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Hate that i lovearc you. Y our senior hating correspondento wisdom martin here on my left. Once upon a time. Chisel it in the stones backe then. Plenty more money makingoneyg opportunities. Good day d. C. It is just after 9 00 oclock o theris tue 0sday february 7th. A. Im holly morris alongside of maureen, steve and wisdom. The only thing tom brady loss on super bowl sunday literally l the shirt off this back. Five time champions game jersey still missing some help in theie search Texas Rangers now helping Houston Police try to find thatt piece of very valuableua memorabilia. Moraa could be worth hundreds ofs of thousands of dollars or nothingg this all comes as the patriotsat get ready for victory paradey pd through the streets of boston. O. Two hours away from the parade. Details coming up. U first though lets talk aboua this glorious weather because ww are in store for, well arc wildl ride down the road. R it will feel like spring today d with temperatures pushing theg t 60s. 60s. But the bottom dro in the week. We owe old man win umhmm, uhm coming on back. Back. For details tucker is back withw the first check of the forecastc mod morning. Good morning. Get right to it. Well start with todayood mge. And again we are featuring somee pretty extraordinaryorry temperatures for this part of o uabruary. We may near 70 degrees thisgree afternoon. Already mild out there. Ady ld o 52 winds out of the south here at ten. At. So that warmer air surging to the north here on that southerly breeze, and were off and and running temperature wise. Wise. Parts of the area approaching 6e all right. Little rain out there early. This is associated way warmar front. On most of the activity as well too our north although we have a few leftover showers near hagerstowr and a few more developed to ouro south across southern maryland. R so you may encounter a few few showers. Ow its not going to be brighte bgh sunshine we had yesterday. Te but it should be a very pleasann afternoon temperature wise. W kind of and out of the clouds cd and high temperatur approaching 70 degrees. We hit 74 that wilchl tie record. Hit 75 thats a new record for the day winds out of t hes a south sth here gusting to 25. O5. Stay tune. Coming up vile and details on the possibilityli of some snow around here for that thursday morning commute. U can you guys believe it . Back b to you. Little bit of everything. Ryth first up at 9 00 breakingbrg news coming into the fox5ox newsroom were hitting a policel involved shooting in southeastea d. C. At 13th street and good god pe r road. Its unclear how many people pe have been shot or their or their conditions we have a crew headed to the scene and whaevell get y the latest as soon as we get it. Again police in involved olve police on the scene of an a officer involved shooting nearer 13th street and good hope roadoo in southeast washington. The other big story at 9 00 and all nighter on capitolt hill. Ll. Some Democratic Senators amara a thon session to send a messagesa before the final confirmationrmn president of president trumps nominee for education second. Ecn the goal is to convince onenn or more republican not toot t support betsy devos but it mighg be uphill battle. Bate. Fox5s Melanie Alnwick live at capitol hill with what happensas if this vote ends in tie. Tie good morning, mel. Orning, m reporter good morning,ng i think weve heard this before. If the vote ends ihen aar tie, n vicepresident mike pence will be called on to cast the tieie breaker vote. Ote this is going to be historic either way. Because vicepresident has never been called on before to cast a tie breaking vote for a cabinetn member thats according to the senate historian. Historian. I believe you could also say this is historic in teryomsu oe amount of opposition that an education secretary nominee iss getting youre seeing right nown live pictures from the senate floor. This is ron white of oregon tooo the mike just a few moments agoo procession of democrats taking the floor overnight all nightigt each one speaking anywhere fromf 30 minutes to an hour until u another colleague could come upe theyre allowed to have 30 minutes their hours of debate from the time a nominee gets ouo of committee to the time of thee final full senate confirmationro vote and democrats said theyree going to use every single minutt of it trying to to see if just perhaps one more republican senator might beht b willing to flip his or her vote. Yesterday debbie of michigan mhn hinted that there might be one n other republican there willingil to flip. Li however, she would not name n names. So it really is up to the very last minute going to be a nailea biter. Lets talk a little bit about ai betsy devos and why she is so controversial. Rs a lot of people point to go herr background as a billionaire, a philanthropist, bigtime gopimeo donor. Giving a lot of money to thehe republican party. Shes also given some money to o the arts as well. The arts as we shes been chairman ofll the michigan gop4 times but shes never really worked in publicli education. N. Her website says shes ahes a disruptor and advocate fightingn to remove barriers and enactndna change that means that she is aa very strong supporter of Charter Schools, and in redirectingti money from Public Schools to t support school choice. But critics have hit her harderh over her lack o Public Schools. Her lack of experience withnce h Student Loans and her lack ofan knowledge of lawss an protectint special education. Tion. And so thats really what peoplo are fighting against here. But to be fair some people in pn this country really dont likel the government getting involvede in Public Education and think there should be less involvemenl in it. So, again, were right now at 50 50 senators for and against a that vote coming at noon today. Y as i said, its going to comee down to the wire. E w live here capitol hill, Melanie Alnwick, fox5 local news. Ews. We were sitting here talking. Just obviously i know you wereue listening to the negatives for the people who are against her but i meanho a what make her yar fid for the job . Reporter well, shess qualified because president sidet trump says shes qualified. And she was instrumental in thee Charter School movement inemt in michigan. Mich thats where shes really put au lot of her money and trying to advocate for Charter Schoolsools and, again, for public funds going to school so its a completely oppositeppt view of education public moneyon for private education as opposes to public money for Public Education. So she knows how to advocate fof those issues. She knows how to pass laws andnd work toward advancing her causes, but as far as any actuaa experience in education, in, in Public School systems, she has none. Ne though she does have experiencee in investing in for Profit Education companies. S all right. R breaking it down. King idown thanks, mel. President trump lets talk abou the white house right now. Today the white house will argus thlle courts for the reinstatemt of the ban of immigrants fromf r seven majority muslim countries. The ninth Circuit Court of cou appeals in San Francisco willras decide if that ban can be can be reinstated or stay on hold. Ol the ban was hauled friday by ayy federal judge from seattle. The Justice Department arguest s the ban is win president trauma pops quote constitutionalutio powers. , a hore in maryland, a Howard County Council Approved a billdb to give undo you meaned m immigrants legal protection. The mesh passed in three to twot it would make Howard County a sanctuary county. Count however, the county executivecue has promised to veto that measure. Measure Savoy Elementary School in southeast dc will bene closed aa lot longer than expected. Xpec so crews can get rid of a bed b