Transcripts For WTVT FOX 13 500 News 20161013 : comparemela.

Transcripts For WTVT FOX 13 500 News 20161013

authorities who are investigating at this time. the authorities say they don't believe the area is under any sort of threat as far as the cars passing by. people should not be concerned driving in the area. we'll follow the situation. >> heartbreak for the family of a senior. >> a woman hit driver. the driver did not stop and no one has been caught. we're at the scene of the crash. let's start with the family. how are they holding up? >> reporter: they're devastated. ashley was a hard worker an a student in school and worked hard at her job and that's where she was, leaving her won crossing hillsborough avenue and headed home from work but she >> this is ashley on tuesday with her brother and mother. two days later. >> ashley. >> and her mother can not try to contain her emotions. who can blame ?her,her 17 -year-old daughter is gone. >> my daughter loved me. she say mommy into a modeling career, she wanted to be a model and buy a home for my mother. that was her goal. >> she had a job at the supermarket on hillsborough. she left there as she crossed the road a car hit her and sped off. the family was unable to reach other and unaware of what >> she died at the hospital. her loved ones are in shock. she was a baby. she was just starting to live, it's not fair. >> so many things are not fair she was young, senior at hillsborough high school and loved by so many there. >> it is hard for the students to understand, hard for to us understand. impossible for loved once to understand this. >> and the driver who killed ashley is still out there. >> that's the person without a heart. we want >> and ashley was not in the crosswalk but they say the situation went from bad to worse because the driver did not stop and that is a felony in florida. troopers are looking for witnesses and auto body shop owners for cars that may have front edge damage and crimestoppers is offering a reward. >> very sad. >> 13-year-old boy in critical condition after he was hit by a car. this was when it was dark at 6:30 at congress street and ridge road. and the sheriff's office said gabriel rodriguez ran across the street and into the path of a car. he was a sixth grader. the driver was not charged. and workers hauling away a track after it smashed through a house. it went o house killing the woman inside. that 24-year-old driver was driving drunk. ken suarez is there. there are you in the morning and a car, a truck, barreling through. >> what are the chances of that happening? are you there. as you said, before sunrise, everything is fine. the truck comes through and things turn deadly. the place that can you feel comfortable. >> this is not supposed to happen but it did here this morning. a little before sunrise. jan roll foles made coffee. she laid down in the guest bedroom when boom a truck went through the front of her house. she was instantly killed. the reverend said the truck just missed him by a couple of feet. the we'll. a criminal history and dui that he got in hillsborough in 2009. >> when you run your truck threw a home, their sanctuary you ministered them with the truck. we'll hold you accountable. >> now he was taken to jail where he was charged with dui manslaughter. respects to the fily all day long. lots of hugs and words to help him through the very tough time. she was associated with two churches here, redeemer where she was a member and shephard road where she worked for a time. and the churches say she was a very well loved lady and help anyone any time, help them through whatever hard times they had. people here coming to help the time for him. i want to mention something that probably speaks to the nature of the person being charged in this. when he got out of the truck he came out here. kind of dazed he said i have to go to my house. neighbors three of them were here they said you're not going anywhere. they had to hold him until the investigators arrived. >> and the impact, when you see that. you realize how hard he hit the and clearwater firefighters battle the house fire this is on oak view and around a quarter after 2. crews joined them in fighting the fire. we don't know the cause. new at 5:00 a deputy is arrested for selling his duty gun to a pawn shop. steven smith aus coulded of stealing drugs that were supposed to be destroyed. the sheriff said he sold his pist about it he admitted to stealing drugs. >> he lost his job over it. law enforcement and the deputies here will be held to the same standard as anyone else. he needs to face the consequences. >> the sheriff does in the think it's the first time he has stolen drugs. >> coordinated attack, how what donald trump is describing new assaults against him. he is demanding a retraction from "the new york times." one woman a 74-year-old claims that he grabbed at her on a plane in the 1980s. another woman, a writer for people said that trump groped her while she was an -- was on assignment at his home. and trump said it is being by the main street media. >> the media will control over this nation through means that are well known. anyone who challenges their control is deemed a sexist, racist. a xeno phobe and more rally deformed. >> he has evidence to disprove the allegations and release them at a, quote, appropriate time. patrick, what allegations will they have. >> reporter: that companies on the appropriate time if he has evidence in the next 24, 48 hours or beyond and refute was they are saying i don't think this will not have an impact. but we'll see by the first half of next week. that's when the next round of polling comes out after the accusations have surfaced. the problem a ed why this is dogging substantiated. they were years ago, they are coming up before the election, they do fit the narrative that donald trump himself advanced that he himself said in the trump cape from 2005 and with that this is a problem for the trump campaign. one that you see here they are forcefully pushing back on. hillary clinton is not without controversy. situation. >> the latest from the clinton release shows her staffers tried to figure out. what to say as it was erupting and whether to dismiss it as a joke. working in comedy skits, that's the direction they were looking about this. then it dawned on them. wait a minute, we don't know what is in the e-mails we better be careful and go in another direction. they are looking at who else can we blame besid h it shows you what was going on behind the scenes. many damaging have been leaks showing her praising wall street interest. that's not in the interest of the base of her party. and she has two positions, one public and one private. something she had to address in the debate. >> it it is taking the focus off clearly 1 and 2 but you have a bruiser,'s that the going to drive the voting behavior. people want to know in particular how you address stagnant wages. >> craig patrick, thank you very much. pasco county schools are addressing the clown threat made via