Transcripts For WTTG Good Day DC 20171208 :

Transcripts For WTTG Good Day DC 20171208

a massive search underway for the search of pamela butler. i'm annie yu and i'll have all the details co coming up. and later, light finds way. jeff goldblum returns to jurassic park. we'll have your% look at the new trailer for fallen kingdom coming up. good day at 9a starts now. ♪ >> saw that trailer during the football game last night they ran it for two and a half minutes. unexpected. i have some thoughts. i will save. i will share. share. trailer. i mean, next time is going to be the commercial for the commercial for the trailer. >> i do love the music, though. >> so majestic. >> chills. >> trailer is probably all i'll ever see of that film it. >> doesn't come out until june. >> even so. >> you have plenty of time to make your decision. >> is kevin doing the interviews now? [ laughter ] >> we'll see. seven months of them. two hours of good day starting right now on this friday. it is december 8th as always we're so glad to be here with you. >> we want to right to our big story at the weather. old man winter could make an early appearance in our region this weekend. in the form of a few inches of snow, and much colder temperatures. but which would you -- what you will see depends on where you live. for details tucker is back with a first check of the forecast. >> good morning. >> allison, good morning. yeah, we got lots to talk about. kind of unbelievable here. still fall, you know. so we don't typically see storms this size or at least pote potentially this size this early in the season. not going to be a major storm but enough that i think in some cases we can get a couple inches of snow by tomorrow afternoon. all right. there's your winter weather advisory. this was issued a couple hours ago by the weather service. that does include right here in the city includes d.c., surrounding counties kind of up and down the 95 corridor up towards baltimore and then down into southern maryland. all under a winter weather advisory after midnight tonight. again, you're not going to have any issues today. so going to work, school, after school today going out for dinner tonight you'll be fine. this will be after midnight tonight early tomorrow morning when the snow moves in. okay. washington. 35 gaithersburg. manassas 37. 38 in fredericksburg. it will be a chilly day. i think we'll be lucky to get the low fours. 42, 43 for afternoon high and mostly cloudy conditions expected. that is snow all the way back into texas this morning. we've been showing video of places like corpus christi getting snow. houston under a winter weather advisory. atlanta under a winter weather advisory. expecting an inch of snow. so this is just extraordinary stuff for this date in december. that is all kind of riding along a frontal system and up into our region we can expect snow around here in some cases if you're along the lower eastern shore southern maryland this evening. for most of us after midnight night. it may start as a wintery mix and transition to snowier night. quick look at the snowfall forecast. i've been tweeting this if you have questions for me tucker fox5 send me your questions. i think by tomorrow afternoon we will pick up the equivalent of couplisms of snow around here. to to 4-inches. roadways as temperatures are pretty marginal but particularly in grassy surfaces see a build up and highest amounts will be off to the south and east this whole thing should wrap up by early tomorrow morning if you have plans later tomorrow afternoon tomorrow night you should be fine. this will get here on saturday which is good news. okay. 43 today. mostly cloudy skies this afternoon. could be a bit of a mix by early this evening south and east of town. more on the wet coming up in just a minute, guys. more on the forecast and the weekend and the cold temperatures here to stay, guys. back to you. >> sounds good. in fact you just mentioned this now we want to show you pictures snow already falling down south. this is the scene actually in texas yesterday. the rare winter storm dumped two to 3-inches from san antonio to east texas winter weather advisories also up in houston for some parts of the state it's the first snowfall in more than decade. unbelievable pictures. so while the rest of the country deals with ice and snow, southern california still engulfed in flames. look at that video just amazing fears new wildfires tearing through golf course communities in san diego country this comes as the region's largest fire destroyed more than 400 homes and buildings. 200 miles north near los ang angeles. ellison barber is monitoring the latest developments. >> reporter: at least six major fires are now burning from north of los angeles down into the area of san diego. >> be prepared to leave immediately. and that means making sure that you have your car gassed up completely. >> reporter: people throughout southern california are still being warned to be on guard. with numerous fires now roaring. embers are flying. sparking fresh flames engulfing homes and threatening thousands more. >> a lot of my friends are telling me that i should just leave on the evacuation. >> reporter: in the ventura area teams are still working to contain the largest fire in the state. the thomas fire started burning monday. it is now destroyed hundreds of homes and buildings and hundreds of square miles. >> the magnitude of the winds and the fire storms and how fast things change, you just have to really have to be alert. >> reporter: crews are also fighting large fires around los angeles. are now reporting some progress. san diego a fire that's quickly burned nearly ten square miles is still moving west. destroying dozens of homes and triggering evacuations. already ripped through a retirement community and killed horses that at a racing fac facility. >> santa ana weakening is going to cause the fire to be much less predictable. it's going to move different directions. going to be train driven. so there are crews gore to go to have very careful. report roar this week's fires have put tens of thousands of people under evacuation orders. in ventura, california, i'm ellison barber, fox news. right now we continue to follow developmenting news out of gaithersburg, maryland here in our area. where heavily armed men who broke into an apartment home on teachers way and we're told the suspect stole weapons, before they fled. fox5's melanie alnwick is there. she has the latest. ♪ >> reporter: yeah, quite a scary evening for one person inside the gaithersburg station apartments here. montgomery county police tell us it was about 11:30 last night when they got a call the victim says that he got home from work. there was a knock on the door. he looked outside and saw a man who looked like he was in distress. so the victim open the door and then three men burst into the apartment, all of them had hand guns then demanded prompt. the victim told them, take what you want. the suspects took the victims wallet, a laptop and cell phone and two guns, a long gun and a handgun. now the good news is, there are no injuries in this. however, police do tell us that those men are armed and dangerous. let's give you a look at suspect descriptions. according to is black male 6 feet 2-inches tall with dark skin, short haircut and a day old beard. the second is described as hispanic male with what they called a chinstrap beard. we don't have physical description on the third suspect other than that he is a man wearing dark cl clothing. also important is the vehicle that they were riding in. it look like a police car. 2,004 to 2006 white ford crown victoria with tinted windows and a spotlight on the outside of it. so that would look like one of those chrome extension lights that's on the outside of a police car or a taxi cab even. also, important take look at the style of tag. this is just the style here. so it doesn't -- just ignore the words that you see there on the license plate. pay attention to that new style that maryland flag across the bottom. very distinctive there. one other thing. gaithersburg police tell thus this was a secured apartment building. they want to remind everybody, please, if someone knocks on your door and you dough not recognize them, door, if you feel like they're in distress or there's a threatening situation, just call police. live in gaithersburg, melanie alnwick fox5 local news. >> 9:08. let's check the morning briefing first up this morning shut down averted. congress pass add bill to keep the government running until dee 22 and. stop gap legislation aimed giving negotiators more time to settle their budget differences. now, the gop wants increase in defense spending. democrats say any increase in pentagon funding must also include increases for other domestic programs. white house indicated the president will sign the extension. and the other big story of course this morning harassment claims have led to yet ano resignation in congress congress. this time trent franks and it came just hours after minnesota democratic senator al franken was force to do give up his seat. what may actually set his case apart from the others the sheer speed at which it all happened. >> arizona a career that came to a crashing in end yesterday when he announced he was resigning effective early neck year. he has been accused he says of discussing pregnancy and surrogacy issues with this staff, conversations that led to a complaint. in a statement, franks said, he became incentive as to how the discussion of such an intensely personal topic might affect others. it's not clear what, if any, other facts came into play, but house speaker paul ryan wasted little time asking franks to september down. on a day when another resignation was dominating the headlines. >> i will be resigning as a member of the united states senate. >> reporter: minnesota saturday al franken announced he was leaving after at least eight women came forward complaining of inappropriate behavior. he used a floor speech to deny many of the allegations and took a shot at the president in the process. >> there is some irony in the fact that i am leaving while a man about his history of sexual assault sits in the oval office. >> the houseage they can committee meanwhile is ramping up its investigation into texas republican congressman blake farren thaw who faces harass many allegations one of which appears to 84,000 payout. he says he's confident it will all be resolved. next week, we will find out whether alabama republican roy moore will be joining the senate f he wins a special election on tuesday, gop senate leaders will have to decide how to deal with the new allegations that moore now faces. and that alabama race is going to come down to the wire. the real clear politic average gives moore an edge but he's a couple of points up over his challenger democrat doug jones. >> don't hear a lot of doug jones news though. royal name dominating the headlines. >> we'll see what happens next week. depending on the out come like they said this story is far from over. >> that's my point. >> thank you, holly >> 9:11 of the search for d.c. woman's remains resumes today after new information from her confessed killer. a nina joining us live with those details neck. >> later another football sunday right around the corner. has the game gotten too vile let me. that's what fox5's brody logan wants to know. what fans of the gap told him coming up. ♪ ♪ ♪ this year, start a new holiday tradition... delicious recipes made with nutella! the holidays never tasted this good. discover holiday recipes at ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the things that matter most happen one morning and one cup at a time. