Transcripts For WTVT Good Day Tampa Bay 5AM 20160914 : comp

Transcripts For WTVT Good Day Tampa Bay 5AM 20160914

no closed captioning is ((jen)) this morning: there's a big meeting about ride-sharing services in tampa. it's been a contentious issue for awhile now... ((wally)) vote on new regulations for uber and lyft drivers today... but now it looks like they've hit a speed bump. ((wally fox-13's ken suarez joins us now, live from downtown tampa... ken, what happened? thanks, ken. thanks, thanks, ken. (jen) the fight over zika funding continues today on capitol hill. governor scott is spending his second straight day in d-c... talking face-to-face with lawmakers. and the good news is... the long stalemate in washington over how to fund the zika battle... appears to be ending. (jen during day one of his visit, governor scott met with senator marco rubio and house speaker paul ryan. he told them: it's "unacceptable" that politics long enough to protect unborn babies. he was refering to the link between zika and severe birth defects. florida's congressional delegation also stood together tuesday... both republicans and democrats... and demanded their collegues pass a bill to fund research and mosquito control... before the virus spreads. "florida's gonna be the front lines of this battle.... gonna spread north around our country." "we're just the tip of the spear. this is a, this is a international issue. this is not just a florida issue. so i assume that people are starting to understand this is a national issue." --jen congress has already tried ?three ?times to pass a zika spending bill... and failed... it's largely because of partisan provisions attached to the bill. (jen) but now there's ?hope for a breakthrough. florida senators bill nelson and marco rubio are both pushing the senate to pass a would include one-point-one ?billion dollars in zika funding... ?without any of the controversial provisions attached. (wally in hillsborough county: a former middle school teacher is facing charges, after giving a student a smartphone. that's because detectives say he asked the girl to take ?naked photos with it. 31 year old "michael geist" was a science teacher at rodgers middle school in riverview at the time. detectives say the incident happened back in april. geist resigned in ?may, right after an investigation starte the charges were formally filed this week. other parents at the school... were pretty disturbed about it: --walter geist is charged with "lewd and lascivious conduct" with a minor. he's already animal experts in pinellas county this week. dead birds just keep washing ashore on the beaches. and right now, scientists think ?water could be to blame. (jen they're thinking storm water was dumped into the bay following heavy rains from recent storms. scientists found this bird on st. pete beach, tuesday morning. beth fory is an environmental scientist. she says they studied another dead bird's heart and brain... and found salmonella. she thinks birds are catching it from the water... as they skim the surface searching for food. ((jen)) it's happened again... another gadget bursts into flames... and injures the user. ((wally)) this time it's ?local... a laptop computer caught fire... but like other cases... it's been traced... to the ?battery. ((wally fox-13's alcides segui is on the story. alcides... lithium batteries are in so many devices... from cell phones to hoverboards... thanks, alcides. (jen something ?big is brewing at publix! soon, you'll be able to get ?starbucks with your ?subs. publix is going to add a starbucks kiosk at the store on west gandy boulevard in south tampa. it'll be up and running later this year... and company execs and shoppers are really excited about it. other publix stores will get ((jen)) hail to the chief, indeed!((walter)) the great news one former president just got. it's even ?better than winning an election. ((walter and... bridal breakdown! the crazy thing one woman did, when the limo brokedown i'm really good at war. i love war in a certain way. including with nukes, yes including with nukes. i know more about isis than the generals do, believe me. nuclear, just the power the devastation, is very important to me. disturbing new video shows three police officers being struck by a car in phoenix, arizona.. this morning -- 44-year old "marc payne" is facing three counts of attempted first-degree murder.. the incident happened tuesday morning outside a gas station.. in the video -- you can see the officers standing in the parking lot when payne just the city's police chief says what happened to the officers was "intentional" and "unacceptable"... all three officers are expected to recover. payne was also hospitalized. a tragic story out of utah. a toddler was suffocated and killed, after a day care worked sat on a beanbag, not realizing the child was underneath it. west jordan police say "leo sanchez" would have turned two this week. there is surveillance video that shows leo where he was for five to 15 minutes before employees realized he was underneath. the day care is also being investigated to see if they were operating under the proper license. (wally great news for former president jimmy carter. he just had an m-r-i and it came back healthy. doctors wanted to look at his brain, after he battled tumors last year. the scan "looked good." and the former president is really relieved. he's 91... and cancer runs in his family... several of his siblings died feeling good... and just celebrated his ?70th wedding anniversary with wife rosalynn, in july. (jen a couple of superheroes visited elementary school kids in california. no, they didn't wear capes... but they ?do have "super powers." one of them... brian shaw... is the world's ?strongest man... and his friend ben smith... is the world's ?fittest man. together, they've got some serious brawn... and showed it off for the