Transcripts For WTVT FOX 13 News At Noon 20160225 : comparem

Transcripts For WTVT FOX 13 News At Noon 20160225

Inellas count jail today. Olice arrested the 24yearold pmother for misusing 91 and pfiling a false Police Report plast night. Pnow Clearwater Police tell us a plie sent officers frantscally psearching for a boy who was pnever really missing. Pthreeyearold boy, she preportedly told police he had pbeen left in her car she went in pher house came back out and the pboy end the car were both pmissing. Pofficers tracked down that pvehicle. Pand it crashed near curlew road pand u. S. 19. Pthey found the suspect inside pthe vehicle, but they didnt pfind a child. Pthe mother reportedly told pauthorities later she made up pthe whole story and her son had pbeen in day care. Phers what she had to say earlier pthis morning. P my mom wasnt worried she pknew where my son was the whole ptime . Pthe whole time. Plast night we spoke with her pmother who cried and had tears pin her eyes and she described plearning of the situation psurrounding her grandson and pshe said her plan at that time pwas to talk to her daughter and punderstand what happened. Pand at this point police tell us pthat children are in the custody pof their grandparents. Pin meantime, the boys father, pnester is also facing charges pfor misusing 911 and filing a pfalse Police Report. Pas for the driver behind the pwheel of that vehicle, he is now pfacing a number of charges as pwell including grand theft auto pfleeing alouding and reckless pdriving on a suspended or prevoked license. PClearwater Police are telling pthey do believe drugs played psome type of role in this case pat this point we asked any panticipation of releasing 911 pcalls in this case. Pthey tell us right now they pcannot release those tapes, they pdo not plan to do so because of pthe evidentiary value of those ptapes. Pthey say still an ongoing pinvestigation. Pof course we will continue to pfurther details reporting here pClearwater Police department, pshayla reeves, fox 13 news. P thank you, shayla. Pdetectives want to find a north pabuse. Pthis is picture of 21yearold placy. Pshe faces a felony charge of pchild neglect causing great pbodily harm the victim listen pto, three months old. Olice think she is somewhere in pthe venice or north port area pcall them in you know where shes pinspect at noon hillsborough pcounty Health Department issued pa rabies alert near mallory psquare drive in westchase area. Pin response to a cat that tested ositive for rabies. Pthis actually second case of prabies in the county this year. Pthey say is serve as prepeatedlier to pet owners to lease get your animals pvaccinate. Palso in Hillsborough County pcrews have been working to fix a pbig mess. Pa dump truck hit a power pole at p50th street south and palm river proad knocking power lines right pinto the roadway. Pthe good news it looks like no pone was hurt. P three of the republican residential candidates face pstates a donald trump continues phis victory lap after a win in pnevada. Pbernie sanders tries to regain pthe democratic spotlight before psuper tuesday. Pfoxs joel waldman is in pwashington with more. P anchor as super tuesday pnears texas senator ted cruz pfaces a crucial race this his phome state with gop juggernaut pdonald trump. Pthe only campaign that can beat pdonald and only campaign that phas beaten donald is our pcampaign. Pstakes are arguably even higher pfor florida senator marco rubio. Pa new poll from quinnipiac puniversity shows trump with a phuge lead over rubio in the psunshine state. Pa win for trump that could seal prubios fate. Phe has not performed as well as phe had hoped he has not won panything yet. Prubio is stepped up attacks pagainst trump in recent days pwhich could happen again in ptonights republican residential debate in houston. Pyou cant just say when i get pthere ill hire smartest people pand they will tell me what to pdo. Pis courting voters in ohio pappearing to be looking past pthis weekends South Carolina rimary instead focussing on psuper tuesday. P what this campaign is about pis taking a hard look at where pwe are and where we want to go. Phillary clinton meanwhile premains focused on south pcarolina. Pcrisscrossing the state today plooking for are a decisive pvictory there even as pcontroversy surrounding her rivate email account continues pto swirl around her campaign. Pin washington, joel waldman, fox pnews. P make sure you join our olitical editor Craig Patrick pon saturday evening a 5 30 and pagain sunday night at 11 30 are pfor