Transcripts For WTVT Good Day Tampa Bay 5AM 20161018 : comp

Transcripts For WTVT Good Day Tampa Bay 5AM 20161018

no closed captioning is shell... that's all that's left of a tampa shopping center that caught fire last night. the three-alarm blaze started around nine o'clock, at the "bid and deals supercenter," at 40th street and hillsborough avenue. four-people were inside working at the time... they all got out safely... but this fire was fierce... at one point, there were concerns the roof would collapse, so tampa fire rescue called for backup. it took crews three-hours to get the fire under control. now the fire marshal's office is (jen/ also developing this morning: a man is in rough shape after being hit by a car, at a bus stop. it happened on 4th street south near 21st avenue, around 7-30 last night. two cars ran into each other, and one of them hit the bus stop. the man was taken to the hospital, with critical injuries. the drivers of the cars weren't seriously injured. ((jen)) after ?weeks of "creepy clown" sightings, target has decided to pull certain halloween masks off the shelves. ((wally)) they're not the first business to do this... their bottom line. ((wally fox-13's shayla reaves is on the story for us this morning... shayla: scary movie clowns are one thing... but there's a bigger thanks, shayla. (wally it's a tragic story... a man accused of tossing his own daughter off a bridge, to her death. and face first-degree murder charges in the death of his child phoebe. that all hinges on jonchuck's mental state. a judge initially ruled him incompetent to stand trial. the issue was supposed to be resolved during a competency hearing back in april... but that was postponed when the judge learned jonchuck hadn't been taking all of his medications. fox 13 will be in clearwater for today's competency hearing and will let you know what happens on air and on fox 13 news dot com. (jen in the presidential election, next month... you've got some important homework to do. today is the last day to register. the dealdine was extended by one week, throughout our state, after democrats won an extension from a judge, because of hurricane matthew. and if you already have a voter card, be sure to check the address. it has to match the one on your driver's license. if it doesn't, you'll need to register for an ?updated card. (jen) in the past few days, polls have shown hillary clinton taking a lead... even in traditionally red states. system "rigged."(wally) meantime, the sexual harrassment issue dogging him, hasn't gone away... in fact... his wife melania, who usually stays away from the campaign trail, is talking about it. "those words, they were offensive to me and they were inappropriate. and he apologized to me. and i expect -- i accept his apology. and we are moving on."earhardt says: "from a woman's perspective, what were your thoughts when you heard those tapes?"trump says: "i -- this is not the man that i know. --wally that's mrs. trump speaking with "fox and friends"... and opening-up like never before. she defended her husband, saying he was "egged on" to make the controversial lewd comments about women, that were caught on tape back in 2005... and calling it "boy talk." you can see the entire interview on the fox news channel this morning. (wally the other man caught up in this scandal... billy bush... is out of a job. leaving n-b-c, effective immediately. bush joined "the today show" two months ago. and he was with trump when the controversial comments were recorded back in 2005. he was heard laughing as trump talked about how his fame let him get away with groping women and having affairs. bush later said he was embarrassed and ashamed by his behavior. he's a nephew of former president george h-w bush. (jen) meanwhile, hillary clinton's campaign says: i played "no role" in classifying emails. this is in response to the revelation that a state department official had asked the f-b-i for help last year, in reducing the classification level of an email from her private server. (jen according to fbi records released monday, under- secretary for management, patrick kennedy, sought the re- classification as part of a proposal that would have allowed the fbi to deploy more agents to iraq. it's not immediately clear whether kennedy or the fbi first suggested the proposed bargain. the fbi and the state (wally if you're still undecided, you can watch the candidates in their third, and ?final, debate tomorrow night in las vegas. we'll broadcast it live, right here on fox-13, starting at nine p-m. (jen) st. petersburg is the most gay-friendly city in florida. that's according to the yearly human rights campaign "equality index"... which evaluates cities on a variety of issues, ranging from employment to law enfo non-discrimination policies and for being an inclusive employer. it's the second year in a row st. pete had the highest overall score in the state. tampa also did well. cape coral had the lowest ?? halloween excitement is back at dunkin' with 2 dozen donuts for $12.99. drizzled, decorated, and all dressed up for the season, share the fun with 2 dozen donuts for $12.99. america runs on dunkin'. share the fun with 2 dozen donuts for $12.99. america runs on dunkin'. follow your own sense of style... because, you want to be confident. t.j.maxx really helped us express our creative side. that's the best part. you don't know what you're going to find. i always find great deals on shoes... purses... we're a