bug and rodent problem there. He last night and this morning, our cameras found crews work to goor clean up the pest infestation. While clean up continues students will have to attendtted classes at another school. Oo beginning tomorrow classesngt will beom held at hope elementay school. Scho google map how long it would itd take students to get there to tt that school. It looks like it will take abouo 12 minutes. Inut dc schools officials will tellll savoy parents later today aboutd the plan to transport the kids d to hope. H i think its ridiculous. Tdiu i mean unfortunately whateverhae theyre bringing out to school s theyll be bringing home. Hom so its just something thatst going to be traveling. Traveling i dont know how theyre goingo to get rid of all of that. Reporter what do you make yk of bed bugs in school . Its nasty. Nty its nasty. Thats grocery. To to a school thats 18 minutet place for down a for a little lt while. Its going to take awhile. Awhil its not going take a coupleou days. Students can get breakfast, lunch and did you they are atrea dairy farm rec center. Police closed down severalner blocks of 12th street see southwest for about an hour hou today as they looked into a caro that was parked right in frontht of the headquarters ofsf immigration and customsanstom enforcement. Fo so what was inside . Propane pra tanks on the back seat. Kea the owner of the car told fox5 f he had them there because he h changes out the tanks used byksy the food trucks that park theree every day. Not the best place to leave ave car with propane tanks. Tks thats for sure, but, again, agn everything given the all clear e out there after policeol investigated for, um, almost ann hour. Ur shutting down 12th streetee there in southwest. South parked right in front of icee headquarters new social media md trend with serious consequence. E coming up what parents need to o know what is called t challenge and this is one is challenge they are notnge th are ouine. Ca police say this guy right hereih is to blame. To ame now investigators need your help trying to stop him. Well have all the detailsetai coming up next. Lilly. She pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress. But once a week i let her play sheriff so i can wash it. I use tide to get out those week old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. You are free to go. Tide and downy together. All eyes are on olay ultimate eye cream. Allure best of beauty and Marie Claires most wanted. Eyes show emotion, not your age. S we want to get back to breaking new out of southeast d. C. Police on the scene of an officer involved shooting near 13th street and good hope road. Our bob barnard just arrived ono the scene and joinsn thlvedtree. What can you tell us about whats happening, bob . Reporter well, thisl, this stretch of good hope road isad s closed right now. Cl this is busyos thorofare in the morning. G. Thats one issue. That as you see here as we look downn towards 13th and good hope hop road, youll see a motorcycle oe its side in the middle of the t road what were hearing from dcc police they got call for somee kind of trouble aroundro 8 00 oclock this morning. Ning. They got here. He. They apparently encounter addour man with a gun. Police opened fire wounding this person who has been taken to the hospital. Hosp conscious and breathing what wt theyre telling us were not particularly certain of thely ca exact wounds or nature of thatit persons injuries. But that person was shot. S but is alive. And police tell us they have recovered a gun re scene. You see a lot ofinesigators pol, squatter cars here blocking offo good hope road basically betweee 12th and 13th streetsts southeast and you see thehe motorcycle there were not suree if that was a passerby innocent bystander who got call caught i the middle of something and laid down the bike or if the persontn supposedly with the gun police shot was on that motorcycle. Oto. Were not sure. But this is happened just in ths past hour or so. So. Early on in the investigation in think police are still trying tg figure out exactly what washa w going on here and want to doantd that going on here and wanted t fine out before they tell us u anything more specifically. Call. But, again kind of trouble herer in southeast d. C. Ending withit gunfire from police and someoneo taken to the hospital. Tal. Guys. Gu all right. A rig bob barnard on the scene withnet the updates. Pdates well check in with you or youru can tell fuss more developsveps where you are. Re 9 14 is the time right now. T now lets talk about fox55 exclusive. Exclusive. A con artist who is targeted tte women across the country ha Montgomery County. Mo now this story is blowing up on our fox5 d. C. Facebook page andd the woman youre about to meet, well, she thought she could soud trust the man shed been dating for two months but then shehe learn the truth. Th. Marina morocco has the storyto from bethesda. Reporter he seemed very charming, um, had all of his stuff together. He reporter it seemed like le love at first site. It we would go out to dinner oro we would go to an nba game and, you know, most people just haveh check card in their pock. Poc this guy would have a wad of cash. Like i would guess eight to 10,000 in cash. H. Reporter lavish dates and hour long conversations thatcoea included what this woman so the fact that he was on his phone having business calls it seemed real. So, yes, he is a professionaliol con artist. Rtis reporter she checkedhecked online for her new boyfriend devonne glaze but there was no w apparent digital footprint. Tprit a man this Montgomery County cnt woman met on a dating website. Two months in and the pair had a planned trip to costa rica to celebrate her birthday. Birday. Text message wis supposeduppose assistant showed plans to travet there on her new boyfriendsfris private jet and two months she s only had videos of their dogsog playing to show for theiror t relationship. Onship but a red nag eventually didyid come in the form of a check. It was 700. 700. At the bank she saw it withtw her own eyes. S. There it was. There it was made out to i this compaa that ive never heard of fleet street, um, and it was endorsed it looked like my my signature but his initials thett namehat he was using is theng ie same initials as mine. E. Reporter when she reportedte him to police, officers had no n record of devonne glaze. Laze but quickly she learned sherned wasnt the only woman hot on his trail. Ail. Um i went to rip off reports. Com and i typed in they name devon glaze and then thats where everything just stood in n front of report roar dozens of s women across the country in california, florida, illinois and georgia also claim they, too, were scammed by this man m whose real name is trevorr devonne thornton. Hoto mug shots that date back to thee early 2,000s and rap sheets with charges that include felony theft, forgery and fraud are a edged across Court Dockets withc this mans name. Am she confronted him and he denien it all. All and then disappeared. Until her friend found him onn yet another dating app this time with a new name, charles. Les dropped, because i i thought, you know, maybe he would leave the area. Uld leave reporter she got calthe l fm another woman who says shess ss Arlington County publicub schoolteacher also scammed bymmb the same man. An she said that she came across another woman who actually theye got engaged, and they booked she book the hotel, had invitations made. Tion reporter this montgomerymo county woman got her money backc and says shell be okay. Kay. She says shes telling her story for just one reason. So i would hate for a woman toan become engaged to this guy ors o have a baby with this guys guy because i believe he has mullasl pell kids across the us, um, i i believe he is also married