Transcripts For WTVT FOX 13 600 News 20160920 : comparemela.

Transcripts For WTVT FOX 13 600 News 20160920

state officials want to know what led to 248 million gallons of sewage discharged into tampa bay this year alone. how did it get this bad, and what's done to permanently fix it and bhaets done right now? officials from pinellas county, clearwater and largo spoke about their own issues, but the main spotlight is on st. petersburg which had three large discharge events since last august. they wanted to know why the wastewater treatment closed and why a to 14 whistleblower report predicting massive overflows with to closure was ignored. they said they didn't have knowledge of the reports. he's seeking independent counsel to get to the bottom of it. upgrades are in progress but could take two toe three years. he's doing what he can in the meantime to prevent history from repeating itself. >> we will do everything we can to minimize the opportunity. to bring that capacity up. we can't get that work done overnight. so we have already started the work to -- on that construction. having said that, we're also looking at trying to reduce the infiltration into our storm waters and into our sewer system through our pipes, so we're going to be lining our pipes. we'll be looking at manhole covers. >> reporter: that two-hour meeting had to wrap up at 5:00 p.m. shap comments and questions. the senator said this meeting was meant for fact-finding. the next meeting is meant for finding solutions. that will be scheduled in the next 60 days followed by a vote on proposals in november. kelly. >> haley hinds reporting for us tonight. a different pollution concern, one the public was not told about for weeks. neighbors of mosaic's plant in mulberry say they were kept in sinkhole there. today senior management came clean on their mistake. anjuli davis has details on that. >> anjuli: today they owned up to the mess saying they deeply regret how they handled the situation. they first found out about the radioactive water pouring through a massive sinkhole on the mulberry site in late august. the public didn't find out for weeks later until the media broke the story. today a senior vp for mosaic re they're taking ownership and will do everything they can to regain the trust of their community. >> we realize that we could have done a better job in providing more timely notification to our neighbors and the broader community. i deeply regret and apologize for not providing that information sooner. >> anjuli: they say testing shows the contaminated water has not moved past their site, and it's actually moving at a pace they're using a production we will to suck up the water out of the sinkhole. they're paying for nearby residents to have their well water tested. they can go through a private lab or the dep to schedule testing with a different party. either two options would be paid for by mosaic. chris. >> anjuli davis, thank you. preventing the spread of the zika virus was the focus of discussion today. pinellas county mosquito control staff and experts gathered at st. petersburg college to talk about bourne illness. residents could ask questions and learn things like how zika most keets feed during the day. >> a mosquito that can carry the zika virus is what we call a day biter, and really the whole idea of it is this mosquito adapted to our human behavior. we're out in the daytime primary and so is this mosquito. its primary food target for a blood meal is the human population. so not only does it live in favorite feed. >> we have it over and over. it never rurts to remind you again. the number one way to remove the threat remove standing water and wear mosquito repellent punishment. so now landrum gets a re-do on her sentence. sentencing people under 17 to life is cruel and unusual. we have what's going on in the case. >> the defendant was in court recently, but now she gets a resentence real soon here. she was in court, and actually her attorney told the judge that he's preparing for her resentencing. there's a lot of things to look at including witnesses called to testify like mental health experts possibly and maybe family members. it was back in 2004, though, convicted of beating to debt emily clements, her boyfriend's ex. they beat her to death with a hammer and pots and pans and threw her body in a dumpster. during her sentencing back in 2006, she gave the victims a very sorry, tearful apology. take a look. >> i would like to apologize, and if i could i would bring her back but i can't. i apologize for that. i'm very sorry. >> despite that the judge gave her life in prison, but the u.s. supreme court ruled that sentencing juveniles to life in prison is cruel and unusual punishment. so she will be resentenced. happen as early as january.d - we, of course, will keep you posted on that. back to you. >> we know you will gloria. thank you. we hear it all the time. seniors that get tricked out of their life savings, florida's chief financial officer wants to the workshop is being called bescamsmart. cfo jeff atwater hosted this today. the countryside library along with the department of financial services and the goal is to teach seniors how to recognize financial scams, how they work, how to protect themselves. the workshops also show people how scammers can try to convince seniors to bet on something that's really too good to be true. >> studies estimate that 1 out of 5 adults