money, power politics. Phe will taking a look a super ptuesday. Pdonald trump is getting serious pabout sunshine state. Pgop front runner sending a team pto tampa this weekend to pcampaign for votes. Pthe move comes less than two pweeks before floridas primary. Paccording to a tampa bay pbusiness journal trumps phi store is garcia Cigar Factory pon armenia avenue a developing pstory in polk county. Pdeputies are asking for help to pfind two men caught on camera pstealing from cars. Pthis happened on Heather Brook pdrive earlier this week. Pdeputies say men found three punlocked cars and stole some pcash, electronic and in one case peven a gun. Pif you recognize him or know panything about this case call pthe president clinton sheriffs poffice. Pchinese stocks took a drop one pday before world wide finance pleaders meet in the country. Pchina faces increased pressure pto reassure globe will investor phow steering its sluggish pcompany news comes finance pminister and central banker pgather for twoday meeting in pshanghai. P unemployment claims are up. Pand retailers appear to be pdisappointed with investors or pdisappointing investors. Pfox businesss Lauren Simonetti phas these stories and more in pyour midday market report. P reporter the labor eople filing oh unemployment pbenefits last week rose to 272. Pthe numbers rose on weak poverseas growth and wild swings pfor stocks. Ptrio retailers are disappointing pinvestor best bile se quarter psales will fall below an pestimates as struggle with lower ptablets. Psears report a deep fourth pquarter loss the department pstore chain says it will now pspeed up the closing of punprofitable stores as its pkmart unit saw same store sales pdecline more 7 percent sears saw pthey will foul more than six ercent company says that was an pimprovement from first three pquarters of the year. Pand poor sales a kohls pushing pthat company to close 18 under erforming stores this year. Pkohls warning that full year psales could fall. Pthats business. Pfor more log on to pfoxbusiness. Com. Pin new york im lauren psimonetti. P the seminole hard rock casino pis hiring. Pthey are looking for a few good pmen to fill positions that have pwell explain mike is here pchecking your forecast beautiful pday out there today a bit on pchilly side and bit blustery at pday looks loo and look at your3 the seminole hard rock resort and casino in tampa is looking psem note noel hard rock is plooking for a few good men. Pthats right hiring men for a osition thats long been poffered only to women. Pthat is big move for hard rock pcocktail waitresses at the pcenter of a casino business for pdecades. Pbut not any more. Pat least not here seminole hard prock in tampa. Pthey are a soon hiring male pservers. Pheres whats interesting pexecutive here say more than 50 ercent of their customers are pwomen. Pso this change would target pthose guests. Phard rock is planning to hire 50 pmen as beverage servers on pcasino floor. Pa first for the property. Pits currently employees 170 pdrink servers. Pmost of them if not all are pwomen right now. Pthat will soon change. Pcasino employees saying they pwant to expand the amount of pservices on casino floor. Pso of course they need more pemployees so they are hiring pmore men. Pwednesday a job fair and papplications. Phard rock is not only casino pthat will hire male servers. Pin fact a couple years ago an patlantic city new jersey made pthis move. Pthe male servers will wear boots pblack pants and button down pits a uniform meant to match pwaitresses servers will work 24 pto 32 hours a week get paid p 3. 25 an hour plus tips. Pthe way hard rock currently phiring right now. Pfor more information on that go pto our website, pwww. Fox13news. Com. P in tampa, alcides segui, fox p13 news. P thank you, alcides. Pa former Animal Shelter worker pin Manatee County accused of a pdonations. Pdetectives arrested gail. Pshe used to be Office Manager pbishop Animal Shelter until she pwas fired last year. Pinvestigators say she altered pthe books and took more than p 66,000 starting way back in p2008. Pnine miles and 1500 miles, that pjourney for one missing cat pfound here in florida. Pit went missing in wisconsin. Pshe ran out of her home in pexpect Christmas Eve they tried pto find somehow cat ended up in pnaples recently. Pa woman took her into humane psociety and they scanned her pnearly two months after she pdisappeared her owners got a pcall they were waiting for. P pretty shocking pretty pcome. Pi mean if she could tell us pstories. P we have no clue. Pim so wish this