Transcripts For WTTG Good Day DC 20170424 :

Transcripts For WTTG Good Day DC 20170424

washington finally advances past the first round of the stanley come playoffs with an overtime win over toronto. now, they'll get set to face a familiar play off enemy. we'll have highlights an look ahead to what's next. and later, the last laugh. the college student at the center of a viral tweet talks about what inspired him to make his college graduation dream come true. good day at 9a starts now. ♪ that's my favorite story of the day. and we do indeed say good day to all of you out there on this rainy monday. it's april 24th. i'm holly morris alongside of maureen, wisdom and allison. steve is having a little time off this morning. >> back tomorrow he is. also ahead this morning vacation is over for former president barack obama. today he returns to the public spotlight with a special event in chicago. we'll tell event coming up. >> first though at 9:00 let's take bot the gloomy weather because we have a 100% chance of rain today. [ laughter ] >> if it's not raining where you are now, it probably will be soon enough. for details tucker is back with first check of the soggy forecast but hey we need the rain, right. >> yeah. >> we really need the rain. it's been dry -- hello? am i here. >> hello. >> okay. i'm here. >> yeah it's been dry for months really. basically since last october. so we got some catching up to do and we'll do that today. cool, wet and breezy out there. some rain thursday, friday and saturday got a break yesterday now it's back. both today and tomorrow. so it will be couple more days here of some gloomy conditions before nice improve many. 53 the winning number reagan national. dulles and up in baltimore a cool one our daytime highs only in the mid 50's and light rain shower activity across the area not amounting to whole lot at the moment enough to wet the roadways. low clouds in the forecast today. pretty brisk wind out of the north and east jacket when you head out today. the big picture area of low pressure here down into the carolinas into south carolina right down here and it's going to be very very gradually moving along the carolina coast here over the next couple of days and so the bottom line in our forecast waves of rain shower activity will be lifted to the north and it's not going to rain every minute around here for the next couple of days. periods of rain and again we're looking at the potential for perhaps an inch of rain by the time we get some sunshine back in the forecast on wednesday. so we'll take every drop we can get. quick look at the planner for today. plan on clouds and cool conditions and off again off again rape showers. shower activity for much of the day. i think we'll have showers around fort evening commute tonight. 54 degrees. plan accordingly. >> guys, seven day has a big warmup on it could we do our first 90-degree temperature of 2017. we'll have the details. >> thanks, tuck. >> 9:03 is the time. big story at the most critical week the president hits the 100 day mark on saturday comes as lawmakers rest to stave off a possible government shut down. >> that's just the beginning of a busy week. that could also include a stab at tax reform and debating that border wall. melanie alnwick live on capitol hill for us this morning. congress will be back in session and working. hey, mel. >> reporter: hey, guys. it's never easy to come back from vacation, right? now it could be a very very tough back to work week for gop members of congress here. facing not only that budget deadline but the president's 100th day in office both of homecoming at midnight friday. with his business statue built on deal making president trump has a lot at stake this week. could we wind up with signs like this around the country. closed for business and the biggest issue, the border wall with mexico. the president wants funding for his chief campaign pledge. his chief bean counter budget direct about the potential risks. >> i don't think anybody is trying to get to a shut down. shut down a not a desired end much it's not a tool. it's not something we want to have. >> reporter: getting a deal with democrats in congress will not be easy. >> the president says i promised a wall during my campaign i don't think he said he was going to pass a billions of dollars of cost of the wall on to the taxpayer. >> reporter: the white house is offering a deal. border wall funding in he can change for continued funding to shore up obama care. but democrats may not see a reason to negotiate. >> we talk about this before republicans will end up being blame no matter what role democrats play in this. that's the way it goes since 2013 and that shut down. >> reporter: administration clearly sees pro ten shall problems. vyke president mike pence is rushing omaha for an overseas trim to help deal with congress as administration officials try to play down the risks of a shut down. >> we've seen these things before. non-search services would shut down all these search services will continue still go out. medicare payments would still be funded. >> reporter: and so you can see why sources here on capitol hill say the threat of a shut down is very real. people starting to get a little nervous and it's a good chance we may see some sort of short-term extensions while the negotiations continue. live its on capitol hill, melanie alnwick fox5 local news. >> thanks mel. new poll out actually shows president trump is the least popular montgomery in chief in moderns times with 53% disapproval rating. that is a record low in majority of americans say mr. trump has not accomplished much during this time as president. but still 96% of people who voted for him say they have no regrets. and remain largely satisfied with his performance. in other news this morning another marijuana protest will take place on capitol hill to today. demonstrators want congress to lift the federal prohibition on marijuana use and tolls let individual pot should be legal or not want restrictions on pot use lifted here in the district today. smoke in comes days after police arrested protesters who gave away pot near the capitol last week that protest was held on 4/20 a day that celebrates the use of cannabis. today's protest was schedule this is the first day since 4/20 that congress will be back in session. >> vacation is over for the former president. today barack obama scheduled to make first public appearance since leaving the white house he'll speak at the university of chicago where he used to teach constitutional law and his presidential library is planned much he's expected to talk about community organizing and civic engagement with college students from around the chicago area. yesterday the former president took part in around table discussion with young men from his old neighborhood on the south side of chicago. >> reconnecting with, um, his past as a professor here, and i think that's wonderful that he's going, you know, i think he's -- wants to keep inspiring peo >> it's great that he's still, um, being involved in politics and important just given the political climate that he still has a presence. >> the event invitation only seats reserved for students from university of chicago, loyal la chicago state and northwestern universities. >> 9:08. in france that's a presidential election going over there. 11 candidates have been whittled down to two millions of people in france came out to vote. it was a nail biter. it was too close to call until the results actually came in. now it's down to far right national lift maureen lepen and centrist emmanuel ma crone much they will face each other in a run off in two weeks. shortly after the results came in clashes between police and protesters sprung up in paris. protesters gated at the bastille to vent their anger at her success in advancing to the may seventh run off. ran from police at least three people were arrested and two others injured. meanwhile class clashes over the confederacy over overnight in the big easy. the first of four couldn't federal monuments in new orleans was taken down. crews did the work in the middle of the night to avoid disruption from people who want the statues to stay. the memorial taken down today comment commemorated whites too tried to topple new orleans by racial government after the civil war. statues of robert e. lee and jefferson davis will be diss m manned. >> your statue will be next. whatever you want next. that's what's going to come d down. >> despite early hour thre were still some clashes between supporters and oh points of the statue's removal city leaders first called for the monuments to come down two years ago but court rulings and trouble with contractors have delayed it until now. >> just days after fox cut him loose former -- knots fear factor. slip of the tongue perhaps. bill o'reilly o'reilly factor returns to the air waves and he could have a lot to say. o'reilly was fired from the network last week a mid allegations that he sexually harassed colleagues in a statement o'reilly said the accusations are completely unfounded. tonight he could address those accusations further as well as his termination when an all new episode his podcast is release. podcast is available for premium members of his website bill o' after 7:00. i wonder, that's subscriber only podcast, right. >> right. >> i wonder if there will be people subscribed just to hear tonight'. >> oh yeah. >> first one back to back to hear what he has to say. >> curiosity factor for sure. >> will it maintain going forward is the question. >> i'll bet it does. >> whether you like him or not he was the highest rated show. i'll bet all these people migrate to that. like 7 million listeners a ni night. >> wow. >> we'll see. >> okay. nasa astronaut made history in set new us record for the most days in row in space broke the old record of 534 days in space. trump will call her to congratulate on had that achieve many. she's currently doing her third long duration stint on the international space station. she's also the only woman to serve as a station commander. she did it twice. congrats. >> you go, girl. now let's talk about fox5 exclusive. there has been a rash of break ins in centreville neighborhood one resident actually took matter noose his own hands. he chased down some thieves caught in the act. police say the