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> i may be resigning my seat but i'm not giving up my voice. >> overturn tractor trailer... ♪ we're back at 9:14. in just about an hour the search will resume for remains of a d.c. woman who vanished from her home several years ago. >> it's been almost ten years now. you can run into road closures this morning along i-95 in stafford county because state police and investigators are still trying to solve this tragic murder mystery. annie yu has more on this mystery now. she's life in down in stafford county with the details for us this morning. annie, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, steve and maureen. good morning, everybody starting at 10:00 o'clock today, so just about in an hour, you will have virginia state police as well as the stafford county sheriff's office and dc police all out here along the i-95 corridor specifically a portion of 95 that's close to the garr garrisonville exit that is where the focus of this massive search will be. and so of course the family law enforcement all trying to solve this painful mystery in our a area. pamela butle february of 2009. she was just 47 years old and she was analyst for the environmental protection agency and earlier this year in objection, her boyfriend at the time, jose rodriguez cruz, he admitted to killing her and then told investigators that he strangled her during an argument in the basement of her home and she lived on fourth street in northwest d.c. he then drove her body to wooded area off 95 in this section of stafford county. rodriguez cruz plead guilty to second degree murder and as part of a plea deal, he was sentenced to 12 years in prison and he agreed to lead detectives to exactly where he buried pamela along 95 and so that's what's happening in just about an hour. so at 10:00 o'clock today, many of you who live around here who take 95 through stafford you'll see police activity some heightened activity in this area of course they'll be shutting down the knife express lanes near the garrisonville road for a few hours. and the generalur 95 in stafford or prince william will not be impacted so it's just the express lanes. both northbound and southbound. again, three agencies d.c. stafford, virginia state all involved in this they'll be focusing in the thick woods and one of the concerns that they told us they have the terrain has changed over time of course and there's been construction and so it may. (some challenges, however, we did speak to pamela's brother derek butler earlier this week. even after eight years their family still has high hopes that they will finally be able to put closure to this case. we shall also mention that arlington county police, they still have an open case on rodriguez cruz first wife who men missing in 1989. pamela butler's family has long suspected rodriguez cruz of the murder of their loved one pamela butler. so in just about an hour or so this massive search getting underway here. we're told by police that it's unlikely rodriguez cruz will be out here with police per court order he's not to leave the district of columbia. however, derek butler some and family members will be here. that's the very latest here from stafford county. back to you ya'll in the studio. >> thanks annie. 9:18 is the time right now. the shape of water is shaping up to be a major awards content. coming up a little late kevin sitting down with two of the stars. >> first though erin what are you working john. >> protests across the middle east after that major dip employee empty tick move in israel earlier this week. plus, the november unemployment numbers are out. we'll have a look at the latest economic snapshot. and later, if student loan payment isn't the perfect gift for the millennial in your life, we may have found a very good backup plan. we'll tell was that is when we check what else is making headlines next. ♪ i'm from virginia and i wish everyone a happy holidays. ♪ ♪♪ cinnamon fans, your date with destiny has arrived. let's do this! new cinnamon frosted flakes are finally here. sweet cinnamon and the frosted crunch you love. well? tastes like victory t. tastes like victory. they're great! erin is back with a check of the stories making headlines this morning. good morning. >> good morning to all of you. first up former south carolina police officer michael slager has been sentenced to 20 years in prison. that's for the deadly shooting slager was found guilty of shooting and killing walter scott back in april of 2015 after cell phone footage surfaced showing the entire end count. a swift reaction from the muslim world international leaders after president donald trump's decision to officially announce jerusalem as israel's capital. protests erupted in iran hundreds of people took to the streets of tehran the historic move by the president reverses decades of us policy on one of the most volatile issues between palestine and israel. to the latest on the us economy. the november jobs report rel released this morning shows verree bust growth. us employers added 228,000 jobs. that's a sign of the job markets enduring strength. unemployment rate remain 17-year low of four-point 1%. the data shows the economy is expanding at a very healthy pace and many cases employers are scrambling to higher enough qualified workers. well bit coin pushing deeper into record territory. it's the $19,000 yesterday before falling sharply. this less than day after blasting past $14,000 and $12,000 on tuesday. meanwhile the wall street journal reports nearly $70 million worth of bit coin has been stolen as the result of security breach. and finally, if student loan payment is not the perfect gift for the millennial in your life, how about a seed less avocado. apparently they actually exist but only for a limited time. they're being sold in the uk as way to cut back on painful 95 cutting injuries. we're toll the cocktail avocado which is small slimmer average avocado has edible skin, they will only be available through december. i would love to try one of those mini edible skin avocados in bloody mary. holly and i were talking about this early. she doesn't buy they're the same flavor and taste. >> don't fruit the bear. don't mess with greatness. 60 with the original. >> what had no seed. >> it didn't happen naturally. >> we invite them to send some for a taste test. >> they can keep them. >> no thanks. >> thanks erin. >> thank you. >> nfl safety back in the news aft several big injuries in the past week. the question do fans think the game is too violent. fox5's brody logan asked to you weigh in online. we'll have those results coming up. the first winter weather advisory of the season for the d.c. region. tucker will be back with what you need to know before that first snowflake even falls. maureen. >> fresh at 10a more proof celebrities are just like us. wait until you hear who fans spotted shopping at a california target. in this case we'll call it target for real. plus the dinosaurs are back in jurassic world fallen kingdom and so is iain mal many. we'll have your first look at the new trailer chock full of jeff goldblum. baird his body on national tv. dj richie sky is bearing his soul. he's going to join us live what it was like getting stripped for the new reality sho we will be right back. ♪ ♪♪ dear suspicious snackers, we get it. we know it can be a texture thing, and there are lots of brands to choose from. but it's time for you to pick up your big spoon and try new hood cottage cheese. it's the brand people have trusted for more than 170 years. a whole world of sweet, and savory combinations, like pineapple, cucumber & dill or classic country style. and since it's packed with satisfying protein, you'll want to try all of hood's amazing flavors. don't miss out on delicious. new to your local dairy aisle! ♪ famous photo of john lennon. you've seen this so many many times. now this unfortunately for many of us is one of those feel old moments. >> yeah. >> john lennon the world loft john lennon on this day but you remember when it was, it was 1980. while it might seem like yesterday to so many people it was actually 37 years ago. >> wow! good remember it like yesterday. >> me too. >> shower do. >> what shock it really was. >> look the beauty of it is, if you go to new york city and you go to central park and you're on the upper west side and you go to the imagine park there's always somebody out there playing guitar and the memories are always there. >> 37 years. >> it's hard to fathom that was 37 years ago. >> amazing. >> i remember like seriously crying over, park really. >> i was very touched by that. because you take somebody who really just stood for peace and regardless -- i know it wasn't someone who was trying to attack that peace and blah, but still to be, um, shot down like that. just incredible. >> for me it's not a crystal clear memory i remember it happening. i think the one celebrity singer's clear i remember where i was was marvin gay. i remember hearing that his father shot him. i just was in the car with my mom and it was on the radio. i don't know why i remember t that. but just there are certain things that crystal clear in your memory. that was one of