Transcripts For WTVT FOX 13 1000 News 20160304 : comparemela

WTVT FOX 13 1000 News March 4, 2016

Put more fun in your day with icecreamflavored coffees at dunkin donuts. Go for delicious flavors like butter pecan, cookie dough, or new pistachio. Enjoy one today. America runs on dunkin. For delicious flavors like pbutter pecan, cookie dough. Pamerica runs on ducan. P this little guy has lied so pmuch about my record. P anchor the gloves have come poff. Pjabs, insults fly as the prepublicans face off in the pheated debate. P donald trump is a phony, a pfraud. P anchor mitt romney waging pwar on donald trump today. Phis high profile push to take pdown the businessman. P when i saw his hand, i lost pmy cool a little bit, because i pdidnt expect to see it that pbad. Pslammed in a door. Pwhy his teacher is under pinvestigation tonight. P good evening and welcome. P were glad to have you with pus. Pfirst up at 10 00, a fiery face poff going on right now. Pdonald trump is sparring with olitical rivals. Pan hour into the debate. Pheated exchanges, what stands pout to you the most . P the fact that people used to pblush and gasp when the resident was asked whether he pwears boxers or briefs. Pand now here we are where you phave bickering laced with sexual pinnuendo over and over again. Pit all started with marco rubio pand the campaign trail making pfun of Donald Trumps hands, psaying he has small hands and pyou know what they say about men pwith small hands. Pheres how in the national pdebate, donald trump chose to prespond. Plightweight, okay, and i have psaid that. Pso i would like to take that pback. Phes really not that much of a plightweight. Pand as far as i have to say pthis. Pi have to say this. He hit my phands. Pnobody has ever hit my hands, pive never heard of this. Plook at those hands, are they psmall hands . P[laughter] pand he referred to my hands, if ptheyre small, Something Else pmust be small. Pi guarantee you, theres no roblem. Pi guarantee you. P reporter and then, after pthat, there were repeated pexchanges. Pfrom that point, marco rubio pcalled donald trump big don. Pif youre hoping for substance pto come out of this debate, pwhile there were moments, and on articular on immigration, i pthink that will drive the pchatter and play on social pmedia. Pand that has a big impact on the ptrajectory of the race. P anchor the question is we pcan wonder who could lose from a pcomment, especially from one plike that. P reporter i think he nailed pit right there. Pif im scoring, you have to give oints to john kasich and ted pcruz for not engaging in the pdebate in that way. Pi would not be surprised based pon what weve seen in particular pwith kasich trying to elevate pthe discourse and cruz focusing pmore on substance, that they pmight come out ahead in the pdebate. Pagain, whoo ile it varied, a lot of pthe debate might be remembered pfor exchanges between marco prubio and donald trump like pthis. P i have a policy question for pyou, sir. P lets see if he answers it. P i will. Pdont worry marco. Pdont worry, little marco, i pwill. P lets hear, big donald. P dont worry, little marco. P p youve got to do better than pthat. P this guy has a number one pabsentee record. Pquestion. Pyour proposed tax cuts. P thats why the people from pflorida do not like him. P reporter that was just one pexample. Pyou hear the crowd getting going pas well as. Pif you were looking for serious pdiscourse, you were not getting pit in this debate. P anchor where does it end . Pwhat will they say next . P reporter weve been sliding pday by day and the next couple pof weeks, all the way into the pgutter. Pi dont think its doing those pinvolved a great deal of credit. Pand were seeing that in the olls. P anchor we are indeed. Pthank you. Pwell get back later. P reporter thank you. P if we as republicans choose pdonald trump as our nominee, the rospect for a safe and rosperous future are pdiminished. P anchor those are the pfighting words from mitt romney ptoday that set off a fire storm pregarding donald trump. Ptelling voters not to vote for pthe republican front runner. Pwere live where marco rubio popened his Campaign Office ptoday. Pwhat are people saying out there ptonight, josh. P reporter kelly, supporters pmostly agree with what mitt promney is saying. Pthese folks firmly behind marco prubio. Pyou can see the sign back there pflorida is marco rubio pcountry. The folks here, some pof them wont even support pdonald trump should he become pthe nominee. Ptwo political heavy weights pgoing toe to toe, 2012 g. O. P. Pnominee mitt romney swinging phard at donald trump. P donald trump is a phony, a pfraud. Phis promises are as