social media. the superintendent wants everyone to know kids will face consequences if they take created a false threat against his school. good kid, bad move. >> that video majors message was sent out and the four students have been arrested this year. there is a law in place making it a felony to threaten a and the threats are a waste of time and resources but they cannot be ignored either. >> it take as lot of law enforcement time. administrators away from running schools. it involves people at the district level t is a waste of time, we cannot ignore it. >> and officials want to remind parents it is more important to monitor the social media accounts. know who their friends are and what they are staying online. a crash closed down a road for the morning drive. a van and dump truck crashed. the gravel. it took hours and it is open again. there were minor injuries from the crash. can you believe it the lightning opening the 24th season tonight at amalie arena. kind of a different feel to the team with a lot of people already calling them the favorites to win the stanley cup. and scott smith is there at the arena tonight. boy, sounds like there some big expectations going into the >> and without question. the season starts today. back on thunder alley. i was out here and talking lightning playoffs. what an off season bring back the squad and getting contracts to steven stack dose and victor hedman. and bring andrei vasilevskiy back. as you mentioned, the expectations are sky high. anything and is probably a own straw poll. i have some fans here. expectations on the season. >> win the cup, that's what i thought, anything less than that is what. >> it is okay. >> it's not okay. we're going to -- game on. >> we have to support the team >> did you make that? >> yes. >> expectations are high, why? >> because. >> we got everyone back. >> what do you want to see. >> i want to see consistency and more on on the power play. >> what is that. >> winning the cup. >> that starts tonight game one the team they eliminated. >> we have more at 5:00. >> thank you, scott we'll check back. >> i like the fashion. >> dresses we wore a lightning blue. >> we're on board. he was caught on camera trying to steal a car and a teen was inside. how police tracked him down. >> i don't want to see him again. what if one of the biggest challenges we face down here... could be solved... simply by looking up there? what if unlimited, clean power was at your fingertips? what if it was good for consumers, good the economy and good for florida? it's not a "what if." it's "what's next." solar power for the sunshine state. vote yes on amendment 1. sfx - [birds] to sample the world's most delicious fresh seafood dishes... you can take a boat sfx -- [boat bell] or a plane sfx -- [jet taking off] or a train sfx -- [train horn blowing] or you can just let us pack you a bag publix seafood cook-in-bag dinners choose your favorite seafood then choose the internationally inspired flavors to pair it with. pack a bag for adventure tonight hurricane matthew may be long gone...but there is still matthew may be gone but there is devastation left behind. north carolina is dealing with flood damage. some homes are in flood waters, people can only get around by boat. north carolina's governor said help is on the way. winds, rain, knocking out power to 20,000 people. bermuda has a strong infrastructure but a cat 3 is rare. what are you hearing, paul, did they weather it okay. >> they had hand 1:15 to 120. and only had about 7 storms, major storms the infrastructure is good. they be all right. winds from the northeast to another warm day n a while a couple of sprinkles or showers go by. we have seen this all week long. it heats up. that's not cool. 89 and st. pete is 84. tampa is 85. the breeds feels good. the loop of nicole is impressive. the eye for a timed today was right over the island. they went from winds and to nearly calm. the eye went buy. rare to be under the eye. and 63.2. and 110 moving northeast at 21 and four to five days it will be a non-tropical storm it is farther away. and interesting. and computer models a cold front heading our way by the end of the week. the gfs model probably friday into saturday. high pressure builds in. and follow it. what is interesting is the european model is predinging the same. the european model is showing low pressure along that that sometimes can be tropical. this is a predict 8 days away. we talk about the forecast. things will change. the only advice is walk to see how this plays out. the front is coming through. and not this weekend. but next weekend should be schooler andless humid. the first front of the season is coming our way. i think it is more of the same. more northeast winds. sunshine. times of clouds a couple of showers rolling in from the east. shower activity. good stuff from october. 66 and humidity at 53 all perce. rest of tonight. mostly moonlight -- moon lit and warm. a mix of sun and clouds. back in the 80s. boating it is around. and warm during the day mild and await the arrival of the front. await the arrival of the front. and flights to this is mike's office. if he doesn't show up, he doesn't get paid. he did. i am patrick murphy. to get things done, you've got to show up. you've got to work together. whether it's protecting social security and women's health care or growing the economy, we've got to start solving problems instead of pointing fingers. i am patrick murphy and i approve this message you know me, i grew up here. and while politics and the political parties may have... changed, i haven't. to protect social security and medicare. for women's healthcare, and our veterans. in congress i won't let them privatize the va, cut social security and medicare, take away a women's right to choose, or defund planned parenthood. i'm charlie crist and i approve this message, because i'll put you, the people first. i always have, and always will. z256yz zy6z (linda) southwest announces a new, historic destination. they will southwest announces a historic destination to cuba. and sorboni banerjee has more on how can you get the cheapest tickets. >> service will start monday, december 12th. the question of course is how much will it cost. we have the answer for you. >> they are offering one way ticket as the $59 but for a limited time only. this is what you need to know to save money. southwest announced in a news conference that you have to book the ticket two weeks in advance southwest through november 2 0g9. but can you book travel through aperal of next year. so it would be wise to buy now while the prices are so low even if you are not traveling until the spring. and it is one of ten airports in the us the department of transportation selected for the commercial flights to cuba. 6000 people signing a petition to the dot pushing for connection. , we have a great history. we have historical ties that go back. and we have people and there is a need. >> the plan to end the embargo of december of 2014. the first flights from the u.s. to the