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Cherry blossoms as the annual festival gets under way. Update from the experts. And later, the madness tips off today but first were puttingut the finishing touches on our o brackets and we need your help. H good day at 9a starts right now. Oh, yeah. Oh, y were talking about the march mh madness. In the weather department. Eptm because thats whats going on. O thats whats going on rightht now. Its madness outside. Out it is march madness. You think i thought the basketball, als right. Good day dc. C it is thursday, march 16th. Mch1 wisdom martin, allison seymour,o holly morris. Mri Steve Chenevey. Were ready to go. Ady to outrage in college parkn cole somebody posted series of racisc flyers on campus theres one ofn them and now this morning themoe university with a message foragr students. Well have all those details dai coming up. First at 9 00, though let talk about this march madnessade weather. It really is crazy. Its another bitter cold morninl out there. Little less wind but a little more sunshine could make it me better than yesterday. Rd with some luck of the irish werh could be back in spring sin territory as early as tomorrow. O tucker is back with all theh details on that. Hey tuck. Y t ease on back into springtimem temperatures. Te all right. Nothing too dramatic here. Nge but it will get a little bettert each day starting with thish t afternoon. Rnoo still cold this morning, but by later today we should be justulj plain old chilly with highs inlh the low 40s. I think the sunshine remembere m this time of year the sun anglea gets to be little bit higher ifr you can get out in that sun it i should feel a little better fort you. All right. Still below freezing reagan ng rean national 31. On31. Dulles 29. 9. 28 in baltimore at bwi marshalll so another cold start. D sta everybody was below freezingreg here early this morning andnd waking up with plenty ofy sunshine. Su few clouds out to the west. Yesterday that lake effect snowe machine really kicking in and we had a lot of clouds and few a fw flurries around. Un. Less numerous today i can see ty the mountains are starting toe o get cloudiness an few flurries f west but i think for the most m part well get more sunshinee today. A little warmer highs in the low 40s the best part the winds that were blowing at 40 or even 50 miles an hour yesterday theyll only be blowing 20 to 30 today. So still a breeze. Ez still a chilly day youll want n jacket but at least itseastt trending a little bit milder m here the next couple of days. Fa. 42 today. Tod and coming up here ill have tht st. Patricks day forecast. Oras well be warmer than thathan tht tomorrow as we get into our lasl weekend of winter we will finally have hints of spring see if Mother Nature cooperates with flowers. It is madness out there. Ahah. Thanks, tuck. Hank picking up few degrees every day day. Were following a couple of breaking news stories out offoln france this morning. Ewanhis first coming from the french riviere ya a shoot tag high shoh school. Were hearing the principal ofpo the school was shot. Hool w sho local officials have issued aali warning to residents in that tht area stay away from the highomhh school. Police have arrested one personr but there are reports as many am three gunmen may have burst intt that school and opened fire. E. Motive for yet known. Yet kno the other breaking news storys comes from paris a letter bombrm exploded this morning when itni was opened at the offices of the International Monetary fund. Yun at least one person was hurt in that incident. Idt. This ruling makes us lookk weak k by the way we no longer r are, believe me. Elie me. [ applause ] just look at our borders. Were going to fight this terrible ruling. President donald trumpaldrump slamming federal judges rulingug blocking his revised travel bann that ruling from a federal courl in hawaii. Awaii. It came down just hours beforeef the ban was supposed to go into effect. Fe the judge there rejected the governments claim that the ban is about National Security andnd not muslim discrimination. Meantime a federal judge inudgei maryland also blocked President Trump ands revised ban, travell ban. The j belt yesterday brought by they e aclu. Ac he issue the ruling early sayinn the history of public statementt by the president and his lawyers continues to indicate the travea ban is meant to keep muslims ous of the United States. S all right. Ig. Nip 05 00 is the time. P 05 00 is another big story for the trumpm administration this morning is i the president has officiallyoffy unveiled his first budgetis fire proposal as commander in chief. It was expected to boost didd he phenes spending cuttings spec budgets for other agencies. R oti Melanie Alnwick has. Close sr. Look live at the looli Government Publishing Office inn northwest where the budget waseg actually unveiled. Hey, mel. Reporter good morning, mor guys. Yeah. So its called the budgetudge blueprint to make america greatt again. Again. Saying its really going too focus on defense, homelandd security, Veterans Affairs those are the winners in this budgetsb but the loser unfortunately arey many other domestic agencies. President trump saying in theg pref face that the cuts are a sensible and rationale. Atile noting that every agency andncy department will have to achievee greater efficiency and eliminate so lets talk a little bit about what some of the materials are. E when we were talking about thene Defense Department it is getting a 54 billion boost. Bst the Largest Military spendingpen increase since ronald reagan. Ra that money being used for troopt readiness, fight against islamia state and new ships fighter jetj and weapons. But that 54 billion will be b offset by 54 billion in cuts to foreign aid and domestic agencies. Ci were talking about a dozen different departments. Epar hardest hit agriculture, labor,b state and the epa. Pa also locally the nationalational institutes of health will take e budget cut as well. El thousands of federal workersorke will lose their jobs and this is also interesting as well. Asel the budget eliminates federal funding for 19 independencede agencies. Cies. Including the national endowmenn for the Arts National end do yo mean for humanities. S. Corporation for publicfopublic broadcasting and in this budgetd also cuts to legal aid for the r poor and low Income Housing assistance. We also mentioned you guys wes w talked about it several timesims this morning as well includes money in here billionsn of dollars to start buildinguiin that border wall with mexico. Mc something that on the campaign trail candidate trump said s mexico was going to pay for. Ay f so billions of dollars for thata in this budget blueprint rightpr here. Also, 500 million to fight figt opioid addiction here in thee in United States. Un we know that is an issue as wels that is coming up but again thit is a wish list this is a is blueprint. Bl it does all have to be approvedo by congress and this is just tht start. Notice how thin it is. N it i just 60 pages here. H it does not deal with taxes. Tes does not deal with the other entitlements. Titl social security, medicareme,e, medicaid. Id all of those will be forthcomino as well, but this is just the start. Start. So far the reception on capitol hill, hmm, lets just call itt mixed. Mixed. Back to you guys. Ba to mel, thanks very. Than in the meantime the in president standing by this twet former president obama illegalll wire tapped the phones at trumpp tower. To speaking to foxs tucker carlsos last night the president says interesting items will come to the forefront over the next twoo weeks. We lawmakers from both sides havedv evidence to back up his claims. There are concerns thisrn t morning at the university of unt maryland over racist posterst pe seen around campus this week. W big question remains, who put wp them up . The posters directterr students to the website vanguarr america. That group states that quote our america is to be a nation nat exclusively for the whitete american people. Pl it remains unclear if the groupg put them up, Campus Police are investigating. Investigating. Meanwhile, the schoolsanwhile, president released a statement. It says quote the White National lift posters found on collegege campuses including our own contained dee requestableequeabe language a front to who we are w and what we stand for as the states flagship university. Niit as a community, we stand fornd excellence, diversity and inclusion. Cl we stand against all forms of fo ignorance and hate. Bring it back to the districr right now. Developing story. Loping teenagers disappearing froming f washington, d. C. Ingt, d. Its a story weve coveredovr since d. C. Began raising raisi awareness about the staggeringtg number of teens missing in ourio area. Ar well now its Getting National o fox5s annie yu live in i northeast with more. Annie . Annie . Reporter good morning toni t alou. F you. Yeah, this is a story that we ih have been covering for several s years now. Ow the numbers are alarming andg whats going on is very ive concerning. In fact we know that theathe conversation will continue onnue wednesday as Council Member white is holding a forum therere at Excel Academy in southeastmyt d. C. At 6 00 oclock. clock. Hes going to continue thateha conversation about missing kidsk in the dmv and thats takingakin place wednesday. Ay but earlier this year in 2017 d. C. Police began publicizing pi the names and faces of the critical missing teens and minors most of them are minors,r most of them are females, and, a just last week we told you aboua ten black teenaged girls whols were reported missing over a tenday span. Were talking young girls aslkyo young as 12, 13, 15 years old, d and they have all gone missing, wouldnt ill the circumstanceslc surrounding theiirrcu disappeare are unclear, both the commanderd of d. C. Police Youth Service Family Service and sa the founder of the black and missing foundation they shed ty some light about what really rey could be happening and whats w behind their disappearances. Apan take a listen. I just dont know whats know going on but definitely a deeper issue. Issu i think about relisha rudd. I think that she was sold andola thats the name that, you know,o that hasnt come up, you know, lately. Te but i think that we need tothinh really take a hard core look att all these kids that are missingi even though there has not beenob any indication that they aret te involved in human trafficking, i think the follow up is going toi be so important to find out whyy did they leave . Reporter now the alarming am number of children going missins in d. C. Has not only piquednl interest in the community butn n also its gained national a nat traction theyre youre looking at mediare outlets citing fox5 reports for an issue that have h gone underreported. Erreported well be staying on top of thist Digging Deeper into what ist i going on. And we can also tell the we requested the numberr of children missing in the seat. Were still waiting on that request but again conversationvt continues next webs muchs nexts wednesday at Excel Academy att 6 00 oclock in southeast d. C. Sd ths the latest. Atest. Back to you in the studio. U the annie, thanks very much. Nk 9 11 right now. New report links over theinks o counter painkillers with ah higher risk for cardiac arrest. And other complications. Ic coming up were breaking downow the details with dr. Lisa. R. Is were still waiting to seetis just how