Transcripts For WTVT FOX 13 News At Noon 20160215 : comparem

Transcripts For WTVT FOX 13 News At Noon 20160215

pray woman hit a tow truck driver pthis morning and kept on going. pthey've released pictures of her pcar and her identity. pfox 13 anjuli davis is live pwhere f.h.p. just located a pditched car believed to be the paccident. p>>reporter: hi there, linda. pthey just towed away the car an phour ago. pinvestigators are still looking pfor the driver. phere is a photo of 36-year-old pallison huffman. paround 2 :20 this morning huffman pwas traveling along the howard pfrankland bridge when she hit a ptow truck driver who was working palongside the road. phe was propelled to the side his ickup truck and die ted scene. phuffman kept on driving and pexited the interstate onto state proad 60 and then onto kennedy pboulevard. pher car sustained extensive pdamage and from the looks of it, pit was barely drivable. pf.h.p. says she ditched in a laza hotel located just around pthe corner from weshore mall. pflorida highway patrol still pworking to locate allison huff pman at this hour. pif you have any information, pyou're asked to call f.h.p. or pcall 911 and we requested phuffman's florida driver's plicense records. pshe had two d.u.i.'s. p>> a truck was wrapped around a ole. plook at the pictures. pthis is at oberton road. pthey say there was evidence a psecond vehicle may have been pinvolved in illegal street pracing with the truck at the ptime of the crash. pit happened efrl this morning paround 3:30. ptroopers are asking anyone with pinformation to give them a call. ptruck driver is in critical pcondition. pnew at noon, officers arrested pthis woman for driving the wrong pway on to an i-4 exit ramp. psaid she pulled up to the wrong pway sign, drove around it and pcontinued up the exit ramp. pthis was at 21st street in ptampa. pshe's charged with d.u.i. and palso, tampa fire is working to prescue a worker at the port of ptampa. pthe worker took a long fall pwhile repairing a ship. ponce that worker is stabilized, phe will be taken to tampa pgeneral. psome people think it's cool to pdo donuts with a car. pthis driver that you're watching pobviously did, but that type of pbehavior is a crime. pas ken reports, pinellas park olice want to find the driver pbefore someone gets hurt. p>> let me ask you this. phow many close calls have you pseen on bay area roads? robably more than you want to precall. pbut they are usually punintentional. pwhat happened here was pintentional and that's the scary pand the sad thing. pthe driver of this white car was pintentionally doing donuts and pnot only at this location, we're pat 66th street north and 121st pit happened a couple of days ago phere but police say the same pcar, possibly a pontiac g 8 or a pchevy supersport, was also seen pdoing donuts around town causing pother problems. psomeone spotted it on 102nd and pbrian dairy doing the same thing pon the same day. pwe understand there were four pyoung guys in the vehicle. pa woman who was really taken pback by the antics shot this pvideo on her cell phone and then phanded it over to the cops. pusually the kids involved in the rank shoot at themselves and pthen posted on a social media psite to impress other people. pit may be impressive to the kids pand it may be impressive to pother wreckless drivers but not pto most people who want to stay psafe on the roads and certainly pnot impressive to the cops who pare now looking for these four pyoung guys. pback to you. p>>russell: p thank you. pa deadly accident is underway in pnew port richey. ptroopers tell us a semi and pmotorcycle driver. pthis one happened along ridge proad around 12:30 this morning pand they're looking into what pled up to that accident. pall of this is happening as the pflorida highway patrol is pwarning people about what can phappen if you leave the scene of pa car crash. ptroopers in bradenton speaking pout against hit and run paccidents. pthey have a survivor and a man pwho lost his wife from a hit and prun crash and they say beyond pthe physical pain, it is also an pemotional rollercoaster for peveryone involved. p>> i can't tell you how many pthis has changed my life. pi'm still dealing with things pday-to-day. pdepression. pit's kind of like ptsd in a way, ptragedy happens and you're just pdealing with it. p>> the florida highway patrol pwill talk to local high school pstudents telling them that pdriving is a privilege, not a pthey want students to understand pwhat can happen when you're pbehind the wheel. phillsborough county deputies are pthey say thieves broke into a phome on j.r. manor drive just pbefore 5:00 this morning. pfour adults were home at the ptime. pone was shot and rushed to the phospital. psupreme court justice scalia pdied of natural causes while on pa hunting trip out west. phis body was flown to virginia plast night. pfox has more now from pwashington. p>>reporter: here around the pcountry, flags are flying at phalf staff but there's already a pfull blown fight over when to pnominate the new justice. pa hearse carrying justice scalia pback home where candles, cards pand flowers peppered the steps pof the high court. pbefore the morning has begun in pearnest, scalia and his death phas found himself in the middle pof a political battle. p>> this is the whole fall game pdirection is concerned. p>>reporter: republicans wanted pto delay the process until after pthe november election hoping pthat will give them leverage to padd a conservative voice to the phigh court. pdemocrats are pushing for a new pchoice soon. punderstanding president obama's pthird appointee would almost pcertainly tip the high court in pfavor of liberals. p>> the president has every right pto nominate somebody by the pconstitution. p>>reporter: major cases affect peverything from abortion to pcivil rights and climate change pand while the court will pcontinue to function with just peight justices, ties and pimportant rulings could revert pback to the lower court. pthe high court, on right now, pgets back to work next week with pa big hole on the bench. p>>reporter: let's bring in craig atrick. pwhat will his passing mean going pforward? p>> short-term, it means probably pa sequence of more and more ties pto important cases and as you pnothing changes in that respect. pbeyond that, looking at his plegacy, he was bold and blunt pand very provocative and he was p-- justice scalia, a champion of pconservative causes. pwith this, this is a significant pset psetback to the conservative pweather. pwhether we do it this year, wait puntil next year to confirm an pappointment, let's not lose psight of the fact that clearly pthe court nudges a bit to the pleft with justice scalia's assing. p>>reporter: do we know what pspecific cases are pending right pnow? p>> we have big ones, too. pyou have a potential landmark pcase on voting rights. pthat was already heard. pyou've got one of the paffirmative action, that was palready heard last year. pyou've got one on labor unions pand how much clout public pemployees would or could have. pthat has been heard. pand perhaps justice scalia has pis the thing. puntil a decision is officially preleased, it doesn't count with phis passing because he's no plonger on the bench and with pthis, it conceivably throws pcases like those that have palready been heard out of whack por changes the voting mixup. pmeanwhile, you have other pissues. pbig landmark case on abortion to pbe heard, on contraception as it prelates to the affordable care pact. preligious institutions, porganizations to be heard. pimmigration, the president pexecutive order then basically pshields millions of people from pdeportation. pthat one is yet to be heard. pthose are just a few examples of pwhat hangs in the balance here. p>>reporter: all important stuff. pthaup, craig. p>> thank you. p>>reporter: a fire broke out at pa waste facility this morning pbut it could have been worse. pit happened about 7:00 this pmorning. pofficials say sparks from pwelding landed on some debris pit was raised to a two alarm pstatus at one point. pright now front end loader is ulling the debris apart to make psure the fire is indeed out. pafterwards the building will be plook at for structural damage. pone person was hurt in the fire pbut they refused treatment. psome families were forced out of ptheir home overnight after pflames moved through the duplex. pthe fire started just before p10:30 last night at a complex poff west fay drive in largo. peveryone was evacuated after psmoke and flames were reported. pthe cause still under pinvestigation. pthere's an event coming up that pcould help a lot of children pfighting cancer. pi'm going to tell you how you pcan take part plus the lives of pa number of animals have been psaved, all thanks to social pmedia. pand jim is here checking your pforecast. phi, jim. p>>jim: we had a beautiful pweekend. pnot a cloud in the sky. pcompletely different today. pall clouds are rolling in, winds pare turning towards the south pand that's helping to bring the pmoisture back across the state. pwe have a cold front which is pcomplete details are coming up. the coast guard will hold hearings starting tomorrow in jacksonville to get to the bottom of the sinking of the el