island took place in late miami can you fly. >> you have to be approved one of those 12 approved reasons by the government before can you friday. i will post those for you on my facebook page. i'm sorboni banerjee. back over to you. >> thank you. and a new study is questioning the value of caught on camera the bear who just wanted to cool off and as a federal prosecutor, i've spent my career prosecuting criminals and fighting for the rights of victims. i want to make the state attorney's office a model for criminal justice. i'll prioritize violent crime and be tough on murderers, gangs, and anyone who commits domestic abuse or sexual assault. and i'll make the system fair not innocent people. i'm andrew warren. (cynthia prosecutors say james mitchell wanted to steal his grandma's car.. so he james mitchell wanted to take his grandmother's car so he beat her. he is going to prison. , we have more on the deal. >> one of the witnesses was probably his mother. so he decided to take a plea deal and is now headed to prison, i don't want to see him again. >> she will not see her son for a long, long time. he pled guilty to the unthinkable, we believe the evidence is such to proceed without the victim. >> the aldivision gauges are serious. the grandmother was almost coma toes when they arrived to the home, she suffers from dementia and would not tell the jury what he did but his moth wore have. he skipped a trial and agreed to a plea deal. he is a known drug user in and out of trouble for years. he is he will serve 12 years probation. two boston police officers are in critical condition but they are recovering. the officers were responding to a domestic dispute. a man reported his roommate threatened him with a wife. the roommate was kirk figueroa. they killed him. he was not licensed own a gun in massachusetts. and largo police have arrested the man who tried to carjack someone on roosevelt boulevard last week. officers say a tip helped them track town john jorgeson. he tried to take off with the car with a teen inside. the victim have not identified ran out of the store and managed to confront the ran off. he was arrested following an interview and he is facing attempted carjacking charges. a new study is reigniting a controversy calling into question the value of mammograms for breast cancer screening. dr.dr. jo has been looking in t, the bottom line they say for every cancer that's detected early this will be big and be with cancer. they started picking up the actualors under two millimeters. we have the large assumer they expect to pick up more of the small ones they would see an equal number they say the small ones would have become big. we should see the drop. they did not see that. they saw large tumors they think now is that they are picking up small tiny tumors that would not go anywhere. and you know we have seen that with prostate cancer and kidney canser. they don't get bigger be aggressive they're picking up things we may not need to treat. we're overdiagnosing. >> and that will change what they recommend. and. >> and is that going to make a difference? not sure. the bottom line. you have the moon shot. you have that coming in and over time be able able to differentiate. it is for women of average risk, not those at risk through a family history. i think we'll have to stay tuned. >> and the cdc report out today showing that the breast cancer death rates are down. are they across the board? >> that's the great news. black women. black women have lower rates. because they are catching up because of early detection, we have seen a drop in death rates in the groups. the one group is the over 60. like in the first study and this study. they attribute treatment and treating it that is i have good news for women. >> more awareness, too. >> absolutely. >> thank you, dr. jo. news in the search for kidnapped girl in nigeria. howhow many were released. what they are doing to get the rest of them free. what kind of driver are you. could that drive you're decision whether to lease or buy. we test drive your options. >> if you go in preached you know what you are doing can you get a deal. what if one of the biggest challenges we face down here... could be solved... simply by looking up there? what if unlimited, clean power was at your fingertips? what if it was good for consumers, good the economy it's not a "what if." it's "what's next." solar power for the sunshine state. vote yes on amendment 1. a developing story out of georgia this evening... a a crash involving a bus and a tractor-trailer kills one and injured others t was north of of the tractor-trailer, it's not clear where it was coming from or where it was heeding. after two years in captivity, 21 girls have been freed in nigeria. they were among 300 kidnapped in ape little of 2014. they were part of a swap. four members of the islamic extremist group were treed in exchange. the release was negotiated between the nigeria government and the group. they will keep trying big donation to mover fit cancer center. wesley chapel toyota, hon that and tampa honda presented a check for $60,000 to moffitt. they set aside money from the and used vehicle for the event. the largest in the pip between the dealerships and moffitt. that will go a long way to help people. scott, who is at amalie arena the season. >> we're two hours away from the puck drop the lightning get ready to host the red swings. a look at thunder alley. caught on camera. a bear taking a dip in a koi pond. someone had been trampling the area. he took a look that's what he saw the big guy there treating the pond as his own spa. >> you would think that he would be in there for the fish. he didn't brother the fish. >> how do you stop >> and signs are not going to work. >> no bears allowed. >> can you imagine, he looks like what he is missing is the drink. >> that's what i'm saying. >> looks friendly. >> we are lightning. >> happy the colors are blue and not brown. >> good time of year. great time. cooler. and the sunshine and clouds passing by. you know weather week has been uneventful for us. every day is the same. the high is, wow, look at 589 degrees. it will heat up. morning low. safe to say a missed the record. >> i don't see a change the next 5 to 7 days. sunday there could be showers. but we're locked in with high pressure north of us and a southeast wind. northeast at gusty and brooksville and 30 in west palm. 20 in miami. the satellite presentation today it is incredible. many tweets. and it was 120. incredible to be in of that the winds from the other direction. that's it. bypassing bermuda now. the center is here. racing northeast and should be off the map. for us. you will tell things tonight change. impacting us but not much as there could be moisture. that's it. 85. dew point 66. winds are northeast. over the southeast. behind the front it is pretty chilly temperatures in chicago 56. and dallas 74 degrees. how long has i dallas at 5:00 our time. witchia and rapid city 65. and the pacific northwest. this is the remnants of a typhoon moving