man saw three people walking near his home on surveillance camera. the suspect then checked for unlocked car and were able to get inside a truck. the homeowner chased after them and caught up with one of the guys. >> nobody likes to know that people in their neighborhood are having theft issues or their cars gone into and things stolen out of them, you know, my hope is, that now these guys are caught and hopefully those were the only people that were doing this and we don't have problem like that >> fairfax counsel three believe the suspects are involved in other crimes. if you were wondering the thieves only got away with a six dollars fishing 95. >> that's an interesting scenario because if he wants to do that, that's fine. there's no scenario where i'm chasing after anybody for any material item. >> the story could have gone completely different way. >> calculated risk i don't think is worth taking. >> stay clear of all of that. let's talk about this for the first time in more than quarter century, the public will get a chance to see historic artifacts and papers from the holocaust and the only place to see them is in prince george's county. fox5's bob barnard will join us from the new opening of the holocaust museum and annex with the details. >> next. why jimmy fallon donated tens of thousands of dollars to a local school with a special announcement on the tonight show. 9:12. ♪ how your clothes smell can say at lot about you. that's why new downy protect and refresh conditions fibers to lock out odors. so clothing odors don't do the talking for you. lock out odors with new downy protect and refresh. ♪ welcome back. time right now 9:15. today holocaust abs ambulance day hitter 86 papers and items from the holocaust will be on display at their new home in prince george's county. >> bob barnard got a first look at the new research and storage an neck to the u.s. holocaust memorial museum which officially hopes today and joins us live from bowie w good morning, bob. >> reporter: hey, maureen, good morning. we got a chance to go inside this -- it's really a center for research chers and conservation any ofs not really the general public but these are artifacts that may make their way on to the mall to the museum that's on the mall. we're expe expecting 18 holocaut survivors to be here for the did he indication ceremony at 11:00 o'clock this morning it but first let's take you inside. ♪ >> everything in here does tell a story. >> reporter: it is an immense and growing collection of holocaust art facts. >> everything in our collection has the potential of exhibition but we collect primarily to document the experiences and also memorialize the victims of the holocaust. >> reporter: among the more than 100 million pagesf archival documents transcripts of interviews with holocaust survivors. the names you see here evoking haunting images. >> these are records of the united restitution organization from toronto. >> reporter: our tour guide for this first look inside the holocaust museum's new conservation and research center is travis rocks license law director of collection services here nearly a quarter century on the job. >> as the survivors age and pass away, this collection is the only thing that we will have left the documents, the holocaust and the experiences of the people that endured that. >> reporter: we got to visit five of the eight climate controlled vaults each with a specific type of material. >> this is personal art facts vault. >> reporter: full of air conditioned lockers. >> this is the room where we store the children's toys, the hair brushes, the razors, concentration camp uniforms. >> reporter: and the sewing machines that were used to make them. there are several old telephones from poland. >> we don't actively collect nazi memorabilia. >> reporter: but there is this bust of hitler. >> there were statues of the fewer roar everywhere throughout germany and we acquired that particular item to help us tell the story of nazi propaganda. >> reporter: next we see some of the stored art works in the collection. >> the paintings were done by holocaust survivor. >> reporter: some are colorful. others are not. >> the dark images were also done by holocaust survivor. some of those were done during the holocaust itself. >> reporter: another vault housing the museum's large object collection. >> steamer trunks, um, suitcases, materials like that, that help us tell the story of immediate post liberation live of survives when they immigrated to this country. >> reporter: these holocaust art facts have been stored for theas facility near baltimore. it took more than 800 containers and 23 semis to bring all this material to this new facility. an endeavor that began last september. >> this is called the shapell center named after david and chanel holocaust survivors from pole land. david died two and a half years ago. fila lives in california will be here in for the 11:00 o'clock ceremony here in bowie, guys. >> powerful story. thank you, bob. so much for sharing that with us. giving us inside look. >> to find out more about that research center go to the holocaust memorial museum we were site and search for the name shapell. >> 9:19 is the time right now. coming up later kevin sit down with goldie hawn and a schumer to talk about real life family drama. >> erin what you working on. >> talk about being at the right place at the right time. we'll show how an off duty emt shaved a young girl after she fell out of a moving bus. breakfast warning nor for anyone who shops at harris teeter. the royal treatment for runners at the london marathon. we'll show you what is making headlines coming up next. yeae and fresh brewed lipton iced tea ah that can wait oh but not you buddy. bring everyone together with the refreshing taste of lipton iced tea. it only takes a second for an everyday item to become dangerous. new tide pods child guard pack. helps keep your laundry pacs safe and your child safer. align, press and unzip. my sweetheart's gone sayonara. this scarf all that's left to rememb... what. she washed this like a month ago! the long lasting scent of gain. across your entire laundry routine. (gasp) just head & shoulders? i thought it was just for, like, dandruff new head & shoulders. cleans, protects and moisturizes to... ...get up to 100% flake-free and unbelievably beautiful hair it's not head & shoulders, it's the new head & shoulders ♪ monday morning here on good day dc at 9:00 nine toll 22 and erin is back with a check of the other stories making headlines. hey, err inn. >> that's right. good morning allison and good morning to all of you. first up, well the tennessee teacher who kidnapped teenaged student and went on a cross country trip will be in court today. fief-year-old tad cummings is scheduled to be are a raped today in sacramento. he was caught last week with the girl in northern california. two were missing for more than five weeks. the girl has return to her family. cummings look extradited back to tennessee to face charges. his estranged wife has filed for divorce. she's glad the girl was found unharm. she says she still loves tad but he be trade her and she could never trust him. in other news defense secretary james mattis made surprise visit to afghanistan today. secretary mattis is there to assess a america's war needs as trump administration considers sending more troops to afghanistan. mattis visit comes three days after a taliban attack on afghan army base killed at least 100 people. a little girl in arkansas recovering after a horrible the four-year-old somehow managed to unlatch the back door avenue moving bus. and fell out. you can see that video right there just unbelievable. the bus driver didn't realize what had happened. luck wal you're seeing now a license the emt and volunteer firefighter happened to be driving behind the bus she has a broken jaw but expected to make a full recovery. the bus driver eventually came back and no charges will be filed. luckily a good end to go there. well if you're about to make breakfast listen up. you'll want to pay attention to this. certain frozen hash browns being called due to possible gulf ball pieces in the bags. mccain foods issued a -- a notice after the golf balls were accidentally harvested with the potatoes and chopped up. calling harris teeter southern style hash browns and round december brand of foes frozen style hash browns sold at harris teeters in the dmv. check your freezers there. the pieces could be a choking hazard. now so far no injuries have been reported. finally, listen to this st london marathon they got the royal treatment. the duke and duchess of cambridge along with prince george's harry handing out metals heads together a mental health organization was the official charity this year's marathon much it's estimated 40,000 people took part in the 26.2-mile course and what a great ending to a long strenuous race getting aville treatment. i love that story. >> i do, return. we're wondering how the golf balls got into the potato field. >> i was thinking that the entire time i was reading they didn't give an explanation. did somebody working there have one in their pock. was it their lucky golf balls. >> they're talking about har harvesting golf balls. >> maybe there's a golf ball plant next door. >> maybe it used to be golf course and the farm was there. >> ancient golf course. >> the golf balls were stones. >> it could happen. >> thanks, erin. >> well she is a beauty queen proving beauty is only skin deep. coming up next miss frost burg 2017 joins us 35 share her inspiring story how about she's helping other people overcome life's hurdles on the way to reaching theirs dreams. >> tucker barnes coming back with a check of how long the rain will stick around, how long it will fall and what else the work week has in store. >> fresh at 10a it's time for monday morning real housewives recap. this morning, star charisse jordon joins us live plus jimmy fallon making dreams come true for students at one local school with a big donation an tonight show shout out. >> rapper tre' da kid returns to the good day lost to make good on a promise he made the last time he stopped by. that's coming up at 10:50. right now it's 9:56. real be white back. ♪ you've worked hard. busted tail. and impressed the boss. maybe, it's time to be your own. transform your