Transcripts For WTVT FOX 13 600 News 20161019 : comparemela.

Transcripts For WTVT FOX 13 600 News 20161019

police say he put them in a shed there at that park and cuffed them in a city owned truck. and they caught up with him. and they chased him. can you see the corrections officer there unharmed he was able to get to safety. ross got out of the truck and started running when he was tackled by from here. he is in the pinellas county jail as they continue. this is aern that has been in and out of jail, glad h is back in custody, you can thank you, dan. we told you about a girl and her mom struck by a car on the way to the school bus stop. this was in dunde: survive their injuries. >> this is at a time when they are financially strapped. they have being evicted but the town is coming together to keep the family afloat and fight for safer road conditions. >> when you see this you don't believe >> susan torres hardly recognized the two in their bed. >> they were hit by a car on tuesday walking to the bus stop but they're making miracle recovery. >> that's the best ching. they're alive. it will take time we'll all make it. >> friends and leaders are pushing for safer conditions for every morning and night. the road rangers confirm they will do a study to push for safer conditions. >> anything that will prevent an accident like this, in the meantime the community is joining hands to help out the family, placing donation jars in businesses and even when this happens in the community it is a testament to up lift. >> and they recover in the hospital, her god mother is packing up the home where they are being evicted. >> every bit helps. >> how can you take time off your children will eat or anything, a representative from the district said they looked at the location and they say that it meets regulations. no word when that will start. roads getting a facelift a plan was passed to invest millions to improve all roads in the county. ro how are drivers reacting to this? >> they hope this is better traffic there are plenty of critics who say this is better a band band-aid for the problems. >> with that mote, hillsborough commissioners kicked in 600 million worth of projects. next 2 to 3 years. >> this a plan with 35 million for 2017 the money will pay for 14 different projects and focus on and among the heavily funded. >> it is the first, they are a theme 600 million interest is no reason to slam through the proposition. >> this is not slammed together the plan was approved in april and included more than 100 meetings but for critics it is the same old problem. there is no money for rail or buses. >> there is no nas transit no funds anywhere, yet you want to take that and give it all to not all but the majority to the unincorporated county. >> others worry about the development. >> ido have a real issue with te projects. all this will do is allow more urban sprawl, commissioners tried to ease concerns with a plea for patient from the public. we can amend forward. >> this has been a contentious year when it comes to transportation. you will remember that they have sale tax proposal was shot down by the commission it was to put it on the ballot. they want to revisit mass transit but after the election. >> and thank you very much. police are searching for pond west. on monday three men one with a gun ordered everyone to the ground. they then smashed a case and took 10 and 20,000-dollars worth of jewelry. they took off with a fourth person who was waiting in what was be an older model honda accd f you know about the robbery call the police you could be eligible for a $3000 cash reward. >> the governor was i >> 3, 2, 1. >> johnson and johnson opened up the headquarters in tampa with a ribbon cutting. this is at the hidden river center and the company will create 500 high paying jobs in the next three years. >> great company over we hope they grow with wonderful employees. i worked with them back when i was in the hospital bids. they do a great job. exciting day. >> and the facility will house finance. human resources and information technology services. >> taking tobacco out of baseball that's the goal of lawmakers. and she is proposing to ban the smokeless tobacco out of baseball and other that will clue tropicana field. that is promoting healthy living and athletes. >> and the use of smokeless tobacco. chewing and set as terrible example for the young people and see the players. coaches and managers using tobacco. >> and the rays said in a all tobacco products are banned from youth fields. airline travelers and t mobile customers may have money coming to you. what you need to know about that next. >> it was nice out there. >> it was not bad. not that muggy. warm upper 80s. this is in october. fair weather clouds. when powerful people need someone to do their dirty work, they hire bob buesing. how far will he go? buesing fought to foreclose assisted-living retirement homes, then, buesing defended wells fargo against charges of helping a ponzi-schemer swindle millions. buesing's firm was even accused of overbilling local schools , running fees up to seventy thousand dollars. now, buesing's running for senate. how far will bob buesing go? nobody likes paying too much pore something. some airlines may be giving money back on baggage fees, that's a shocker, that's coming our consumer headline. it is giving something back is a foreign concept. that is. and we're back to explain. what did you find out. they don't give free snacks any more. most charge us for the fees. so now, what if those fli i have to pay for this. where is my suitcase. a measure by the administration could get you a refund. airlines are required to reimburse charges when the luggage is lost. but the department is now aiming to require that the fees be refunded when they are substantially delayed. they have not told us what that means. we asked how long before fees should be paid back. that's one thing, they should not be charged. they can return the fee for that. >> and you know they there may have been something wrong. >> 24-48 hours. they show up the othernd are you going to a conference and need to be in a suit and show up in jeans that's a problem. >> they will need to bags and what is missing. t-mobile is paying millions for telling them unlimited data plans have limits. and t mobile had a policy to show down the speeds of customers who were using data the most. they did not let them know what would trigger it. the they were better with the information. they are the number three they 48 million-dollar fine. >> in the fine print the slower speeds ray multiin those using more than 26 giga bites. anyone using that service may want to check their usage. at&t did that. they