical pcondition thank goodness nobody pwas as killed. pbottom line this is tampa bay phas a pretty big problem with pstolen vehicles. pthis is a perfect example. pand unfortunately, that problem pis getting even bigger. pnow st. pete has more than its pshare of stolen cars. pfound out a little while ago p2200 a year or ripped off. pmany times because of the driver pleaves his or her her keys in pthe car. pthat's what investigators say phappened in this case. pcar involved in this crash povernight was stolen last week pcoming north on 54th street. pwhen it slammed into a pick up pwith two undercover officers pinside. pearlier the chief told us that pst. pete police have their hands pfull with this kind of problem. p>> ike think about this, we were pwe ran into another stolen car. pwe have a situation where he unch of people coming on to phospital one critically injured pdon't know the outcome there and pit's all really unnecessary. pi can tell you at this point the ractical information here is pthat central has been closed for pbetter part of the night. pshould be opening not too long pfrom now. pan officer tells us probably pwithin next 45 minutes or so, we phave one tow truck there, pwaiting for second, and then pit's going to cleaned up. pcleaning up the problem of pstolen cars a much bigger one. peasiest all of us to do take pyour keys out car and leave it pat that. pback to you aguys. pa so many problems. pthank you, ken. p>> and a time is now 8:04. plater this week law enforcement pfrom all over country will come pto hillsborough county to mourn pa death deputy killed by a pwrong-way driver. pthat crash happened early psaturday morning on selman pexpressway. pdeputy john is the sixth phillsborough county sheriff's pdeputy to be killed in car paccident while on duty. pinvestigators say deputy was pdriving on elevated lanes of pexpressway when eric mcbeth pcrashed into him head-on. pthey believe mcbeth drove around pwarning sans and barriers to an penter selman expressway going pwrong way. phe had been with department for psix years. psheriff's office is working with phis family to finalize funeral lans. pand in maryland two people are pnow behind bars after police say pthey shot and killed a police pofficer as he was walking out of pa substation. p>> the police chief said pcompletely unprovoked officer pwho was killed just days short pof his 29th birthday and was pworking as an undercover pnarcotics officers at the time pof that ambush. p>> that was scene outside of a pdonald trump rally in chick. pjust after it was cancelled. pviolent clashes broke out in the pstreets between trump protester pand a supporters. pat least 5 people were arrested. pand chicago police officer was pinjured. pin ohio, in kansas city there pwere similar issues trump prallies too. ptrump is hoping for much quieter prally here in tampa. phe's invited a large group to an pevent at the convention center. pthere are still some tickets pavailable for that event. pfox 13 elly is live at the pconvention center where look pwhat you can expect to see if pyou plan to attend. peven if you don't kelly, there pare some closures people need to pknow about, right? p>> that's right. pwell just outside of the pconvention center, we were told pit would start at 8:00 a.m. the proad is still open but franklin pstreet right in front of pconvention center should be pclosing shortly to traffic. pso that could make things a plittle interesting if you are pcommuting through here. articular toll harbor island. pwe're told that you should look pup some ways to divert around pthis traffic. pone of the ways take an palternate bridge. pme right now i am new to this parea to please forgive. pheavy police presence building palready in this area. pseveral police cars arriving a plot of flashing lights around phere. pi'm told by my colleague here pthat's with me bringing pequipment into building already pthis morning security has been pvery tight. pof course, we as the media have pto have all of our gear checked pahead of that 2:00 p.m. stage ptime for donald trump. pand it's been a little pinteresting out here so far this pmorning. pbut as you mention tickets still pavailable to today's event. pyou can check out our website to pfind the link to the place where pyou just sign up. pabsolutely free to attend here. pgates open at 11. pbut other side of this building pthe main entrance people are palready lining up. pso if you want one of those top pseats you might want to get down phere now. pthousands expect. plast time donald trump came to pthe tampa bay area about a month pthe sun dome at usf. pfor now reporting live in pdowntown tampa, i'm kelly cowan, psend it back to you in studio. pkelly, vanessa says beneficial pbridge i wouldn't have known