career with strayer university's mba program today. let's get it, america. packed with flavor, one hero was on a mission to save snack time. watch babybel in the great snack rescue. you want a piece of me? good, i'm delicious. creamy, delicious, 100% natural cheese. mini babybel. snack a little bigger. ♪ >> it is a great day to be a capitals fan, right. >> the team advanced to the second round of the stanley cup playoffs last night with a victory in toronto beating the map pell leafs in overtime yet again two-one marcus johansson tied the tying and winning goals. five of the six games in the series went into ot with theh te washington is now getting set for their arch rivals the pittsburgh penguins in the next round that starts on thursday at verizon center. >> all right. let's go. let's talk about this. wizards play off run continues tonight atl up to two games to one tonight critical game. game number four after getting blown out on saturday. if washington wins they return to the verizon center on wednesday up three games for the chance to close out the series at home. let's go. let's make it happen. >> let's do it. >> all right. how about the nats? they're on fire. the bats are hot. washington picked up a seventh straight win yesterday thanks in part to a first ending grand slam by daniel murphy. the team's third in just a week. they also got seven clutch innings from max scherzer on the mound. final score nats six, mets three. back to back division sweeps for the nats who beat the braves in three straight late last week the nats head to colorado next. heading west. good luck. >> but not making that trip out west steven strausburg scheduled to miss next start but it's not because he's hurt this time. he's getting ready to welcome a second child. >> he'll be hurting later on. [ laughter ] next weekend scheduled to miss one start that is the good news but off to a hot start. strausburg is two and zero in four outing this season. 29 strike outs in 28 innings. the team called up jacob turner from aaa syracuse to take his place. hopefully he keeps that hot streak alive. >> um-hmm. >> but in the meantime good look for that young baseball player. >> why you laughing? >> because i tell my friends all the time as soon as like when they're super athletes and super athletes when they get mary, right, vertical goes from here to here. every time they have child it gets lower and lower. >> what vertical are you talking about? >> vertical jumping ability. their ability to play bask basketball. >> basketball. >> i was just thinking strausburg while it's a happy time in his life, his 100 miles an hour, first child will go to 95. second child like 90. >> mr. happy marriage over here. >> all right. >> legitimat twilight zone like that when you have a heart it's harder to be like so -- maybe that's what it is. >> what are you talking about. >> it's harder to strike people out. >> do we have a draw diagrams for ya'll to understand. tucker -- >> tucker' expression. >> his wife and children will make him better. just a thought. >> in athletics. >> crickets. >> according to your reasoning allison i should be able to strike everybody out. >> exactly. >> well, i throw 26 miles an hour fast ball. i don't think i can. 53 in washington. we got rain showers across the area and we got rain in the forecast and cool conditions. look at the winds out of the north and east that combo means jacket weather today. we're not going to be out unfortunate mid 50's and rain showers will be kind of on and off throughout date not going to rain every minute today. definitely going to have period of rain and it's kneed rain. it's been dry the better part of sick months. this will help the local gardens and go a lot of agricultural interest around want to mention the clouds will be low and thick all day today. and what we're dealing with is area of low pressure down here. west of charleston. it's a very very slow mover kind of crawl up and along the coast here over the next couple of days. what that means for us the bottom line all that shower activity you see to our south will kind of get lifted up into our region we'll have waves of rain showers move through later this afternoon tonight, tomorrow, tomorrow night. i think it will be early wednesday before we can finally kick this area of low pressure out of here and get some sunshine back in the forecast. all right. there's your area of low pressure i want to mention cool conditions in the rain showers continue out there for the next couple of days and again we won't be out of the 50s today. low 60s tomorrow with some rhawn showers around. future cast just watch the rain showers there we go at 6:00. rain around for the evening commute tonight. we might get a bit of a break. let me mention it again it won't be raining every minute for the next couple of days. there's your scattered showers. the rain showers return in time for the morning commute at 10:00. bottom line and just know we need the rain showers. all right. end of the week bermuda high if it were july or august we'd be talking about hazy, hot and humid conditions we won't do hazy, hot and humid. hot for this time of year by friday, saturday and it look like sunday as well perhaps our first 90. we've not hit 90 today. our first 90-degree temperature of 2017 by saturday. forecasting up 80s right now but if we can get enough sunshine in here we might be able to do 90 by saturday. so those of us like me that like cooler temperatures i'm going to enjoy the next couple of days. guess what's back. >> heat. >> plain old summertime by the end of the week. >> love it. love it. love it. >> all right. thank you, tuck. it's 9:34. we're following breaking news in the district trench rescue in the 300 block of h street northeast. that's h street northeast. we understand several workers had to be removed from that trench. unclear whether any of them are hur. we will bring updates as we know them but trench collapse on h street in northeast. 300 block. more details as we get them. holly? >> thanks. mo. our next guest is out to show america beauty is skin deep. 22-year-old victoria graham broke into the world of beauty pageants while fighting a battle with her eller don lowes syndrome. elf ds left 25-inch scar down her spine. but that's not stopped graham from taking on life. after under going ten oper operations, on her spine and brain, to fight this disease she and her college roommate decided they had to do something wild and they landed on inter entering but tee pageant. graham found success in the pageant world this year she was crowned miss frost burg now she uses her platform to bring attention to her invisible disease and this morning we are so glad to welcome miss frost burg 2017 victoria graham into the loft to share her incredible story. good morning. >> good morning. >> you know what, you're one of the most gorgeous met in sometime on the outside and the inside. >> thank you let's start with your story because it's an mazing one to tell. how did it all begin. i was 13 when i diagnosed with els after searching for three years. >> wow. >> doctors didn't know what were you wrong with me. had this pain in my spine and they would just say, well, i don't know what's wrong with you or you're making it up. and after three years, i was finally diagnosed. fast forward i went to college. actually played soccer and lacrosse at eastern university and was the leading scorer for both teams and then lost my memory one day. i was aiming to be a surgeon all of a sudden i completely lost my memory. forgot who i was, what i was doing. everything. >> how scary. >> it was scary. and at that point you know i would dislocate things i would have aches and pains. >> what exactly does eds do to your body. >> it causes dislocations. i can emetrol flexible. my skin is hyper elastic. it effects my internal organs as well my everything. because conectiv tissue is everywhere in the body. the it's supposed to be like a tight and supportive basket we've but in my body it's falling apart so you can imagine being very flexible and falling almost apart. that's the way it affects me. >> i was reading about all of your surgeries that you had and it said you literal hal to have your skull repositioned on your spine and your spine fused together. >> we prefer up right mri as opposed to prone where you're laying down it's functional. they found out my head was actually leaning forward at a position that was crushing my brain stem. so they actually -- they had to fiss fit. they removed part of my skull and receded it at the correct position so it was who longer being compressed. >> it's amazing hard to almost wrap my mind around what you're saying. you're doing it with amazing disposition and happiness about you let's talk about i'm going to be bout tee queen. it was a bucket list item. we were sit aig round the process i went through i had ten surgeries and i was doing school in between. i would have surgery and go to school and have surgery and go to school cyclical cycle and i decided we need to do something because my life i don't know what's going to happen next previously played sports and i was no longer able to and i need to find something to do with my life. why not enter the pageant and here we are. here's what's incredible about you. you have taken this and you've actually made that your talent. >> yes. >> explain that. >> well, many girls have beautiful voices. i can dance in the car but when you involve my feet i can't real dollar any more. and so i prefer my monologue and as opposed to just performing a piece from a play i talk about my story and obstacles and i tell people every person that you meet has something they're battling. >> you walk out lik gown. >> yes. >> hospital gown. iv poll because that's authentic klee who i am. that could be who i am the day before and that's who i am the day after. but when i'm on that stage i want to show people that this is me. i don't have to wear something sparkly. this is me. and i want to show them that if i can do this so can you. >> so take me to the moment when you're crowned miss frost burg. because being in beauty pageant is on your buck list. yes. >> winning it you can't, you know, you can't predict that. >> i was shocked. i think to say the least. it was actually about three weeks after two of the biggest surgeries of my life, and i decided you