across the pacific. it will bring rain, foot, foot and a half in northern california and the coast. we're quiet. >> overnight warm. 87 another warm day. highs in the 08s. seas two feet. a light chop. a low tide. the you will not see a lot of changes. throwing rain our way on friday. until then we're in the mid-to-upper 80s. what have you got? welcome out to amalie arena. came one of a season of lightning hockey w me is the the air. expectations are high. nothing unusual i suppose. >> well you know what, you look at what happened in the off season. steve did a outstanding job. signing stamkos and in the last three days getting nikita kucherov. the team had the most expectations. last year not final. played a little bit. does it take time to build up the chemistry. he played the world cup. and they look good. you know what our team on paper looks great. you know what. and there are not many better talk about his leadership. i'm buying in. not only a great ball scorer. he leads off the ice. people were not sure on the deal. >> a lot of reports. we signed kucherov. >> thank you for joining me. not only going to be game number one but the team they eliminated in the post season. they are building a rivalry. >> take a listen. we met twice in the playoffs. and it should be a good one right out of the gate. >> and finally big news. florida lsu has been rescheduled. they will play november 19th. but get this the game will be in baton rouge. it was scheduled to be played in gainesville but postponed because of nord giving up home field advantage. >> the coach said florida was never a true partner. they made this possible. you nee have 8 sec games to be eligible to play in the championship game so hats off to florida for making this happen a quote saying i made it clear the anybody. another big one on the ice. after an obscene amount was spent building this the state learned the contractor had overspent on framed photos that were never used. when the state refused to pay, bob buesing sued... demanding taxpayers foot the bill, including his own legal fees. bob buesing profitted from government waste and abuse? now running for senate, buesing wants us to trust him with state spending. sfx - [birds] to sample the world's most delicious fresh seafood dishes... you can take a boat sfx -- [boat bell] or a plane sfx -- [jet taking off] or a train sfx -- [train horn blowing] or you can just let us pack you a bag publix seafood then choose the internationally inspired flavors to pair it with. pack a bag for adventure tonight at publix. where shopping is a pleasure. it's not uncommon for autistic kids to flap their hands. and so when i saw that, that was completely disqualifying. i'm a republican, but this election is so much bigger than party. my son max can't live in trump world. so i'm crossing party lines and voting for hillary. i don't always agree with her, but she's reasonable. she can work with people to solve problems. i want to be able to tell my kids that i did the right thing when it really mattered. office depot has announced its stores will be office depot anounsed that the stores will be closed on thanksgiving. the stores will reopen on black friday at 6 a.m. another bad year for the citrus industry, the forecast is out predicting a decline. that's on top of last year's 16% decline. in 20 years ago the production was down a 70% and it is about this citrus greening, the disease that destroys the trees and the fruit. stocksnded lower today after a surprisingly weak trade report from china. down more than that. the nasdaq trop ed 25. s&p down 6. jamie lynn seiglr talked about her battle with ms. >> she was diagnosed with ms 15 years ago when she was 20. now she gave natalie and kit a update on her condition. >> it ing took me 15 years of lg with the disease to come to accept that it w life. i think for so long hiding it allowed me to be in denial for some time. >> she is in denial no more. she refuses to let her relapsing ms get in the way. and wife and mother is more accepting of life's curve balls it is daily like like for you, i have my limitations i know what they are. they have been stable for quite and keeping energy appropriate if i'm going to be working. mommy will take it easy and take time to myself and do my stretches and exercise the things that make me feel good. ky not live as care free of a life as i used to. >> she is hoping to help others who may be suffering in silence for the reemergency myself campaign. back to you. >> thank you, liz. the 6:00 news is next. here are park and linda. a man went on a shooting free. the landlord was trying to evict him. video of that released by the sheriff's office. >> parents use teething tablets but a warning about them. we'll tell you the story behind the woman called the queen of "when you run your truck through somebody's home, their sanctuary. you've murdered them." them." you've murdered their sanctuary. somebody's home, through murdered their sanctuary. somebody's home, through somebody's home, this is mike's office. if he doesn't show up, he doesn't get paid. and failed us when he did. i am patrick murphy. to get things done, you've got to show up. you've got to work together. whether it's protecting social security and women's health care or growing the economy, we've got to start solving problems instead of pointing fingers. i am patrick murphy and i approve this message as a federal prosecutor, i've spent my career prosecuting criminals and fighting for the rights of victims. a model for criminal justice. i'll prioritize violent crime and be tough on murderers, gangs, and anyone who commits domestic abuse or sexual assault. and i'll make the system fair by working with police to wear body cameras and using dna to put criminals behind bars, not innocent people. i'm andrew warren. murdered them." and when you run your truck through their home, their sanctuary, are you in trouble. >> a truck crashes into a home. >> she was starting to live. it's not fair. >> life cut short after a hit and run. the driver who did it. >> it should be a good one right out of the gate. >> the lightning start another quest in capturing lord station this is the fox 13 6:00 news. and good evening, everyone i'm linda hurtado in for kelly ring. i'm mark wilson. it happened in a matter of second as driver goes off the road smashing into a house killing a woman inside. a community there is in shock. ken? >> reporter: talk about being in time. jan foles was this morning. >> and it was a one in a million chance but it happened a little before 5 a.m. and jan foles made coffee for her husband. he was about to leave. she laid down in a guest room when a truck exploded through the wall of the house and went through the dining room and kitchen barely missing the ryan talent. hard to believe this could happen, they got up to live the american lifestyle. it wended in the bling of an eye. >> and he was charged with dui manslaughter. he has been arrested before, he

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Transcripts For WTVT FOX 13 500 News 20161013 :