to aa least five or sick women right h now with different names. And hes telling them all them l different stories of himt ies traveling the world for work or for family and its not theot t case. Hes conning you. No surprise this story generateg add lot of buzz online. Onl we got a lot of comments on ourr Facebook Page. Nick said people have toave understand the job of a personhb like that is to con you so sometimes you can blame thehe women especially if what theythe say is true about seeing money,y hearing business conversations,s and being treated well. Stop being so judgmental. Tal. Lisa barton wrote im sure thisi happens of happens all over the world but im glad the dmv putmp him on blast. Blast at least she found out before he robbed her blind. Blind lorraine why in the hell iswt any woman giving any man her hard earned money. Mey wise up women. Dont be so needy for a plans attention. Finally, he got a women in arlington. Arlito i wish he would have found me. E she would have spent all that ta wad. I said earlier if guy in thee first month youre with him isim pragueing about how much moneycy he has and millions in the bankn and everything else. Lse. S one ofho seems to be good to be true its too goodintsuyt easy for us to sit up here and look at that, how could you nott when youre close in, sometimesm you just dont see it. You dont want to believe itelvt good yeah. Some people are really goodd liars. They suck you in. You met a new man and htheeyw look at my Bank Statement thattt proves i have i dont think he did it likel that. Did he do it like that. Hes having conversations and hes got the tepp thousandan dollars. Dollars. Youve got to feel for t women. He showed her Bank Statements i know. I know. Im trying not to be judgmental because im saying to myself, that could never h nppe but yotou to m saying but know y youou never know. Kno people marry ry it was some astronomical. Mil i watch all those id channell shows. The good life. It happens all the time. Tim let me rephrase the question. If you met him new man hehrase e you he had millions in the bankn and he asked you for a check for 700. 7 ill go online. Ei people. People. Ask for backgroundw nyr hepeoplt hename in that database. Before you go to date rip ofo reports put the name in. In. 9 21 is our time right now. W coming up russia demanding an apology from bill oreilly whene we have have to say byebye to o boo boo why someone paid 100,000 for a cheeto. Cheet they had millions in thehe bank. Bank a con man. Man. Erin is back with what else is e making headlines on tuesday. Let me sell you a cheeto for a hundred thousand dollars. Ll y. Ill take it. T. Should a mom step in herp i h adult kids are fighting how do w you handle a relationship when one partner makes way more than the other. Very fraser will sarah will join us with love and order coming up next. I lost my sight when i was 14 years old. So i really navigate the world by touch. When dove asked me to try out this body wash. I was excited that it was foam. It was so light and soft. Not sticky. Discover the feeling of new dove shower foam. Did you know 90 of couples disagree on mattress firmness . Enter sleep number. She likes the bed soft. Hes more hardcore. You can both adjust the bed for the best sleep of your life. Right now, save 50 on the ultimate limited edition bed. Go to sleepnumber. Com for a store near you. All right. 9 24 right now. N. Erin como back in the loft withh some of the other stories making headlines this morniotheng. Ng hey, err inn. Thank you very much, holly. Good morning to you. First up, russioua v igosnodt t about the interview between foxs Host Bill Oreilly and a president donald trump. The Putin Administration is inn moscow asking for an apologypo from oreilly after he called russian president Vladimir Putin a killer. Iden a kill in response to the request t r oreilly told put tip spokesmanm he might want to check aroundun the year 2023 for his apology. This morning president trumt and is weighing in on what somes there are too cozy of af wpresident. Mr. Trump tweeted, i dont kssi. Yet obama can make a deal with w irann terror nor problem. In other news, raree snowstorm hit the northwest. 30inches are expected in partsr of the cascade mountains. Ountai the snowstorm caused power to bb knock out for tens of thousandsn of people in the seattle area. E the same system also dumping d heavy rain in parts of oregon. And its a sad farewell too d. C. s favorite panda. Bao bao is about to head back t china. Threeyearold panda will move v back on february 21st. Ar. Its all part of the zoos deala with the china wildlife concert vision vision association. Vis all cubs born at the national zoo have to m boveorn to chinae time they turn four. Fou bao bao turns four in august. Ug we say byebye to bao bao. If you have a smart tvrtv listen up. P. According to the federal trade e commission, Television Maker vizio used televisions to spy on itsvisi stomomers. On the company agreed to pay. 2 mile with ftc and the new jerseyewer Attorney Generals Office aftert the agencies accused of vizio of secretly selling and selling sli data about its customersustors locations. Demographics and viewing habitst and deep breath. Finally, talk about cashing inng on a viral sensation. A cheeto thats said to look loo like car harambe the gorillailla told for 100,000 on e bay. The seller says he found it int the bag of flaming hot cheetosoc last month bidding began at juss 11 and 99 cents. Harambe the gorilla was shot and kill last year after a little lt boy got into his enclosure atret the cincinnati zoo. Ioo really sad story. To. Hes become the center of internet jokes but that cheeto o little bit it there im just ie going to say. Ay check clears. Cck right. Ig. Exactly. If it does, then im goingmg out and buy every of cheetos i can find. Find. During the commercial wereml lets go get a bag and see ie we can get anything that lookstt like something else. Lli somet we can just name it. Ste it exactly. It looks like it tell people wait looklo likel ill go to the break room an get you cheetos. Thyou ll b be back. Ll well be here. All right. Well share. Share via mission now. On n thanks, erin. Love isnt the air valentinesen day now week away. Day w we so this morning were helping hi you stand out with some alternative gift ideas i especially for travel lovers. Lr first though Mother Nature all l ovhe mhe map. Today and tomorrow temperaturese highs in 60. Thursday snow. S Tucker Barnes back with all thee details coming up next. Ex fresh at 10a David Beckham black mailed . What how couldha that be possible . Leaked emaim messages have the former soccerc star trying to save his reputation. Taon plus proof the future of driving may be up in the air literally t in the skies. And later, weve been waiting wi for it harry and holly reunion. N [ laughter ] aww. A look at that. Tha so cute. Ce look how happha adorable. Adoble. Thats what i was noticing. In speaking of awesomewesome combinations how about theow a combination of hiphop andnd Classical Music. Usic yes it happens and it soundsnd pretty cool too. Oo youll hear it live coming up at wells. Its 9 28. Z27mlz z16fz y27mly y16fy welcome back. Time right now 9 30. That meansti its time for yourr good day sports report. If you miff last notes wizardsz game against the Cleveland Cleve cavaliers the deen you missed a great one. Had hop for. Home within streak ends at 17n d games. Me lebron james needed overtime too get the done. Final score 140135. 