been the victim of financial fraud. so some of the scams we're going to share with our attendees today are going to be scams related to the lottery, romance scams, the grandparents scam, as well as various telemarketing and sweepstakes scams. >> if you missed today's workshop and would like to attend, there's another one tomorrow morning at 10:00 at new hope united methodist church on north ninth avenue in brandon. improper. state attorney general pam bondi speaks up about his decision to accept a donation from donald trump that came at a time when her office was considering whether to investigate a complaint about trump university. trump made that $25,000 contribution in 2013. bondi's office investigated the school two years later. she said only one complaint was filed by a floridians between the time she took office in 2011 and the time of that donation. she also says she had no knowledge of the complaint herself. a staff member found no justification to investigate. >> i would never, ever trade any campaign donation. that's absurd for, for some type of favor to anyone. >> bondi a republican has been an outspoken supporter of trump appearing at many rallies alongside him. trump said he sought nothing push to be the first u.s. city with a cuban consulate. city leaders are showcasing the artwork of a cuban artist in an effort to warm up to the island nation's government. he's known internationally and even secretary of state john kerry has recognized his work. his work featured thought-proceed voking flags together. the one in st. pete warehouse features a u.s. and could you go ban flag. >> showing him some and we're open to exhibit his work. it helps to build that relationship and lets him know we're sincere in the effort. >> this is normally my work, you know what i'm saying? >> michelle says he's doing his work. if they like it, great. the city of st. pete has worked to attract a cuban consulate it's expected to be unveiled on friday at art exchange's soft when we come back a look into the future. a loot at how channelside will look when all is said and done. >> rain coming in from the gulf today on the west wind as a tropical air mass continues. it still looks tropical. clouds in the background, showers in northeastern hillsborough. we'll talk about that plus the tropics are active. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. he's not a serious adult. i can't vote for donald trump given the things that he said. trump should not be supported. i believe he's disqualified himself to be president. i just cannot support donald trump. come into steak 'n shake for hand-dipped fall milk shakes. better yet, o steak 'n shake for hand-dipped fall milk shakes at half- price... ...during half-price happier hour, weekdays, now two to five... ((kelly--vo-)) it's being called a "re-imagining" of tampa's channelside district. developers it's calleded a reimagining of the channelside district. they presented their vision today to the board of commissioners. we get a clear picture of what the area will look like around the port. it will begin to take shape in the coming years. >> aaron maz measure is live at channelside right now. they're staking a lot of downtown's future on this development. what will it look lik >> reporter: well, we're just getting that clearer picture right now, as you guys said. we've been talking about this for a long time. it seems like years. it's been at least months. new retail pace and new office space and residential and everything you can think of. now we really see what that finished product might look like. the renderings reveal today they're really exciting. the developer as strategic property partners say the $3 billion project is bigger than initial plans. square feet. the riverwalk is extended under a beneficial bridge and 5 hundred hu,000 square feet of new ground level retail space is going in replacing the entire channelside bay plaza structure that everybody knows. that will allow for the construction of a new waterfront park and plaza that includes an events pavilion and beer garden. it's a joint development between jeff finnick and bill gates. >> we hope to create an extension of downtown that is a great gathering space and really becomes a hub of the tampa bay area and does -- activates the waterfront in the downtown area in a way that hasn't been done. >> this project will go up in four phases. the plan is it to build that park plaza and pavilion first along with businesses fronting it. residential units, a 2.5 million square feet of office space and another hotel that will be built across from the existing marriott. developers hope to have the approval to break groun sometime late next year and by the end of 2018 they hope to have phase 1 completed and sometime after that we see all the other phases go in, chris and kelly. >> very exciting. it's a perfect area and something to capitalize on. >> if it works out, it will bring in a lot of people, and we'll traffic downtown as well. a nice evening out there. a couple of days away from -- >> it is muggy. >> it's a couple days away from fall, but doesn't feel like autumn does it? >> no, it doesn't. paul. >> last year we had our first touch of ought tm in early october. we had a couple of nights into the low to mid-60s. still don't see that at all on the seven-day forecast. in fact, it looks very prop cam today. look at this. big clouds off in the distance. the air mass just the