team. yeah. this is mike's office. if he doesn't show up, he doesn't get paid. too often marco rubio didn't show up and failed us when he did. i am patrick murphy. to get things done, you've got to show up. you've got to work together. whether it's protecting social security and women's health care or growing the economy, instead of pointing fingers. i am patrick murphy and i approve this message ?? cozy up this fall with dunkin's coffee and espresso flavors. sip salty and sweet with our new salted caramel macchiato or drink in the season with the classic taste of pumpkin. successful liftoff at wallops island in virginia... was visible up and down the east coast last night... one of "orbital a-t-k's" un-manned rockets... blasted into space.. loaded with supplies for the international space station. nasa is paying orbital a-t-k... as well as the space-x company... to deliver cargo to the station. the goods are set to arrive on sunday. typhoon "sarika" has slammed into china, leaving a path of destruction. the storm made landfall today in the southern part of the nation, packing strong wind and heavy rainfall. sarika has already claimed at two lives in the northern philippines. the system is expected to hit vietnam next. more than 30 people have already been killed there, by flooding this week. (wally a breather, for battered syria russian and syrian warplanes are calling a temporary halt to the airstrikes in aleppo. they're calling it a "humanitarian pause". and it comes after officials say airstrikes killed at 36 people in the beseiged city, including several children. the pause began this morning... to allow civilians and militants safe passage out of the city... and allow (jen they're one of the most iconic movie props ever... dorothy's ruby slippers from "the wizard of oz"... but almost 80-years after judy garland wore them on her trip down "the yellow brick road," they could use some help. the sequins are starting to break, and the bright red color is fading. the current owner... the smithsonian museum in washington, d-c... wants to buy a special climate- controlled display case, and federal funds won't cover that. so th'v to raise 300-thousand dollars. so far, they're up to about a 10th of that amount. (jen) they've done this before. last year, they successfully raised the 500- thousand dollars they needed to preserve neil armstrong's space-suit. they called that campaign "reboot the ((wally)) time for a check- up... for some of lakeland's most famous residents. the graceful ?swans that call the area home, need to see the doctor... and if you thought herding cats was hard, try gathering the flock! ((wally fox-13's ken suarez is live in lakeland... hopefully ?not getting his feathers ruffled. good morning! it's round-up some like it hot.. but not this hot.. according to a new report in the journal of emergency medicine -- a 43 year old american man.. tried eating "ghost pepper puree" on a burger... as part of a contest.. and if you've seen any of the "ghost pepper challenge" video's online -- you may know how this one ends.. he couldn't hold the worlds hottest pepper fact -- he tore a hole in his esophagus.. the man then spent 23 days in the hospital recovering... the costs of which probably outweighed whatever the prize was in the eating contest. it's 5:-- there's a new ?buzz in downtown tampa... big cycle-boats... powered by riders... complete with a bar! it's sort of a paddling pub! (wally) sure they're fun... where else can you combine friends, fitness, happy hour and a spectacular view? (jen) but fox-13's haley hinds tells us: these cycleboats could also stir-up something else... big it's a bar. it's a workout. bright green and blue... the 32-foot kraken cycleboats are the newest vessels docking in downtown tampa... the first of their kind in the state. owners tony mendina and jeff rhoades were inspired on a trip to nashville where they rode a pedal tavern tour -- on land.we said we are surrounded by water, we've got to find a way to do it on the water. we found out there was one company making the boats. we gave them a call. a couple months later, it's sitting in the water riders sit at 10 pedal stations, powering the boat... though there is a 10 horsepower engine if your sea legs get's incredibly easy to pedal. if they've experienced it on the street, we don't have hills on the water.the center bar is a cooler so we have it all filled with ice and people bring their own drinks onboard it's the latest company dropping anchor in the downtown waterfront. simply their doing business... is having a ripple effect. businesses are starting to grow along the docks. we have multiple small businesses out here, all very successful and most importantly getting people on the water. it's a waterfront evolution. this past june, the final segment of the 2.3-mile ve for a growing customer base. now, with the addition of pirate water taxi and kraken cycleboats... making stops along the water... longtime businesses like rick's on the river are reeling in the benefits. i've seen the place go from just steady, maybe half occupancy to full within a matter of 10 minutes just from some of these other new businesses on the riverit's been really nice to be a part of the community and see this dream come together. i never thought we'd be here today. haley hinds, fox-13 news. this is just the beginning. kraken cycleboats will bring its second boat to tampa, next week... (wally) and then, they'll move across the bay... adding a cycleboat at "gators cafe" in johns pass, next month. ((walter just ahead: that's not seaweed! the interesting green stuff washing up on florida ready to make some throw you off your game. they can happen anywhere. and they only get bigger as time goes on. serve foster farms corn dogs, a delicious plump frank wrapped in a honey crunchy coating. a corn dog with 7 grams of protein makes a big appetite go away. foster farms corn dogs. ((walter)) it's 5:--, on tuesday, october 18th. i'm walter allen.