him. >> his death is all -- you know where you were if you remember. >> all those lives taken too soon. let's talk about bringing it back to the present day. talk about the nfl. player saivite back in the headlines once again now after a number of really bad injuries in the last week. raising questions about whether the game has become too violent. now there was an agregious late hit by patriots tight end rob gronkowski the player down to the field and then he comes in after he was already touched down. left the bills white with concussion. yesterday white said that hit could have broken his neck. slew of gut churning moments during monday night football the worst height by ryan that left him grabbing his back moving his fingers to make sure he had feeling. that was nothing dirty about that hit. he it was one of those thing. at this point he just had spinal stabilization surgery yesterday. going to be in the hospital for very long time. he's 25 years old. five or ten years ago, people might have said look these are hard nosed football players much it's part of the reason why we love the sport. what do we know about the long em effect these hits can. is it turning viewers off. keep signing up on social media about your thoughts on the violence in the game. now, tweet us with #gooddaydc. here's some of the tweets we've gotten so far. which i'm straining a little bit to read. stop the game when it's as dirty as the bengals steelers there's no reason and no place for this violence in a game that has kids and -- that has kids and fans watching. nfl violence. always been blood bath we used to celebrate it. others saying because brody logan asked the question is it violent players are bigger, faster and stronger. big hits on the field or play brings excitemen. too much. he should sit more than one game. aft seeing the steelers game monday night especially the hit is a zero took yes it's become too violent how bad these hits have become the players are rolling the dice with the spinal cord injury every week much it's gone too far. >> just to be clear the ryan jr. was not a dirty play. it was not somebody hitting him. he was making the tackle. we've seen that unfortunately a number of times in the nfl players get hurt doing what it is that they do. there have been a number of cheap shots. i will say this. the tweets that we read in response to brody polting out the question whether or not the game is too violent seem to say yes, the game is too violent. brody put out a twitter poll. do you think the game is too violent. 82% of the respondents said no. >> really? >> it's still a little bit of a mixed message i think it's kind of thing where you have to take the whole and then the people who are -- taking the time to respond are saying yes, it's too violent but those had want click yes or no seem to say it's part of the game. >> i also think that the discussion has centered a lot around do you think the game is too violent? no, i love to watch it. do you think it's too violent for your kid to play? >> absolutely. >> i think obviously because of the ct and all of that, kind of discussion that we've had, that's been the focus. >> i've noticed there's a field -- that dough the pee-wee football games. i've noticed in the years passing them every fall as the kids are playing the crowds are thinner and thinner. let's kids are participating. just my observation i mean there's no expert analysis here but i take that to say that more parents are saying, what you know, i don't want my kid being involved in this and i've heard more parents saying i'm sorry, my son or daughter whatever is not playing the sport. so i wonder were this means long term for the nfl and football in general. i see it eroding the league. but, you know. that's just my perspective. >> a lot of people to your point look at it almost like, look, if these are the gladiators that want to put the pads on and be out there. we'll watch it. they're taking the risk and getting the reward. g >> high paid. >> exactly. they're not -- no be is forcing them play football f they're willing to do it sure why wouldn't we watch them. but at the same time the league has to be maintaining the -- >> they get call the no fun league. >> that is very true. now they're talking about turning in a targeting role which they have in college football. i'm all for player seive tee but that,, when it comes down to what's a pennel teen what's not penalty, is it or is it not and now you're taking people out of the games because what person perceives to be one thing versus another as a fan i got 45 penalty flags in a game. >> the people playing now are bigger and faster and just, you know from a whole other world than they were years ago. so naturally you're going to see more impact from these bigger dudes. >> this is a road. you know what i mean. you start playing in the pee-wee league. >> exactly. >> you go to college and it's, you know, scholarship and then you get into -- it's a hard -- the not maybe to be i'll walk away. we're wrapping. tucker, hello side lines. >> he's chomping at the bit to talk snow. >> you want see real gladiators. >> ut-oh. >> weather forecasting snow. >> we'rely real tough guys. >> i'll defend you there. >> how do you prepare for a weather convention. >> you're stepping out there. if it doesn't happen i'll not be answering my twitter and i have my fake mustache and beard ready to go. >> you might get tackled. >> i guarantee it. let's get to it. winter weather advisory in effect after midnight tonight through tomorrow afternoon. i think the bulk of the activity will generally be tomorrow morning. but it is looking more and more likely the trend has been more and more likely we'll get a bit of a snow event around here late tonight early tomorrow. we can get a couple inches of snow i i'll show you our forecast snow totals here in just a second. chilly out there. 39 degrees. cloudy skies. winds out of the north here at six. it's not -- so no issues today. no issues this afternoon you going out tonight for dinner you'll be fine. after midnight tow plenty of timed to whatever you need to do. this will be tomorrow morning the bulk of this most of us don't have to go to work and school which is good news. all we've been talking about it all morning. this is is going to be a historic storm all the way down to texas where we got snow ovenight. houston winter weather advisories. 32 degrees there a few hours ago. atlanta winter weather advisory we got winter storm warnings for alabama, mississippi, parts of louisiana. i don't see see that too often and all of that is tracking in our direct. and again we'll be looking at a period of snow around here many start as wintery mix for parts of the area later this evening and overnight tonight into early tomorrow. okay. what's happening, old front system the one that brought us a cool down a few days stuck down there and we're watching area of low pressure develop along it that will be the set up later tonight early tomorrow. we'll get moisture thrown off the ocean. we've got cold air in place. temperatures overnight off to our north and west in the 20s. so that is ingredients necessary for snow around here. again i think it will be a mix to snow well off to the south and each. general ally snow event here it may have tough time sticking to roadways initially i think it is going to have overcome some of the warm temperature issues we've had around her it may not stick at the onset here. i'm getting lots of questions on twitter. major roadways will be fine. i don't think we'll have problems on the beltway or i-95. but if you get off on secondary roads we can see some that snow covering things. that's your setup for sunday. we'll worry about sunday a few days from now. quick look at the euro. this is one our compute models. want to show you what it's got developing and it looks like it wants to start as maybe a bit of a wintry mix here by about midnight this will be real light and change to snow. heaviest of snow will be tomorrow morning probably seven, eight, 9:00 o'clock in the morning. there we are at 11:00. notice the snow getting all the way out to the 81 corridor. you guys will get lighter amounts but everybody will get some snow it wind down by early afternoon and should all be out of here by tomorrow night. how much we looking at? well, we're going two to 4-inches along the 95 corridor. this could be tweaked a little bit moved little bit north and west or pulled down south and east but you get the idea with heavier amounts off to our southeast and we could see the jackpot this system. not going to be major storm, but snow will b it will be our first one of the year. so i expect everybody will send me lots of pictures of them outside enjoying the snow. right? >> right. it's funny you said that i literally just got teched pictures from kingsville tech text not far from corpus christi where there's snow on the gr ground. south south texas. >> so rare. >> what? is going on. >> that increases our confidence we'll get some here. if it's snowing there -- >> already gather eighty eight. >> sled around town this weekend. >> own that, tuck. >> i like it custom made holiday cards have been growing in popularity for several years. but for many of us a nicely planned family note tow can quickly go south. fox's julie chang has tips on snapping the best shots i can relate for your holiday cards. >> reporter: tiz the season for holiday photo cards and while you aim for this, you often get this. >> okay. >> reporter: and to think you're biggest mistake is saying smile. lesson number one. >> instead of saying show your teeth, doing things that make the kids laugh or smile is really helpful. >> reporter: katie grace has taken thousands of portraits sessions while she went to school for photography she says all you need is lesson number two. good lighting. >> with phones these days, if you get enough light in there, you're fine. for family holiday cards your timing of the day can mean everything. sunset is great. because your natural light will be really beautiful. so that is a great start. >> ready? >> one, two -- oh. >> maybe your patio or a really cool architectural building that you like, and do it around two or 4:00 o'clock. >> reporter: we captured the beautiful chaos of tee pez and their families. they host the podcast might have live 83. >> which brings us to lesson number three. >> embrace the chaos. letting the moment breathe with the family. so as a photographer even though