Transcripts For WTVT Good Day Tampa Bay 5AM 20160907 : comp

Transcripts For WTVT Good Day Tampa Bay 5AM 20160907

no closed captioning is it's a story that really leaves more questions than answers.. but right now -- police are trying to figure out ?why someone attacked a 66-year old veteran in a st. pete parking lot.. here with more -- is fox-13's shayla reaves.. recovery efforts continue all across florida today -- in the wake of hurricane hermine.. these are newly released pictures from f-w-c.. showing officers helping clean up, and rescue people from their flooded homes.. you can see boats tipped over, and what used to be bridges and roads completely torn up.. this morning.. thousands of people are still without power.. that's causing frustration in talahassee.. as govenor scott has question if officials are doing enough to get the power back on.. in hard hit citrus county.. the wait for federal aid -- will go on even longer.. new numbers show that nearly 2-thousand structures suffered some kind of damage there after hurricane hermine... that includes 70 homes that have ?major damage. last night -- the county held an information session - to help people they say that the county and local officials are working the "a process" to get money from fema.. ther'sa process in place, we've started that process but it may take somet time i want people to understand its a process two weeks the initial damage assessment for citrus county is roughly 53 million dollars... folks there say the clock is ticking for fema's arrival. in pasco county -- the sheriff's office is warning residents against falling for a phone scam.. they say that fema.. and demand a deposit for storm damages. they say not to give out any personal information.. and to call them with any questions.. in hernando and pasco counties... crews are picking up storm debris. but they're also asking homeowners to do their part to make this a smooth process... they ask that all debris be placed on the curb... but avoid blocking fire hydrants, mailboxes and utility boxes. they also debris into categories. make a separate pile for furniture... major appliances... and vegetation such as tree limbs and shrubbery. in efforts to combat the spread of the zika virus.. health officials in south florida are preparing to start spraying insecticide over south beach.. not everyone is happy about the plans though.. miami beach city commissioner "mike grieco" has called for a special meeting today to cancel the aerial spraying. he's called the insecticide a "neurotoxin with unknown risks".. and warned that since 2012.. according to miami beach's mayor -- the chemical is e-p-a approved.. and has been used in miami- dade county since the 70-s.. nasa is preparing for another lift-off. "united launch alliance" is expected to fire an atlas 5 rocket from cape canaveral on thursday... it's carrying a special osiris-rex spacecraft... which will spend the next two years traveling to a nearby asteroid. the spacecraft will then return to earth with samples 20-23. the launch window opens at 7:05 tomorrow night. a new congressional report has laid out missed opportunities to stop the massive cyber-attack on the office of personal management.. the attack exposed tens of thousands of government security clearances, background checks and fingerprint records.. some of which.. affected workers at macdill air force base.. the report says it all could have been prevented -- if the office had implemented ?basic security controls.. and recognized break-in.. that it was dealing with a sophisticated enemy. the agency says they have since hired new cyber-security experts and strengthened their security. in the race for the white house.. donald trump is facing scrutiny over a 25-thousand-dollar donation made in 20-13... to a political group backing florida attorney general pam bondi.. the washington post recently reported the i-r-s ?fined trump for the improper bondi was deciding whether to investigate allegations of fraud.. against trump university. she dropped the investigation -- but trump says that wasn't the goal of the donation --- insisting they never spoke about it. bondi's advisers say she asked trump for the donation...and did not know about the complaints against trump university. happening today -- former president bill clinton will be in orlando.. he's scheduled to appear at a neighboorhood center around 11- 15... according to the clinton campaign -- bill is expected to talk about his wife's plans t economy that works for everyone.. and not just those at the top.. as for hillary clinton -- she was in tampa to appeal to the millenial vote.. speaking at u-s-f.. the former secretary of state emphasized how quickly election day is approaching clinton says: "this is the clinton says: "this is the countdown to one of the most important elections in our lifetime. no matter what your age, this is going to determine so much. about your futures, the future of our children and grandchildren. it's no coincidence that clinton held her event at u-s-f. according to u-s census bureau...there are now more voting-age millennials than baby boomers. in local politics... congressman david jolly is turning the tables on his democratic opponent.. he's going after charlie crist -- for trying to tie him to donald trump.. in the video -- jolly republican presidential nominee has helped crist raise money several times.. when crist was a republican.. jolly claims that crist is lying.. and trying to hide from the past for political gain.. crist's campaign spokesman called the video "bizzare".. and said that jolly supports the trump agenda.. ((jen)) still ahead.. hollywood came has come under fire lately for it's lack of diversity..