kids. but they were power... they want to inspire kids to be physically ?and mentally strong... and stay in school. it's now 5:??. time it is 5:??: time now to find out what's happening on the roads - with our "skyfox on time ((walter)) well, ask anyone who's been diagnosed with cancer, and they'll tell you: they just want their life to be as ?normal, as possible... and the youngest patients agree. (wally and for seven- year-old sammy... that means going to school... even while he's in the hospital, getting treatment. he's th meet him... and the special lady who's making "normal"... - marco. - polo. marco? marco? but it's not a game when our senator doesn't show up. i'm patrick murphy. solving problems means showing up. showing independence. and working together. it's why i worked to protect women's health care and worked with both parties to stop cuts to medicare. i'm patrick murphy and i approve this message because florida needs a full-time senator. marco? marco? when kids are in the hospital.... treatment takes them out of the classroom, away from teachers -- usually - for a good amount of time. well, this extraordinary ordinary at john's hopkins all childrens hospital decided that if the kids are away.... they'll bring the classroom and teachers directly to them . alicia riggs, johns hopkins all children's hospital the typical sounds from a 7 year old this time of year. laughter... learning class is in session for little sammy huett he's been recieving cancer treatments at johns hopkins all childrens hospital for some time now. but the only thing being tested was his health. while children schooling is on the back burner. "never met a patient here at the hospital that says "i'm so glad i don't get to go to school today!" alicia riggs saw that as a serious problem.... and made it her mission to change that."he knew his brothers and sisters were going to school and he was supposed to be going to school. now he has to come to all these doctors appointments and admissions into the hospital and he's gotta be here 3 days a week or more than three days a week. for us it was creating that normal school experience at the hospital within his treatment setting." it's not education that is lacking. children in these settings can take virtual classes... maybe with the help of a volunteer, it didn't come with a certified teacher.. until riggs stepped in. she which passed in the form of a grant... so now sammy and other children in treatment have a teacher to go along with the lessons.: "if that child is mastering it in the moment then they can move on, if they need a bit more reinforcement, then they can go back a little and think of the day. they can go at a certian time but if that child is in treatment o not feeling well that morning, they can come back." and when i asked any success stories when it comes to this new program.... this extraordinary ordinary was quick to point out -- yes - and for good reason!"everyday is a success for him! he does great and wonderful things everyday. he participates, he feels like a student he feels successful and thats what (wally) as of now, the childrens hospital has a full time and a part time teacher. and they assist children from kindergarten to seniors in high school. for more on this program in my extraordinary ordinary extra or to suggest some you think is an extrardinary ordinary-visit my facebook page! ((jen)) they won ?gold... now they're seeing ?red. ((walter)) why so many star athletes, are feeling ?angry and ?violated this morning... ((walter plus... playtime with a purpose! some classic toys are being concerned for a prestigious honor... did your first there's shaving. blades. sharp and precise. then gillette shielding. comfy lubrication before and after. and also cooling. oooh... got goosebumps. gillette proshield chill. with lubrication before and after the blades. shields and cools while you shave. proshield. ((walter)) it's 5:--, on wednesday, september 14th. i'm walter allen.((jen)) and i'm jen epstein. the battle over ridesharing has been brewing for months between hillsborough officials and drivers... this morning, the move to really (jen fox-13's ken suarez is live in tampa for us, with a look at the proposal on the no closed captioning is available for traffic. the time now is 5:??. let's get you up to the minute on today's top stories: campus police are warning people about a thief on u- s-f's campus. officials say this man... theodie williams... was seen going into several offices in the h. lee moffitt cancer center. people later reported several items missing. campus police believe williams also broke into other buildings and stole things. about a week later... u-s-f police caught up with williams-- who was then trespassed. are searching for the man who smashed the glass door of a scientology center. you can see him with a group of people... including another man dressed as thor... walk up to the building on 1st avenue north. this was just after midnight on sunday. the man walks by... smashes the glass... then everyone walks away. if you know anything... call police. ((walter also in saint pete... police are searching for a couple who stole hundreds of dollars worth of earlier this month at the hofbrauhaus on 4th street south. the couple walked into a private room at the german restaurant... you can see the woman shoving items into her backpack-- and a man helping her zip up before they leave. if you recognize them... call police. ((jen)) fresh concerns this morning about lithium batteries... after a tampa man's laptop exploded. he's not the only one... batteries in hoverboards, cell phones and other devices... have caught-fire... should we be concerned? ((jen fox-13's alcides segui is on the alcides... this could ((jen thanks, alcides. mostly holding in syria.. more than two days after going into effect. but aid still has not reached those that need it. aid agencies