Transcripts For WTVJ NBC 6 South Florida Today At 530am 2016

Transcripts For WTVJ NBC 6 South Florida Today At 530am 20160208

another way to get your burrito fix. find out why chipolte islosing its doors across the nation today. good morning to you, everybody. your time right now is 5:31. i'm eric harryman. >> i'm sheli muniz. it's february 8th and a cold february 8th. >> ryan, you are not talking about records being broken, but still temperatures in the 40s, for most of south florida that's aa chilly monday morning. >> no doubt about it. as we head through the next few days this cool weather pattern will be with us. is is not a brief cooldown, this is a prolonged period of whgt i think is enjoyable weather. we'll see sunshine all the way through. there is the bay. temperatures still cooling off. into the 40s across broward county, stillanging on to 50 at this hour in miami. again, we still have some time to go before sunrise. i think most of us should our low temperatures this monday morning. won't have much in the way of cloud cover in play, maybe just aew passing clouds. the focus on sunshine and warming us up, out of the mid 40s this morning. you need yourunglasses and a jacket for the drive in. temperatures into the upper 50s midmorning, heading into the afternoon hours with below average temperatures, but a mild afternoon. plenty of sunshine. first alert forecast, high of 66. let's check traffic. > few accidents to talk about as you make your way out the door. starting off on i-95 southbound at griffin road. that's where we havee a hit and run crash off to the right shoulder. road ranger here helping them out. that's on the right shoulder. not affecting the local lanes. traffic is getting by just fine and moving up to speed. this is the southbound side of griffin road and i-95. this crash should be clearing within the nee 15 minutes. let's take you over to the maps. we have miami gardens drive eastbound partially blocked off because of an earlier crash with injuries. police activity on the sawgrass, soubound on the ramp to sample road. they opened it and reclosed it. it is closed. the sawgrass expressway ramp southbound at sample road. >> thank you very much. this morning temperatures are dipping way lower than we're used to. >> it is a very co monday morning you're waking up to. some neighborhoods into the 40s. julia bagg is live on miami beach right now. we hate to point out the obvious, you got your scarf on which gives us one indication that south florida is waking up to a chilly start for our week this time around. >> indeed, guys. you heard ryan talk about a wardrobe change, definitely happening on south beach. we're at 49 degrees right now. a light breeze just makes it chilly to the bone. look how quiet it is here on ocean drive. this is near 5th street. mo people, if they were they're long gone, keeping warm. let me show you new video. there are a few brave souls, most of them bundled up and from foreign places, coming to miami anan expecting mild temperatures if not warm temperatures. now some of them telllg me, hey, after this weather, they'll have to make different plans. >> i come back in july, it's better. >> i just talked to sub else a few minutes ago who is not bundled up on south beach this morning. we'll hear from him coming up. you're not going to want to miss this guy. julia bag, nbc 6 news. breing overnight, royal 'mmz caribbean's anthem of the seas sailed into rough waters scaring several passengers enough to ccll relatives. our team found this video here, what you're looking at. a passenger posted this on social media. it shows how much the boat wa rocking. the passenger tweeted the wind our team making phone calls right now to confirm that. a u.s. coast guard officer says the coast guard was nono needed for assistance and we understand the ship is on i i way back to port canaveral. the ship left new jersey and off the coast of the carolinas when it hit rough weather no major damage was reported to the ship. other than some of the furniture moving around, we understand no one was hurt. >> not the way you want your vacation to go. right now it's 5:35. new for you this morning, we're getting our first look at a quartet of armed robbery suspects. look at ththe mugshots that came into our newsroom overnight. police say four people led them on a wild chase through two cities that finally ended in a huge crash. it all started when a woman was ambushed in miami beach. she was mugged along harding avenue. the suspects led a chase to miami shores where they crashed into another police cruiser and hit the gas. >> neighbor's called me. >> they said what's going on out there? i said what are you talking about? they said there's sen police cars out there. i said good, i'll have a look. >> a lot of neighbors confused on how the suspects got away. they say that accident happened on a one-way street in and out of that neighborhood. they're not sure how they didn't get them. they were caught a few hours later in hialeah. a nasty hit and run crash. did you see that? it landed five people in the hospital. it will show again. cameras are rolling. you saw that suv barrelling through, slamming into a group of people. we're happy to report that everyone survived. michael spears is live at jackson memorial hospital. when we last talked to you, you said two people out ofhe five are already out of the hospital. so we are making some progress here. >> we are. family members of the five victims here tell us they have a clear message is morning to that suspected driver. turn yourself in. police say thee driver in this wheel of a white mercedes is 30-year-old jose calzadilla. they say he took off from this crash after barrel nothing that park barrelling into that parked car. this happened early saturday morning around 3:30 a.m. the victims were parked, illegal le park illegally parked according to investigators, but just leaving a liquor store. after they found that white mercedes at a home nearby, the driver was gone. investigators