pcertainly wouldn't have known pthat either. pso we got that for you. pbeneficial bridge. pthanks we're talking later i'm pglad she's there to keep us pcovered. pthanks. psee you later. pand not just donald trump who is pbeing met by protester marco prubio had his own bizarre county pwith one during an event in pvillages yesterday. pa man stood up in front of room paccused rubio trying to steal phis girlfriend. p>> that's enough i have to tell peveryone marco rubio. p>> geez. pis trying steal my girlfriend. pshy doesn't look at me any more. pwe don't beat up our hecklers pthis at our event. pmarco rubio just took a dig at pdonald trump who come under fire pfor violence at his rallies. pviolence but said eat foot legal pbills of those that attack rotester hillary clinton and pbernie sanders took to national pstage for a televised town hall pthe big point both were trying pto make, why they would be erson to beat donald trump. pespecially since trump continues pto lead the rest gop candidates pclinton says she believers she pwould attract more voters saying pshe's only candidate that pactually gotten more votes than ptrump at this point. p>> but sanders fought back psaying it's still too early to ptell. p>> and here's how things are plooking so far. pflorida is a must win state for psenator rubio fee wants to stay pin this race. pright now not looking too good. paccording to cbs news poll trump phas 44 percent of vote among pregistered voters followed by pcruise 24 percent rubio trails pin third at 21 percent. pmost recent fox 13 opinion savvy oll puts rubio trailing by pnearly 20 points. pon democratic side a wall street pleading bernie sandersly 30 oints in a florida. p20 in ohio 6 in illinois. p>> a dave back with late edge on pour beautiful beach forecast pwelcome to march madness a big pannouncement expected for puniversity of south florida. pwalter allen is live there this pmorning. phey there my friend. pgood morning there guys. pstanding with head coach jose pfernandez first teach me how to pshoot a free freeh throw. phere we go. pare you kidding me, seriously pright now? plet's go to charley. pcharley save me. psave me. p>> the madness has begun. pi am in davenport this morning pdavenport school of the arts pfr pour cool school of the week pwe're going to get funky with pthe jazz band. poh, yeah. pwe're going going to take you puptown davenport. pstick are everybody. 3 3 ((russell 2shot bw)) it's march madness! and a huge day for the university of south florida's women's basketball team.((dave)) they are expected to find out today where they will fit into pthey are expected to find out ptoday a where they will fit into pa ncaa tournament. pfox 13 walter allen our resident pbasketball guru and player is plive this morning to talk about pwhy this is such a huge deal for pthe team. p>> did you not just see that, pdave? pwe saw it. pwe just think you were having a pbad moment. p>> i think you should try it pagain. pyeah, that's what it was. pno, no, we will leave it alone. pthey are saying a bad moment i'm pactually much better than what pwas on display a moment ago. pi don't know about that. p>> you're running around after pthat basketball a long time pgetting warmed up. retty much, i was just chasing pit jose joining us pcongratulations. p>> thank you. pthank you very much. phow much time do you spend penjoying moment or already plooking forward to next game? p>> well after last monday night. pbig monday against connecticut pwe had some, we had some time poff. pand we brought our kids back pthis weekend. pi know we're excited and we're plooking forward to tonight to psee where we're head is there pany difference between ptournament games versus regular pseason games or all basketball. pof course right now your next pgame could be your last. pyou know, and this team, this pteam hasn't had their best pmoment in this season. pso we're looking forward to pwhat's ahead of us. pnow you've been to post season p12 years in a row. phow do you keep that going year pafter year after year keep precruiting like kids here on my pright. pgood segue. pmaria all way from denmark. pokay. pgoing to dance this is your pthird year. pwhat are you alooking forward to pmost? pgetting everybody, take one game pa time because that game could pbe our last. plike coach said. pjust come in there we going to pbe focused and give it our all. pnow level of play is it that pmuch more competitive being a ptournament? p>> yes, sir. pand that does mean it we could pget everybody's best. pso they going to leave it all pout there on the food. pwe just got to take everybody pbest chance. pyour second year in tournament pbig difference between last year pand this year. plast year i had no idea going on pi come come denl mark i had at