((walter/2)) but is anything being done about it? plus.. why are thousands of people watching this seemingly boring web-cam? golden outside or fluffy inside. deep pockets or delicious ridges. tasty egg or savory bacon. experience dunkin's new belgian waffle breakfast sandwich. it's not this or that. it's all of it. (vo) we went to hollywood to ask if america's favorites - burgers, tacos and chili could taste just as great made with turkey. thousands stepped into the jennie-o tasting booth to find out. with just one bite, they knew. now it's your turn to make the switch. donald trump facing new criticism - he appeared to mock a reporter with a disability. member.' he's going like 'i don't remember'." "putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing. i don't want to sound too much like a chauvinist." "you have to be wealthy in order to be great. i'm sorry to say it." "he's a war hero because he was captured. i like people that weren't captured." priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. ?? it's a story that's with a $1.99 medium macchiato or latte from 12:00 to 6:00 p.m. sip in the season today. america runs on dunkin'. angered millions.. and this morning -- a high school student in omaha, nebraska --- bullied for being deaf -- says he's had enough... alex hernandez had his backpack stolen last week by supplies, homework and debit card in the toilet. the backpack also contained the battery for his cochlear implant. hernandez says he wants to transfer, and finish his last year of high school at a different school - where he can feel safe. since the incident -- there's been an outpouring of support from around the country.. something which hernandez says he's grateful for.. hernandez says: "i wanted to thank all of my friends for supporting me. i am very happy. it made me feel like i am not alone. (wipes tears). the omaha public school district says the students involved.. have since been disciplined. president obama continues his final trip through asia this morning.. at a stop in laos.. he pledged a "long-term commitment" to the asia pacific region.... the country was heavily bombed by the u-s during the vietnam war.. leaving behind millions of unexploded weapons. the provide more support to help the country heal..... with 90- million dollars over three years.. to help in the clean up. the man who confessed to killing an 11-year-old boy.. more than 25 years ago.. will ?not be charged for the murder. in federal court tuesday... danny heinrich admitted he kidnapped and killed "jacob wetterling" from a rural road in minnesota, back in 19-89.. last week, heinrich led authorities to jacob's body. as part of a won't be charged. however -- he ?will serve time for child porn charges. a new study this morning... claims that little is changing in hollywood, when it comes to issues of inequality.. the study -- conducted at the university of southern california.. shows that l-g-b-t characters account for less than one percent of all speaking parts in 2015 films and t-v series.. from 2007 to "no significant change" in the amount of black, latino, or asian characters in the most popular films.. issues of exclusion have gained more attention in recent years.. last year's oscars saw all white nominees.. leading to the hash-tag "oscars so white".. leaked studio e-mails from sony pictures also suggested evidence of female stars being jackson, wyoming.. is best known for hosting an annual global banking conference.. but bizarrely -- it's a webcam in the small town.. that has the world this live feed was set up in 2014.. as part of a drive to draw more visitors to the town.. for whatever reason.. thousands of people everyday are tuning to the camera's you-tube channel... watching cars at red lights, people crossing the street, and the wind blowing in the trees... among the many online commenters -- are red trucks... jackson's residents are even getting in on the fun -- paying visits to the camera, mostly to praise "red truck".. posters also like to point out pedestrians and other mundane happenings.. in a sort of online game of "i-spy"... nobody can really explain the fascination -- they just coming up.. if you're getting ready for breakfast.. don't bother cooking.. why you won't have to move a muscle for those eggs and bacon today.. and--. apple getting ready to drop it's new products.. but there's something missing.. that will time now is 5:xx.. let's say you are hungry.. but are too lazy to go pick something up.. well -- "uber".. might be the solution! the ride service is launching a new food delivery app in tampa... and it launches in about 2 and a half hours! straight up at 8am.. "uber-eats" allows users to order food from a list of about 20 restaurants.. and have it delivered.. the cost is 3.99 per delivery.. in addition to the cost of the meal.. the best part -- "ubereats" is available 24-hours a day, seven days a a big day for apple fans.. the company is expected to unveil it's new i-phone seven today. one of the many rumored changes... no more headphone jack. headphones will instead be wireless... or plug into the existing lightning port. that could make the i-phone thinner and possibly waterproof. but many are to buy new headphones... or an adapter. after 50 years --- "i-t-t technical institute" is no more.... last month... the u-s department of education accused i-t-t of wide-spread fraud.. and banned them from enrolling new students who receive federal aid. the closure left hundreds of i-t-t will have to reimburse students who have paid for cancelled classes. most federal loans will likely be forgiven, but students may be out of luck on private ones. colin kaepernick's controversial national anthem protest still has people talking.. and in a show of support.. his number 7, 49ers jersey.. has become a top seller.. that's in striking contrast to a little under a year ago -- when the same jersey was put on the clearance rack.. kaepernick has refused to st anthem.. as a protest towards -- what he calls -- the oppression of black people, and people of color.. ((jen)) still to come on good day.. scammers are taking aim at flood victims.. ((walter)) fox 13's alcides segui will be live gamblers paradise.. how i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. there's a race going on right now. the world's clean energy super power's either going to be germany, china, or us. and i'm going to make sure it's us. from 500 million solar panels installed by the end of my first term, to precision manufacturing. we'll beat the competition and create new high wage jobs. we can do this, millions of jobs right here in america. wish your skin could bounce back like... used to? neutrogena? hydro boost water gel. instantly quenches skin to keep it... ...supple and hydrated... ...after day. with hydrating hyaluronic acid, which retains up to 1000 times its weight... water. this refreshing water gel... plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. for supple, hydrated skin that bounces back. hydro boost... from neutrogena?. it's 5:--, i'm walter allen. thanks for joining us..