know what, i'm going to try and do it and so i walk down the stage and i remember preparing for it and the opening number the girls would have to look up to the ceiling and i can't physically look up. and so that part of it made me nervous. >> sure. >> but when we were doing the on stage question and the bikini and everything i felt myself and when they called my name probably just the most blank expression because i was so surprised that it actually happened. >> it is just incredible. so now miss frostburg on to miss maryland, right. >> exactly. in june we'll be competing for miss maryland, and i can even tell you how excited i am to have the miss america logo at the top of my shoulder when we all aim to be is this organization it leaves me speechless because it's such a wonderful opportunity. >> i hope if you're watching this interview whatever you think you can't do you now realize you can. >> yes. >> because of this lady right here. she told me that this is going to be the color of her evening gown for miss maryland this blue i just felt like it was meant to be for me to wear today. >> if you are crowned miss maryland, will you come back to this lost and visit us. >> absolutely. >> so we can seal you. >> if i'm invited. >> i'm giving you the invitation right now. >> perfect. then i accept. >> well we are team you all the way. >> thank you so much. >> thank you so much for the person that you are. more than anything. >> i fight for other people and that's the reason that i i stand on stage for my friends who are in the hospital beds and the ones who are not able to use their voice. so thank you but it's not for me. it's really for everybody else. >> i'll give her the last words. back to you all. >> beautiful inside and out. >> you're amazing. >> good luck. >> wow. amy schumer and goldie hawn teaming up for hilarious we promise new mother's day comedy coming up next kevin sits down with the snatched stars i don't think that's the meaning on this movie to talk about their new flick and their family relationships. it is 9:41. 9:41 fios is not cable. we're wired differently. 9:41 maybe that's why we've been ranked highest in customer satisfaction by jd power 4 years in a row. and now you can love fios too. all for $79.99 per month online, for the first year with a two-year agreement. it's the only internet with equal upload and 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what does that mean? >> it means you're not going anywhere. you're to the doing anything. >> you know what i'm so sorry honestly want to see other people. >> excuse me? >> you're great. but i have a lot going on right now. >> yeah. i'm heart broken. [ laughter ] >> we've been there. >> okay. it's a new clip from the movie snatched it looks pretty funny it shows amy schumer dumped by her boyfriend on the eve of tropical vacation so she takes her mom played by goldie hawn instead. >> they get kidnapped hence the movie the title. >> that's a pretty good high jinx. >> it becomes an action movie which is crazy. it epps up and may 12th i spoke to goldie hawn and amy schumer. i believe this is goldie hawn's first film in 15 years. >> wow. >> she hasn't done movie since 2002. >> that would be 15 years. >> her and kurt russell have been together for many, many years. i spoke to kurt russell earlier in the week for guard lance of galaxy two. i spoke to them about theirs a scene in this film so goldie hawn literally spits a drink into amy schumer's face and it's disgusting. i wanted to know how many times -- can you imagine filming a scene like that. how many times you have to do that. >> right. >> also i wanted to know the idea of her goldie hawn is a mom obviously and i wanted to know the idea of what it's like when you have to leave,, when your kids leave the house because there's of there's a whole thing in this film about amy schumer leaving the house at 18 and basically saying you never come home any more unless you knee something from me. what a mother goes through when the kids leave the house. watch this. >> the scene when you spit that drink in her face -- [ laughter ] >> one of the fun yesterday things i've ever 19 my life. >> oh, my god. >> i have to know how many takes it was and why was it chunky? [ laughter ] >> why were their,, what was it in. >> we love that moment. so yeah that moment in the movie i mean that was like -- it was kind of us fighting for that moment because, i came in and pitcheth were kind of like, that's very disgusting. no, that's funny. we're doing that. >> we're doing that. >> we did it i think -- >> they think that put chia seeds. >> chia seeds, it was going in my hair and kim who does my hair had to pick these chia seeds out. >> oh, my god. so frustrating we did it maybe three or four times. >> yeah. >> we wanted to get it. >> we wanted to get the timing. >> you got to aim it rye, too. >> oh yeah. the whole thing -- she made me laugh so much at that moment. >> do you know what take they ended up ewing, one of first ones? >> do you know? >> i have feeling, and i don't know, because i'm not involved in the back end, but i think it was the second take. >> i think twenty eight second take, too. yeah. >> oh funny. we figured it out more by then. i'm going, really go for it. she's going i'm going to really go for it. it really was because it was -- it needed more velocity. that's really fun moment. the first you're spitting on someone you have a tendency to pull back a little bit. >> you let it go the next time. one thing i led emotional core to everything even though thursday of there's absurdity. 18 years you were mine unleft and this idea of leaving this mouse. my mom raised me and my brother i left at 18 went to college. as mom of three children what's it like when the kids leave the house. >> it's terrible. it's just february ribble. you try i mean i know we lit literally just went up and cried both curt and i when we lost,, when oliver went to college. we still had kids at home. so we knew what was to come. so when you're empty nest is a real thing. it's not little thing. it's a big thing. >> what do you do to get over it, though? like do you call -- do you call amy's character in the in many. >> no, no, no. we reinvest in our relationship. >> hmm. >> that's what you have to do. >> that's cool. >> otherwise you realize so much of your relationship is split apart you really want to like bring it >> huh. >> the good news we had another one and we know he was ten years younger than oliver we were out there with him as well. but it's just re-engaging in life and that's it. that's awesome. and by the way kate hudson her daughter and curse curt wrestle is not her biological father she basically calls him dad. he raised her. >> they've been together -- >> over 30 years. >> bill hudson was her father. >> right. >> but she considers kurt russell -- >> they were he is changed. >> totally. the movie is out on may 12th. it is an interesting question if you're a mom. the idea of what it's like when your kids leave the house. allison said they're there every day. >> i'll be the first one out here doing that. i think about it next year this same sidney will be arising senior. >> yeah. >> hold me. >> okay. >> good news hayden is only f five. >> yes. >> you have a little bit of t time. >> thanks, >> snatched hit theaters mother's day weekend. >> coming up his parents toll him he'd never graduate and man did he prove them wrong. and go viral in the process much his inspiring story next. ♪ ♪♪ at nature valley, we know that you have to put good in here to be great out there. real good energy. real delicious energy. nature valley granola bars. just good. you don't normally run through a meadow at sunrise. but once you indulge in rich, dark chocolate, lightly salted almonds and slow roasted peanuts... you might surprise yourself. nature valley sweet and salty bars. blissfully good. lilly. she pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress. but once a week i let her play sheriff so i can wash it. i use tide to get out those week old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. you are free to go. tide and downy together. ♪ okay. if you were scrolling through twitter or instagram this weekend you have undoubtedly seen that picture we just show you had. shows a man in cap and gown with the message, my step dad told me it was pointless to go to orientation. i wasn't going to graduate. four years later, he's in jail and i'm, well -- that's right. >> that message shared almost 200,000 times and liked more than half a million times. and now this morning tar ran asher in from our sister station detroit is sharing the full story of this young man. >> i was just sitting around and thinking about the things i went through to get here and to graduate. and that one thing kind of like stood out to. >> day von reader is getting ready to graduate from eastern michigan university. majoring in criminal science. but if he listen to his stepfather, he may not be here today. >> i kind of heard that and it was like, okay. i'll show you. >> reporter: as graduation day neared reader tweeted, my step dad told me it was pointless to go to orientation. i wasn't going to graduate any way. four years later, here's in jail and i'm am well --,. >> i looked at the picture and me laughing that's an ironic situation. we're in two different places of our lives and that's what you said look where i'm at. >> reporter: his tweet has gone viral. retweeted and shared thousands of times with people congratulating reader for proving his step dad wrong. >> i literally tweeted went to sleep my phone was dead i woke up and charged it my phone came on. oh, my gosh what's going on much it's exciting. >> reporter: 22-year-old from detroit the first in his family to go to college faced plenty of obstacles along the way. >> i came here on scholarship. i ended up losing it and then i had to go to basic training for upcoming back to work hard to get my scholarship back. i got family problems. i'm the oldest out of like all my brothers and sister he's have you to take care of my family back home. i'm a blackmale student at pry dominantly white university. that's a struggle in itself. >> he works two jobs to support his family says he didn't have father figure growing up. instead of being angry he had nine students formed an organization to mentor young boys. teaching them what