widespread the damage m will be to our beloved cherryrry ossoms. S. After old man winters revenge. But we are getting some answerss today from the National Parkar service. Join us live next. E nex 9 14 is the time right now. He yesterday the National Park service announced there was quote widespread ty the dannou Cherry Blossoms that had reached the fifth out of six stages ofta bloom known as the quote puffytf white stage in result of theof t cold temperatures and snow thatw hit our area this week and if temperatures keep dropping,roppn there could be even more damageg so this morning were getting gg update on the state of the t blossoms from park service svice spokesman Mike Litterst who isti live in front of the t basin. Mike, its good to see you. Holly good to talk to you. Ba its been a long time. Tos bea mike and i go way long back. Give us detail on where wee really stand in terms of thefhe damage of the blossoms. Well, the cold weather thatet weve had over the last couple l of days little bit due to the snow before that has caused some damage to the blossoms. S. But more advanced blossoms asvam you mentioned. There are six stages of trees gr through before they reeeach peaa bloom. Bl were seeing the most damage ini those that are at stage five and the few that have actually maded it to bloom. But essentially were still inti e foe four. Officially the majority of blossoms are still, um, little bit encased in their buds get be something protection from therom cold weather. So what percentage were inern stage five or six would you say . Tough to quantify but weree probably about 50 of the blossoms are in stage five. And thats what were lookingkig out out here. Ere. The ones that the puffy white stage of the o t petals are out the white ishi i there theyre the most mos susceptible to damage and were seeing that as we visit theisitt trees every day. Ery day. All right. So we have to basically writelye off half of them but we stillell have 50 and i understand you guys took some clippings of some of those in the earlier stages and youre going to try to t determine force bloom them andhe determine what the damage was. Yeah absolutely right. We took clippings yesterday. Pi they are back in the officeff where its toasty warm. E it were forcing them. swer we tooe kfo them from the earlii stages. St the stage four and the stage sge three. Th still a little early yet butet b were encouraged so far in whata we see coming out. O there is not damage there. So what were probably looking i at hopefully as we emerge inmern this cold snap the next day or o two get back to seasonalasal temperatures, well get back to warming, and well work our wayy back towards peak bloom. When will you guys ims m sorry. Sorry. Mike when will you guys know that it was good or there maybey was some damage . Were taking more clippings today. Well take more clippings c tomorrow morning. Rrorning again seeing the progression asa this cold snap continues. But we should have a good idea a hopefully by this time tomorrow or so. So. Were still on track for a peaka bloom in that window off march 19th to the 22nd. Likely going to have a peak pk bloom it may just involve fewerf trees than were used to. To. Just be more people crowdeded around certain trees trying to o get their pictures. Get ei not as many trr ees to get youru pictures in front of, right . R same number of people. Nuer o less trees. Le math. Math. Ll rll right. So these are of course yoshinahi cherry trees but theres anotheh type of cherry tree that stillti will have beautiful blossom inn april, right . Right. R the yoshina. The world famous ones when we w talk peak bloom and project a forecast were forecasting for the yo sheena they make up the 70 east potomac park. The second variety come outty cm about two weeks after the yo yo sheena. Sheena theyre protected from this cold weather and theyre on track wen should see them somewhereewhe april 10th to the 13th or so s again a spectacular show comingn even after we get some of the yoshinas out. Just because the bloom psalm were hurtblo this year there wat any actual damage done to the t trees themselves, right . Iighti mean, next year, fingers finrs crossed, well be back to peak bloom and full bloom. Correct. No damage to the trees at all. Some of these trees have beenhan out here for decades. Decades some of them go back to 1912 the original plantings. Ntin theyve seen colder temperatures. Theyve seen more snow than this. Theyre going to be just fine. re tsealen mkinng jg ustot nowt what happens to the blossomse sm this year. Yea have we ever lost this amount before that you know of, mike . Dont think so. S i think this is unprecedented. It was sort of a perfect stormco we had the fall spring. In started to bring the blossomslo out early. Y. They got to an advanced state. T. And then old man weather cameerm roaring back with a vengeanceene gave us plunging temperatures,p, snow and temperatures stayedyed critical levels for 12 hours the other night, three days in a row, that sort of swing ising is unprecedented and thats whats causing the damage that weree a semaeingge. Ei mike, we sure appreciate youe always being available to givev us the latest updated ued information. Ion. Its good to see you, friend. Thanks holly. All right. Ht. 9 19 is the time right now. E ti. Coming up all new edition of tht movie matchup and this timee around kevin go head to head hd over logan. An. First though were checkingk the headlinesin. Headles erin what are you keeping an eya on. Steve, two secret Service Agents under investigation. Wait until you hear who theyho e took a selfie with. Dramatic video showing a woman w leaping from the trunk of a care to escape a k tidnapper. Ider our video of the day showing the worst commute ever for one well be right back. Now at havertys furniture, its our savings in bloom event. Get one hundred dollars off every thousand dollars you spend to create your perfect home. Plus, youll get twentyfour month, nointerest financing. Hurry, the savings in bloom event ends march 20th. With havertys, your home can be perfect, even when life isnt. The savings in bloom event at havertys. Life looks good. I love you so much, thats why i bought six of you for when you stretch out. I want you to stay this bright blue forever, thats why youll stay in this drawer forever. I cant live without you, and thats why ill never ever wash you. Fading and fuzz with downy fabric conditioner. Fading and fuzz with downy fabric conditioner. It smooths and strengthens fibers to protect clothes from the damage of the wash. So your favorite clothes stay your favorite clothes. Downy fabric conditioner. Welcome back. Time right now wel 9 22. 22. Erin como back with a check of k other stories making headlines s this morning. Thisni erin. Thank you very much, wisdom. Good morning to you. Go morning t first up, secret service selfies. According to a report from a reo mother jones, two secret servicr agents are being investigatedg e for taking selfies with w President Trumps eightyearoll grandson last weekend. Reportedly donald the third fell drove him to manhattan andttan thats when the agents took the selfies, causing him to wake upu the secret service theyrehey currently investigating. Dramatic video from alabama. A woman heres a woman woman kidnapped escaping her abductoro she did so by jumping out of thf trunk of the car at a birminghag gas staying the whole thing wass caught on camera. Caca the woman says the man took herh money, wallet, phone and drove her to several atms and tookndo her money. Police are on the hunt for thett suspect. Su they also praised the womanhe forgetting safely out of theouof vehicle. Canadian prime Ministerr Justin Trudeau and first daughter ivanka trump togetheree again. Ain. Ivanka through to new york lastl night to see trudeau introducenu the broadway play come from away. Trudeau invited ivanka to the t showing and he prayed the bondsb and long history that continuee between the United States and canada. The un un admbassa dor nicky haley was w also attendance. In other news hyundaiews un issuing massive nealy 1 million cars. Ars it covers sonato midsize sedansd from 2011 to 2014 as well as Sonata Hybrid particular 2011 t1 2015. The issue see bet fastener maytr not be fully latching causingng the belts to become unhooked. Nhe affected owners will be notifief beginning on april 7th andth a dealers will be able to fix theh problems for free. And finally, if you think your morning commute stinks wete do here around the dmv wait w until you see this one. Hisne amtrak passengers waiting fortif train hit with a snow tsunami ai it pulled into the station. Ti. That video is unreal. Unr eck it out. T. This happened in new york. Ned iy several people were on the platform and actually knocked to the ground as a result. Rul i would say wherever they were w going, they were going to be goe cold and very wet and unfortunately that is just not t great way to start the day. Also with their cameras outas ot trying to take pictures beforerb that snowstorm hit them. Rmit t the problem theyre too busy taking pictures and not payingon attention. How did you think that was goint put phone down. When its in slow motion ito especially dramatic. Dmati i know. Know thanks, erin. Popping ibuprofen may be aa daily habit if you have ayou vea headache or other pain. Ot whats the problem . You could c be doing more harm than good. Weve got the results of a alarming new study next. Ext tucker is back with a sneak s peek at the weekend forecast. Fresh a at 10a. See see wayans is live in the ie loft. Well talk about her new song sn and new sound and working with h new generation of the family. Thats all coming up next. 9 25. Z2b1kz zi0z y2b1ky yi0y all right. The latest twist in our local t saga. As the burgundy and gold turns aka the front office. In the latest ed the additioo could this Cleveland Browns be s taking another dip. Anothip could the Cleveland Browns be be taking another dip in thehe redskins well. Fox sports there was yours tr headline this morning. Online reports saying the teamha considering a trade to get kirkr cousins the second quarterbackrk cleveland picked up for us. Us the last one didnt work out soo well, Robert Griffin the third. Barely played after week oneee injury last year played at the end of the season and then go. A after that bust the browns stils desperate for startingrtin terbterback. A situation similar to the 49ers another team rumored to want cousins. Now yesterday sports analyst colin could y cleveland and San Francisco should be throwing pick at thehe redskins to get cousins. The browns and 49ers hold the t top two picks which doesntoe boast a strong line up off quarterback prospects. Roec hes shocked why the redskinsin have not signed kirk to three tt year deal. Deal. If youre not going to sign himh to a deal here at least get l gt something for him and cleveland has Something Like 21st, 22nd round, 23rd round picks the next two years. Two yea because theyve beenveee horrible. Le. Loaded with first round rou picks. Pick if im kirk cousins if this h is real scenario im beggingmeg dont send me to clevelando clea because theres nothing thats i will kill your career fasterr than going to to that horribleoi franchise. Frise they are awful. Are a so youre actually sayingay because you often say the same s thing about the redskins. Yeah. This is franchise this is worst tha tn thehis e redskins. Redskins. Think about this. Redskins havent won aabout sus bowl since 91 but they got three of them. Ofm. Cleveland hasnt won a supert p bowl ever and i dont eventven remember who their last good lat quarterback was they havent they havent won significantly i mean who knows. How far back do you have to go . What year was that . I think we are all in high bc scavhoole to whank we. E bernie yeah. They still didnt win the super d bowl or get to theidnt wi supeb jim brown was the last time they won a championship and the super bowl had not open been inventedv did they wear lither helmets when jim brown made. E they may have. Hey may h who knows. You dont want any part of thata the 49ers thats differents story. You dont want any part ofarf cleveland. Eland beg not to go if this is trials real. Nor if the skins load up onto picks they have to have somebody throwing the football. Ro the you still got to have at to he a quarterback. Still got to have a team go a around him. Lock him in a deal and workk around it. Feelings are hurt now i think ai the end of the season feelings or more importantore than football. Al absolutely. I get it. Iet i wisdom, how about this . Howb . Whats that . The browns getg rg back and we quarterback swaps went got rg back. You can get rg for free righh now. Yeah come on. Open your hyped little bit. This could work next time around. Ar. Hmm. I dont know, tuck. t knouc ill bet mr. Schneider would like that idea. R. Tha i dont know if he would. I dont know if that would work. Johnny manziel, too. Anziel, o hes out there. Get johnny. Ohnny. Thats another quality pick. T tonhey romo. O gel all three of them. All tony romo, rgiii and whos is the other one,. O,. Johnny manziel. Johnn take tony romo out of those. O youll need the other two. Great parties a if yani i comes. 