((jen)) and i'm jen epstein... this morning -- a man remains on the run -- accused of attacking a u-s army veteran in broad ((walter thanks, shayla. the time now is 5:??. let's get you up to the minute on today's top stories: senate democrats blocked a one-point-one billion dollar bill to combat the zika virus. they opposed provisions in the bill that would have blocked funding for planned parenthood -- and allowed confederate flags to fly at military veteran cemeteries. the vote failed it needed 60 votes to advance. in south florida -- health officials are preparing to start spraying insecticide over south beach.. that isn't making everyone happy though.. a city commissioner has called for a special meeting today to cancel the aerial spraying. he's called the insecticide a "neurotoxin with unknown risks".. and warned that it has been outlawed in europe since 2012.. according to miami beach's mayor -- the chemical is e-p-a approved.. more than 18-thousand people are still without power in florida this morning.. despite the large number -- officials say electricity has been restored to 90-percent of homes and businesses that lost it after hurricane hermine.. governor scott however -- says recovery hasn't been fast enough... and wants more utility and tree removal crews to help. new this morning... many people are still working to pick up the pieces after hermine blew through the bay area... but floodwater and downed trees aren't the only problem people are facing. the pasco sheriff's office i beware of scammers. fox-13's alcides segui is live in pasco county this morning... alcides-- it seems situations like this can sometimes bring out the worst in people. rc: pasco co sheriff's office polk county deputies are still looking for the gunman in a deadly shooting. officials say blake fitez and jeff morrow met up with a man at this family dollar in lakeland sunday night. they were supposed to sell an item they had advertised on a social media site. when the buyer showed up... deputies say he snatched the item and ran. morrow that's when deputies say the "thief" pulled out his own gun-- and fired. morrow was killed. deputies are still searching for the shooter. deputies are looking for a man -- who they say: used a baby stroller to steal 18-hundred dollars worth of equipment from a music store. hillsborough county detectives say this man walked into the "sam ash" store on north dale mabry highway two weeks ago. investigators say he was with a woman and a child. they say he went into the room where d-j equipment is kept. police say he put a pioneer mixer and walked out. if you know who he is.. you're asked to call crimestopers. if you're looking for a quick get-away to sin city.. then you're in luck.. frontier airlines has begun flying their new non-stop flight between tampa international.. and las vegas... this is the latest in non-stop destinations out west for t-i-a.. back in july.. officials announced that united would begin daily non-stop flights to san francisco.. in february of research that could save thousands of lives. scientists developed a new blood test that can detect cancer before any symptoms occur. scientists say it's like a "smoke detector"... because it doesn't actually find cancer-- but detects changes in red blood cells which indicate cancer is present. that early discovery is a key factor in successful treatment. the test costs about 40-dollars... and could be used to monitor people with a high cancer risk. the last remaining patient hospitalized after the the pue in a release -- the orlando regional medical center says they've treated 35 patients from the shooting...and completed 76 operations. last month -- orlando health and florida hospital both announced they will not bill ((jen)) coming up.. a dispute between neighbors that's gone far beyond a war of words. ((walter why police say one of the neighbors tried to settle the score.. .with a tennessee.... doesn't quite cover it. police say one man used a ?bulldozer to destroy his neighbor's home! fox 13's russell rhodes is here with more.. at first glance... this house looks like the victim of storm damage. but it's actually man-made. walls on one side of the home are caved in... bits of the ceiling are on the floor... water is pouring in from burst pipes... and flies have made their way into the kitchen. police got a call-- after edgar mclellan was caught running down his neighbor's home with a backhoe . when officers showed up... they found debris from the house in the excavator's bucket. family members say they've never had problems with mclellan... but the sheriff's office says this is the result of a neighborly dispute. john higdon... who lives in the damaged home... was arrested just a few hours earlier. police say he fired multiple shots into the woods behind his home. right to destroy their home. officials say john higdon reported prowlers shining lights into his house multiple times last week. deputies say higdon told them he thought the prowler's were mclellan's employees. mclellan is charged with trespassing and felony vandalism... while the homeowner was charged with reckless endangerment for firing those shots. both men have ad lib tag laura bulldoze in sports this morning: a couple of changes in the dressing room for both the rays and the bucs.. here's a couple shake-ups for the rays today... shortstop matt duffy is going to be shut down later this week for the remainder of the season - to have foot surgery... also, hitting coach derek shelton was fired... meanwhile the only real hitting being done tonight, was by the visiting orioles... the exception to that, came with the rays very first batter of the game... logan forsythe, he loves hitting in the leadoff spot... starts the game off with an oppo-field bomb... 18th of the year.... but jake odorizzi with one of his toughest innings all season - here in the 4th... the broken bat double by j.j. hardy... that scores two... still to come.. some important still to come.. some important changes for people heading to tampa international.. international..heading to tampa changes for people some important still to come.. cowboys....the giants and still to come.. some important changes for people heading to tampa international.. plus.. free parking may be going away for drivers in one loca donald trump facing new criticism - he appeared to mock a reporter with a disability. "you gotta see this guy. 