Transcripts For WTVT FOX 13 500 News 20161013

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authorities who are investigating at this time. the authorities say they don't believe the area is under any sort of threat as far as the cars passing by. people should not be concerned driving in the area. we'll follow the situation. >> heartbreak for the family of a senior. >> a woman hit driver. the driver did not stop and no one has been caught. we're at the scene of the crash. let's start with the family. how are they holding up? >> reporter: they're devastated. ashley was a hard worker an a student in school and worked hard at her job and that's where she was, leaving her won crossing hillsborough avenue and headed home from work but she >> this is ashley on tuesday with her brother and mother. two days later. >> ashley. >> and her mother can not try to contain her emotions. who can blame ?her,her 17 -year-old daughter is gone. >> my daughter loved me. she say mommy into a modeling career, she wanted to be a model and buy a home for my mother. that was her goal. >> she had a job at the supermarket on hillsborough. she left there as she crossed the road a car hit her and sped off. the family was unable to reach other and unaware of what >> she died at the hospital. her loved ones are in shock. she was a baby. she was just starting to live, it's not fair. >> so many things are not fair she was young, senior at hillsborough high school and loved by so many there. >> it is hard for the students to understand, hard for to us understand. impossible for loved once to understand this. >> and the driver who killed ashley is still out there. >> that's the person without a heart. we want >> and ashley was not in the crosswalk but they say the situation went from bad to worse because the driver did not stop and that is a felony in florida. troopers are looking for witnesses and auto body shop owners for cars that may have front edge damage and crimestoppers is offering a reward. >> very sad. >> 13-year-old boy in critical condition after he was hit by a car. this was when it was dark at 6:30 at congress street and ridge road. and the sheriff's office said gabriel rodriguez ran across the street and into the path of a car. he was a sixth grader. the driver was not charged. and workers hauling away a track after it smashed through a house. it went o house killing the woman inside. that 24-year-old driver was driving drunk. ken suarez is there. there are you in the morning and a car, a truck, barreling through. >> what are the chances of that happening? are you there. as you said, before sunrise, everything is fine. the truck comes through and things turn deadly. the place that can you feel comfortable. >> this is not supposed to happen but it did here this morning. a little before sunrise. jan roll foles made coffee. she laid down in the guest bedroom when boom a truck went through the front of her house. she was instantly killed. the reverend said the truck just missed him by a couple of feet. the we'll. a criminal history and dui that he got in hillsborough in 2009. >> when you run your truck threw a home, their sanctuary you ministered them with the truck. we'll hold you accountable. >> now he was taken to jail where he was charged with dui manslaughter. respects to the fily all day long. lots of hugs and words to help him through the very tough time. she was associated with two churches here, redeemer where she was a member and shephard road where she worked for a time. and the churches say she was a very well loved lady and help anyone any time, help them through whatever hard times they had. people here coming to help the time for him. i want to mention something that probably speaks to the nature of the person being charged in this. when he got out of the truck he came out here. kind of dazed he said i have to go to my house. neighbors three of them were here they said you're not going anywhere. they had to hold him until the investigators arrived. >> and the impact, when you see that. you realize how hard he hit the and clearwater firefighters battle the house fire this is on oak view and around a quarter after 2. crews joined them in fighting the fire. we don't know the cause. new at 5:00 a deputy is arrested for selling his duty gun to a pawn shop. steven smith aus coulded of stealing drugs that were supposed to be destroyed. the sheriff said he sold his pist about it he admitted to stealing drugs. >> he lost his job over it. law enforcement and the deputies here will be held to the same standard as anyone else. he needs to face the consequences. >> the sheriff does in the think it's the first time he has stolen drugs. >> coordinated attack, how what donald trump is describing new assaults against him. he is demanding a retraction from "the new york times." one woman a 74-year-old claims that he grabbed at her on a plane in the 1980s. another woman, a writer for people said that trump groped her while she was an -- was on assignment at his home. and trump said it is being by the main street media. >> the media will control over this nation through means that are well known. anyone who challenges their control is deemed a sexist, racist. a xeno phobe and more rally deformed. >> he has evidence to disprove the allegations and release them at a, quote, appropriate time. patrick, what allegations will they have. >> reporter: that companies on the appropriate time if he has evidence in the next 24, 48 hours or beyond and refute was they are saying i don't think this will not have an impact. but we'll see by the first half of next week. that's when the next round of polling comes out after the accusations have surfaced. the problem a ed why this is dogging substantiated. they were years ago, they are coming up before the election, they do fit the narrative that donald trump himself advanced that he himself said in the trump cape from 2005 and with that this is a problem for the trump campaign. one that you see here they are forcefully pushing back on. hillary clinton is not without controversy. situation. >> the latest from the clinton release shows her staffers tried to figure out. what to say as it was erupting and whether to dismiss it as a joke. working in comedy skits, that's the direction they were looking about this. then it dawned on them. wait a minute, we don't know what is in the e-mails we better be careful and go in another direction. they are looking at who else can we blame besid h it shows you what was going on behind the scenes. many damaging have been leaks showing her praising wall street interest. that's not in the interest of the base of her party. and she has two positions, one public and one private. something she had to address in the debate. >> it it is taking the focus off clearly 1 and 2 but you have a bruiser,'s that the going to drive the voting behavior. people want to know in particular how you address stagnant wages. >> craig patrick, thank you very much. pasco county schools are addressing the clown