pthe selection show i was just plike hey our name there is pstanding up clapping an an hour pto realize we were hosting i had pno idea. psome much year i'm much more pexcited i cannot wait for ptonight. plot of athletes say this their psecond year, game is lot slower, pis that something that you pexperienced? p>> i mean it takes a while to pget used to the college way of laying especially when you come pfrom europe. pso yeah, i don't want say slow pwe don't play slow but it's, pit's easier to, to just do peverything. pall right. pbest of luck ladies. pjose i'm sure your message to at pfans out there come out and be ploud and proud. p>> yeah. pyou know tonight, doors open p6:30 selection slow starts at 7. pand really looking forward to a pwhat, where are we going to host por go on the road? pwe got a very, very talent the pbasketball team we've been in pboth polls top 25 polls since pvery beginning of the season. p>> and hopefully you do p>> that would be nice. pwe had 7,000 both nights when we phosted here in sun dome. pbest of luck guys we will talk pto you later on a 9 o'clock. pdon't go anywhere. pguys, russell, dave, back to pyou. pi will work on my shot in pbetween. pit's okay. pit's okay. pnot your strongest sport but pthat's okay. pbut you know, 8:17. psorry there. pwe've got a great start to the pday. p>> the thing with a today is pit's going to feel, look ptemperature wise a lot like pyesterday did, right? pyou got cloud cover. pyou get that warmth. pyou get mugginess. pnow we are well below normal for pmarch rainfall. pan inch out at the airport. pyou see a couple of rain drops pthis morning. pon the camera one here, one phere. pthe radar. phow's lakeland look for you this pmorning? pmostly cloudy skies appear we pare streaming a few sprinkles or plight showers. psouthern pinellas county for pfort de soto over sunshine pskyway into macdill south tampa pand then just north of brandon a plittle bit of light rain shower pactivity. pthat's it as far as rainfall pgoes. pbut you're underneath that the pto let you know. pintermittent on windshield pwipers for a little bit. pnext hour or so. pwe're running 70 to the 72 pdegrees. pa lot of us sitting in lower p70s. pthese are our morning lows. pjust crazy. pand even though we're looking pgeneral today. pbreezy warm conditions pthroughout. peverybody gets back up to at pleast 80 degrees. pcouple of spots if you get a plittle more sunshine you may get pa little warmer than that. ptonight overnight lows, near 67. pclearing late mild and muggy. pand then for tomorrow, mostly psunny and warm with high ptemperature of around 80 pdegrees. pwe'll stay in the low 80s right pthrough the week. pinto weekend. pwhen another, this time a better prain chance looks like it will pcome squeezing through late psaturday or early into sunday. pvanessa. pdave our crashes continue here. pwe've got new one in pinellas pcounty. pwe're seeing some delays knot pbound along 275. pthis live look near 22nd avenue pnorth. pi have a suspicion that this pmight previously been blocking psome travel lanes. peven though it's on shoulder at pthis point because we've got psome serious lingering delays pall way back beyond the trop. pso plan extra time if you have pto head northbound along 275 papproaching 22nd avenue north. pwe do also have a some very, pvery heavy travel times the pcrash where you saw just now, pthat's probably factored into ptravel times here where we see pfrom pinellas bayway up to i-4 premember we have delays oh phoward franklin bridge probably pincluded in here this one hour ptravel time through the stretch pof 275. pquite heavy. p>> 75 southbound, bruce b. downs pto i-4 up to 18 minute ride. pwe're sitting just under 20 pminutes westbound i-475 to 275. pjust a reminder throughout pmorning we will reminding folks pc s x work started this more pthan closing u.s. 41 completely pnorth screen saw lake roads. pwe delays northbound and psouthbound. pkeep in mind two-week closure pyou will see detour in area and pdefinitely see delays. p>> are you baby family in middle pchild maybe only child? pat 9 hear how birth order paffects your health. pi'm middle child. pcould you have guessed it over pcompensatedi'm only child. pcould you have guessed it do we pneed a dose craig patrick to ptalk about politics and clear up pup this muddy mess. pgoing to injoe us with new poll pthat has marco rubio in third lace. pand it's monday. pthat means we are checking out panother cool school this morning pcharley is at davenport school pof the arts. pwhy is this a cool school? p good day tampa bay. pi'm charley belcher in davenport pthis morning. pdavenport school of the arts is pour cool school of the week. pnothing like standing in front pi'm a little intimidated in this pgroup. pyou're