switched that. they were not fined. they let you know, they let you know they're following the lead here on this one. >> that's a fine and if not a suit. it does not mea point. >> close. >> thank you very much. >> if there is one thing people and cubans have in common t is mosquito, that's why officials are meeting in havana and talk about what they know. we're meeting together with the we want to discuss how they're approaching the diseases and vaccines. >> between the americans and cubans t is part of the president's push to build up momentum about opening up more exchanges with cuba. and fish and wildlife commission has received $2 million in requests regarding bears. and the commission voted against holding the bear hunt and focusing on non-lethal steps to manage the population. the money requires governments to match the funds and approve ordinances with the disposal of the important thing to coexist and how we do that. don't reward the bears with trash. >> it will announce middecember which communities will get the money and which communities have the most bears, make the case for it. >> we're making a case for cool on the way home. >> right on schedule. ic how about the timing. the front arrives on friday and lasts through the weekend and warms up next week. and in a second. and this is what an october day looks like. blue sky and puffy clouds. not getting high in the sky. too dry. good visibility. sarasota. in tampa. this is the data that was the high. and talk about this at 5:45. this is our climate not too many places in the country do you have a high. you miss the record by one. we don't have huge swings and the amount of water. 70 was a low. and 48 back in 2009. fair weather clouds coming in. unlike a couple of days ago. the clouds are not producing any rain and right now with an east wind cooler on the coast. bit. >> you had matthew and high going surf and flooding from the king tide in miami. east winds a lot of beach erosion. >> and more wave action along the coast. and developing and the caribbean. 80% chance i know thatou concerned. you see the low pressure here and the state is here. this is not coming our way. watch the low. low pressure going northwest and staying off the coast and becoming a storm for new england. they don't want the wind but a drought is not only california they will get rain and in quebec. moves away. and ushering in a drier atmosphere. you have low pressure spinning east of us. then you have a front arriving from the northwest. the winds pushes any humidity well to the south. by saturday morning. the fun is by us and a rush of cool air it is not going ton cold. we're cold front 567890s. and 70s in the day. i classify this as a front. a change in the air mass. and the dew points will drop into the 30s and the 40s. that's the big thing the airment that's on the way. coolest this season 67 in tampa. down to 64 saturday. 58 in coolest of the season in st. pete. 70. on sunday in the 50s in many spots inland on sunday morning. we're 86. dew point 62. winds are off the atlantic. pressure over us. there is the developing tropical system to the southeast that will get going. we fly back to the northwest. you have chilly weather like fargo and minneapolis and rapid city. tis is the weather for the mostly clear and nice. back up to 87. less humid. and the forecast. >> the bucks are wading through. and that front and how do they the goal that has the hockey world buzzing. what the coach say tampa bay is amazing. i work here, i raise my kids here, i even take care of my mom here. but you know what? i could use a hand. egivers like you with free tools and resources. and we're making our community an even better place to live, work and play for people of all ages. if you don't think "this is right for me" when you think a-a-r-p, then you don't know "aarp." (scott)good news for the bucs... gerald mccoy was back they hope to see number 22. the chance of doug martin returning are not great. and dirk koetter said that he had a set back sunday prior to the carolina game. the injury that you have to take slow because of how prone it is. he is confident in his back ups. the latest dose of injury news the loss of vincent jackson. the captain is a steadyings fore even when his production has dipped. how do they make up more the0 loss? this is not the first time they will be without their leader. call an acl injury. >> that's unfortunate but you know hopefully it will be not as bad as we think it is but lose losing tim is a big deal. >> he cannot participant it will stick with him. >> it's what we are used to. >> if he was in the locker room. they had playing and humphries stepped up. they have two players two receivers returning murphy and shorts. >> and they have to step up. >> we'll try to do our part. >> murphy who returned to action following a knee injury. >> i'm in my lane. staying consistent. >> and he and dye were rookies when they had to fill in for murphy and jack jackson. >> i'm not worried about my impact. i want to be a part of a winning game, we trust them. we're depending on them t depend on them, too. >> and by now you have seen it or heard about it. >> and steven stamkos last night. the goal line had been passed and redirected. , they tie and they win in the shoot out. here is cooper. >> there is not many guys in the hand and you are getting into the thumb. that's -- that's that was special players with abilities can do that. no bigger time than when we needed it. >> we're not getting to the thumb. we're just talking about these numbers here. >> thumb for the playoffsment. >> he is spot on. that's impressive. everyone that watched it erupted here in the season. a great start the only 3 in the conference. strong out of the gates. >> we're excited you see he that early on. it is something to watch. >> thank you. >> closing arguments to the nation in a few hours. donald trump and hillary clinton get their last shot at convincing voters why they should be president. >> how the sides are dealing >> how the sides are dealing with the scandals s y251cy yi0y amendment 1 guarantees your right antees that those who don't choose solar don't have to subsidize those who do. amendment 1 means commonsense consumer protections safeguarding seniors-and all floridians from scams, rip-offs, and long-term contract traps. that's the right way to do solar. amendment 1: good for the economy. good for the environment. good for florida. i spent many years as a nuclear missile launch officer. that would be it. i prayed that call would never come. [ radio chatter ] self control may be all that keeps these missiles from firing. [ sirens blearing ] i would bomb the [ beep] out of them. i want to be unpredictable. i