Transcripts For WTVJ NBC 6 South Florida Today At 430am 2016

Transcripts For WTVJ NBC 6 South Florida Today At 430am 20160216

we are watching the line of storms come together here. i think the best rain chances will come during the morning commute. i think the line will begin to weaken just a touch as we get the tail end heading towards us during the morning drive. it's a warm andhumid morning. storm chances out of here by midday. ice afternoon with highs at 82 and even better weather tomorrow. ore on that in just a bit. right now the traffic with kelly >> good morning south florida. thank you for joining us. we have no major accidents at th time. but we do have construction. fhp is reporting a couple lanes blocked off on the palmetto expressway southbound around the area of northwest 122nd street. that's out of camera view as you approach northwest 122nd street. now issues as you make your way towards the gratignyny or i-75 this morning. let's take you to our first alert camera here right at southwest 8th street. nobody is getting by at that ramp. we'll take you on to our maps and we have jua who will give i want to give you 4hose alternates this morning. southwest 17t avenue, breck el avenue and biscayne avenue are your best bet until it reopens. julia bagg is live at the scene of an accident t tat happened almost 24 hours ago -- rather yesterday afternoon. what can you tell us and how much has been accomplished? >> sheli, what left of that smashed garbage truck is gone from hoe they marchti park. let me give you an idea by showing you the video from yesterday. incredibly this truck taking a tumble to the ground from that southwest 7th street exit. you'll know it if you drive south on i-95 trying to make it to the brickell area, very you heard klly blanco telling you it's going to be closed this morning. it's a big cleanup job. the driver in the hospital, kassim smith. the last word that he's in serious condition there at jackson memorial hospital. meanwhile, nobody else, even though thisslace was full of kids playing games, thererare basketball courts here. they are the ones who heard what happened. >> we justfinished a game and we were sitting on the benches. we hed a loudud noise. we look up and then we see the garbage truck just fall. >> reporter: of course this morning with rush hour traffic returning after the holiday yesterday, this place is still we're going to show you what else we're learning about what's happening here coming up in or next half hour. live in downtown miami, julia bagg, nbc 6 news. nbc 6 making calls overnight to find out how one woman is doing after she was shot. bso says the woman and a man dark colored suv who tried to rob them. as the suspects drove away, we're told at least one shot was fired at the victims. the woman was hit. she's in the hospital. her condition is unknown. as we continue to get more information, we will update you on the air and always update you using our nbc 6 news and weather app. this morning police investigating a double shooting that happened in miami. two women were found dead near a duplex near northeast 75th street and miami court. we brought you this as breaking news last night. police still have not confirmed the victim's identities. families say one is this woman, 44-year-old shalonda lln. investigators are looking for the public's help to findut what happened there. if you know anything, call crime stoppers. 305-471-tips. a scary ride for a reversed into her neighbor's home. the honda went straight back across the street landing in the garage. you see this video here. a neighbor heard what sounded like an explosion. he ran over when he saw the garage filled with smoke. >> i ran in there like g.i. joe, kicked the door in, kicked the window in and got her out. >> he was so brave. he jumped in and kicked the windshield out. >> claudette says she has small sclaeps and bruises. but she'll be fine. >> it dodo sound like a g.i. joe moment. today the u.s. signs an agreement with cuba to restart commercial flights between the two countries. the deal would allow u.s. airlines to bid on dozens of daily flights, that's five times more than the current number of charter flights out of cuba. flights from cuba since the 1959 revolution. for the first time in more than a half century a presidential administration has approved a u.s. factory on the island. the decision allows a two-man compy from alabama to build their tractor plant in a special economic zone in cuba. we brought you this story earlier last year when we caught up with these two men who own this tractor company in alabama. as they were waiting for their ap rovell to build in cuba, you can seee their story at any time on our nbc 6 news and weatherer app. former president bill inton campaigning for his wife in south florida. he went to an art gallery in wynwood andearlier he was stumping in riviera beach. he wasn't the only former commander in chief outon the trail. george w. bush was campaigning for his brother jeb in south carolina. for nbc 6, dan shin man reports. jeb bush got help on the campaign t til in south carolina former president george w. bush with choice words for gop front runner donald trump. >> in my