in charge of jazz band phere. pand what else at davenport i pteach guy star. psteal drums for elementary pschool and middle school. pand beginning band and advanced pband. pand jazz band. pnice. pgood for you. pjazz band, it's tough to put ptogether a good jazz band. pespecially tough to do anything pwith middle schooler. plet's be honest, right? p>> how's it going? pwee have good time. pdefinitely learning one day a ptime definitely making progress pand a having good time doing it. pdo you have regular performance pand all class ask cool work? pwe play during day and clurg pclass of course and a few pconcerts throughout year erforming on april 23rd for olk county fine arts festival pnext. pvery nice. pthis is everybody? por is it even bigger than this? retty much everybody. p>> so now this is a pretty good psized band. pi see we have some, here's where pwe practice. pwe have guitars back there. pguitars. p>> there we go. pgood enough. pbass guitar back there. pi dig that. pwe've got drums. pdrums. pjust hit the cymbal. pthank you. ptwo keyboards. pa little xylophone action up phere. pvery nice. pthank you for not doing nbc pchime. ptrumpets in the back. pwe've got trombones here. pand of course the best section pin any band, and maybe i'm artial because i played al to psection. pwe didn't need rehearsal. pall right how would you like to pall play together? pall right. phow about you take us uptown. p p p p p yeah. pthat will get your foot stomping pa little bit this morning. pyou lost an hour? pyou gain a little blood pressure phere. prussell, anjuli. p>> playing the hits too. pi love it. pthat's good. p>> that's fun. p>> i got my foot tapping here. p>> yeah. pnice. pmore later, right? pyes. psee you later. pthanks. pall right. pdonald trump will be holding a plast minute rally in tampa ptoday. pwe're live at the convention pcenter to tell you how you can psee it. pand families displaced but not palone. phelp they are getting the bigger the burrito, the bigger the fun. dunkin's new grandde burrito -- a breakfast burrito packed with big southwest flavor. go grande with veggie or sausage today. this is a letter from someone who's here. she has to take a brand name drug. been taking it since the early 1980's. at that time it cost approximately $180 for 10 shots. the latest refill was $14.700 for the same 10 vials and the company is called valeant pharmaceuticals. i'm going after them. this is predatory pricing and we're going to make sure it is stopped. i'm hillary clinton and i put more fun in your day with ice-cream-flavored coffees at dunkin' donuts. go for delicious flavors like butter pecan, cookie dough, or new pistachio. enjoy one today. america runs on dunkin'. 3 ((anjuli 2shot)) it's 8:xx and p it's 8:30. pthis morning top stories at pflorida legislature passed plargest budget in state history pand they did just in time for psession to wrap up. p>> the yay$.3 billion budget is pnot only historic it's amount pbut also the first time pdemocrats in both houses voted pfor a republican drafted pspending plan. pnew budget increase spending on pschools prison and also trimmed pback property taxes. plaw make are rejected governor pscott's plan to draw new pbusinesses to the state. pbut so far, scott has not given pany signs that he plans to veto pthe budget saying it looks like pa good budget. p>> also passed just in time a pschool choice education package pthat's now on governor scott's pdesk ready for his signature. pchanges how charter schools can pfunded. pand it limits school district pspending on accident happen tall rojects. pmeasure also allows parents to psend students to any public pschool in the state as long as pthis school is not at capacity. p>> protester pickett donald ptrump rallies across the pcountry. pin chicago 5 people were parrested and an officer was even pinjured after protesters battled ptrump supporters. pin ohio protester rushed stage pas trump was beginning speak. phe was arrested. pand in kansas city protester pthere battling supporter as they pwalked into the event. pseveral people were arrested pthere. p>> with that being said trump is pcoming to tampa today. pcrowds already starting to pgather outside of the convention pcenter for this afternoon big prally. ptampa bay police are also there pto make certain that donald ptrump's rally here is a much pquieter event. pfox 13's kelly cowan is live poutside of the convention center pto walk us through the event and pthe skoort measures. pgood morning again, kelly. p>> well good morning. pwell that will road that i was ptelling you about franklin pstreet just in front tampa pconvention center is now closed. pat this time. pso that will be closed pthroughout remainder of the day. pwhile this rally takes place. pof