love war. the thought of donald trump with nuclear weapons scares me to death. it should scare everyone. final preparations are underway in las vegas... where donald trump and hillary clinton are set to square off on the debate stage one last and hillary clinton and donald trump are set to square off. they will have an opportunity to make their closing argument why and the site of the debate monerring the latest developments for us. for the third and final debate donald trump and hillary clinton will square off here in the key battleground state of nevada on the excuse of unlv, she will be steady and calm whatever donald trump tries to throw at her. >> tim kaine offering his prediction on wednesday. >> i don't know what we'll see from trump but he is sort of telegraphed. >> heading into the final matchup he is trailing by 7 points. >> this will be a traditional format the supreme court and fitness. and see what happens in the confrontation. dealing with e-mails posted by wikileaks. a later about what he says is the e-mails. he will not be endorsing either candidate. >> the remarks who is the and hillary clinton has invited mark cuban. and donald trump has president obama's half brother. >> and we're in for another night tonight. and craig is injo out. what is the strategy. he is the under doing, they have to swing. less than three weeks. and throw it and just as he did in round two. >> he will focus on the established and the media it's where they will hammer or out to get him. i expect clinton on the wikileaks the information we have learned from those. and voter fraud. leaders in the party are pushing back telling them not to go there. >> this is the last chance and how much is the final debate going to have. >> not that much. >> it may be 2 points. biggest impact is in the first debate. it did not move the needle but moved slightly in the favor. barring a bomb shell i don't think they will move. they are hillary clinton was on here heels. her campaign has been preparing her for a stronger defense when he is swinging at her. a gaffe, i don't think they will move a couple of points. momentum is important in the closing days. >> thank you very much. >> and we have a update this out scaffolding has collapsed. look at the scene here. this is along downtown miami brickle avenue. five people have been hurt. workers in the buildings heard something loud. they saw scaffolding around them, there is a lot of debris in the road we. we will update you as we get information. >> an explosion has people and three firefighters in portland. it was first thing this morning when a contractor. the firefighters and crews were on the scene working to repair when the gas ignited. that caused an explosion. smoke could be seen for many miles. supply has been shut off and crews can deal with the issue. iraqi forces are continuing we're learning more today about the role the u.s. military is playing in the operation. and ben hall tells us about the contributions to the campaign. >> iraqi, kurdish and tribal forces now tightening their grip around mosul preparing for the final offensive. the u.s. is stepping up the role in the fight. sending attack helicopters to hit the targets in and around the the top commander has an advantage. and it is a confidence building measure they hear those in the general area. elements of the air porn and are leading usf on the ground. they have cracking showing in the anti-isis coalition with turkey lashing out at the u.s. tooth for mosul: >> our position has nothing to do with war mongering or any other motive. we want to be present where we need to be to protect our freedom. the white house says that iraqi forces take the lead to liberate the city. they say it is an important indicator of the ability to defeat isis without large numbers of troops on the ground. there is a tie between our investmentn and the likelihood of success they are going to have. >> and the commander said the operation is on schedule and some cases ahead of the time lien set by the generals. ben hall in iraq. >> group of athletes finished the brazil jungle marathon. the toughest adventure race, 160-mile race that goes across through the swamps and across the jungle. and in temperatures, look at that, over 100 degrees. and in the mud. it has six stages and it is brutal. of the 50 contestants that started only 31 completed it this year. >> no thank you. >> nope. >> whoa. california police officer is surprised and grateful after his cruiser they hope they will remind noah he is part of the family and he is not alone in the fight. the owner of a shop donated the stickers. happy to help. >> some good treated to a day of relaxation 567891 battling cancer treated to a spa day and the cancer center in miami. it will impower survivors with disease as well as a way to relax. they got to enjoy the massages and the survivors say this help as lot getting the message out getting checked for cancer is the top priority. >> and in the special day i forget about what has happened. but i remember what has happened and sharing my store. get and i may not be here. >> this was 195th event. many come back year after year to share the stories. all right still to come tonight. a man's tracker may have saved his life. and realizing he needed a doctor z256qz zy6z y256qy yy6y amendment 1 guarantees your right to generate your own solar energy. it also guarantees that those who don't choose solar don't have to subsidize those who do. amendment 1 means commonsense consumer protections safeguarding amendment 1: good for the economy. good for the environment. good for florida. a program in california vote yes on amendment 1-for the sun. has come up with a unique solution to help find housing for homeless veterans and a solution to find housing for families. they're using donated vehicles. and the director of rvs for veterans and the non-profit started five years ago. and she has given about 60 rvs to vets. having a roof over their heads is life changing for the people she helps. >> have a bed to sleep in. have a chair and door to look at night. i mean it does not get any better than this. >> and once they find an rv she park it. a missouri man's fitness tracker is a life saver as well. and alex fees shows us how it included him in that something was was not right. >> distance, speed. things that can you calculate, can you tell looking at his bike, michael kim is an avid rider, go up to the reservation, riding he started getting weird readings from his computer w rate and other signs. >> i'm within six minutes of starting my ride i'm pushing 150 beats her minute. which is he realized maybe it was not broken, he was concern the that programs he was broken. >> yes, light