Transcripts For WTVT FOX 13 1000 News 20160218 : comparemela

WTVT FOX 13 1000 News February 18, 2016

Would have thought that anyone would find that do that. Make that go out of their way for me. Right then, right there i couldnt believe it he was so helpful i know its such a small thing little thing. Simple thing but it made me smile made me happy made my day share your story. Publix. Where shopping is a pleasure. P i wish she was given the pchoice, you know, to get less pthan a life sentence. P he raped and beat a teen so pbadly nearly eight years ago she pwill never be the same. Pnow her family may be put pthrough more heartache. Pthe Supreme Court decision that pis reopening old wounds. P regardless how controversial pit might be or the artist might pbe or the politician might be, pwe will staff it because we have presponsibility to do that. Paffect her upcoming concert in ptampa. P did ted cruz overtake trump . Pthe new poll numbers that could pshake up the president ial race. P welcome tonight. Pim mark wilson. P im kelly rink. Pthank you for being with us. Pits been nearly eight years psince a High School Senior was praped and had to fight to psurvive. Pshe has been left in a pwheelchair unable to speak. Pthe young man convicteded of the pattack could have his sentence preduced. Phailey is in the news room to ptell us how a Supreme Court pdecision could impact this case. P she was accepted to the puniversity of florida. Pshe was days away from pgraduation and for whatever preason morris targeted her in p2008. Pshe is continuing to fight pthrough the recovery, the pthought that the courts could go ptough blow to her family chlt. P with the caption i will run psome day, this clip captures the pspirit burning inside. Pand here she taking seven steps pin a row. Peven one is a miracle. P we expected her to be an n a pvegetative state and not live pvery long and here she is psmiling and laughing. P two days after her 18th pbirthday she was brutally pattacked outside the library. Phe raped her and robbed her of pthe ability to see, talk or walk pon her own. Pdonations help pay for treatment pcosting 80,000 a year. Pmorris was sentenced to 65 years pfor that crime and for raping panother woman. Pbut a u. S. Supreme court pdecision says sentencing pjuveniles to life or lengthy pso now he will be resentenced pforcing her family to relive ainful memories. Pi know he was very young when he pcommitted the crime, but i feel plike to the degree of brutality pthat he executed it was not a pchilds mind. P a resentencing wont pnecessarily mean less time, it pcould mean more. P he asked for it and he may pvery well get it. Pbased on the crime and the lives phe affected. Pnot just this poor girl that was pbrutalized, but also his family. Pi would not be surprised if he pgets sentenced to life in rison. Rison. P i feel my sister was served a plife sentence against her will pand robbed of her entire life. P i wish she was given the pchoice to get less than a life psentence. Pthe resentencing could go the pother way. Pthe judge will have to go pcase, talking to his family, pwitnesses, experts and the pdefense. Pwe will let you know when that phappens. P thank you so much, haley. P p it is the beyonce performance pthat angered many in the law penforcement community. Pthats new at 10 00. Pshe could be facing some pbacklash in tampa in her pupcoming concert over the song pformation. Pwhy, crystal . P yes, apparently beyonce pticked off police enough that pmany are refusing to work her pupcoming concert april 29th. Olice have two months to fill pthe empty shifts. P beyonce lit the field on fire pat this years super bowl half ptime show. Pbut her performance and new song pformation are taking plenty of pheat. P i thought it was really pattack police officers. P the music video set in new porleans shines a light on police pbrutality. Pit features a wall that says pstop shooting us and she is on ptop of a police cruiser. Pit is some that say is too olitical and unfair. P we live in a society where eople are polarized about their olitics and they probably have pstrong feelings. P and those strong beliefs pspilled over into the work lace. Pover the past couple weeks, no pofficers signed up to work psecurity at the upcoming beyonce pconcert at Raymond James pstadium. Ptypically off Duty Officers take pextra work for games for extra pincome. P this is a couple of months paway so we have plenty of time pto fill those spots. P officers around the nation phave been critical about be yon psay beyonces message. Pis okay for this years half ptime show, the one at the bottom pshould be good for next year, pright . P that would be acceptable if a pwhite band came out in hoods and pwhite sheets in the same sort of pfashion, we