'uhhhh i don't know what i said, i don't remember.' he's going like 'i don't remember'." "putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing. i don't want to sound too much like a chauvinist." "you have to be wealthy in order to be great. i'm sorry to say it." "he's a war hero because he was captured. it's 5:--... if you're heading out the door, here are some of this morning's top stories. from 8 in the evening until 4 in the morning.. the blue-side arrival and departure curbside will be closed at tampa international.. the closures will last through early next year... affecting passengers flying american... delta... jet-blue and be directed to short-term parking. all of this is so crews can work on the new "sky- connect guideway" train. we're staying in contact with a man searching for the owner of an american flag. we talked to ted froberg live on good day tuesday. he told our ken suarez that he found the folded flag saturday on the shoulder of an overpass on u-s 19 in clearwater. he believes it belongs to the family of a service member... way casket flags are during graveside services for veterans... hoping to find the rightful owner... ted posted these photos on facebook. so far... the owner hasn't been found. they've come and gone and now they're coming back again.. parking meters in downtown sarasota. the city had them once before and took them out. they say they're needed to regulate traffic and bring more people to the area. but as fox 13's kim kuizon reports -- many store owners are worried they'll actually keep people away. driving through downtown sarasota and looking for a parking spot is a daily struggle for many..including justin williams. it's really hard to find a spot and the meter maids are constantly on you so you are nervous on top of that....a lot of it's private parking so you have trouble anytime coming down here." the city believes parking meters will solve those headaches. parking division general manager mark lyons says studies have proven they work. parking meters are needed in terms of turn over and to make sure assesibility is there from the eldery to anyone who is trying to find their favorite store and just run in for a few seconds." but the city has tried this before.. in 2011, parking meters were installed..only be taken out a few months later, when store owners and shoppers complained they weren't user friendly. -"if you make sure some spots are open and also make sure the peferial spaces aviaialbe they are able to find those and park more quickly." "a number of downtown businesses say they'd be okay with the paid parking meters if they were being put up in other places of the city shoppers will go to other stores where they don't have to pay to park." ron soto, the head of the downtown merchants assocationa says parking meters will hurt business no matter what the city says.-"if we don't have them city wide it's basically telling people to not come downtown." and this downtown customer says parking is already hard enough.. making him pay to park will send him elsewhere.. -"day to day we come down here for lunch but i would probably go somewhere else." in sarasota, kimberly kuizon fox 13 news. somewhere else." in sarasota, kimberly kuizon fox 13 news. there's much more to come on good day. let's turn it over to russell and laura - to find out what's ahead in our 6 o'clock hour. they've only been back from vacation one day, but congress has already reached a stalemate on funding the fight against zika. coming up at six ... how the debate is impacting florida's senate race .. (russell take vo) plus .. taking cues from movies like "robocop' and "the matrix" ... law enforcement agencies are turning to virtual train a new generation of crime-fighter. and ... some kids love school, others aren't big fans .. the story behind this back-to school photo is coming up in hot clicks. golden outside or fluffy inside. deep pockets or delicious ridges. tasty egg or savory bacon. ian waffle breakfast sandwich. it's not this or that. it's all of it. america runs on dunkin'. it was doggie destiny was mr. bonejangles expecting the perfect toy at an amazing price? of course not. he's a dog. but that's the beauty of a store full of surprises. you never know what you're gonna find, introducing dunkin's new cold brew coffee, steeped slowly in cold water for small batches with an ultra-smooth, full-bodied flavor. discover the craft of cold brew today and keep on. zika funding >>russell: zika funding fails again after congress returns from a seven-week vacation. now the issue is taking center stage at the florida senate race. >>laura: and i.t.t. tech leaves students high and campuses nationwide without notice and now tens of thousands are left wondering, where to go from here. >>russell: and the future of law enforcement. virtual reality is giving crime fighters a new edge in keeping us safe. we're taking the wraps off a new system that proves it's not just for gamers. >>dave: we're hanging at 76 at tampa international. 78 in st. petersburg. a lovely 70 up in crystal river. it was nice to have a couple of

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Vietnam , Republic Of , South Beach , Florida , United States , Tampa , Polk County , Germany , Washington , Turkey , China , Minnesota , Laos , California , Pasco County , Miami Dade County , San Francisco , Tennessee , Miami Beach , Lakeland , Nebraska , Hillsborough County , Wyoming , Petersburg , Sankt Peterburg , Russia , Florida Hospital , Hollywood , Clearwater , Orlando , Jersey , America , American , John Higdon , Walter Fox , Ken Suarez , Russell Rhodes , Danny Heinrich , Charlie Crist , Matt Duffy , Derek Shelton , Pam Bondi , Logan Forsythe , Walter Allen , Edgar Mclellan , Alex Hernandez , Jen Epstein , Jeff Morrow , Las Vegas , Justin Williams , Alcides Segui , Ron Soto , Walter Allen Jen , Shayla Reaves , Hillary Clinton ,