experience the strongest person usually isn't the loudest one in the room. >> reporter: for his part, the billionaire dismissed jeb bush's campaign. >> [ inaudible ]. >> reporter: at a news conference trump repeated his attacks aimed at another rival, ted cruz. >> he doesn't have the right to serve as president or even run as president. he was brorn inorn incanada. >> reporter: senator cruz dismissed trump andd insisted it was a sign of desperation. on the democratic side, former secretary of state hillary clinton focused on saturday's caucus in nevada, hoping to rebound after her loss in new hampshire to bernie sanders who she belelves he's only concerned with wall street. bernie sanders took his campaign he said he met with families affected by the water crisis in flint. >> i've just come from a meeting which was one of the more difficult meetings that i have ever attended. >> reporter: analysts believe the flint water crisis is an issue that resonates with africacaamerican voters across the country. dan sheneman, nbc news. >> political reporter steve l lz traveling to south carolina ahead of friday. his handle is @stevenbc'6. we're hearing reports from a ssing child. police are looking for 6-year-old ashley jade martinin last seen in the area of the 200 block of southwest 14th avenue in miami. no word on what she was wearing at this point. we or waiting on a better we're hearing she may be with lilly eugenia hatton. here is a liveook from our first alert camera. meteorologist ryan phillips tracking things for you. >> we have showers and storms off to our west. you may be able to see some of the lightning here. these are big storms moving across collier county up to henry and glades county. we or watching the radar with the showerss moving off to the east-northeast. they may have the potential to produce tornadoes and the potential to produce some hail. they're moving off to the east-northeast along and north of i-75 here, alligator alley. we're immediately in the metro area dry, warm and cloudy. i expect our rain chances not to kick in for another solid 1:45 at least. here is the big picture. we're not inside the tornado watch. the nastiest weather starting to congeal across centraflorida. we'll get rain, it should be on the front end of the day. i think by the afternoon hours we begin to clear out. it will be a split day. we'll divide it in half with the chances kicking in after 6:00, carrying into the lunch hour. take an umbrella with you this morning, extra patients if you're a commuter between 7:00 and 9:00 a.m. we'll check the radar in just a few minutes. right now to traffic with kelly. >> good morning, south florida. thank you for joining us. with all that happen yesterday with that waste truck that fell off the i-95 southbound overpass near southwest 17th street, we have julia bagg live telling us how it will affect your morning ride this morning. the ramp is still completely shut down. southwest 17th avenue, brickell avenue orr biscayne boulevard, to get around that entire area. if you're trying to get out the do you know on the dolphin expressway, 836 e estbound near northwest 57th avenue, that's where you'll find a couple lanes blocked off. on the palmetto as well. northbound on northwest 122nd street. we'll tlk about broward county in a couple minutes. your time 4:42. still ahead for you, millions of people roit now under a weather advisory, snow, tornadoes, flooding threaten certain parts of the country. we're tracking all that extreme weather coming up. find out where pope francis iseading today and the message he brings with him. florida, as you well know, find out what age right now we're tracking this line of storms coming across. florida at the moment. ryan has your first alert forecast in about two minutes. pope francis looking forward to a busy day ahead as he begins to wrap up his visit to mexico. the pope will head to juarez where he'll be visit ag prison and holding a mass as well. the holy father took time to meet with families that live in mexico. while listening to testimony, some members of the crowd lifted a child in a wheelchair onto the stage. thee pope then blessed that child which, as you can imagine, was blessed by a huge round of applause. the pontiff is expected to depart mexico back to rome later tonight. nbc 6 reporter laura rodriguez is covering the pontiff's trip to mexico. you can look for live reports on the air today at 5:00 and you can follow her journey on a warmup is finally expecte today for the northeastern states. it won't be all sunshine. temperatures can be from five to 0 degrees above average, forecasters predicting lots of rain which could then lead to flooding problems. some states are still thawing out after seeing record low temperatures including boston hitting minus nine and western new york seeing negative 37. states facing the aftermath of the storm system which brought a fresh coat of snow, tornadoes, power outages and tons of traffic. in mississippi several communities there saw severe thunderstorms. some people suspect several tornadoes actuallll touched down destroyinin trees and forcing students at some school to take cover. the national weather service has yet to confirm