he had to learn the hard way. >> living our values. live, learn, teach. knowing that i was living life i was making mistake but i was learning from them and i was able to teach somebodily. >> reader beat the statistic. on saturday, donning his cap and gown, he will walk with his entire emu class and officially accept his diploma. reader may be making headlines now, but it's clear his story is far from over. >> just because somebody said you can't do something or it seems hard or it's not the norm, or something that your used to doing you can do it. you can be the change. you can be the difference. >> i tell you -- >> threats. >> between that young man and victoria, our future is bright. >> that's right. >> we got amazing young people out there. >> this is a perfect lesson and perfect opportunity for anyone who's out there who saw that story or heard about this. the sky is the limb. there's no reason that let other people define you or put in you a box or tear you down with their negativity. do what you got to do. >> exactly does keep it moving. you don't have to give energy to any of that. he didn't and it's clear. >> young man you keep on succeeding. >> love this show today. all the inspirational stories. much more to come. we've got housewives recap coming up the house why of potomac. >> montgomery county gets a big donation from jimmy fallon. we'll tell you what's up with that. >> tre' da kid coming back on the show. he's going to do a little debut of his new album much he's got new stuff. >> he said he would and he held true to his we we love it. coffee time on good day c. we a good day d.c. dunkin' donuts mug we give away perfect cup for that great dunkin' donuts coffee. just head to f or facebook page to enter. you have until 11:00am so you got hurry. one lucky winner drawn at random each day. good day at 10a on the other side. ♪ note ♪♪ bite into magnum double caramel... ♪♪ and unleash your wild side. ♪♪ ♪♪ made with silky vanilla bean ice cream and rich belgian chocolate. ♪♪ discover magnum. z2c56z zi0z y2c56y yi0y it's time, america. there's work to be done. it's not going to be easy but there's grit inside of you. and if you need extra motivation the grad fund at strayer university can help push you forward. because up to your last year of classes could be on us. that's right. on us. today is the day. strayer university. let's get it, america. ♪ the must see moments only only one station. one show fox5 good day at 10a. >> tenning right now she was america's sweetheart new details about the death of erin moran. backlash for rihanna. and beyonce' picks. >> also at 10a the drama was oh, so real last night on the real house of potomac. charisse jackson joyner is here to dish all about it. >> bruce wayne you better watch your back. gotham returns tonight zone do the villians. we have a sneak peek of what to expect. >> monday let's do this. three, two, one, the 10a starts now. ♪ >> are re we walking. >> we're walking much. >> monday. >> are we doing some sort of train? >> hey. >> nod your head. >> okay. i have to get my ticket. holly are we going to the verizon center to see bruno mars? >> wait a minute. >> i all right got my ticket. yes, i do, i'm ready. >> what? >> can i ask a question. >> why am i excluded from this. >> i didn't know you were a super fan. >> i'm not super yet but i'm like -- >> that's why you're excluded. >> this album made me appreciate bruno in a whole new way >> chunky is my jam. >> chunky. have i not listen to whole album and memorized it since i was freshman in college. it was purple reign. >> bruno mars, count me in. >> all right. >> but you'll have to get your own ticket, boo. >> we should have champagne on ice to start the show. >> you have tickets? >> happy monday, everybody. >> if day d.c. are you hearing this? >> are ya'll hearing this. >> this side of the couch has tickets. >> this side does not. >> i'm maureen umeh alongside holly, wisdom and allison seymour. steve has the morning off. >> he has tickets, too. >> he actually does have tic tickets. >> he really does. >> before we check and see what's trending erin como is is back with a check of what's headache making headlines. >> you got tickets, too. >> i don't. we can get tickets gone together. >> let's do it. >> taking a look at our headlines first up, counseling down to president trump's first 100 days. he hits that milestone saturday. that's also the same day the government is set to shut can't reap a deal on funning bill one of the hang ups president trump's proposed border wall he wants lawmakers to approve money to pay for it. so far no word whether he'll sign any deal if it's not in there and that's just part of his busy week. later this week he's also expected to roll out a new tax reform plan and possibly take another crack at health care reform. in other news family and friends of former nfl player aaron hernandez say goodbye to funeral in his hometown of bristol connecticut. he was found hanked in jail cell in massachusetts last week. he was serving a live sentence for a 2013 murder and he had just been acquitted of the two other deaths in 2012. hernandez's fiance' was grant add request to preserve all evidence so the family can investigate the circumstances of his death. one of the eaglets from the national arboretum is back in the nest this morning. after spending a little time at the maryland zoo after getting it's leg stuck in branch. it was all captured on the eagle the incident happened on thursday. a tree climber get this scaled an 80-foot tree to free d.c. four along with the help of other wildlife experts. now the eaglet was taken to the maryland zoo and observed for 24 hours before dc4 was check out and cleared and ready to return to his nest friday night. some eagle cam followers gave the rescuer slack saying nature should of taken its course. but good for them for being able to help out. another aviation altercation this time with american airlines have apologized to female passenger and suspended an employee after video showing an on board clash over a baby stroller went viral. the clip you're seeing now shows a woman in tears after the flight attendant took a baby stroller away from distraught mother during the boarding process. the passenger and her family they took another flight and were upgraded to first class. and finally, this is all the buzz today. mcdonald's employees are sporting new uniforms and people, well, they're poking fun at the company. take look at officers on death star war in star wars. most of the uniforms are entirely gray with a slight yellow accent. they were reportedly created base on feedback from employees and customers. mcdonald's says the collection is focused on comfort, fit, functional will the and couldn't tamer professionalism. >> i don't think they're that bad. they're a it will retro. a little edgy. looks pretty good to me. what do you guys think. >> we saw video of the rock running on the beach in the middle of that. is he working at mcdonald's. >> if you eat mcdonald's you'll like like that. >> you'll look like rock, hercules in real life. >> okay. all right. >> i don't mind them. but it does seem curious where is the golden arch? a little golden arch. >> a little pop of color. >> right. >> fashion forward. >> nancy nails or something. >> just get my order right. i don't care what you're wearing. i don't care if it's purple, red all black you look like a storm trooper darth vader just get my order right. >> you just want your french fries. >> he's here all week, everybody. >> i'm just >> grouchy monday. >> 10:05. it's time to check what is tr trending. happy man, wisdom, take it away. first up it's a give dab to a caps fan. there you go. the team advanced to the second round of the stanley cup playoffs last night beating the maple leafs in overtime two-one. marcus johansson scored the tying and winning goals. five of the six games in the series went into overtime with the caps winning three of them. washington is now getting set to face the pittsburgh penguin in the next round that starts on thursday at verizon center, and speaking of our local teams the wizards play off run continues tonight in atlanta. up two games to one tonight is critical game. it's number four after getting blown out on saturday night. if washington wins they return to the verizon center on wednesday up three games with a chance to close out the series at home. so let's hope so because those -- these are two tough series that are about to -- caps going against pittsburgh they haven't beaten pittsburgh in the second round, haven't beat anybody >> i'm feeling good about the caps. >> once they get past the second round it's white open. as far as the wizards is concerned atlanta never come back after being done zero-zero in a series. >> we don't want to be the first one. >> exactly. >> you don't want that to ha happen. >> come on wis. >> at 10:07 montgomery county elementary school got a big boost for their read had a thon fundraiser. comedian jimmy fallon helped double his donation. he place a game called egg roulette and the principal at field road agreement to participate for the fundraiser. it got fallon's attention. >> so these principals had to crack eggs over theirs in front of the whole school with all the kids watching and we got a hold of a clip. take look at this. >> here we go! >> aww. >> ew >> fallon spotlighted the montgomery county elementary school on his show on friday night. you saw that in the clip there. the principal and the assistant principal at fields road elementary agreed to play egg route hell. ready whip will give 13 grant to the read a thon doubling what they had already raised. now, fox5 spoke to the principal and the assistant principal via skype. take a listen. >> they had let us know they were going to make donation to us and we were joking around we were like wouldn't it be so great if they gave us five hun doctor dollars. i hope we get 500. we can do so much to help our students. when they said $13,000 that night, i almost fell off of my how much. i was watching it with my husband and my two children and i -- i couldn't believe it. i still can't believe it. we were totally shocked by their generosity. >> we immediately texted each other oh my gosh. >> that is so wonderful.