would be appalled pand outraged. P tampa Police Officials say pnot having cops in uniform at pthe concert that is expected to psell out is a security risk. P regardless who the artist pmight be or the politician might pbe, we will staff it because we phave responsibility to do that. P and police wouldnt clarify pif officers already assigned to pwork that night could be forced pto work that venue instead. Pthey say they have two months to pfigure things out, but if that pis the case, they will make sure pother areas of the city remain pstaffed that night. P interesting dilemma. Pcrystal clark tonight. Pthanks. P we have an update on the psuspicious package in downtown pthe tampa bomb squad pinvestigated the bag after it pwas found earlier this evening. Pauthorities temporarily closed pstreets in that area as a recaution and police tell us pthe package did not pose a pthreat. Pturned out to be a brief case pmistakenly left behind by psomeone leaving the greyhound pbus station nearby. P a customer comes to the prescue and stops a pharmacy probber knocking him out cold. Pyou can see from the mug shot. Pthat is anthonys mug shot. Pthat customer knew what he was pdoing. Psurveillance footage shows how pit went down. Phe went into the walgreens and pdemanded oxycodone and said he phad a gun, but the customer pstanding off to the side was not pgoing to let him rob the place. Pinstead he gave him a beat down. Pwatch the left of your screen. Pgame on. Pbradenton police were thankful pbut remind people to be safe. P normally i would say dont pget involved, especially when ptheres a weapon involved that papparently the person did not psee a weapon. P and the deal from the florida plegislature plegislature, the senate pjudiciary Commission Says a roposal to allow the 1. 5 pmillion floridians to open carry ptheir handguns has died. Pits among three gun bills that pfail today gain support this psession. Pthe second controversial bill pwould have allowed permit holder ptoss carry their guns on public pcollege and university campuses. Pthe third bill would allow pconcealed weapons to be carried pin airport terminals. P the fire that broke out at pthe first haitian baptist pchurch. Pthe members were inside for pbible study when flames came pthrough the ceiling. Pthankfully everybody got out pokay but the building was puninsured because of its age and pit is a total loss. Pno word on what caused it. P new at 10 00, clearwater pbeach back on top. Ptrip advisor announced the world pfamous beach number one on the pannual list of the top 25 pbeaches in america. P and it didnt do too bad ly pworldwide rankings oort. Pit was the only beach to make pthe top 25 best beach notice the pworld at number 20 worldwide. Palso scoring well, st. Peek pbeach rated number 4. Pwinners are determined by the pquantity and quality of reviews pgathered over a 12month period. Pso excuse me, thats pretty pgood. P the beach has been fantastic. Pthe area thankfully maybe pthey didnt consider the traffic pbecause it wouldnt have been pnumber one. P the boats. P we are getting there. Pyou never know. Pstill to come, va mess ups and pmix ups are hurting our vets. Pwouldnt have electric, i pwouldnt have gas, i couldnt ay my bills. Pthe government cant get it ptogether how the Service Members pare paying a horrible price and pthat story is coming up at p10 30. P lost a lot of sleep. Pi lost over 10 pounds. Pits a lot of pacing at night, plet me tell you. P instead of counting sheep he pwas counting millions. Pmeet the florida couple who won art of the record ball power pball jackpot a few weeks ago. Pjust claimed it today. P a lot of sunshine today. Pmore to come into the weekend. Pthis morning, kind of cool hotos. Plook at the fog over tampa bay. Pyou can see tropicana field. Pfog burned off nicely. Pif you want more sun, nice vo making the most out of every mile. Thats why i got a subaru impreza. Its what makes a subaru, a subaru. 3 according to a new poll. Republican president ial frontrunner donald trump has fallen behind ted p according to a new poll, prepublican front runner donald ptrump has fallen behind ted cruz pin the race. Pnew nbc news poll, wall street pjournal in partnership coming pout as teches tensions between pthe candidates escalate. P the nationwide poll shows ptrump falling behind the texas psenator and shows ted cruz with p28 of the republican primary pvoters. Pdonald trump has 26 . Pthis is a new poll out today. Pflorida senator marco rubio 17 . Pben carson 10 and jeb bush 4 . P this poll suggest it is pmoving away from donald trump pbut you cant always trust the oll olls. Pthis could be an outliar. Pwe dont know. Pwe need more numbers. Plook fort final poll to come out pon friday. Pthat will be our fox 13 