headed. feeling it coming on. this is the highest i hit before i stopped was 141. minutes. into the ride. with the light headedness something was up. >> he pulled over and got off the bike. and one of the parks going on a hike. along was a family he happens to be a doctor. >> i'm a gi doctor, under the circumstances close enough. >> when we got out he was having a bit of trouble. talking making sentences. >> he called 911. kim was at st. clair hospital for a procedure and the rest, as they say, is history. >> people will drive by. >> he rolled down the window saying how are you doing. >> and my chance to say not so good. >> that was alex fees reporting for us, kim said that doctors that slows the lower chambers. they put in a defibrillator. >> a guardon angel there. super hero fans in for a treat. next where can you find a peek at the sequel to marvel's all of us know someone all of us know someone touched by cancer but treating it can be expensive. tonight, linda hurtado looks at the cost. what do do you if you are uninsured and in need of expensive treatments to stay alive? how to teal with the cost after the debate. >> hollywood a couple calls it quits. and a star wants fans to stop the dauls. a fantasy hitting the big screen. turning out to to be the year of splits. and nine years of tank toby mcguire and jennifer maier hit the skids. this very been separated since june. they have two children. justin beiber took a break during his england cons fort his set. the prince told the crowd their yelling was on noxious and take a pill. a look at the guardians of the galaxy sequel hitting the he the a trailer was up loaded. >> chris pratt is back in the super action flick due out may 5th of last year. that was the big surprise >> 2012. >> thank you. >> yes. big hit. that's going to be big. >> this one will be just as big. let's go to paul. >> we're excited about the cold front. >> congrats to cleveland. when are they the sports mecca. >> and football team not so much. let's look out. what very air coming from the valley and cleveland this >> the visibility is outstanding. a nice sun set. >> the high and about a record high which one temperature. eye across the s beautiful day today. and they are short -- they are short. a couple of hours best. we're 86. and 83. >> the wind is continuing coming off the atlantic. of a number of systems east of the state. the dew points are low. low to mid-60s. watch and wait for the arrival of a front. another good day on friday. the frond zips by i could have added a chance of a shower. and saturday in the mid-50s. and low to mid-60s. and east northeast and high pressure and maybe the tropical our way. i can good afternoon you that -- i can guarantee you that, 90 in dallas. 45 in fargo. 65 in chicago. 88 in nashville. that, my friends, is a cold front heading our way. tonight not so much. upper 80s. and the dew point trend is the dew points this weekend into the 30s. and dry weather coming up. and clear and down to 69. and late in the day. and sunshine. and fire pit action temperatures in the 50s. and kelly can wear boots again, that is great. >> i'm ready. >> you want me to wear my boots. >> you have to get back to me. >> for sure. >> i'll take pictures. >> okay. >> thank you, >> see you at 10:30. giving stroke victim as voice through art. voice through art. the creation that tell a elise: we couldn't believe it. that poor girl was raped by two football players and their friends. we were sure they would go to jail. so, when i heard state attorney mark ober decided to go easy on them, i was scared -- scared for my daughter. none of those young men served a day behind bars. k ober can't protect our families, it's time for a new state attorney. robert kearney: i fought for my country in kosovo and iraq, and i've been a republican all my life. but i'm the father of three girls. i can't stand hearing donald trump call women pigs, dogs, and bimbos...and i sure don't want my daughters hearing it. i want my girls to grow up proud and strong, in a nation where they're valued i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. this is mike's office. if he doesn't show up, he doesn't get paid. too often marco rubio didn't show up and failed us when he did. i am patrick murphy. to get things done, you've got to show up. you've got to work together. whether it's protecting social security and women's health care or growing the economy, i am patrick murphy and i approve this message a stroke can be because i'll never stop working for you. debilitating.... and a stroke can be debilitating and sometimes fatal. for many it means the loss of speech and movement but an event is giving stroke victims a voice through art. it's what's right with tampa bay. >> john dingman is w silence is due to a communication disorder following a stroke, along with the stroke was apha sia the loss of words. very frustrating. it never goes away. sis his struggle to communicate verbally his speech therapist suggested that he express himself through one of his passions, art. something to do. >> his work is now going to be part of an event called strokes for stroke. >> it is a way to celebrate those survivors. >> and raise awareness with a message of hope, you can prevent it can you survive. >> and the strokes for stroke event will be held tomorrow at the art center for clay. 100%, 100% of the artwork sales go to fox 13 and seen on tv it is there for you, great event. love the idea. >> it will be great. >> we a keep on going online and remember we have a big night tonight, we will be on after the debate. at 9:00 we get on about 10:30. lights, camera, access. >> this is something that i have been incredibly passionate about. >> this is so cool, right? >> public life goes on. the robbery. first event since - i'm liz hernandez. mom sharing her first words about kim's condition. >> that's where i'm at to stand on. >> kim carrey files his own lawsuit against those blaming him for his girlfriend's suicide. i'm kit hoover. then an update straight from nancy grace on life since leaving her show. >> can i ask you something? >> no! >> oh, cry my eyes out. i will -- >> cher holds nothing back about this presidential race. i can't believe she's 70 and the stories she can tell. did your mom like son free the

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Miami , Florida , United States , Nevada , Tampa Bay , Tampa , Polk County , Missouri , Brazil , Turkey , Pinellas County , California , Kosovo , Quebec , Canada , Iraq , Hillsborough , Havana , Ciudad De La Habana , Cuba , Hollywood , Mecca , Makkah , Saudi Arabia , Dallas , Texas , River Center , Illinois , Chicago , Americans , Cubans , Floridians , Iraqi , Cuban , Marco Rubio , Tim Kaine , Gerald Mccoy , Jack Jackson , Kim Carrey , John Dingman , Linda Hurtado , Ben Hall , Vincent Jackson , Patrick Murphy , Toby Mcguire , Jennifer Maier , Las Vegas , Robert Kearney , Susan Torres , David Ross , Chris Pratt , Doug Martin , Liz Hernandez , Hillary Clinton , Aarp Scott ,