& i'm not sure what's more exciting getting the money or getting the fallon. >> i know. both pretty i was in some. >> how about the students. they're like ahh. >> to do that self deprecating moment you have serious job, monday through friday. thumbs up all around. if you haven't seen the fate of the fewer eighty two yous now you're one of the few. you've seen it wis. >> i've seen it. >> it's awesome. >> okay. >> i have not. >> i either. eighth movie in the franchise is number one at the box office again. it's the second week in row. this time it took in another $38 million. it's down 61% from its opening weekend but still more than enough to lead the race. if you add in all the global sales, the movie is nearly at the $1 billion mark in just two weeks. rounding out the top five this week the boss baby and beauty and beast holding on born in china and going in style and i meant to see born in china this weekend. too busy. >> you're not going to see fate of the furious. >> what's born in china. di >> about this person that was born in china. >> it does look good. >> wis, it's just not my thing necessary necessarily the fast and furious movies. when i spend that hard earned $12, i'd like to just go see my genre. >> twelve dollars? >> sneak into matinee. >> i was going to say. >> i didn't see one through seven. >> i either. >> you had to see at least the last one to see this one. >> the mind numbing action was great. >> how was luda. >> luda was pretty good. the rock -- dwayne johnson stole the show. jason stay sham he was good as well. it was a team effort. >> yeah. >> vin diesel was ahh. >> would you watch it again. >> i would. i wouldn't pay. i wouldn't pay. >> right. >> no. no. never do that. wait for it to come on tv now. >> finally there's a curious phenomenon on the billboard 100 singles chart this wek. there are no women in the top ten. that hasn't happened in 33 years. take a look at shape of view is number one. followedy by kendrick lamar, sign of the times by harry styles. all the rest of the way all men much what's going. >> that's interesting, ladies. come on. >> who has a hit out right now. >> beyonce' got songs out now. >> well that's really -- >> they're not hits. >> that dj on the radio. >> what about the other one. all night long. was that not beyonce'. >> i don't know but that hurt my eardrum. >> my sinuses clear up. >> give my itself a headache over my right eye. >> this billboard's list from february11th, 1984. see. >> um-hmm. >> look at that. >> joanna, love you. >> you're the one, the one for me. >> we're all such singers. >> ♪ >> an feeling never let's me down especially at night. ♪ >> you know, i have said it before. give me cool and the gang jungle boogie. >> i don't like all that other stuff. >> all right. >> okay. moving on. season three of gotham returns tonight and this time it's time for the heros to rise. coming up later we'll sit down with the stars of the hit show for a sneak peek at what fans can expect. see, isn't this better. >> no. >> lady gaga's emotional coach kell la tribute. rihanna under fire for her queen photo shop fail. what it's like to touch zac efron's abs. that's how it sounds any way. good day celebrity dish is next. like playing the washboard. >> that's right. ♪ ♪♪ ♪ happy days ♪ >> i never knew what they were saying after that. >> the weekend comes. >> holly knows all the words. >> i see. >> that was must see tv tuesday night. >> i can break right into the theme song of cacci. >> we'll start with this. neighbors of erin moran best known for her work in the sitcom happy days and joanie loves cacci remembered her as a friendly member of the mobile home community following her shocking death on saturday. however they also say she became morey conclusive in recent months. officials in harrison county indiana yet to confirm the cause of her death. an autopsy is still penning. according to neighbor the actress died in the weathered gray trailer she shared with her second husband and mother-in-law in rural indiana. one neighbor said she was kind of hyper full of energy but hadn't been seen much in the last couple of months. meanwhile, in loving memory scott baio took to social immediate to pay tribute to his former co-star and ex girl friend. may people run erin for her contagious smile, warm heart and animal loving soul. i always hoped she could find piece in her life. god has you now erin. wow. >> i also know that henry winkler and ron how war a well. >> it's her. >> just always seemed really troubled. >> yeah. in later years especially too. you weren't necessarily surprised by still really sad an part of you. >> if you're like -- >> for us. yeah. you grew up with her. >> so another -- we have had very inspirational show this is kind of down celebrity dish to start lady gaga at coachella la performing all of her hits, of course, and then she said she wanted to slow it down a little bit because she wanted to do a tribute to a dear friend of hers who is trying to get through stage four cancer. her friend' name is sonya durham and she's actually a former assistant of lady gaga's, and she sang the edge of glory to her friend right there. she also says that she -- her friend said without lady gaga and other people's financial assistance she really wouldn't make it even to where she is right now. she quotes i understand why people give up and die because they just don't have resources that i have been gi given. also when sonya recently got married lady gaga was there as well. so by all accounts they're very very close and really sad picture of her in her hospital bed she has on a coachella la wrist band. you know, she's putting on this brave face and basically wishing that she was at coachella la instead. really sweet. who doesn't think lady gaga is a compassionate person. isn't she's always good friend as you can see. >> all right. well, guess what there's some people you just don't mess with. just go ahead season rihanna this she spark backlash on social media after she photo shopped lose beth the second's head on to her own body to celebrate the monarch's none is the birthday. the love and the brain singer took to instagram on saturday actually shared four pictures of the queen's face super em poe on her own fashion ensembles. racy yesterday photos showed the queen's head placed on photo shoot which posed in convenience store with chanel suit barely covering her breast on the ri right. the cams it's not that deep. another showed the queen dressed in crystal gucci body suit that rihanna wore to coachella aft week and she said cause you like a grandma bleep just amateur. referenced a lyric from gucci main and her ex drake's collaboration both. she edit the caption to mum said she won't too happy about this post so i had to edit insert gucci main lyrics here. some did not fine the funny and shared their outrage in the comment second it is rude, you know, this is not funny. she's someone's grandma imagine if it's yours? one critic wrote. another added rihanna is craving attention i suppose. the queen is 91 and deserves respect. >> hmm. do you think rei nan went too far that is that's the question people are talking about today. >> i think it's funny. >> i thought the first one was fun f ash and lotion. the one in the green suit. >> right. >> overall tasteless but i thought the first two were fu funny. >> i'm indifferent. >> you are. i love rihanna. i do. but i do think that just a little tacky. >> i think it was a little tacky. tacky is a good word. >> tacky, right. do what you want to do. leave the queen alone? >> it's a little tacky. what did you say. >> leave the queen alone. >> i don't know. she's, you know, 91. okay. >> but those outfits were really cute. >> is that wrong? >> okay. beyonce' and she has put out new pregnancy pictures. of course i think this is on the heels of her taking some heat some people were saying oh my god look at her she looks so f fat. she's carrying twins first of all. give her break. she released these and series of photos on instagram for everyone to look. she's got two little babies in there with her husband jay-z. >> when were these taken. >> well, maureen is questioning when they were taken because we saw earlier would expect beyonce' even though she's always whatever, beyonce' her body is going to be affected by pregnancy. and she -- her face look a little fuller through her neck area on these pictures they look like they're not as full. but this is all our inner controversy. our inner doubt. >> right? she put these out outwound of paper. >> there's some more. she's a beautiful woman carrying tips. >> she's but beautifully. >> look at the views on that. over 7 million. she's just trying to share her journey and super happy. she suffered a lot of false starts and miscarriages and there she is. >> i got to get these in quickly. listen up. vegas is longer all about the show girls. how about show men? >> okay. >> magic mike live las vegas is all knew first class enter taken many experience based on the hit films magic mike and magic mike xxl. >> shannon tay tay tum in them. >> he's a part of and casino redesigned to capture the magnetism of the ma nick mike franchise conceived by chaning tatum and then co directed by tatum and film franchise allison foulk. the show features sexy and dog strip routine from a wildly cast diverse cast of performers. >> what does that mean. >> wildly diverse. >> so have you ever wondered what it would be like to touch zac efron's abs? >> sometimes. >> bay watch star alexander due tell in recent esther view with entertain taken many tonight. earl only high to do a scene where i had to flirt with him and touch his waist. it was sort of like i wasn't prepared. it was like an animal list tick shock went through me. >> what? >> i don't know. he's like not human. he's like something michelangelo carved. >> come on holdly. >> i've never seen a man that it's incredible. >> come on. >> i'm just letting you take it all in. >> thank you. >> we can't touch him but we can see him on the big screen. bay watch hits theaters may 25th. >> okay. that's the dish. >> was she is first grade. >> he's got a stomach. oh, my gosh. >> not a stomach. abs. >> abs. >> 10:23 is the time moving on in our lives. >> police please. >> rapper tre' da kid return to the good day lost to make good on a promise he made last time he was here. >> keep the umbrella closer. tucker is back with the rainy monday forecast want to expect the rest of the work week. we'll be right back. ♪ now through sunday at havertys, everything's on sale during our anniversary event. find furniture and accessories for every room. from traditional to contemporary, the newest designs and the freshest styles. plus, you'll get twenty-four month, no interest financing. with havertys, your home can be perfect. even when life isn't. hurry. the anniversary event ends sunday at havertys. life looks good. ♪ we're back at 10:26. we have updates on two breaking new stories. first from prince george's county a fire at a large building under construction. this is on berwyn house road in college park. skyfox is over that scene right now. you can see smoke still billowing from the top of the building. no one has been injured at this fire which has now gone to three alarms. began a fire there in college park. smoke billowing out of the building. sky fox over the scene. we'll keep updated as we get the information. want to take you to the dis district, h street northeast where several construction workers have been hurt in a trench collapse. they've all been rescued but at least three people the trench was 25 feet deep when it partially caved in. this again happening on h street in northeast dc. all right. 