31 now in washington. Ingto overnight everybody back in the 20s again. Another bitterly cold morningcoi for this time of year. Overnight blows below freezing e for everybody. Rybo today will be a bit an improvemp many. Ill wont be spring like bute b noticeably warmer than yesterdad highs in the low 40s and and little less wind than yesterday of course yesterday we had windn gusting 30, 40, in some cases approaching 50 miles an hour. 50 all right. M these winds a little better. R. Currently out of the west hereee about 14 in gaithersburg. Ther 22 up in hagerstown. Erow i would expect wind gusts to 25 today. So again it will be breezy day. D but not the blustery very wintee like conditions we had arounddin rere yesterday. Little bit of cloud cover cer building off to the north andth west. A lot more sunshine thaninhan yesterday. But some of this cloudiness wilw get in here. Ere. Tweeted about an hour ago werew getting a few flurrieres out int West Virginia. Gia you might encounter a flurry ifr youre well out to the west. Thes otherwise a little more sunshine. Not a bad sun angle this time of year. With little less wind and mildee temperatures. Again, were taking a step toward more spring likesp conditions around here laternsro today. Breezy out there. High pressure out to the west. Er we will be dry later touodt ay. D well be dry and cold tonight. Ig and then we should be near 50 50 tomorrow with a few late day showers developing for you cant see my foot work fo but its pretty good. Goo yes, for saint pate tracks day. There he is. Thats steve after a few greenew beers. Beers. 50 i said that joke now 12 nobody has laughed yet. Its true. Body h 50 for your st. Patricks day. d little early sun and few late showers. You wont notice because youlll be out celebrating late tomorroo afternoon. Friday and st. Patricks day d good combination. Theres your weekend forecast. C 50 or better saturday, sunday,un spring officially arrives on monday and well be a littleaitl more spring like around here bye early next week. Next with temperatures get near 60 bb tuesday. Is, if youfnews didnt love the bitterly coldol temperatures and winds and windw chills near zero, theyre aheye thing of the past as of this oft morning. Thats good news. Allison, over to you. Thson, or u thanks so much, tucker. Health watch alert for youor this morning new study shows ths use of non steroidal antiinflammatory drugs for Pain Management like ibuprofen couldd increase your chances of cardiac arrest. Ar its not a small risk here. Were talking 31 increase. The ahors of the study say the e findings are a reminder of the over the counter pain relieverse theyre should only be taken in small is doses for short amount of time. Here with more on the study andu what we need to know to stayy safe dr. Lisa ash with the be well medical group practicingrac out of Northern Virginia. A. Hello. Hello. Hello. Good morning. Morning. Rning welcome to the show. Wee to weve heard this before. Ore. Umhmm. Um whats this with thists thit particular study . What wevehaw known in the past is that the n says or medicines like oy, a leave, naproxen increase sorries for cardiovascular diseaseis mostly heart attack. This is talking about cardiac arrest. Where your heart were to stop ts and it looked at some almost 30,000 patients with danish witi study that had out of they thath hospital arrests. S. Youre at the mall, somewherehe and your heart stops. Sto now i must say its not new inoi the sense of most of the cardiac arrests come from having a heara tackck. But they were trying to see if it was something directly linken to making your heart stop or if it was just related to the hearh attack. There are other complications, too. Were also damage to the small intestines. Es yes. Okay. So that the small intestine, you hear of ulcers or gass streets that has been ongoingg issue with all n says including aspirin. Aspirin doesnt cause wenus actually use it to prevent p stroke and heart attack becausec its more of a blood thinnerlood its a little different than ibuprofen. Ibrofe take one baby aspirin a day. D thats still the advice. s stilc thats still the advicets s unless you have bleeding issuesh ulcereravs. E if you dont you still should so stick with the baby aspirin it a little different than the ibuprofen or the motrin aleveriv those thing. So what, what should we do . D should we stop taking ibuprofenn altogether . Limit our dosage . . Whats the guidance . Uidae . So some 30 Million People ine america take them and its stils safe to take in small doses andd not every day. Y day. Okay. So the pa participants inar this study were taking 2400 milligrams just so you knoo one of these pills is 200 milligrams. So they were taking a20 lot, a t of n says or p youre taking one or two hereo h and there for a headache a knee pain, thats still says but iff youre taking large amounts youy want to limit that. Also, if youre healthy youeahyu dont have any cardiac risk or heart disease, thats safe. T s if you have Heart Failure orlurr heart disease, you may want toat ask your doctor before you useeu those. What did you find were the wt limitations in the stud . S the limitations, one, they oe only look at people who were using those high doses. Higdo so they cant really say that, t you know, in the lower dosage ig this affects you like for tile loll. Lower dozes dont affect theafft liver. Higher doses do. Okay. Other things about the study is they only hings looked att prescription so we cant say foy sure that they were taking theat meds. They just know they got ameknow prgoescription for them. The and then the last one is is association doesnt meant m causation. So we saw that 30 that weree taking it had, um, the cardiac arrest but we cant prove that t it caused it. So the guidance out oft awareness for these over the counter drugs because if i bec wanted to, without guidance, i c can just take as many as i, you know, want to and then it couldd lead to this. T is that what we should take outd of the this study . Ofhe this st we should. Take from it. Te fr you should not take as. And use other ways to manage man your pain like decreasing yournu stress. Ss. Using physical therapy, um, decreasing caffeine if youreoue having headaches. Different other options and ifni you must take it, definitelyefil talk to your doctor first. You brought some prop just tt illustrate. Strate these are the kind of thingst that we, you know, we check youy blood pressure. We listen to your heart. Iste we say exercise, drink waternk w these are things we say to keepp your heart healthy. Hea hea we still want to you take a babb aspirin but we do want to now limit not just ibuprofen all of the n says which are a leave, motrin they have differentfe names, naproxen limit the amounn you take. When it came out dr. Ash ther. St scary thing was increases it by more tha exactly. Again the take home, your dosage trying to do some otherio things for your Pain Managementn absolutely. All right. A thank you very much for joining us. No problem. Thank you. Very min ing wisdom, back to you. Thdom, bo all right. Y all r. 9 38 is the time right now. Now we appreciate that. Logan marks hugh jackmanan months final term as the mutantt hero wolverine did the xmen thx team save the best for last or just another comic movie with an a rating. Kevin and i go head to head in an all new movie matchup. Thats coming up next. As i live and breathe. A the wolverines i. I need the girl. Where is she. Shes already gone. Youre not the only onene thats been in hands. She needs our help. H shes very much like you. Lets not bring out the worst in each other. Ahh h oh my guess enough already. R weve seen the movie this is better than the movie becauseec its time for all new edition of movie matchup. Mat if youve not seen one of theset gems youre in for good stuff. r the topic the r rated xmen spin oflogan. N. If you saw it, well see who yoo agree with. E if you havent seen it well ses who convinces you go to go. Its hugh jackman swansong over the cou with our matchup our contestann free start in this corner thes c one and only kevin mccarthyth comic movie geek he gave it aav five out of five. F in this corner, wisdom martin your resident hater. At each competitor as we set theomi ground rules rightto now. Save it for the competition. E take it out on kevin not the noe host. Grrr here ground rules each rulesh competitor gets 15 seconds toit make theiror g point and countet point and go back and forth bacr until i have enough and then tht game is over. O we were going to flip a coin whh see whos goes first. Sewho we cant afford coins at fox. T pick a number between one andne ten closest without going over o gets it between one and ten. Seven. Sev. Five. Ive. Correct number is good call with the five. Its oct nne its wisdom martin goes first. S fir give me your best on wolverine i ill ring the bell after 15 aft seconds and go s ando all right. So wolverine Hugh Jackmann amazing he was amazing character. Liked the movie but the plote m left me a little confused confue because i was like what happened were they killed . How do we get to this point . Left a lot of at questions and now questioned unanswered. We go. By the term like you mean lovedd youre correct movie is absolutl masterpiece by james man gold jg the trying youre get answers gs takes place in the future. Futur its all about professor x andnd wolf veer roane nothing to doron witness other xmen in the filml movie next. T theyre all dead it hasll dea nothing to do with anybody. Th a. Look, the cheesy comic book boo place many theyre comic books b in there i thought that wast cheesy you talked about how thee little girl was the star. She didnt speak until the lastl 20 minutes. Utes the action was amazing. You said cheesy go. Eesy g youre insane the girl is th best part of movie daphne keenkn 11yearold spanish actor steals the entire movie the idea these mute in the beginning has ann important purpose that yourt figure out later. An did you even watch the rest ofrt the moviech t . I didnt hear the bell. Bonus time for wisdom martinr heres the deal. Im going to go back to the she just didnt talk. Just didn i did like her action with thenh claws coming out. Out turn out she was a genetically modified im not going to give it away. On scale of one to ten i given g this a 6. 