you're interacting with them, you also want to back and allow them to interact and just be affect nat. my family also got our feet wet and it turns out the trick to good photos starts even before the snapping with snacking. less season number four don't get hangry. >> make sure all the kids are well fed before you ever get in front of the camera. >> reporter: sell timer mode on smart phones is one app shouldn't to get the whole family in the shot but better is reaching out to a photography student at a community college or even high school. they get to expand their portfolio and experience and you memories captured for life. >> perfect. >> reporter: once you have a way to snap the whole family, lesson number five. get a height man or woman,. >> hype man is great. so to have a friend have somebody who knows the kid to be right next to the photographer to be doing silly things like trying to tickle that person or playing pick peek a boo behind them. >> ah! >> reporter: perhaps the most important lesson of all good vibes. >> katie says kids pick up on your energy, not to mention the photographer's so relax, build rapport and create not coerce smiles. in all else fails -- when you look back in 20 years, everybody is going to love at least a few photos of their kids screaming acting crazy. ♪ >> reporter: wishing you love, peace and a little rock and roll from our family to yours. julie chang, fox news. >> super cute. the one advantage that julie has she lives in los angeles. it's nice out there. >> we'll the snow weekend perfect time. go out there. >> perfect. >> so sad i always like scope out holiday trees so i can take my family there and do that. if why not? >> sometimes i wonder if i'm not supposed to do. >> what about your own holiday tree. >> not up yet. >> that's great idea. even if you don't have white christmas you'll have the proof we had snow in december. >> around christmastime. >> i love -- last note. i love the tip she says create the smile don't ask for the smile. >> yeah. >> so you don't get this. >> yeah. >> or this. >> hayden don't look like you're pooping. he dies laughing. perfect every time. the shape of water may sound really weird. >> it does. but it's actually getting beg hollywood buzz. coming up next kevin is iting down with the half man half fish star sounds a little we're, right of the new drama. >> sounds nasty. >> ♪ what are mommy and daddy like before their dunkin'? her hair's a hot mess. her eyes are like... "oh, i'm late for work. i have to go." your dunkin' doesn't make you, you, but it helps. dunkin' donuts coffee. pick some up where you buy groceries. with the best seat in town. for this week's fox beat friday you can enter to see a magical holiday classic the nutcracker. we're selecting one lucky person to win four vouchers rede redeee for a performance of the washington ballet's nutcracker which runs from december 13th through the 22nd at the warner theater. tickets are subject to availability at the time of redemption can't not be used for any matinee shows. each -- each prize has approximate retail value of $360 and is provided by the warner theater. so go to the fox5 dc facebook page at fief dc starting now through 11:59 p.m. started strong ladies enter for chance to witch one lucky winner selected by random drawing on december11th. all entrants must be 18 or ol older. complete rules available at >> hey, speaking of christmas, how would you like to help make a child's christmas little brighter? well you can join fox5 and d.c. dealerships to stuff a santa fe. drop off unwrapped toy at any of the 19 hyundai dealerships in the region from now until december 20th. those toys will be donated to children's hospital. ♪ >> oh look at betty. oh, to be young and beautiful. if i can go back to when i was 18, i didn't know anything about anything. i'd give myself a bit of advice. i would say take better care of your teeth. and a lot more. oh, no, that's very good advice. >> ♪ >> well that is a clip from the new sci-fi fantasy epic the shape of water and it tells the story of a human like see creature and the woman who falls in love witness much it's di directed by dell torro and stars michael shannon, sally hawkins, doug jones, richard spencer and octavia spencer. kevin got a chance to sit down with the stars to talk about what could contender. good morning. >> i need nerd out about the prosthetics i'm so blown away by everything dell torro did with this movie. i'm wonder wagon was practical? was there any cg? did the eyes operate the way they did? can you talk specific bowel what the suit look like onset? p this was a combination of suit you make up. suit you sip slip into and sip up the makeup is glued to you. >> the top part is make up glued on to me with mechanicals built. the gills were onlied by puppeteers offset. >> what? >> the eyes were on the mask but were cg end enhanced later in post production that made them move and bling and articulate. >> there's a scene where you're in the bathroom with him. i'm just curious what that was like to actually see him in that suit. obviously doug you disappear in the roll. what was that like for tursi him like that? >> um, well i'll tell you exactly what it was like. [ laughter ] >> no. this is goo said action and i saw dug rubber suit sitting in the bathtub. i thought this movie does have chance. [ laughter ] >> and then they said action and he changed. his posture changed. something little bit and it was like, oh, okay. i think we got something here. >> oh my god. >> it was fun. it was amazing. >> i think it's over. >> the shape of water hits theaters late this month. >> that's freaky. >> it's a little freaky. >> yeah. >> beautifully shot. >> yeah. >> it will get an oscar nod. >> frequent key beautifully shot oscar. >> 9:47 is the time. coming up we're heading into the good day gift corner with just about two weeks left until christmas this morning we've got look at some perfect picks for beauty products. really good ones. we'll be right back. ♪ ♪♪ see holiday tradition in a whole new light. join in the joy of christmas town at busch gardens. with over 8 million twinkling lights. more than anywhere else in america. enjoy coasters and thrills. and celebrate with holiday shopping and shows. bring your family to busch gardens christmas town. where christmas shines brightest. ♪ tis the season to gift pretty. do you need beauty gifting ideas for the upcoming holiday season. >> good news f the heavy lifting for you. make up artist and bhutto expert quon wilson showcasing some of the best gifts in holiday beaut fee no matter gifting or glamming for yourself. you're sure to find your next great beauty find right here and she is just so awesome with her gifts. good to see you. >> thank you for having me. >> i'm see sew excited about what you brought. let's start off with gifting makeup. i wouldn't think to do. everyone has their presence you say if for it. >> tis the season to give pr pretty. everybody is out and about this holiday season. make sure you're helping them achieve that look they're going for. amazing gifts in the beauty world this money. >> all right. share with us. >> so we have this amazing advent calendar from sephora collection. you literally just press in b button or little square for the date unget a beauty surprise every day. >> how much is that? >> this is under 40 bucks. >> okay. >> find it on >> what's next? >> also you cannot have beauty without fende beaut team it has a amazing pieces out. there's the fenty hi al let, fenty -- >> rianne's gnaw makeup line. >> the glosses are only 19 bucks. amazing for the price point, and the formula is really really amazing. >> i love the shimmery. >> steams you have product that is feels grit fee. >> that feels like the holidays. what's next. >> charlotte till berry lip kit. perfect red, perfect nude and perfect rose lip kit. >> all in one. >> all in one much this i wouldn't mind getting in you're paying attention. get that for me. okay. >> and no beauty look finish without lashes. >> yes. >> i'm showcasing my lashes this kit is call the party starter this launches online at cannes this monday. it features a ten month supply of my ming fox and sable fur lashes. they're reusable 30 times. >> i have used tons of lashes. can i tell you your lashes are amazing. you can use them over and over again and bar 91. you're not paying me to say this. nothing like that. i'm just a convert >> they are great. >> worth every penny. >> thank you. >> you brought gadgets that every beauty diva needs to have had in her life. >> yes. i love this because it's literally one size fits all. >> okay. so from p m.d. kiss they have this amazing lip plumper device. you just press the button and it actually pulsates on your lips. >> okay. now, we talk about this earlily. i'm a lip plumper. i don't think i need it. i'm sure a loft african-american are saying it. >> we need it. >> why. >> it promotes collagen growth under the lip. as we age we notice fine lines in the lips much this creates a tight little vacuum and suction and gets rid of those lines. >> smooth. >> i love it. how much is that? >> i think it's like 160. p >> you have that for while. >> what's next? my other beauty favorite in this amazing blend smart two brush. >> look at that. it rotates at per minute. >> this is going to give you a gorgeous air brush finish every time do you your pickup. >> yes, ma'am. i am -- i love this one. then this i think is really cool. >> if you're like me and you are trying to fight fine lines and wrinkles under your eyes, ladies and gentlemen, this device is the truth. this is the spectra light eye delaware bobby by dr. dennis gross. you wear this for three minutes a day. it fights fine lines, 11 lines in the forehead and crows feet with just three minutes a day. within two weeks you'll a difference and your under eye area within ten months complete transformation. >> you use this. >> i use this. >> she's not paid spokesperson. >> i'm not paid. i'm 33 years old. i'm starting to notice those little fine lines under my eyes. >> you've got beautiful baby face. 33? >> yes. >> my goodness much this was how much? >> so this is 170 bucks. dr. dennis >> we have like 30 seconds. i know we have a -- share with people here. >> also holiday season skin care kits are a year. you have the amazing opportunity to get some of these higher end skin kits at really low price points. so that's amazing deal definitely while you're out holiday shopping look for lot of amazing