135 khiry irving hit the big shot as the end of the game. Me thats lebron right there. T lost in overtime. Lebron james he fouled out. Have you seen a loss sou sees celebrated here in dc, wisdom . Do have we ever seen what . Wha a loss so celebrated orratedr justified. I know. I know. They were in it. Ju ok gt look goonodw. It was exciting. They were in it. I thats a lotthey of points inn basketball. That is lot of points. Skhat o yes. Yes. Instant classic. Css hopefully rematch in then t playoffs. Lets hope so. Hope go, wizards. Meanwhile victory lap for thp super bowl champions just abouto an hour and a half away from tht parade patriots will be throwinr in the streets of boston today. The team will ride the duck thek boats throughout the city likero theyve done in the pastug. Celebration gets underway atgets o patriots got quite tclhe welcomo last night when tcrowd outside e stadium. Loam barred trophy in tow on on of those buses. B on Facebook Tom Brady declared c the day a citywide holidaye saying today we dance in the streets, so apparently if tomom brady says so s its so. Then its so. Tom brady goes to show it never getsert old. Exactly. Still getting crowds. Ro boston is a sports town. Spo. They get championship like we lk order phone. Der one celtics had 17 championships. Bruins got championship. Ionship red sox broke the curse and a started with championships. Ionsi patriots come on really . . Enough all right, boston. N share the wealth. E you got yours. The bruins actually firedinsl their head coach today. Y eihe nobody will know about it until after the parade is over. Ver smart op their part. Par exactly. Uried that onet one you know what else is smart. A this weather. Th man. Love it. Little bit of rain but weret not even talking about that. Ut t were talking about the abo temperatures behind you. Mp 70 deregrees. Tucker, do tell. Tucker temperature today. Today i think were done with the raiw thats good news. Yay. Wisdom, you know, wereisdo excited about the wizardsabout i because its been decades, i dod an decades es yeah, 1978 or 79. 7879. Saturday night i walked pastp fill one of my childhood heroesh thats how long its been sinces they were last, you know, in iti beat the super sonics. Sonic. Right . Thats long time ago. Ego good memory. Like a burger chain super sonic. So its evolved over the years. A they got great tater tots. Ret milk shakes are off the chain. Our forecast high today 70. Ot if we hit that 64 well have a h new record. Record. Look how close we are already. Ly were already in the upper 50syp off to the south and west. 59 manassas. S 58 quantico. Ntico. Leonardtown 57 degrees. 57 degr 52 here in the city. E in t cit winds out of the south now and that warmer air really surging to the north you can see the see rain showers across parts of pennsylvania. Nn were not going to get thate no bright sunshine wgoein gg ot yey but we are going to be kind ofrg in andoi out of the clouds thiss afternoon. Rnoo a couple rain showers inuple rni hanging tough. G t heres a look at your forecast c map for todntioned the warm frof very very warm temperaturespe record breaking temperatures anu then a cold front out to thed ot west. Watch that cold front because it will be a player in our forecast this the second half off wednesday, overnight wednesday into early thursday. Inarly today upper 60s maybe a fewbe a spots hit 70 degrees. And then well set up for what could be get ready for thisady r could be a snow event by earlyly thursday morning. Ni so again our players cold frontd that will come through tomorrowt morning. Well watch an area of lowan arw pressure role along thate alonga overnight wednesday into early sday. Day. And the computer modeling beingg pretty aggressive giving partsip of our area a band of heavy snow overnight wednesday into earlyoy thursday. Ill scholl it to you here onchl future cast. This is thursday morning at 2 0 mning a. M. A. Look at that snow developingop across parts area and watch itaa kind of march to the southtc ana east. St there we are at 4am. Temperatures today and tomorrowm extraordinary warm for this tims of year. So i think at least the onsett e well have trouble getting. Ti stick catch, but if we get bands of snow as this futures ft cast is suggesting, we couldcoul umw around here by five, 6 00 oclock in 0 the morning on thurs some travel delays maybe someaym School Delays thursday morning. I so watch forecast carefully. Eful dont be fooled by the 70. The. Could have snow around here by y early thursday morning. Y mornin. Ill go outside with wisdom anda give you actual weather conditions outdoors. Cond holly over to you. Looking forward to that. Ooki a lot of people looking forwangf to valentines day as well. Wel were week away. E a if you dont have plan for yourr sweetheart you are actuallyoucty running out of time, if yout imi think flowers and chocolates are hopelessly old school, our nextn guest has some alternative gifte and celebration options for your romantic night. Travel writer surry kim joins us live with the gifts everyone can appreciate. Its nice to see you. Thanks for having me. S for hg nothing not that theres s anything wrong with roses andhes chocolates they are old schooles and dont t necessarily lets js say have a lot of thought behinn it. Right. Correct. You can go to local c pick upic a stem arc little bit of candy f and hand it over and say i lovel you. Yo yes. Yes at least do that. Do tha at least t especially a lol like to go to out to dinner. Had he love to go out toe lo dinner. Going out to dinner ong out din valentines is overrated like al guy an girl sit tag table. Ag tab guy and guy, a girl and girl, a, however you want to see it andoa its always sold out. Dut its a little bit boring. But if you can get a reservatioa i think a highend restaurantesr that you could really blow your budget on is kinship its a michelin star restaurant. I went there for my for m anniversary. Was it romantic. It ronti very romantic y. Kind of like below yourd of budget kind of place butut something more fun and low key is new place called hazel overaz in shaw area. Inw oh yeah. Eah rob does it a twist on tst american food. Americoo the dishes are like ten to 1212 per person. Perfect. Very sexy and romantic, very fofordable. Another tip that you gave wae just even if you dont want to t spend that much just get dressed up a little bit and go for go drinks. Up going for drinks is a gthreit idea. Idea couple you wear sweats aol theso time and hang out home. E. Take in. Theres a new renovated lounge u in the west end area the ritzhez carlton georgetown. And they have great drinks. At dk its very sexy. Sexy. So if you cant afford like foof and drinks it might just be goog to grab drinks there. Go grab drinks. Nk look nice for your special spe someone. This is alternative gift idea itde think is awesome. Yeah. I pick alternative gift not gif everybody thinks laundry and dry cleaning is sexy and fun. Getting it done is. I getting it done is. Is. Theres brand new app i used tod live in new york called cleanlye you can order from the app what you want dry cleaned, what youht want laundry and theyll doheyl laundry by the pound. Fill up this entire bag and b theyll charge you like 15. Iyman are you will they actuallying it. It they fold it up and put it it saran wrap it looks reallyeall beautiful, then you can alsoan a have things dry cleaned. And they tell you what time you can have it dropped off. Ed bet. You pick when its picked up. Pd you pick when its dropped off. So for a stem of roses and somee chocolate you could get entiregr bags worth of laundry done. D i think thats romantic. Anti thomas i hope youree watching. Atss this a. Little bit fancier travelrave person like me its a g row row luggage pack. Gge pack. What it does, it not only charges all your devices, theyst have a little cord on the insids where you can charge yourr ces. Ces. Theres also cords on the back e so you can charge about six abot devices at the same time. They have oversized wheels andel whats super fun on the insideid is they have multiple compartments as well as a huge h garment bag. What is this