say when they contacted the people at the home, they were not cooperative. two victims have left the hospital. all are expected to live. but we talk about the road to recovery. it's definitely expected to be a long road to recovery. >she's in a lot of pain. she has a broken shoulder, broken toes, she has hole on the side of her buttocks where they dragged her. thf this driver is still out there. if you know anything that could lead to him, call crime stoppers, for now, michael spears, nbc 6 news. your time is 5:38. this morning several cuban famiies are waiting for the a arrival of family members who have been stranded in central america for months. tomorrow the first flight of cuban refugees carrying children and pregnant women will be arriving in mexico. from there they will make that short journey up to the united states. the same journey this family made tatang them 60 days to finally reach their destination.n. just a couple days ago the president of costa rica confirmed an agreement with mexico which helps more than 4,000 stranded cubans leave costa rica and arrive at mexico's border. 5:39. there's still a lot more ahead. coming up, denver celebrating a manning who is grabbing some headlines as fans are sheriff's last ride into and when you'reren hold, your business is on n ld. when you call, a small business expert will answer you in about 30 seconds. no annoying hold music. just a real person, real fast. whenever you need them. so your business can get back to business. sounds like my ride's ready. don't get stuck on hold. reach an expert fastst comcast business. built for business. (donkey sound) (elephant und) there's a big difference between making noise, (tapping sound) and making sense. (elephant sound) (donkey sound) when it comes to social security, we need more than lip service. our next president needs a real plan to keep social security strong. (elephant noise) hey candidates. enough talk. > welcome back. just one more day until the new hampshire primary. bernie sanders holds a double digit lead and hillary clinton took a detour to flint, michigan. former president bill clinton launched a sustained attack on bermenie sanders saying his wife's campaign is smearing her image. switching over to the republicans, donald trump continues to lead the polls by a wide margin there, but marco rubio is facing a bunch of attacks after he rattled off the so the #rubioglitch is trending this morning. the rest of the candidates are hoping to gain ground in the granite state. we have you covered. steve litz will be live in new hampshire to bring you the latest updates on air and online. super bowl 50 had fireworks, flyovers and some sloppy football. >> definitely did not disappoint in the end. when theinal gun sounded, when the game was done, peyton manningame out on top. jay gray reports for us from santa clara, california. >> broncos! >> the whole atmosphere. everybody around. it's unbelievable. >> reporter: firirt the fans went gaga then the lady did. the broncos opened the game with a long drive and field goal and scored again in the first quarter. >> they y t the ball out in the end zone! it's recovered! >> reporter: the panthers got on track to start the second. cutting the lead to just three. before halftime, a long punt return led to a denver field goal giving the broncos a 13-7 lead at the half. a halftime that stted with coldplay. and ended red hot with bruno mars and beyonce ending the show. in the second half, the teams traded field goals. late in the fourth quarter with the panthers down by six, they turned the ball over again. their fourth of the game. the broncososhen pushed the ball across the goal line securing the franchise's third super bowl win and a second super bowl ring for quarterback peyton manning. as the celebration continued on the field, it became very clear that a driving force for these players in the super bowl win was to make sure their leader, the sheriff, had one final championship ride. >> it's just a blessing from god just for him to go out his 18th year in the league and win the right way. >> reporter: manning says he'll take a little time to enjoy this win and talk with his family before deciding his future. jay gray, nbc news, sanqa clara. it is 5:45. good morning to you. all is quiet on live first alert doppler. i don't have any rain in the forecast for the next several days. after a wet period for the fist six weeks or so of the year of 2016, things quieting down. actually the temperature trend getting back to where we would expect in the winter season. here's what we're looking at on the roads this morning. kelly will be up to bat in just a moment with a look at the morning drive. looking at full sunshine, just chilly readings. definitely need the sunglasses. here, prolonged period of sunshine finilly in the forecast. for the next few days, the temperature trend is falling to below average readings. all the while we're not going to give any records a run for their money. it's a rain-free forecast. it carries on into next weekend. for those of you curious when we have the cold snaps, whenen is spring coming? it is about six weeks away. live look into downtown miami. a lot of sunshine. first light in about 45, 50 minutes. that will reveal some beautiful colors and beautiful skies. the winds not too strong. from that northwesterly direction helping to drive the cooler, drier airn place. temperatures will still fall. wait until we g g to another 12 minutes or so, another batch of tempetures? we'll see if miami will dip below 50. everyone heading into the 40s this morning, then we rebound. through the keys today. west. northwest wind at about 15. first alert forecast is filled with sunshine. warm up. so dress on the cool side today. jeans, boots, eaters. 46 this morning. 59 midday. 