((jen)) and i'm jen epstein. target is pulling certain costumes off the shelves... because of the "creepy clown scare." (jen fox-13's shayla reaves is on the story for us. shayla, we get it... this has been "a thing" this year... all the sightings and alleged attacks... but there's no closed captioning is available for traffic. traffic.available for captioning is available for traffic. 5:??. the man who shot-at george zimmerman during a road rage incident, will spend 20-years in prison. "matthew apperson" was convicted by a jury in seminole county last month, of attempted second-degree murder. he claimed he acted in self-defense, after zimmerman flashed a gun. but zimmerman denied that, saying: apperson "showed no regard for human life" during their confrontation last year. ((walter it's known for being a risky place to dive... now two more people have died there... the bodies of "patrick peacock" and at the "eagle's nest dive area" in weeki wachee, monday. it's home to a dangerous and complex cave system... officials say: both men were experienced divers, and both had visited this area several times in the past. ((walter a real headscratcher for florida authorities. in the past month, nearly 400-pounds of marijuana has washed up on the state's beaches... in the keys, and along the east coast... in at least 15 different places. investigators say: it's likely part of a drug smuggling operation and they're seeing more and more of this kind of more than 300-thousand dollars on the street. ((jen)) cat's in the cradle... bats in the belfry... swans... at the doctor. ((walter)) that last one is reality in lakeland today. it's time for the city's most famous residents, to get a checkup. ((wally fox-13's ken suarez is live in lakeland right now. ken, it's roundup time... this can't be an easy thing... scooping up swans. roll vo: you have to wrangle them. thanks, ken. ((jen)) coming up in about 10 minutes.. get ready to feel old. you will not ?believe who's on the cover of the new a-a-r-p magazine. ((walter)) sit up and take notice - nothing will.. runs: 04"guns don't kill people - toddlers kill people" walter/ right after the break - an "in your face" p-s-a.. with a simple message.. "lock up our .... ?toddlers".. elise: we couldn't believe it. that poor girl was raped by two football players and their friends. we were sure they would go to jail. so, when i heard state attorney mark ober decided scared for my daughter. none of those young men served a day behind bars. ober said losing a baseball scholarship was punishment enough. if mark ober can't protect our families, it's time for a new state attorney. it was doggie destiny was mr. bonejangles expecting the perfect toy at an amazing price? of course not. he's a dog. but you know you're gonna love it. we believe in families. in knowing your neighbors. in passing down traditions through generations. in lakewood ranch we believe in a community where we put down our roots. this is our town. this is our common ground. experience it yourself during the tour of homes. our annual model home spectacular beginning october 21st, featuring more than 50 stunning model homes r award winning community. tampa bay is amazing. i work here, i raise my kids here, i even take care of my mom here. but you know what? i could use a hand. hey! we hear you! it's why a-a-r-p is supporting family caregivers like you with free tools and resources. and we're making our community an even better place to live, work and play for people of all ages. if you don't think "this is right for me" if you throw a bunch of statistics at someone - they're going to tune out.. sometimes, you gotta pack a punch if you want people to take notice.. ((jen)) new public service announcement about toddlers and guns.. laura is here to tell us about it.. ((laura)) before we show you a portion of this ad.. you have to keep in mind.. it's satire. it was put together by "the brady campaign to prevent gun violence"... the ad starts with news reports from several different shootings this year.. of toddlers getting ahold of guns and killing themselves.. or someone else. the ad goes on to show news reports from several different shootings this year.. of toddlers getting ahold of guns and killing themselves.. or someone else. clearly, the idea of deporting toddlers is satire... but the president of the brady campaign says the message is not. he says there is a problem of guns falling into the wrong hands.. and something has to be done. ((more)) we report on this type of incident a lot.. a kid will find a gun.. be curious about it.. and pull the trigger.. "three year olds" get their hands on guns more than any other age... and are the most common shooters.. (jen/ get ready to feel... old. luke perry... the 9-0-2-1-0 alum... is on the cover... yep... he's 50... hard to believe, right? but his former co-star gabrielle carteris, who played andrea, is even older... she's 55. this just might happen. this.. just... might happen. 