5 simi because i likeal wolf serene i like marvelarve comics. Co this was more of a drama thougho and it dont care about the r r rating i dont know if the clawa come in and come out here. Her dont care about that. Re abo it was good movie. Oo m i get extra time here. Te he. You gave up your time. Oue up no, no, no. You cant ring your own belll what are you doing. You are you you are so wrong about the a comic books in the movie. Empties a moment thats supposed to be meta. Me im not getting fair time t here. Youre finish. E fish all right. Ht when hes reading comic books ii the film its mmeta momentt reality of the xmen franchise. 6. 5 dumbest rating i everg ie heard in my entire laugh. Gh. That movie was brill brilliant. Lian hit me blow the belt. Belt. Bottom line for this movie was a good movie its worth seeing. But as far as the xmen are a concerned its not one of mynedt favorite xmen movies because ii was just slow to the setup. S i didnt like the fact thatt professor x was in a badn a b situation. He was in a bad state becausea s o old. St why did wolverines powers nos longer work . I got a lot of a t questions. I got a lot of concerns. Conce i got lots of concerns about coe this movie. Thisovie final thought. Thoug didnt ring the bell. Di r your time is over. Kevin final thoughts. Do you realize this is not superyo hu erore film this is ai western it just happens to haveh wolverine in the movie its not super hero film f youre going g in there to see xmen movie m thats not wolverine logan theot movie is its actually a westerw in the vein of unforgiven and shamed. Am what do you mean western. Its super hero movie its marvel movie. What do you mean theyre noty super heroes. Its a marvel movieou. Rvel mov its not super hero movie. M he had claws coming out of his hands. How is he not a super hero. Logan is not super hero wolf. The little girl wase girl w genetically modified. She had claws coming out of hands. Ha she didnt have cowboy hat, pistol or boots. R they were not in the midwest. They were in the dessert. Claw doctors not exist in n e midwest. Dark knight and logan are nog super hero movies. Batman is is a real dude. Ude. He actually is. E actu is. Next time these continuing tn o head. Head. I cant argue against points fot little girl. You got that. Yo and you did donate some of youru time to wisdoms charity. Cty we appreciate that as well. Thank you very much. Very you played relatively nice. He hit me blow the belt. He b what did i say . S he hit me blow the belt. Thel good thing i got abs. A holly back over to you. Backy all right. Im worn out. Im worn out. I need a motrin or something. A [ laughter ] mothter ] not ibuprofen. Buof baby aspirin. In not ibuprofen. En. Okay. Okay 9 46 is our time right now. W coming up, the good day bracketa challenge. Well go over who we think willw win it all and we want to yout y play along. Well show you how next. N i filled one out, too, holly. You did . I did. At nature valley, we know that you have to put good in here to be great out there. Real good energy. Real delicious energy. Nature valley granola bars. Just good. You dont normally run through a meadow at sunrise. But once you indulge in rich, dark chocolate, lightly salted almonds d slow roasted peanuts. You might surprise yourself. Nature valley sweet and salty bars. Blissfully good. Best two days of sports in myay opinion today and tomorrow. Ofrro march madness officially u today is the first round of theo ncaa action. Action. Starts around noontime. Ime that means time is running outng for to you fill out your bracket and this morning were filling out ours. Its fun, right . And we want to you join in the fun with us. Us. So what weve done this years ya weve created good day d. C. Bracket challenge on fox sportso did the com. Each of us will create a bracket and we want to you as well. Sel see if you can beat us. Beas. The link to join is on our fox55 dc Facebook Page and our website. Well also put it on our own p fat cebook pages and well tweee it out as well. So without further a do, wellll start with mr. Steve chenevey. Ny were getting trash talked od some people who say theyll beat you. Awesome. They probably will. This is my bracket ill start hey br sacits onits oup this side of the bracket. So this one i do the rare, youau know, i like the 12fives 12ve everybody like the 12fives. Five 12 an 13 moving on here. So if you want to see lets sees where is maryland down here yesy i have maryland winning thenng first round but then i have them losing. Sing. What . T to in orlando i figure they have aa shot. If they can get off early ely against Florida State maybe bigg upset and then just carry itry i through. So thats what i have on this side of the bracket. E brket. This actually i think was thease most boring like quarter of theo bracket right here. Because its like allbracke upsi dont really like any of those t teams to move on that far. Um, up here its kind of likefik the same thing. Ng i do like nevada to run throughh and again as you can see im real these teams score a lotl of points i think those are the type you really have the chancec to have the upsets and the bracket busters teams that can score 90 points game. Ame i dont love oregon a lot ofgont people do. I do like North Carolina but i feel like theyre hit and miss. This North Carolina ucla and kentucky those to me are three e of the four best teams in thehe entire tournament its shameha theyre all in one brac. Bra final four i have number one, i, have ucla number three. Thr i have duke as number two. Gonzaga as number one. R one. Duke because theyre hot right e now. Theyre on role. On i see them pushing all the way w to the finals. But i like the win bracketsrackt every everybody has duke and North Carolina winning so im wm going with ucla in hopes if thee do do it nobody else will picklp it and that sets me apart. All right. A you know what,ll steve te great minds think alike. Ke steve and i have somee similarities we have some veryo major differences as well. So heres my bracket. I always pick my bracket its aa heart an head bracket at theth same time. So i a lways pick duke winning winning because im true to my school sh and i just happen to have gonee to a school that usually hasas pretty good shot at winning mucc this year i think we do. Ink we d ill do it the same as steve. Over here in this one, i alwayss like to pick the acc schools soo because i support our conference i think uva has amazing defensee i think theyll go far i think k villanova will take them out. O. I like fun match ups smu bayloro two texas teams. Marquette, duke, he used to plaa for duke going up against hisinh mentor i think they pitt those e things on purpose so i go alongg and pick them too. Oo down here in this bracket i went for gonzaga for awhilei but i i to get to the final four. Our. Down here im picking xavierie sorry terps the one time i dont go with the terps because xaviee is cincinnati thats my tts hometown. I have arizona going in this bracket two two seeds on thistw side. Over here kansas they shoulduld have the bun number one seed but they didnt do well in the conference tournament. Nt rnamt so theyre the ones i have going out of this bracket. S i do think louisville is strong with rick betino. Ti dont love oregon. Carolina theyre good. Goo ey a are good. But youre right, i think they e could falter im going with ucli out of this bracket. Raet university of cincinnati thatss me. Uk never like them never wanterw them to win. Th to there you go. Wisdom . All right. Re we go. O. So, utoh. Bad news theyre already in the tournament. Urna heres the deal. L this is my bracket right here. T you already know whats going on here. I picked university of kentucky to win the whole thing because u think they have a lot of talent im normally nota a john fan. Fa hes not necessarily the best coach. I like michigan theyre story ie truly amazing. Ing. Villanova the defending champion, two local guys kriskr jenkins and josh mart. Josh hart the best player in the entire tournament ill go with g uk and nova for the championship and because its so hard to win back to back, im going to go withville notify v heres theife thing. Heres my problem this is whatla my problem with collegehlege basketball since im the the resident hater. Nt h tell me how unc, my favorite team, and ucla my other favoritt team and kentucky the three best teams Steve Chenevey eloquentlyn stated are in the same bracket . . You look at some of these otherh brackets kansas up here with ath bunch of losers and they the probably still wont get to thet final four. Final fo over here we got gonzaga who is number one. Nuer one i dont like the fact thatlike number ones always get to thehe final four. Fi thats why i picked arizona toza upset and up here, duke as usual gets a cream puff schedule puthp them over here they might asa well be at home playing their te games. Game until they get here. Heget i call for a holly rebuttal. Cheat and beat villanova becausu thats what they do. Kentucky is going to win. W i have no idea what im doini but it is so much fun to play. L. I end much craw to play, too. Oo holly because you are and i go g way back i have duke taking tak everything when they go up against unc and heres my winning score. 9289. 89. And you know, i was looking forr my favorites my school doesntot get in that often but university of South Carolina did. So wherever they are. Ey a they got to play somebody butodb they didnt go far and this is i the end. We will be watching. In right here. Rig her just point out by the wayintw wisdom martin of all people that maryland going the farthest out all four of our brackets. I dont know how that will work. Heres the other thing dont goo by my bracket. Bracket. Dont put any money on miney y e because i never win. Win. Put money on mine because ii begginner. You heard of beginners luck. K. Go to fox ports. Com enterer your bracket up against ours. Str get them in before the games tit off at gambling. Its just for cupcakesga. Look at the jumper. Per. It did go in. Of course did it. Rse d it. The net is only 5foot eighte but did it go in. 10a coming up next. Whole bunch coming up as far as cece winans will be back with us back in the loft so much fun. Fn youll be hanging on the with tw cute little puppies. Es i cannot wait. Annowait. Plus repeat from beauty and a beast but they have differentthy costumes on today h. Well behave, too. Big question of the day is it too old to send emojis. Nope. I dont think so. I dont think so. I d don thi somebody does. [ laughter ] tucker. Ucker. First though coffee time on e good day d. C. You have been have been eyeing our good day mug. G u we have ar new good day d. C. Dc Dunkin Donuts mug to give awaya perfect cup for Dunkin Donutsot coffee. Head to fox5 d. C. . Contests. St to enter our mug contest. Onte one lucky winner selected by by random drawing but hurry up have from now until 11am. L1a well be right back. 9 56. Kev, did you really bic maryland to win the whole thing. Maryland