same way it would be in july and august. just a lot of water in the atmosphere, and i've been watching radar all day today. we had one little surge of rain come in off the gulf around 9:00, 10:00 this morning. that moved east across the bay area and rained itself out. now there isn't much, but every once in a while as we watched sky tower, a shower kind of randomly pops up. you can see one has popped up that's new in the past ten minutes. another one popping up up near temple terrace and also new. this is moving all to the east and southeast. they're small, but if you're out and about for the next hour or two, don't be shocked if all of a sudden it starts to rain. that's how unstable and moist it is. there's no real big boundaries around to produce any widespread rain, but certainly enough instability for a couple of shower. everything is moving northwest to southeast. rain is scattered throughout gone in de soto county. we zoom in with rain up and down 27 and lake placid to sebring. one here, one here, one here. nothing like yesterday when we had all kinds of heavy rain along u.s. 27, haines city south of frostproof. now we have scattered showers with heavier rain by orlando today. tomorrow is a full day of autumn and thursday is the tomorrow is the full day of summer. then on thursday you have the first day of autumn, and we still look like mid-summer. 91, missed the record by 3 degrees, and the morning low is 78. so far this month it really has been a continuation of june, july and august heat. we had three days below average, and that was because of clouds and rain from hermine. we had one day average and then we had 16 days out of 20 with the mercury above average. an expensive summer to keep your house cool. no doubt about that. even by our standards it's hot. hurricane season peaked on september 10th, and from now on it drops significantly. then in late october and november a little uptick in activity, and all of that is because cold fronts move into the gulf and they sometimes die out over the gulf. they can produce tropical activity late in the hurricane season, so wat in about a month or so. enhanced satellite shows two systems. here's karl. here's lisa. now, lisa is not going to do much. karl, i think, is a hurricane in about a day or two as it moves northwest. a bit better satellite presentation today on karl, and lisa looks okay with some banding. storms moving west-northwest, and first stop is karl. it's a 40-mile-per-hour tropical it will get kind of close to bermuda and then take a big right-hand hook and miss the island. anytime a system passes east of a land mass, the impact is generally weeker than the storm passing west of them. it shouldn't be too bad for bermuda. lisa does its thing in the atlantic and moves across open water and should be gone in a couple of days. so much for that. now, there's dry air in the west in yellow. there will be dry air weekend from maine all the way down to north carolina. still too early to drag down this dry air or way. we stay in the steambath for the predictable future. it will be cooler and less humid in north carolina to maine, but no way that's getting our way anytime soon. 86 is and the dew point 72 and a west wind at 9. tonight a couple of showers near the coast. we're down to 78 and a mix of during the day. the rain coverage is 20%, 30% and that's it. on thursday partly cloudy, isolated thunderstorms will back up to 88. the average high is down to 88 degrees, and we stay upper 80s and low 90s and nighttime lows in the mid-70s. hey, scott. we have two big games at ray j. in weekend. we have florida state on saturday and the bucs home opener sunday. the rays kick off their final home hear from the skip on how he views the en a officer was killed in action florida was not doing enough to give their families the help they desperately needed. dana young understood. that was wrong, so we changed that law. to ensure these families get the benefits they are entitled to and the honor they deserve. dana young has our back and she has yours. dana young for the florida senate. a return to common sense. problems we face. well i don't believe that's how you get things done in our country. it takes democrats and republicans working together. that's how we got health care for 8 million kids. rebuilt new york city after 9/11. and got the treaty cutting russia's nuclear arms. we've got to bring people together. that's how you solve problems and that's what the usf bulls still have not cracked the top 25 the usf bulls have not cracked the top 25. tle get a chance the 'noles as extra motivation this time around. still fresh, cook ran wild around the defense. he had 266 yards and three scores and the 'noles won 34-14 in tallahassee. usf head coach willie taggart says special attention has to be paid to number 4 to avoid a repeat at raymond jam james. >> this is a team sport and game, and we have to play well, offense and sfeshl teams as well i think if we would have did anything offensively last year it would have helped you're guys to where they wouldn't have had the opportunity to continue to keep feeding the ball to cook. you know, you give it to him so break point.eventually he's on - >> there's a chance the bucs will be without key players this weekend. they expect to learn more about the injuries to doug martin's hamstring and ankle once the mri results come back. it could be a daytime ci it's lining up in the