faro. p>> coast guard will hold pheardings to get to the bottom pof the sinking of el faro. pit was the worst you shall pcommercial maritime sdas pengineer decades. pel faro set sail back in pseptember as a powerful storm pthe chip's -- ship's captain ptried to outrun it. pthe cruise ship thrown around pduring a violent winter storm plast week is heading back out to psea. panthem of the sea set out to new pjersey. phe spoke to passengers on board. p>> i think that's a safe place. p>> in new jersey they're hoping pfor smooth sailing this time. p>> we went through last week. pwe can get through everything. p>> the royal caribbean vessel pwas headed to the bahamas where pthey encountered a terrific pstorm off the carolinas. phurricane strength wind gusts at p75 miles per hour and waves pnearly 40 feet high so preturning. p>> everything in the bathroom pwas on the floor, toiletries and pmy god. pfirst thing comes to mind is i'm pthis is it. p>> crew was walking around non pstop cleaning up debris, glass, pbringing water, food. p>>reporter: nobody was seriously phurt. pthe 10-year-old ship returned to ort late wednesday night. p>> they did a great job. p>>reporter: the coast guard pinspects every ship before it pheads out to sea. pcrews had to repair the repulse psystem damaged for the storm pbefore giving it the all clear pthis weekend. p>> the ships have come back. p>> people should give credit to pthe captain and should give pcredit to the people who pdesigned that ship because it's pseaworthy. p>>reporter: while there are pquestions whether the ship pshould have set sail last week, psome say the possibility of pinclimate weather is sometimes art of the cruise package. p>> the first cruise i went on phad a hurricane and the second pcruise i went on a year later pbefore. pi get sick. p>>reporter: hopefully not this ptime. p>> florida voters head to the olls in four weeks for the rimary election and it doesn't phave to be confusing. pthere's a new app to simplify pthe process. p>>reporter: for years, stefan pwould update his facebook page pabout how he was feeling when it pcame to what he believed. phe kept it to himself. psocial media is great at pconnecting people socially. pbut it's not always great at pconnecting people politically. p>> i think with an open platform plike facebook, sometimes it pallows people to talk about popinions. p>>reporter: he said it keeps pyoung people alienated from the olitical process. pless than half of young people ptoday identify with any olitical party and less than ptwo all time lows in recent pamerican politics. pone other reason so many new phampshire millennials flock to pnon mainstream presidential pcandidates. p>> people care deeply about pissues pissues. p>> and the main reason he pcofounded brigade, an app pdesigned to collect young eople. p>> they swipe on political pissues. psimple. p>>reporter: users are reported pwith provocative questions, pswiping agree, disagree or punsure. pthe answers immediately put them pin touch with like minded pindividuals. pfor more information and pdiscussion. pnow, if users get really pinvolved, you want national padvocacy groups. p>> exactly. pyou cannot only express your popinions but we ponder you with pactions to create change. p>>reporter: it also encourages pyoung people to write their own popinions which they can pcontribute to their friends or pthe general public. p>> they can connect directly pwith each other. p>>reporter: think about things pdifferently, he says, because pthey're now connected pdifferently. p>>reporter: i hope everybody had pa great valentine's day weekend. pi want to thank you, jim, for pthe beautiful weather. pthat was like near perfect. p>>jim: that was really nice. pthat's right up there in the top pfive level, i would think. p>> now we have storms coming. p>>jim: it's headed our way. pbeautiful weather of the pweekend, put it on hold for pmaybe about a day and a half to ptwo days. plook at the temperature through pthe past several days here, pthrough the weekend and you can psee just gorgeous with the pdaytime highs at that normal plevel. pwe had cooler temperatures pbeginning of last week and we pwarm things up. pheaded our way. pbehind this, not really any pcolder weather but we've got psome storms that you'll be pdealing with by late tonight and pearly tomorrow morning. pright now we're at 70 degrees. pdew point is at 56. phumidity is at 61%. pwinds, they're out of the psoutheast at nine miles an hour pwhich is helping to warm things pup and it's also helping to preturn that moisture across the pstate and allow for some storms pby the time we get into late pthis even. pyou can see pretty everybody in pthe upper 60s or lower 70s pbecause of the cloud cover we phave over us and also some retty strong winds coming out pof the southeast across the pstate. pa little bit cooler once you get pup to the panhandle where they psaw 40s this morning. ptallahassee currently sits at 65 pdegrees. pyou can see those winds pretty pmuch all out of the peast-southeast or southeasterly pdirection and a bit on the pbreezy side as well. pvero beach, 23 miles an hour. pwest palm beach, 20. psoutheast at 16 miles an hour. pwe'll continue with these pstronger winds as we go through pthe afternoon and into this pevening. pwe've got an area of low ressure forming back across ptexas. pyou can see lots of showers and pstorms and then it turns into psleet and freezing rain and some psnow across the virginias but pthe red box here, that is a ptornado watch box that's been pissued for portions of pmississippi, back into plouisiana. p6:00 local time there, that box pis issued and you can see some retty strong storms working pinto that area so they'll pcontinue to see some pretty pactive weather throughout the premainder of the afternoon. pnow, that yellow shade, thae the parea where we had that slight prisk of some stronger storms for pthe afternoon and then you can psee we've got the tornado watch pin that area and then as you get pdown over florida, later on this pevening and into early tomorrow, pjust a very marginal risk of pseeing some of these stronger pstorms. pso here it is on future cast. pwatch that low. ptowards the east and then start pto move towards the north so peven though we've got the storms pheading our way there, they'll ptend to weaken some as they move pthrough by late tonight and pearly tomorrow morning. pthat's why that threat of severe pweather is lower and then high ressure builds in, just going pto reinforce the front that pbrings more dry, pleasant air pacross the state so the rest of pthe week after getting hit by pthis looks good with plenty of psun, low humidity, comfortable ptemperatures. p70 for today. pmostly cloudy, late day shower pand then for tonight, here comes pthe rain, some thunderstorms pmixed in as well. p62 for the overnight low. pearly showers tomorrow and then pclearing skies throughout the pday. pdaytime high of 72 degrees. pwinds are out of the west at 15 pknots. phigh tide is at 7:05 this pevening. pcan see the rest of the area plooking like great looking pweather. p>> a lot of animals may not have psurvived if it wasn't for pfacebook and twitter. pwe'll look at how many are saved hey, guys, it's annie. you know, as moms, we are always looking for new ways to save money. pwell today, i'm going to share with you pa simple tip that could help you stretch your budget when it comes to not bad. pit's easy: bogos from other stores aren't always the best deal, pbut walmart every day low prices, pwell, that could save you some money. tampa, the total amount saved at walmart vs winn dixie was $24.49 in this week's basket - that's 22%. including bogos. give walmart every day low prices a try today. you'll be glad you did. florida's python challenge is over. the hunt ended last night. 3 ()) more than one hundred burmese pythons were caught during the month-long competition. awards will be p>> the python challenge is over. pawards will be given out at the pend of next week. pthe snakes are given to presearchers so they can find pways to control the population pin the everglades. pwe see them on twitter. ictures of dogs and cats and pother animals that desperately pneed a home. pin some cases, the animals are pjust hours from death. pbut thanks to social media, some panimals do make it out of the pcynthia shows us the amazing pnetwork of pet lovers pnationwide. pfrom her home outside of pchicago, pamela kramer writes pabout animals thousands of miles paway. p>> when i saw that picture, i pknew i had to worry about him. p>>reporter: a picture of romeo psurrendered the week before pchristmas, posted on the rescue pme tampa facebook page. p>> it showed him saying he could pbe killed immediately. p>> kramer's stories, rescue me ptampa, are part of a vast pnetwork that spans social media. pa network without borders. p>> max went to alaska and we phave the dog in canada, we have pdogs in pennsylvania, new pjersey, north carolina, all pover, all across the united pstates. p>>reporter: kramer used that pnetwork to rescue lucky from the pcounty shelter in miami dade. pnearly 1400 miles away. p>> good boy. p>>reporter: within 24 hours, plucky had a ride, five different pdrivers from miami to jupiter, pon to fort pierce and