deals in skin care. >> i love this one this is your finishing. >> so if you're looking for that gorgeous do you wee finish for the holiday for your holiday beauty look this is by tacha spray this and gives you a beautiful dewey finish on your makeup. it's flawless every time. >> quon wilson but up the information for this lovely lady. you are just awesome. >> quon's her lashes are the truth. people i'm telling you. products are a mazing. >> thank you. >> hope holidays to you. come back any time. >> you are fabulous. >> thank you. >> thank you for my gifts quon. [ laughter ] >> i will not leave without gifting you something. >> we can go shopping on the table. >> she's doing it on her own. i didn't prod and probe her for that. >> it sounds look you did. >> i swear. [ laughter ] >> sounded like prod. >> we'll go shopping on the table. >> prod and a poke. >> evening she also said the about givingif >> what are you going to give us? >> that's a prod, too. i'm here for it. all righty. we're talking about this. i don't know much about this. but you have to -- this show stripped, right. >> it's new bravo show you're stripped of everything, clothes, phone, everything and you see how you can survive. we've got some local that was on it. >> find out how you can do. erin gooding in her work out barry's boot camp opened up in d.c. new and pretty intense we'll put her to the test. and we have a master chef in the studio and we're going to talk with chef coming up. also, jurassic world the new trailer is out. did you see it. >> i think we'll talk to chris about that one of his man crushes is in that movie. first though it is coffee time on good day d.c. if you've been eyeing our mugs listen up because one is up for grabs right now perfect for the dunkin' donuts coffee. go to or facebook page enter for the mug contest enter the mug contest one lucky winner selected ray domly but get that entry in life 11am. 9:56 now. see you for the 10a next. ♪ ♪ ♪ the things that matter most happen one morning and one cup at a time. ♪ ♪ ♪ test test ♪ [orchestra tuning up] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ take on your retirement, with a medicare supplemental plan from carefirst medplus, the name you know and trust. medicare supplemental plans from carefirst medplus. live fearless. find a medicare plan for you at dude. your crunching's scaring the fish. dude. they're just jealous. kellogg's raisin bran crunch with crunchy clusters and the taste of apples and strawberries. i got one! guess we're having cereal for dinner. kellogg's raisin bran crunch apple strawberry. >> ♪ >> the must see moments only on good day at 10:00 a. >> the red hot topics this friday. steve harvey sued. beyoncé in aisle three? plus wait until you hear who was in the studio with jt. >> stripped of everything you own. even your clothes. the premise of a bravo reality show. one of the stars joins us li live. >> master chef contestant cooking. >> it is one of the hardest workouts around. >> let's do this in three, two, one. th >> ♪ >> we are reality show overload today but we love it. if you watched master chef at any point you know chef tommy and you likely remember chef tommy for a variety reasons including the fact he's been on multiple seasons which is fantastic. what are we going to make today. >> today we're doing a stuffed pork loin balotin and we're doing a waffle p.m. nacote1 of my cookies i use. christine my pastry chef is one of my mentors. >> tommy we'll let you get back to work in all of this wondrousness here. chef tommy. >> i want to hang in the kitchen with chef tommy. >> how much fun is he? >> he's got the statement sleeves. >> yes. >> i love it. >> absolutely. >> there you go. >> my goodness. >> anyway, we're going to be cooking a little bit later on and again not the only reality contestant. >> not at all. we have some big news though here on good day d.c. d.c.p.s. has announced their principal of the year and there are the live pictures right now. we are hearing that the principal of the year goes to whittier education campus' principal tenya pritchard. maybe it's tenia. i apologize if i got that name wrong, tenia pritchard. >> yeah yeah. >> let's listen in just a bit. [applause] >> check in with him about 10:20, 10:23 or so hopefully he'll be able to grab the principal and maybe she'll have processed it. look at that face. that's wonderful. >> congratulations. >> so special. >> i did not expect this. >> kudos. >> okay. >> okay. >> bob barnard will join us and we'll get the one-on-one. congratulations. well, the big story at 10:00 though the first snow of winter 2017 is on the way and while the flakes may not fall all across the dmv we will all feel the cold of old man winter's touch. for details tucker is back with the first check of the forecast and good morning, tuck. i might have freestyled that last part so will we all be feeling cold tomorrow? >> oh, certainly feeling cold all weekend. >> okay. >> allison i want to give a shout-out to my fellow teacher. i teach a little on the side. i know how hard it can be to motivate students. >> okay. not really. >> let's do the weather. yes, we've got our first snow event of the season on the way. let's get down to business. winter weather advisory issued a couple hours ago by the weather service. that increases our confidence that we will see some accumulating snow across the region. this will not be a major storm by any means but i think it will be significant enough that many places will get their first inch of snow this year and in some cases you'll have to get out the broom or even a shovel and kind of move it off your walkways and that kind of okay. currently 40 degrees. no problems today. let me emphasize again, no problems today. you got afternoon plans, after school you're going out for dinner tonight this will not get in here until after midnight. at least the bulk of the activity. there it is and we've been talking all morning, holly mentioned snow down to texas and the louisiana, mississippi, alabama under winter storm warnings just extraordinary. atlanta winter weather advisory expecting an inch of snow. all of that is pushing in our direction and we can expect snow around here again after midnight. now, if you're across southern maryland lower eastern shore it will probably arrive a few hours earlier. he may get a wintry mix at the onset that transitions to snow overnight. area of low pressure off the coast. that will throw moisture in our direction and plenty of cold air in place and we're looking at a snow event here saturday. sunday by sunday. how much snow? we've upped these totals a little bit this morning. two to 4 inches and three to six there south and east. i want to mention again i think with temperatures kind not stick to roadways. i wouldn't expect major travel problems on the beltway or 95 but some of the secondary roads might get covered and certainly it will be something to talk about by tomorrow afternoon. again this whole thing gets going after midnight tonight, should wrap up by early tomorrow afternoon. all right. i'm kind of excited. back to you guys. >> okay. thank you tuck. >> thank you tuck. >> before we check what's trending let's fiend out what's making headlines this morning. oh, allison, what have you. >> i will take it away, steve. we're on top of breaking news from the district where a man was found dead on the grounds of the old walter reed facility on georgia avenue. according to police two workers got into a fight of some sort. now, one pulled out a gun and shot and killed the other. the suspect is in custody. we're told the two men had a history with each other. police say they both may have been shuttle bus drivers. out west those wildfires wreaking havoc on southern california. their now six major first burning the newest in san diego county. it's already ripped through a retirement two people and killed horses at a racing facility. meanwhile in the ventura area teams are still working to contain the largest fire in the state the thomas fire it's destroyed hundreds of homes and buildings. officials say it's so big it could continue to burn until christmas. two resignation announcements within hours of each other. yesterday senator al franken says he'll resign in the coming week. later in the day republican arizona congressman trent franks also announced he's stepping down on the healings of an ethics investigation. in a statement franks said he discussed his interest in finding a surrogate mother with two women in his office making them feel uncomfortable. millennials turning to smartphones as a way to increase motivation. with millennials even willing to pay for apps to eke daily words of text messaging. survey shows 90 percent of those polled say apps boost their confidence. wendy's serving up film reviews on twitter. users took to the platform to ask the wendy's twitter account its opinion about the best film from this year. wendy's responded with not only their favorite film of 2017 but also provided a brief review of the movies "get out" logan and the big sick and i saw kevin interacted with the site, too, trying to -- so i'm not sure what happened there. >> super size their review. >> i like it. it was good. [laughter] >> all right, time now is 10:07. time to check what is trending mo. >> okay first up the beehive buzzing all over the internet asking is that beyoncé? all right, brace yourself 'cause, yup, that is beyoncé. she was spotted cruising the toy isles target with her mom, tina. looks like they may have been on a holiday shopping spree for little blue roomy and sir and i think that's little blue in the cart. is that her. >> yeah. >> now, come on beyoncé. >> she's out there like that. >> like no one is going to notice her. >> right. >> and that's miss tina. we know her too. >> she wanted to be recognized. >> she wants some normalcy. i'm surprised there wasn't any stir. >> wanted to be seen in a target. >> she did. >> she wore white pants to a target. >> she had that sho-nuff air do from the last dragon. >> that's a hairstyle you have when you want to be noticed. you don't go unnoticed with that hairdo. >> i think maybe she tried to be who she is and thought she was okay. >> you're beyoncé. >> yeah, but -- which is fine but you can't do it and no pictures, please. you can't do that. >> look, we're not on beyoncé's status and even w hat on just 'cause you want to get through the aisles sometimes. >> did she just compare herself to beyoncé. >> i said we're not