are ready and waiting to distribute much- needed food and medicine, but they are awaiting guarantees of security from all parties before making deliveries to hundreds of thousands of desperate syrians. the first planned deliveries would happen in the hard hit area of aleppo, where some 275-thousand people have been cut off from assistance. olympic athletes are after hackers publish some of their medical data. among the atheltes hit were tennis star "venus williams" and gymnast "simone biles". the world anti-doping agency says russian hackers are to blame for the breach. records show both athletes had "theraputic use exemptions".. which allows athletes to use otherwise-banned substances because of verified medical issues. williams issued a statement saying she's been granted exemption when serious medical conditions have occured. biles said she's a-d-h-d since she was a child. cinemark is no longer seeking to recoup 700-thousand dollars in legal costs it incurred during a trial involving aurora theater shooting victims. several victims from the 2012 tragedy sued the theater chain, contending it did not do enough to prevent the shooting. but in june, a jury sided with cinemark, saying there was no way the theater could've predicted the tragedy. under colorado law, the chain could've recouped legal its claim, so as long as victims did not pursue an appeal. (wally in central florida today: the trial continues... for the man accused of shooting at george zimmerman. it happened during a road rage incident last year. zimmerman took the stand yesterday, at the seminole county courthouse. he testified that he was driving to a doctor's appointment when he noticed a vehicle following him. he says: "matthew apperson" pulled-up, they exchanged words, and the other guy fired a shot at his car. zimmerman apperson is charged with ?attempted second-degree murder. (wally) feeling stressed this morning? need some happy thoughts? we've got 'em... (jen) the national toy hall of fame... announced the nominees for this year. now the hard part is... whittling them down. (jen the list is spectacular... for ?all generations. 80's kids like me will appreciate the care bears... and (wally) but there are older faves too... like nerf balls... and the fisher price school bus... and how about rock 'em, sock 'em robots... those guys have been around since the 60's and they're still beloved. (jen) coloring books are on the list this year... and so many other things. we'll find out which three will make the hall, in november. ((jen)) something old... something new... something ?borrowed... no one blue. ((walter)) one bride's creative solution... to a really big wedding problem. she and her groom... have a great story for their future kids! ((walter and... talk about touching... one little boy's big gesture... out of love for america. it'll change the way you hear the we are one nation under god. that black and white, we are one nation indivisible. i'd like to punch him in the face. you know what they used to do to guys like that? they'd be carried out in a stretcher, folks. i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. the national anthem has stirred a lot of debate lately... between people who refuse to stand for it, in protest... and others who are offended by that action. (wally) now, two very star spangled banner... are getting attention. russell's here with the touching story. (russell) the video is gonna get you... in both of these cases. we start... with a little nine-year-old boy in michigan... and his red, white and blue effort... to salute america. (russell this is logan... he has cerebral palsy... he can't walk on his own... but he loves sports... and the national anthem... he was watching a game on t-v recently, and his mom noticed him trying to stand for the star spangled banner. she says: he always takes off his hat in respect for the song... bu tried to get on his feet. and then, there's this... --russell that's the women's volleyball team at williams valley high school in something went wrong with the pre-recorded version of the national anthem before their game... but they didn't want to start without it... so they ?sang the star-spangled banner instead. wow. (russell) now, ready for some trivia? 202-years ago ?today, francis scott key wrote a poem about the defense of fort mchenry... those words became the lyrics.... of the star-spangled banner. it's now 5:??. time to check the forecast with with week 1 now in the rearview, the bucs shift their focus to the arizona cardinals... a team that lost last week to the tom brady-less patriots. first visit to phoenix since 2010... the bucs made a move today... signing a runningback... former falcons speedster jacquizz rodgers... rodgers played for koetter in atlanta and has some versatility as a change of pace back... can catch out of the backfield as well as return punts and kicks. jameis winston is a nominee quarter wasn't his best... starting 3 for 7 with a red zone interception.... but it didn't faze winston... bouncing back to lead the bucs to a win... teams are always looking for stability in their quarterback and dirk koetter feels he has that with his qb... major league baseball releases next season's schedule tomorrow and for the rays, 2017 couldn't get here soon enough... it's been a tough season, but a bright spot... has been how well they play against toronto... rays needs just one win to take the season series against the blue jays.... rays jump out front in the fifth.... with two on, alexei ramirez lifts the 0-2 pitch to left... it takes forever to come down... his first homer with the rays... don't miss first base there... rays lead 3-0.... smyly with a shutout in the sixth when russell martin changes that.... no doubt where that one is landing.... two-run shot makes it a one run game... and smyly's night is done... but the rays answer right back... steven souza junior