then to pcoco, orange park and finally, a prendezvous with pam kramer in patlanta and one more drive to pher warm, cozy couch in chicago. p>> he was in a car for 22 hours pbasically with potty breaks. p>>reporter: countless rides to prescue happen every day. pdogs and cats saved by facebook. p>> so many would die without pthat. pit's saving lives. pabsolutely. p>>reporter: and while way too pmany unwanted pets are still pdying, these women a grateful pfor the power of social media pand every single life saved. p>> when i find out that an panimal has found a home because pof one of my stories, sometimes pi start crying because it makes pme so happy. p>> as for romeo, the dog that pfox 13 showed, she was rescued pin less than two weeks. pvinyl is tensions in syria remain high. medical facilities are p>> tensions in syria remain phigh. pmedical facilities are under pfire after a weekend of pviolence. p>>reporter: medical facilities pcoming under fire in syria. pvideo posted to social media set pto show smoke rising from a pdoctors without borders clinic. panother shows survivors being plooked for in the rubble. p>> to be today a doctor or nurse pin the area controlled by popposition is equal to being in pwar. pif you're working in hospitals, pthe regime. p>>reporter: a children's phospital also attacked, kids and pa pregnant woman among those pkilled by the missile strike. pturkey's prime minister blaming prussia for the incident near his pcountry's border where the pturkish military shelled a pmilitia this weekend. pthe p.h. says that all forces phave been expelled from the parea. pif they approach us again, they pwill see the harshest reaction. p>>reporter: obama administration pis calling for turkey and the pmill yash to focus on fighting ptheir common enemy, isis. pthe notion dismissed by the pturkish foreign minister since pthey're considered an extension pof crew that has carried out pattacks in turkey. pworld powers agreed last week to pa cease fire in syria. pthat agreement will not go into peffect until the end of this pby the asad regime or syrian prebels. p>> former israeli prime minister pbegins his prison stay. phe was convicted of two bribery pcharges for accepting money from preal estate developer ands. phe was internationally created pworking for a peace accord with pthe palestinians until scandals pforced him to step down. pnorth korea is praising a rocket pscientist who completed a rocket plaunch last week. pearth observation satellite was psent off last week. pthe launch struck a blow to penemies and press ahead with pmore. pothers view it as a test of pmissile technology and are pworking hard to have him slapped pwith strong sanctions. pu.s. and cuba are about to mark pa historic travel moment. pofficials will sign a formal pagreement to establish regular pairline flights between the two ptampa could be on the forefront. pkelly has more. p>> for more than 50 years, ptravelling to this tiny island pnation has been a no go for most pamericans but politicians like pflorida congresswoman cathy pcastor are hoping to change pthat. p>> when you land in cuba, it's plike going back to 1955. pit's been isolated and this olicy of isolation is not pserving you well, not serving pour country well. pjust talk to the folks who live phere in west tampa and the pfamilies that struggle through pbureaucratic red tape just to pvisit their family members. p>> cast or and six state prepresentatives from both sides pof the aisle embarked on a trip pto cuba. pthe mission, to build support pamong fellow members of congress pto end the u.s. embargo. p>> the embargo has not done much pto change the cuban government pbut it's hurt cubans. pu.s. embargo to cuba will bring pabout changes they say cuba pdesperately needs. p>> i share their optimism but psadly, as everyone knows, pthere's been no progress on the rinciple issue, which is the pissue of human rights. peverybody likes to talk about pwhat would be great to happen pand then we pander to these pregimes and then we expect very plittle in return and hope, you pknow, like north korea, we preally hope that things change. p>> the end of the embargo is ponly a matter of time and the pbill to lift the embargo could pbe brought to the floor sometime pthis year, she says. p>> pope francis is in southern pmexico to celebrate mass. pthe pope is also calling for pmexico to become, quote, land of popportunities where there will pto dream. pworld health organization has pappointed the zika virus as a oint of concern. pcolorado thinks they may have psomething to help. pit's a natural mosquito prepellant. p>> our whole mission is we peliminate the nests. p>> this colorado based company pis doing its part to wash away a pglobal epidemic. p>> you go to the villages and psee people that are suffering pand it's truly suffering from pthings that are prevent i pbelieve that we don't really pdeal with in the u.s. pit's evident like we need to do psomething about this. p>> the problem is global. pnearly two million deaths a year pare caused by malaria and other pillness. p>> right now it's zika but there pare a ton of mow deceit -- pmosquito-borne viruses. pthe fourth bar actually prepresents the bar we donated on ptheir behalf. pyear to guinea and other places. p>> we're a small company, presources are thin, everybody is pworking hard. pthat's the fuel that keeps us pgoing. p>> the packaging is filled with ptestimonials and information pabout how you are contributing. p>> one of the villages we've pbeen supporting for a few years ptalks about ringworm and malaria phave decreased. p>> people that use it the most pare the outdoor lifestyle. pthis is a product we use, you pknow, on a daily basis. p>> even more around the world. p>> westerners find it really phelpful not only to protect pthemselves from being bit but pthey get to partner and help to psave lives around the world. p>> virgin atlantic flight pheading to new york had to preturn to london after a laser pbeam injured a pilot. pit was over the west coast of pireland when the crew decided to pturn around. plife threatening emergency on pboard. pthe laser beam was shining in pthe cockpit near london and assengers were taken off the lane and put up in hotels povernight and then went to new pyork today. pno arrests have been made. pmore millennials are ditching ptech for turtles. phere is more. p>> record companies know that pvinyl is strong and that's what eople are buying. p>> in the last decade, final precords have made a comeback pespecially among the younger pgeneration. p>> the main turn-on for pmillennials is the fact of pholding a physical record in ptheir hands. p>> you can have that with a pcomputer screen. p>> we're seeing it switch slowly pdoing things in the new digital pworld. p>> nine million vinyl records pwere sold in the first half of p2015. pthis at the same time c.d. sales pcontinue to fall. p>> there's a whole new pgeneration that are just going pto release the vinyl and pdigital. pthey're not doing c.d. anymore. p>> the recent deaths of precording artists like david pbowie, and natalie cole also utting an extra spin on record psales. psix of bowie's album are getting pa reissue treatment. p>> what is retro is cool now. p>> nostalgia for records is pbeing played out across several latforms. pa new hbo series "vinyl" pchronicles a record label in the p1970s and at the last consumer pelectronic show, sony showed off pvinyls into high res audio pfiles. p>> we've seen it, record players pthat don't use needles, they use plights or lasers to read it high ptech. p>> even luxury brands are ptapping into the buzz. pa record store in denver has an ponline university to school on pthe history of lp's and make psure they use the correct pterminology. p>> records are not called pvinyls. pbenefit a worthy cause.3 (linda) welcome back. p>> welcome back. pas many of you know, i'm a pcancer survivor and i've pdedicated some of my time to romoting events that help other pcancer survivors fighting the pfight in our community. pand i wanted to tell you about panother event that's coming out pfor local pediatric cancer presearch with the proceeds of psome charity events going to a presearch lab on u.s.f. campus. pthe event has featured a pwonderful magician which the pkids have loved but this year pthey're going to change it up pwith a night at the tropicana pevent. pthat's going to be held at ybor pcity. pjoining me is mary anne and pdr. cameron. pyou have a lot of titles but pwe'll say professor of ediatrics and researchers at pthe university of south florida. plet's start with you. ptell us a little bit about your ersonal reason for doing all of pthese fundraisers. phonor of my late brother who was pdiagnosed with cancer at the age pof four and he went through two pyears of treatment which was pbasically torture for both him pand our family and after the two pyears of treatment, he was able pto beat the battle against pcancer but wasn't able to beat pthe treatment so he passed and pafter those two years and, you pknow, this foundation is pimportant to me because we raise pmoney for pediatric cancer presearch specifically for the pdoctor. phis research is for looking -- pthey're looking for prevention pto the cancer, looking for a pvaccine to