beyoncé. >> whawhat's your hive called. >> the mo hawks. >> steve, let me text somebody. >> amazing mo hawks. >> some day we'll get the payout for all of this. >> oh boy. >> what could be next summer's next must see movie. this time around chris pratt and bryce dallas howard returned to the island they abandoned if the first movie to try to save some of the dinosaurs from an erupting volcano but they encounter terrifying new breeds of gigantic dinosaurs. the new movie features the return of a living treasureg tre it out. >> do these animals deserve the same protections given to other spec >> these creatures were here before us. if we're not careful, they're going to be here after. >> forget about -- forget about any dinosaur you saw on the scene. it is the return of ian malcolm played by jeff g gold blum. >> life will not be contained. life breaks free and expands to new territories crashes through new barriers painfully maybe even dangerously. oh, there it is; there it is. >> you're implying that a group composed primarily of female animals >> no. i'm simply saying that life, uh, finds a way. >> life finds a way. also the tag line to the latest adventure you can catch it on the theater. i watched this trailer last night as i'm watching the football game on thursday night football i didn't realize they would play literally a two and a half trailer the entire commercial break but it was that moment when i saw jeff gold blum. >> you knew it was going to show up as soon as you saw it. >> here's the thing. as exciting as that moment must have been for you, for me the thought of volcanoes blowing up the island exploding and literally a million different dinosaurs we've never seen before running at once jumping off into lives in the sea it seemed like too much. >> i understand. it seems a little bit like the lost world which was a sequel where jeff gold blum not to go back. >> any excuse to bring him back. >> chris your ode to jeff gold blum was perfect. >> amazing looking man after all these years. >> my love for him is not disturbing at all. >> when he sis have itd you here were you not sitting in that same spot where you were. >> i got up to greet him and he's much taller in person. >> tall and lean. >> chris came in here trying to look so cool but he was -- >> trying to look cool. >> trying to -- no, you were like, i mean -- >> it was like me when i saw -- who was it that i loved again. >> a b. sure. >> al b sure. >> who does she love not the other way. >> something like that. >> al b. sure, jeff gold blum but he leaned on me. >> it's okay. the mo hawks are strong. >> chris you'll see the movie -- i assume you'll see the movie. >> i can't wait. >> you've got seven months to wait. pace yourself. >> my gosh. >> when i see count down to jeff though. >> when i see dinosaurs like that i think of when the girls were little and we went to -- >> about jeff gold blum. >> no, this is my own horror story. we went to disney world animal kingdom and the one ride is dinosaurs. >> animatronic things. >> those girls from the beginning they must have been like four and five they were screaming. we could not get off and they -- literally this is what it was skylar was like -- it was the most traumatic thing and i was like girls we can't get off so, yeah, that's what i think of. what did i do. >> sorry kids. >> all right... okay, no longer me. go ahead. >> yeah, thanks. coming up next, steve harvey a surprise celebrity in the studio with justin timberlake plus have you seen kyleigh jenner's christmas tree. maybe that's your picture, al. >> right. >> celebrity dish serving up next. in a noisy world ... northern virginia's own novec is listening to its cust who want reliable, affordable electricity, renewable energy options, and ways to save energy and money. novec delivers the most reliable power in the region. and customers are paying less for electricity than they did eight years ago. novec is listening and responding. that's because this not-for-profit cooperative is owned by the people it serves. novec. listening. responding. z2m7ez z16fz y2m7ey y16fy >> ♪ >> all right, it's time to serve up our celebrity dish today and we'll start with a fraud alert. are you ready for this? steve harvey is being sued by a guy who claims he was hired by the tv mogul to raise $20 million for the steve and marjorie foundation as well some other ventures and then he got with harvey and in return he says he was promised 12 and a half percent of everything so he bought in. he said in the lawsuit he had access to high level execs a-list entertainers and political figures. according to the suit he delivered on the first million but then harvey refused to pay him any commission. he says he introduced harvey to an investor in may and during their meeting he allegedly disparaged blamed oprah winfrey and tyler perry for giving him bad advice and blamed president obama for harvey's disastrous meeting with donald trump. >> that's a complicated story. like i'm not really exactly sure where the -- >> i think a basically what he's saying is he made a deal with him to raise 20 million and he would get 12 and a half percent of that and when he started raisi was saying i'm not giving you any of it. >> he didn't go on to raise the 20 million. >> i think he stopped. >> he stopped so -- >> he said now it looks like harvey is blaming everybody else but himself for the bad financial deals. i'm with you. seems a little convoluted. the truth is somewhere in between. >> as it always is. nick cannon admitted he still have feelings for his exmaria carry and then his exbrittany bell welcomed a new baby. then he was spotted out with both chili and christina milian and then he started dating model lanisha cole a relationship nobody knew about until she announced their split in a lengthy instagram post last night all this while going to howard university. the photos captured her reasoning for ending their relationship saying "part of loving and caring about someone is okay with them being happy regardless of whether are you together or not. hm? >> right. >> anyway -- >> if you -- he was out and about and had a child in there. >> right. so, she -- okay. she's probably mad because we didn't know about her lanisha. >> i see. right. sit down lanisha. >> bye. >> for much of justin timberlake and usher's careers they have been billed as rivals. they might be teaming up. >> wait a minute i said who said that? >> who said they were rivals. >> usher took to his instagram story to share a shot of himself in the studio with jt so check it out. there it is. they're in the studio. now the timing is interesting because on jt's end he's believed to be wrapping up his fourth project ahead of his hotly anticipated super bowl performance while for usher he's made no secret he's recording new music too. >> you think it's a big publicity stunt. >> we're three stories in and we'll round out the dish today with kyleigh jenner's christmas tree. >> oh. >> the beauty mogul gave her fans a look at her giant white christmas tree on instagram yesterday. this would be her, not her tree. there it is. >> that's nice. >> that is pretty, right? it was decorated by jeff letham the artistic director at the four seasons hotel in beverly hills. it featured giant pink ornaments that might be a hint at the sex of the baby jenner is carrying. complete with a backdrop you see the marilyn monroe pop-up prints. the tree takes up her entr entryway. pink joe emoji might have been a nod to the baby. the caption. 20 feet of magic even more perfect in real life. >> 20 feet, right? >> there it is. >> celebrity dish. >> it's fun. but -- yeah, but how do you have someone else decorate your >> do you think that artwork is new just for the season. >> yes. >> my gosh i wouldn't trade -- maybe. >> the artwork do you think it's new just for the season the marilyn monroe pop-ups. >> do you think the artwork is new to go with the tree or it's always been there. >> i think it's probably always been there but i would not be surprised if it wasn't. >> the girl is doing it. her makeup line is making ridiculous amounts of money. >> well, when you have that baby, girl, you need to decorate the tree with your family. >> is she pregnant though? i have questions. >> i think i saw a baby bump didn't i. >> we also saw the swisher rollups. >> dish get on it. >> okay, 10:21 is the time. coming up d.c.'s hottest new workout. erin will join us live from barry's boot camp to find out what makes this the best. >> first though bob barnard will join us live with the newly crowned principal of the year celebrated share the excitement. congratulations. we'll have her up. >> don't leave me hanging. >> oh, left them hanging. >> ♪ >> huge surprise. you saw it unfold right here at the top of the hour on good day. local principal who just got the surprise of a lifetime and you just saw it a few minutes ago. let's relive that moment. we'll fill in the blanks and get details and reaction. bob barnard joins us this morning with d.c.'s newest principal of the year. bob, good morning. >> reporter: hey, good morning, guys. yes, we were with miss tenia pritchard. she's the principal here at whittier education campus in northwest washington. good morning and congratulations. >> thank you. >> reporter: we have some of your other principal colleagues from d.c.p.s. here and you're in a program at georgetown. you're saying just to us off camera helping even grow leaders even more so. tell me about this. you're an eastern high school graduate. you're a d.c.p.s. product yourself. i talked to your mom earlier she said this is what you dreamed about. is that right? >> absolutely. i always wanted to be an educator ever since i was a little girl. i always said that i wanted to give back to the community. i wanted to give d.c. public schools the same opportunities that they provided to me as a student and so that's the would, that i do. >> reporter: and one of your things is hard work pays off. is that right? i mean, you've heard that from children, right. >> absolutely, hard work pays off. and my motto is start where you are but don't stay there. as childre have our personal stories but no matter where you are, you can achieve whatever you would like. >> reporter: you started off as a teacher. you've been >> test test hey! yeah!? i switched to geico and got more! more savings on car insurance!? they helped with homeowners, too! ok! plus motorcycle, boat and rv insurance! geico's got you covered! like a