with the solo shot... that's 198 homers for the rays this season, one off steven souza junior was the center of some ugly attention on ?monday night.. thanks to a little miss- communication.. souza thought he'd hit the game winning home run.. before the blue jays grabbed the final out.. after the play -- souza misheard blue jays closer "russell martin".. short-stop "troy tulowitzki" then ran in to defend martin.. who in turn upset souza -- and caused the benches to clear.. ?eventually, order was restored.. and souza later cleared the air with martin.. have you seen these jersey's bucs fans? .. because they're pretty hard to miss.. jameis winston will lead out the team november third.. in this almost all red uniform.. before their week nine matchup with the atlanta falcons.. if you buy one of the jersies... all the money will go to the n-f-l foundation.. to fund health and safety programs for children around the country.. health... in good times and bad... even when the limo breaks down on the way to the wedding. one bride proved how committed she was... ?before she walked down the aisle. (jen/ this is angelique arsenault she dated her fiance for ?11-years... and last saturday, was finally her wedding day. she and her bridesmaids were in the limo... on their way to the ceremony in new hampshire... when the driver told them, he had a flat tire. no problem.. she got out, and way there! i know, not the best decision... that can be really dangerous... but the bride says: with her white dress, and big wedding party, she felt safe and confident... she also admits: they'd been sipping champagne. arsenault says: "it didn't even seem real at the time, but it happened. "we actually had cars driving by us and they just took pictures and left." --jen then, a guy named jay stopped. he was he could fit the bridal party in the car. angelique made it to the wedding... about 30-minutes late. ((jen)) the power... of ?good. one community's amazing effort... to help their neighbor... you won't believe what a lot of big hearts, and 24-hours, can do. ((jen and... 80's alert! you can "wang chung tonight" at epcot center... and that's just the ?start of the disney delirium. the big party... you won't want to i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. he's a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot. donald trump is a phony, a fraud. he's not a serious adult. i can't vote for donald trump given the things that he said. trump should not be supported. i believe he's disqualified himself to be president. i just cannot support donald trump. foster farms presents appetites. even a small one can throw you off your game. they can happen anywhere. and they only get bigger as time goes on. serve foster farms corn dogs, a delicious plump frank wrapped in a honey crunchy coating. foster farms corn dogs. for monster appetites. - marco. - polo. - marco. - polo. marco. marco? marco? but it's not a game when our senator doesn't show up. i'm patrick murphy. solving problems means showing up. showing independence. and working together. it's why i worked to protect women's health care and worked with both parties to stop cuts to medicare. a needs a full-time senator. marco? good news... you can party like it's 19-86... at epcot center tonight. they're kicking-off their super popular "food and wine festival" today... it booths and exhibits throughout the park... plus, live music. wang chung performs first, tonight and tomorrow night. the festival runs through november 14th. ((walter/bw)) i think a lot of us were surprised by how many people are still suffering from the effects of hurricane hermine. the flooding in our northern counties took a big toll.. ((jen)) yesterday, fox 13's ken suarez was live with a family.. who lost many of their possessions.. and had mold throughout their home.. this morning - we have an update after the community this is what we saw when we first showed up to the howell's home in hudson.. piles of ruined furniture were on the lawn.. and inside.. the mold was so strong.. it was hard to breathe.. but.. thanks to several members of the community.. and a lot of donations... the home is looking much different. (more) here are some pictures of the home after 12 hours of work.. it looks much cleaner... and more importantly, a lot of that mold is gone.. that will make family to move back in.. along with their daughter who has asthma. as for the family, their red cross funding runs out tomorrow.. but a local motel is letting them stay there a bit longer until their house is more liveable. ((jen)) there's much more to come on good day.((walter)) let's turn it over to russell and laura - to find out what's ahead in our 6 o'clock hour. ((laura/2-shot)) it's technology at its finest.. pretty soon - shopping carts that walmart is working on.. that you can even hail like an uber! (russell/take vo) plus: this meeting was supposed to be about plans for the new pier... but.. it turned into a protest over raw sewage. and another meeting is planned for tonight. (laura/take vo) plus: a water hazard... on mars? why nasa can't just "play through" this one.. ahead dead birds, horrible smells .. >>laura: dead birds, horrible smells, researchers say this is all thanks to sewage pouring into the bay after recent storms and residents want local leaders to do something about it. >>russell: governor scott on an

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Tampa , Florida , United States , West Jordan , Utah , New Hampshire , Germany , Washington , Pinellas County , Seminole County , California , Syria , Russia , Aleppo , Lab , Toronto , Ontario , Canada , Michigan , Arizona , Hillsborough , Hillsborough County , Williams Valley , Riverview , Colorado , Phoenix , South Tampa , Capitol Hill , District Of Columbia , America , German , Russian , Syrians , Michael Geist , Venus Williams , Marco Rubio , George Zimmerman , Steven Souza , Ken Suarez , Russell Martin , Wally Fox , H Lee Moffitt , Angelique Arsenault , Alicia Riggs , John Hopkins , Johns Hopkins , Cleo Sanchez , Walter Geist , Walter Epstein , Ben Smith , Patrick Murphy , Alexei Ramirez , Jimmy Carter , Jen Epstein , Wang Chung , Jen Fox , Francis Scott , Brian Shaw , Alcides Segui , Marc Payne , Walter Allen Jen , Hillary Clinton , Paul Ryan ,