leukemia which would revent treatment and therefore, psave the lives of many children pand their family. p>> you've had a number of psuccessful events but you're pswitching it up this year. ptell us about how it's going to pbe different. p>> this year we're going to have pa latin band and gaming tables pand show girls and so it's going pto be a lot of fun. p>> more of an adult event. p>> yes. pso doctor, they're raising money pfor your research. pi've been following you for pyears. ptell us about what exactly it is pyou're looking to do and for you pfar along you are. p>> well, we try to prevent pcancer at the university of psouth florida. pand if you're a pediatric poncologies, you see what people pgo through, through the ptreatment and consequences and pit's really a disease that i pthink the family, not just the pchild. p>> you're working on a vaccine. p>> that's right, to prevent and pthe prevention means you're plooking at means that you can psay who possibly can come with pleukemia and then using the pvaccine to prevent. pwe do have a proprietary protein pthat we have developed and this rotein appears to be able to ptendency for leukemia and also pappears to be possibly something pthat can be used to vaccinate pindividuals. p>> very exciting and i want to ptalk to you more after the show pso we can tell viewers more pabout that at 5:00 p.m. pwe want to talk about how you've phelped so many families. p>> one place foundation provides pfamily programs and services for pfamilies fighting childhood pcancers. pfinancial, education, social psupport and we also raise funds pspecifically for the doctor. pwe have research efforts but we pwant to keep the money local and pwe want to prevent, not cure. pwe want to prevent and raise pmoney so that they don't have to pdeal with this again. pwe also have a legislative voice pon capitol hill and we are popening the first school in the pcancer in memory of my p9-year-old son. p>> i hope you invite me to the popening. pi want to be there. p>> you can cut the ribbon. pwe appreciate all your support. p>> so tell us how we can get pinvolved, how anyone watching at phome can come to this great pevent, the night of the ptropicana. p>> you can go to our website and pbuy tickets right there or make pa donation directly from the pwebsite. p>> okay. pand the doctor is going to hang paround and we'll have more from phim tonight at 5:00. pif you're interested in getting ptickets at to a night at ptropicana, we posted a link. pyou can see it under the seen on ptv section and i've posted it on pmy facebook page. pwe'll be back with another check pstay with us. i do everything on the internet. but it's kind of slow. my friends said i should get fios because it's the fastest... but i thought it would be too expensive... who's that, jenny? no kate...turns out they have a deal that cost me even less than my slow service. and it's 100 megs ...i just downloaded 600 photos in 60 seconds. that's seriously better. we're out of 2% then i thought, maybe other i heard that. switching to better internet is now easier than ever. only fios has the fastest internet and wi-fi available. so you 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chance pof storms as we go into tonight. pright now we're at 70 degrees. phumidity is at 61%. pwinds are out of the southeast. pwinds gusting to 23 miles an phour from time to time. pbut you see these temperatures preally pretty mild. pjust because of that southerly pwind, the cloud cover pretty pmuch everybody is sitting pretty pclose to each other as far as ptemperatures, either in the pupper 60s or low 70s. pjust a touch warmer heading down pto sebring which currently sits pat 75 degrees. pyou can see the winds all coming pup out of the southeast, the pwinds gust 23 here in tampa, pdown to lake placid, seeing pwinds gusting up to about 20 pmiles an hour. pwe'll work to keep the winds a ptick above normal as we go pthrough the afternoon as well. pit's all in response to an area pof low pressure in a front which pis draped across the southeast. pyou can see a lot of storm pactivity along this boundary. ponce you get up in the pcarolinas, sleet, freezing rain pand snow as well. pthat red box, that is a tornado pwatch box and you can see the pvery active storms moving right pinto that box. pthe yellow shaded area through pthere, that's that area of light prisk of some storms, strong are pstorms, including tornados. pas we go through the afternoon pand into the evening, you do see pthe strong storms moving into pthat area. pas you go down across florida, pwe're in the marginal risk of pseeing some storms because as pthis low works on towards the pnortheast, a lot of the energy pwith this will be moving away so pwe're going to see the storms pand into early tomorrow but they pwill be weakening as they work ptheir way towards us as well. pso watch it all play out on pfuture cast. pall the cloudy skies over us, pmild conditions with broezy psouth and southeasterly winds. pwatch that low work on towards pthe north so the storms will pmove over us but they're pweakening and the front pushes pthrough, clears out the skies. pwe're back to more sun as we get pinto tomorrow afternoon. pthis is just a reinforcing front pof dry air that moved through pmid week so the rest of the pweek, after we get through this, plooks nice. pso for today, we'll see mainly pcloudy skies, maybe a couple of pshowers late today and into ptonight. pyou see the storm chances really pgoing up. pdaytime high of 74. pthen for tonight, showers and pmaybe a few thunderstorms are plikely. povernight low of 62 degrees. pand then for tomorrow, we have prain in the early morning hours, pthen clearing as we go through pthe afternoon. pdaytime high of 72 degrees. phere's the seven-day forecast. potherwise, really some pretty pnice looking weather all the way pinto the weekend with the pdaytime high rebounding up into pthe mid 70s. pwe're back with more after this. ptush tush p>> when the flag drops at the pdaytona 500, ralph brown is palways there. p>> do your friends even bother pto say, are you going this year? p>> not really. p>> just how many 500s has he pattended? p>> you get to 40 or 41 and you pthink, i can't stop now. pda 3 3 3 3 taylor swift will find out tonight if ptonight if she'll administrator pgram p-- add more trophies to her pcase. pswift is also on the list of erformers which includes adele, prihanna, lady gaga, justin pbieber and pit bull. pgrammy awards start at 8:00 p.m. pfrom trashy to triumph, she's povercome a lot in her short plife. pher will to succeed is what's pright with tampa bay. p>> i love being on the scene. pit's a huge camaraderie and pthere's women from all over the pcountry. p>> monica is thrilled to be on pthe u.s.a. women's sledge hockey pteam. pthey'll be competing at the 2018 pwinter paralympics in seoul, psouth korea. p>> nothing like putting on the pjersey with your name on the pback of it and your favorite pnumber and going out there and pit's incredible feeling. p>> monica was on the university pof new hampshire's women's ski pclub team when she was injured. pshe was 19 at the time. p>> it was just a really bad pfall. pi had a really bad fall and it pjust -- i ended up getting aralyzed from it. p>> depression set in. p>> it was definitely a hard time pin my life, especially the first ptwo years. pit was hard. p>> monica is a natural athlete pand with playing sports, it phelped her fight depression and pshe fell in love with sledge phockey. p>> i'm over the moon. pi still can't believe i'm on a pu.s.a. team. p>> her message to others with a pdisability? p>> just keep going out there, pkeep trying and give it your pbest. pand really, just have fun. penjoy it. penjoy your life. pthat's why we're here. p>> at 29, she says her best days pare ahead. p>> we all have days where we phave bad days and hard days and psad days. p but the majority of my days are preally good. pyou know? pi'm just really grateful. pi'm really grateful. pshe's learned to help herself pand others. p>> what a great role model. p>> yes. pit's perfect. puntil tonight, anyway. p>>jim: you know, we have clouds pmoving in but you can see across pthe southeast, lots of storms, pat least some of that activity pwill be heading our way by late ptonight, early tomorrow morning pwith rain chances up for the povernight hours. potherwise, you see some nice plooking weather. p>> sounds good. pwe'll keep posting the latest pall day at, ptwitter, facebook and i hope to i'm caridee. i've had moderate to severe plaque psoriasis most of my life. but that hasn't stopped me from modeling. my doctor told me about stelara it helps keep my skin clearer. with only 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses... ...stelara helps me be in season. stelara may lower your ability to fight infections and increase your risk of infections. some serious infections require hospitalization. before starting stelara your doctor should test for tuberculosis. stelara may increase your risk of cancer. always tell your doctor if you have any sign of infection, have had cancer, or if you develop any new skin growths. do not take stelara if you are allergic to stelara or 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Transcripts For WTVT FOX 13 News At Noon 20160215 :