threat made via social media. the superintendent wants everyone to know kids will face consequences if they take created a false threat against his school. good kid, bad move. >> that video majors message was sent out and the four students have been arrested this year. there is a law in place making it a felony to threaten a and the threats are a waste of time and resources but they cannot be ignored either. >> it take as lot of law enforcement time. administrators away from running schools. it involves people at the district level t is a waste of time, we cannot ignore it. >> and officials want to remind parents it is more important to monitor the social media accounts. know who their friends are and what they are staying online. a crash closed down a road for the morning drive. a van and dump truck crashed. the gravel. it took hours and it is open again. there were minor injuries from the crash. can you believe it the lightning opening the 24th season tonight at amalie arena. kind of a different feel to the team with a lot of people already calling them the favorites to win the stanley cup. and scott smith is there at the arena tonight. boy, sounds like there some big expectations going into the >> and without question. the season starts today. back on thunder alley. i was out here and talking lightning playoffs. what an off season bring back the squad and getting contracts to steven stack dose and victor hedman. and bring andrei vasilevskiy back. as you mentioned, the expectations are sky high. anything and is probably a own straw poll. i have some fans here. expectations on the season. >> win the cup, that's what i thought, anything less than that is what. >> it is okay. >> it's not okay. we're going to -- game on. >> we have to support the team >> did you make that? >> yes. >> expectations are high, why? >> because. >> we got everyone back. >> what do you want to see. >> i want to see consistency and more on on the power play. >> what is that. >> winning the cup. >> that starts tonight game one the team they eliminated. >> we have more at 5:00. >> thank you, scott we'll check back. >> i like the fashion. >> dresses we wore a lightning blue. >> we're on board. he was caught on camera trying to steal a car and a teen was inside. how police tracked him down. >> i don't want to see him again. what if one of the biggest challenges we face down here... could be solved... simply by looking up there? what if unlimited, clean power was at your fingertips? what if it was good for consumers, good the economy and good for florida? it's not a "what if." it's "what's next." solar power for the sunshine state. vote yes on amendment 1. sfx - [birds] to sample the world's most delicious fresh seafood dishes... you can take a boat sfx -- [boat bell] or a plane sfx -- [jet taking off] or a train sfx -- [train horn blowing] or you can just let us pack you a bag publix seafood cook-in-bag dinners choose your favorite seafood then choose the internationally inspired flavors to pair it with. pack a bag for adventure tonight hurricane matthew may be long gone...but there is still matthew may be gone but there is devastation left behind. north carolina is dealing with flood damage. some homes are in flood waters, people can only get around by boat. north carolina's governor said help is on the way. winds, rain, knocking out power to 20,000 people. bermuda has a strong infrastructure but a cat 3 is rare. what are you hearing, paul, did they weather it okay. >> they had hand 1:15 to 120. and only had about 7 storms, major storms the infrastructure is good. they be all right. winds from the northeast to another warm day n a while a couple of sprinkles or showers go by. we have seen this all week long. it heats up. that's not cool. 89 and st. pete is 84. tampa is 85. the breeds feels good. the loop of nicole is impressive. the eye for a timed today was right over the island. they went from winds and to nearly calm. the eye went buy. rare to be under the eye. and 63.2. and 110 moving northeast at 21 and four to five days it will be a non-tropical storm it is farther away. and interesting. and computer models a cold front heading our way by the end of the week. the gfs model probably friday into saturday. high pressure builds in. and follow it. what is interesting is the european model is predinging the same. the european model is showing low pressure along that that sometimes can be tropical. this is a predict 8 days away. we talk about the forecast. things will change. the only advice is walk to see how this plays out. the front is coming through. and not this weekend. but next weekend should be schooler andless humid. the first front of the season is coming our way. i think it is more of the same. more northeast winds. sunshine. times of clouds a couple of showers rolling in from the east. shower activity. good stuff from october. 66 and humidity at 53 all perce. rest of tonight. mostly moonlight -- moon lit and warm. a mix of sun and clouds. back in the 80s. boating it is around. and warm during the day mild and await the arrival of the front. await the arrival of the front. and flights to this is mike's office. if he doesn't show up, he doesn't get paid. he did. i am patrick murphy. to get things done, you've got to show up. you've got to work together. whether it's protecting social security and women's health care or growing the economy, we've got to start solving problems instead of pointing fingers. i am patrick murphy and i approve this message you know me, i grew up here. and while politics and the political parties may have... changed, i haven't. to protect social security and medicare. for women's healthcare, and our veterans. in congress i won't let them privatize the va, cut social security and medicare, take away a women's right to choose, or defund planned parenthood. i'm charlie crist and i approve this message, because i'll put you, the people first. i always have, and always will. z256yz zy6z (linda) southwest announces a new, historic destination. they will southwest announces a historic destination to cuba. and sorboni banerjee has more on how can you get the cheapest tickets. >> service will start monday, december 12th. the question of course is how much will it cost. we have the answer for you. >> they are offering one way ticket as the $59 but for a limited time only. this is what you need to know to save money. southwest announced in a news conference that you have to book the ticket two weeks in advance southwest through november 2 0g9. but can you book travel through aperal of next year. so it would be wise to buy now while the prices are so low even if you are not traveling until the spring. and it is one of ten airports in the us the department of transportation selected for the commercial flights to cuba. 6000 people signing a petition to the dot pushing for connection. , we have a great history. we have historical ties that go back. and we have people and there is a need. >> the plan to end the embargo of december of 2014. the first flights from