backfield for the defensive end. dirk koetter expects a more inspired effort this week in the home opener against the l.a. rams than what they saw last week against the cardinals. he thinks the international makeup will show some fight this weekend. >> i expect fantastic look at the cardinals with a disappointing loss. they came back, and you know, got after us pred good yesterday. look at the rams, who we play this week. the rams lost 28-0 on their opener and came back with a huge win against seattle yesterday. we haven't been tested yet this season in that department. >> six mother games to catch the rays at home this season starting tonight against the new york yankees. drew smyly gets the start tonigh year. he's 0-3 with a 9.31e.r.a. in this final home stand the rays want to finish strong. it's been a tough season with more downs than ups. kevin cash was asked if he feels more frustrated about the season or happy with how they've come together a little better in the second half. >> that's a good question. it's a very even 50/50 balance we're frustrated with where we're at right now, but very happy with the ways the guys -- the effort level and how they compete over the last month. this last road trip after the first three games in new york, the guys played really well and that was good to see. we have to find a way to do it for a full season, and i think a lot of teams and especially us, that's a balance you try to find. we just got to avoid those really tough stretches that we had. >> yeah. those touch stretches he's referring to in the first half that month and did not win the game, they would be in the picture. they would be a competitive team down the stretch with the wildcard. it just takes a cold streak to ruin your season, and they think a hot season can turn it around. >> that's what we hope for for sure. >> thank you. whether when we come back at 6:30, we learn more about the suspect in the new york/new jersey bombing. talks about dealing we tragedy on his job oh yea, everything is digital now-a-days. this thing never leaves my side. that is why i signed up for publix digital coupons. and i got the paper ones too. so retro... that's how i save at publix. how 'bout you? publix. where shopping is a pleasure. we are one nation under god. that republican and democrat, we are all americans. i'd like to punch him in the face. you know what they used to do to guys like that? they'd be carried out in a stretcher, folks. i could stand in the middle of 5th avenue and shoot somebody and i wouldn't lose any voters. priorities usa action is responsible you know, some people, they shop all over town to save money. i just go to publix, find the signs with the deals and save. when you add it all up... it's a lot. that's how i save at publix. how 'bout you? publix. where shopping is a pleasure. ((chris--vo-)) we are learning more about the man suspected of planting bombs in we have learned much more planting bombing over the weekend. ahmad rahami is recovering in the hospital now as law enforcement developing a clearer picture of who he actually is. the fbi says it looked into rahami two years ago after his father called them over concerns his son might be a terrorist. the fbi found no terrorist affiliations and the father took back his claim saying he meant his son seemed interested in gang activity. the father came out of his he briefly with reporters camped outside. he says he called the fbi back in 2014 after his son attacked family members. >> two years ago i called the fbi. you must stand back. they checked it. they say he's not a terrorist. okay. >> why did you call the fbi two years ago? what happened? >> he was doing bad. >> he struck my son and hurt my wife. i put him in jail two years ago. >> what son did he stab? what happened? why did he stab him? >> by the way, ahmad was not prosecuted on that stabbing charge two years ago. investigators say after they captured him yesterday, they found a notebook in his pocket that contains extremist writing including references to osama bin laden, nadal anwaral alackey the american born clier rick. he's charged with attempted murder for injuring police officers during the shoot-out that left him injured. prosecutors are still drawing up charges related to the bombings over the weekend. by the way the two nj police officers wounded are now out of the hospital. one who was shot in his bulletproof vest went home last night. the other grazed in the head was released from the hospital today. >> all right, chris. attacks in new york and new jersey, both presidential candidates have been focusing on national security. each candidate trying to position themselves as tough on terror. lauren blanchard has our story tonight. >> reporter: who is toughest on terror? both hillary clinton and donald trump trying to convince voters it's not the other. at a rally in north carolina, trump pushing back on clinton's claim that his rhetoric helps isis recruit. >> her claim that my to radical islamic terrorism is a recruiting tool. how does that have to do with -- i'm being tough. >> reporter: trump's campaign stop shows a strong effort to tap into the youth vote. >> such young people in this room. on november 8th you shouldn't relax. you should get all of your friends to vote. you know that, right? >> reporter: democrats are not easily giving up one of their strongest voting bases. younger voters who are typically new radio ad targeting mil