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Transcripts For WTVT Good Day Tampa Bay 5AM 20160914 :

Transcripts For WTVT Good Day Tampa Bay 5AM 20160914

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no closed captioning is ((jen)) this morning: there's a big meeting about ride-sharing services in tampa. it's been a contentious issue for awhile now... ((wally)) vote on new regulations for uber and lyft drivers today... but now it looks like they've hit a speed bump. ((wally fox-13's ken suarez joins us now, live from downtown tampa... ken, what happened? thanks, ken. thanks, thanks, ken. (jen) the fight over zika funding continues today on capitol hill. governor scott is spending his second straight day in d-c... talking face-to-face with lawmakers. and the good news is... the long stalemate in washington over how to fund the zika battle... appears to be ending. (jen during day one of his visit, governor scott met with senator marco rubio and house speaker paul ryan. he told them: it's "unacceptable" that politics long enough to protect unborn babies. he was refering to the link between zika and severe birth defects. florida's congressional delegation also stood together tuesday... both republicans and democrats... and demanded their collegues pass a bill to fund research and mosquito control... before the virus spreads. "florida's gonna be the front lines of this battle.... gonna spread north around our country." "we're just the tip of the spear. this is a, this is a international issue. this is not just a florida issue. so i assume that people are starting to understand this is a national issue." --jen congress has already tried ?three ?times to pass a zika spending bill... and failed... it's largely because of partisan provisions attached to the bill. (jen) but now there's ?hope for a breakthrough. florida senators bill nelson and marco rubio are both pushing the senate to pass a would include one-point-one ?billion dollars in zika funding... ?without any of the controversial provisions attached. (wally in hillsborough county: a former middle school teacher is facing charges, after giving a student a smartphone. that's because detectives say he asked the girl to take ?naked photos with it. 31 year old "michael geist" was a science teacher at rodgers middle school in riverview at the time. detectives say the incident happened back in april. geist resigned in ?may, right after an investigation starte the charges were formally filed this week. other parents at the school... were pretty disturbed about it: --walter geist is charged with "lewd and lascivious conduct" with a minor. he's already animal experts in pinellas county this week. dead birds just keep washing ashore on the beaches. and right now, scientists think ?water could be to blame. (jen they're thinking storm water was dumped into the bay following heavy rains from recent storms. scientists found this bird on st. pete beach, tuesday morning. beth fory is an environmental scientist. she says they studied another dead bird's heart and brain... and found salmonella. she thinks birds are catching it from the water... as they skim the surface searching for food. ((jen)) it's happened again... another gadget bursts into flames... and injures the user. ((wally)) this time it's ?local... a laptop computer caught fire... but like other cases... it's been traced... to the ?battery. ((wally fox-13's alcides segui is on the story. alcides... lithium batteries are in so many devices... from cell phones to hoverboards... thanks, alcides. (jen something ?big is brewing at publix! soon, you'll be able to get ?starbucks with your ?subs. publix is going to add a starbucks kiosk at the store on west gandy boulevard in south tampa. it'll be up and running later this year... and company execs and shoppers are really excited about it. other publix stores will get ((jen)) hail to the chief, indeed!((walter)) the great news one former president just got. it's even ?better than winning an election. ((walter and... bridal breakdown! the crazy thing one woman did, when the limo brokedown i'm really good at war. i love war in a certain way. including with nukes, yes including with nukes. i know more about isis than the generals do, believe me. nuclear, just the power the devastation, is very important to me. disturbing new video shows three police officers being struck by a car in phoenix, arizona.. this morning -- 44-year old "marc payne" is facing three counts of attempted first-degree murder.. the incident happened tuesday morning outside a gas station.. in the video -- you can see the officers standing in the parking lot when payne just the city's police chief says what happened to the officers was "intentional" and "unacceptable"... all three officers are expected to recover. payne was also hospitalized. a tragic story out of utah. a toddler was suffocated and killed, after a day care worked sat on a beanbag, not realizing the child was underneath it. west jordan police say "leo sanchez" would have turned two this week. there is surveillance video that shows leo where he was for five to 15 minutes before employees realized he was underneath. the day care is also being investigated to see if they were operating under the proper license. (wally great news for former president jimmy carter. he just had an m-r-i and it came back healthy. doctors wanted to look at his brain, after he battled tumors last year. the scan "looked good." and the former president is really relieved. he's 91... and