Transcripts For WTVJ NBC 6 South Florida News At 5pm 2016030

Transcripts For WTVJ NBC 6 South Florida News At 5pm 20160308

transaction going on, it could be anything. >> reporter: there's no doubt neighbors hate waking up to situations like this, but say they can't stop it. >> what can you do. >> reporter: they say there are great people living there. but it's a few making poor choices, putting everyone elle in danger. >> sometimes you deal with the wrong people, that's what you get, you know. >> reporter: no word of who the victim is, or any descriptions of any suspects. but of course, i i you know anything, if you think you can help the lauderdale police department, call broward crimestoppers. bobby brooks, nbc 6 news. >> bobby, thank you. nbc 6 is everywhere. this time at the scene of an fbi raid at little havana salon pharmacy. that's near west flaglerer street and 18th avenue. the office of the inspector general said their crews teamed up with agents with the fbi to execute a search warrant of the several people. those details coming up at 6:00. in the race for the white house, all eyes are on toy's primaries. bernie sanders and republican john kasch need to do well, but both are long shots in that state. hillary clinton and donald trump dominate the polls. along with m mchigan voters are picking their candidates in three other states as well. but candidaes are also focusing on florida. decision day here is just one week away. nbc 6 reporter steve litz joins us where sanders is holding a campaign event tonight. steve? >> reporter: hi, jawan. 7:00 is the start time. you have hunureds of sanders supporters here in miami, eager to hear from their favorite candidate. bernie sanders spent much of the day in michigan, that's where primaries are under way right now. but it didn't stop him from florida. >> we are off and unning. we're on our way to florida right now. we're going to be in illinois soon. we're going to be in ohio soon. we think we're really strong out on the west coast. california, oregon, state of washington. we think we've got a good shot in new york state. we think we have a real path toward victory. >> reporter: senator sanders, lots of travel plans ahead of him. meantime, on the republican side, donald trump did an interview early this morning with nbc 6, our anchor team. they covered a variety of topics. also, a new ad out today. it is a campaign video by a superpac that is anti-donald trump and it calls him out on his choice of words. >> this an exclusive interview on nbc of today, donald trump told our morning anchor team he does favor warming relations >> i am, after 50 years, you know, it's been 50 years, i would like to see a better deal than obama's making. obama's not making a very good deal as i see it. i would certainly be open to it. i think it's time. reporter: today voters in michigan and three other states are taking part in primaries and caucuses, with the next big prize being florida's win-or-take-all primary one week from today. >> he gets the nomination, they'll sue his [ bleep ]. >> reporter: a blistering campaign video by an anti-trump political action committee takes the billionaire to task over his >> [ bleep ]. >> what the hell are with edoing? >> the best words. you can tell them go [ bleep ] themselves. >>8reporter: the ad, along with the republican establishment, are trying to stump trump as he steams toward the gop nomination. most agree senator marco rubio remain viable. trump swiped at the senator during this morning's interview. >> rubio's doing very badly. he's been a very bad representative of the people of florida. a horrible representative if you look at it. and doesn't get much worse of the he never votes. he nef shows up to vote practically. >> reporter: a live look out of sarasota,na, over op the west coast. that is a rally for@ marco rubio, expected to take the stage here in a couple of minutes. he'll deliver his remarks and then he will move on because senator rubio has plenty of ground to cover. stader did a one-on-one interview with rubio, and the senator's other half, his wife, she campaigned for the senator today. an exclusive look at that. coming up at of clock. i'm steve litz nbc 6 news. hillary clinton holds a according to a new nbc "wall street journal" poll. the former secretary of state lds an edge over sanders among those 50 and older, nonwhites and women. sanders leads clinton among independents, liberals and those younger fan 50. clinton kee a low profile ahead of tomorrow's democratic debate where she will face off with sanders of the the debate will be held at 9:00 p.m. i will be anchoring from the debate and we'll have live coverage starting at 5:00 p.m. right here on nbc 6. an american tourist is stabbed to death