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Transcripts For WTVT FOX 13 600 News 20161019 :

Transcripts For WTVT FOX 13 600 News 20161019

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police say he put them in a shed there at that park and cuffed them in a city owned truck. and they caught up with him. and they chased him. can you see the corrections officer there unharmed he was able to get to safety. ross got out of the truck and started running when he was tackled by from here. he is in the pinellas county jail as they continue. this is aern that has been in and out of jail, glad h is back in custody, you can thank you, dan. we told you about a girl and her mom struck by a car on the way to the school bus stop. this was in dunde: survive their injuries. >> this is at a time when they are financially strapped. they have being evicted but the town is coming together to keep the family afloat and fight for safer road conditions. >> when you see this you don't believe >> susan torres hardly recognized the two in their bed. >> they were hit by a car on tuesday walking to the bus stop but they're making miracle recovery. >> that's the best ching. they're alive. it will take time we'll all make it. >> friends and leaders are pushing for safer conditions for every morning and night. the road rangers confirm they will do a study to push for safer conditions. >> anything that will prevent an accident like this, in the meantime the community is joining hands to help out the family, placing donation jars in businesses and even when this happens in the community it is a testament to up lift. >> and they recover in the hospital, her god mother is packing up the home where they are being evicted. >> every bit helps. >> how can you take time off your children will eat or anything, a representative from the district said they looked at the location and they say that it meets regulations. no word when that will start. roads getting a facelift a plan was passed to invest millions to improve all roads in the county. ro how are drivers reacting to this? >> they hope this is better traffic there are plenty of critics who say this is better a band band-aid for the problems. >> with that mote, hillsborough commissioners kicked in 600 million worth of projects. next 2 to 3 years. >> this a plan with 35 million for 2017 the money will pay for 14 different projects and focus on and among the heavily funded. >> it is the first, they are a theme 600 million interest is no reason to slam through the proposition. >> this is not slammed together the plan was approved in april and included more than 100 meetings but for critics it is the same old problem. there is no money for rail or buses. >> there is no nas transit no funds anywhere, yet you want to take that and give it all to not all but the majority to the unincorporated county. >> others worry about the development. >> ido have a real issue with te projects. all this will do is allow more urban sprawl, commissioners tried to ease concerns with a plea for patient from the public. we can amend forward. >> this has been a contentious year when it comes to transportation. you will remember that they have sale tax proposal was shot down by the commission it was to put it on the ballot. they want to revisit mass transit but after the election. >> and thank you very much. police are searching for pond west. on monday three men one with a gun ordered everyone to the ground. they then smashed a case and took 10 and 20,000-dollars worth of jewelry. they took off with a fourth person who was waiting in what was be an older model honda accd f you know about the robbery call the police you could be eligible for a $3000 cash reward. >> the governor was i >> 3, 2, 1. >> johnson and johnson opened up the headquarters in tampa with a ribbon cutting. this is at the hidden river center and the company will create 500 high paying jobs in the next three years. >> great company over we hope they grow with wonderful employees. i worked with them back when i was in the hospital bids. they do a great job. exciting day. >> and the facility will house finance. human resources and information technology services. >> taking tobacco out of baseball that's the goal of lawmakers. and she is proposing to ban the smokeless tobacco out of baseball and other that will clue tropicana field. that is promoting healthy living and athletes. >> and the use of smokeless tobacco. chewing and set as terrible example for the young people and see the players. coaches and managers using tobacco. >> and the rays said in a all tobacco products are banned from youth fields. airline travelers and t mobile customers may have money coming to you. what you need to know about that next. >> it was nice out there. >> it was not bad. not that muggy. warm upper 80s. this is in october. fair weather clouds. when powerful people need someone to do their dirty work, they hire bob buesing. how far will he go? buesing fought to foreclose assisted-living retirement homes, then, buesing defended wells fargo against charges of helping a ponzi-schemer swindle millions. buesing's firm was even accused of overbilling local schools , running fees up to seventy thousand dollars. now, buesing's running for senate. how far will bob buesing go? nobody likes paying too much pore something. some airlines may be giving money back on baggage fees, that's a shocker, that's coming our consumer headline. it is giving something back is a foreign concept. that is. and we're back to explain. what did you find out. they don't give free snacks any more. most charge us for the fees. so now, what if those fli i have to pay for this. where is my suitcase. a measure by the administration could get you a refund. airlines are required to reimburse charges when the luggage is lost. but the department is now aiming to require that the fees be refunded when they are substantially delayed. they have not told us what that means. we asked how long before fees should be paid back. that's one thing, they should not be charged. they can return the fee for that. >> and you know they there may have been something wrong. >> 24-48 hours. they show up the othernd are you going to a conference and need to be in a suit and show up in jeans that's a problem. >> they will need to bags and what is missing. t-mobile is paying millions for telling them unlimited data plans have limits. and t mobile