course, trump supporters palready beginning to a line up pwhere that 2:00 p.m. rally ptrumps only stop here in the psunshine state. pbefore tomorrow's primaries. pnow trump last visited the bay parea one month ago where a rally pat usf drew more than 10,000 to pthe sun dome. pthis weekend violence marked pfights broke out friday night at prallies in chicago forcing trump pto a cancel the event. pmarco rubio meanwhile says he's pnot surprised by the scene pthere. p>> some of these people are rofession will disrupter they pget sxhierd a paid to be ruded pand nasty i'm not ex excusing pthat i'm also not ex excusing pfact you have lead contender ptelling people go ahead and unch someone in face i'll pay pyour legal bills. pthat's not an excuse excusable palt attitude that wrong if our pkids did it that disastrous if a resident does it. p>> now trump originally was pschedule to have second stop in pflorida today in miami area. pthat has since be cancelled in pfavor of a trip to ohio. pa last minute speaking in youngs ptown. plot of people are reiding into pthis he might not be so pconcerned about florida where he pdoes have koovrgd to latest data p20-point lead over senator marco prubio. pyou might be stepping into john pkasich territory to shore things pup there. pwe will see how everything pshakes up tomorrow and full pcoverage throughout today and ptomorrow on the florida rimaries. preport live outside convention pcenter i'll send it back to you pin very dry studio. p>> all right. pi got your hint. pthank you, we'll talk later. p>> and speaking of trump his pname came up quite a bit pdemocratic town hall last night phillary clinton and bernie psanders discussed violence at phis rallies. p>> donald trump is responsible pfor what happens at his events. phe is the person who has for pmonths now been not just pinciting violence but applauding pviolence. p>> our campaign does not believe pin & never will encourage panybody to sgrupt anything. pwe have a millions of supporters eople do what they do. pmake their final plea to pamerican people before super ptuesday right now sanders is pbehind clinton in the polls but phe says he believes the numbers pcould turn in his favor by the pend of tomorrow. p>> and an early voting wrapped pup yesterday in florida. pofficials say nearly two million pballot lots were cast over last ptwo weeks. prepublican voters out number the pdemocrats 1.8 million absentee pvoters. pthey are expected to account for pat least half total number of pvotes in tomorrow's primary. olls will be open from p7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.. p an accidental shooting an pocala shooting range has sent psix people to the hospital pincluding 4 children. pmarion county sheriff's office psays a 21-year-old man was ploading an team shotgun when it pwent off shooting pellets into a pconcrete slab ricochetted phitting six people man was not pcharged deputies did take a preport but they believe it was pjust an accident. p>> an argument between two padults escalated when physical pviolence but it was toddler that pended up in the hospital. phillsborough sheriff's deputies psay 5 or six family members got pinto a fight at home on in pbrandon. p1.1 person picked up a baseball pbat and a swung it the another padult but hit a two-year-old pinstead. pchild taken to hospital is now pin stable condition. phillsborough county sheriff's poffice is charges have not yet pbeen filed. p>> thieves bust into hudson rv ark and pasco county sheriff's poffice. pit could 80 people personal pinformation at risk. phappen barrington hills off new pyork avenue in hudson. pthe detectives say a someone pbroke sw a club house office and pstole a safe which held a credit pcard information for residents pat the park. psheriff's office is asking eople who live there to careful pmonitor their credit card pactivity. p right now people in plouisiana are struggling after a pdays of intense flooding there. pin fact friday night more 730 eople moved into red cross pshelter because they had nowhere pelse to go. pto help them tra branch american pred cross will be sending pvolunteers to gulf coast. pthousands of people have been pforced from their homes because pof rising flood waters. pyou can see just how bad in this pvideo here. pvolunteers will help serve in pservices function over there at pthe red cross open moore pshelters in louisiana, this pweekend then in past decade. eople living in state are reparing their homes for more pflooding today. p>> what a mess. p>> sure is. psure is. p>> get over to dave right now pand more about that and our pweather as well. pyou get 12, 15 inches of rain in pday that is problem. phuge problem. eople don't realize are go over pwhen rain stops. pthat's when it starts all ptributaries