in the latest wave of palestinian attacks in israel. they also wounded six others before police shot and killed him. it happened in jafa where vice president joe biden was meeting with the israeli prime minister. it's the latest bloodshed in ily palestinian assaults. the vice president will try to revive the peace talks. it looks like president obama is ready to take another step on the path towards normamazing relations between the united states and cuba. there are reports that the obama administration will announce more measures to ease travelnd trade restrictions ahead of the president's historic visit to the island. the changes will reportedly make it easier for americans to travel to cuba. this will likely not sit well with critics that say the obama administration has already conceded too much to the cuban government without getting enough in return when it comes toto human rights. the president is expected to be accompanied by at least 20 federal lawmakers during his visit to cuba which be gibbs march 2 1. the nuclear power plant is polluting biscayne bay. concerned about the impact. tony? >> reporter: yeah, concerned about drinking water, aut well water being unfit for irrigation, about the delicate ecosystem around biscayne pay. florida power & light said they will try to prevent any impact. water used to cool the power station is supposed to stay confined to the 5 by 2 mile cooling canal system. but a new study giving the county commissioners confirms the industrial wastewater is entering biscayne bay, and people are concerned. >> we cannot accept excuses and let fpl continue to pollute. >> fpl must be responsible for eaning up their own mess. >> reporter: commissioner rebecca sosa on the case for years is frustrated things are getting worse. happenini, and every time they ask for permission to throw more and more and more water, it's not solving anything. >> reporter: so county mayor carlos jimenez -- >> we shouldn't be talking about anymore. we need to solve it. we nene to stop the intrusion of the saltwater into our wellfield. we need to stop the pollution of the bay. >> reporter: to environmentalists, the problem is clear. >> the study that came out last night shows conclusively that the cooling canal water is polluting and contaminating biscayne bay. >> you're talking about phosphorous, high sa linity, which obviously causes impact to all of the wildlife that's in the area. >> reporter: as for fpl -- >> thead news is that it's spread farther than we assumed. >> what are you going to do about it? >> the same thing we've been doing the last six yrs. we're working with the agencies, collaborating with what the right actions are. >> a county official said a new notice of violation was likely coming, followed by another agreement with fpl, promising to do more. the county connected the pollution to the plant by tracing elevated levels of a radioactive isotope from the coming water canal to tidal waters in the bay. but kont be alarmed by the whole radioactive water thing, the concentration in the canal and in the bay are very low. a level the epa said is safe for even drinking water, but high enough to conclusively show plant water is getting into the bay. reporting in the studio, nbc 6 news. >> tony, thank u. we're following more breaking news, happening out of ft. lauderdale of a water main break happening there. at 2115 north ocean boulevard. >> this is near the pelican grand hotel. two inside lanes are closed down. one lane only getting through in each direction. the workers there are trying to right now we're not seeing a lot of water op thth street but it is causing a problem. you might want to steer cheer of that area. more on the story on the news and weather app. the trial in the death of freddie gray. prosecutors want william porter to testify against five fellow officers. it means the trials of those officers can move forward. sorter's first trial ended in a hung jury back in december. he will be retried after his colleagues go on trial. fray diedgray died last april. psecutors say he was transported without a seat belt op and initially denied medical attention. it led to days of riots and protests in the city. the world healthh organization say the sexual transmission of the zika virus is more common than the experts originally thought of the they that the virus is causing a spike in birth defects. the agency said last month it kobs stuts a global emergency. they've recorded 50 known cases of the virus, although all are travel related and four involved pregnant women. teachers at a ft. lauderdale school mourning the loss of their leader. the principal of the elementary school died from injuries after a weekend motorcycle crash. the 48-year-old was a passenger on a