had a policy to show down the speeds of customers who were using data the most. they did not let them know what would trigger it. the they were better with the information. they are the number three they 48 million-dollar fine. >> in the fine print the slower speeds ray multiin those using more than 26 giga bites. anyone using that service may want to check their usage. at&t did that. they switched that. they were not fined. they let you know, they let you know they're following the lead here on this one. >> that's a fine and if not a suit. it does not mea point. >> close. >> thank you very much. >> if there is one thing people and cubans have in common t is mosquito, that's why officials are meeting in havana and talk about what they know. we're meeting together with the we want to discuss how they're approaching the diseases and vaccines. >> between the americans and cubans t is part of the president's push to build up momentum about opening up more exchanges with cuba. and fish and wildlife commission has received $2 million in requests regarding bears. and the commission voted against holding the bear hunt and focusing on non-lethal steps to manage the population. the money requires governments to match the funds and approve ordinances with the disposal of the important thing to coexist and how we do that. don't reward the bears with trash. >> it will announce middecember which communities will get the money and which communities have the most bears, make the case for it. >> we're making a case for cool on the way home. >> right on schedule. ic how about the timing. the front arrives on friday and lasts through the weekend and warms up next week. and in a second. and this is what an october day looks like. blue sky and puffy clouds. not getting high in the sky. too dry. good visibility. sarasota. in tampa. this is the data that was the high. and talk about this at 5:45. this is our climate not too many places in the country do you have a high. you miss the record by one. we don't have huge swings and the amount of water. 70 was a low. and 48 back in 2009. fair weather clouds coming in. unlike a couple of days ago. the clouds are not producing any rain and right now with an east wind cooler on the coast. bit. >> you had matthew and high going surf and flooding from the king tide in miami. east winds a lot of beach erosion. >> and more wave action along the coast. and developing and the caribbean. 80% chance i know thatou concerned. you see the low pressure here and the state is here. this is not coming our way. watch the low. low pressure going northwest and staying off the coast and becoming a storm for new england. they don't want the wind but a drought is not only california they will get rain and in quebec. moves away. and ushering in a drier atmosphere. you have low pressure spinning east of us. then you have a front arriving from the northwest. the winds pushes any humidity well to the south. by saturday morning. the fun is by us and a rush of cool air it is not going ton cold. we're cold front 567890s. and 70s in the day. i classify this as a front. a change in the air mass. and the dew points will drop into the 30s and the 40s. that's the big thing the airment that's on the way. coolest this season 67 in tampa. down to 64 saturday. 58 in coolest of the season in st. pete. 70. on sunday in the 50s in many spots inland on sunday morning. we're 86. dew point 62. winds are off the atlantic. pressure over us. there is the developing tropical system to the southeast that will get going. we fly back to the northwest. you have chilly weather like fargo and minneapolis and rapid city. tis is the weather for the mostly clear and nice. back up to 87. less humid. and the forecast. >> the bucks are wading through. and that front and how do they the goal that has the hockey world buzzing. what the coach say tampa bay is amazing. i work here, i raise my kids here, i even take care of my mom here. but you know what? i could use a hand. egivers like you with free tools and resources. and we're making our community an even better place to live, work and play for people of all ages. if you don't think "this is right for me" when you think a-a-r-p, then you don't know "aarp." (scott)good news for the bucs... gerald mccoy was back they hope to see number 22. the chance of doug martin returning are not great. and dirk koetter said that he had a set back sunday prior to the carolina game. the injury that you have to take slow because of how prone it is. he is confident in his back ups. the latest dose of injury news the loss of vincent jackson. the captain is a steadyings fore even when his production has dipped. how do they make up more the0 loss? this is not the first time they will be without their leader. call an acl injury. >> that's unfortunate but you know hopefully it will be not as bad as we think it is but lose losing tim is a big deal. >> he cannot participant it will stick with him. >> it's what we are used to. >> if he was in the locker room. they had playing and humphries stepped up. they have two players two receivers returning murphy and shorts. >> and they have to step up. >> we'll try to do our part. >> murphy who returned to action following a knee injury. >> i'm in my lane. staying consistent. >> and he and dye were rookies when they had to fill in for murphy and jack jackson. >> i'm not worried about my impact. i want to be a part of a winning game, we trust them. we're depending on them t depend on them, too. >> and by now you have seen it or heard about it. >> and steven stamkos last night. the goal line had been passed and redirected. , they tie and they win in the shoot out. here is cooper. >> there is not many guys in the hand and you are getting into the thumb. that's -- that's that was special players with abilities can do that. no bigger time than when we needed it. >> we're not getting to the thumb. we're just talking about these numbers here. >> thumb for the playoffsment. >> he is spot on. that's impressive. everyone that watched it erupted here in the season. a great start the only 3 in the conference. strong out of the gates. >> we're excited you see he that early on. it is something to watch. >> thank you. >> closing arguments to the nation in a few hours. donald trump and hillary clinton get their last shot at convincing voters why they should be president. >> how the sides are dealing >> how the sides are dealing with the scandals s y251cy yi0y amendment 1 guarantees your right antees that those who don't choose solar don't have to subsidize those who do. amendment 1 means commonsense consumer protections safeguarding seniors-and all floridians from scams, rip-offs, and long-term contract traps. that's