go down to bigger privers and all of that water pjust starts to go up. peating:37. phey least we've got couple of ptiny little showers out there. pseems to be like a little line pstretching from southwest to pnortheast. pyou can see here when we over pfort de soto. pover sunshine skyway. pright over tampa bay a few psprinkles here and there. pone heavier shower which is just psouth of ruskin. pone of those deals where it's pgoing to rain for couple minutes pand that's it. p>> so far, for month of march pwe've only picked up two tenths pof an inch of rain out tampa pinternational. pwe've locking in rain. pbut not in warmth and mugginess. p71 in tampa. p71 in st. petersburg. p>> juicy, juicy air mass with a pdew points in upper 60s to paround 70 degrees. pjust continue to be warm and pbreezy throughout the day today. phint of shower. prain chance overall going to be paround 20 percent. pnow beginning tomorrow we will pget back into more sunshine. pi still think we will stay in plower 80s and still stay muggy pall week long. phigh temperatures near 80 pdegrees today. pagain just heads up for quick plittle shower. p67 degrees tonight for overnight plow. pand then mostly sunny and warm ptomorrow with high temperature pof around 80 degrees. pboaters got light chop for you pas you just showed you skytower pradar watch out for couple plittle tiny showers here or pthere especially over tampa bay. pand parts of gulf off the coast pof pinellas county. phigh tide eight:11 this morning pwe're at that now, slowly going pto have a low tide early this pafternoon. pand then we'll be in 80s all pweek long. pnext chance of reason after ptoday is going to be i think on psaturday and going into sunday. plet's do it, okay? plet's give it away. pour first first fox 13 good day pmaking we live here. pgo to a facebook page go to my pfacebook page like it and you pcan click on the link this is p#we live here and our first mug ptoday, i want to give everybody pan idea of some of the pictures pwe're looking for. phere's our winner. ptimothy alexander in just a ptremendous sun up. plook at that. pdoing a little fishing i don't pknow exactly where that is. pbut it's just gorgeous. pand that's #welivehere. pthat's our first did today mug. pgiving one every day this time pmonday through friday. pgreat picture. pmakes me want to go up early go pfishing doesn't it? p>> on a weekend? pno. pjust me. pokay. pgeez. pall right. ptough crowd. p>> dave, thanks. p8:40. plet's check on roadway more pspecifically we want to get oh pcheck on bridges earlier of pcourse remember dealing with preally horrible slow downs, pnorthbound on 275 over howard pfranklin. pas well as eastbound over pcourtney campbell looks like pwe're seeing some small pimprovements here along 275 pnorthbound. ptampa side of howard franklin. pwe were watching a scene on the pshoulder which looks like it pcompletely cleared out. pdelays are getting down towards pnormal range but still looking a plittle bit slow. pit's not enough unfortunately at pthis point you will save time. pby taking an alternate route pbecause look likes gandy pretty pjammed up eastbound please leave pearly if you have to head that pway. pmeantime update to courtney pcampbell crash of course an pearlier seen picture. pwestbound lanes still blocked. pbut we're hearing maybe at this oint or we might be in process pof getting one of those pwestbound lanes open. peastbound delays have improved pjust a little bit. pbut still there. psame situation with howard pfranklin. pjust leave early i don't think pyou will save much time by ptaking another route. phere 8:41. ptouch on some other ptransportation news. pmore than two dozen people in phospital this morning after 5 pcars of amtrak train derailed in psouthwest kansas. pthis train was on its way from pchicago to chicago i should say pfrom los angeles when the crash phappened. p27 people were taken to local phospitals, two of those were plisted in critical condition. p128 passengers were on board the pand they were offered palternatives to their final pdestinations. pright now amtrak says it does pnot know what caused the train pto go off the track. pwell it's spring break, time to penjoy the fun, the sun, and our pkids. pbut there's some things we need pto watch out for. pour doc on call has tips to m is the economy rigged? acquired more wealth than the bottom 100 million people combined. i'm bernie sanders, and i approve this message. my plan -- make wall street banks and the ultra-rich pay their fair share of taxes, provide living wages for working people, ensure equal pay for women. the middle class will continue to disappear unless we level the playing field. with your help, as president, 3 ((russell on cam)) it's pirtsdz 8:45. pthat time of year