harley-davidson when the bike rounded a kufb and ran off the road. much more ahead on nbc 6. new information op the terrifying train wreck. find out what causese the commuter train to get knocked off the tracks and land in the water water. a police officer walks into the path of danger when the driver does the unexpected. no rain, a bit of (donkey sound) (elephant sound) thers a big difference between making noise, (tapping sound) and makingngense. (elephant sound) (donkey sound) when it comes to social security, we need more than lip service. our next president needs a real plan to ep social security strong. (elephant noise) hey candidates. enough talk. a driver opened fire on the ofoicer who pulled him over. >> what's up, man? >> the driver quickly took off sparking a dangerous high-speed chase through the neighborhood in kalamazoo, michigan. they nabbed the suspect with the cops still don't know why the shooter opened fire. sdmnchs also, a commuter train flew into a creek. the crash happening in the wee hours of the night in northern california. mother nature may, may be to blame. for those details, we send it over to nbc 6 anchor adam kuperstein live in the newsroom. >> nine people were injured here, four@ seriously after the train derailed near strans. and now we're learning what likely caused it. it's beingng called an absolute miracle that no one was killed. >> it shifted the gravity all of a sudden. we were all just panicking. >> reporter: a four-car commuter train derailed. sliding down a steep embankment and plupging into a rain-swollen creek. >> it slid for quite a while. i wasn't sure if we were going to turn over or not. stable, i starred listening for the screams. people were crying for help. >> reporter: authorities say the expressrain was traveling from san jose to stockton when it struck a tree lying on the tracks sending the lead car into the water. rescuers battled the fast-flowii current to pull victims to safety. >> there was definitely water coming in at the farthest part that was down in the water self. >> reporter: one woman had to be rescued from the mud. she was trapped beneath the second rail. >> the train was hanging. >> reporter: authohoties believe a mudslide may have pushed that tree onto the tras causing the whole incident. passengers say rain was coming down hard just before the derailment. part of a series of thunderstorms that had inundade the san francisco area in recent days. >> workers hope to remove the train and clear the tracks by the end of today. kuperstein, nbc 6 news. looking good weather-wise in south florida. the humidity has crept up ever so slightl we still don't see rain on the radar. the first alert cam along hollywood beach, it really shows you that high surf due to the onshore breeze. we've had gusts today to 29 miles per hour. and i would expect tomorrow as well as thursday for us to see wind gusts possibly well over 30 miles an hour, to about 35 miles per hour. so this is going to continue. and it is pretty dangerous to head into the surf with these conditions. here are your weather headlines now heading into this evening. gain, gusty winds-the in ex two days as temperature and humidity values creep up. our next chance for a cold front won't will until next wee temperatures are expected to be warmer as the week progresses. ft. lauderdale, pompano beach and 76 in key west. the dew point still quite tolerable. yesterday the values were in the low to mid-50s. today they're in the mid to upper 50s in the mainland and low 60s in the florida keys. that will increase gradually as the week koits. high pressure has moved further off the coast of the carolinas. it continues to generate the onshore breeze. the nexsystem is really far away. as a matter of fact, it's centered in old mexico here. it will take a few days to cross texas and eventually head towards florida of the that's our next chance for a cold front. again, i'm talking next week here. ininhe meantime there's a risk for severe weather tonight. there are tornado watches in effect for parts of louisiana, the@ arklatex here as well as the houston metro area at this hour. f us, things looking nice. again, we have some patchy clouds comingng this with a breeze. this will continue on and atmosphere, too dry for the clouds to yield any rain. here's the forecast now for the next few days. again, partly supy, wednesday, thursday, a few more clouds trids andnd saturday. breezy to windy the next several days. i think it will wait until sunday to introduce some rain in the forecast. that will continue on into monday the mid-80s by then. this evening, this is what you can expect. it will l a mild start to the evening with an easterly breeze. temperatates overnight not to drop below 70 