cat could talk. Pi would love to know how she phitch ad ride to florida. Pso would all of us. Pher owners are now looking for pwisconsin. P governor rick scott plans to phead to Charlotte County today pto assess the damage from pyesterdays storms. Pour tornado swiped across nearly p30 homes. Pa Suntrust Bank in that area off pstate road seven 76 and u. S. 41 phas some damage. Ieces of roof were blown off pfortunately no one got hurt. Pa major winter storm blanket arts of midwest in more than a pfoot of snow. Pheres a look at mirrorville, pindiana last night following the pstorm. Pstorm dumped enough snow to bury peverything in sight. Pincluding cars. Pjust a bit of extreme weather pfox rich etson is hardest wit pwaverly virginia with more. Pviolent weather slams this small pvirginia down of 2000 a ptwoyearold was among those pkilled when a storm hit waverly. Pi never not like this. Pjust on tv but not here. Pthats what was so shocking plocal say Severe Weather hit pis significant. Pthis law dramatically is among pstructures destroyed. Proads. Pcame so fast and went so fast. Pstrong wind and heavy rain moved pup the east coast wednesday pevening. Prain caused a basement wall to pcollapse in maryland. Ptraffic a man to authority went pto check out sump pump. Plocal firefighter says the man pis lucky to be alive. P holding all the weight of pthat is that post right there. Pshift it a little bit. Pdozens of building and lancaster pcounty, pennsylvania sustain pdamage. Pwe could see gap from our pbasement door. Pand we seen all the power go out pon and off. Pthen it was off. Pthen we knew something. Psomething wasnt good. Pstorms also hit the philadelphia parea. Pwhere high winds knocked this pburger king sign on to prestaurants roof. Pit was people saying und lay. Pbut actually the hold on people pwill say Virginia National guard phas activated to help residents phere. Pgovernor has also declared a pstate of emergency. Pin waverly, virginia, rich petson, fox news. Plook at this bad weather also phit myakka pines golf course. Plook at all the trees down. Pwhat mess. Pyou can see an alligator trying pto get away from it all. Pbut he took a wrong turn papparently swam right into, a pdrainage pipe. Pnot good. P mike bennet in for jim today. Pbefore we get to forecast mike i pjust want to give you guys some rops and kudos as you know im preel actively new to fox 13. Pyesterday during the noon news pabout 30 seconds into the show preally a Tornado Warning or palert came across your weather pabout it and literally within a pminute and a half you were out phere, lindsay was out here. Pand Paul Dellegatto was out phere. Pim looking up oh, my. Ptrust me. Pi witnessed it. Pwe appreciate that. Pi mean thats what we do. Pyou know when you have severe pweather come through, i mean pthats when we kind of really pkey in there and we kind of ptried something new yesterday we phad paul and jim on air we had pweather office. Pdave was on earlier. Pand if there was day for it to phappen wednesday when were all pthere certainly worked out. Pi do want to talk about this. Pthe two tornadoes that touched pdown yesterday. Pcheck this out. Pheres a traffic. Ptwo confirmed tornadoes, pamazingly, one of them was in pduette. Pduette, this is the second ptornado for them obviously the pgood news with this one was it ptouched down in an open field. Pthe only damage out there was psome snapped tree trunks. Pthats about it. P50 yards wide. Pand eight mile long path. PCharlotte County you saw a plittle while. Pthat was also an e f 1 tornado. Pthat one did cause damage. P33 homes damaged. P5 of them with major damage. Pand 8 vehicles picked up and pmoved. Pthats an e f 1 tornado. Pit doesnt take these large pdestructive tornadoes to cause pdestruction. Pwe saw that exactly yesterday. Pvisible satellite picture across pthe area clouds finally start to pthin out and clear and push off pto the south. Plets check out camera views. Psirata beach cam. Plook at that, what we can look pforward to as we head through pthe rest of the day. Pusf Marine Science Building back pto west hill con clearwater pdistance. Pall in all shaping up to be a retty nice afternoon. Pwith the exception being that ptemperature. Pyou dont like cooler air pcertainly here. P62 the current temperature. Pdew point of 43. Pwinds out west northwest at 13 pMiles Per Hour. Pother temperatures around the parea 61 up in new port richey. P59 in crystal river. P63 in bradenton. P63 in frostproof. Pand 59 bartow. Pcertainly a much chillier start pto day than what weve seen pbasically