Transcripts For WTVT FOX 13 News At Noon 20160215

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pray woman hit a tow truck driver pthis morning and kept on going. pthey've released pictures of her pcar and her identity. pfox 13 anjuli davis is live pwhere f.h.p. just located a pditched car believed to be the paccident. p>>reporter: hi there, linda. pthey just towed away the car an phour ago. pinvestigators are still looking pfor the driver. phere is a photo of 36-year-old pallison huffman. paround 2 :20 this morning huffman pwas traveling along the howard pfrankland bridge when she hit a ptow truck driver who was working palongside the road. phe was propelled to the side his ickup truck and die ted scene. phuffman kept on driving and pexited the interstate onto state proad 60 and then onto kennedy pboulevard. pher car sustained extensive pdamage and from the looks of it, pit was barely drivable. pf.h.p. says she ditched in a laza hotel located just around pthe corner from weshore mall. pflorida highway patrol still pworking to locate allison huff pman at this hour. pif you have any information, pyou're asked to call f.h.p. or pcall 911 and we requested phuffman's florida driver's plicense records. pshe had two d.u.i.'s. p>> a truck was wrapped around a ole. plook at the pictures. pthis is at oberton road. pthey say there was evidence a psecond vehicle may have been pinvolved in illegal street pracing with the truck at the ptime of the crash. pit happened efrl this morning paround 3:30. ptroopers are asking anyone with pinformation to give them a call. ptruck driver is in critical pcondition. pnew at noon, officers arrested pthis woman for driving the wrong pway on to an i-4 exit ramp. psaid she pulled up to the wrong pway sign, drove around it and pcontinued up the exit ramp. pthis was at 21st street in ptampa. pshe's charged with d.u.i. and palso, tampa fire is working to prescue a worker at the port of ptampa. pthe worker took a long fall pwhile repairing a ship. ponce that worker is stabilized, phe will be taken to tampa pgeneral. psome people think it's cool to pdo donuts with a car. pthis driver that you're watching pobviously did, but that type of pbehavior is a crime. pas ken reports, pinellas park olice want to find the driver pbefore someone gets hurt. p>> let me ask you this. phow many close calls have you pseen on bay area roads? robably more than you want to precall. pbut they are usually punintentional. pwhat happened here was pintentional and that's the scary pand the sad thing. pthe driver of this white car was pintentionally doing donuts and pnot only at this location, we're pat 66th street north and 121st pit happened a couple of days ago phere but police say the same pcar, possibly a pontiac g 8 or a pchevy supersport, was also seen pdoing donuts around town causing pother problems. psomeone spotted it on 102nd and pbrian dairy doing the same thing pon the same day. pwe understand there were four pyoung guys in the vehicle. pa woman who was really taken pback by the antics shot this pvideo on her cell phone and then phanded it over to the cops. pusually the kids involved in the rank shoot at themselves and pthen posted on a social media psite to impress other people. pit may be impressive to the kids pand it may be impressive to pother wreckless drivers but not pto most people who want to stay psafe on the roads and certainly pnot impressive to the cops who pare now looking for these four pyoung guys. pback to you. p>>russell: p thank you. pa deadly accident is underway in pnew port richey. ptroopers tell us a semi and pmotorcycle driver. pthis one happened along ridge proad around 12:30 this morning pand they're looking into what pled up to that accident. pall of this is happening as the pflorida highway patrol is pwarning people about what can phappen if you leave the scene of pa car crash. ptroopers in bradenton speaking pout against hit and run paccidents. pthey have a survivor and a man pwho lost his wife from a hit and prun crash and they say beyond pthe physical pain, it is also an pemotional rollercoaster for peveryone involved. p>> i can't tell you how many pthis has changed my life. pi'm still dealing with things pday-to-day. pdepression. pit's kind of like ptsd in a way, ptragedy happens and you're just pdealing with it. p>> the florida highway patrol pwill talk to local high school pstudents telling them that pdriving is a privilege, not a pthey want students to understand pwhat can happen when you're pbehind the wheel. phillsborough county deputies are pthey say thieves broke into a phome on j.r. manor drive just pbefore 5:00 this morning. pfour adults were home at the ptime. pone was shot and rushed to the phospital. psupreme court justice scalia pdied of natural causes while on pa hunting trip out west. phis body was flown to virginia plast night. pfox has more now from pwashington. p>>reporter: here around the pcountry, flags are flying at phalf staff but there's already a pfull blown fight over when to pnominate the new justice. pa hearse carrying justice scalia pback home where candles, cards pand flowers peppered the steps pof the high court. pbefore the morning has begun in pearnest, scalia and his death phas found himself in the middle pof a political battle. p>> this is the whole fall game pdirection is concerned. p>>reporter: republicans wanted pto delay the process until after pthe november election hoping pthat will give them leverage to padd a conservative voice to the phigh court. pdemocrats are pushing for a new pchoice soon. punderstanding president obama's pthird appointee would almost pcertainly tip the high court in pfavor of liberals. p>> the president has every right pto nominate somebody by the pconstitution. p>>reporter: major cases affect peverything from abortion to pcivil rights and climate change pand while the court will pcontinue to function with just peight justices, ties and pimportant rulings could revert pback to the lower court. pthe high court, on right now, pgets back to work next week with pa big hole on the bench. p>>reporter: let's bring in craig atrick. pwhat will his passing mean going pforward? p>> short-term, it means probably pa sequence of more and more ties pto important cases and as you pnothing changes in that respect. pbeyond that, looking at his plegacy, he was bold and blunt pand very provocative and he was p-- justice scalia, a champion of pconservative causes. pwith this, this is a significant pset psetback to the conservative pweather. pwhether we do it this year, wait puntil next year to confirm an pappointment, let's not lose psight of the fact that clearly pthe court nudges a bit to the pleft with justice scalia's assing. p>>reporter: do we know what pspecific cases are pending right pnow? p>> we have big ones, too. pyou have a potential landmark pcase on voting rights. pthat was already heard. pyou've got one of the paffirmative action, that was palready heard last year. pyou've got one on labor unions pand how much clout public pemployees would or could have. pthat has been heard. pand perhaps justice scalia has pis the thing. puntil a decision is officially preleased, it doesn't count with phis passing because he's no plonger on the bench and with pthis, it conceivably throws pcases like those that have palready been heard out of whack por changes the voting mixup. pmeanwhile, you have other pissues. pbig landmark case on abortion to pbe heard, on contraception as it prelates to the affordable care pact. preligious institutions, porganizations to be heard. pimmigration, the president pexecutive order then basically pshields millions of people from pdeportation. pthat one is yet to be heard. pthose are just a few examples of pwhat hangs in the balance here. p>>reporter: all important stuff. pthaup, craig. p>> thank you. p>>reporter: a fire broke out at pa waste facility this morning pbut it could have been worse. pit happened about 7:00 this pmorning. pofficials say sparks from pwelding landed on some debris pit was raised to a two alarm pstatus at one point. pright now front end loader is ulling the debris apart to make psure the fire is indeed out. pafterwards the building will be plook at for structural damage. pone person was hurt in the fire pbut they refused treatment. psome families were forced out of ptheir home overnight after pflames moved through the duplex. pthe fire started just before p10:30 last night at a complex poff west fay drive in largo. peveryone was evacuated after psmoke and flames were reported. pthe cause still under pinvestigation. pthere's an event coming up that pcould help a lot of children pfighting cancer. pi'm going to tell you how you pcan take part plus the lives of pa number of animals have been psaved, all thanks to social pmedia. pand jim is here checking your pforecast. phi, jim. p>>jim: we had a beautiful pweekend. pnot a cloud in the sky. pcompletely different today. pall clouds are rolling in, winds pare turning towards the south pand that's helping to bring the pmoisture back across the state. pwe have a cold front which is pcomplete details are coming up. the coast guard will hold hearings starting tomorrow in jacksonville to get to the bottom