the u.s. to the island took place in late miami can you fly. >> you have to be approved one of those 12 approved reasons by the government before can you friday. i will post those for you on my facebook page. i'm sorboni banerjee. back over to you. >> thank you. and a new study is questioning the value of caught on camera the bear who just wanted to cool off and as a federal prosecutor, i've spent my career prosecuting criminals and fighting for the rights of victims. i want to make the state attorney's office a model for criminal justice. i'll prioritize violent crime and be tough on murderers, gangs, and anyone who commits domestic abuse or sexual assault. and i'll make the system fair not innocent people. i'm andrew warren. (cynthia prosecutors say james mitchell wanted to steal his grandma's car.. so he james mitchell wanted to take his grandmother's car so he beat her. he is going to prison. , we have more on the deal. >> one of the witnesses was probably his mother. so he decided to take a plea deal and is now headed to prison, i don't want to see him again. >> she will not see her son for a long, long time. he pled guilty to the unthinkable, we believe the evidence is such to proceed without the victim. >> the aldivision gauges are serious. the grandmother was almost coma toes when they arrived to the home, she suffers from dementia and would not tell the jury what he did but his moth wore have. he skipped a trial and agreed to a plea deal. he is a known drug user in and out of trouble for years. he is he will serve 12 years probation. two boston police officers are in critical condition but they are recovering. the officers were responding to a domestic dispute. a man reported his roommate threatened him with a wife. the roommate was kirk figueroa. they killed him. he was not licensed own a gun in massachusetts. and largo police have arrested the man who tried to carjack someone on roosevelt boulevard last week. officers say a tip helped them track town john jorgeson. he tried to take off with the car with a teen inside. the victim have not identified ran out of the store and managed to confront the ran off. he was arrested following an interview and he is facing attempted carjacking charges. a new study is reigniting a controversy calling into question the value of mammograms for breast cancer screening. dr.dr. jo has been looking in t, the bottom line they say for every cancer that's detected early this will be big and be with cancer. they started picking up the actualors under two millimeters. we have the large assumer they expect to pick up more of the small ones they would see an equal number they say the small ones would have become big. we should see the drop. they did not see that. they saw large tumors they think now is that they are picking up small tiny tumors that would not go anywhere. and you know we have seen that with prostate cancer and kidney canser. they don't get bigger be aggressive they're picking up things we may not need to treat. we're overdiagnosing. >> and that will change what they recommend. and. >> and is that going to make a difference? not sure. the bottom line. you have the moon shot. you have that coming in and over time be able able to differentiate. it is for women of average risk, not those at risk through a family history. i think we'll have to stay tuned. >> and the cdc report out today showing that the breast cancer death rates are down. are they across the board? >> that's the great news. black women. black women have lower rates. because they are catching up because of early detection, we have seen a drop in death rates in the groups. the one group is the over 60. like in the first study and this study. they attribute treatment and treating it that is i have good news for women. >> more awareness, too. >> absolutely. >> thank you, dr. jo. news in the search for kidnapped girl in nigeria. howhow many were released. what they are doing to get the rest of them free. what kind of driver are you. could that drive you're decision whether to lease or buy. we test drive your options. >> if you go in preached you know what you are doing can you get a deal. what if one of the biggest challenges we face down here... could be solved... simply by looking up there? what if unlimited, clean power was at your fingertips? what if it was good for consumers, good the economy it's not a "what if." it's "what's next." solar power for the sunshine state. vote yes on amendment 1. a developing story out of georgia this evening... a a crash involving a bus and a tractor-trailer kills one and injured others t was north of of the tractor-trailer, it's not clear where it was coming from or where it was heeding. after two years in captivity, 21 girls have been freed in nigeria. they were among 300 kidnapped in ape little of 2014. they were part of a swap. four members of the islamic extremist group were treed in exchange. the release was negotiated between the nigeria government and the group. they will keep trying big donation to mover fit cancer center. wesley chapel toyota, hon that and tampa honda presented a check for $60,000 to moffitt. they set aside money from the and used vehicle for the event. the largest in the pip between the dealerships and moffitt. that will go a long way to help people. scott, who is at amalie arena the season. >> we're two hours away from the puck drop the lightning get ready to host the red swings. a look at thunder alley. caught on camera. a bear taking a dip in a koi pond. someone had been trampling the area. he took a look that's what he saw the big guy there treating the pond as his own spa. >> you would think that he would be in there for the fish. he didn't brother the fish. >> how do you stop >> and signs are not going to work. >> no bears allowed. >> can you imagine, he looks like what he is missing is the drink. >> that's what i'm saying. >> looks friendly. >> we are lightning. >> happy the colors are blue and not brown. >> good time of year. great time. cooler. and the sunshine and clouds passing by. you know weather week has been uneventful for us. every day is the same. the high is, wow, look at 589 degrees. it will heat up. morning low. safe to say a missed the record. >> i don't see a change the next 5 to 7 days. sunday there could be showers. but we're locked in with high pressure north of us and a southeast wind. northeast at gusty and brooksville and 30 in west palm. 20 in miami. the satellite presentation today it is incredible. many tweets. and it was 120. incredible to be in of that the winds from the other direction. that's it. bypassing bermuda now. the center is here. racing northeast and should be off the map. for us. you will tell things tonight change. impacting us but not much as there could be moisture. that's it. 85. dew point 66. winds are northeast. over the southeast. behind the front it is pretty chilly temperatures in chicago 56. and dallas 74 degrees. how long has i dallas at 5:00 our time. witchia and rapid city 65. and the pacific northwest. this is the remnants