degrees. that's above normal. tomorrow's high near 81. not a bad forecast, all in all. >> thank you, john. not at all sglsmts most of us lock ourselves outof the car. how your smart phone is onef the many ways to unck the problem. coming up at 6:00, an nbc 6 investigation, a trip to the hospital. what your insurance won't pay for. why you may not if you've ever locked yourself out of your car, you're not alone. aaa gets calls from about 4 million motorists every year. half a million more than just a few years ago. beg in a hurry is one of the most common reasons car thieves end up in the wrong place at a wrong time. >> in a panic, in a rush, not wanting to be late, locked my >> my car was running. and i locked the ors by mistake. >> reporter: don't panic. many gas stations can help. alex hernandez does, inflating a bloopnd slipping a long hook into the door to unlock it. he has a if record of rescuing keys. >> 99% o o the time we can. >> reporter: but what if you're locked out with no gas station nearby? first, think about your safety. do you think you're in danger, call 9-1-1. the police may be able to unlock the car doors themselves or will find someone who is else. >> reporter: if you're in a safe spot take advantage of aaa or any free roadside assistance program you have. >ake sure they have the right equipment to unlock your car. keep in mind that you'll probably have to pay for it yourself. >> it cost $125. and about an hour and a half late for work. >> reporter: consider these high-tech solutions. a keypad with a code comes on some models of ford, lincoln and mercury. ke gm's onstar that costs around $200 a year. you can call an 800 number and a technician clicks open your door. there are also apps that let you open the car with your phone. of course, that will work if the phone is in the car with your keys. having an extra key may seem old school, but it's tried and true. get a discree metal box, attach it to the exterior of your car, stash a key in your wallet or purse, or have a family member or friend keep one for you. >> i'm so forgetful with everything. >> really is this my car is for dumb people, i can't lock myself out. news at 5:30 continues next. the stories coming up at 5:30. >> a school bus is supposed to be a safe place, of course, right? but children on their way to school in houston got caught in a perilous predicament. details on that ahead. away from a plane crash live, this is nbc 6 south florida, breaking news. we're following breaking stories right now. the first along i-95 in broward county where police have reopened all south bound lanes due to a car fire. that's broward boulevard due to the car fire. that scene is now cleared. also we're following breaking news from a similar crews on the scene of a water main break in the 2100 block of north ocean boulevard near the pelican grand hotel. look at this scene. two lanes in each direction are blocked because of it. you could expect some clays. if possible, avoid the area deer rush hour. as of now, no water service interruptions have been reported. but if we find out about anything there, any updates, we'll let you know on nbc 6 and the nbc 6 news and weather app. a dog in distress. recering an animal services, a pooch saved by quick-thinking hire rose after it drowned. >> resonateing throughout the community. amanda explains howhere's a rush to reunite the golden lab with its owners. trs this furry poh lily is getting a rest after a stressful day yesterday. she almost drned in a canal. >> i think it was heroic for them to get her. here for sure. >> reporter: these are the brave men who saved lily's life. they saw the dogs swimming this distress for at least 20 minutes in a canal. >> probably about two strokes away from her, he head was starting to dip in the water. i think had we waited a little bit longer, it may not have had a happy ending. >> reporter: miami-dade fire rescue's technicalal rescue team was able to jump in and retrieve the strugglin golden retriever. >> there was no fight. it was kind of a relief once i was able to put the rescue buoy under her. >> reporter: she's feeling better, and has a healthy appetite back. the lovable dog has hip and arthritis issues due to old age. >> she was doing so much exercise to try to maintain above water, that she probably is exhausted >> reporter: the pooch was estimated to be between 10 and

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Miami , Florida , United States , New York , Louisiana , Texas , Illinois , California , Oregon , Stockton , Michigan , Washington , District Of Columbia , San Francisco , Carolinas , Chihuahua , Mexico , Israel , Havana , Ciudad De La Habana , Cuba , Florida Keys , Houston , Ohio , Broward County , Hollywood Beach , Americans , Israeli , Palestinian , American , Cuban , Marco Rubio , Alex Hernandez , Rebecca Sosa , Clinton Kee , William Porter , Joe Biden , Broward Crimestoppers , Steve Litz , Hillary Clinton , Carlos Jimenez , Bernie Sanders ,