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Transcripts For WTVT Good Day Tampa Bay 5AM 20160907 :

Transcripts For WTVT Good Day Tampa Bay 5AM 20160907

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no closed captioning is it's a story that really leaves more questions than answers.. but right now -- police are trying to figure out ?why someone attacked a 66-year old veteran in a st. pete parking lot.. here with more -- is fox-13's shayla reaves.. recovery efforts continue all across florida today -- in the wake of hurricane hermine.. these are newly released pictures from f-w-c.. showing officers helping clean up, and rescue people from their flooded homes.. you can see boats tipped over, and what used to be bridges and roads completely torn up.. this morning.. thousands of people are still without power.. that's causing frustration in talahassee.. as govenor scott has question if officials are doing enough to get the power back on.. in hard hit citrus county.. the wait for federal aid -- will go on even longer.. new numbers show that nearly 2-thousand structures suffered some kind of damage there after hurricane hermine... that includes 70 homes that have ?major damage. last night -- the county held an information session - to help people they say that the county and local officials are working the "a process" to get money from fema.. ther'sa process in place, we've started that process but it may take somet time i want people to understand its a process two weeks the initial damage assessment for citrus county is roughly 53 million dollars... folks there say the clock is ticking for fema's arrival. in pasco county -- the sheriff's office is warning residents against falling for a phone scam.. they say that fema.. and demand a deposit for storm damages. they say not to give out any personal information.. and to call them with any questions.. in hernando and pasco counties... crews are picking up storm debris. but they're also asking homeowners to do their part to make this a smooth process... they ask that all debris be placed on the curb... but avoid blocking fire hydrants, mailboxes and utility boxes. they also debris into categories. make a separate pile for furniture... major appliances... and vegetation such as tree limbs and shrubbery. in efforts to combat the spread of the zika virus.. health officials in south florida are preparing to start spraying insecticide over south beach.. not everyone is happy about the plans though.. miami beach city commissioner "mike grieco" has called for a special meeting today to cancel the aerial spraying. he's called the insecticide a "neurotoxin with unknown risks".. and warned that since 2012.. according to miami beach's mayor -- the chemical is e-p-a approved.. and has been used in miami- dade county since the 70-s.. nasa is preparing for another lift-off. "united launch alliance" is expected to fire an atlas 5 rocket from cape canaveral on thursday... it's carrying a special osiris-rex spacecraft... which will spend the next two years traveling to a nearby asteroid. the spacecraft will then return to earth with samples 20-23. the launch window opens at 7:05 tomorrow night. a new congressional report has laid out missed opportunities to stop the massive cyber-attack on the office of personal management.. the attack exposed tens of thousands of government security clearances, background checks and fingerprint records.. some of which.. affected workers at macdill air force base.. the report says it all could have been prevented -- if the office had implemented ?basic security controls.. and recognized break-in.. that it was dealing with a sophisticated enemy. the agency says they have since hired new cyber-security experts and strengthened their security. in the race for the white house.. donald trump is facing scrutiny over a 25-thousand-dollar donation made in 20-13... to a political group backing florida attorney general pam bondi.. the washington post recently reported the i-r-s ?fined trump for the improper bondi was deciding whether to investigate allegations of fraud.. against trump university. she dropped the investigation -- but trump says that wasn't the goal of the donation --- insisting they never spoke about it. bondi's advisers say she asked trump for the donation...and did not know about the complaints against trump university. happening today -- former president bill clinton will be in orlando.. he's scheduled to appear at a neighboorhood center around 11- 15... according to the clinton campaign -- bill is expected to talk about his wife's plans t economy that works for everyone.. and not just those at the top.. as for hillary clinton -- she was in tampa to appeal to the millenial vote.. speaking at u-s-f.. the former secretary of state emphasized how quickly election day is approaching clinton says: "this is the clinton says: "this is the countdown to one of the most important elections in our lifetime. no matter what your age, this is going to determine so much. about your futures, the future of our children and grandchildren. it's no coincidence that clinton held her event at u-s-f. according to u-s census bureau...there are now more voting-age millennials than baby boomers. in local politics... congressman david jolly is turning the tables on his democratic opponent.. he's going after charlie crist -- for trying to tie him to donald trump.. in the video -- jolly republican presidential nominee has helped crist raise money several times.. when crist was a republican.. jolly claims that crist is lying.. and trying to hide from the past for political gain.. crist's campaign spokesman called the video "bizzare".. and said that jolly supports the trump agenda.. ((jen)) still ahead.. hollywood came has come under fire lately for it's lack of diversity..