again. pspring break. pnot just for us a lot of people phere visiting. pthere's no better time to talk pabout spring break safety than pright now. pour doc on call dr. patrick mull preason from all children's phospital is on call, on the hone with us to keep our kids psafe this time of year. pgood morning, how you doing? pgood morning, russell. p>> let's talk about sun burns. phow much sun is too much and i pknow i know sunscreen going in. pburn? p>> yeah you know russell, peverything in moderation, of pcourse. pand for every child it's pdifferent. pyou know some children with pdarker skin can out a lot longer pthan those kids that are really ale you need to know your child pand how long they can tolerate pimportant thing this week during pspring break make sure you're ptaking breaks in shade and lunch pa gym toor for that to get kids pinto shade check them out. plet them dry off and then preapply sun block. pif you're purchasing sunscreen, pi illed only purchase sunscreen pthat is spf 50 and above. pno sense in buying 2015 stuff. pyou should buy highest sunscreen rotection out there. pthen just reapply. preapply. pevery 60 to 90 minutes. arents that live ear or coming pdown from pennsylvania are, pohio, michigan. pkits don't have base that they pdid last time you were spending pton of time in sun. psouths all new to them. pthey are going to get burned peasy now than in middler in when pnice tan base. pyou can do give them ibuprofen a ain reliever but also has pantiinflammatory in there that pwill help them out aloe or some ptype of hydrating cream to preplenish the skin and keep them pheals. pbut putting a kid with minor pburn out skin is extra sensitive pat that point keep them out sun pget them burned. panother thing to think about pare, cuts and abrasions. pespecially on the feet. pkids are walking around out in pwater. pand when they cut themselves out pthere. pyou're not always sure what it pis they cut themselves on right? pthat's right. psomething shocking so many arents don't know the dangers pthat are going on with regards pto the feet. pand we see it all too often. pespecially now when we have a plot of spring breakers down kids pare playing at the beach and pthey get bored they move over to pwhere rocks are retaining walls. roblem is that barnacles go on procks they are filter feeder pshellfish that sit against the pthere and they want to exact pwhere we want in area that tidal pwater. pwhat happens kids will make pmisstep step down into these pbarnacle and they are super psharp they will cut feet and pbreak off in the feet. oor anxious children come in pwith big cuts and for bodies pbecause shells broken into pthere. pso super dangerous. pso keep your kids out of those pshell tidal waters and pabsolutely no playing on the procks or sea walls at the beach. p>> okay. pso we're talking about things pgoing on at the beach lot of pfolks coming to town right now pmaybe folks from here or headed pacross the bridge to beach. psomewhere? ptraveling by car? phave? p>> you know i think the most pimportant travel tip is now a pdays, it's not like we were pkids, kids are all watching ptechnology some type of handheld pin hand they get like into home pmode they want to lay down, they pwant to put their feet up. pat that point they are not using ptheir seatbelts correctly. pi see with my own children. pcheck rear view mirror and make psure your children are wearing pthem correctly people with young pkids you need to just get pthrough your mind that the trip pis going to take an hour, hour pand a half longer. pand you know savor the journey, pstop, stop on road a some point. plet kids run around. pif you see park or an open field plet them go and have fun for 20 pminutes get some energy out so pthey are more comfortable in the pcar. pcan't do that on plane, can you? pno, unfortunately you can't one pthings russell we see so often pright now when everybody flying pdown family comes down for pspring break three days a little pone runny nose and cough. pbiggest problem with air travel pis that you know even though pthey pressurize aircraft there's phardly any humidity in those paircraft everything gets dried pand nasal dry that leads you rone to infections i'm not huge pfan wiping down with bleach i'm pnot sure that's that good at prestaurants and things like that pbut on airplane it might not be pa bad idea to bring with you psome type of wipe. pand wipe down the arm rest wipe pdown the tray table. pand then use hand sanitizer poften when you're on plane. plast thing you need to splurge pfor that water once you get pthrough tsa buy a bunch of water pmake sure they are drinking a plot kids can get dehydrated when pthey are oh plane you need to pmake sure their hydration status pis up they arrive there