cancer runs in his family... several of his siblings died feeling good... and just celebrated his ?70th wedding anniversary with wife rosalynn, in july. (jen a couple of superheroes visited elementary school kids in california. no, they didn't wear capes... but they ?do have "super powers." one of them... brian shaw... is the world's ?strongest man... and his friend ben smith... is the world's ?fittest man. together, they've got some serious brawn... and showed it off for the kids. but they were power... they want to inspire kids to be physically ?and mentally strong... and stay in school. it's now 5:??. time it is 5:??: time now to find out what's happening on the roads - with our "skyfox on time ((walter)) well, ask anyone who's been diagnosed with cancer, and they'll tell you: they just want their life to be as ?normal, as possible... and the youngest patients agree. (wally and for seven- year-old sammy... that means going to school... even while he's in the hospital, getting treatment. he's th meet him... and the special lady who's making "normal"... - marco. - polo. marco? marco? but it's not a game when our senator doesn't show up. i'm patrick murphy. solving problems means showing up. showing independence. and working together. it's why i worked to protect women's health care and worked with both parties to stop cuts to medicare. i'm patrick murphy and i approve this message because florida needs a full-time senator. marco? marco? when kids are in the hospital.... treatment takes them out of the classroom, away from teachers -- usually - for a good amount of time. well, this extraordinary ordinary at john's hopkins all childrens hospital decided that if the kids are away.... they'll bring the classroom and teachers directly to them . alicia riggs, johns hopkins all children's hospital the typical sounds from a 7 year old this time of year. laughter... learning class is in session for little sammy huett he's been recieving cancer treatments at johns hopkins all childrens hospital for some time now. but the only thing being tested was his health. while children schooling is on the back burner. "never met a patient here at the hospital that says "i'm so glad i don't get to go to school today!" alicia riggs saw that as a serious problem.... and made it her mission to change that."he knew his brothers and sisters were going to school and he was supposed to be going to school. now he has to come to all these doctors appointments and admissions into the hospital and he's gotta be here 3 days a week or more than three days a week. for us it was creating that normal school experience at the hospital within his treatment setting." it's not education that is lacking. children in these settings can take virtual classes... maybe with the help of a volunteer, it didn't come with a certified teacher.. until riggs stepped in. she which passed in the form of a grant... so now sammy and other children in treatment have a teacher to go along with the lessons.: "if that child is mastering it in the moment then they can move on, if they need a bit more reinforcement, then they can go back a little and think of the day. they can go at a certian time but if that child is in treatment o not feeling well that morning, they can come back." and when i asked any success stories when it comes to this new program.... this extraordinary ordinary was quick to point out -- yes - and for good reason!"everyday is a success for him! he does great and wonderful things everyday. he participates, he feels like a student he feels successful and thats what (wally) as of now, the childrens hospital has a full time and a part time teacher. and they assist children from kindergarten to seniors in high school. for more on this program in my extraordinary ordinary extra or to suggest some you think is an extrardinary ordinary-visit my facebook page! ((jen)) they won ?gold... now they're seeing ?red. ((walter)) why so many star athletes, are feeling ?angry and ?violated this morning... ((walter plus... playtime with a purpose! some classic toys are being concerned for a prestigious honor... did your first there's shaving. blades. sharp and precise. then gillette shielding. comfy lubrication before and after. and also cooling. oooh... got goosebumps. gillette proshield chill. with lubrication before and after the blades. shields and cools while you shave. proshield. ((walter)) it's 5:--, on wednesday, september 14th. i'm walter allen.((jen)) and i'm jen epstein. the battle over ridesharing has been brewing for months between hillsborough officials and drivers... this morning, the move to really (jen fox-13's ken suarez is live in tampa for us, with a look at the proposal on the no closed captioning is available for traffic. the time now is 5:??. let's get you up to the minute on today's top stories: campus police are warning people about a thief on u- s-f's campus. officials say this man... theodie williams... was seen going into several offices in the h. lee moffitt cancer center. people later reported several items missing. campus police believe williams also broke into other buildings and stole things. about a week later... u-s-f police caught up with williams-- who was then trespassed. are searching for the man who smashed the glass door of a scientology center. you can see him with a group of people... including another man dressed as thor... walk up to the building on 1st avenue north. this was just after midnight on sunday. the man walks by... smashes the glass... then everyone walks away. if you know anything... call police. ((walter also in saint pete... police are searching for a couple who stole hundreds of dollars worth of earlier this month at the hofbrauhaus on 4th street south. the couple walked into a private room at the german restaurant... you can see the woman shoving items into her backpack-- and a man helping her zip up before they leave. if