((walter/2)) but is anything being done about it? plus.. why are thousands of people watching this seemingly boring web-cam? golden outside or fluffy inside. deep pockets or delicious ridges. tasty egg or savory bacon. experience dunkin's new belgian waffle breakfast sandwich. it's not this or that. it's all of it. (vo) we went to hollywood to ask if america's favorites - burgers, tacos and chili could taste just as great made with turkey. thousands stepped into the jennie-o tasting booth to find out. with just one bite, they knew. now it's your turn to make the switch. donald trump facing new criticism - he appeared to mock a reporter with a disability. member.' he's going like 'i don't remember'." "putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing. i don't want to sound too much like a chauvinist." "you have to be wealthy in order to be great. i'm sorry to say it." "he's a war hero because he was captured. i like people that weren't captured." priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. ?? it's a story that's with a $1.99 medium macchiato or latte from 12:00 to 6:00 p.m. sip in the season today. america runs on dunkin'. angered millions.. and this morning -- a high school student in omaha, nebraska --- bullied for being deaf -- says he's had enough... alex hernandez had his backpack stolen last week by supplies, homework and debit card in the toilet. the backpack also contained the battery for his cochlear implant. hernandez says he wants to transfer, and finish his last year of high school at a different school - where he can feel safe. since the incident -- there's been an outpouring of support from around the country.. something which hernandez says he's grateful for.. hernandez says: "i wanted to thank all of my friends for supporting me. i am very happy. it made me feel like i am not alone. (wipes tears). the omaha public school district says the students involved.. have since been disciplined. president obama continues his final trip through asia this morning.. at a stop in laos.. he pledged a "long-term commitment" to the asia pacific region.... the country was heavily bombed by the u-s during the vietnam war.. leaving behind millions of unexploded weapons. the provide more support to help the country heal..... with 90- million dollars over three years.. to help in the clean up. the man who confessed to killing an 11-year-old boy.. more than 25 years ago.. will ?not be charged for the murder. in federal court tuesday... danny heinrich admitted he kidnapped and killed "jacob wetterling" from a rural road in minnesota, back in 19-89.. last week, heinrich led authorities to jacob's body. as part of a won't be charged. however -- he ?will serve time for child porn charges. a new study this morning... claims that little is changing in hollywood, when it comes to issues of inequality.. the study -- conducted at the university of southern california.. shows that l-g-b-t characters account for less than one percent of all speaking parts in 2015 films and t-v series.. from 2007 to "no significant change" in the amount of black, latino, or asian characters in the most popular films.. issues of exclusion have gained more attention in recent years.. last year's oscars saw all white nominees.. leading to the hash-tag "oscars so white".. leaked studio e-mails from sony pictures also suggested evidence of female stars being jackson, wyoming.. is best known for hosting an annual global banking conference.. but bizarrely -- it's a webcam in the small town.. that has the world this live feed was set up in 2014.. as part of a drive to draw more visitors to the town.. for whatever reason.. thousands of people everyday are tuning to the camera's you-tube channel... watching cars at red lights, people crossing the street, and the wind blowing in the trees... among the many online commenters -- are red trucks... jackson's residents are even getting in on the fun -- paying visits to the camera, mostly to praise "red truck".. posters also like to point out pedestrians and other mundane happenings.. in a sort of online game of "i-spy"... nobody can really explain the fascination -- they just coming up.. if you're getting ready for breakfast.. don't bother cooking.. why you won't have to move a muscle for those eggs and bacon today.. and--. apple getting ready to drop it's new products.. but there's something missing.. that will time now is 5:xx.. let's say you are hungry.. but are too lazy to go pick something up.. well -- "uber".. might be the solution! the ride service is launching a new food delivery app in tampa... and it launches in about 2 and a half hours! straight up at 8am.. "uber-eats" allows users to order food from a list of about 20 restaurants.. and have it delivered.. the cost is 3.99 per delivery.. in addition to the cost of the meal.. the best part -- "ubereats" is available 24-hours a day, seven days a a big day for apple fans.. the company is expected to unveil it's new i-phone seven today. one of the many rumored changes... no more headphone jack. headphones will instead be wireless... or plug into the existing lightning port. that could make the i-phone thinner and possibly waterproof. but many are to buy new headphones... or an adapter. after 50 years --- "i-t-t technical institute" is no more.... last month... the u-s department of education accused i-t-t of wide-spread fraud.. and banned them from enrolling new students who receive federal aid. the closure left hundreds of i-t-t will have to reimburse students who have paid for cancelled classes. most federal loans will likely be forgiven, but students may be out of luck on private ones. colin kaepernick's controversial national anthem protest still has people talking.. and in a show of support.. his number 7, 49ers jersey.. has become a top seller.. that's in striking contrast to a little under a year ago -- when the same jersey was put on the clearance rack.. kaepernick has refused to st anthem.. as a protest towards -- what he calls -- the oppression of black people, and people of color.. ((jen)) still to come on good day.. scammers are taking aim at flood victims.. ((walter)) fox 13's alcides segui will be live gamblers paradise.. how i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. there's a race going on right now. the world's clean energy super power's either going to be germany, china, or us. and i'm going to make sure it's us. from 500 million solar panels installed by the end of my first term, to precision manufacturing. we'll beat the competition and create new high wage jobs. we can do this, millions of jobs right here in america. wish your skin could bounce back like... used to? neutrogena? hydro boost water gel. instantly quenches skin to keep it... ...supple and hydrated... ...after day. with hydrating hyaluronic acid, which retains up to 1000 times its weight... water. this refreshing water gel... plumps skin cells with intense hydration and locks it in. for supple, hydrated skin that bounces back. hydro boost... from neutrogena?. it's 5:--, i'm walter allen. thanks for joining us..