75. three way tie! three way tie! three way tie! three way tie!" (jen and there it is... all three contestants on yesterday's "price is right for a rare three-way tie. they each earned a thousand dollars, and their place in game show history. this is only the ?third time this has happened on the show... the last time, back in 2003... when bob barker was still the host. this was a first for his successor, ?? halloween excitement is back at dunkin' with 2 dozen donuts for $12.99. drizzled, decorated, and all dressed up for the season, 2 dozen donuts for $12.99. america runs on dunkin'. amendment 1 guarantees your right - to generate your own$12.99. solar energy. and placing that right in florida's constitution - keeps the politicians from messing with it. amendment 1 also allows for common sense consumer protections - because that's the right way to do solar. amendment 1: good for the economy. good for the environment, it's not uncommon for autistic kids to flap their hands. and so when i saw that, that was completely disqualifying. i'm a republican, but this election is so much bigger than party. my son max can't live in trump world. so i'm crossing party lines and voting for hillary. i don't always agree with her, but she's reasonable. and she's smart. mattered. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. (jen while some stores ?? cozy up this fall with dunkin's coffee and espresso flavors. sip salty and sweet with our new salted caramel macchiato or drink in the season with the classic taste of pumpkin. america runs on dunkin'. have decided to close for thanksgiving.. macy's won't be one of them. actually open at 5pm this year.. which is an hour ?earlier than in years past. several other stores as well as the mall of america have decided to close for thanksgiving-- saying they wanted to give back the day to employees. (wally and, on this "national pasta day," you can't order any at "spaghetti warehouse" anymore... but you can keep the memory alive. the ybor city restaurant closed its doors for good a few days ago... like some of the old signs... those neat stained-glass lamp shades... antique furniture... and kitchen equipment. all bids start at one dollar... and the auction runs through tonight. we have a link to the site on "fox-13 news dot com," in the "seen on t-v" ((wally)) okay, so it's ?fall.. these guys should be long gone... they're a ?spring-time pest. ((jen)) but this year, the "bufo toads" are hanging around ?longer... and posing a big risk for ?pets. a quick turn-out in donna rushing's south tampa backyard-- almost proved fatal-- for one-year old schauzer-- hettie.00:07:54 i called her name and she usually gets right up and she didn't. she tried to and then started staggering. when i picked her up i noticed foaming at her mouth. the curious pup-- had a run in with a bufo toad.rushing-- scooped up her dog...washed out her mouth with water-- and jumped in the car, for tampa veterinary hospital.00:08:20 i thought, 'oh, don't die.' that's all i could think of. oh please, we're going to go for help.dr. melissa webster says-- unfortunatley, the monday morning incident, happens year-round here in florida.but with the recent rains-- and leftover standing water-- the toads-- are out, in force.00:00:36 they come in all different sizes. from something really small to oh my god, something like a dinner plate. bufo toads-- spray a poisonous liquid from their glands-- when they feel threatened.dependent on the size of the toad-- and the dog-- an encounter-- can prove fatal for your pet, in mere minutes.00:02:52 they're all gooey out of their mouth. they're wobbly and walking funny and sometimes they can start seizuring. those same risks of seizures, cardiac, and g- contact with the toads, too. vets say your best bet is to keep backyards clean of toad attractants-- like dog droppings and pet food.and keep a close eye-- on your two-- ?and four-legged little ones. 00:10:02 i'm so happy. i'm just so happy she's ok. in tampa, anjuli davis fox 13 there's much more to come on good day.((walter)) let's turn it over to russell and laura - to find out what's ahead in our 6 o'clock hour. ((laura/2-shot)) well, this is troubling.. banks are giving away credit cards like its 2008.. and we all remembered what happened back then..((russell)) coming up - why the increase.. and what it all means. (russell/take vo) and: mosaic uses amazing technology to take us inside its sinkhole.. it's huge. and now there's a plan - to fix it.. but it's pricey. privacy warning being shared on facebook. post it - and protect your pictures. we put this warning to rest - at target is pulling clown masks from shelves ahead of halloween.. retailer to react to the scary threats sweeping the nation. senator marco rubio returns to the debate stage for the first time since he was running for president. coming up, the highlights as he takes on congressman patrick murphy. and ... the sick and wounded are getting a chance to escape the battleground in war-torn syria .. new this morning, the latest push for humanitarian aid, involving

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Vietnam , Republic Of , Philippines , Tampa Bay , Florida , United States , Tampa , Johns Pass , Washington , China , Seminole County , Virginia , Syria , Russia , Aleppo , Lab , Iraq , Ybor City , Lakeland , Petersburg , Sankt Peterburg , Clearwater , South Tampa , America , Syrian , Russian , American , Jeff Rhoades , Marco Rubio , Davis Fox , George Zimmerman , Ken Suarez , Billy Bush , Wally Fox , Bob Barker , Patrick Kennedy , Luke Perry , Haley Hinds , Patrick Murphy , Neil Armstrong , Jen Epstein , Las Vegas , Melissa Webster , Dorothy Ruby , Jen Fox , Walter Allen Jen , Shayla Reaves , Hillary Clinton , Judy Garland ,

