Transcripts For WTVT Good Day Tampa Bay 5AM 20160210 : comp

Transcripts For WTVT Good Day Tampa Bay 5AM 20160210

start off with a check of the forecast, with dave. 3 3 (dave 3 3 ((dave all that windy weather could cause more problems at the beach. yesterday, an olympic qualifying sailing race had to be called off, due to high wind and rough surf... in fact... several boats *capsized... and the captains were tossed in the water... but they're all okay... and the race is supposed to pick- up again today. 3 ((dave fox-13's shayla beach right now... 3 3 ((dave thanks, shayla. 3 3 3 no closed captioning is available for traffic. 3 3 3 a rude awakening for danielle weston and her boyfriend in pinellas county. you heard it, overnight: someone crashed into their home, taking out the chimney and a nearby stop sign. danielle says: their dogs usually sleep near the damaged wall, but had moved ahead of time. it was scary, but danielle says: she's just glad no one was hurt. 3 (jen) we're still waiting for an official release on the accident... but danielle says: police told her, the car had been stolen. she thinks three-to-five people were inside... they all took off running. 3 the sarasota police department is looking for the people responsible for a string of car burglaries. 3 in total they believe the 3 juveniles and one adult are responsible for more than 40 car burglaries! police say they seem to be hitting cars parked at three different parking garages. the b-b-and-t bank on 2nd street... hollywood 20 on main street... and the wells fargo bank also on main street. detectives say people could be victims and not even realize it. they added if you parked in any of those garages in the last few days and saw anything suspicious or out of the ordinary to please 3 3 (jen the results are in from the new hampshire primary... and the winners are *not a huge surprise... donald trump and bernie sanders came out on top... but what's interesting, is how the *rest of race unfolded. 3 (jen) the second place republican was sort of unexpected... and another g-o-p hopeful is going home, to take a breather. (walter) here's fox's joel waldman with a primary roundup. 3 3 after months of leading in the polls, donald trump winning the first in the nation primary tonight.... the billionaire businessman staying on message following a key victory in the granite state: trump says: "we are going to do something so good and so fast and so strong and the world is gonna respect us again." but much of the attention is on the second slot... john kasich coming in second - with voters also showing strong support for marco rubio... chris christie and jeb bush not finding the bump they were hoping for.... it's likely they'll now face renewed pressure from the republican establishment to drop out of the race - and throw their support to either rubio or kasich. kasich says: "there's magic in the air with this campaign because we don't see it as just another campaign." and in the two- person democratic race - bernie sanders with a win over hillary clinton... he's hoping his strong showings in the early states will give his campaign momentum as the race moves to the south and west... areas that have supported clinton in the past: clinton says: "now we take this campaign to the entire country. we're gonna fight for every vote in every state." sanders says: "we have sent the message that will echo from main street to wall street, from maine to california." 3 (walter) 3 3 3 (walter) most of the other candidates are gonna fight on... though new jersey governor, chris christie, says: he's going home to re-assess his campaign. (jen) meantime, florida senator, marco rubio, placed *third in new hampshire, tied with ted cruz and jeb bush. the saturday debate wasn't him in the granite state. but he sees the big picture in all of this. 3 "we did not wind up where we wanted to be, but that does not change where we are going process." "but in the end, i this campaign will be successful, but america will be successful as well. 3 (jen the other familiar florida face... former better in new hampshire than taking a lot of hits, and even pulling his mom and big brother onto the campaign trail. he says: he's not the *ambitious type of politician, he has, quote, "a servant's heart"... and then, he went on to show how else he differs from his rivals. 3 bush says: "here's the deal. to beat hillary clinton, we need somebody totally transparent, whose released 34 years of tax returns, who provides 340,000 emails for people to see, whose life is an open book. i'm proud of the life i've lived...and i've been vetted more than any candidate. we need someone with a proven record to beat hillary clinton, because the clinton 'hit machine' is coming right at the republican nominee. we need someone who's been tested, and i'm that guy 3 (jen) from here. the battle heads south and west ... (walter) the contests in south carolina and nevada start in just a week-and-a-half. 3 (walter/ lower demand and increased production will likely keep gas prices at insanely low levels. an international agency report released tuesday predicted a oil through 2016. that's seventy-one a gallon on average in tampa bay this morning. also keeping prices down, economic sluggishness in the u-s, china and europe. 