the right way to do solar. amendment 1: good for the economy. good for the environment. good for florida. i spent many years as a nuclear missile launch officer. that would be it. i prayed that call would never come. [ radio chatter ] self control may be all that keeps these missiles from firing. [ sirens blearing ] i would bomb the [ beep] out of them. i want to be unpredictable. i love war. the thought of donald trump with nuclear weapons scares me to death. it should scare everyone. final preparations are underway in las vegas... where donald trump and hillary clinton are set to square off on the debate stage one last and hillary clinton and donald trump are set to square off. they will have an opportunity to make their closing argument why and the site of the debate monerring the latest developments for us. for the third and final debate donald trump and hillary clinton will square off here in the key battleground state of nevada on the excuse of unlv, she will be steady and calm whatever donald trump tries to throw at her. >> tim kaine offering his prediction on wednesday. >> i don't know what we'll see from trump but he is sort of telegraphed. >> heading into the final matchup he is trailing by 7 points. >> this will be a traditional format the supreme court and fitness. and see what happens in the confrontation. dealing with e-mails posted by wikileaks. a later about what he says is the e-mails. he will not be endorsing either candidate. >> the remarks who is the and hillary clinton has invited mark cuban. and donald trump has president obama's half brother. >> and we're in for another night tonight. and craig is injo out. what is the strategy. he is the under doing, they have to swing. less than three weeks. and throw it and just as he did in round two. >> he will focus on the established and the media it's where they will hammer or out to get him. i expect clinton on the wikileaks the information we have learned from those. and voter fraud. leaders in the party are pushing back telling them not to go there. >> this is the last chance and how much is the final debate going to have. >> not that much. >> it may be 2 points. biggest impact is in the first debate. it did not move the needle but moved slightly in the favor. barring a bomb shell i don't think they will move. they are hillary clinton was on here heels. her campaign has been preparing her for a stronger defense when he is swinging at her. a gaffe, i don't think they will move a couple of points. momentum is important in the closing days. >> thank you very much. >> and we have a update this out scaffolding has collapsed. look at the scene here. this is along downtown miami brickle avenue. five people have been hurt. workers in the buildings heard something loud. they saw scaffolding around them, there is a lot of debris in the road we. we will update you as we get information. >> an explosion has people and three firefighters in portland. it was first thing this morning when a contractor. the firefighters and crews were on the scene working to repair when the gas ignited. that caused an explosion. smoke could be seen for many miles. supply has been shut off and crews can deal with the issue. iraqi forces are continuing we're learning more today about the role the u.s. military is playing in the operation. and ben hall tells us about the contributions to the campaign. >> iraqi, kurdish and tribal forces now tightening their grip around mosul preparing for the final offensive. the u.s. is stepping up the role in the fight. sending attack helicopters to hit the targets in and around the the top commander has an advantage. and it is a confidence building measure they hear those in the general area. elements of the air porn and are leading usf on the ground. they have cracking showing in the anti-isis coalition with turkey lashing out at the u.s. tooth for mosul: >> our position has nothing to do with war mongering or any other motive. we want to be present where we need to be to protect our freedom. the white house says that iraqi forces take the lead to liberate the city. they say it is an important indicator of the ability to defeat isis without large numbers of troops on the ground. there is a tie between our investmentn and the likelihood of success they are going to have. >> and the commander said the operation is on schedule and some cases ahead of the time lien set by the generals. ben hall in iraq. >> group of athletes finished the brazil jungle marathon. the toughest adventure race, 160-mile race that goes across through the swamps and across the jungle. and in temperatures, look at that, over 100 degrees. and in the mud. it has six stages and it is brutal. of the 50 contestants that started only 31 completed it this year. >> no thank you. >> nope. >> whoa. california police officer is surprised and grateful after his cruiser they hope they will remind noah he is part of the family and he is not alone in the fight. the owner of a shop donated the stickers. happy to help. >> some good treated to a day of relaxation 567891 battling cancer treated to a spa day and the cancer center in miami. it will impower survivors with disease as well as a way to relax. they got to enjoy the massages and the survivors say this help as lot getting the message out getting checked for cancer is the top priority. >> and in the special day i forget about what has happened. but i remember what has happened and sharing my store. get and i may not be here. >> this was 195th event. many come back year after year to share the stories. all right still to come tonight. a man's tracker may have saved his life. and realizing he needed a doctor z256qz zy6z y256qy yy6y amendment 1 guarantees your right to generate your own solar energy. it also guarantees that those who don't choose solar don't have to subsidize those who do. amendment 1 means commonsense consumer protections safeguarding amendment 1: good for the economy. good for the environment. good for florida. a program in california vote yes on amendment 1-for the sun. has come up with a unique solution to help find housing for homeless veterans and a solution to find housing for families. they're using donated vehicles. and the director of rvs for veterans and the non-profit started five years ago. and she has given about 60 rvs to vets. having a roof over their heads is life changing for the people she helps. >> have a bed to sleep in. have a chair and door to look at night. i mean it does not get any better than this. >> and once they find an rv she park it. a missouri man's fitness tracker is a life saver as well. and alex fees shows us how it included him in that something was was not right. >> distance, speed. things