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Transcripts For WTVT Good Day Tampa Bay 5AM 20161018 :

Transcripts For WTVT Good Day Tampa Bay 5AM 20161018

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no closed captioning is shell... that's all that's left of a tampa shopping center that caught fire last night. the three-alarm blaze started around nine o'clock, at the "bid and deals supercenter," at 40th street and hillsborough avenue. four-people were inside working at the time... they all got out safely... but this fire was fierce... at one point, there were concerns the roof would collapse, so tampa fire rescue called for backup. it took crews three-hours to get the fire under control. now the fire marshal's office is (jen/ also developing this morning: a man is in rough shape after being hit by a car, at a bus stop. it happened on 4th street south near 21st avenue, around 7-30 last night. two cars ran into each other, and one of them hit the bus stop. the man was taken to the hospital, with critical injuries. the drivers of the cars weren't seriously injured. ((jen)) after ?weeks of "creepy clown" sightings, target has decided to pull certain halloween masks off the shelves. ((wally)) they're not the first business to do this... their bottom line. ((wally fox-13's shayla reaves is on the story for us this morning... shayla: scary movie clowns are one thing... but there's a bigger thanks, shayla. (wally it's a tragic story... a man accused of tossing his own daughter off a bridge, to her death. and face first-degree murder charges in the death of his child phoebe. that all hinges on jonchuck's mental state. a judge initially ruled him incompetent to stand trial. the issue was supposed to be resolved during a competency hearing back in april... but that was postponed when the judge learned jonchuck hadn't been taking all of his medications. fox 13 will be in clearwater for today's competency hearing and will let you know what happens on air and on fox 13 news dot com. (jen in the presidential election, next month... you've got some important homework to do. today is the last day to register. the dealdine was extended by one week, throughout our state, after democrats won an extension from a judge, because of hurricane matthew. and if you already have a voter card, be sure to check the address. it has to match the one on your driver's license. if it doesn't, you'll need to register for an ?updated card. (jen) in the past few days, polls have shown hillary clinton taking a lead... even in traditionally red states. system "rigged."(wally) meantime, the sexual harrassment issue dogging him, hasn't gone away... in fact... his wife melania, who usually stays away from the campaign trail, is talking about it. "those words, they were offensive to me and they were inappropriate. and he apologized to me. and i expect -- i accept his apology. and we are moving on."earhardt says: "from a woman's perspective, what were your thoughts when you heard those tapes?"trump says: "i -- this is not the man that i know. --wally that's mrs. trump speaking with "fox and friends"... and opening-up like never before. she defended her husband, saying he was "egged on" to make the controversial lewd comments about women, that were caught on tape back in 2005... and calling it "boy talk." you can see the entire interview on the fox news channel this morning. (wally the other man caught up in this scandal... billy bush... is out of a job. leaving n-b-c, effective immediately. bush joined "the today show" two months ago. and he was with trump when the controversial comments were recorded back in 2005. he was heard laughing as trump talked about how his fame let him get away with groping women and having affairs. bush later said he was embarrassed and ashamed by his behavior. he's a nephew of former president george h-w bush. (jen) meanwhile, hillary clinton's campaign says: i played "no role" in classifying emails. this is in response to the revelation that a state department official had asked the f-b-i for help last year, in reducing the classification level of an email from her private server. (jen according to fbi records released monday, under- secretary for management, patrick kennedy, sought the re- classification as part of a proposal that would have allowed the fbi to deploy more agents to iraq. it's not immediately clear whether kennedy or the fbi first suggested the proposed bargain. the fbi and the state (wally if you're still undecided, you can watch the candidates in their third, and ?final, debate tomorrow night in las vegas. we'll broadcast it live, right here on fox-13, starting at nine p-m. (jen) st. petersburg is the most gay-friendly city in florida. that's according to the yearly human rights campaign "equality index"... which evaluates cities on a variety of issues, ranging from employment to law enfo non-discrimination policies and for being an inclusive employer. it's the second year in a row st. pete had the highest overall score in the state. tampa also did well. cape coral had the lowest ?? halloween excitement is back at dunkin' with 2 dozen donuts for $12.99. drizzled, decorated, and all dressed up for the season, share the fun