3 ((jen a new sculpture at hyde park united methodist church will be unveiled quite a statement. canadian artist 'timothy schmalz' made the first 'homeless jesus' statue back in toronto. since then... replicas of the statue have been installed around the country-- this is the one in detroit. the artist wants to bring homelessness to the forefront. last year... there were more than 19-hundred homeless people in hillsborough county. tampa's 'homeless jesus' will be unveiled today ay noon... just before the church's ash wednesday service. 3 ((jen)) big news from two major retailers...((walter)) the bay area store that's closing... and the other, that's closer to opening a much hoped-for location. 3 ((walter and... the new concern about the *zika virus... turns out there could be a scary link to *eye problems... that affects *more than pregnant women. the new caramel macchiato from dunkin' donuts. let hand-crafted layers of espresso, milk, and a caramel-flavored swirl uplift your mood. indulge in a hot or iced macchiato today. oh-oh, oh-oh oh-oh-oh-ooh, oh hearts are made for sharing. spread some sweetness with dunkin' donuts' and brownie batter donuts. too sweet not to share. 3 a military plane crash into a house in indonesia has killed two people. an air force spokesperson says the plane was on a routine training flight when it went down close to the base... in east java. a woman in the home was seriously hurt. the cause of the crash is still under investigation. 3 ((jen)) the department of justice is threatening legal action against the city of ferguson, missouri. this after city leaders failed to approve all of a legal settlement with the department of justice... 3 ((jen the city had already agreed to a tentative settlement with the u-s government... americans. wednesday, city leaders asked for revisions, including limiting the city's financial cost. the cost of the first year alone -- would be up to 3-point-7 million dollars.. in a statement issued late last night -- the department of justice said the vote "creates an unecessary delay" and justice department investigated ferguson police after the deadly shooting of 18-yol3 morning, about the *zika virus. there are now 16 confirmed cases in florida... including hillsborough county. the c-d-c sent 950-antibody test kits to our state, and more than a thousand more have been ordered. we already knew there were worries about a possible link to birth defects... now, zika has also been linked to eye problems... specifically, conjuctivitis... otherwise known as pink-eye. now, president obama is asking congress for nearly two-billion dollars in to the zika virus. 3 up in new orleans, after one of the biggest parties of the year... mardi gras. yesterday was fat tuesday, and they held the last two parades of the long festive season. is pretty empty, except for the street sweepers. today is ash wednesday, the beginning of the holy christian season of lent, that's usually marked by sacrifice. 3 3 check out this little guy! a rare albino green sea turtle has just hatched on a beach in queensland, australia. volunteers say 3 they were amazed to see little "alby" on castaways beach. alby was a little delayed... all his brothers and sisters hatched last week... but their distinctive sibling decided to take his time. but he does face a tough battle in the wild... albino sea turtles usually aren't well suited to the environment because of their color... but witnesses say alby did get off 3 3 3 3 3 no closed captioning is 3 (jen) attention kmart shoppers... and sears customers, too. (walter) the parent company of both is concerned about falling close dozens of stores... including some in florida. 3 (walter now, sears isn't will be closed, but according to a consumer reports subsidiary, there are 50 of them.. including k-mart stores in daytona and lake lutz... that could close as for liquidation sales at *all locations. 3 step closer to getting a publix in channelside. the and twiggs. mayor bob "the last missing piece in downtown." a 21-story apartment tower will go up at the same location. construction should start early next year and the store should open by 20-17. 3 beyonce wasn't the only one who benefitted from sunday's super bowl halftime show. "red lobster" is reaping the benefits after a shout out in beyonce's song "formation". 3 it's only mentioned once, but man are they cashing in. after the single dropped on february 6th, flocked to the restaurant... so much so they saw sales go up 33-percent! but that's not all. google searches spiked for 48 hours after the song's release... they were trending on twitter for the first time ever. and at one point on saturday red lobster was mentioned 42- thousand times in just one hour! in a statement, red lobster's c-e-o said it's clear beyonce has helped create some red lobster fans 3 ((walter)) it's always a big deal... choosing that song for your "first dance" at the wedding.((jen)) but for one couple, there was no hesitation... at least, special moment. 3 (jen they *love billy say it was "the piano man" who brought them together! their musical love story, is next. 3 most couples have a special song... but one duo from the bay area has a whole *jukebox full of them. see, it was *music that brought them together... and one very special singer... today: we see how the "piano man"... played cupid. 