called . Hat his it costs about 550 bucks. Bus oh, yeah thats a bigger a bg gift. Gift you never can lose this luggageg because it tracks it for you onu the app. E app. Okay. Okay. Thomas forget this. Orget thi this is my new thing. T all right. Thats amazing. Never can lose luggage. L its a Kick Starter Campaign caa so people already love it. Thats a game changer. Gam for sure. What do we have here. We havr the last one is just romantic staycation. If the restaurants are booked ue and you cant get in to kinshipi or met yea or hazel you can boon a room at the ritz carlton washington, d. C. , they just did 25 million renovation, itsio super cheap, its super ser affordable and for valentines day, chef alvin put together ann aphrodisiac menu. Oh, night. Yes. So each of those things have se this ha something to kind of stem late e your sense. Get you in the mood. Get you in the mood. Getd. Hubba, hubba. Hub even if you dont stay at thet t ritz you can still go and do that. That you can still go to the bar o and order the menu. U. Its compressed watermelons, some salmon with clock latckat bananas. Thank you. Ank thanknks holdly. Check her out at adventure in sery. Com. Ry. C thanks so much. Uch. Back over to you all. I wonder if i can up i know. Ill give it to you, steve. Ste nsupporting the arts at the samm time. Alvin alley Dance Theater t returning to washington this week and this morningin wg ere getting a sneak peek wha wt to o expect ahead of the annual ann Opening Night gala. Gal time right now 9 40. 9 back after this. Hi half bat its a full house to the wilsons. Because they have fios, their half house has full internet, with uploads as fast as downloads. Dont pay for uploads that arent up to speed. Get 150 meg internet, tv and phone for only 79. 99 per month online for one year. Only from fios. It is time to break out yourt best black tie gear strap onr s your dancing shoes and get reada to party for a purpose. Because alvin alley american ari Dance Theater hosting 18th annual opening gale todaye da tonight at the kennedy center. Ec it will feature dinner and tribute performances to jazz legends Ella Fitzgerald and and Dizzy Gillespie and ticket tke proceeds will help provide dancn scholarships and support al polls local programs. Am two of the organizations coionsc chairs debra lee of bet and gina adams they join us live along a with alvin alley dancer to dishh about the special. Sci its such an honor to have all a three of you here today. Ay thank you. I want to start with youith o debra. De we see the Dance Company eachoma and every year. And ery always around february andnd always such a special event. Nt what makes it the event that itt is and something that we must wt t misiss . Well, first of all, theyrehe the dancers. What alvin alley Dance Companyoy does is so amazing the beauty of dancers. Nc it. So theres the arts part of it i but this gala is so importantmpa because we raise money. On this year we raised over Million Dollars. Dolls our first time ever. Wow. Were all very excited about that. Um, and its a great event too attend. A lot of congressional people come and then i have great coatc chairs. Absolutely. Like gina adams. Who we know is you lrel over the area with so many goodd causes. But, again, this Dance Company a know for black History Month in particular you know this is pars of our history. Tory shown through dance and through movement in a very powerful wayw if someone has seen it and thint ive been there before, why doo they need to come out again thit year. This year yspecially alvin alley has captured what ww all feel, and what we need now more than ever is to come c together and i think dance. Dane brings us together in a way that allows us to share our common humanity so i think that its critical that people realize that this is a company that dances for ererybody. Congress has even said describei alvin alley as the internationai ambassador of american culture. E and you see that tonight. You salute dollar. Ou salute l youve been part of thiars compy for how long . This is a local l young man from bowie, and youndy are just a success story. Sto tells about how you came through this company and what your rolee is now. Well, i attended suitland stl High School Center for theer foe visual and performing arts. G a and while i was in high school,h i was awarded kennedy centerr scholarship to attend the alleyy school. School. Someone at their annual summerr intensive and upon going to the summer intensive, you know, i i decided that not only did i wanw to dance for the company but i wanted to further my education and the school has a joint program with fordham universityy where i could attain a bachelore of fine arts and so i eventu went there, um, and alsols received a scholarship Jerome Robinson scholarship and i i was digged for the company afterft dancing with alley two our Junior Company for year and ive been with the organization nowan for seven years. Years. Umhmm. He is really an example ofy e what youre trig to do with thii money goes for. This is what its all about. I mean danielle yum is such a ic Great Success story, but theut t purpose of raising money tonight is to give away scholarships anh i think last year we gave away 19. But the fact that now danieliel started with the scholarship anp went to the program and now is a dancer is just it gives me chills. Just so exciting. It so many worthy causes and yoh mentioned you raised over ane million dollard syo. Ars. What is it about this company, a you know, so many people sops many groups you can donate monen to. Why is it about this companys ca people say, you know what i wani to put my money here. Uty mo i want to see these young people just succeed in this line. Dancing and movement and art. I think if you stud alvin alleys life that we understand kinds of people together to learn from and celebrate, youu know, life. E. Yes. And dance and i think the t alvin alley american Dance Theater company has captured alp of that. Of that. Sure has. It t stands out. I mean its fantastic. Fanta it is i want to put up theutp sleet. Gala is tonight. S ton if youd like to attend lets lt put up the information there foe you. Tonight again at the john f. Kennedy center for performinger arts. Arts tickets right there on yours rir screen. Its a Little Pricey but itsuts worth it. You see the good work happeningni here. Re daniel just an example wherehere this money is proving to be b successful. And they will be here aller a week. Here all week. Excuse not to go. Right. What excuse whatsoever. Thank you all so much for coming and sharing with us. Thank you. Keep up the good work. Eep up t will do. Looking for your name in fora bigger lights. Thank you very much. Thank you. S,acuys, back over to you. Thank thanks maureen. K thank 47 r right now. Still to come is it tim the plug on may to decemberembe romance . And then hnd relation partner make a lot more money than the other . Sarah fraser will break it all down. D a new edition of love and orderd next. Were ready. gasp just head shoulders . Are you kidding . This is celebrity hair i thought it was just for, like, dandruff theres life in it, theres stuff going on this is so free ah, its just so smooth. Like i wish that you could feel it. New head shoulders. Cleans, protects and moisturizes to. Hair you see it on commercials and you dont wanna believe it but, this is real people its not head shoulders, its the new head shoulders now at havertys furniture, its our president s day event, where you can create the perfect home. From now through february 20th, everything is on sale. Save on furniture and accessories for every room. Plus, enjoy thirtysix month, no interest financing. Come in today and save. With havertys, your home can be perfect. Even when life isnt. The president s day event is on