tornadoes in those areas. so far only minor injuries have been reported. back here in florida, suspected tornadoes touched down across the panhandle as part of the an apparent twister touched down west of pensacola and destroyed at least ten homes. no serious injuries. crew also be out today to assess the damage. >> now first alert weather with meteorologist ryan phillips, south florida's most accurate forecast. another great day to have the nbc 6 news and weather app. you can go to the home street and convert your start screen from news to weather. it's great for a morning like this. it gets your attention as you look across alligator alley. storms on the move. we are not under any tornado watches, warnings, nothing. no advisories here in south lorida. the weather is prettyctive not toto far away. we'll ke an eye on it. we want you to stay weather aware as you begin your tuesday morning. our rain chances begin to beef up into the 6:00 a.m. hour. this storm in particular certainly the potential for large hail locked in north of i-75, north of alligator alley, moving to the east-northeast. the trajectory of this will keep it out of the metro area right now. we'll watch it carefully. this is a monster storm first thing this morning, all the components to produce really nasty weather moving through collier county away from the naples area. prolific lightning maker. if your travels take you across alligator alley this morning, i would probably hold off on that as the storms march off to the st. immediately in the metro area, not much happening at this hour. we'll watch for the trend to include more wet weather as we get into the meat of the morning commute. a lot of this activity moving to the east-northeast. not immediately threatening the % metro area. it's been a warm and breezy overnight. skies are mostly cloudy. watching this tornado watch that's in effect. this goes until 8:00 a.m. we were never included in this. we'll monitor the line of storms to see if they hold together. u're noticing that secondary line catching up with the first lino. this will congeal into one line as it pushes off to the east. the strongest of the weather is still up the road from us. it's something we'll keep an eye ochblt there will be a clearing tree that will kick in late morning towards the lunch hour and things will get better as the day goes on. 73 in miami, 75 in ft. lauderle. the front end of the d, showers and thunderstorms likely. the rain ends by the lunch hour. then we begin too clear out this afternoon in the wake of the cold front. in the next few days we get nice weather in here after we hit a high of 82 today. humidity drops, sunshine abundant abundant, highs in the mid 70s into mid and late week. let's see how the roads are shaping up. here is kelly blanco with an update. right now this morning no accidents to report in i'm sure you heard about this. a garbage truck a little after 5:00 p.m. drdring on i-95 southbound, the overpass by the exit of southwest 7th street. riing through guard rail and plunging down about 100 feet right into jose marti park area. they're telling us it will be shut down for a few more days. you canan see what happened from this video. let's take you over here. this ramp is completely blocked off. we'll take you to the maps for the alternates. southwest 17th avenue, brickell avenue or biscayne boulevard. a lot of you take southwest 7th to avoid the traffic, you'll have to stick to these amend nats until the ramp opens back up. ten minutes to the top of the hour. this morning the death toll has risen following several air strikes in syria. the u.n. says close to 50 people incding kids died during we're told many more were injured whehethe missiles hit at least five hospitals in two schools. this isisll happening in northern syria. this video capturing the moment immedidtely after one of those strikes hit a hospital financed by doctors without borders. moscow says it is only targeting terrorist groups there. the colorado planned parenthood targeted in a shooting three months ago is back open. it's getting repairs. you can still see bullet holes in the building. there are new security measures in place now that it's open. three people died and nine were injured in that attack after a gunman bursted into that clinic shooting at police during a five-hour standoff. activist clive en bundy will be in court today.. in 2014 he forced a release of his son ammon was recently arrested after leading a month-long armed occupation of an oregon wildlife refuge. as washington prepares to say farewell to justice and to anyone scalia. both parties are fighting over whether president obama has the right to appoint a nominee. democrats, of course, want president obama to confirm a new nominee before he leaves office. senate majority leader mitch mcconnell says he will not consider a nomination until the next president takes office. the white house spokesperson says they'll nominate a replacement next week. this morning there will be a series of coast guard meetings regarding the sinking of el faro last fall after being overwhelmed by a category 4 hurrirane. all 33 crew members that were on board died. now the coast guard wants to