will win the whole thing. I lost my sight when i was 14 years old. So i really navigate the world by touch. When dove asked me to try out this body wash. I was excited that it was foam. It was so light and soft. Not sticky. Discover the feeling of new dove shower foam. We care about using cagefree eggs. And we care about azing taste. Were on the side of food. Good day at 10a really aboo to take off on this thursday. Da. In fact did you plan your y summer get iowa . Were sharingg you around the most expensivexpi day to fly. Fly two more hollywood stars fighting back after nude photost are allegedly hacked. Ed while another actor goes public about pot. Ot find out who says he smoke evere day just to get by. The laughs dont stop theren we have gospel great cece winann in the lot of dishing about hera new album. Were let the show go to the dogs as in a dog fashion show. You dont want to good day at 10a starts now. Dogs hair is better than isn mine. I have a problem with that. Im probl offensed. We feel good about our picks . Es yes. It is what it is. I it is what it is. T t is wt it i always feel good untilntil tomorrow when my bracket is lik buffed. But its fun. I like it. I i always pick people sayes dont pick the upsets if you you want to win your brac. Our brac. I pick them because i think ith fun. Right. Like it when it actually ritt happens. Happens i got one. Ne. Little more investedin interest. You know what i mean. Who did the president pick . Unu c. Knowhe preun unc over duke. Okay. Ka classic matchup. Up duke has gotten the best of f that matchup recently. Duke unc rematch makes me m nervous its hard to beat a teaa three days. Remember the other day we talked aboutr th statistically y these teams that have been been winning with the exception of o 2013 had blue in their uniforms. Yeah. You went with two teams with blue. All those teams have blue ini them. Them i pick them in my final fouru if they get there the finalin four is kind of home court advantage. Ana well see. Our our bracket challenge we see one up on good day d. C. C play along with you guys just for fun. F doesnt cost anything. T anyi. Talking trash and braggingragg rights. Viewer said what if i get ifi i win. What can we work out. Can we u well have to come up withav something fun. Upsomeg fun. Get something. I dont know if that was a dog. 10 02. Something is making noise in tho background much thanks fornd staying with us for the m 10a. A im Steve Maureen is off. Is. This is holly, this is wisdom is and this is. Allison seymour. Mour. Nice to meet you. To our final four of the day. Alf there you go. Decades of shade. Ha decades of shade. Called a smack down. Ckn. First the jumper now theow te defense. Ll all right. Okay. Rejection by seymour. Mour rejection. Im just joking. I umhmm. 10 02. Erin is back with a check of the stories making headlines thisdls morning. Good morning. Do good morning allison and goo morning to all of you. In all we begin with two bigtwo b developments for the trumporhe t administration. Ti. First, the president unveiled u his first Budget Proposal asl command morning. The more than 1 trilliondollarl budget focuses on increasingreas defense spending while cut the c budget for several other federar agencies. Meantime President Trump is t is dealing with another blow to hih travel plan. Pn. This morning, a federal judge in maryland became the second judgd to block the revised travel bann after hearing a case in green i belt yesterday, the judge saidaa the history of public statementt made by the president and his lawyers continues to indicate it the travel ban is meant to keep muslims out of the us. The ruling from maryland followo the ruling yesterdayll from hawi which was more broad in blocking the revised ban. Ban President Trump said the ruling make the us look weak. Weak. The university of maryland isar trying to figure out who posted these racist posters aroundround campus. Caus the poster direct students toct the website vanguard america. The group states quote ourte o america is to be a nationn exclusively for the white wte american peoples. Ples. It remains unclear if the groupo put them up. P. Campus police are currently investigating. In other news health watch alert this morning. Ni new study shows the use of nonfn steroidal antiinflammatorytory drugs for Pain Management likee ibuprofen could actuallyctually increase your chance of cardiac arrest by 31 . 1 . The authors of the study say the findings ari minder over ther ov counter pain relievers are not s harmless and should only be be taken in small doses for a shoro am of time. And heads if you youre planning to travel this summer. R dont fly on julavyel 9th. Its the most expensive date fof airfare according to chea cor. Com. The average airfare this summere is 384. but on july 9th, its about 100 bucks more than that tt particularly because its the sunday following july 4th. Yth and sundays in general theyre e way more expensive. Ve. And finally, its thes happiest place on earth and it taking over the runway. R check it out. Disney princess inspiredpired enchanted bikinis are now n available for all of your summertime fun. [ applause ] not officially disney inspired by princesses such as pocahontas, snow white, sleepinp beauty, jasmine and bell. They can be yours for theor t enchanted price of 40 bucks. Judging by the round of applauss Tucker Barnes gave me heve m h approves but im not sure how iw about it. It. All about disney. All thats what that was about, erin. And tuckers fantasy life. Re do they come with the wigs . They dont come with the wigw those were the models if you if have want to have a disneyto he princess inspired pool party yoy have the bikini you can purchase online. Creative. E interesting. Thanks so much erin. Thank you. Check whats trending this lines, les along those first up right now two of hollywoods biggest stars now n taking legal action afterion aft personal photos of them were thw d aked online. Talking about amanda say freedae and emma watson. Spokesperson for watson says say photos from clothe fitting she s today few years ago were stolen. See fried says her lawyerys that they be taken down. Tmz also reports some of those e photos include intimate momentss with her exboyfriend. D. So both of them taking legal lal action. Tion coming from completely different places as far as how the photoso were apparently leaked. Y leed right. If you remember it was a year ago or so whole bunch of photosr whole bunch of Different Actors were released from where dif wre theres those hacked orhose someone released them . You knoo what im saying. Wh thats a good question. S a especially the wardrobe fittingg does right. Esight thats got somebody there, the right. Ght. Taking advantage of andg adad putting the pictures out there. E all right. 10 0 sick is the time. Time. Theres no president ial bracket this year. Thats the bottom line. Hes not doing it. s t not doingheheoi it. President trump declined to dope one like hiscl president did heh say sore did former president barack obama released his own re final four picking the tar heels to winter mens basketballr men championship over duke. Bask acc matchup. C. He also has arizona and kansas a in the final four. Inou the former president also pickec uconn to take the womens ncaaaa title over notre dame with sout carolina and washington in the s final four. Filling out th its annual tradition forditi f president obama a huge College Basketball fan. Even invited 7pn to the white house to televise the picks. Pic hes not making the picks on o that video. Thatideo. Loving his life writ there. E. Enjoying live right now. Livet yeah. Yea exactly. There you go. The president made northe noh carolina for the pick. The pk. Hes pick them before. Hem bor he has. Tough bracket for the lady terps they would have to go throughavh connecticut to get in to theo te final four. Maybe theyll catchaybe t connecticut on down night. Cuon d when does that happen . Itn . I nan like a decade. Ec right. All right. Ht. Speaking of first family,il tonight first lady Michellee Obama is making a special guestt appearance on foxs master chef junior she gives the young y contestants unique challengehaen this week as she continues to encourage Healthy Eating habitss for kids. Kid its a mystery box inspiredd by the white house kitchenit gardens. Gard Michelle Obama designs aignsa mystery box for these youngseoug cooks based off the produce ofo the white house garden wprhich s out of control incredible about farm to table talking talk about using freshestreshes ingredients and being inspiredpi by the food that is literallyly just plucked out of the ground. To see who conquered theered challenge the em sewed airseweds tonight right here on fox5 with former first lady. Ad perfect opportunity for herpr to come in and talk about it. Boi exactly. Ctly the show, right. T s totally. Ot. Maureens pleas have gonee gn unanswered. I know. , stillre watching now can come in and talk about it at after the fact. After open invitation. O when it comespe to keeping kidsd safe from getting hurt in sports can too many precautions becaios taken. Take California Elementary School emt banned students from playing tht me t tag. The school says they will no win longer allow the game due to fears of injury and even occasional altercations. Onal the rule also applies to touchth football. Many parents dont agree witheew think news rule saying tag isngi something weve all done as kids. I posted this story to mystory Facebook Page an lot of you aree sounding off. Many disagreeing witnessisagreei schools decision. Sc let us know what youho think twt us using the gooddaydc. And i als decision. Cisi i think part of just playing ono the playground, playing tag, i think getting hurt, getting inti little spats and working througr them is all part of growing upwi as a kid. As you just have to have somebody watch bag some peoplecb tag too hard. Tag too har this is not tag. Right. Thats in any activity that t kid is involved in. I it needs to be supervised but doesnt mean you need to eliminate it altogether. T me ale the problem is, what about at the other sports . Youre talking about basketball. As i was going with dodge ballda being he will limb nayed youre throwing a ball at somebody. Lims i was okay with that. Omebodt. Right. Ight basketball theres conflicts inn basketball and thats a contactc sport. Umhmm. Football theyre doing awayt with football. Soccer. Socce soccer. Lacrosse. Anything where you have to go up against somebody and yeroue r competitive its going to be t its g could lead to conflicts. S sure. This is like you just said lu this is aboutst sai learning thh with people much thats whatwhat sports is for. Keep you in shape. Hape give you Something Else to focus on burn energy and learn how too deal with other people andpeopld conflict. Ct. So. So. Next story will be our be our there you go. Cutting out recess. Out ecess. Now cutting out stuff oh, my gosh. Its ridiculous. Rid now you sound like old man wisdom isnt i do sound like olk man wisdom. N sdom in our day we threw rocksew s with each other and ground theme in our teeth and spit them backm out. I wasnt that tough. Tough. Hes like rambo. E ram get up. Get up off that ground. Ground. Speaking of grumpy old manold our resident one Tucker Barneskr right now was extremelymely passionate about this in our meeting yesterday. Teay glasses are a appropriate rightr now. Heres the deal. Tucker well go ahead and letnd you ask the question that was on