with 2 dozen donuts for $12.99. america runs on dunkin'. share the fun with 2 dozen donuts for $12.99. america runs on dunkin'. follow your own sense of style... because, you want to be confident. t.j.maxx really helped us express our creative side. that's the best part. you don't know what you're going to find. i always find great deals on shoes... purses... we're a team. yeah. this is mike's office. if he doesn't show up, he doesn't get paid. too often marco rubio didn't show up and failed us when he did. i am patrick murphy. to get things done, you've got to show up. you've got to work together. whether it's protecting social security and women's health care or growing the economy, instead of pointing fingers. i am patrick murphy and i approve this message ?? cozy up this fall with dunkin's coffee and espresso flavors. sip salty and sweet with our new salted caramel macchiato or drink in the season with the classic taste of pumpkin. successful liftoff at wallops island in virginia... was visible up and down the east coast last night... one of "orbital a-t-k's" un-manned rockets... blasted into space.. loaded with supplies for the international space station. nasa is paying orbital a-t-k... as well as the space-x company... to deliver cargo to the station. the goods are set to arrive on sunday. typhoon "sarika" has slammed into china, leaving a path of destruction. the storm made landfall today in the southern part of the nation, packing strong wind and heavy rainfall. sarika has already claimed at two lives in the northern philippines. the system is expected to hit vietnam next. more than 30 people have already been killed there, by flooding this week. (wally a breather, for battered syria russian and syrian warplanes are calling a temporary halt to the airstrikes in aleppo. they're calling it a "humanitarian pause". and it comes after officials say airstrikes killed at 36 people in the beseiged city, including several children. the pause began this morning... to allow civilians and militants safe passage out of the city... and allow (jen they're one of the most iconic movie props ever... dorothy's ruby slippers from "the wizard of oz"... but almost 80-years after judy garland wore them on her trip down "the yellow brick road," they could use some help. the sequins are starting to break, and the bright red color is fading. the current owner... the smithsonian museum in washington, d-c... wants to buy a special climate- controlled display case, and federal funds won't cover that. so th'v to raise 300-thousand dollars. so far, they're up to about a 10th of that amount. (jen) they've done this before. last year, they successfully raised the 500- thousand dollars they needed to preserve neil armstrong's space-suit. they called that campaign "reboot the ((wally)) time for a check- up... for some of lakeland's most famous residents. the graceful ?swans that call the area home, need to see the doctor... and if you thought herding cats was hard, try gathering the flock! ((wally fox-13's ken suarez is live in lakeland... hopefully ?not getting his feathers ruffled. good morning! it's round-up some like it hot.. but not this hot.. according to a new report in the journal of emergency medicine -- a 43 year old american man.. tried eating "ghost pepper puree" on a burger... as part of a contest.. and if you've seen any of the "ghost pepper challenge" video's online -- you may know how this one ends.. he couldn't hold the worlds hottest pepper fact -- he tore a hole in his esophagus.. the man then spent 23 days in the hospital recovering... the costs of which probably outweighed whatever the prize was in the eating contest. it's 5:-- there's a new ?buzz in downtown tampa... big cycle-boats... powered by riders... complete with a bar! it's sort of a paddling pub! (wally) sure they're fun... where else can you combine friends, fitness, happy hour and a spectacular view? (jen) but fox-13's haley hinds tells us: these cycleboats could also stir-up something else... big it's a bar. it's a workout. bright green and blue... the 32-foot kraken cycleboats are the newest vessels docking in downtown tampa... the first of their kind in the state. owners tony mendina and jeff rhoades were inspired on a trip to nashville where they rode a pedal tavern tour -- on land.we said we are surrounded by water, we've got to find a way to do it on the water. we found out there was one company making the boats. we gave them a call. a couple months later, it's sitting in the water riders sit at 10 pedal stations, powering the boat... though there is a 10 horsepower engine if your sea legs get's incredibly easy to pedal. if they've experienced it on the street, we don't have hills on the water.the center bar is a cooler so we have it all filled with ice and people bring their own drinks onboard it's the latest company dropping anchor in the downtown waterfront. simply their doing business... is having a ripple effect. businesses are starting to grow along the docks. we have multiple small businesses out here, all very successful and most importantly getting people on the water. it's a waterfront evolution. this past june, the final segment of the 2.3-mile ve for a growing customer base. now, with the addition of pirate water taxi and kraken cycleboats... making stops along the water... longtime businesses like rick's on the river are reeling in the benefits. i've seen the place go from just steady, maybe half occupancy to full within a matter of 