3 marc and adrienne's love story is more like a song...a melody that began with their favorite musician. he definitely made a tremendous impact on our lives and he continues to do so. their love for billy joel started when they both were kids.. i always grew up to him on the radio and my dad strumming it on the guitar so you just grew up feeling so connected and it's just a special part of my family. and it's that passion for his musica& that paths first crossed in 1996 - waiting in line for tickets to we ended up sitting together because we bought the tickets together so we could get the best seats. after that night they went their separate waysa&until 3 years latera& when billy.. brought them back together. marc had an extra ticket to his concert.. and gave adrienne a call. i was astonished. i was just like where did this come from? she was living in ft. laurderdale at the timea&but she still said yes.and a couple months later.. they had their first date.. at a billy joel concert..on valentine's day 1999. i do attribute it to him because there's no way randomly 3 years later he would've called me for any other reason because we weren't really in touch. and that's how their love story begana&three years later they married.honoring the piano man at the reception..naming their tables after his songs.and dancing their first dance to "she's got a way."now 13 a= yearsa& and 6 concerts latera&it's still billy joel that always brings them back to their beginning. he just reminds us as to why we stick together. he really is a bond for the two of us. they bring back memories and keepsakes from each performance.and just like their parents did with thema& they share their her used to the lyrics and hearing the songs and hearing her say "yeah thats pretty good mom" you know for the new generation to be exposed to it. they both agreea&a life without each other..would be lonely and a world withough billy joel..would be dull. he's a poet. he assembles words beautifully together. 3 (jen) and their family tradition continues on with their daughter. adrienne and marc say they play billy joel music for julia and hope to take her to her first concert - the next time the piano man is in town. 3 ((jen)) a country usually tough on drugs... is considering making medical marijuana *legal.((walter)) *who's changing policy, and *why... after the break. 3 ((walter plus... happy trails... happy life? the family that decided to ditch the house, and chase their own american dream... on the road! 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ((walter)) comfortably, and as fashionably, as indoors. havertys has everything you need to find the right fit for your personal style stunning room settings to refresh your patio, sunroom or lanai. choose a look lamps, pillows and more to bring your outdoor vision to life. celebrate with us during our presidents day sale. everything's on sale. plus enjoy thirty-six month, havertys. discover something you. 3 it's 5:--, it's wednesday, february 10th. i'm walter allen.((jen)) and i'm jen epstein. and it could be another breezy day ahead. 3 (jen yesterday, high winds and rough surf forced organizers to call-off an olympic qualifying sailing water. everyone's okay, and the race will likely take place today... but there's a water lesson here for all of us. 3 (jen fox-13's shayla reaves is out at clearwater beach right now... shayla: the race is a big deal, but water safety is an even bigger concern... good morning. 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 no closed captioning is available for traffic. 3 3 ((walter the time now is 5:__. let's get you up 3 to the minute on today's top stories: interesting results in the new hampshire primaries. not the winners: people were expecting donald trump and bernie sanders to win. but john kasich's second place finish in the g-o-p was a bit of a surprise... and now republicans chris christie and jeb bush may be pushed to drop marco rubio. ((walter a pinellas county "tae kwon do" instructor, students, faces a new charge this morning. this is an update to a story we first reported last week. an eight-year-old girl just came forward, saying: "andrew kim" molested her last year. two other students made *similar allegations, already. and investigators are potential victims. kim worked as an instructor at he was fired for 3 ((walter a glass vase worth 25-thousand dollars is back home.... less than 24 hours after it was stolen. monday morning... a cleaning man noticed the dale chihuly piece was missing. one day and a lot of media attention later... an employee at the morean arts center found a small brown box outside of the building. the missing vase was inside... with no apparent damage. however... police are still busy looking for the thief. right now, they're checking security cameras. 3 3 the zika virus just keeps spreading. china has reported its first case of the it's a 34-year-old-man who traveled from venezuela late last month. he was treated in south america *before flying home. health officials in china say his condition is improving. the good news is the virus is not likely to spread there, because of cold temperatures and a lack of mosquito activity. 