millenials and african-americans. >> the difference between staying home is showing it is difference between healing and division, hope and despair. >> the ad playing in toss-up states clinton needs to win including florida where a new mo monmuth showing clinton ahead of trump by 5 points but down from last month, her lead narrowing by nearly half. she's off the campaig presidential debate less than a week away. some annists say it could be the most important night of her campaign so far. in washington, lauren blanchard, fox news. president obama delivered a word of thanks on the sidelines of the u.n. general assembly today just daying after those bombings in new york and new jersey, more than 140 world leaders are in new york city for the 71st u.n. general asem blel meeting and president obama made note of the big apple's and first responders for making the city feel safe again. >> on behalf of all of us, i want to salute our police officers, our law enforcement officials, our first responders for hosting us, but also showing the world the true meaning of grit and resolve. >> earlier in the day president obama addressed the assembly for the eighth and final time of his presidency saying more countries need to open their hearts to refugees. concern at that general assembly meeting, and the ceasefire in syria appears to collapse now after an attack on an humanitarian convoy killed more than a dozen people. tonight the u.s. is blaming russia for that attack. we have more. >> reporter: a deadly attack on an aid convoy in syria. air strikes hit a warehouse as well as trucks carrying assistance for 78,000 people in a town left of alel poe. following the attack. >> just when we think it cannot get any worse, the power the depravt sinks lower. >> as part of the week-long deal, sustained humanitarian access and reduced violence were required for the u.s. and russia to begin coordinating attacks on isis and other militants in the country. the attack comes after a delay in getting aid through with the u.n. waiting on government permission to deliver supplies. >> in in syria is taking the greatest number of lives and sewing the widest instability. >> syria's military said the ceasefire failed hours about the air strikes. jhn kerry and sergey lavrov aren't giving up. they met with the international syria support group on the sidelines of the u.n. general assembly where president obama also addressed the crisis. there's no ultimate military victory to be won. we're going to have to pursue the hard work of diplomacy that aims to stop the violence and deliver aid to those in need. >> reporter: the ceasefire was also damaged on saturday when the u.s. bombed a syrian military position by mistake. the u.s. military says that it's investigating the incident. in jerusalem, john huddy, fox news. in other world news tonight, north korea says it has succes high-powered rocket. they say the rocket will be used for a geostationary satellite, but they believe it's a cover-up for test of missile technology. earlier this month you may remember this. north korea conducted the fifth nuclear test and one of the most powerful so far. passengers on a saudi arabia flight got quite the scare today. a plane going from saudi arabia to the philippines made an hijacking threat. it turned out the threat was a false alarm. somebody on the flight crew accidentally pushed a button that tells the control tower a hijacking is happening. the plane was carrying 400 passengers and nobody was injured. more questions tonight about the shooting death of an unarmed black man about a white police officer in oklahoma. tear rance crutcher was shot and killed by police in tulsa friday after his car broke down in the middle of the officers say he would not follow their commands. today a police spokesman says the officer who shot crutcher had a stun gun but drew her weapon instead. an attorney for the officer says she opened fire after another officer used his stun gun and crutcher's left hand went through the window into the car. they say the video of the incident shows that is clearly not what happened. there's a streak of blood on the window. it's coming down the car door. to show it was contemporaneous, you see terance crutcher lying dead on the ground with his hands still up. >> attorneying say the only sudden movement crutcher made was when he was shot with the tasers just seconds before the officer opened fire. he was not carrying a gun, and there was no gun found inside his vecl wells fargo ceo faced a grilling on capitol hill in front of the sthat banking committee. he faces accusations of fraud and facing calls for his resignation after bank employees opened millions of extra accounts for customers that customers didn't authorize all in a mission to meet aggressive sales quotas. that resulted in many customers getting overdraft fees and paying extra for fraud committee showed bipartisan outreach over the scandal. stump said he's deeply sorry the bank failed to meet it's responsibility. senator warren told stump he should resign. >> you haven't returned a single nickel of your personal earnings and haven't fired a single senior executive. evidently your definition of accountable is to push the blame to low-level employees who don't have the money for a fancy p.r. firm to defend it's gutless leadership. >> regulators fined wells fargo $185 million last week. someday he'll be the king of england, but tonight prince william is talking about his other job, air ambulance pilot. why he says he loves it a bit come into steak 'n shake for hand-dipped fall milk shakes. better yet, come into steak 'n shake for hand-dipped fall milk shakes at half- price... ...during half-price happier hour, weekdays, now two to five... steak 'n shake. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. i know more about isis then the generals do. i like people that weren't captured ok. donald trump compared his sacrifices to the sacrifices of two parents who lost their son in war. how would you answer that father? what sacrifice have you made for your country? i think i've made a lot of sacrifices, built great structures. i've had tremendous success, i think... he may be the future king of england with plenty of royal he may be the future king of england, but he has another job as well. prince william is an air ambulance pilot and he's been flying for just over a year now. recently he sat down with the bbc to talk about his oer in his own words tonight, prince harry talks about why he enjoys the job so much. actually, prince william and how he deals with some intensely sad situations. >> yeah, there was some very sad moments, and you know we talk about take lot. that's the best way of dealing with the situations. you talk and try not to take it away with you. particularly for us who don't stuff, it can be quite difficult. it's rewarding when i come here to do this job. i really look forward to coming here every day whether it's 5:30 or 2:00 in the morning. i love to work on a team. that's something that my other job doesn't do. i'm mother out there on your own a little bit, but i very much enjoy working with the likes of james and the team. it's good fun. >> that's the nicest thing you've ever >> you only get that once. >> by the way, the prince gets paid about $52,000 a year, but that's all donated to charity. still ahead tonight, a celebrity shocker. >> a lot of people can't believe this. the biggest power couple in hollywood splitting. you heard of it by now. it's over for angelina jolie and brad pitt, but whether we come back, we have new details on why i'm really good at war. i love war in a certain way. including with nukes, yes including with nukes. nuclear, just the power the devastation, is very important to me. i want to be unpredictable, unpredictable, unpredictable, unpredictable. children with disabilities can spend years going children with disabilities can spend years going to therapy. after a while it gets boring. tonight at 10:00 or dr. jo will show you how one local hospital is finding a new way for young patients to keep their motivation afloat. coming up tonight. stocks ended slightly higher on walt street tonight led by gains in health care companies. it broke a two-day losing streak. it rose 9 points and the nasdaq climbed 6. time for a look at today's hollywood headlines. things are serious for funny man jim carrey facing a lawsuit over a death. first the story rocking hollywood ride now. angelina jolie a calls it quits. after 14 years together, they're no more. according to tmz jl angelina jolie filed force divorce citing irreconcilable difrn differences. jolie is not asking for financial support but does want sole physical custody of the couple's six kids leaving pitt with only visitation rights. issues and substance abuse are the reason for the split. jim carrey is taken to court by his former girlfriend's estranged husband. a wrongful death lawsuit was filed saying provided his ex with the prescription pills she used to commit suicide last year. he said it was a heartless attempt to exploit him. sony released the first trailer for passengers. jennifer lawrence and chris trying to survive a sinking ship in the big budget sci-fi action romance due to hit theaters december 21st just in time for the holidays. >> i want to watch that. there's to many movies i haven't seen that i want to see. >> chris pratt is in the new magnificent seven remake that looks great too. let's go to paul to find out more about what to expect with the muggy weather. paul, goodness. >> give us a break here. >> it's about time, isn't it? and wind shift. all of that would be good. i don't see it quite yet. in fact, we still track showers behind the 86 little logo thing, graphic. there's rain in the distance. there are some showers around hillsborough county. they're moving from northwest to southeast. if you're underneath one of those showers, there's some pretty good rain. most of you don't get wet at all, but we'll zoom in and show you exactly where the rain is. flick the button. there we go. you can see the showers here. heavy rain near brandon, and then there's rain where i-4 and 75 kind of hook up in the intersection. this is all moving to the southeast, and also this is 60, and this is blrandon and this i pine crest. this is moderate to heavy rain moving -- that's heavy rain. moving to the southeast towards pinecrest, and if you watch us in plant city, there's some rain northwest of you. i think it's probably going to it's going to be close. elsewhere lake placid right over you there's some showers. that is moving slowly to the southeast, and that has been a wet day or wet afternoon in orlando. look at the rain in downtown, all the way down to orlando international and curves back towards disney. this is moderate to heavy rain. that is moving to the southeast. so today a little shower here