worthless as pa degree from trump university. P reporter trump countering pat a rally in maine with a shout pof his own. P he was begging for my pendorsement. Pi could have said mitt drop to pyour knees, he would have pdropped to his knees. Phe was begging. P[laughter] p. P reporter romneys message, p the only serious policy roposals that deal with a broad prange come from ted cruz, marco prubio and john kasich. P reporter rubio needs his pstate of florida badly. Pthursday, he opened his tampa pcampaign head quarters. P he has the best chances on pdomestic policy. P reporter supporters are pbacking mitt romneys message. P i kind of applauded it phonestly. P i think he feels like most prepublicans, we dont want ptrump. Ptrump is not one of us. P Reporter Team trump isnt pbacking down. P his supporters know him and ptheyre 100 behind him and phell probably pick up more pindependent and democrat votes pbecause a lot of people cannot pdeal with mitt romney. P reporter Donald Trump Holds pa 20 lead in the sunshine lead olitics. Pfor rubio supporters decision por wont they join team trump pshould he become the nominee . P theres a large block firmly pagainst trump. Pwe will not go along with trump. P reporter earlier today and pdonald trump calling marco rubio plittle marco, a lightweight. Pi can tell you folks here dont psee rubio as a lightweight. Pthey say hes the guy, the pnow. Pkelly, back to you. P anchor josh, reporting for pus tonight. Pthank you, josh. P anchor new at 10 00, the arents of a first grader in ptampa say their son is ptraumatized. Pthey say his teacher slammed his pfingers in a classroom door and pmay lose part of them. Pthe little boy, how is he . P reporter well, his fingers pare getting better, but his arents are worried theres so pmuch nerve damage that it may pnot fully heal so he might lose art of his finger. Phow did this happen. Pthis is not a typical after pschool activity for a psevenyearold, sitting at an pattorneys office on his pmothers lap, his hand heavily pband damaged. Pit start with a gut wrenching hone call. Pemergency. P reporter the boys father pis only giving his first name to rotect his identity. Pwhen he got to school, this is pwhat he saw. P his clothes are covered and phis pants and his shoes were pcovered in blood. P reporter the boys lawyer psays the first grade teacher pidentified by the district, shut pthe childs fingers in a pclassroom door. Ptwo fingers badly hurt, the pfingers were practically psevered. P what could have went wrong . Pso that feeling i cant pexplain that feeling to you. P reporter the familys pattorney isnt able to answer p theres nothing that recipitated the incident at pall. P reporter a hillsborough pspokesperson said the teacher pwas pulled from the classroom. Pthe family thinks she was preacting to something. P theres got to be some reason pfor this. Pwhen you slam a door or get pfrustrated, you dont want to ptake it out when youve got pyoung kids in your care. P reporter the father says phis son may lose part of his pfinger and he thinks all pteachers can learn a valuable psafety lesson. P i dont take my childs psafety for granted, so i would pexpect the same from anyone pelse. P reporter the family is pconsidering a lawsuit. Pweve tried to reach out to the pteacher, both by phone and erson, and we have not had any pluck at this point. Pthe district said she had been pwith the school since 2011, and pnever had any previous pcomplaints. P anchor thanks. P anchor we have an update on pan investigation by the phighlands county sheriffs poffice. Pdeputies are looking into pallegations against three pconduct with students. Pthe incidents happened at sea pbring high school and avon park. Pthe sebring teacher is being pinvestigated for sending lewd hotos of herself to students. Pand avon park teacher is pininvestigated for having lewd pteachers of a 16yearold pstudent on her phone. Pthe sheriff says direly additional pcharges are coming from another pteacher, who is already in jail pfor charges of having sex with a p14 yearold student. P anchor new at 10 00, the passociate superintendent has presigned his position. Pthe School District says greg privers submitted his resignation ptoday. Pin october of 2015, rivers filed pa complaint against the former psuperintendent that included psexual harassment. Pla roy eventually gave up her pjob. Pbut rivers also faced criticism pin the aftermath. Phis resignation is effective may p6th and will be on paid leave puntil then. P anchor coming up, a bay parea lawmaker goes after apple. P theyre standing in the way pof an investigation into pterrorism on our soil. P anchor that is congressman pdavid