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Transcripts For WTVJ NBC 6 South Florida News At 5pm 20160308 :

Transcripts For WTVJ NBC 6 South Florida News At 5pm 20160308

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transaction going on, it could be anything. >> reporter: there's no doubt neighbors hate waking up to situations like this, but say they can't stop it. >> what can you do. >> reporter: they say there are great people living there. but it's a few making poor choices, putting everyone elle in danger. >> sometimes you deal with the wrong people, that's what you get, you know. >> reporter: no word of who the victim is, or any descriptions of any suspects. but of course, i i you know anything, if you think you can help the lauderdale police department, call broward crimestoppers. bobby brooks, nbc 6 news. >> bobby, thank you. nbc 6 is everywhere. this time at the scene of an fbi raid at little havana salon pharmacy. that's near west flaglerer street and 18th avenue. the office of the inspector general said their crews teamed up with agents with the fbi to execute a search warrant of the several people. those details coming up at 6:00. in the race for the white house, all eyes are on toy's primaries. bernie sanders and republican john kasch need to do well, but both are long shots in that state. hillary clinton and donald trump dominate the polls. along with m mchigan voters are picking their candidates in three other states as well. but candidaes are also focusing on florida. decision day here is just one week away. nbc 6 reporter steve litz joins us where sanders is holding a campaign event tonight. steve? >> reporter: hi, jawan. 7:00 is the start time. you have hunureds of sanders supporters here in miami, eager to hear from their favorite candidate. bernie sanders spent much of the day in michigan, that's where primaries are under way right now. but it didn't stop him from florida. >> we are off and unning. we're on our way to florida right now. we're going to be in illinois soon. we're going to be in ohio soon. we think we're really strong out on the west coast. california, oregon, state of washington. we think we've got a good shot in new york state. we think we have a real path toward victory. >> reporter: senator sanders, lots of travel plans ahead of him. meantime, on the republican side, donald trump did an interview early this morning with nbc 6, our anchor team. they covered a variety of topics. also, a new ad out today. it is a campaign video by a superpac that is anti-donald trump and it calls him out on his choice of words. >> this an exclusive interview on nbc of today, donald trump told our morning anchor team he does favor warming relations >> i am, after 50 years, you know, it's been 50 years, i would like to see a better deal than obama's making. obama's not making a very good deal as i see it. i would certainly be open to it. i think it's time. reporter: today voters in michigan and three other states are taking part in primaries and caucuses, with the next big prize being florida's win-or-take-all primary one week from today. >> he gets the nomination, they'll sue his [ bleep ]. >> reporter: a blistering campaign video by an anti-trump political action committee takes the billionaire to task over his >> [ bleep ]. >> what the hell are with edoing? >> the best words. you can tell them go [ bleep ] themselves. >>8reporter: the ad, along with the republican establishment, are trying to stump trump as he steams toward the gop nomination. most agree senator marco rubio remain viable. trump swiped at the senator during this morning's interview. >> rubio's doing very badly. he's been a very bad representative of the people of florida. a horrible representative if you look at it. and doesn't get much worse of the he never votes. he nef shows up to vote practically. >> reporter: a live look out of sarasota,na, over op the west coast. that is a rally for@ marco rubio, expected to take the stage here in a couple of minutes. he'll deliver his remarks and then he will move on because senator rubio has plenty of ground to cover. stader did a one-on-one interview with rubio, and the senator's other half, his wife, she campaigned for the senator today. an exclusive look at that. coming up at of clock. i'm steve litz nbc 6 news. hillary clinton holds a according to a new nbc "wall street journal" poll. the former secretary of state lds an edge over sanders among those 50 and older, nonwhites and women. sanders leads clinton among