blanket! houston? you seeing this? geico. expect great savings and a whole lot more. >> ♪ >> okay, so you know like some people have no shame and are perfectly willing to take it all off but on the new bravo reality show stripped taking off your clothes is really only the beginning. one of the men stripped down to his birthday suit for 21 days. he was left only with toilet paper, water and food rations. all of his belongings were placed in a mobile storage unit a half mile weigh and each day for three weeks he was al allowed to take the trip to the container and retrieve one item. richie skyy is bearing his soul if not his body, sorry ladies, life in the loft with us this morning. good morning to you. >> good morning. >> okay, how fun is this but i'm wondering why would you even put yourself in this situation? >> you know, working full time and sort of being an entrepreneur and trying to live a busy social media life, it gets kind of hard, you know, so i felt like i just needed a break and this was the only way that i was ever going to give off the richie skyy train. >> so you stripped it all down literally. >> yeah, literally, everything. >> okay. and so you're in this house with how many people. >> i'm, its my house. it's owned by myself. >> and so you're there by day they allow you to leave this house and retrieve just one item. >> yes, i can go to work. i have to do everything else that i need to do, i still had to deejay still had to go into the office. >> naked. >> you have to find a way. >> really? >> yup. >> okay, so, what was the first thing you retrieved? >> i can't tell you that but what i can say is i had to go to a very big brunch that day. so, i had to figure out a way to make it work. >> who gets like -- how do you get clearances to just show up places naked. [laughter] >> aren't there public nudity laws? how does that work. >> the show does a really good job of teaching you thousand live more with less. so -- >> so that's what this is about. >> yeah, you have to figure it out. >> we're going for like the zen of let's do more with less. is that what really what it's about or is it like look i want to see naked people put under the guise of we're stripped and we're going to teach you how to do more with less. >> you really learn a lot about yourself >> what did you learn. >> i learned that -- i learned to look at myself more. i learned to think about me more. >> no kidding. >> i learned to appreciate the things that i have more, you know what i'm saying because i think sometimes we get so caught up in our day to day lives and we're used to the material possessions that we have and the things that make us us, the beauty products, the facial products, the clothes that sometimes we forget about who we actually are. >> on a serious note i know like there's a lesson behind this like you're saying you become more introspective. for those of us not on the show now that you've had this moment of clarity and you've come to high are consciousness what would you say to us about like stripping it all away? what is the one thing you can say people can do to maybe bring it back to the basics. >> you know what, i would say, you know, for at least maybe an hour a day put away your cell phone. >> the cell phone. >> cell phone, yup. >> i was thinking that probably the whole cell phone social media aspect do away with that. >> maybe just an hour before bed just put it away don't look at it don't think about it don't interact with anyone. just be. >> what is the end goal of stripped? i know you're saying obviously to become a little more cognizant of what really matters but what's the end game from the bravo perspective? are you winning money? is it a test of endurance. >> the great thing about this show is there's no competition. it's just really you on a journey of self discovery and i think it's something that a lot of people will relate to because we all need that. >> yeah. >> so, it's a different type of show and i really am excited about being about that. >> now that you're off the richie skyy train are you back on it. >> i think i'm back on it but i have a different perspective. now i want my life to be about helping educate others. >> in what way. >> just teach about social media, the impact of it and how it can affect us especially with kids and the way they grow up now seeing so much on social media. i just want to educate them on how to look at it from a different perspective. >> which is important. in social media and the popularity of it and that can be all consuming. all right, so i know that the episodes have not -- they're airing yet or are they yet to air. >> they are airing on tuesday nights at 10:00 p.m. on bravo. >> uh-huh. >> and my episode will be coming up in a couple weeks. >> we have to stay tuned for that. in the meantime what else are you up to. >> ily living in los angeles doing some hosting out there and i also have my own business. >> okay, the richie skyy train rolling right along. >> rolling right along. >> all right you're on stripped. he didn't strip for us now but he did bear his soul. we said you would do that and you did. >> thank you. >> we love it. how can people find you. >> you guys can follow me on instagram and twitter at dj richie skyy and follow my business page at every day >> and also watch stripped on bravo. >> there you go. >> okay, thank you. >> thank you. >> i keep telling him shake his hand but i've got this cold. >> don't do it. >> i'll dep you with my elbow. stripped y'all. >> that's the quest did do it what would be the first thing you would get. >> it would be tough because if you only say maybe like a -- [inaudible] >> the next day you could get your charger, right. >> and then -- >> but i think -- >> day three i'll wear clothes. >> i think i would get clothes the first day because you're just -- when you're naked you're so vulnerable. >> oh, yeah. >> everything about you is vulnerable. >> and naked. [laughter] world's [inaudible] boot camp after the break. 10:36. >> ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the things that matter most happen one morning and one cup at a time. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> has a are arrived in the nation's capitol. nearly 20 years ago boot camp innovated group fitness creating a transformative hour long workout experience that has taken over new york city boston and the united kingdom and now it is d.c.'s turn. so, our erin como is out there now, she's at the new d.c. location of barry's boot camp. where is it and this looks hard, erin? >> reporter: it is hard. but in a good way. you can feel your body getting stronger. we're out in dupont circle on 19th street and i have ceo joey gonzalez in town to open up this d.c. location. we're so thrilled you're in our city now. >> we're so excited to be here. >> reporter: what made you decide on d.c. >> d.c. actually has been our number one requested city for the past two to three years. it just took awhile for us to find the perfect spot and here we are. >> reporter: well, i've had the pleasure of covering barry's boot camp when they were opening in nashville several years ago so it's exciting to come here. the workout is no joke. tell everybody about the red room and the setup you have here. you check in at the front desk. there's a great fuel bar where you can order shakes after class. we have retail collections that revolve every four to six weeks. >> reporter: you can get your workout gear as well. >> exactly. >> reporter: we're in the red room right now. >> this is where the magic happens. this is the red room and the class is basically 25 to 30 minutes of interval cardiovascular and the same amount of time here on the floor so what makes barry's so different and special is that you're actually doing as much interval cardiovascular as strength training. >> reporter: it's a complete workout. >> it's around a thousand calories if you do what it is that we tell you to do but we always tell first timers don't be a hero go at your own pace. i was scared the first time i took it. >> reporter: i was scared too. it's intimidating with the lights and music and you're sculpting incredibly shape instructor. >> oddly it works both ways so it's dimly lit and it feels like the party but youan anonymous. >> reporter: you can blend and in go at your own level. so it's not intimidating. if i can run with the instructors you guys can try it too. a thousand calories is great. you focus on a different body part and you total body on the weekend. >> monday arms and abs, wednesday chest and back, thursday all abs and then friday through sunday is full body. >> reporter: you look incredible. >> thanks. >> reporter: you're so passionate about barry's boot camp. we're excited to try the camp. we were doing squats on the floor. the instructors are running right now. let's head to the floor and show everybody a taste of what it's like to be in class. when you finish the running let's get to our stations. you want to join us. >> let's do it guys. >> reporter: these are all you were brand new instructors here in d.c. >> these are all the local d.c. instructors. they're an incredible lineup. we love each and every one of them. >> reporter: they're all passionate about fitness. we were chatting a little bit before the segment and we're excited about this. we were just doing some squats and shoulder press with the 10-pound weights. it starts -- you start to feel that burn once you do a couple reps of it. >> exactly. we'reoi you left off. we're going to grab those weights. >> reporter: okay. >> we're going to put them on our shoulders and we're just going to pretend it's a weekend so it's a full body workout. squat into your heels nice and low come up and give me that curl at the top just like you were doing before. and you're going to add a shoulder press here. >> reporter: okay. >> up, down and then that curl. lower, back up, squat. and then what we like to do is we add muscle groups in as we go. so we're going to do a tricep every head extension. got you. >> reporter: got it. >> then back down. bicep curl. back up. down squat. so, you are actually getting almost every single body part here. >> reporter: i can feel every single body part right now. >> exactly. and how -- what do you suggest weight-wise? like i have 10 pounds right now. what would you say for a beginner. >> reporter: we always give ranges to people. for beginners they'll go on the lower end of the range so when we're doing weights we'll say