now at havertys. Life looks good. I have the power. Ow judge chenevey. E che were all afraid. Ell a its tuesday and time for f i have to run this, too. Is,oo my goodness. You need help. Elp. Its tuesday and that meansea its time for all new edition oo love and order and thats whensn our good friend sarah frasierd r joins us live to share messagesa she gets from fans and viewersws and first up this morning just j in times for valentines day mam to december romance if its time to pull the plug. G so what do you guys think . Hi this was female e yes. Yes. No. I know. Next. [ laughter ] stay with him. Him but this woman says shes much c older. Shes almost 20 years older thae the guy shes dating and a lot t of times when they go out people think that they are mother and son. N. And it does not bother herher boyfriend. Hes very cool with it but it really bothers here. He. Her. Shes actually even wondering we friends or acquaintances ores of time and go, look, this is my significant other, not myy boriend. D. The poinofes very v worried that after awhile peopll keep saying this, hes going too begin to go, i dont want to be with someone ne she sounds like shes not inn any more. Any sounds like shes the ones li with the issue. With the iss not him. Him shes got a problem. G probl shes got to be to own ito all in. Own it. Not be bothered by the commentst be all in. Really. Hell just pick that up and a feel the same. Its double standard societys for older man with younger womaw people would be not an issue bue older woman with younger maner n youve got to own that and knowk this is what you want and yourr in it for the relationship, nott for what all the extraneous crac happening in. Go all in. I wouldnt break up with himh over this. Woulyoyou . Yeah. What . Almost there. Tre now wait a minute, wisdom. Ute, m if shes not able to go allo in, then she needs to break up. She needs to break up. If she cant get over itnt r then, thats not fair to him. Hey, thats not my son. Its my lover. Y love you walk in, people thinkle i start making out. Start king i feel like thats aweso ou samege you dont walk in and start making n out. I mean unless you haveav boyfriend issues. Ues. Whats going on with that mo and son . Heres the deal. Her if shes happy, wehy should tht one little thing determine er ruin the whole relationship. Its not little. Ltl ive seen people almost 20os2 years older ld i have the gavel. I have i say if sheths the one thatss not happy she needs to end it ti rye now. We okay on that . Rule. Judge, rule. Next. Hbout about this. This is a boss that writes to uo owns and runs a small company. Oy theres only about 15 employeese but every they dont haveonv huge expense budget. Se bt. Okay . Yup. Timeyry time they go out the boss says that he feels pressured to pay. Pay should the boss always have toat pay . Yes. Es yes. [ laughter ] heres how i look at this. If the boss invites you to comec out, the boss should pay for it. If its just a everybody getting together for drinks after worknk then everybody is on their own if you wan fine if the boss says hey, were going to happy hour oinner or ls needs to pick up the tab. The t. I think its understood undst thats how it plays out. S out i agree with steve. Sve really . Would you ever say o to your employees i got you thio time but next time you guys aree on your own. Wn no. Each situation is different. On n like steve said if hte says comm on out were not ones to hold back. [ laughter ] boss pay ifs boss invites is basically ca everybody on board . Eve yup. All on board. Two down. Next. See what wrious to you guys about this. His. This couple has been togetherhat for three years. R e years. The girlfriend wrote to usot boyfriend is very very vvery successful in his career. R he made e next. Im sorry. Go ahead. Ahead ahe. [ laughter ] salary is about 700,000 a year. Now, she did he sha show off his bankb statements in the first month . Is this the guy we sharedd earlier. Does he carry 10,000 inn cash. Is he legit. Hes legit. Hes legi shes doing her hustle a coupleu years shell be making money,on too. In flaunts his wealth. Ealth. Spends tons of money on giftseyg for himon and family trips. Ily rips nothing wrong with any ofitan that. Am i entitled to some of this. F. Nope. Nop nothing. Nothing sorry. Nope. Not unless youre the wife. At what point arees yous o have to be the wife . Wif when you say i do. Y i think theres a 30 day grace0y period called a null many sol m many sew i think 60 days. You have to get passed that before you can get any money out of him. Ve to an g did she say how long theyveg been together. Three years. Some int t at some point they she needse to put the focus on you you got to close the deal. What do i have to do to mickk sure i become a part of this. Wisdom, wait, if you gave this ideas and helped him inpeh this relationship arent youou entitled to something. Ed to somn no, youre not. No, yre not in our court. Hes a salaried employee. E what is she doing to help himim make the 700,000. If she is cribbing ideas sodeas watch it doesnt matter. Move to a state where you can get common lawh marita striage. Right. You still got to be like seven yearstill. Or you can have a baby andynd that way you get child support. O other way that thats a lot. Or otherwise this will bei a wild idea. She could separate herselfoud and work on her own career thats she saysn shes ahelrr eady wog on then have her own money and do whatever she wants with it. Wi youre not entitled tont t anything. I was like that was an was l intethresting question. Qst i vote not entitle. Entit not entitled. Led not entitle the. Unanimous. N. Thats it judge chenevey. Lightning round today. Roun ank k you sarah. Appreciate it. 9 56 right now coming up wisdom martin, mr. Hater mr. H himself, theres an app just fos you. You know what, i dont know what theyre talking about. W wh. Umhmm we will find outin o together. Were also going to talk about the salre atls ice challen that a bunch of idiotic kids ara doing. Not a good idea. Not a its not a good idea goo anda parents well tell you what youl need to be on the look out for f to help prevent your kids fromio doing this. Who is this guy joining us. O. Some guy that keeps talking i about. T they gave him a talk show. Sho harry morris, jr. S, jr. Harry morris. M you can just call me holly connick. There you go. Ou g. Harry connick, jr. , joining usnu too. To if you want the mug h chance to grab it for our mug og give away. Good day Dunkin Donuts mug up u for grabs go to our website foxdc. Com or Facebook Page. Get the entry in by 11am. 1a one winner picked by ran dollarr drawing. Drawin it7. 9 57. On the dot, chris, on the dot. Thats how we do it. Z25eiz z16fz y25eiy y16fy did you know 90 of couples disagree on mattress firmness . Fortunately theres a bed where you both get what you want every night. Enter sleep number and the ultimate sleep number event, going on now. Sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. She likes the bed soft. So your sleep goes from good to great to wow only at a sleep number store. And right now save 50 on the ultimate limited edition bed. Go to sleepnumber. Com for a store near you. In the first ten minutes of goot day at 10a, get t ready for weather, whiplash record highsod today, snow in our near future. T tucker has what we need to know. Plus at 10 30, heaven, imn, in heaven, im going to talk t with my number one collectne coe celebrity crush harry connick,ni jr. Oh, boy. It is the app that might get g wisdoms tos attention. Ttention wait until you hear how it how m mate. And we have the hottest t wendy. How good lead good today do it . David beckham black mailed andle will drake drop a bombshell . . The 10a starts now. Feeling hot hot hot. Fe yeah. Harry connick. I wore my see teas party tea dress today. For