questions, among them, whether misconduct, negligence or shoddy safety inspections contributed ininany way to that ship going down. it's crashes like hit-and-runs thatave state troopers launching a new campaign. florida highway patrol started their new initiative this week hoping people will come forward when it comes to this crashes. just in florida more than 92,000 height and run crashes occurred. >> is sad we have so many people down here willing to leave the scene like nothing ever happened. >> if you happen to be in or witness a hit-and-run, police are urging you to call your respective crimestoppers numbers. dash cams are becoming more affordable and more popular. >> they're cheap and everybody wants to get one for a variety of reasons. these days there's really no telling who is watching you when nbc 6 anchor trina robinson has more on that. >> a quick stop for a cup of coffee at a panera in the tampa bay area and a fender bender. tampa mom kim kelly got her dash cam for christmas. it didn't take long before it captured this video. >> that' the thing, it can't be disputed. >> because dash ms are more affordable, they're growing in popularity. even law enforcement believes if used properl it can only help an investigaon. >> who actually did run the red light? setimes -- who was at the stop sign first, who had right-of-way. >> kim kelly told me the man who backed into her was super cooperative and cut a check for damages. now she's ready for a rear-facing da cam. because she says you never know what you might see on our roadways. >> i see things. i see potential accidents, people racing. >> now you can catch it all on camera. trina robinson, nbc 6 news. >> then you see it on the news. >> we talked about it yesterday. always assume you're on camera. always. >> time is 4:55. brothers whwh use their welcome back. another winter blast is hitting millions of americans. the brothers we're about to see don't see the snow as nsance. >> this took time, energy and creativity. an inspiration to make something so amazing and all for a good cause. nbc's kevin tibbles explains. >> reporter: from the depths of the frigid vortexe that is the snow octopus. it's taking over the barts' family's front yard. >> the parents are drive by and the e ds will be in the back seat like, mom, stop. >> reporter: for fiveyears, the barts brothers have been turning the fluffy white stuff many of us dread into wintery works of art. always with a watery theme because they like to fish. >> when we're not ice fishing, we're out here working on a scululure. >> reporter: they've created everything from a puffer fish and a walrus to a sea turtle and a shark, although this year's octopus is the most ambitious yesterday, 500 hours to complete, 150 tons of snow and a tentacle that winds ovv mom and dad's front steps. >> it's really, really, real, really cool. >> reporter: folks come from >> it's marv house. >> how many legs does an act pus have? >> one, two, three, four, five. >> reporter: so far they've raised over $8,000 to provide clean water in haiti. that's something parents everywhere could wrap their arms around around. kevin tibbles, nbc news, new bright ton, minnesota. that should be the title of his new book, you don't make life memories by playing video games. >> that cleanup might be interesting. the nbc 6 news at 5:00 starts right now. breaking right now out of littl havana. we're hearing reports of a missing child. police are looking for 6-year-old ashley jade martinez. we're hearing she might be with lilly eugenia hatton. we have more pictures from nbc 6 reporter michael spears who is covering this story right now. we'll be talking with him and getting an update on where the little girl was last seen and what police are doing moving forward as they continue to search for her. >> it is tuesday, february 16th. we're also following the radar. a look at south florida's only live radar. you u n see a line of storms, but not in miami-dade or broward, at least for now. >> a lot of red and yellow means not good things headed in our direction. >> that's right. a lot of it locked inland first thing this morning. pretty nasty storm moving to the east-northeast right along alligator alley. we are currently ouide any if you're wondering what these circles are, we're looking at low level and mid level lowation in these storms. these are potent storms across collier r unty and henry county. maybe if you're along the saw grass in western broward county, you can see all the lightning produce friday the storms. south florida's only live doppler radar keeping us dry for now. the tornado watch for a sliver of central florida and into southwest florida if we can jump over to the other sourcrc we're reducing the severe weather threat on the west coast. we're beginning to merge these lines together. as we get throughd the morning commute, i think we'll start to see showers and thunderstorms. this cell in particular will move off to our north here just outside the metro area. again, be weather aware. bank on some showers and a few storms during the morning drive. the best part is we'll divide the day in two. our best storm chancelso be

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