10 minutes just from some of these other new businesses on the riverit's been really nice to be a part of the community and see this dream come together. i never thought we'd be here today. haley hinds, fox-13 news. this is just the beginning. kraken cycleboats will bring its second boat to tampa, next week... (wally) and then, they'll move across the bay... adding a cycleboat at "gators cafe" in johns pass, next month. ((walter just ahead: that's not seaweed! the interesting green stuff washing up on florida ready to make some throw you off your game. they can happen anywhere. and they only get bigger as time goes on. serve foster farms corn dogs, a delicious plump frank wrapped in a honey crunchy coating. a corn dog with 7 grams of protein makes a big appetite go away. foster farms corn dogs. ((walter)) it's 5:--, on tuesday, october 18th. i'm walter allen.((jen)) and i'm jen epstein. target is pulling certain costumes off the shelves... because of the "creepy clown scare." (jen fox-13's shayla reaves is on the story for us. shayla, we get it... this has been "a thing" this year... all the sightings and alleged attacks... but there's no closed captioning is available for traffic. traffic.available for captioning is available for traffic. 5:??. the man who shot-at george zimmerman during a road rage incident, will spend 20-years in prison. "matthew apperson" was convicted by a jury in seminole county last month, of attempted second-degree murder. he claimed he acted in self-defense, after zimmerman flashed a gun. but zimmerman denied that, saying: apperson "showed no regard for human life" during their confrontation last year. ((walter it's known for being a risky place to dive... now two more people have died there... the bodies of "patrick peacock" and at the "eagle's nest dive area" in weeki wachee, monday. it's home to a dangerous and complex cave system... officials say: both men were experienced divers, and both had visited this area several times in the past. ((walter a real headscratcher for florida authorities. in the past month, nearly 400-pounds of marijuana has washed up on the state's beaches... in the keys, and along the east coast... in at least 15 different places. investigators say: it's likely part of a drug smuggling operation and they're seeing more and more of this kind of more than 300-thousand dollars on the street. ((jen)) cat's in the cradle... bats in the belfry... swans... at the doctor. ((walter)) that last one is reality in lakeland today. it's time for the city's most famous residents, to get a checkup. ((wally fox-13's ken suarez is live in lakeland right now. ken, it's roundup time... this can't be an easy thing... scooping up swans. roll vo: you have to wrangle them. thanks, ken. ((jen)) coming up in about 10 minutes.. get ready to feel old. you will not ?believe who's on the cover of the new a-a-r-p magazine. ((walter)) sit up and take notice - nothing will.. runs: 04"guns don't kill people - toddlers kill people" walter/ right after the break - an "in your face" p-s-a.. with a simple message.. "lock up our .... ?toddlers".. elise: we couldn't believe it. that poor girl was raped by two football players and their friends. we were sure they would go to jail. so, when i heard state attorney mark ober decided scared for my daughter. none of those young men served a day behind bars. ober said losing a baseball scholarship was punishment enough. if mark ober can't protect our families, it's time for a new state attorney. it was doggie destiny was mr. bonejangles expecting the perfect toy at an amazing price? of course not. he's a dog. but you know you're gonna love it. we believe in families. in knowing your neighbors. in passing down traditions through generations. in lakewood ranch we believe in a community where we put down our roots. this is our town. this is our common ground. experience it yourself during the tour of homes. our annual model home spectacular beginning october 21st, featuring more than 50 stunning model homes r award winning community. tampa bay is amazing. i work here, i raise my kids here, i even take care of my mom here. but you know what? i could use a hand. hey! we hear you! it's why a-a-r-p is supporting family caregivers like you with free tools and resources. and we're making our community an even better place to live, work and play for people of all ages. if you don't think "this is right for me" if you throw a bunch of statistics at someone - they're going to tune out.. sometimes, you gotta pack a punch if you want people to take notice.. ((jen)) new public service announcement about toddlers and guns.. laura is here to tell us about it.. ((laura)) before we show you a portion of this ad.. you have to keep in mind.. it's satire. it was put together by "the brady campaign to prevent gun violence"... the ad starts with news reports from several different shootings this year.. of toddlers getting ahold of guns and killing themselves.. or someone else. the ad goes on to show news reports from several different shootings this year.. of toddlers getting ahold of guns and killing themselves.. or someone else. clearly, the idea of deporting toddlers is satire... but the president of the brady campaign says the message is not. he says there is a problem of guns falling into the wrong hands.. and something has to be done. ((more)) we report on this type of incident a lot.. a kid will find a gun.. be curious about it.. and pull the trigger.. "three year olds" get their hands on guns more than any other age... and are the most common shooters.. (jen/ get ready to feel... old. luke perry... the 9-0-2-1-0 alum... is on the cover... yep... he's 50... hard to believe, right? but his former co-star gabrielle carteris, who played andrea, is even older... she's 55. this just might happen. this.. just... might happen. 