of the sinking of the el faro. p>> coast guard will hold pheardings to get to the bottom pof the sinking of el faro. pit was the worst you shall pcommercial maritime sdas pengineer decades. pel faro set sail back in pseptember as a powerful storm pthe chip's -- ship's captain ptried to outrun it. pthe cruise ship thrown around pduring a violent winter storm plast week is heading back out to psea. panthem of the sea set out to new pjersey. phe spoke to passengers on board. p>> i think that's a safe place. p>> in new jersey they're hoping pfor smooth sailing this time. p>> we went through last week. pwe can get through everything. p>> the royal caribbean vessel pwas headed to the bahamas where pthey encountered a terrific pstorm off the carolinas. phurricane strength wind gusts at p75 miles per hour and waves pnearly 40 feet high so preturning. p>> everything in the bathroom pwas on the floor, toiletries and pmy god. pfirst thing comes to mind is i'm pthis is it. p>> crew was walking around non pstop cleaning up debris, glass, pbringing water, food. p>>reporter: nobody was seriously phurt. pthe 10-year-old ship returned to ort late wednesday night. p>> they did a great job. p>>reporter: the coast guard pinspects every ship before it pheads out to sea. pcrews had to repair the repulse psystem damaged for the storm pbefore giving it the all clear pthis weekend. p>> the ships have come back. p>> people should give credit to pthe captain and should give pcredit to the people who pdesigned that ship because it's pseaworthy. p>>reporter: while there are pquestions whether the ship pshould have set sail last week, psome say the possibility of pinclimate weather is sometimes art of the cruise package. p>> the first cruise i went on phad a hurricane and the second pcruise i went on a year later pbefore. pi get sick. p>>reporter: hopefully not this ptime. p>> florida voters head to the olls in four weeks for the rimary election and it doesn't phave to be confusing. pthere's a new app to simplify pthe process. p>>reporter: for years, stefan pwould update his facebook page pabout how he was feeling when it pcame to what he believed. phe kept it to himself. psocial media is great at pconnecting people socially. pbut it's not always great at pconnecting people politically. p>> i think with an open platform plike facebook, sometimes it pallows people to talk about popinions. p>>reporter: he said it keeps pyoung people alienated from the olitical process. pless than half of young people ptoday identify with any olitical party and less than ptwo all time lows in recent pamerican politics. pone other reason so many new phampshire millennials flock to pnon mainstream presidential pcandidates. p>> people care deeply about pissues pissues. p>> and the main reason he pcofounded brigade, an app pdesigned to collect young eople. p>> they swipe on political pissues. psimple. p>>reporter: users are reported pwith provocative questions, pswiping agree, disagree or punsure. pthe answers immediately put them pin touch with like minded pindividuals. pfor more information and pdiscussion. pnow, if users get really pinvolved, you want national padvocacy groups. p>> exactly. pyou cannot only express your popinions but we ponder you with pactions to create change. p>>reporter: it also encourages pyoung people to write their own popinions which they can pcontribute to their friends or pthe general public. p>> they can connect directly pwith each other. p>>reporter: think about things pdifferently, he says, because pthey're now connected pdifferently. p>>reporter: i hope everybody had pa great valentine's day weekend. pi want to thank you, jim, for pthe beautiful weather. pthat was like near perfect. p>>jim: that was really nice. pthat's right up there in the top pfive level, i would think. p>> now we have storms coming. p>>jim: it's headed our way. pbeautiful weather of the pweekend, put it on hold for pmaybe about a day and a half to ptwo days. plook at the temperature through pthe past several days here, pthrough the weekend and you can psee just gorgeous with the pdaytime highs at that normal plevel. pwe had cooler temperatures pbeginning of last week and we pwarm things up. pheaded our way. pbehind this, not really any pcolder weather but we've got psome storms that you'll be pdealing with by late tonight and pearly tomorrow morning. pright now we're at 70 degrees. pdew point is at 56. phumidity is at 61%. pwinds, they're out of the psoutheast at nine miles an hour pwhich is helping to warm things pup and it's also helping to preturn that moisture across the pstate and allow for some storms pby the time we get into late pthis even. pyou can see pretty everybody in pthe upper 60s or lower 70s pbecause of the cloud cover we phave over us and also some retty strong winds coming out pof the southeast across the pstate. pa little bit cooler once you get pup to the panhandle where they psaw 40s this morning. ptallahassee currently sits at 65 pdegrees. pyou can see those winds pretty pmuch all out of the peast-southeast or southeasterly pdirection and a bit on the pbreezy side as well. pvero beach, 23 miles an hour. pwest palm beach, 20. psoutheast at 16 miles an hour. pwe'll continue with these pstronger winds as we go through pthe afternoon and into this pevening. pwe've got an area of low ressure forming back across ptexas. pyou can see lots of showers and pstorms and then it turns into psleet and freezing rain and some psnow across the virginias but pthe red box here, that is a ptornado watch box that's been pissued for portions of pmississippi, back into plouisiana. p6:00 local time there, that box pis issued and you can see some retty strong storms working pinto that area so they'll pcontinue to see some pretty pactive weather throughout the premainder of the afternoon. pnow, that yellow shade, thae the parea where we had that slight prisk of some stronger storms for pthe afternoon and then you can psee we've got the tornado watch pin that area and then as you get pdown over florida, later on this pevening and into early tomorrow, pjust a very marginal risk of pseeing some of these stronger pstorms. pso here it is on future cast. pwatch that low. ptowards the east and then start pto move towards the north so peven though we've got the storms pheading our way there, they'll ptend to weaken some as they move pthrough by late tonight and pearly tomorrow morning. pthat's why that threat of severe pweather is lower and then high ressure builds in, just going pto reinforce the front that pbrings more dry, pleasant air pacross the state so the rest of pthe week after getting hit by pthis looks good with plenty of psun, low humidity, comfortable ptemperatures. p70 for today. pmostly cloudy, late day shower pand then for tonight, here comes pthe rain, some thunderstorms pmixed in as well. p62 for the overnight low. pearly showers tomorrow and then pclearing skies throughout the pday. pdaytime high of 72 degrees. pwinds are out of the west at 15 pknots. phigh tide is at 7:05 this pevening. pcan see the rest of the area plooking like great looking pweather. p>> a lot of animals may not have psurvived if it wasn't for pfacebook and twitter. pwe'll look at how many are saved hey, guys, it's annie. you know, as moms, we are always looking for new ways to save money. pwell today, i'm going to share with you pa simple tip that could help you stretch your budget when it comes to not bad. pit's easy: bogos from other stores aren't always the best deal, pbut walmart every day low prices, pwell, that could save you some money. tampa, the total amount saved at walmart vs winn dixie was $24.49 in this week's basket - that's 22%. including bogos. give walmart every day low prices a try today. you'll be glad you did. florida's python challenge is over. the hunt ended last night. 3 ()) more than one hundred burmese pythons were caught during the month-long competition. awards will be p>> the python challenge is over. pawards will be given out at the pend of next week. pthe snakes are given to presearchers so they can find pways to control the population pin the everglades. pwe see them on twitter. ictures of dogs and cats and pother animals that desperately pneed a home. pin some cases, the animals are pjust hours from death. pbut thanks to social media, some panimals do make it out of the pcynthia shows us the amazing pnetwork of pet lovers pnationwide. pfrom her home outside of pchicago, pamela kramer writes pabout animals thousands of miles paway. p>> when i saw that picture, i pknew i had to worry about him. p>>reporter: a picture of romeo psurrendered the week before pchristmas, posted on the rescue pme tampa facebook page. p>> it showed him saying he could pbe killed immediately. p>> kramer's stories, rescue me ptampa, are part of a vast pnetwork that spans social media. pa network without borders. p>> max went to alaska and we phave the dog in canada, we have pdogs in pennsylvania, new pjersey, north carolina, all pover, all across the united pstates. p>>reporter: kramer used that pnetwork to rescue lucky from the pcounty shelter in miami dade. pnearly 1400 miles away. p>> good boy. p>>reporter: within 24 hours, plucky had a ride, five different pdrivers from miami to