jolly. Phe wants the federal government pto boycott his company, his plan pto boycott apple after the precent aq ctions after the break. P anchor shes turned her pfamilys pain into a lifesaving pmission. Pher fight to warn others about a pdisease that is affecting her pchildren. P anchor cool skies, lots of phigh clouds. Peven saw a halo at times. Pskies will stay generally cloudy povernight. In 1934, Steak N Shake decided the world didnt need another hamburger. It needed a steakburger. So they used 100 percent beef. Quick seared to seal in the flavor. Youll only get from a steakburger. Steak n shake, new at ten. A local congressman is taking steps to to help p anchor a local congressman pis taking speps to punish apple pf. B. I. Break into the san pbernardino iphone. Pu. S. Representative david jolly pwants to ban the government from pbuying apple products. P anchor evan you spoke with pthe congressman. Pwhy is the bill important . P reporter the congressman pdoesnt want the government psupporting a company which wont phelp solve an investigation into pa terrorist attack on american psoil. Pso hes calling for a bill for pthe federal government to pboycott apple. P i think its wrong. P reporter u. S. Prepresentative says apple is pmaking a mistake, refusing to phelp the f. B. I. Unlock the piphone of one of the san pbernardino shooters. Pa Court Ordered the company to pdo so last month. P theyre standing in the way pof an investigation into pterrorism on our soil. P reporter jolly is calling pfor a boycott of apple by the pfederal government. Pban federal agencies from buying papple products. P i dont believe taxpayers pshould support apple when they prefuse to cooperate. P reporter in an interview plast week, apple ceo tim cook psaid the f. B. I. Is asking apple pto make a master key that pdoesnt yet exist. Pfarooks iphone will delete its pcontents if investigators gets ptimes. Pbut apple worries the technology pcould fall into the wrong hands. P what is at stake, can the pgovernment compel apple to write psoftware we believe would make phundreds of millions of pcustomers vulnerable around the pworld, including the u. S. P reporter jolly says this is pabout one phone belonging to a pterrorist, who killed 14 of his pcoworkers. P this is an order for apple to revent the deletion of what pcould be 3 weeks of pcommunications between a pterrorist and his partners. P anchor jolly says hes pgetting support already. Phe says it could go away if papple complies with the pcalifornia judges order to pbreak into the iphone. P anchor thanks. P anchor a bottle nose pdolphin is free after rescuers pfreed him from a crab trap line. Pthe 10 yearold dolphin was free pfrom the life threatening pentangelmented by rescuers. Pthe rescue time was able to premove the line wrapped around pthe dolphins dale. Pthe dolphin is a longterm president of sarasota bay. Pand hes going to be aokay. Pthank goodness. P anchor glad they took care pof that. P anchor weve had enough of aul, how we doing . How is the pweekend . P anchor perfect. Pthe difference this weekend, not pas cold as night as last pweekend. Pdid you see this in the sky . Plast night i said dont be psurprised if you see a halo in pthe sky today. Phow is that . Thats a 22degree pcircular halo caused by the sun pgoing through ice crystals. Pcirrus clouds, a come of pcontrails in the mix. Pour good buddy in bradley pjunction. Pa bunch of them today. Pthanks, everybody, for sharing pthe photos. Pyou can also get it at night. Pall you need is light to go pthrough ice crystals. Pthats cool. Pthats on my Facebook Page if pyou want to take a closer look. Pthe sunset tonight, kind of psneaky. Pit snuck in very late as the sun pwas going down over the gulf. Pisland. Pnice job, chuck, i always love pand this is curtis in bradenton. Pcheck out the pictures on my pFacebook Page. Ptoday, average march 3rd, 75, pthe average. Pwe hit the 75. Pthe morning low, one degree away pfrom the average of 57. Pweve had high clouds in and out pall day long. Pthere is a cold front heading pour way. Pits producing heavy weather. Pin fact, theres been severe pweather tonight around ptallahassee with severe pthunderstorm warnings, such as pseminole county and up by pcalhoun county. Pthats moving to the southeast. Pi think a lot of this is going pto diminish as it moves our way. Phowever, if youre watching us pin Citrus County and hernando pcounty, some of the storms may phold together for late tonight. Pi think a lot of the energy is pshooting away from the cold pfront. Pthere will be a brief spell of prain late tonight, early ptomorrow. Pthen that goes away. Psunshine with temperatures in pthe 70s. Pyou can