independents, liberals and those younger fan 50. clinton kee a low profile ahead of tomorrow's democratic debate where she will face off with sanders of the the debate will be held at 9:00 p.m. i will be anchoring from the debate and we'll have live coverage starting at 5:00 p.m. right here on nbc 6. an american tourist is stabbed to death in the latest wave of palestinian attacks in israel. they also wounded six others before police shot and killed him. it happened in jafa where vice president joe biden was meeting with the israeli prime minister. it's the latest bloodshed in ily palestinian assaults. the vice president will try to revive the peace talks. it looks like president obama is ready to take another step on the path towards normamazing relations between the united states and cuba. there are reports that the obama administration will announce more measures to ease travelnd trade restrictions ahead of the president's historic visit to the island. the changes will reportedly make it easier for americans to travel to cuba. this will likely not sit well with critics that say the obama administration has already conceded too much to the cuban government without getting enough in return when it comes toto human rights. the president is expected to be accompanied by at least 20 federal lawmakers during his visit to cuba which be gibbs march 2 1. the nuclear power plant is polluting biscayne bay. concerned about the impact. tony? >> reporter: yeah, concerned about drinking water, aut well water being unfit for irrigation, about the delicate ecosystem around biscayne pay. florida power & light said they will try to prevent any impact. water used to cool the power station is supposed to stay confined to the 5 by 2 mile cooling canal system. but a new study giving the county commissioners confirms the industrial wastewater is entering biscayne bay, and people are concerned. >> we cannot accept excuses and let fpl continue to pollute. >> fpl must be responsible for eaning up their own mess. >> reporter: commissioner rebecca sosa on the case for years is frustrated things are getting worse. happenini, and every time they ask for permission to throw more and more and more water, it's not solving anything. >> reporter: so county mayor carlos jimenez -- >> we shouldn't be talking about anymore. we need to solve it. we nene to stop the intrusion of the saltwater into our wellfield. we need to stop the pollution of the bay. >> reporter: to environmentalists, the problem is clear. >> the study that came out last night shows conclusively that the cooling canal water is polluting and contaminating biscayne bay. >> you're talking about phosphorous, high sa linity, which obviously causes impact to all of the wildlife that's in the area. >> reporter: as for fpl -- >> thead news is that it's spread farther than we assumed. >> what are you going to do about it? >> the same thing we've been doing the last six yrs. we're working with the agencies, collaborating with what the right actions are. >> a county official said a new notice of violation was likely coming, followed by another agreement with fpl, promising to do more. the county connected the pollution to the plant by tracing elevated levels of a radioactive isotope from the coming water canal to tidal waters in the bay. but kont be alarmed by the whole radioactive water thing, the concentration in the canal and in the bay are very low. a level the epa said is safe for even drinking water, but high enough to conclusively show plant water is getting into the bay. reporting in the studio, nbc 6 news. >> tony, thank u. we're following more breaking news, happening out of ft. lauderdale of a water main break happening there. at 2115 north ocean boulevard. >> this is near the pelican grand hotel. two inside lanes are closed down. one lane only getting through in each direction. the workers there are trying to right now we're not seeing a lot of water op thth street but it is causing a problem. you might want to steer cheer of that area. more on the story on the news and weather app. the trial in the death of freddie gray. prosecutors want william porter to testify against five fellow officers. it means the trials of those officers can move forward. sorter's first trial ended in a hung jury back in december. he will be retried after his colleagues go on trial. fray diedgray died last april. psecutors say he was transported without a seat belt op and initially denied medical attention. it led to days of riots and protests in the city. the world healthh organization say the sexual transmission of the zika virus is more common than the experts originally thought of the they that the virus is causing a spike in birth defects. the agency said last month it kobs stuts