poll. Pthat will give us a much better pidea where this race is going. P todays numbers do coincide pwith a Heated Exchange between pthe frontrunners. Phe threaten today sue cruz over pa campaign ad and he says hes rochoice. Pcruz is defending his spot and pchallenging him to go ahead with pthe lawsuit. P after 35 days of wait we go pknow who bought the power ball pticket in melbourne beach. Pa married couple that lives not pfar from that store. Pwell, today after all this time, poffice to claim their prize and pit was interesting they were pless than thrilled to have to pface the media. P one of the first questions pthey got was what took you so plong . Pgood question. Pchris is here with their answer. P yea, kelly, Maureen Smith and pdavid kaul smith said they pneeded time to get their affairs pin order and really needed some ptime to say goodbye to their pold lives which they admit they pwere pretty happy with. P the media laid and wait poutside publix in melbourne pbeach, they laid low. P we just kept quiet. P they knew they had one of pthree Winning Tickets for the plargest prize ever. Pthe 1. 6 billion power ball pjackpot. Pthey kept their secret for a few pweeks and learned even when you pwin big you lose some things. Pi lost over 10 pounds. Pits a lot of pacing at night. P the worry. Pthe worry whats going to happen pto know we are no longer in a pquiet place that im going to pmiss. P on wednesday, 35 days after pthe drawing, they claim forward pto claim their share of the rize. P 528. 7 million. Pthey are taking 328 million in pcash. Pthey are not exactly sure what pthey will do with that money. P he wants to get a new car. P how about you . P i really dont know yet. Pi want to get a massage. P david says he will retire pfrom his engineering job of 34 pyears. Pthats a different story from pthe tennessee couple that won art of the jackpot. Pjohn and Lisa Robinson said they pwill keep their blue collar pjobs. P why not . P thats what weve done all pour lives is work. P they came forward the day pafter the drawing. Pbut we still havent heard from pwinning ticket sold at a 7 11 in pcalifornia. Pmaybe cher taking the david and pmaureen approach waiting, pknowing that having life pchanging money doesnt mean all pthe change will be pleasant. P we have a lot to think about. Pits very stressful. Pits new. P so remember the megagroup in ptampa that pooled their money pand bought 73,000 power ball ptickets for the big drawing pjanuary 13th . Pthey may want to mute the tv. PMaureen Smith bought one ticket laying the same numbers shes layed for 30 years. Pshould i mention the power ball pjackpot is at 189 million for ptonights drawing . P you are going to stir us up pagain. P they seem likeable and they pseem like they are going to do pgood things. Pgive a lot to charity. P we were talking to paul, too. Pim convinced theres a way. Pi think we all thought about it pa couple of months ago p p how do you not be eoples lives have been changed pand not for the better. P give it to the familydog. Pcongratulation pcongratulations. P fantastic. Phe would be happy about the pbones he would get nonstop. P nothing but bone and fillet. P lets talk about the weather. Plooks great. Psunshine continues. Pchanges next week though so pay pattention for early next week. Puntil then we are locked in. Pnice sky tonight. Plast night we had the high pclouds that came in at the right ptime. Pgave all kinds of cool colors to pthe sky. Pthis from billy hudson. Papollo beach. Pnice job by the fountain. Pnice job by the sky and andrew, pbeautiful day today. Pafter the fog burned off, we are pback in the red zone. P75 was the high today. Pmaybe cooler tomorrow and with pwater temperatures still chilly, pwe will get into a spring thing pwhere we will be cooler along pthe coast and noticeably warmer pthis morning there were travel ptrouble with the fog. Ptomorrow morning, i dont think pfog is an issue at all because pthe air mass is dryer and this pbig area of High Pressure will pbuild in from the northwest and retty much guarantee us a dry pforecast for the next five or psix days. Pand then we watch and wait for pchanges early next week. Pvery comfy outside. Pwe have 50s and 60s on the map. P59 in tampa. P61 in st. Pete. P59 in sarasota. P56 tallahassee and mid60s to pour south and the dew points are prunning to the low to mid50s. Pit could be patchy ground fog pfor a time and winds mostly from pthe north northwest. Pwe are 59 and a 53 dew point. Pwinds northwest at 6 miles per phour. Pchilly weather in the east. Pthese are highs for today. Ptampa hit the 75. Patlanta 53. Pwhats interesting to note, hoenix today hit 90. Pthats the earliest theyve hit p90 in their Record Keeping going pback into the early 1900 phundreds. P90 