last nine or ten days pin it will end lot chillier as pwell we will not see ptemperatures rise awhole lot pmore even throughout entire pstate that cold front cleared pwest. P57 up in panama city. Pacross the country, not an cream pair. P36 in lexington right now. P47 in memphis. P53 in dallas. P44 out in lubbock. Pso again cooler air across most pof the country. Pthat kind of stays there as we phead through next few days. Ponly only a gradual mod trend pinto the weekend. Pheres satellite radar view. Pbigger view shows some clouds pcontinuing to push through. Pbut overall, much dryer air in lace. Pwater vapor loop. Pwhere you see the red, thats pgood stuff. Pright . Pthats going to more in the way pof sunshine as we head through pthe next few days. Pwinds occasionally gusting above p25 Miles Per Hour especiallially pthis afternoon. Pby later ton today and oh inton pthe day tomorrow you see psecondary front back to the pwest. Pthat drops south cools us off a pbit more for tomorrow. Plittle bit more as well. Pand saturday night. Pwe could talking about some 30s pfor areas to the north. Pand then a sunny but cool day psaturday. Pthen we start to warm things up pby sunday were back close to p70. Pby early next week, we talk pabout temperatures back into the pmid 70s. Pso for today, 64 degrees. Pincreasing sun. Pbrisk and blustery out there. Pfor overnight hours tonight 49 pmostly clear and chile. Pheading into day tomorrow 62 pdegrees. Artly sunny. Pschool and still somewhat pbreezy. P7 day forecast, by the way, psmall craft advisory in effect pthis afternoon. Psevenday forecast shows p60s. Pnext few days. Pstill somewhat cooled on sunday. Pearly next week next threat for prain doesnt arrive until later pwednesday on into next thursday. Plinda. Pi like this cool little break. Pthanks, mike. Pelephants. Pall caught on video. Pyou want to see this. Lus later, Charley Belcher is pchecking out the shows and a pstunts of a circus in town. music playing i feel pretty handcrafted in store by skilled decorators layered with fresh berries and frosted to perfection bakery chantilly cake all the right reasons. Publix. 3 3 some people in malibu, california have evacuated from their homes because of a growing brush fire. Its on a steep psome some people in malibu pevacuated their homes because a pgrowing brush fire. Psteep hill side area. Pthe fire is estimated to cover pat least 20 acres there arent pany structures immediately pthreatened. P but some local residents are pbeing forced out anyway a kids pcoast guard vessel overturns a pthat ran aground in inlent off pnew york city. Pcrew of both ships made it to pshore early this more than in pfar rockaway off queens. Pno injuries to tell you about. Pcoast guard says 5 crew members pswam ashore after 25 foot boot pcapsized in rough water. Pcoast guard was initially presponding to distress call of a p76 foot fishing boat that ran paground. P the battle between f. B. I. And papple is intensifying with both psides refusing to back down. Pat issue the i phone of one the psan bernardino terrorists. Pnow the ceo of apple is sitting pdown to talk about controversy pin one on one interview. Pjackie has the latest. P law books may some day record pbattle thats going on right now pbetween apple and the f. B. I. Pits a long standing principle pin our Justice System if an pindependent judge finds reason pto believe a certain item pcontains evidence of a crime, pthen that judge can authorize pthe government to conduct a pevidence. Pattorney general Loretta Lynch pmaking her case to congress pwednesday. Pthe issue is whether the tech pgiant should could apply with a pcourt order to unlock iphone san pbernardino terrorists government pneeds assistance of third arties to insure that search is pactually conducted. Pjudges all over the country and pon the Supreme Court have said pthat those parties must assist pif it reasonably within their ower to do so. Pmeantime the in an interview on pan abc news, world news tonight pthe head of apple says creating pa socalled back door would be pdangerous. Pwhat is at stake here is can the pgovernment compel apple to write psoftware that we believe would pmake hundreds of millions of pcustomers vulnerable around the pworld including the u. S. Ptim cook says the f. B. I. Waited ptoo long to ask apple for help ptwo investigation phone was pactually owned by syed farooks pemployer. Pto reset the icloud password. Pwhen that is done, the phone pwill no longer back up to the pcloud. Pand soy wish

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