your mind which was, what . How old is too old to use emojis in particular the big ojis. S. This is my chance i wish i hadhh box to stand on. But im making a plea for all of us 40 and older to keep our cooo and to cool it with emojis. All right. Allig flock my mom sends me emoji witw Little Flower on it like itskei springtime thats cute. E. But when steve is sending me m emojis with, you gulf clubs and, you know i thought it was enduring. I thought it men something to to you. Little kiss see face at the f end or kevin sending medi m something with, you know, aknow, hundred with 12 of them at the end. Like, i think thats crossingros the line. Ne oy does this bother you sos much, tucker. You want me to be hahn never. Yes. Es the Younger Generation isn i laughing at us when we put put garlands on our head and sending bit emojis to our kids. Kid wait a minute, wait a minute. T m okay. Oka kakay. We all love my little pony. Pon. We did. Did i loved my little bone pony. On we have all out grown my little pony. Theres a pony mow gee youowg cannot use. Ca you created your own bit emojis. Is chris. Did tucker not create his own o bit emoji. Emoji i think we made one for him. H i get it. Created emoji. You can complain about other. Oh [ laughter ] yeah if thats my bit emojio i totally change my tune. [ laughter ][ la the wrinkles in your forehead see. All right. Ht. Please tweet the four people on the couch and let them know wass think about emojis. Wait a minute. Nu im out. Hold on tucker. Yeah. I agree with you. Come on over here for a highg five. Right. I agree with you. Grown peopli eag dont have t high five. Fe. Ill emoji i was high five. V grown people dont have time tot be doing all of that. Ha say what you got to say and movm on. You can say it in on picture. The bit emoji is so cute. Moji i c tuck. Tuck. If youre doing it with yourh daughter and she likes it i get it. Steve and wisdo m sending meng m emojis and kevin sending me, you know, hundred with six of themif on there because the movie was good. We crossed crossed the line. H no, hey, this show needs to heaa it. All right. L [ laughter ] this show needs to hear it. Tucker im tendon sending i was grumpy emoji. On the emojis. Jis we are men. Men i sent him six this morning. G hililarious. Thank you tucker. Ar thank y i heartou you. Here to for i will do nothing but send emojis to him. Him. Can i still make my b emoji. I want to real dollar mine. Tucker weather bit emoji is hilarious. Hilaous. Whoever did that with the hair lien is genius. Eniu love it. 10 13 is the time. 0 13 iti well switch from that and talkk about this. Ab shes part of gospel dynasty ana out with brand new album cece winans keeping it all in the alh family. She joins us live later with ala the details. Details. First though hollywood royalty coming clean about his daily pot use. Us plus empire star making ag a political statement and later, who could phil keanus shoes. So were talking about a possible i matrix remake here when we opene up the good day celebrity dish. Fios is not cable. Were wired differently. Maybe thats why weve been ranked highest in cutomer satisfaction by jd power 4 years in a row. And now you can love fios too. Get 150 meg internet, tv and phone. All for 79. 99 per month, for the first year with a twoyear agreement. Its the only internet with equal upload and download speeds. Plus get hbo for a year and free multiroom dvr service for two years. Get the best. Go to getfios. Com unstop right there im about to pop a cap of mmm fresh in that washer because this scent lasts up to 12 weeks, which is longer than any relationship ive ever been in. Freshness for weeks i didnt do it right. Rht yeah did you. I did do it right. R maybe i didnt do it right. Yeah, okay. Oka real quick while were ahead. Time now to get our good dayd celebrity dish. Ity dish. Well start with an empire stars making quite a political emenement. Jussie smollett who plays jamal lyon on while in the studio working onoo music for the show he couldnto help but also write a song abouo whats going on in the worldheor from injustice to president pret donald trump. Who am i to say make hash tag today. Why should we care . He penned fuw short for f expletive up world. Or. And immediately directed musicem video to bring his words to li. E. This clip debuted late yesterday on his youtube page. His ybe p the black and white videoid features men and women off various ethnicities and highlights injustices from humam and lgbt rights to religious ana racial prejudices in anotherin a seen a man wheelchair runs over a donald trump mask and some of smolletts fw lyrics focus on trump and add administration. Tro why are we back in the pass. Pa. Its the same script. Ipt different cast all of these thee alternative facts. Was the whole thing a joke . Now the white house did not imme seeking a comment about smo smo lets video. Video. All right. Speaking of political statements if you follow captain america a star chris evans on tither hes passionate about sharing his his political views. Ws. In a recent interview with w esquire magazine he reflects ono the president s presidency he h feels rage and fury advisers adr have warned chris evans that t speaking out on politics is is Risky Business but that ithat i hasnt stopped him from tweetine out his thoughts. S thouts. Recently he wrote, i dont kno where to begin. Wh beg this man who has no mace inn politics shameful i truly hope some day you learn to chooseoho love over fear. Racists audition scripts scs have the twitter severe in a frenzy. Enzy thanks to actor cal penn whoennw treat tweeted out a series of snapshots from scripts he i was digged for in the past most of which included racist caricatures of south asiansian culture. The first screen shot showed a call for a began day look a like, name charmers and fireir he found of bunch of old scriptp from his first years trying to be an actor and appal how awfula they were including thishi request. Can you make an accent a littlel more authentic pen was a fan of the k. Kevin james sitcom a king of queens until he was sent a script where a character was having trouble pronouncing the name. Me many of these characters werw the bust of the joke rather thao being allowed to be funny. Fun. Lets talk about patrick stewart. Stew hes making a surpriseis revelation the 76yearoldaro veteran actor admitted he useses medical marijuana every day to deal with arthritis symptoms. Om. He explained that he uses ahe us combination of an ointment, a spray and an edible marijuana tt help with his condition. Condit. Stew war says hes had nos hado negative side everybodies fromim the treatment. He prefers it overtaking advilgv and other Pain Medicine that are known to be harsh on the liver. R just had a segment on them beini harsh on the liver. Yup. Okay. You ready . Okay. Guess what movie is getting la rt eboovie t . What . Oh great. At. Remake is in the works. Is ino and fans of the film guess whata theyre none too happy about it. The Hollywood Reporter sayster y Warner Brothers cooking upoo reboot of 1999 film but that hah been met with tepid support from fans of the original because tht two sequels that were alreadylry done they didnt do very well. Y. Social media actually went craze so about the idea. So abo major backlash over any tampering with the with coulditl you skis trench coated slowd motion bullet flying sciencecien fiction creation. N will it actually happen . Realll its too soon to tell but if itt did heres the question. Uest who could possibly take keanus place . E . Tom cruise. Cruis hes too old. S to tweet us hash tag good day dc. Who could be whcould ate e damon. I think hes too old, too. ,oo i love matt damon. Cal pen. P i dont know. He might be in a better agee range. I dont know. The matrix was okay. Kay i mean all the stuff, the moving you didnt lover it. Ou dt lo it was pretty mazing. Wapret that part the scientific parr of it and the fancy stuff thatft was good but little hard to follow. Low. Little convoluted you dontle know if youre ind reality or f youre not. Not. Maybe thats the point. Tth the first one was great but thet like the the next one in it was nexon original. It was different but then it was more of thent b same. Am i dont think we need to see ite again. Lets let the original be thethn original. L. You know hollywood they cann do that. Dohat. Theyll reboot, relaunch,ela, remake. Ma. Reimagine. Redo. Who knows what universe weln be in. I oh yeah. H ye. I wish that we were in an a universe where little cutee cut chihuahuas always dressed as a tacos. Goshgosh. So yummy. So yum htlaughter ] i dont think that you can tn really fully experience this ths costume. E. But were going to have a wholee puppy parade soon and its allsl for the dulles pet expo comingog up so just wait. Ai say hi, roxie. Roxie is that a hat . Its a cowboy hat because because hes a taco. I thought it was becauseau wolverine logan was a cowboy movie. Hes very afraid zen 24 00. 4 lets head down down back on bao good day happening right now n taking look at Dc Police Headquarters expect to get ano n update in few minutes from fro police chief newsham and mayor bowser about the departmentsep use of technology. Specifically, the use of sociala media in dealing with some ofngw its cases. S cas the issue at the forefront ofeff what fox5 has been reporting ong now for over well over aov month. Nth the department stepped up use oo twitter to report missingtissi persons cases. Especially those teenaged girls and there have th been a lot of questions as too are more people missing in theii district or is it just the department is reporting it in a different way. W so the chief and mayor expectede to comment on whether or notn wh there is actually an up tick ini the amount of missing peopleeo that some say are beingsay arin trafficked for sex or if thats just the perception since theyce started putting more and more of this out there on twitter whichh is actually a great use ofus social media. Right. But any way, either way,ray well get the explainer fromer o there you see the chief and thet mayor as well. Wll. Well get the explainer from them in few minutes and share as that after theyre done. D were not going to listen in everything now. Er well get the highlights comingm up in just a few minutes. Either way obviously its alarming if there is ar nwa up t it also equally alarming if theres not an up tick becauseic the numbers are still thembs ar numbers. Right. 10 girls in ten days is alarming. Its frightening. H if thats how it alwa was,t w then why didnt we know aboutweb this . Th right. R ro problem, too. Right. What is going on. Ha what is going on . All right. Ight. Go down to the Cherry Blossoms s find out how theyre lookingooki right now. Ri holly you had a chance to talk l with make litterst from the park service. Rv he was being straight about it. I a lot of damage has been doneasb but most of the damage done to n those that were i guess bloominn the quickest or progressing. Grsg right. Ifth stage. Ge. T f only six. On right about half of them weree there. So, you know what i mean . 