3 ((jen some new video out of taiwan this morning, where rescue workers are still hard at work, trying to find earthquake survivors. about 100-people are still believed to be trapped, under a collapsed apartment building. 44-people are confirmed dead. also today: three executives with a construction company are now facing *charges, connected to that apartment building. officials suspect the building fell, because of shoddy construction. it was one of only a *few buildings in the city of tainan... to collapse from the quake. 3 australian lawmakers are expected to legalize growing marijuana for medical use. a bill was introduced to parliament today. several states are going to start using marijuana for medical and scientific purposes. but current laws forbid them from growing the plant... so is expensive. if the bill painful, chronic conditions on clinical trials would have access. lawmakers should make a decision by the end of next month. 3 2 months later and authorities still don't have cellphones used by the killers attack. 3 the f-b-i told the their investigation has been hampered. they say encryption technology is keeping them from getting into a cellphone. but the f-b-i says the problems don't stop there... the advanced technology is affecting local investigations as well-- like car accidents and child pornography. last year... the white house abandoned legislation to force u-s firms to give investigators a way around encryption software. but... since the attacks in san bernardino and paris... the issue could come back to the table. 3 the oba vows to press ahead this morning.. after the supreme court put the "clean power plan" on hold. the divided halt enforcement of president obama's sweeping plan to address climate change.. until *after legal challenges are resolved.. last month -- a federal appeals court refused to put it on hold. many states that oppose the plan.. depend on economic activity tied to fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas. 3 3 (jen) imagine it: selling the house, and deciding to live: in a camper. (walter) a central florida family is doing that... all *eight of them. fox's tiffany teasley tags along on their amazing adventure. 3 the fay family plays their favorite card game at the dinner table tonight (nats) and if it looks more cramped than usual, that's because it isa& (nats)"what's the coolest place you want to visit? red woods" this 300 sq foot rv is their new home for the foreseeable future... as the leesburg family of 8 leaves everything behind for life on the road fay says: "we were just talking one night was we were watching a show and we said what about and rv we could take our home wherever we wants to see whatever we wanted to see" and that's exactly what they did, they sold a house and bought this rv that they've already been living in for a month... and later this week krista & ricky fay will step out of all six of their little ones journey across america krista says: "we love our kids, we excited to know go all across america, just loving people." home school the children and ricky, a former tradesmen, way to support the family on fay says: "we wanted the 3 experience for our kids as well as us to be able to able to see these things and touch nature and experience history hands on." the fays will documents their experience on their website simple life, full hearts, and they say that's the goal... putting an emphasis on family to bring them closer together on their voyage far far awaykrista says: "i don't think we're very going to forget making a decision to have the simplicity because the gain is so much more than what we're giving up" in lake county tt 3 ((jen)) we're used to lightning here in florida... we get tons of it in the summer! ((walter)) but now, we're seeing those bolts from the blue, like we've never seen 3 ((walter and... he's nicknamed "thor," after the norwegian god with the mighty hammer... and this bobcat is proving just how strong he is. his incredible rescue, and recovery... he's gonna he's a bobcat.. that someone hit with a car last week on a highway in brandon.. after an amazing rescue - he's now being cared for.. and treated at "big cat rescue".. 3 ((jen but, as you can imagine.. this has not been an easy week for the rescue.. 3 and thor needs *a lot of care.((walter)) first and foremost.. this is a wild animal.. that is scared.. and hurt. russell joins us now with more on thor's recovery.. 3 ((russell)) it started last week.. when someone called "the big cat rescue".. saying they found a severely injured bobcat lying in the middle of the highway.. 3 ((russell it appears the cat was hit by a car.. and left there.. most of the injuries are to thor's face.. he has a broken jaw... and a broken eye socket.. but he also appears to have issues with his shoulder.. "jaime" from the big cat rescue rushed to the scene along with her husband who is a vet for the "humane society".. the carefully carried thor to the car.. and rushed him to the humane society for surgery. 