a global emergency. they've recorded 50 known cases of the virus, although all are travel related and four involved pregnant women. teachers at a ft. lauderdale school mourning the loss of their leader. the principal of the elementary school died from injuries after a weekend motorcycle crash. the 48-year-old was a passenger on a harley-davidson when the bike rounded a kufb and ran off the road. much more ahead on nbc 6. new information op the terrifying train wreck. find out what causese the commuter train to get knocked off the tracks and land in the water water. a police officer walks into the path of danger when the driver does the unexpected. no rain, a bit of (donkey sound) (elephant sound) thers a big difference between making noise, (tapping sound) and makingngense. (elephant sound) (donkey sound) when it comes to social security, we need more than lip service. our next president needs a real plan to ep social security strong. (elephant noise) hey candidates. enough talk. a driver opened fire on the ofoicer who pulled him over. >> what's up, man? >> the driver quickly took off sparking a dangerous high-speed chase through the neighborhood in kalamazoo, michigan. they nabbed the suspect with the cops still don't know why the shooter opened fire. sdmnchs also, a commuter train flew into a creek. the crash happening in the wee hours of the night in northern california. mother nature may, may be to blame. for those details, we send it over to nbc 6 anchor adam kuperstein live in the newsroom. >> nine people were injured here, four@ seriously after the train derailed near strans. and now we're learning what likely caused it. it's beingng called an absolute miracle that no one was killed. >> it shifted the gravity all of a sudden. we were all just panicking. >> reporter: a four-car commuter train derailed. sliding down a steep embankment and plupging into a rain-swollen creek. >> it slid for quite a while. i wasn't sure if we were going to turn over or not. stable, i starred listening for the screams. people were crying for help. >> reporter: authorities say the expressrain was traveling from san jose to stockton when it struck a tree lying on the tracks sending the lead car into the water. rescuers battled the fast-flowii current to pull victims to safety. >> there was definitely water coming in at the farthest part that was down in the water self. >> reporter: one woman had to be rescued from the mud. she was trapped beneath the second rail. >> the train was hanging. >> reporter: authohoties believe a mudslide may have pushed that tree onto the tras causing the whole incident. passengers say rain was coming down hard just before the derailment. part of a series of thunderstorms that had inundade the san francisco area in recent days. >> workers hope to remove the train and clear the tracks by the end of today. kuperstein, nbc 6 news. looking good weather-wise in south florida. the humidity has crept up ever so slightl we still don't see rain on the radar. the first alert cam along hollywood beach, it really shows you that high surf due to the onshore breeze. we've had gusts today to 29 miles per hour. and i would expect tomorrow as well as thursday for us to see wind gusts possibly well over 30 miles an hour, to about 35 miles per hour. so this is going to continue. and it is pretty dangerous to head into the surf with these conditions. here are your weather headlines now heading into this evening. gain, gusty winds-the in ex two days as temperature and humidity values creep up. our next chance for a cold front won't will until next wee temperatures are expected to be warmer as the week progresses. ft. lauderdale, pompano beach and 76 in key west. the dew point still quite tolerable. yesterday the values were in the low to mid-50s. today they're in the mid to upper 50s in the mainland and low 60s in the florida keys. that will increase gradually as the week koits. high pressure has moved further off the coast of the carolinas. it continues to generate the onshore breeze. the nexsystem is really far away. as a matter of fact, it's centered in old mexico here. it will take a few days to cross texas and eventually head towards florida of the that's our next chance for a cold front. again, i'm talking next week here. ininhe meantime there's a risk for severe weather tonight. there are tornado watches in effect for parts of louisiana, the@ arklatex here as well as the houston metro area at this hour. f us, things looking nice. again, we have some patchy clouds comingng this with a breeze. this will continue on and atmosphere, too dry for the clouds to yield any rain. here's the forecast now for the next few days. again, partly supy, wednesday, thursday, a few more clouds trids andnd