50 0 were in that fifth stage, and so about 50 were damaged severely. Nonetheless, theres still 50 left. Left. And they think those will hitlit peak bloom the same time theyy originally predicted. Di the culprit the. Tuck kearse barnes. E barnes. Yeah, i just want to take a stance on my stance a few f moments ago. Momeo. Emojis and bit mow jeez. M j im totally for them. m tot you saw more pictalures. Wisdom im selling us out man. I got so many tweets my phono has been blowing up with emojis. Even an old dog learns newea tricks. I can be persuaded. All right. From now on i c fr now o i got on board with you andha then y j he rolled over just like l that. Yeah. Maybe i have ill give yoe the heads up wisdom. M. Ill roll over here pretty pre quick. Ill send you emoji right now. You wont be able to pitt on tv. I know weights. I know a good one. Iw a go okay, all right. Ight. Send me that one right theret all right. All thank you by the way. By very colorful and very entertaining. Rtai ive been loving looking at them. Een lo lets do the weather. We are lookinglet cold. Ol 33 in washington. Ashingto most region still hanging outng below freezing 38 in frederick. 20s hagerstown and lets see winchester 28 degrees. 28 de so chilly. Its movely good news forecast. S well get more sunshine today. Od little less wind and well get t these temperatures up 40 or or better for just about everybody a little laterbo today. Od still breezy out there. The there are your winds out of theo west and north andur w west at a to 20 and well see gusts touss 25. So i dont want to over sell itt that its going to be a perfectly still day, but yesterday we had winds gusting g to 40 or 50. To 4or 5 so it will feel a little betterl out there. Out again, nice sun angle as we getw into the middle of march and ifa you can get out innd the sunin we do have cloudiness north anda west if youre one of our o viewers out in parts of maryland and West Virginia there in Northern Virginia you willil encounter cloud cover. Ov otherwise partly to mostly sunns for the rest of us and we shoulu generally be dry this afternoon might be a flurry or two that t hangs out in the mountains andaa quieter conditions around hereer for the afternoon here. High pressure still a little ltl breezy. Breezy. Mentioned the temperatures. Mpers warming up in the low 40s stilli well below average for this timt of year but yesterday we didntt get out of the low 30s soout te 10 degrees warmer than yesterday an little less wind should feel pretty good. Ty quick toll tomorrow. Queue my music. Okay. Okay there it is. It i 50 degrees tomorrow. Esro early sunshine thank you. Ou gives way to few late showers so its time to dance. Wisdom send me that emoji. There we government theres youm seven day forecast, guys. 42n da today. Y. 50 tomorrow. W. Hey first day of spring on monday and it should feel a little better temperature wisere as we get into monday andday a tuesday next week near 60. K near all right, guys. T,uy thats the latest. Latest. Back to you. Thank you Tucker Barnes. Bas. What a flip flopper. Lo hey. I know. Thats not still not the emoji im thinking about. G the show needs this. T somebody needs the so not take k stand on this show and thats me. Great. At youve proven that. You fit in perfect untilil washington. Gton. Thanks, tuck. Hanks,uck. Bye tucker. R. Gospel legend live in the loft l this morning. Culling up next were sittthingg down with the one and only cecee winans to talk about her new album, her new sound and what sw its like working with the nextt generations of winans. In right now 10 29. Were back in a moment. All right. 10 32 is the time. Ime. Our next guest ten time grammy a Award Winning goss well legendll back on the scene aft a decade long hiatus. Shes one of the hit making duos. Were talking about the one and the only song stress cece winann just released brand new album or cd. Both. Bototh okay. Called let them fall in love in which was produced by her son and the lead single never have v to be alone, well, which youou just heard a few seconds ago hao been climbing t gospel charts and this morningsi the gospel legend is live tos lt dish about her career and theard new album and new sound. Good morning to you. Good morning thank you for coming in. You foci good morning. Thanks for having me. Than ks always good to see you imm very big fan. Bigan ill be fan boy for just aor second here. Seconde when i heard your song all righg back in the day that was my jamm okay. Took me to another level. Thev its good to see you. To see y good to see you, too. , t talk about the new music. Ic i heard it on the radio itadio i sounds like a mixture of new anw old coming together. Toghe very good. You got it. Wisdom, thats on it. N i told you fan boy. Thats on it. Thats on i it is really really different, e its funny when you introduce the about the music, thisic,i time i did do a cd and an albumb okay. Like a real i did did thats back in now. Now can you believe it . Cau be okay. I didnt know that. I i thought i was dating d thog i wmyself. Its ck in. In. Dont worry about it. Don its back int. K but im excited because it is a mixture of the old and new. N my son actually came up with the idea and so this is all live music. 40 piece orchestra, and wrapped in a lot of different de styles. Its like throw back and yet yet its relevant, its fresh, its a lot of the fun. It i think itslot my best work tt date. Date. That says a lot. That says a lot. Ot praise god. Praise god. Whats it like working withit your son. You come from musical family ail lot of talent in this familyam whats it look working with youy son. It was amazing. I had to humble myself. Elf. Really. When hes producing and hed hits the button and says thats not good enough mom, you need t do it again. Im like wait a minute. Can you put him on detentioni when he does that. Ene do i was singing before you were thought of. What are you talking about . Itt was awesome to see his gifts ana his talents and really he blewe me away. These songs are awesome he wrotw seven out of the ten songs and a he produced the record. So his vision, and its prettyy amazing. Country song going on called why me lord. Lrd right. Awesome song, and its beautiful. Autiful. Okay. Beautiful cd. Hing that youthing that you pushed him into or kind off guided him int came by naturally the music . Oh, hes loved music more than i ever loved music. Really . Yeah. I have two children. I have two a daughter an son, child and thy are musical, but he loves music. Okay. Hes always had great ear. Yeah, ever since he came. Yeah. Ea. Okay. We also talked about intro. Youve been gone for awhile, at, least not put out an album for f while. Yes. What have you been all thatha time. Beebee and i put our last project titled steel five years ago my husband and i starteed aa church in nashville, tennessee. , okay. Called nashville live andnasi its a church full ofh ll of millennials, um, about 250 young people. Right. And its been amazing were ing dye senapel amaes. Sapel that took all of my time. Im im sure it did. E d all of my time. Myim but last year by the end of 2015, i got some space so io could focus on record and now we have let them fall in love. N l right. Ight okay. So do you miss it . While, i, newspaper you wer up with the church. Up with the r i was probably too busy tob miss it. T okay. When i got back into then i studio was likego, okay, im bab im here. I her im here. I i feel it. And its an awesome thing to be able to termtimes statuestu through music and again beinginb there with the 40 piece0 ec orchestra it was like, this is i going to be fun. Un right. How do you keep it fresh after all this time and all ktheeed e success that youve had . You accomplish everything how do yoy keep it fresh . You know what . I think it ti has a lot to do with who youre working with have i to give thet credit to my son. To my high to listen to him say mom ill keep you fresh. Its going to be relevant. Evant. I know what you stand for. T yosn so the lyrics are going to be bold. And he did it. You know he was able to take the old, i believe with this projece i will recapture of those who w follow me for years but also bus ill gain some new listeners ans thats exciting. G. Okay. Oka all right. Gh cece wine nance. Cec ill just in awe over here righr now. No im in awe. Awe hey, the project, do we have anv information about the project ie you dont have a where canhen pele you can get it wherever music is bought. T i tunes, wal mart. Right. Target you name it its there ther right. E. Let them fall in love. S tt he inforthmation right there on your screen. Er you have you ever been itemed to go into r and b . No. Not your thing. No. No. You know, you listen to r and b all the other genres of music m then get a lot of their stuffhes from the gospel. Right. Ht. They just reboot it, remake it remix it. Thats it got it. Cece wine nance, ladies ands gentlemen. Thanks for coming in talking too us. Thanks for having me. Ving me. Continued success as well. Ss thank you. T want an honor. An hon awesome. Some love to beebee, too. Hes a friend of the show, so beebee is, yes. Y i love it. I okay. Ay so we teased all morning theased show is going to the dogs and the late in the 10 00 oclock. O thank goodness. Tha theyre so cute. So theyre going doing a preview super pet expo has a super s fashion show and well show youu some of the the little what yout might see when you owed on outdn to the Dulles Expo Center on th stay with us many our four legged fashion show when we come back. You said you wanted to feel better about your cereal. General mills big g cereals hear you. Thats why we say yes to whole grains as our first ingredient. And no way to high fructose corn syrup. In every honey nut o. Every lucky charms spoonful. And every cinnamon toast crunch square. You can feel good about General Mills big g cereals. vo shop all makes, models and colors in your neighborhood. All with worryfree ownership. Head to your neighborhood enterprise car sales and let the people who buy more vehicles than anyone. Shift your thinking about buying your next one. This morning fashion going tooi the dogs. [ laughter ] for a great cause. Aat c thats because this weekend thet super pet expo will be hell athe the Dulles Expo Center and this morning we are celebrating early with fabulous canine fashione fi show. Sh perhaps you can hea joining us this morning bethninb greenberg catell of all friendsi pet care and some fabulous Furry Friends too. First tell us good morning. Good morning allison. Goo nice to meet you. Tell us about what you do. O. Your service. All friends pet care. We are a professional in homh pet sitting service. Service okay. Were celebrating 19 years i business next month. And my best friend even starteda the business we take care of cae pets large and small throughouth Northern Virginia. Vir are these some of yourre tses clients who are we going to seeo today. These are some clients. He these are one of a my personalya dogs. Okay. These are some friends. Se ar will they be in the actuall pet fashion show . Sho yes. On the weekend. Yes. Hope everyone will come out come of course well give all thel information. But first we want to see these e super cute models. Ods. Lets do it. Okakay. Yes. So first up, we have coda. Coda. Whats up . Coda is a rocking the red. R so cute. Best friend and business bin partner hi pam with her boyfriend coda. Co gearing up for the playoffs here. You guys are great. Theyre really excited to t rock the red and show some s support for hometown team. Look how pam dressed justssed like him. Like him. Show him the back. Show them the back. Bac rock the red. Red thank you so much. Sh. What a good baby. Aww. Siberian husky. So pretty. So pre who loves the cold im sure. R yes. Is happy for this weather. F thi yes. Hes very happy for the yes weather. Thank you, pam. Coda. You okay. O all right. So next we have sebastian. Sebastian looks very