66 is the high today. for the nee few days we begin to warm up into the mid 60s. do get a reinforcing shot of cooler air that will keep temperatures back into the upper 40s for a few days as well. th morning is mid 40s. not finished with it yet. tomorrow morning 55. back to 48 for the lows on wednesday and thursday. mid 70s should return for the 5:48, here is kelly with >> good morning to you, south florida. if you're headed out the door, that hit-and-run accident on 95 southbound at griffin road. let's show you what it's looking like. off to the right oulder. that's good news. the accident not involving any injuries and not affecting your morning drive. you do not need an alternate no issues on the northbound lanene of 95 and griffin road. over to the maps, we have this one accident onmiami gardens drive eastbound, that's partially block the eastbound lanes of the intersection. emergency crews are still on the scene. be mindful of thad, maybe try to avoid the area. we had police activity on the sawgrass southbound trying to ramp on to sample road that accident has cleared up. >> kelly, thank you very much. this morning one person is dead and six others are hurt after an explosion at a plant just northwest of atlanta. this happened at a feed mill at a chicken farm. and authorities say one of the victims in the hospital is in critical coition. we don't know what the cause of the explosion is just yet. the death toll climbs after a powerful earthquake struck taiwan. so far 30 people have been confirmed killed. apartment leveled by the quake. nearly 500 people have been 121 are unaccounted for. the earthquake was recorded at magnitude 6.4. breaking for you overnight within the last couple of hours, south korea fired a few warning boat. the boat crossed over the boundary line in the yellow sea. that's why this happened. all of this as the north went ahead with a controversial satellite launch, that's what they're telling us. that satellite crossed high overhead very near levi stadium a couple hours after the super bowl was over last night. an emergency u.n. meeting was called to discuss the launch itself. the u.n. security council calling it a dangerous move towards the development of a nuclear weapons delivery system. north korean officials claim it was only a satellite launch. we have new video this morning of a suspected terrorist explosion and created that huge giant hole inside of a plane's cabin. we covered this last week. authorities believe this surveillance video shows two men on the right hand of your screen, you can see handing over a laptop computer to the suspected suicide bomber after he already had passed through the security checkpoint. the laptop exploded on the plane mid flight over africa last week. a man was sucked out of the plane and forced the aircrcrt to make an emergency landing. so far six people have been arrested in connection to this blast. so hopefull you were not planning on getting chipolte for your lunch today. burrito from there. it's not going to happen. all of the restaurants across the nation will be closed today until 3:00 this afternoon. they're all closing their doors so employees at all the restaurants can attend a food safety meeting. the chain is now tightening procedures after recent outbreaks of e. coli and neurovirus linked to their several competitors like taco bell and mo's southwest grill are hoping to capitalize on the down time today. they'll have some special promotions. checking the clock for you. 5:51. orlando police lookingor a gunman who opened fire at a popular club killing two people. and then coming up on nbc 6 look at an ironic is fresh florida shrimp and clams, sererd over rice! it's simple to create a seafood delight. visit for more scrumptious recipes. welcome back. two people are dead this morning and ten others are hurt after gunfire erupted at a nightclub in orlando. three e ople started shooting inside the popular tourist spot called glitz ultra lounge. one person died inside the club and the other victim died at thee hospital. officials do say that 300 people were inside at the time of the attack. e gunmen are still on the run this mornrng. right now police are looking for a pair of armed carjackers. police say the duo robbed a car early sunday morning near northwest 13th avenue and 38th street in little havana. the victim said she was confronted by two men with knives, about six feet tall and weighing 170 pounds. if you have any information call crime stoppers out of they say an act of kindness goes a long what. it's true for a deputy whose selfless acts bring joy to the community. this is deputy morris frocker. he bringsvisits homeless communities on his own time bringing them food and clothing. he pays for it all. the people at the camp consider him an old friendnd he is already eligible for retirement but he says he doesn't plan to do so now. his focus is on helping pele. >> that is terrific. you know they know when he is going to be arriving. they know him and they know what he brings. that's fantastic to have that unii. working on more for our next hour of news, including this rveillance video capturing the moment a vehicle plows into a parked car as passengers are standing next to it this morning, seven people are in the hunt for that driver. and gas prices take another dip. what it will cost to you fill up this morning as you head out the door. no one will want to stand around and fill up this morning. it's too cold for that. we have temperatures now settling back into the mid 40s. 47 now in pembroke pines. 46 in pompano beach. let's scroll another, shall we? oakland park at 45. one of the cooler mornings we've had this winter season. the bottom line is it's a chilly start. let's make sure the kids are ready for that at bus stop or drop off. mid to upper 40s. even into the afternoon hours, not an impressive warm up. lower to mid 670s at that point. we like the sunshine all the way through. upper 50s by 11:00 a.m. today's first alert forecast high of 66. not just one or two days we're below average, we have a >> you are watching nbc 6 south florida todada weather and your traffic. good morning to you. i'm sheli muniz.

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