harry. Har hell be so excite. Ll be so c oh, my gosh. Reunion for you guys. You know weve had it so many times now. Youve globe trotted togethel basically. Please. Last time new york. Y now here. H harry knows us well. Ws u w back stage at wolf trap. Were missing amazing. Someone. Omeone where did he run off to. N o i have a feeling were abouto to find out. To f thanks for staying with us forir the 10a. Im steve alongside with holly h and maureen non wisdom martin. He decided to sneak out early to soak up the warmer weather. Wear enjoy it while it lasts we coul see snow before the week is over. Wisdom is with tucker joining uu outside life now. Life n hey, good morning, guys. , guys. You put me out on the you p basketball courtut. Ll cou im lebron like this, like thatt like last night . . Oh, were on tv right now. Hey, you know what, its so nice outside right now. N you can actually go outside and play basketball. God you can. Tucker we were just talking a tg few minutes ago. A i dont recall a winter since rc ive been here in the 14 yearses ive been here in february wherr you could go out like this andhd its nice. Nice youre telling me im wrong. M w it doesnt happen very often. Right. So not in your imagination. Gn 2012 we hit 70 i think on morere than one occasion. Oneccasion. Really . Last time we hit 70 in we 70i february. Febr im not sure well get theret but get awfully close. Lose parts of the area will easily by 70. I mean its not a heat wave but it feels pretty good. It feels p this is nice. You dont need a jacket righe now. If im out here and im notod complaining, then it must realla be nice. Because i dont like anything ah below 57 degrees outside. I start complaining. Ni lets go to the temperature. O right now its 56. Its [ laughter ][ lahter there you go 56 and in quantity q looking at the 60s breaking outt manassas, culpeper, fred burg 6r quick look at satellite radar. Tr we got allotted of clouds outted here. That filtered sunshine youll get a little sun today. Today. Bottom line southerly breeze ane extremely warm temperaturesre likely to be record breaking bak temperatures by late thises by t afternoon mid to upper 60s expected and many spots hit es degrees. Enjoy a gorgeous afternoon aft should be very very very be veey pleasant day. A dry afternoon. Snow isnt the forecast. Snt ths weve got that thursday morningi wait a minute. Are you talking aboutait a snoo a day like this. This. Thursday morning. In that crazy. Wow. I dont know if ill come backkw and talk about that or not. Or ill tell you about it. Bo ill spread the word. W ill give you credit and spreads the word for you. You go back inside and tellnd everybody. Can i go back inside now and tell everybody g. O ba e lets go play basketball. sol all right, guys. Tucker, were you creee recreate that post up sky hookpy one more time. Yeah, wait. Y here you go. Now, go. I just want to see the leg l kick was spot on. On [ laughter ][ laught more of a flare. I need that to get air. Air left leg flare. Little hitch at the end. The shock on my facettle he t the shot off. Shotff. I saw that. Ill take you on in horse any time. Sit up. Well do it. Thanks, guys. Thanks, guys. See you inside. See yoinsi wisdom be careful coming back n in. Its almost party name that newh england. Theyre lining down to citye li right now. Less than an hour away from bigo parade which honors the super sp bowl champions patriots. The board will sit on the duck e boats thats what they ride. Hey i dont think they take themt th into the water. Dont think so either. Hink sth no. O i dont think so. Tom brady called today a citywide holiday so fanm s cbraf quote dance in the streets so i guess boss said why werent youw at work today and you say tom tm brady said i could take the dayd off youre good to go. To no sign of tom brady stolen game jersey. It is still missing but nowjeinn Texas Rangers involved helpingdg Houston Police try to find it. D trying to track down the person who stole it. Brady said it disappeared fromm his nice piece of memorabilia. Abia he said if it shows up o memorabilia experts say if itay was legit and really for sale, l it would be worth up to half aoh Million Dollars. Wow problem Everybody Knows itse stolen. Ry so the value right now is about roro. Like a blackmarket for that kind of thing . What can you doc you can ever telg . Lwh anybodyo yeah. Collect things. Ollect for their own personal. So half million and no one knows. Good you cant take a picture o it. Who do you think would be the d. C. Athlete that would convincc people to stay home and get away with it . Maybe bryce. Allege ovechkin maybe. E ov ill go with a legend. Someone like le somebody playing now. That could possibly withincob title. No. Nobody here has that power . That goes back to the whole w sports town thing. Orts town thi. I dont think were there yet. Wt you have to win seven superes bowls first i guess. Uess. It does help when you win. Enn forget the lombardi trophy, yeah, right. R. Thanks to the patriots epic come beaed a date with the pro t pro tennis star. Sta the falcons still held the leadl canadian tennis player jeannie bushard took to twitter she knew atlanta would win. Ld thats when twitter user by thee name tw1 i think thats repliede to her and said f the patriots win, we go on a date. D she was like, yeah, okay. Oka as the game progressed and thesa patriots began the momentum she clearly became nervous. [ laughter ]er at one point, she tweeted, lesson learned. Never bet against tom brady. Ra she late tweeted she will go onn the that date saying i will do it i will stay true to my word. W as for her lucky suiter hes s from boston but studying indying missouri. Mi no word on whessn or where the o will meet. Ee hes a little cutie. Pretty funny. Y fny good for her for pre proactive. I she learned a lesson. Es good for her for own flowingr speaking of saking of probably will take a bunch oh people with him. H. Right. Its all good. D. Speaking of twitter we havetr developing news involving thengt popular social media site andita its efforts to put an end ton ed cyber bullying. Ing. Social media giant announcingn e today that it is working tog identify people who have been bn banned for abusive behavior and will stop them from creating other am cccounts. Ccnt twitter says it is also creating a quote safe essential feature that removes tweets withets wi potentially sensitive tweets twt from blocked accounts. Accou in addition twitter says it iss sin link out quote low qualityua replies to only the mostnly thms relevant conversations surfaceds when searching for them. I guess every bit helps. Hel every bit helps. Eve bit we were just talking aboute jusi people that do create otherth accounts with a different namert and they think hink it gets banned. An switch over to the other one. Or we cant figure it out but wt do. Right. Sticking with social media thisl morning about growing trend that theyre not shy about postingshu their videos either. Th thats right. Its called the salt and ice challenge. Nge kids intentionally give g themselves Second Degree burns by running salt and ice on their skin. Sk. Now, heres the result. Red blister like welts is lefti behind. To make matters worse kids are challenging each other to seeert who can endure the burning burni sensation the longest. Salt can drop the temperature oa the ice to as low as 1 degree 1d which is similar to frost bite. Videos are also surfacing ongn youtube of that challenge. Hallge other side effects includede numbness, even nerve damage ande in some cases and in someome instances parents have also hads to take their kids to the t hospital to treat those burns. So not a good idea. Dont do it, people. D dont do iton. Did you ever try to grab likk the wet cubes with wet hands. Tds thats bad enough. Tha it hurts. I hurts. I dont need