10:26 right now. let's get another check of our kind of rainy day. tucker barnes joining us from the weather sent. hey, tuck. >> allison, is you edit rainy and cool and cloudy out there and we'll have rain showers kind of on and off throughout date today. in fact, we'll have rain showers tonight, tomorrow and into the first part of wednesday before we get sun back in the forecast but the end of the week shows promise. notice those temperatures are all pretty uniform. everybody in the low 50s. at this hour. 52 down in leonardtown. 54 up in frederick not much variation everybody doing clouds and some light showers across the area at the moment that's your radar. and you can see we got a few showers to our north up into howard county, montgomery county and up towards frederick and look at the south there as you get down loo looking into southn have a is down towards richmond we've got additional shower here is an area of low pressure that's in south carolina and that look a very slow mover here over the next couple of days. what does to mean for us? it means cloud cover, cool conditions and on again off again rain sh showers here right through early wednesday morning as mentioned. you can see all that rain shower activity now gathering down into parts of southeast virginia and down into the carolinas and all that of will be streamly north in waves of moisture over the next couple of days. all right. future cast, it wants to give us rain showers this afternoon. i think we'll definitely have rain around later this afternoon for that evening commute and then maybe a couple -- maybe a couple of hours of break overnight. there we are 2:00 o'clock in the morning the showers return tomorrow morning and we'll have showers around all day tomorrow as well with daytime low highs in the low 60s. seven day forecast. cool, cloudy and wet. we need the rain. we'll take the next couple of days get the sun back and things get gradually better around towards the end of the week and plain old hot. look at thursday, friday and saturday. we pump the temperatures. we can 90 degrees around here by saturday. guys, that's a rainy update. toss it back to you. >> all righty. thank you, tuck. more good day ahead and we've got the dish. real housewives of poe potomac. if you didn't we have a recap with one of the real housewives charisse jackson jordon. you go to the see her shoes much that's really what you got to see. [ laughter ] >> we're back after this. ♪ hey allergy muddlers are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool? try zyrtec® it's starts working hard at hour one and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. stick with zyrtec® and muddle no more®. at nature valley, we know that you have to put good in here to be great out there. real good energy. nature valley granola bars. just good. you don't normally run through a meadow at sunrise. but once you indulge in rich, dark chocolate, lightly salted almonds and slow roasted peanuts... you might surprise yourself. nature valley sweet and salty bars. blissfully good. you've worked hard. busted tail. and impressed the boss. maybe, it's time to be your own. transform your career with strayer university's mba program today. let's get it, america. >> the drama keeps getting bigger and better and bigger and better. last night the fourth epp said hit the air waves. let's take look at what you miff. >> the chill in that room between eddie and charisse. here they spent 20 years together have two beautiful children built this whole life and now they won't even make eye contact with each other. >> who is over here. >> is this your family. >> come with me. >> is this your familiarly? >> yeah it is. >> when eddie and i see each other we don't talk. it is what it is. >> i have no idea why ash system obsessed with my marriage. the little girl definitely needs to stay in her lane. >> she does need to do. okay. we saw charisse throwing her daughter fabulous tweet 16 birthday party and miss ashley get in thing in the mix to talk about your marriage. you were not having this. >> you know, it was -- it wasn't a place for it. it was schuyler's party. it was about good time. her dad was there as he should be. and that was it. you know, a bunch of 16-ye 16-year-olds having a good time. he's sitting off to the side typical. what was he supposed to get up and dance with the teenagers. she was saying i don't really know eddie. >> i've known her for year and we're getting a divorce. why do you need to know him? >> stupid. >> she's young. she's wet behind the ears so she doesn't know better you have to give her pass. >> give her pass. were you really as upset -- >> no, at the time i was pissed. right now when i look at it i'm like, you know, she's young. she's stupid, you know, but i thought it was just a situation where, okay, enough. enough. enough. you know, and the situation where you know i'm going through a divorce, i think there's a certain line of respect. >> yeah. >> you know eddie is not on the show. he's not a part of the show. he show. so, upping,. >> leave it alone. >> he have eight loan. he's a grown man. >> we saw in one of clips you breaking down about talking about your marriage. >> yeah. >> and so are you taking us inside and showing us what's happening there? >> for me doing the show my character is my character. and i don't try to be something that i'm not. whatever is going on with me, i bring it to the show only because a lot of women are going through the same very thing. >> right. >> it's struggle. i don't want to sugar coat and act like this is so easy. and then i'm on top. no, it's not like that. it's a struggle. it's a day to day process. i'm doing great today. but next month who knows? i don't know. >> at least you've got the $96,000 champagne room you can retreat to. >> it's not 96,000ly. >> no. >> no. i had a lot of stuff going on. >> what kind of champagne costs $96,000. >> no. >> i was like, hey, i want to be you when i grow up honestly. let's talk about the other ladies. this is a group that i'm still trying to put my finger on. more a frenemy thing? it seems from week to week the alliances are sort of being tested. >> um-hmm. >> i'm thinking are they cool or something about to jump off here. >> when i started this process, i thought high ooh his some friends. now i'm seeing they're fren frenemies. so it's a little different. >> yeah. >> yeah. not all of them. >> that makes for good tv. >> it does. it really does. >> last time you were here you had harsh words for giselle. is she still on your hit list? now two have made up. >> really? >> no. >> okay. >> what's going on? >> i don't like her. [ laughter ] >> that's plain and simple enough. >> why you think she's messy? in your business, too, like she shouldn't job. >> i think so. well, part of me is trying to be flattered about the whole situation that she keeps talking about me. but the things she's saying to me is very disrespectful. she's lying saying i said things that i didn't say to her. like i cheated on my husband. i mean in all reality, i'm going through a divorce, and you're sitting up there on national television lying abo so sensitive to me what woman does that? are you that desperate that's when it becomes a problem for me. >> because two you knew each other a little bit before the filming began, right. >> we did. >> where do you draw the line? i mean this is someone who knows you and -- >> let's be very clear. does not know me. knows of me. >> we weren't friends to the point where we were talking on the phone and hanging out and all that stuff. it was more like social friends, you know, events we had some mutual -- we have mutual friends and it was that type of friendship i sincerely did like her as a person much she's beautiful womyn just thought, you know, everyone didn't like her because she was pretty now i know they remember not crazy. [ laughter ] >> okay. okay. >> but it's just, i mean, it's tv. it's a show. and i understand what she has to do what she does to be who she is on the toe show. >> are you saying some people are playing it up. >> absolutely. >> what do you think about giselle. >> she hasn't come on the show. >> just taj of watch the show. >> these looking for a man preference rabblely one with coins. >> and other things but yeah. okay. >> okay. that's it. >> i will tell you this though. you guys do have a delicious show. i mean i watch -- i'm watching it unfold and loving where it's going. i love you this season. the real i, everything. so well done. well done. >> it's a great cast. i sincerely think it's a great cast of women. we have difference and it kind of comes together and end up a big mess but good met mess tame. >> we're glad you come here to dish about it. >> you have a standing invitation. come and tell us what's going on and we're here for you. >> thank you. >> thank you. just, k we get her shoes, please. >> can somebody show this lady's amazing shoes? yeah. look at this. look at this. are you kidding me right now? >> you go home bare foot. [ laughter ] >> they hurt e they actually hurt them look cute but they hurt. >> these are shoes you pose in. you're not supposed to charisse, thank you very much. >> back over to you guys. >> i think you shall use those shoes on somebody. >> exactly. >> thanks ladies. it's time for the heroes to rise in the city of gotham and that's because season three of the hit show rushes tonight. first though we're watching up with the cast including the boy who will be batman for a sneak peek at what to expect. 