3 ((russell thor had surgery jaw.. his upper jaw is also broken.. but not as badly.. so they left that to heal on its own.. however, that means they have to be very careful not to spook thor.. because they don't want him swinging his head around and hurting that jaw even more.. thor also is having but, since the surgery.. they have been giving him eye drops to help him blink.. and vets are optimistic they will be able to save his eye. 3 ((russell)) right now, thor is recovering at "big cat rescue".. he's in a very secluded area.. and only the president of the rescue.. and her husband are having contact with him.. and even *they don't talk to him.. so he doesn't get used to being around people.. they hope to release him back into the wild.. in a remote wilderness area.. once he's healthy 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 ((walter)) in sports this morning: some bittersweet news about our fox-13 family. longtime sports director, chip carter, is retiring at the end of the month... after 28-years at w-t-v-t. 3 (walter chip made the annoucement last night. he's one of just *four people to hold the sports director position since we signed on the air in 19-55... he follows guys like "salty sol fleischman" and "andy hardy"... and like them, what a legacy he leaves... a total natural... forever youthful... and a true sports guy. he's headed back home to new england... 3 we'll miss you chip! but in the meantime, we'll savor morning sports reports like this one from you. so, let's talk lightning... 3 the ottawa loss for the lightning was a meltdown, tonight in montreal, just a frustrating game for the lightning because, they pushed montreal.....outsho oting the canadiens, simply put, they made montreal work for it tonight..... montreal swarming around ben bishop and tomas plekanets finds a hole and the canadians are up two one..... critical game for montreal, they are out of the playoffs off a teammate and in.....montreal now up three one...... and plekanets isn't this move, holds it, holds it, then finds a huge hole, ben bishop just had no chance on this, four one canadiens........ victor hedman, shows us, the lightning aren't having the kind of game they had last night in montreal, off the backhand, four two.......that's the final montreal four two... ten days from spring training and it appears the rays may be finished with making anymore deals.... at least when it comes to pitching...... the boston globe's nick cafardo writes there is still a lot in alex cobb, but the rays are not going to deal him, in fact, they're going to build the rotation around him..... money is part of the reason why, cobb is still contract friendly for the rays, so moving him isn't in the team's best interest.......cobb is surgery and isn't expected to star break, maybe not till august.....traditional part of i think it really starts loads up the truck and gets weeks or so in port's a ton of least of ton of stuff....can that go into packing for this trip and jose fernandez is the that's a look at sports... 3 (walter alright, everyone can take a step back, now. "eli manning" is explaining why he had such a blank look on his face sunday night, watching his brother peyton nearing another super bowl victory. he wasn't *jealous... he was *nervous. eli... who has two of his own super bowl wins as quarterback of the new york giants, was concerned that the broncos lead wouldn't hold up... and he was wondering if denver would kick the extra was doing the 3 math in his head. makes sense... he's been in some tight situations, too... but yeah, he's seen all the memes and heard all the comments... he just laughs it all off. 3 3 ((walter)) a big bandage, on a famous face. ((jen)) what this superstar is dealing with, and why he's proud to show his post-surgery pictures. his message is especially important for *floridians. 3 (walter and here's some good advice from actor hugh jackman... he's reminding everyone to use sunscreen and regularly... this after having a *another skin cancer removed, this time, from his nose. he posted this picture on his facebook account it's his *fourth skin cancer surgery in three years... and he admits: he didn't protect his skin when he was younger. that's why he sees his dermatologist every three months, now. and he's even launched a line of sunscreen for kids. 3 (walter) we loved seeing this video yesterday morning, of all the manatees huddled together in the warm waters of crystal river (jen) and we love hearing that *another manatee, found in distress last week, is back swimming in the wild today. fox-13 photojournalist.. otto contreras..was there as it was released. 3 (sorry, no verbatim script available) 3 ((jen)) there's much more to come on good day.((walter)) let's turn it over to russell and laura - to find over to russell let's turn it ((walter)) good day. more to come on there's there's much more to come on good day.((walter)) let's turn it over to russell and laura - to find out what's ahead in our 6 o'clock hour. 3 the battle in the snow is over ... at least for now south .. coming up .. who won new hampshire ... and what it means.. 3 concern as more cases of the zika virus appear in florida. find out which big sprays score the best in recent tests. 3 and ... if you are the c-e-o of the most valuable company in the world ... your every move is being watched .. coming up ... what apple's c-e-o tweeted ... then lowe's presents: how to plan for the future. happy valentine's day. happy birthday. sorry i forgot our anniversary. happy mother's day. now get this 1.5-pint orchid for only $9.98,

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