see the Severe Weather pnear the state capitol. Pit goes back to pensacola and pmobile. Pand then the line continues pnortheast and raining near paugusta and along south pcarolina. Pmoderate to heavy rain and then pit turns into light snow up in pd. C. Pin fact, snowing outside of pnorfolk and light snow in hilly. Pand will move northeast and roduce snow on cape cod ptomorrow. Pright now, its 60s under a most pmostly cloudy skies. Pthe winds will shift to pnorthwest tomorrow. Ponce the sun comes out, well psee a good weekend. P65, dew point, 61. Ptheres the active frontal pboundary that will slide our way pand weaken. Pdeveloping sunshine tomorrow and pthe mercury getting into the p70s. Plow 80s inland. Plets track the front. Phere it is now. Pit moves southeast. Pall the action comes up here. Pthe front doesnt do much as far pas rain goes. Pthen High Pressure behind it. Pthis is friday. Pthats saturday. Pthis will be sunday. Pmaybe a few clouds coming from pthe gulf. Pbut overall, really, really nice pweekend. Pin fact, most of next week looks retty good as well. Pclouding up via shower or pthunderstorm late tonight. Pthe best chance of storms well pto our north and 63. Ptomorrow, increasing sunshine pafter an Early Morning shower. Pand 72. Pyoure going to love saturday. Pmild morning. Plots of sunshine. Pgood boating day. Pvery nice. Pgood fishing day. P72. Pafter that, i think by the pmiddle of next week, there could pbe spots wednesday and thursday pinland that could approach p90 degrees. Pso summertime heat. Pback to you. P anchor wow p anchor still to come, the pfuture of the Death Penalty, pright here in florida. P they had to get something ast, because people are pdemanding a speedy trial. P anchor florida lawmakers assed a bill to revamp the put more fun in your day with icecreamflavored coffees at dunkin donuts. Go for delicious flavors like butter pecan, cookie dough, or new pistachio. Enjoy one today. The bigger the burrito, the bigger the fun. Dunkins new grandde burrito a breakfast burrito packed with big southwest flavor. Go grande with veggie or sausage today. America runs on dunkin. Floridas Death Penalty is back in play. Well, floridas Death Penalty back in play, the Governors Office says he will sin into law a bill by the senate and this bill revises how the state sentences criminals to die. This was an absolute necessary fix after the Supreme Court rules on the Capital Punishment uninstitutional. Many of the experts believe this revamped Death Penalty will also end up before the Supreme Court. We are joined now to l to by chis chris to explaing what is going on. When is a solution not a solution . When it does resolve all of the problems. Lets back up here. Some january the u. S. Supreme court said floridas system is unstational because it allows judges to impose the Death Penalty rather than juries and they also tried to resolve another issue, because it doesnt require unanimous juror consent on the depth penalty like 47 other states do, well, the legislature wrangled bortd and came up saying that at least 10 of 12 jurors must agree on the depth ted bundy, well, his sentence and recommendation of death wasnt unanimous and when the prosecutor argued that and it went through committee, they made that point, we are looking at the worst of the worst and so if that was not unanimous, what does it say for justice . But the problem he said is it leaves the law vulnerable to appeal. He said the first person to be sentenced under this new law will challenge it and it will end up before the court and likely be instruct down because be struck down, and just today, alabamas depth depth Death Penalty was ruled ininstitutional. Thank you, chris. And polk county deputies arrested a career criminal over with his truck, eric moch was wanted and when deputies torment after him he was standing at the gate shouting profanities at them and then ran around to the back got in a silver truck and drove directly at the deputies who had followed him on foot. The deputies opened fire and he crashed into a tree. He was not injured and now faces three charges of attempted officer. A woman is accused of trying to pawn her neighbors tv. She was watching her neighbors house who is a snowbird and he returned home and discovered his tv gone. She admitted to pawning it for monday and was arrested. And updating you on the staffing problems at tampa irs office. People still had to wait up to an irs employee. The agency says more workers would be sent to the office to reduce the wait times but its been three days. And they say they had additional worker there is today

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