10:38 is the time. ♪ z2c5pz z16fz y2c5py y16fy who controls gotham? ♪ guilty. ♪ judgment is eminent. >> you promise me the truth and i'll still waiting. >> you have to love gotham. people always pointing guns at each other. >> i'm tired of being kept in the dark. >> they know we're coming for them. >> everything i have done has been to prepare you for this moent. this city will be torn apart and out of the ashes a dark hero will rise. >> if this is my destiny, i cannot want to fail. >> season three of the hit show gotham returns tonight and this time around the heroes will rise. fox's ashley dvorkin got a chance to catch up with the cast with a look at what fans can expect. >> i know who i am, professor. it's how to be him. >> return to gotham april 24th on fox. with story centered around villainness gotham city resident edward anything ma. at least that's what he's known as to start. >> we will find out how the riddler got his name. which is kind of an honor that story has never been told. >> this all follows his showdown with his frenemy penguin. >> penguin is dead. so he's running the city by proxy. and no one knows that he's the one that killed him and so he's trying to run the city and figure out what his next move is and what this means for him. >> reporter: but we'll still see penguin. >> first time we see penguin again it's somewhat of an illusion. it's a riddler's conscience or his subconscious as it was. >> there's much drama on the way for the rest of the characters, too. jim and lee are still unra unraveling. >> we next see jim post jerome post the sort of, um, mania that ended this last portion of the season, um, in a new place where he's sort of licking his wounds over what happened there it's still trying to reconcile with leon some level but a new character comes into his life. his uncle who he hasn't scene in years played by james rei march. >> she's hitting rock bottom at this point. she has lost jim and then she lost mario and she's not quite sure if it was the right thing to do or not and she's a little bit, you know, she's realing. >> selena kyle and bruce wayne are at odds. >> they've always struggled with that insane chemistry and dynamic perspectives on what's right and wrong, and i think sell loan in a is starting to become tired of being judged for her persp perspective. >> and bruce is starring to embrace his alter ego. >> it's going to be major transition. it's going to be something that bruce is going to be forced through, um, against his own will but he will emerge and he will become stronger than ever point. >> in new york, ashley vada very yack and fox news. >> i got a chance to sit down with the future batman last week david and i had one burning question for him. take look. >> as the young bruce wayne, who is your favorite batman? >> um, it's hard -- this is a hard question. i get eight lot. but, um, i feel like it's really hard to pick a favor rate batman because there are so many different, um, various incarnations of the character. if you look at adam west next christian bale both like bruce wayne but so completely different. i think if i had to pick one i would pick christian bale he's my batman. everybody has that batman they grew up for me it's christian bale. i think if i had to pick one it would be him. >> just reminder you can catch all new episodes of gotham tonight 8:00 o'clock right here on fox5. i think they did a good job of picking batmans throughout the and tire thing exempt for one time. >> don't you say michael keaton. >> george clooney was the worst batman. >> i liked michael keaton. >> he's my fave. >> val kilmer he was actually a goodman. george clooney was tesh ribble. >> but he's so cute. >> and he was terrible. >> cute and terrible -- >> don't go together. >> no. >> you can be cute and terrible. >> i'm just joking. >> it's a joke. >> oh, we know. rapper tre' da kid returns to the good day lost to make good on promise he made the last time he stopped by. live performance of his new single is coming up next. ♪ you said you wanted to feel better about your cereal. general mills big g cereals hear you. that's why we say "yes" to whole grains as our first ingredient. and "no way" to high fructose corn syrup. ♪ in every honey nut "o". every lucky charms spoonful. and every cinnamon toast crunch square. lls big g cereals. you've worked hard. busted tail. and impressed the boss. maybe, it's time to be your own. transform your career with strayer university's mba program today. let's get it, america. >> he beat out 10,000 contestants in verizon free style 50 challenge for the title of best free style lear rah sift in the nation. he promised to return to the loft when his first single dropped. that time has come. please welcome tre' da kid. ♪ >> let's get it man much this is my new single run it produced by london track. available now. i tunes, apple music, ever everywhere. shout out to 3 300 entertainmen. >> ♪ >> ♪♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> my new cd run it available on the track. get that video coming soon. run it. run it. ♪ >> yeah. >> that's what i'm talking about. welcome back. >> man of your word. you have came back. >> most definitely. most definitely. most definitely. >> tell meow your new project. >> run it which ya'll just heard produced by london on the track it was part of the contest to get this single done and the& song turned out a little, you know, better than what the label thought so they we extra hard. um, 30,000 down loads in like three days i think. something like that. >> nice. >> yeah, man. it's doing real real good. >> okay. should you has your live changed since you won the nationwide rap battle. >> drastically. to start i lost both parents in the last seven months. yeah. >> sorry to hear. >> that my mom died sept september 5th. my pops just died april the fifth. but this blessing is something i really feel like they left behind for me. so it's just been -- it's been a drastic change. i can't go nowhere without people stopping me. what's up tre' da kid? taking a picture. giving an autograph. it's a humbling feeling. >> okay. is this your number one release on this particular album? >> yup. >> it's your favorite song? >> yeah. 30,000 in a couple days. of course it's my favorite song, yeah. >> what else can we expect from you on this album? what kind of styles? this is the kind of style that london on the track the whole thing, whole style? i'm pretty versatile. i'm pretty sure i'll do a song dedicated to my parents. i always do something dedicated to my son but this is the record we going with right now. it's a feel good record. got a lot of great feedback, and the title run it that's what i'm trying to do run it. run everything. >> okay. >> run the game. run my life. >> right. >> run everything. i understand. so look, as far as tours or anything like that you got anything like that coming up? >> yeah, my first show is with tray tre songs may 11th that will be in dope, that will be in baltimore. the label actually working on putting me on a worldwide tour right now. >> gotcha. >> this summer it's on. i'll be everywhere. >> make sure you come back here. >> a man of my word. >> you are a man of your wore. yes. >> last time you were here we had little rap thing going you smoke me because you're a professional rapper and i'm not. i've been working on some thing. >> okay. >> what's with the groaning in the background over there. ya'll supposed to have my back >> ya'll supposed to have my back in here. supposed to have my back. over here groaning and moaning. >> let me bust a couple of versus for you. >> let's see what you got. >> mack, you got me? >> all right. ♪ let me crank it up a little bit. >> here we go. come over here. i need support from you because they ain't got my back. here we go. ♪ >> ♪ now what you hear is not a test, i'm rapping to the beat, now, me, my friends and those people trying to move your feet ♪ >> you see i am wisdom and i like the to say hello, you know, i'm good. >> maybe i might not come back because they might hit you for copy write inn fringe many, man. [ laughter ] >> every time i come here you sing somebody else rap. >> how about this one? >> ♪ it's been a long time i shouldn't have left you without a strong rhyme to step to think how many week through, time's up sorry i kept you ♪ >> ♪ >> oh really. >> i'm not -- clearly i'm not you. that's a real steel. >> tre' da kid ladies and gentlemen. >> that's fake clap. they clap for you for real. >> that was fake clap for me. >> listen we're staying on top of breaking news real quick prince george's county live skyfox view over there berwyn this is in beer rin house road in college park a house fire. you see the smoke billowing again sky fox over the scene we'll keep update online. all morning long so you can keep a breast of what's happening there. building was under construction no injuries reported at this time. but again sky fox over the scene there in college park maryland. >> all right. >> let's end on a high note. >> i told wisdom so many times he's miff his calling in life. >> i know. >> right. >> you know. he did. >> what's that calling? [ laughter ] >> we got rain showers today, tonight and tomorrow and very cool temperatures. they'll be with us through wednesday morning. take you today. >> wisdom murders the rap. >> ♪ >> wisdom, i thought you were awesome. >> you need to run it out of here. >> right. >> i need to run it. hey allergy muddlers are you one sneeze away from being voted out of the carpool? try zyrtec® it's starts working hard at hour one and works twice as hard when you take it again the next day. stick with zyrtec® and muddle no more®. >> live from new york city, it's "the wendy williams show." >> wendy: how you doing? welcome to hot topics. we won't judge, but we're judging. it's going to be juicy. [ applause ] >> now, here's wendy! [ applause ] >> wendy: thanks for watching the show. [ applause ] [ applause ]

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