south of brooksville. today typical mid-september da rain go through tampa bay around lunchtime. that's long gone. it's still steamy. we have temperatures in the mid to upper 80s, and the dew points are still in the mid-70s. here's the updated temperature profile. the first day of autumn is thursday. today's high is 89, 74. as i said over and over if you want cool weather, it really starts showing up around two. not an exact day, but mid to late october. the big thing you notice first is not necessarily the daytime highs bu the nighttime lows that drop swu the 60s and that makes a big difference. the hurricane season is pretty much on track. the average number of storms in a season is 12. we're at 13. so it's an active season for sure. 6 is the average number of hurricanes. we had 4, and i think karl should become a hurricane in the next day or two. major hurricaned is 1 and the average is 3. when everything is said and done, it will be near or above average hurricane season for sure, and that was expected as el nino went away in the pacific. this is karl. that's moving west-northwest, and this is lisa. it looks pretty impressive on satellite, but karl shouldbe the stronger of the two. in fact, karl should become a hurricane in a couple of days, and that makes it curve to should weaken in about three to four days as a nontropical system. a few showers near the coast late tonight and 78. showers and thundershowers move inland tomorrow about 89. the forecast for thursday partly cloudy, isolated storms and we're back up near 90. your seven-day forecast doesn't even have a sniff of a cold front anywhere, and i think we just kind of jump the gun because it usually is mid to you can't rush it. it's not going to happen soon. it is what it is. >> yes, it is. it's so -- i couldn't believe it. i went out this morning at 7:30 in the morning thinking it would be a good time, not that hot. it was muggy even then. >> nice of you being up early doing your 5-mile run. that's impressive. >> no, i didn't do the run. i have to get up with the kids. >> she's more aggressive than smuf us. >> it was an aggressive move for sure. i was at the coffeepot around 7:30 this morning. yourself. >> take a break. still ahead tonight, a group on a mission to give needy families a helping hand. i'm hillary clinton and i approve this message. he's a race-baiting, xenophobic, religious bigot. donald trump is a phony, a fraud. i can't vote for donald trump given the things that he said. trump should not be supported. i believe he's disqualified himself to be president. i wore a badge for 38 years knowing how much you trusted us to keep you safe. yet when a officer was killed in action florida was not doing enough to give their families the help wrong, so we changed that law. to ensure these families get the benefits they are entitled to and the honor they deserve. dana young has our back and she has yours. dana young for the florida senate. we're continuing to follow contamination conc we're continuing to follow the contamination concerns near theos the company apologized for not notifying the public sooner about all the radioactive water spilling into the aquifer. tonight at 11:00 we look at a state law that could possibly be responsible for keeping neighbors in the dark. the federal government listed safety requirement foss the driverless car. how that could be the endorsement they need to go mainstream. all tonight at 11:00. when families are in is there to help them. a group is doing that often before the families are desperate and their amazing work is what's right with tampa bay. >> this is kind of for the middle of the table. >> move-in day is choreographed chaos. >> we come in sort of like a tornado. >> big things to little all put in their proper place. >> we try to get as many families done as we can. >> home makers of hope helps families in need. problem that was here in the tampa bay area. >> poverty so pervasive families stand at the doorstep of homelessness, after nearly selling off everything they own. >> a girlfriend and i got together and changed that. >> this family needed all their pots and pans. >> change began eight years ago. homemaker pam stamy and her friend launched their two-person mission, which has grown into an army of volunteers. back to volunteer is because it is so rewarding. >> quickly and efficiently, donated furniture, bedding, pictures, and kitchenware make a tampa apartment a home again. >> they're basically sleeping on the floor, so we come in and shake hands, and then we take over the household for a hour and a half. >> moem makeovers made possible through coordination with various social service agencies. >> we've done hundreds and hundreds of homes, and have probably 50 families on the waiting list right now. >> more work to do. the homemaker calvary rides on to the next family in waiting. >> what a great story of giving back. go to if you'd like to donate items or volunteer for homemakers of home. an amazing organization. volunteers just help the greater cause. >> it proves that everyone has a skill to help others and lift need, figure out how to help them. >> good stuff. the news keeps on going online on frank robinson and on the app on your smartphone. >> we'll see you tonight at 10:00, everyone. closed captioning provided by u.s. captioning company i'm a coupon guy... i signed up for the publix digital 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