something like ladies, grab eight to 12's. >> reporter: right. >> first timers will grab something around an eight or a five. >> reporter: you can go at your own pace or own weight gauge that you feel comfortable with. >> exactly. >> reporter: i can feel that triceps burn. that's what you want. >> precisely. we'll go down on the on the floor for the next rounder on top of our weights with our hands right here. >> reporter: got it. >> you'll start in a plank position. >> reporter: okay. >> we're going to work some different muscle groups here. >> reporter: i can feel the different muscle group working. >> shoulders and abs are working. you'll do a pushup which obviously is working your chest and triceps and then you'll hold onto these weights. give me a right row. >> reporter: whew. >> a left row and then back to that pushup. >> reporter: well, unfortunately we got to toss back. [laughter] >> reporter: but let me just tell you guys, if i can do this in a room full of super chiseled amazingly hot instructors you barry's boot camp too. jerry this was so much. >> we're so excited to be in d.c. >> reporter: 19th street dupont circle brand new location open business. if you have any questions you can reach out to the team. i feel like my friday is off to a really good start. [applause] >> reporter: back to you. >> that's when you want to say oh, no, erin, we've got plenty of times. we got another three minutes. go ahead keep working out there. looks intense. we'll make this easy for you. we're going to go from fashion to food with someone who has done both things very successfully. master chef showing us why it pays to follow your passion. passion and fashion and food. we'll be right back. >> ♪ in a noisy world ... northern virginia's own novec is listening to its cust rdable electricity, renewable energy options, and ways to save energy and money. novec delivers the most reliable power in the region. and customers are paying less for electricity than they did eight years ago. novec is listening and responding. that's because this not-for-profit cooperative is owned by the people it serves. novec. listening. responding. >> ♪ >> 10:48. let's open the door to the good day cafe right now. our next guest was born and raised in the creole culture of louisiana where fashion cooking and entertaining became his foundation. started his career in fashion in chicago where he's taught fashion design for over 20 years but fashion is not his coordinate his vegetables and fruits. he's known for infusing his passion for fashion showc showcasing. good morning to you chef -- chef. >> tommy. >> oh, tommy, how could i miss it. >> how are you. >> i'm doing good. >> good to have you here. i want to particular first before we get into the main course here master chef, you were called back you've been invited back, you're a favorite of the show. that experience for you when you first decided to do it, did you know what you were signing up for and did you have a plan in place to say like, look, i want to own this and i want to be remembered as one of the top contestants on the show. >> do you know i really didn't want to be on the show. >> really. >> my husband went behind my back and filled out all the forms. >> he did it for you. >> he did it for me and forced it on the show. we've been together for 30 years and he's not fat yet. fat. a great -- great sense that something big would come out of this and hopefully now you're just like okay, you know what, i'm okay with being pushed on the show. >> yeah, it really was a great learning experience for me and gordon ramsey is the best coach, you know, everybody thinks he's so mean. i like to say that he's a dragon with a heart of gold. >> did you feel intimidated though or did you kind of go into it thinking like no matter what he says to me i'm going to take this as a learning experience. >> it's horrible. it's the worst situation you could ever put yourself in. you're on tv and you're cooking and they give you all of these rules and regulations and it's terrible but gordon is like some sort of an army sergeant in the kitchen. if you mess up he's going to eat your face right off. >> but you're going to learn something in the meantime. >> yeah, yeah, it really is the best, best situation to be in for a home cook or for a professional cook. >> we could talk or we could work on the food. first of ally the display is amazing everything smells wonderful. what are we going to make? let's start with the main course. >> well we'll make my stuffed pork balotin. i take a knife and work the knife through the center of the pork loin and create a channel. then i take some sausage and i make my own pork sausage. you can buy regular sausage as long as it's raw, take it out of the casing then i like to take some granny smith apple, chop it up, put that granny smith apple in there, put some chopped fennel and the this is the smell, that's the perfume that you're smelling. >> the aroma. >> one of my great things that i love to use. then i like some dried cranberries. this is holiday. so we're going to put in some dried cranberries and everybody loves pistachios. get that mixed up and you don't have to cook this, it's going to go into that pork loin and you're going to put that in the oven. >> take the raw sausage mix here the heart of the pork. >> yes. >> and at that point it's really just throw it in the oven. >> take that pork loin put it into the oven. after it's stuffed throw some rosemary around there. you can put some garlic on. salt and pepper. whatever you like on the outside. it's going to season itself and be absolutely spectacular. this is the kind of dish that if you really don't want to go out on the holidays, a lot of people like staying in, i do, i'm really a homebody, and i like to cook at home and i like to have people come over. i am known for my legendary soirees. >> i'm sure are you. you have it all laid out in front of us here just a small sample. >> this is nothing. >> here's what i love tommy, this is the kind of thing that look we as in amateur chef -- you'll do it better than we do but as an amateur chef we can do it and it looks like we did all out and it's really not that hard. >> i want everybody to know you can do this, too. this is really easy. >> i love it. it. your friends will absolutely be devastated do something to entertain at home. this is easy. >> here's what i want. i want two things. i want to see what it would look like when it's finished and i want to talk about some of these deserts too. >> when it's finished and roasted you'll come up with this beautiful spectacular holiday dish t look at that. you can slice it into rounds and you know what else, if you're goi going to a pot luck r somebody else's house this is going to absolutely make sure they will never ever forget you and you will be the life of the party. this is also great for a picnic when it's cold with some mustard and some pate easy to do. >> let's get to desert. whatever time we left we can talk about something else. >> i take that cook he and i put it in some cream with some vanilla and some sugar and i heat it up. store bought gel tin. you don't have to do fancy gel tin leaves. i mix that up. you can add some sugar with the beautiful fragrance of cinnamon and real bourbon vanilla. then you're going to cook that down a little bit and then you're going to take it and i like to put it into a nice silicone mold or you can pour it directly into a little glass cup. >> i like that. >> and i also serve it as delicious little bites like this. >> mmm. >> so you can pass this at a party. and it's really great. this has a lovely flavor of coffee in it 'cause i put a little bit of coffee grounds in it and you strain it off. >> just to be clear from your creativity here tommy these three different presentations are all the same thing. >> all the same thing. >> presented three different ways. >> all the same thing just do it in lots of different ways, lots of different sizes. if you just want a bite or you want a big size and you can do it in a nice big bowl, too. >> i'm going to grab one of these. >> try >> let's talk drinks. >> this is really if you think. this is a little cranberry pomegranate fizz and of course you can do it nonalcoholic but i'm creole, so we need to add some champagne. >> perfect. >> i need champagne. you have to take champagne just like medicine. >> tommy -- [laughter] until it goes out, right. you need to take it until it's all gone. >> it's healthy for you. >> the doctor says. here's the thing. what are some of the tips now that it's the holidays, you have a beautiful spread you're known for your soirees some simple tips where we can make our holidays more fancy and festive. >> i always say first of all you got to have that champagne and without champagne life is nothing. you've got to have champagne and some color on the table. i really believe in eating with your eyes before you eat with your mouth. >> so many people say that. >> so everything absolutely has to be beautiful. i did this little thing this morning right before the show started. that's cranberries and cherries and little round months ball. that's really easy. get some toothpicks and do it yourself. then, you know, you always need a nice desert. here i did something extra with this cookie. the strupe waffle sweet potato brulee. i'm creole honey, we use sweet potatoes every day of the week so here i did a sweet potato brulee. >> tommy we'll have to go. one of the latest projects you're taking the creole food and making it more fashionable. look for that coming out soon. if folks want to follow you on social media where can they find you. >> on tommy walton do the holt creole on instagram. on twitter tommy walton on twitter and on facebook. >> you're a treasure. cheers my friend. happy holidays. >> steve. >> all right back over to you and we'll save some. >> we love you tommy walton. you are fabulous. >> always welcome in the loft. >> quick weather. >> ick yesly let's go to the map. snow on the way after two to 4 inches across the area. winter weather advisory goes into effect after midnight. lots more coming up at 5:00 and i'll be tweeting. >> drink champagne. >> every day. >> have a good weekend. >> ♪ >> announcer: happy holidays live on "the wendy williams show" ." ♪ ♪ >> announcer: now, here's wendy! [cheers and applause] >> wendy: thank you for tuning in. [cheers and applause] these are my people. i love them.

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