you recognize them... call police. ((jen)) fresh concerns this morning about lithium batteries... after a tampa man's laptop exploded. he's not the only one... batteries in hoverboards, cell phones and other devices... have caught-fire... should we be concerned? ((jen fox-13's alcides segui is on the alcides... this could ((jen thanks, alcides. mostly holding in syria.. more than two days after going into effect. but aid still has not reached those that need it. aid agencies are ready and waiting to distribute much- needed food and medicine, but they are awaiting guarantees of security from all parties before making deliveries to hundreds of thousands of desperate syrians. the first planned deliveries would happen in the hard hit area of aleppo, where some 275-thousand people have been cut off from assistance. olympic athletes are after hackers publish some of their medical data. among the atheltes hit were tennis star "venus williams" and gymnast "simone biles". the world anti-doping agency says russian hackers are to blame for the breach. records show both athletes had "theraputic use exemptions".. which allows athletes to use otherwise-banned substances because of verified medical issues. williams issued a statement saying she's been granted exemption when serious medical conditions have occured. biles said she's a-d-h-d since she was a child. cinemark is no longer seeking to recoup 700-thousand dollars in legal costs it incurred during a trial involving aurora theater shooting victims. several victims from the 2012 tragedy sued the theater chain, contending it did not do enough to prevent the shooting. but in june, a jury sided with cinemark, saying there was no way the theater could've predicted the tragedy. under colorado law, the chain could've recouped legal its claim, so as long as victims did not pursue an appeal. (wally in central florida today: the trial continues... for the man accused of shooting at george zimmerman. it happened during a road rage incident last year. zimmerman took the stand yesterday, at the seminole county courthouse. he testified that he was driving to a doctor's appointment when he noticed a vehicle following him. he says: "matthew apperson" pulled-up, they exchanged words, and the other guy fired a shot at his car. zimmerman apperson is charged with ?attempted second-degree murder. (wally) feeling stressed this morning? need some happy thoughts? we've got 'em... (jen) the national toy hall of fame... announced the nominees for this year. now the hard part is... whittling them down. (jen the list is spectacular... for ?all generations. 80's kids like me will appreciate the care bears... and (wally) but there are older faves too... like nerf balls... and the fisher price school bus... and how about rock 'em, sock 'em robots... those guys have been around since the 60's and they're still beloved. (jen) coloring books are on the list this year... and so many other things. we'll find out which three will make the hall, in november. ((jen)) something old... something new... something ?borrowed... no one blue. ((walter)) one bride's creative solution... to a really big wedding problem. she and her groom... have a great story for their future kids! ((walter and... talk about touching... one little boy's big gesture... out of love for america. it'll change the way you hear the we are one nation under god. that black and white, we are one nation indivisible. i'd like to punch him in the face. you know what they used to do to guys like that? they'd be carried out in a stretcher, folks. i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. the national anthem has stirred a lot of debate lately... between people who refuse to stand for it, in protest... and others who are offended by that action. (wally) now, two very star spangled banner... are getting attention. russell's here with the touching story. (russell) the video is gonna get you... in both of these cases. we start... with a little nine-year-old boy in michigan... and his red, white and blue effort... to salute america. (russell this is logan... he has cerebral palsy... he can't walk on his own... but he loves sports... and the national anthem... he was watching a game on t-v recently, and his mom noticed him trying to stand for the star spangled banner. she says: he always takes off his hat in respect for the song... bu tried to get on his feet. and then, there's this... --russell that's the women's volleyball team at williams valley high school in something went wrong with the pre-recorded version of the national anthem before their game... but they didn't want to start without it... so they ?sang the star-spangled banner instead. wow. (russell) now, ready for some trivia? 202-years ago ?today, francis scott key wrote a poem about the defense of fort mchenry... those words became the lyrics.... of the star-spangled banner. it's now 5:??. time to check the forecast with with week 1 now in the rearview, the bucs shift their focus to the arizona cardinals... a team that lost last week to the tom brady-less patriots. first visit to phoenix since 2010... the bucs made a move today... signing a runningback... former falcons speedster jacquizz rodgers... rodgers played for koetter in atlanta and has some versatility as a change of pace back... can catch out of the backfield as well as return punts and kicks. jameis winston is a nominee quarter wasn't his best... starting 3 for 7 with a red zone interception.... but it didn't faze winston... bouncing back to lead the bucs to a win... teams are always looking for stability in their quarterback and dirk koetter feels he has that with his qb... major league baseball releases next season's schedule tomorrow and for the rays, 2017 couldn't get here soon enough... it's been a tough season, but a bright spot... has been how well they play against toronto... rays needs just one win to take the