that can you calculate, can you tell looking at his bike, michael kim is an avid rider, go up to the reservation, riding he started getting weird readings from his computer w rate and other signs. >> i'm within six minutes of starting my ride i'm pushing 150 beats her minute. which is he realized maybe it was not broken, he was concern the that programs he was broken. >> yes, light headed. feeling it coming on. this is the highest i hit before i stopped was 141. minutes. into the ride. with the light headedness something was up. >> he pulled over and got off the bike. and one of the parks going on a hike. along was a family he happens to be a doctor. >> i'm a gi doctor, under the circumstances close enough. >> when we got out he was having a bit of trouble. talking making sentences. >> he called 911. kim was at st. clair hospital for a procedure and the rest, as they say, is history. >> people will drive by. >> he rolled down the window saying how are you doing. >> and my chance to say not so good. >> that was alex fees reporting for us, kim said that doctors that slows the lower chambers. they put in a defibrillator. >> a guardon angel there. super hero fans in for a treat. next where can you find a peek at the sequel to marvel's all of us know someone all of us know someone touched by cancer but treating it can be expensive. tonight, linda hurtado looks at the cost. what do do you if you are uninsured and in need of expensive treatments to stay alive? how to teal with the cost after the debate. >> hollywood a couple calls it quits. and a star wants fans to stop the dauls. a fantasy hitting the big screen. turning out to to be the year of splits. and nine years of tank toby mcguire and jennifer maier hit the skids. this very been separated since june. they have two children. justin beiber took a break during his england cons fort his set. the prince told the crowd their yelling was on noxious and take a pill. a look at the guardians of the galaxy sequel hitting the he the a trailer was up loaded. >> chris pratt is back in the super action flick due out may 5th of last year. that was the big surprise >> 2012. >> thank you. >> yes. big hit. that's going to be big. >> this one will be just as big. let's go to paul. >> we're excited about the cold front. >> congrats to cleveland. when are they the sports mecca. >> and football team not so much. let's look out. what very air coming from the valley and cleveland this >> the visibility is outstanding. a nice sun set. >> the high and about a record high which one temperature. eye across the s beautiful day today. and they are short -- they are short. a couple of hours best. we're 86. and 83. >> the wind is continuing coming off the atlantic. of a number of systems east of the state. the dew points are low. low to mid-60s. watch and wait for the arrival of a front. another good day on friday. the frond zips by i could have added a chance of a shower. and saturday in the mid-50s. and low to mid-60s. and east northeast and high pressure and maybe the tropical our way. i can good afternoon you that -- i can guarantee you that, 90 in dallas. 45 in fargo. 65 in chicago. 88 in nashville. that, my friends, is a cold front heading our way. tonight not so much. upper 80s. and the dew point trend is the dew points this weekend into the 30s. and dry weather coming up. and clear and down to 69. and late in the day. and sunshine. and fire pit action temperatures in the 50s. and kelly can wear boots again, that is great. >> i'm ready. >> you want me to wear my boots. >> you have to get back to me. >> for sure. >> i'll take pictures. >> okay. >> thank you, >> see you at 10:30. giving stroke victim as voice through art. voice through art. the creation that tell a elise: we couldn't believe it. that poor girl was raped by two football players and their friends. we were sure they would go to jail. so, when i heard state attorney mark ober decided to go easy on them, i was scared -- scared for my daughter. none of those young men served a day behind bars. k ober can't protect our families, it's time for a new state attorney. robert kearney: i fought for my country in kosovo and iraq, and i've been a republican all my life. but i'm the father of three girls. i can't stand hearing donald trump call women pigs, dogs, and bimbos...and i sure don't want my daughters hearing it. i want my girls to grow up proud and strong, in a nation where they're valued i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. this is mike's office. if he doesn't show up, he doesn't get paid. too often marco rubio didn't show up and failed us when he did. i am patrick murphy. to get things done, you've got to show up. you've got to work together. whether it's protecting social security and women's health care or growing the economy, i am patrick murphy and i approve this message a stroke can be because i'll never stop working for you. debilitating.... and a stroke can be debilitating and sometimes fatal. for many it means the loss of speech and movement but an event is giving stroke victims a voice through art. it's what's right with tampa bay. >> john dingman is w silence is due to a communication disorder following a stroke, along with the stroke was apha sia the loss of words. very frustrating. it never goes away. sis his struggle to communicate verbally his speech therapist suggested that he express himself through one of his passions, art. something to do. >> his work is now going to be part of an event called strokes for stroke. >> it is a way to celebrate those survivors. >> and raise awareness with a message of hope, you can prevent it can you survive. >> and the strokes for stroke event will be held tomorrow at the art center for clay. 100%, 100% of the artwork sales go to fox 13 and seen on tv it is there for you, great event. love the idea. >> it will be great. >> we a keep on going online and remember we have a big night tonight, we will be on after the debate. at 9:00 we get on about 10:30. lights, camera, access. >> this is something that i have been incredibly passionate about. >> this is so cool, right? >> public life goes on. the robbery. first event since - i'm liz hernandez. mom sharing her first words about kim's condition. >> that's where i'm at to stand on. >> kim carrey files his own lawsuit against those blaming him for his girlfriend's suicide. i'm kit hoover. then an update straight from nancy grace on life since leaving her show. >> can i ask you something? >> no! >> oh, cry my eyes out. i will -- >> cher holds nothing back about this presidential race. i can't believe she's 70 and the stories she can tell. did your mom like son free the

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