75. three way tie! three way tie! three way tie! three way tie!" (jen and there it is... all three contestants on yesterday's "price is right for a rare three-way tie. they each earned a thousand dollars, and their place in game show history. this is only the ?third time this has happened on the show... the last time, back in 2003... when bob barker was still the host. this was a first for his successor, ?? halloween excitement is back at dunkin' with 2 dozen donuts for $12.99. drizzled, decorated, and all dressed up for the season, 2 dozen donuts for $12.99. america runs on dunkin'. amendment 1 guarantees your right - to generate your own$12.99. solar energy. and placing that right in florida's constitution - keeps the politicians from messing with it. amendment 1 also allows for common sense consumer protections - because that's the right way to do solar. amendment 1: good for the economy. good for the environment, it's not uncommon for autistic kids to flap their hands. and so when i saw that, that was completely disqualifying. i'm a republican, but this election is so much bigger than party. my son max can't live in trump world. so i'm crossing party lines and voting for hillary. i don't always agree with her, but she's reasonable. and she's smart. mattered. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. (jen while some stores ?? cozy up this fall with dunkin's coffee and espresso flavors. sip salty and sweet with our new salted caramel macchiato or drink in the season with the classic taste of pumpkin. america runs on dunkin'. have decided to close for thanksgiving.. macy's won't be one of them. actually open at 5pm this year.. which is an hour ?earlier than in years past. several other stores as well as the mall of america have decided to close for thanksgiving-- saying they wanted to give back the day to employees. (wally and, on this "national pasta day," you can't order any at "spaghetti warehouse" anymore... but you can keep the memory alive. the ybor city restaurant closed its doors for good a few days ago... like some of the old signs... those neat stained-glass lamp shades... antique furniture... and kitchen equipment. all bids start at one dollar... and the auction runs through tonight. we have a link to the site on "fox-13 news dot com," in the "seen on t-v" ((wally)) okay, so it's ?fall.. these guys should be long gone... they're a ?spring-time pest. ((jen)) but this year, the "bufo toads" are hanging around ?longer... and posing a big risk for ?pets. a quick turn-out in donna rushing's south tampa backyard-- almost proved fatal-- for one-year old schauzer-- hettie.00:07:54 i called her name and she usually gets right up and she didn't. she tried to and then started staggering. when i picked her up i noticed foaming at her mouth. the curious pup-- had a run in with a bufo toad.rushing-- scooped up her dog...washed out her mouth with water-- and jumped in the car, for tampa veterinary hospital.00:08:20 i thought, 'oh, don't die.' that's all i could think of. oh please, we're going to go for help.dr. melissa webster says-- unfortunatley, the monday morning incident, happens year-round here in florida.but with the recent rains-- and leftover standing water-- the toads-- are out, in force.00:00:36 they come in all different sizes. from something really small to oh my god, something like a dinner plate. bufo toads-- spray a poisonous liquid from their glands-- when they feel threatened.dependent on the size of the toad-- and the dog-- an encounter-- can prove fatal for your pet, in mere minutes.00:02:52 they're all gooey out of their mouth. they're wobbly and walking funny and sometimes they can start seizuring. those same risks of seizures, cardiac, and g- contact with the toads, too. vets say your best bet is to keep backyards clean of toad attractants-- like dog droppings and pet food.and keep a close eye-- on your two-- ?and four-legged little ones. 00:10:02 i'm so happy. i'm just so happy she's ok. in tampa, anjuli davis fox 13 there's much more to come on good day.((walter)) let's turn it over to russell and laura - to find out what's ahead in our 6 o'clock hour. ((laura/2-shot)) well, this is troubling.. banks are giving away credit cards like its 2008.. and we all remembered what happened back then..((russell)) coming up - why the increase.. and what it all means. (russell/take vo) and: mosaic uses amazing technology to take us inside its sinkhole.. it's huge. and now there's a plan - to fix it.. but it's pricey. privacy warning being shared on facebook. post it - and protect your pictures. we put this warning to rest - at target is pulling clown masks from shelves ahead of halloween.. retailer to react to the scary threats sweeping the nation. senator marco rubio returns to the debate stage for the first time since he was running for president. coming up, the highlights as he takes on congressman patrick murphy. and ... the sick and wounded are getting a chance to escape the battleground in war-torn syria .. new this morning, the latest push for humanitarian aid, involving

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