((jen)) and i'm jen epstein... this morning -- a man remains on the run -- accused of attacking a u-s army veteran in broad ((walter thanks, shayla. the time now is 5:??. let's get you up to the minute on today's top stories: senate democrats blocked a one-point-one billion dollar bill to combat the zika virus. they opposed provisions in the bill that would have blocked funding for planned parenthood -- and allowed confederate flags to fly at military veteran cemeteries. the vote failed it needed 60 votes to advance. in south florida -- health officials are preparing to start spraying insecticide over south beach.. that isn't making everyone happy though.. a city commissioner has called for a special meeting today to cancel the aerial spraying. he's called the insecticide a "neurotoxin with unknown risks".. and warned that it has been outlawed in europe since 2012.. according to miami beach's mayor -- the chemical is e-p-a approved.. more than 18-thousand people are still without power in florida this morning.. despite the large number -- officials say electricity has been restored to 90-percent of homes and businesses that lost it after hurricane hermine.. governor scott however -- says recovery hasn't been fast enough... and wants more utility and tree removal crews to help. new this morning... many people are still working to pick up the pieces after hermine blew through the bay area... but floodwater and downed trees aren't the only problem people are facing. the pasco sheriff's office i beware of scammers. fox-13's alcides segui is live in pasco county this morning... alcides-- it seems situations like this can sometimes bring out the worst in people. rc: pasco co sheriff's office polk county deputies are still looking for the gunman in a deadly shooting. officials say blake fitez and jeff morrow met up with a man at this family dollar in lakeland sunday night. they were supposed to sell an item they had advertised on a social media site. when the buyer showed up... deputies say he snatched the item and ran. morrow that's when deputies say the "thief" pulled out his own gun-- and fired. morrow was killed. deputies are still searching for the shooter. deputies are looking for a man -- who they say: used a baby stroller to steal 18-hundred dollars worth of equipment from a music store. hillsborough county detectives say this man walked into the "sam ash" store on north dale mabry highway two weeks ago. investigators say he was with a woman and a child. they say he went into the room where d-j equipment is kept. police say he put a pioneer mixer and walked out. if you know who he is.. you're asked to call crimestopers. if you're looking for a quick get-away to sin city.. then you're in luck.. frontier airlines has begun flying their new non-stop flight between tampa international.. and las vegas... this is the latest in non-stop destinations out west for t-i-a.. back in july.. officials announced that united would begin daily non-stop flights to san francisco.. in february of research that could save thousands of lives. scientists developed a new blood test that can detect cancer before any symptoms occur. scientists say it's like a "smoke detector"... because it doesn't actually find cancer-- but detects changes in red blood cells which indicate cancer is present. that early discovery is a key factor in successful treatment. the test costs about 40-dollars... and could be used to monitor people with a high cancer risk. the last remaining patient hospitalized after the the pue in a release -- the orlando regional medical center says they've treated 35 patients from the shooting...and completed 76 operations. last month -- orlando health and florida hospital both announced they will not bill ((jen)) coming up.. a dispute between neighbors that's gone far beyond a war of words. ((walter why police say one of the neighbors tried to settle the score.. .with a tennessee.... doesn't quite cover it. police say one man used a ?bulldozer to destroy his neighbor's home! fox 13's russell rhodes is here with more.. at first glance... this house looks like the victim of storm damage. but it's actually man-made. walls on one side of the home are caved in... bits of the ceiling are on the floor... water is pouring in from burst pipes... and flies have made their way into the kitchen. police got a call-- after edgar mclellan was caught running down his neighbor's home with a backhoe . when officers showed up... they found debris from the house in the excavator's bucket. family members say they've never had problems with mclellan... but the sheriff's office says this is the result of a neighborly dispute. john higdon... who lives in the damaged home... was arrested just a few hours earlier. police say he fired multiple shots into the woods behind his home. right to destroy their home. officials say john higdon reported prowlers shining lights into his house multiple times last week. deputies say higdon told them he thought the prowler's were mclellan's employees. mclellan is charged with trespassing and felony vandalism... while the homeowner was charged with reckless endangerment for firing those shots. both men have ad lib tag laura bulldoze in sports this morning: a couple of changes in the dressing room for both the rays and the bucs.. here's a couple shake-ups for the rays today... shortstop