familiaf to me. Sebastian and luna. Hello. Lo are ready for easter. Eter. Okay. O so sebastian is a French Bulldog wearing green ginghamea shirt ready for st. Patricksy a day. Did you make these as well. Oh yes. Yes. You might remember earlier m this week thigis of course ourh beauty and the beast reimaginedi with luna and sebastian. Ti luna is wearing her lovely l pink top and tutu in honor ofn r Cherry Blossoms. Doesnt she look so gorgeous. Little diva. Le div so cute. G. Sprready for were tired of the cold weatherh arent we, though. Wehough. Usher it in. Sher high five on that sebastian b and luna. Lun yes. Thank you so much. Who is next . Next up is lot tee. Tee shes a threeyearold pitbulliu terrier mix shes actually act available for adoption. Is that right. She will be available the Loudoun Animal Services booth at the expo where you can get yan g information about lot tee shese dressed up as a springtimeingt easter ballerina. Na what else can you tell us u about her. T we want to make sure people are lined up to take her home. Herom she is the sweetest girl. Shes super calm. She loves to cuddle. Super sweet, calm, ready to to cuddle. I love it and ready for her h forever home. R yes. Thank you. Nd you look adorable yes. Y good job, lot tee. Ee lot tee super calm. Cm oh, my gosh. Gos a lot of our canine friendsie dont want to be wearing a tutu. Lot tee is rocking it. Ng i shes easy going. This is roxie. Now roxie is a taco. Come on roxie. Rox get her up off the ground. Ron shes two years old. Y a chihuahua and she likes,. Lik she likes to wear her hat toh sideside. Shes got style. T sty yeah a little is that so. Miss roxie. Shes dressed up as a taco today. How about we put your little hat. Bout wtle yeah. Okay. Yes. All right. Sweet little girl. Sw yeseet. Ttle i would like to ask but mayby some of the costumes will be on sale at the pet expo do we think. Come to the pet expo you cane literally buy everything. Verying you can b skirts. You can buy little sunglasses everything. N now,bu ty hi s is roxie whats this deliciousness. Ics her brother buckley. Buckley is a belgium mel landel war. R. Hes dressed as a belgiumeds a b waffle. Of course he is. His feis face buckley is our most senior senio contestant hes 13 and a half. L oh what a sweet boy. Sweet boy and you said hes retired canine police k9. 9 he serves as therapy dog now. Sweet dog. Hes been working all this t sweet life. T li so calm. So c okay. Are we about to see somethingokm happen with the treats . Tre good boy. I got a special place in my s heart for the senior dogs. R seni i know. Especially when youre espech dressed like benelgium waffles. L yes. Y and to go along with the taco. Thank you very much and thank you. You ve thank you. Heres all the informationhe because i know you want to comee out. Super pet expo march 17thch 1 through the 19th friday theriy hours are three to 8 00 you canu see it there saturday ten toten 7 00. Sunday ten to 5 00 at the dullel expo center. Enter. Beth, thanks so much. Be, thanksu thank you. If i can just say the bestes dressed pet competition ison saturday. Okay. At noon and its open free to join. In really . You can sign up online. Can o absolutely i hope everyone will put on their best and comec on out. If only i were the queen ofue do it yourself costumes. Cosme i still have time. T thanks, beth. Thank you. Over to you guys. Gs. Super cute. Thats awesome. We still to come its 10 46. More proof that j. Lo and arodnr are in fact a real thing becausc a couple that work outs stays together. Gether. Were checking in with hollywooo today live for the details. Well get you your scoop next. Now at havertys furniture, its our savings in bloom event. Get one hundred dollars off every thousand dollars you spend to create your perfect home. Plus, youll get twentyfour month, nointerest financing. Hurry, the savings in bloom event ends march 20th. With havertys, your home can be perfect, even when life isnt. The savings in bloom event at havertys. Life looks good. 10 49. Lets get double dose ofdoub do celebrity dish. Ce head out to hollywood for thisoi round. Were going to hollywood todayod live. Well check in with garcelleel this morning. Hi, good morning. Hi, good morning, steve. Ste how are you . Are im doing great. Reat so i can use a little bit of bif workout. I need a workout buddy i cant decide between arod who is jacked and j. Lo. Youre not the only one. Lyne who is hot. Is hot [ laughter ] maybe i can take them both at the same time. The couple that exactly. Cy the couple that work out o together stays together. Ogethe so of course the new it coupleou j. Lo and Alex Rodriguez as you mentioned or i call them j rodhd because i can. They just hit private gymriva g together in miami. Theyre pumping iron sessionssio follows romantic four day get dt away to the bahamas. As. I mean what will they do next . . Eat dinner together . See a show together . Come on. Make a baby together . Maybee a baby. Maybe a little j rod. Rod. [ laughter ] i cant with those two. Two theyre two perfect. I know. Now. Too perfect. No i know no kidding theyre soey beautiful. Captain America Chris evans has been romantically linked to lets see jessica biehl, minicac kelly and jenny slate. In other words he likes datingdh actresses. Why . Well he just told esquireu that its because actresses understand the things like lik jetting off for three months tom shoot a movie and have similar shared life experience. Xp i mean isnt that what makes a beautiful couple, right . And i guess that explains the rumors that i heard chris mightt be dating the newly single scarlet johannson. She does not wait long. If its not true, theyre beautiful my god, right. Rht [ laughter ] always surprise me how fastat people move on. It tollly makes sense ifly mn they, you know, are the same sam type of work schedule the sameee type of work understanding andda it makes it easier for bothor sides then again the jetting off for three months to make a movie maybe thats why they dont lasl so long in the e amen. Exactly. Thats exactly right. Right. Thats exactly right. Ats exactr i think you hit it right on tige head. Let me tell you about todayst s show. We sit down with kennedys after camelot star katie holmes and have dr. Ken funny man from dr. Ken junk the show and dave s foley are here and watch usat u every day, guys, at 1 00 on fox5. And we do. Rcelle thanks so much. Le tnks always good to talk to you knewk episode today at 1 00 oclock0 c just about two hours away. A thanks garcelle, byebye. Good lineup today. Today i dont think theres tres anything wrong with that. Ng wrog but like you want to dateo dat somebody who understands an its much easier. S muchasie world you live in. You le in also talking about j rod anda a low. [ laughter ] what did you call him. Halo. Thats what i was trying say. Dont start that. Hat. He doesnt take katie holmes. Ahh. H. Finally this hour dontly tho forget to fill out your brackete time is running out to join the good day bracket chall do it. See if you can beat us. N tif yoou sign snnoo up and pick your teams see if you can beat us. T we do have link to the foxox sports good day group on fox5 f fox book page even of our individual pages well tweet out the link as well. Well. Its free. Its just for fun. Its weve got more than a hundredan people signed up already. Sig we do. Ned up ya80 a80 basketball glory right thereh awesome. That is so fun. Ttherethe nk. Theres that amazing jump shot. Jump shot or a pass. Basically it was just, yout a know, just a jump shot and thene i looked so thats what i got g going on. On. I took the shot and then smiled. Because you knew it was going in. In you knew. I gotcha. She knew. Tag that photo that will endn up dave and busters markingarkg photo. O i dont think so. I d right. You dont think so. Ou i dont think you have to worry about d thi. That night dress clothes. Eighths great shot. Thighte belt thank you very muchel. Little fashion thats for you for free. Ee. A lot of fun tweets today. Ty lets go ahead and scrollnd l them up right there. Here we lets put them on the big board. Totally dont agree with youu today tucker as she sends her bitmoji our friend, blah, blah, bl. H. Wow. Shes loving tucker rightr rg now. All right. A rig bitmoji. Bmoji. Which one . Until he flippedp this was the pre flip tuck. K. I love my bitmoji we love tht friday junior i love that. Oveha. Thats a great phrase. Hr friday junior i like that at lot. Lo. Am i right. Ht 50 plus and as a grandmom i am a the queen of emojis. Mojis i love them in my messages. Mesa they make me happy and isnt that what really matters i lovev my football. Tball thats right. Hats t. Emojis are okay when thes arw entire text message looks like an archie comic strip thats ths problem. Lem but its always art form and ad challenge in itself good trying to figure out someones personalized license plate. La i hope king tuck is can youing i above 40, im above 50 and i enjoy emotion george i heart yot tucker. Let them fly, man. Let tfly, i see. Making my bitmoji today. Okay. Y i like that. Talk to the hand. Let me be very clear about this. Changed your position. Ed yout i am not taking a stand onioo this. This i now love bitmojis. Okay. Kay. And this was after i jumped e on board and put myself out out there. Ther wisdom dom seeee. Dont ever do that. Kick me to the curb. You got to get on the train. N get on the train and change g your bitmoji. Give yourself give yourself hair. Off beautiful head of hair. I figure that will be my bitmoji in couple years. Ears for right now the one tucker liked like a loss. Loss. We like the weather one. But your toupee on yours wher you make it. Right. Take it today tuck. Day tk. Ill work hard on it. I thank you. By that hell go to the 20 somethings downstairs havent hn her make new one. Ew o hell tell mike to do it. T you get ohelp you get out. Is it going to warm uutp today. D tell me yes. Es a little bit. I dont want to try to have toat get on the driveway. Listen the ice the block oflo ice weve had across the area should soften up here prettyre quick. Well be in the low 40s think tk afternoon. Kind of a part toll mostly sunnn day. More sunshine than yesterday and the best part the winds will not be how long at 50 only at 25 today. It will feel calm. Alm feel a little better. Le bette tomorrow for st. Patricks day,d i encourage all things green. Gn yes. Y sent me your favorite green emojis. Im all in now. In n created a monster. Temps are going to be in then 50s the next couple of days. Dy guess what it will feel likelik spring just in time for spring g to arrive monday and tuesday any back up near 60. 6 probably one of the best dayy with the tournament going on and st. Patricks day. Good friday. Go maryland. G tucker, we hearto you. Y thank you for playing along. G heart eyes. Eartye i cant believe you throughhu me out there. Me the he left you stranded at the station. St i emoji. You know what, tucker stick with this one. Hallelujah hands. How do you do a flip. Do now im on your side. I like emojis,w im too. Y aft y fios is not cable. Were wired differently. Maybe thats why weve been ranked highest in cutomer satisfaction by jd power 4 years in a row. And now you can love fios too. Get 150 meg internet, tv and phone. All for 79. 99 per month, for the first year with a twoyear agreement. Its the only internet with equal upload and download speeds. Cable only offers upload speeds that are a fraction of the download speeds. 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