saturday. breezy to windy the next several days. i think it will wait until sunday to introduce some rain in the forecast. that will continue on into monday the mid-80s by then. this evening, this is what you can expect. it will l a mild start to the evening with an easterly breeze. temperatates overnight not to drop below 70 degrees. that's above normal. tomorrow's high near 81. not a bad forecast, all in all. >> thank you, john. not at all sglsmts most of us lock ourselves outof the car. how your smart phone is onef the many ways to unck the problem. coming up at 6:00, an nbc 6 investigation, a trip to the hospital. what your insurance won't pay for. why you may not if you've ever locked yourself out of your car, you're not alone. aaa gets calls from about 4 million motorists every year. half a million more than just a few years ago. beg in a hurry is one of the most common reasons car thieves end up in the wrong place at a wrong time. >> in a panic, in a rush, not wanting to be late, locked my >> my car was running. and i locked the ors by mistake. >> reporter: don't panic. many gas stations can help. alex hernandez does, inflating a bloopnd slipping a long hook into the door to unlock it. he has a if record of rescuing keys. >> 99% o o the time we can. >> reporter: but what if you're locked out with no gas station nearby? first, think about your safety. do you think you're in danger, call 9-1-1. the police may be able to unlock the car doors themselves or will find someone who is else. >> reporter: if you're in a safe spot take advantage of aaa or any free roadside assistance program you have. >ake sure they have the right equipment to unlock your car. keep in mind that you'll probably have to pay for it yourself. >> it cost $125. and about an hour and a half late for work. >> reporter: consider these high-tech solutions. a keypad with a code comes on some models of ford, lincoln and mercury. ke gm's onstar that costs around $200 a year. you can call an 800 number and a technician clicks open your door. there are also apps that let you open the car with your phone. of course, that will work if the phone is in the car with your keys. having an extra key may seem old school, but it's tried and true. get a discree metal box, attach it to the exterior of your car, stash a key in your wallet or purse, or have a family member or friend keep one for you. >> i'm so forgetful with everything. >> really is this my car is for dumb people, i can't lock myself out. news at 5:30 continues next. the stories coming up at 5:30. >> a school bus is supposed to be a safe place, of course, right? but children on their way to school in houston got caught in a perilous predicament. details on that ahead. away from a plane crash live, this is nbc 6 south florida, breaking news. we're following breaking stories right now. the first along i-95 in broward county where police have reopened all south bound lanes due to a car fire. that's broward boulevard due to the car fire. that scene is now cleared. also we're following breaking news from a similar crews on the scene of a water main break in the 2100 block of north ocean boulevard near the pelican grand hotel. look at this scene. two lanes in each direction are blocked because of it. you could expect some clays. if possible, avoid the area deer rush hour. as of now, no water service interruptions have been reported. but if we find out about anything there, any updates, we'll let you know on nbc 6 and the nbc 6 news and weather app. a dog in distress. recering an animal services, a pooch saved by quick-thinking hire rose after it drowned. >> resonateing throughout the community. amanda explains howhere's a rush to reunite the golden lab with its owners. trs this furry poh lily is getting a rest after a stressful day yesterday. she almost drned in a canal. >> i think it was heroic for them to get her. here for sure. >> reporter: these are the brave men who saved lily's life. they saw the dogs swimming this distress for at least 20 minutes in a canal. >> probably about two strokes away from her, he head was starting to dip in the water. i think had we waited a little bit longer, it may not have had a happy ending. >> reporter: miami-dade fire rescue's technicalal rescue team was able to jump in and retrieve the strugglin golden retriever. >> there was no fight. it was kind of a relief once i was able to put the rescue buoy under her. >> reporter: she's feeling better, and has a healthy appetite back. the lovable dog has hip and arthritis issues due to old age. >> she was doing so much exercise to try to maintain above water, that she probably is exhausted >> reporter: the pooch was estimated to be between 10 and

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