jupiter, pon to fort pierce and then to pcoco, orange park and finally, a prendezvous with pam kramer in patlanta and one more drive to pher warm, cozy couch in chicago. p>> he was in a car for 22 hours pbasically with potty breaks. p>>reporter: countless rides to prescue happen every day. pdogs and cats saved by facebook. p>> so many would die without pthat. pit's saving lives. pabsolutely. p>>reporter: and while way too pmany unwanted pets are still pdying, these women a grateful pfor the power of social media pand every single life saved. p>> when i find out that an panimal has found a home because pof one of my stories, sometimes pi start crying because it makes pme so happy. p>> as for romeo, the dog that pfox 13 showed, she was rescued pin less than two weeks. pvinyl is tensions in syria remain high. medical facilities are p>> tensions in syria remain phigh. pmedical facilities are under pfire after a weekend of pviolence. p>>reporter: medical facilities pcoming under fire in syria. pvideo posted to social media set pto show smoke rising from a pdoctors without borders clinic. panother shows survivors being plooked for in the rubble. p>> to be today a doctor or nurse pin the area controlled by popposition is equal to being in pwar. pif you're working in hospitals, pthe regime. p>>reporter: a children's phospital also attacked, kids and pa pregnant woman among those pkilled by the missile strike. pturkey's prime minister blaming prussia for the incident near his pcountry's border where the pturkish military shelled a pmilitia this weekend. pthe p.h. says that all forces phave been expelled from the parea. pif they approach us again, they pwill see the harshest reaction. p>>reporter: obama administration pis calling for turkey and the pmill yash to focus on fighting ptheir common enemy, isis. pthe notion dismissed by the pturkish foreign minister since pthey're considered an extension pof crew that has carried out pattacks in turkey. pworld powers agreed last week to pa cease fire in syria. pthat agreement will not go into peffect until the end of this pby the asad regime or syrian prebels. p>> former israeli prime minister pbegins his prison stay. phe was convicted of two bribery pcharges for accepting money from preal estate developer ands. phe was internationally created pworking for a peace accord with pthe palestinians until scandals pforced him to step down. pnorth korea is praising a rocket pscientist who completed a rocket plaunch last week. pearth observation satellite was psent off last week. pthe launch struck a blow to penemies and press ahead with pmore. pothers view it as a test of pmissile technology and are pworking hard to have him slapped pwith strong sanctions. pu.s. and cuba are about to mark pa historic travel moment. pofficials will sign a formal pagreement to establish regular pairline flights between the two ptampa could be on the forefront. pkelly has more. p>> for more than 50 years, ptravelling to this tiny island pnation has been a no go for most pamericans but politicians like pflorida congresswoman cathy pcastor are hoping to change pthat. p>> when you land in cuba, it's plike going back to 1955. pit's been isolated and this olicy of isolation is not pserving you well, not serving pour country well. pjust talk to the folks who live phere in west tampa and the pfamilies that struggle through pbureaucratic red tape just to pvisit their family members. p>> cast or and six state prepresentatives from both sides pof the aisle embarked on a trip pto cuba. pthe mission, to build support pamong fellow members of congress pto end the u.s. embargo. p>> the embargo has not done much pto change the cuban government pbut it's hurt cubans. pu.s. embargo to cuba will bring pabout changes they say cuba pdesperately needs. p>> i share their optimism but psadly, as everyone knows, pthere's been no progress on the rinciple issue, which is the pissue of human rights. peverybody likes to talk about pwhat would be great to happen pand then we pander to these pregimes and then we expect very plittle in return and hope, you pknow, like north korea, we preally hope that things change. p>> the end of the embargo is ponly a matter of time and the pbill to lift the embargo could pbe brought to the floor sometime pthis year, she says. p>> pope francis is in southern pmexico to celebrate mass. pthe pope is also calling for pmexico to become, quote, land of popportunities where there will pto dream. pworld health organization has pappointed the zika virus as a oint of concern. pcolorado thinks they may have psomething to help. pit's a natural mosquito prepellant. p>> our whole mission is we peliminate the nests. p>> this colorado based company pis doing its part to wash away a pglobal epidemic. p>> you go to the villages and psee people that are suffering pand it's truly suffering from pthings that are prevent i pbelieve that we don't really pdeal with in the u.s. pit's evident like we need to do psomething about this. p>> the problem is global. pnearly two million deaths a year pare caused by malaria and other pillness. p>> right now it's zika but there pare a ton of mow deceit -- pmosquito-borne viruses. pthe fourth bar actually prepresents the bar we donated on ptheir behalf. pyear to guinea and other places. p>> we're a small company, presources are thin, everybody is pworking hard. pthat's the fuel that keeps us pgoing. p>> the packaging is filled with ptestimonials and information pabout how you are contributing. p>> one of the villages we've pbeen supporting for a few years ptalks about ringworm and malaria phave decreased. p>> people that use it the most pare the outdoor lifestyle. pthis is a product we use, you pknow, on a daily basis. p>> even more around the world. p>> westerners find it really phelpful not only to protect pthemselves from being bit but pthey get to partner and help to psave lives around the world. p>> virgin atlantic flight pheading to new york had to preturn to london after a laser pbeam injured a pilot. pit was over the west coast of pireland when the crew decided to pturn around. plife threatening emergency on pboard. pthe laser beam was shining in pthe cockpit near london and assengers were taken off the lane and put up in hotels povernight and then went to new pyork today. pno arrests have been made. pmore millennials are ditching ptech for turtles. phere is more. p>> record companies know that pvinyl is strong and that's what eople are buying. p>> in the last decade, final precords have made a comeback pespecially among the younger pgeneration. p>> the main turn-on for pmillennials is the fact of pholding a physical record in ptheir hands. p>> you can have that with a pcomputer screen. p>> we're seeing it switch slowly pdoing things in the new digital pworld. p>> nine million vinyl records pwere sold in the first half of p2015. pthis at the same time c.d. sales pcontinue to fall. p>> there's a whole new pgeneration that are just going pto release the vinyl and pdigital. pthey're not doing c.d. anymore. p>> the recent deaths of precording artists like david pbowie, and natalie cole also utting an extra spin on record psales. psix of bowie's album are getting pa reissue treatment. p>> what is retro is cool now. p>> nostalgia for records is pbeing played out across several latforms. pa new hbo series "vinyl" pchronicles a record label in the p1970s and at the last consumer pelectronic show, sony showed off pvinyls into high res audio pfiles. p>> we've seen it, record players pthat don't use needles, they use plights or lasers to read it high ptech. p>> even luxury brands are ptapping into the buzz. pa record store in denver has an ponline university to school on pthe history of lp's and make psure they use the correct pterminology. p>> records are not called pvinyls. pbenefit a worthy cause.3 (linda) welcome back. p>> welcome back. pas many of you know, i'm a pcancer survivor and i've pdedicated some of my time to romoting events that help other pcancer survivors fighting the pfight in our community. pand i wanted to tell you about panother event that's coming out pfor local pediatric cancer presearch with the proceeds of psome charity events going to a presearch lab on u.s.f. campus. pthe event has featured a pwonderful magician which the pkids have loved but this year pthey're going to change it up pwith a night at the tropicana pevent. pthat's going to be held at ybor pcity. pjoining me is mary anne and pdr. cameron. pyou have a lot of titles but pwe'll say professor of ediatrics and researchers at pthe university of south florida. plet's start with you. ptell us a little bit about your ersonal reason for doing all of pthese fundraisers. phonor of my late brother who was pdiagnosed with cancer at the age pof four and he went through two pyears of treatment which was pbasically torture for both him pand our family and after the two pyears of treatment, he was able pto beat the battle against pcancer but wasn't able to beat pthe treatment so he passed and pafter those two years and, you pknow, this foundation is pimportant to me because we raise pmoney for pediatric cancer presearch specifically for the pdoctor. phis research is for looking -- pthey're looking for prevention pto the