season series against the blue jays.... rays jump out front in the fifth.... with two on, alexei ramirez lifts the 0-2 pitch to left... it takes forever to come down... his first homer with the rays... don't miss first base there... rays lead 3-0.... smyly with a shutout in the sixth when russell martin changes that.... no doubt where that one is landing.... two-run shot makes it a one run game... and smyly's night is done... but the rays answer right back... steven souza junior with the solo shot... that's 198 homers for the rays this season, one off steven souza junior was the center of some ugly attention on ?monday night.. thanks to a little miss- communication.. souza thought he'd hit the game winning home run.. before the blue jays grabbed the final out.. after the play -- souza misheard blue jays closer "russell martin".. short-stop "troy tulowitzki" then ran in to defend martin.. who in turn upset souza -- and caused the benches to clear.. ?eventually, order was restored.. and souza later cleared the air with martin.. have you seen these jersey's bucs fans? .. because they're pretty hard to miss.. jameis winston will lead out the team november third.. in this almost all red uniform.. before their week nine matchup with the atlanta falcons.. if you buy one of the jersies... all the money will go to the n-f-l foundation.. to fund health and safety programs for children around the country.. health... in good times and bad... even when the limo breaks down on the way to the wedding. one bride proved how committed she was... ?before she walked down the aisle. (jen/ this is angelique arsenault she dated her fiance for ?11-years... and last saturday, was finally her wedding day. she and her bridesmaids were in the limo... on their way to the ceremony in new hampshire... when the driver told them, he had a flat tire. no problem.. she got out, and way there! i know, not the best decision... that can be really dangerous... but the bride says: with her white dress, and big wedding party, she felt safe and confident... she also admits: they'd been sipping champagne. arsenault says: "it didn't even seem real at the time, but it happened. "we actually had cars driving by us and they just took pictures and left." --jen then, a guy named jay stopped. he was he could fit the bridal party in the car. angelique made it to the wedding... about 30-minutes late. ((jen)) the power... of ?good. one community's amazing effort... to help their neighbor... you won't believe what a lot of big hearts, and 24-hours, can do. ((jen and... 80's alert! you can "wang chung tonight" at epcot center... and that's just the ?start of the disney delirium. the big party... you won't want to i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. he's a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot. donald trump is a phony, a fraud. he's not a serious adult. i can't vote for donald trump given the things that he said. trump should not be supported. i believe he's disqualified himself to be president. i just cannot support donald trump. foster farms presents appetites. even a small one can throw you off your game. they can happen anywhere. and they only get bigger as time goes on. serve foster farms corn dogs, a delicious plump frank wrapped in a honey crunchy coating. foster farms corn dogs. for monster appetites. - marco. - polo. - marco. - polo. marco. marco? marco? but it's not a game when our senator doesn't show up. i'm patrick murphy. solving problems means showing up. showing independence. and working together. it's why i worked to protect women's health care and worked with both parties to stop cuts to medicare. a needs a full-time senator. marco? good news... you can party like it's 19-86... at epcot center tonight. they're kicking-off their super popular "food and wine festival" today... it booths and exhibits throughout the park... plus, live music. wang chung performs first, tonight and tomorrow night. the festival runs through november 14th. ((walter/bw)) i think a lot of us were surprised by how many people are still suffering from the effects of hurricane hermine. the flooding in our northern counties took a big toll.. ((jen)) yesterday, fox 13's ken suarez was live with a family.. who lost many of their possessions.. and had mold throughout their home.. this morning - we have an update after the community this is what we saw when we first showed up to the howell's home in hudson.. piles of ruined furniture were on the lawn.. and inside.. the mold was so strong.. it was hard to breathe.. but.. thanks to several members of the community.. and a lot of donations... the home is looking much different. (more) here are some pictures of the home after 12 hours of work.. it looks much cleaner... and more importantly, a lot of that mold is gone.. that will make family to move back in.. along with their daughter who has asthma. as for the family, their red cross funding runs out tomorrow.. but a local motel is letting them stay there a bit longer until their house is more liveable. ((jen)) there's much more to come on good day.((walter)) let's turn it over to russell and laura - to find out what's ahead in our 6 o'clock hour. ((laura/2-shot)) it's technology at its finest.. pretty soon - shopping carts that walmart is working on.. that you can even hail like an uber! (russell/take vo) plus: this meeting was supposed to be about plans for the new pier... but.. it turned into a protest over raw sewage. and another meeting is planned for tonight. (laura/take vo) plus: a water hazard... on mars? why nasa can't just "play through" this one.. ahead dead birds, horrible smells .. >>laura: dead birds, horrible smells, researchers say this is all thanks to sewage pouring into the bay after recent storms and residents want local leaders to do something about it. >>russell: governor scott on an

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