healthy pand don't get sick during spring pbreak. pnice advice i know what we will pneed to talk about soon though, pallergies. pallergies. poh, popping up at my house too. pi hope everybody has a wonderful pspring break. pthanks, russell. pgood to hear you. ptake care. pwe'll talk again soon. pbye. pall right. pto charley belcher we go at pweek's cool school. pman that band is good. preally good. pwe're not finished yet. pwe stepped outside i want to pshow you how big this campus, pbig beautiful fairly new campus pfive years under their belt pstarting six year speaking pmusicgot a little cloudy. pwe need some like sunny island pmusic to get us get that sun to pcome back out. poh. phow about some steel pstick around, davenport school pwell i do believe the steel pdrums helped. psun peeking out behind this cow pthere. pcloud. pi said cloud. pkind of. pand here comes the rain. plet's hurry up. pgood day tampa bay. pi'm charley belcher in davenport pthis morning. pdavenport school of the arts. pwonderful talented young people. pwe're going going to talk to psome of middle school all way pdown to elementary school. pthis is k-8. plet's start down here. pwhat's your name p>> anne marie. pwhy is this such a cool school? plet me tell you charley. pthey not only prepare urs for pacademics this prepare ur nows plife afterwardscomes from the pheart. pand all the opportunities that pthey give us are just so blessed pto be here. pvery nice. pyou're involved in jazz band psteel drum band. pyou're bell and beauty in beast? p>> good for you. p>> thank you. pi love that. psuch have i vagus personality. psavannah you're in ith ath pgrade. pyou're 8th grade. pwhy is it cool school? pwell i think a cool school pbecause all leadership popportunities. pwe have student leadership team pstarted by lovely. pand she encourages every idea pthat we have. pand also we're just surrounded pby such talent the group of kids pand such a supportive staff. p>> wow. p>> no pressure but these idz pyou just, all right. pseriously good answer. pyou shir what is your name? pi'm in 8 grade. pseventh grade pie know you want pto be in 8th grade. pnothing wrong with that. pwhy do you think a cool school? pi think it cool school because pwe get to, we get to show our ptalents to the community we preally get to show who we want pto be when ever we grow up. pgood answer. pgood answer. pyou listening to these answers? poh my goodness. p>> people get to learn dance, pmusic, art and tv production in pone day this may be shelby's pworld. pis that right? pwell look at you. pyou know what by that time i pmight hand mic right to you. pall right. p>> and now representing pelementary school, what is your pname georgia with a j. pwhat agreed are you? p>> fifth why do you think such a pcool school in well my first pour self tluf the arts. pand my second reason is even the pkids kids in elementary get to pdo many majors i love it up rose pgeorgia. pall right. phow about we hear a little bit pof this steel drum band. pcan we hear a little bit of pthis? p p p p impromptu dance team. pit is davenport school of the pcounty county. lenty more for you coming up. pinside and see the cast from pbeauty and beast. pbut steel drum music is working. phere comes the sin, yeah. pstick around everybody. with ingredients like roasted hazelnuts and cocoa, the delicious taste of nutella takes pancakes to a whole new level. make any day a pancake day with nutella. trump on top. the donald is p trump on top. phe's headed to tampa today as pnew poll is released showing pjust how far ahead he is. p>> and girls rule the school ptoday. pu skvment f women basketball pteam waits to hear who will play pin ncaa championship and. p>> good morning to you i'm panjuli davis. plaura mass morning off. ptime now 9 o'clock in case you pforget to set your clocks. p>> and i'm russell rhodes. pwhat time would it be if you pforget to set your clock? p8. pit's 9. pi'm russell rhodes. pdave and i are inside. pis it raining? pa few sprinkles here and there.

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Miami , Florida , United States , Louisiana , Tampa Bay , Barrington Hills , Illinois , Tampa , Davenport School , Kansas , Anna Maria , Pinellas County , Georgia , Pasco County , Michigan , Kansas City , Connecticut , Denmark , Lakeland , Harbor Island , Hillsborough County , Petersburg , Sankt Peterburg , Russia , Maryland , Pennsylvania , Ohio , Chicago , America , American , Pim Russell Rhodes , Marco Rubio , Pickett Donald , Pim Charley Belcher , Anne Marie , Russell Rhodes , Los Angeles , Craig Patrick , Charley Belcher , Kelly Cowan , Walter Allen , Pinellas Bayway , Eric Mcbeth , Howard Franklin , Hillary Clinton , Bernie Sanders ,

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