cancer, looking for a pvaccine to leukemia which would revent treatment and therefore, psave the lives of many children pand their family. p>> you've had a number of psuccessful events but you're pswitching it up this year. ptell us about how it's going to pbe different. p>> this year we're going to have pa latin band and gaming tables pand show girls and so it's going pto be a lot of fun. p>> more of an adult event. p>> yes. pso doctor, they're raising money pfor your research. pi've been following you for pyears. ptell us about what exactly it is pyou're looking to do and for you pfar along you are. p>> well, we try to prevent pcancer at the university of psouth florida. pand if you're a pediatric poncologies, you see what people pgo through, through the ptreatment and consequences and pit's really a disease that i pthink the family, not just the pchild. p>> you're working on a vaccine. p>> that's right, to prevent and pthe prevention means you're plooking at means that you can psay who possibly can come with pleukemia and then using the pvaccine to prevent. pwe do have a proprietary protein pthat we have developed and this rotein appears to be able to ptendency for leukemia and also pappears to be possibly something pthat can be used to vaccinate pindividuals. p>> very exciting and i want to ptalk to you more after the show pso we can tell viewers more pabout that at 5:00 p.m. pwe want to talk about how you've phelped so many families. p>> one place foundation provides pfamily programs and services for pfamilies fighting childhood pcancers. pfinancial, education, social psupport and we also raise funds pspecifically for the doctor. pwe have research efforts but we pwant to keep the money local and pwe want to prevent, not cure. pwe want to prevent and raise pmoney so that they don't have to pdeal with this again. pwe also have a legislative voice pon capitol hill and we are popening the first school in the pcancer in memory of my p9-year-old son. p>> i hope you invite me to the popening. pi want to be there. p>> you can cut the ribbon. pwe appreciate all your support. p>> so tell us how we can get pinvolved, how anyone watching at phome can come to this great pevent, the night of the ptropicana. p>> you can go to our website and pbuy tickets right there or make pa donation directly from the pwebsite. p>> okay. pand the doctor is going to hang paround and we'll have more from phim tonight at 5:00. pif you're interested in getting ptickets at to a night at ptropicana, we posted a link. pyou can see it under the seen on ptv section and i've posted it on pmy facebook page. pwe'll be back with another check pstay with us. i do everything on the internet. but it's kind of slow. my friends said i should get fios because it's the fastest... but i thought it would be too expensive... who's that, jenny? no kate...turns out they have a deal that cost me even less than my slow service. and it's 100 megs ...i just downloaded 600 photos in 60 seconds. that's seriously better. we're out of 2% then i thought, maybe other i heard that. switching to better internet is now easier than ever. only fios has the fastest internet and wi-fi available. so you 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chance pof storms as we go into tonight. pright now we're at 70 degrees. phumidity is at 61%. pwinds are out of the southeast. pwinds gusting to 23 miles an phour from time to time. pbut you see these temperatures preally pretty mild. pjust because of that southerly pwind, the cloud cover pretty pmuch everybody is sitting pretty pclose to each other as far as ptemperatures, either in the pupper 60s or low 70s. pjust a touch warmer heading down pto sebring which currently sits pat 75 degrees. pyou can see the winds all coming pup out of the southeast, the pwinds gust 23 here in tampa, pdown to lake placid, seeing pwinds gusting up to about 20 pmiles an hour. pwe'll work to keep the winds a ptick above normal as we go pthrough the afternoon as well. pit's all in response to an area pof low pressure in a front which pis draped across the southeast. pyou can see a lot of storm pactivity along this boundary. ponce you get up in the pcarolinas, sleet, freezing rain pand snow as well. pthat red box, that is a tornado pwatch box and you can see the pvery active storms moving right pinto that box. pthe yellow shaded area through pthere, that's that area of light prisk of some storms, strong are pstorms, including tornados. pas we go through the afternoon pand into the evening, you do see pthe strong storms moving into pthat area. pas you go down across florida, pwe're in the marginal risk of pseeing some storms because as pthis low works on towards the pnortheast, a lot of the energy pwith this will be moving away so pwe're going to see the storms pand into early tomorrow but they pwill be weakening as they work ptheir way towards us as well. pso watch it all play out on pfuture cast. pall the cloudy skies over us, pmild conditions with broezy psouth and southeasterly winds. pwatch that low work on towards pthe north so the storms will pmove over us but they're pweakening and the front pushes pthrough, clears out the skies. pwe're back to more sun as we get pinto tomorrow afternoon. pthis is just a reinforcing front pof dry air that moved through pmid week so the rest of the pweek, after we get through this, plooks nice. pso for today, we'll see mainly pcloudy skies, maybe a couple of pshowers late today and into ptonight. pyou see the storm chances really pgoing up. pdaytime high of 74. pthen for tonight, showers and pmaybe a few thunderstorms are plikely. povernight low of 62 degrees. pand then for tomorrow, we have prain in the early morning hours, pthen clearing as we go through pthe afternoon. pdaytime high of 72 degrees. phere's the seven-day forecast. potherwise, really some pretty pnice looking weather all the way pinto the weekend with the pdaytime high rebounding up into pthe mid 70s. pwe're back with more after this. ptush tush p>> when the flag drops at the pdaytona 500, ralph brown is palways there. p>> do your friends even bother pto say, are you going this year? p>> not really. p>> just how many 500s has he pattended? p>> you get to 40 or 41 and you pthink, i can't stop now. pda 3 3 3 3 taylor swift will find out tonight if ptonight if she'll administrator pgram p-- add more trophies to her pcase. pswift is also on the list of erformers which includes adele, prihanna, lady gaga, justin pbieber and pit bull. pgrammy awards start at 8:00 p.m. pfrom trashy to triumph, she's povercome a lot in her short plife. pher will to succeed is what's pright with tampa bay. p>> i love being on the scene. pit's a huge camaraderie and pthere's women from all over the pcountry. p>> monica is thrilled to be on pthe u.s.a. women's sledge hockey pteam. pthey'll be competing at the 2018 pwinter paralympics in seoul, psouth korea. p>> nothing like putting on the pjersey with your name on the pback of it and your favorite pnumber and going out there and pit's incredible feeling. p>> monica was on the university pof new hampshire's women's ski pclub team when she was injured. pshe was 19 at the time. p>> it was just a really bad pfall. pi had a really bad fall and it pjust -- i ended up getting aralyzed from it. p>> depression set in. p>> it was definitely a hard time pin my life, especially the first ptwo years. pit was hard. p>> monica is a natural athlete pand with playing sports, it phelped her fight depression and pshe fell in love with sledge phockey. p>> i'm over the moon. pi still can't believe i'm on a pu.s.a. team. p>> her message to others with a pdisability? p>> just keep going out there, pkeep trying and give it your pbest. pand really, just have fun. penjoy it. penjoy your life. pthat's why we're here. p>> at 29, she says her best days pare ahead. p>> we all have days where we phave bad days and hard days and psad days. p but the majority of my days are preally good. pyou know? pi'm just really grateful. pi'm really grateful. pshe's learned to help herself pand others. p>> what a great role model. p>> yes. pit's perfect. puntil tonight, anyway. p>>jim: you know, we have clouds pmoving in but you can see across pthe southeast, lots of storms, pat least some of that activity pwill be heading our way by late ptonight, early tomorrow morning pwith rain chances up for the povernight hours. potherwise, you see some nice plooking weather. p>> sounds good. pwe'll keep posting the latest pall day at, ptwitter, facebook and i hope to i'm caridee. i've had moderate to severe plaque psoriasis most of my life. but that hasn't stopped me from modeling. my doctor told me about stelara it helps keep my skin clearer. with only 4 doses a year after 2 starter doses... ...stelara helps me be in season. stelara may lower your ability to fight infections and increase your risk of infections. some serious infections require hospitalization. before starting stelara your doctor should test for tuberculosis. stelara may increase your risk of cancer. always tell your doctor if you have any sign of infection, have had cancer, or if you develop any new skin growths. do not take stelara if you are allergic to stelara or 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