of a typhoon moving across the pacific. it will bring rain, foot, foot and a half in northern california and the coast. we're quiet. >> overnight warm. 87 another warm day. highs in the 08s. seas two feet. a light chop. a low tide. the you will not see a lot of changes. throwing rain our way on friday. until then we're in the mid-to-upper 80s. what have you got? welcome out to amalie arena. came one of a season of lightning hockey w me is the the air. expectations are high. nothing unusual i suppose. >> well you know what, you look at what happened in the off season. steve did a outstanding job. signing stamkos and in the last three days getting nikita kucherov. the team had the most expectations. last year not final. played a little bit. does it take time to build up the chemistry. he played the world cup. and they look good. you know what our team on paper looks great. you know what. and there are not many better talk about his leadership. i'm buying in. not only a great ball scorer. he leads off the ice. people were not sure on the deal. >> a lot of reports. we signed kucherov. >> thank you for joining me. not only going to be game number one but the team they eliminated in the post season. they are building a rivalry. >> take a listen. we met twice in the playoffs. and it should be a good one right out of the gate. >> and finally big news. florida lsu has been rescheduled. they will play november 19th. but get this the game will be in baton rouge. it was scheduled to be played in gainesville but postponed because of nord giving up home field advantage. >> the coach said florida was never a true partner. they made this possible. you nee have 8 sec games to be eligible to play in the championship game so hats off to florida for making this happen a quote saying i made it clear the anybody. another big one on the ice. after an obscene amount was spent building this the state learned the contractor had overspent on framed photos that were never used. when the state refused to pay, bob buesing sued... demanding taxpayers foot the bill, including his own legal fees. bob buesing profitted from government waste and abuse? now running for senate, buesing wants us to trust him with state spending. sfx - [birds] to sample the world's most delicious fresh seafood dishes... you can take a boat sfx -- [boat bell] or a plane sfx -- [jet taking off] or a train sfx -- [train horn blowing] or you can just let us pack you a bag publix seafood then choose the internationally inspired flavors to pair it with. pack a bag for adventure tonight at publix. where shopping is a pleasure. it's not uncommon for autistic kids to flap their hands. and so when i saw that, that was completely disqualifying. i'm a republican, but this election is so much bigger than party. my son max can't live in trump world. so i'm crossing party lines and voting for hillary. i don't always agree with her, but she's reasonable. she can work with people to solve problems. i want to be able to tell my kids that i did the right thing when it really mattered. office depot has announced its stores will be office depot anounsed that the stores will be closed on thanksgiving. the stores will reopen on black friday at 6 a.m. another bad year for the citrus industry, the forecast is out predicting a decline. that's on top of last year's 16% decline. in 20 years ago the production was down a 70% and it is about this citrus greening, the disease that destroys the trees and the fruit. stocksnded lower today after a surprisingly weak trade report from china. down more than that. the nasdaq trop ed 25. s&p down 6. jamie lynn seiglr talked about her battle with ms. >> she was diagnosed with ms 15 years ago when she was 20. now she gave natalie and kit a update on her condition. >> it ing took me 15 years of lg with the disease to come to accept that it w life. i think for so long hiding it allowed me to be in denial for some time. >> she is in denial no more. she refuses to let her relapsing ms get in the way. and wife and mother is more accepting of life's curve balls it is daily like like for you, i have my limitations i know what they are. they have been stable for quite and keeping energy appropriate if i'm going to be working. mommy will take it easy and take time to myself and do my stretches and exercise the things that make me feel good. ky not live as care free of a life as i used to. >> she is hoping to help others who may be suffering in silence for the reemergency myself campaign. back to you. >> thank you, liz. the 6:00 news is next. here are park and linda. a man went on a shooting free. the landlord was trying to evict him. video of that released by the sheriff's office. >> parents use teething tablets but a warning about them. we'll tell you the story behind the woman called the queen of "when you run your truck through somebody's home, their sanctuary. you've murdered them." them." you've murdered their sanctuary. somebody's home, through murdered their sanctuary. somebody's home, through somebody's home, this is mike's office. if he doesn't show up, he doesn't get paid. and failed us when he did. i am patrick murphy. to get things done, you've got to show up. you've got to work together. whether it's protecting social security and women's health care or growing the economy, we've got to start solving problems instead of pointing fingers. i am patrick murphy and i approve this message as a federal prosecutor, i've spent my career prosecuting criminals and fighting for the rights of victims. a model for criminal justice. i'll prioritize violent crime and be tough on murderers, gangs, and anyone who commits domestic abuse or sexual assault. and i'll make the system fair by working with police to wear body cameras and using dna to put criminals behind bars, not innocent people. i'm andrew warren. murdered them." and when you run your truck through their home, their sanctuary, are you in trouble. >> a truck crashes into a home. >> she was starting to live. it's not fair. >> life cut short after a hit and run. the driver who did it. >> it should be a good one right out of the gate. >> the lightning start another quest in capturing lord station this is the fox 13 6:00 news. and good evening, everyone i'm linda hurtado in for kelly ring. i'm mark wilson. it happened in a matter of second as driver goes off the road smashing into a house killing a woman inside. a community there is in shock. ken? >> reporter: talk about being in time. jan foles was this morning. >> and it was a one in a million chance but it happened a little before 5 a.m. and jan foles made coffee for her husband. he was about to leave. she laid down in a guest room when a truck exploded through the wall of the house and went through the dining room and kitchen barely missing the ryan talent. hard to believe this could happen, they got up to live the american lifestyle. it wended in the bling of an eye. >> and he was charged with dui manslaughter. he has been arrested before, he

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