very early to have that phappen in mid february. Pin dallas today was 71. Pin denver it was 68. Ptheres the high as it builds pinto the gulf coast. Pit sits for a couple of days. Plow pressure off the carolina pcoast. Pthe water vapor imagery has lots pof red all the way to the west. Pmy confidence in the forecast is phigh. Pthe only thing we will talk pabout is changing the ptemperatures day by day. Plittle rock 47. Pdallas 58. Pkansas city 53. Pcool tonight but not cold. P40s and low 50s and tomorrow it pwill be a bit cooler near the pcoast with many spots inland peasily in the mid70s. PHigh Pressure moves into the pgulf coast and weakens. Pmoves off the caroline a coast. Pthis is friday into saturday. Plooks good. Pmaybe a few patchy clouds in the pafternoon. Pthats all we got the next pcouple of days. Pdry air now, but watch what phappens early next week. Pthe dry air kind of moves away pand you start getting into some pgreen. Pthat indicates increasing ptropical moisture and a lot of pit with a cold front. Pjet stream is active so by ptuesday and wednesday we could pbe dealing with yet another one pof those nighttime rounds of pshowers and thundershowers and pmaybe a severe risk early next pweek. Pa couple of day toss do that. Pclear and cool, we are down to p50. Pwe have sunshine tomorrow and leasant. Pback up to 70. Pfriday looks good. Pmostly sunny and nice. Pyour weekend looks good. Pif you are heading to the east pcoast for the big race on psunday. Paokay. Ptheres the rain chance tuesday pinto wednesday. Pflorida sun and sand lures pmillions of tourists our way. P one business is steering pclear of the sunshine state. P a lack of incentives is pkeeping big films out of pflorida. Pwhy that matters to all of us pwhen we come right back. P and should apple help the pf. B. I. Hack a terrorist phone . Paffect everybody with an new at ten. The state or p new at 10 00 tonight, the pstate of floridas losing money pby the day. Pthere are three major movies and ptv shows that should be shot phere but they are not being shot phere. Pthats because it cost more to pshoot here than it does in other pstates. P in odessa on the set of an pindependent movie to see how pclose the state is to acting. P the movie being shot in this pmansion may one day win lots of pbig awards. Pbut you can see there a lots of plocal people working on this pfilm. Pand they say they would love to phave more work to do in tampa pbay and they are not going to pget it until the state approves pincentives of big films. P look how many people it takes pto film a scene. P action, cut. P on this indy film, the plights, cameras, tape measures pand slates are manned by locals. Peven the location itself is prented from an odessa homeowner. P even though theres 35 people phere, nobody is tripping over peach other. P the love story is produced by ptampa filmmaker. P we decide today have the pfilming done here because we pcould find all the cast and crew pand all those people. P but local movies is all tampa phad. Pa Ben Affleck Movie with a crew pof 300 is being shot in georgia ause that state offered 6 pmillion in incentives. Pthe new cbs project about ptampas military scene called pfour stars seems headed for plouisiana. Pthat disappoints the owner of pthis location. P everybody who comes in here pis spending money. Pthe people we are working with pare renting hotels, using local pcaterers. P this year a package of pincentives has been wrapped into pa larger economic bill and assed two senate committees, pbut approval may not happen puntil the end of session and the psize of it is still in question. P this year alone i believe pthere are at least three rojects that should have shot pin this area. P florida with the sunshine and pwarm weather is a dream for pfilmmakers. Pbut until the big movie houses pget a break on their budget, pindies may be it. P the exposure would be pwonderful because its giving peveryone a taste of what tampa pbay really is. P and the film Commission Says pit is more optimistic than this pyears past that a deal on pincentives will get done. Pbut mark, as you know this is ptallahassee we are talking pabout. Pso its not done until its pdone. P and by the way, an election pyear. Pright . P and this whole business with pcreating that really was the pline in the sand. P yea, that certainly shocked a plot of people, mark. Pthe question is the thing eople dont want to see is for pthat to happen again p we need those actors here. P i know. P coming up, government mix ups pand delays. Pthey are ruining veterans plives. P sleeping in my truck in a pwalmart parking lot. Pafter all ive gone through . Preally . P the problems plaguing the va pand devastating impa

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