matt duffy is going to be shut down later this week for the remainder of the season - to have foot surgery... also, hitting coach derek shelton was fired... meanwhile the only real hitting being done tonight, was by the visiting orioles... the exception to that, came with the rays very first batter of the game... logan forsythe, he loves hitting in the leadoff spot... starts the game off with an oppo-field bomb... 18th of the year.... but jake odorizzi with one of his toughest innings all season - here in the 4th... the broken bat double by j.j. hardy... that scores two... still to come.. some important still to come.. some important changes for people heading to tampa international.. international..heading to tampa changes for people some important still to come.. cowboys....the giants and still to come.. some important changes for people heading to tampa international.. plus.. free parking may be going away for drivers in one loca donald trump facing new criticism - he appeared to mock a reporter with a disability. "you gotta see this guy. 'uhhhh i don't know what i said, i don't remember.' he's going like 'i don't remember'." "putting a wife to work is a very dangerous thing. i don't want to sound too much like a chauvinist." "you have to be wealthy in order to be great. i'm sorry to say it." "he's a war hero because he was captured. it's 5:--... if you're heading out the door, here are some of this morning's top stories. from 8 in the evening until 4 in the morning.. the blue-side arrival and departure curbside will be closed at tampa international.. the closures will last through early next year... affecting passengers flying american... delta... jet-blue and be directed to short-term parking. all of this is so crews can work on the new "sky- connect guideway" train. we're staying in contact with a man searching for the owner of an american flag. we talked to ted froberg live on good day tuesday. he told our ken suarez that he found the folded flag saturday on the shoulder of an overpass on u-s 19 in clearwater. he believes it belongs to the family of a service member... way casket flags are during graveside services for veterans... hoping to find the rightful owner... ted posted these photos on facebook. so far... the owner hasn't been found. they've come and gone and now they're coming back again.. parking meters in downtown sarasota. the city had them once before and took them out. they say they're needed to regulate traffic and bring more people to the area. but as fox 13's kim kuizon reports -- many store owners are worried they'll actually keep people away. driving through downtown sarasota and looking for a parking spot is a daily struggle for many..including justin williams. it's really hard to find a spot and the meter maids are constantly on you so you are nervous on top of that....a lot of it's private parking so you have trouble anytime coming down here." the city believes parking meters will solve those headaches. parking division general manager mark lyons says studies have proven they work. parking meters are needed in terms of turn over and to make sure assesibility is there from the eldery to anyone who is trying to find their favorite store and just run in for a few seconds." but the city has tried this before.. in 2011, parking meters were installed..only be taken out a few months later, when store owners and shoppers complained they weren't user friendly. -"if you make sure some spots are open and also make sure the peferial spaces aviaialbe they are able to find those and park more quickly." "a number of downtown businesses say they'd be okay with the paid parking meters if they were being put up in other places of the city shoppers will go to other stores where they don't have to pay to park." ron soto, the head of the downtown merchants assocationa says parking meters will hurt business no matter what the city says.-"if we don't have them city wide it's basically telling people to not come downtown." and this downtown customer says parking is already hard enough.. making him pay to park will send him elsewhere.. -"day to day we come down here for lunch but i would probably go somewhere else." in sarasota, kimberly kuizon fox 13 news. somewhere else." in sarasota, kimberly kuizon fox 13 news. there's much more to come on good day. let's turn it over to russell and laura - to find out what's ahead in our 6 o'clock hour. they've only been back from vacation one day, but congress has already reached a stalemate on funding the fight against zika. coming up at six ... how the debate is impacting florida's senate race .. (russell take vo) plus .. taking cues from movies like "robocop' and "the matrix" ... law enforcement agencies are turning to virtual train a new generation of crime-fighter. and ... some kids love school, others aren't big fans .. the story behind this back-to school photo is coming up in hot clicks. golden outside or fluffy inside. deep pockets or delicious ridges. tasty egg or savory bacon. ian waffle breakfast sandwich. it's not this or that. it's all of it. america runs on dunkin'. it was doggie destiny was mr. bonejangles expecting the perfect toy at an amazing price? of course not. he's a dog. but that's the beauty of a store full of surprises. you never know what you're gonna find, introducing dunkin's new cold brew coffee, steeped slowly in cold water for small batches with an ultra-smooth, full-bodied flavor. discover the craft of cold brew today and keep on. zika funding >>russell: zika funding fails again after congress returns from a seven-week vacation. now the issue is taking center stage at the florida senate race. >>laura: and i.t.t. tech leaves students high and campuses nationwide without notice and now tens of thousands are left wondering, where to go from here. >>russell: and the future of law enforcement. virtual reality is giving crime fighters a new edge in keeping us safe. we're taking the wraps off a new system that proves it's not just for gamers. >>dave: we're hanging at 76 at tampa international. 78 in st. petersburg. a lovely 70 up in crystal river. it was nice to have a couple of

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