to intentionaldn dollar that. Kids hurting yourself for someone else does not make youoe cool. It does not make you popular. Pp it is not a good idea. De d dont do it. Onto it s will zen the highlight oft saturday night live now thee n c be kathy over the top spoof ofpo sean spicers white house presss conferences. Nfer in case you missed it, heres as little sample. Before we begin i know that myself have gotten off to a to rocky start. It is funny. Unny the real sean spicer says heay h actually thought the sketch wasw pretty funny too, but says she might need to dial it back a little. I got lot of texts this morning. So i had to click on the linkonl and see what it was all about. And your thoughts . It was cute. Wasut it was funny. Was fny id rather us be talking aboutko the issues since the president ri is so committed to helpingo americans on, but, um, you knowk its part of american culture. [ laughter ] spicer also joked and saidd n mccarthy needs to slow down on the gum chewig. She took it all out in one yesterday exits ive seen. Erdayx my first question this isthii something that never crosses my mine. When i first saw her doing that how long did it take for that makeup. Irst s i kngnow d. Id i know it was so good. The bald. On aside someone spicer in s the clip we just showed i likewe that look for him. He looksth relaxed. Rel he looked good. I mean able to poke fun at himself. M i like it. All right. Lift off now uber taking t from the ground to the skies the right now. T it has convince add nasadd n engineer to give up his retirement pension and work forf them to try to develop flyingin cars. Cars now that seems like something out of a movie s. Eeie. Or maybe the jetsons back in th 60s. Would help people get to places in mirror seconds we doubt thewu cars would look like the ones from jetsons. Omet more likely look something likei this kind of a commuter plane. Re the engineer hired to develop dv the flying cars says hess h convinced that we will seeat wls prototype of such a vehicle in h the next one to three years. Yea obstacles include c obstacle is relaxing faa regulations among odd things. Og heres a little more ba. Ber fire engineer worked on this projectt for nasa for a long time and tie then nasa never saw it through. U okay. He knew it wasnt going tokn happen witewh m iassage its a passion apparently he has. Uber grand plan is to have t hav people if you think about think driving to the metro lot parkini your car and taking the metro m train into the city. Ain into t they want people to c drive to t like take uber to a small heliport and then get on g basicalla flying bus that will then go to Office Locations anda drop people off. Off okay. They basically want to take you every step of thbae way. Sif how are they working outre tt traffic in the air . Who isc in controlling that. Ol right now not a lot of right co nmpetition. Mp they could pretty much go much wherever they want. Someone flying the car. Om eo right. I dont think theyll get l pilot. Pilo i dont think theyll combine their Driverless Cars and cars a driverless le i cant imagine how much tham would cost . Right out of the gate. He g once something comes out brand knew its prissy. Pri somebody has to get in youre in my lane. Unless youve been livingiv aunt rock you know that hes myo celebrity crush. U kn wisdom martin . M [ laughter ][ la ] right. Ht. Im starring to think the thk feeling might be mutual thoughl because this morning im sittins down with harry connick, jr. , once again. A last time we met he was about tt launch his new talk show. Alk s now were almost six months inti and well going to talk to hmmak all about it. He said i have to go talk withat holly. Holly. Right. On good day dc. Ood i think thats what he said. E im sure it is. E it i coming up thats what het said in my mind. That interview is coming up at 10 30. Lady gaga getting a big boost bt from the super bowl show plus as David Beckham blackmail plot and Christie Brinkley proving beautt runs in the family. The faly. Good day celebrity dish coming up next. I love you so much, thats why i bought six of you for when you stretch out. I want you to stay this bright blue forever, thats why youll stay in this drawer forever. I cant live without you, and thats why ill never ever wash you. Protect your clothes from stretching, fading and fuzz with downy fabric conditioner. Fading and fuzz with downy fabric conditioner. It smooths and strengthens fibers to protect clothes from the damage of the wash. So your favorite clothes stay your favorite clothes. Downy fabric conditioner. All right. It is time for the good day. Me fordisdish how about a little lady gaga g news. Ws shes on top of the world. E d. People are gaga for lady gaga. A the singers 13 minute half timm show performance had ace h a Significant Impact on her salesl numbers on sunday. According to nielsen music ladyd gaga sold about 150,000 digital albums and songs in the unitedhe states and increase of over 1,000 compared to the dayhe d before tndhe songs. Now in addition, her sixth album sold more than 23,000 down loada which is a nearly 1400 growth t compared to the previous day. Ouy now, aside from overwhelming sales numbers, mother monster also garnered major viewer shipp for fox. For half time show became the secone most watched in history with 50. 2 Million Viewers and the adults 18 to 49 demo. Pretty impressive isnt welle continue with lady gaga news. Las when the super star jumpedd 260 feet down into houstons nrg stadium. It was a trick. T. What . Hat . Turns out her leap was prewar recorded and anyone inn inside d the stadium would have known itt if they simply looked up whatha really went down after the pre recorded footage aired wasir w cameras that picked up lady gaga suspended halfway over ther the middle of the stadium. Dium there she is. S she still deserves a lot of o prop. Prop. She didnt have a stunt doublea or anything. Any it was her. It wer. What about before she and the twinkling stars an american flag. Guess what . It was some thee hundred drones. Especially designed for theigd O Entertainment industry and thend brain child of tech giant intel. The quad copters are equippedip with led lights can create 4 billion color bin nations anda easily programmed to create animation. Imat it was all filmed earlier in thn week because the fa thea had dre ban in place at the stadiumeum during the super bowl. Ng theer. There you go. Interesting. Nter yeah. And lets go ahead and roundu out our lady gaga nice. Her mic drop, well after her mic came the water works. W. She apparently was in tears thee good kind of of course after het epp pink half time performancean sources told billboard that lada gaga was very emotional andnd crying as she exited the stage following her 13 minute career spectacular. She dove right into her sisters arms after wowing the crowd. I want to see that. Nt to e t i i know. That was pretty good. As from underneath. Dernth. It would be pretty amazingin do you know who through thehu football. Maybe it was her sister. It a maybe it was. I dont know. Hoever through it was money did we know she had sister. I did not know she hadw shead sister. Si the way tom bradyst performed in the second half he probablyrl through the football to her, too. He didnt miss nothing. New completion record. Ion rd. Maybe. After two years apart drake andd nicky minaj theyre reunited itd feels so good and now dizzy says the partners in rhyme maybe upmp to something. Hi during his sunday show in london on the boy meets world tour hele tease the potential reunionni concert with young money familym now i just got off the phoneho with nicky and she told me toe t tell yall hello he said thatst what he said. Ai we might have to do something so special. Now it is unclear what the reunion plans will entail. But according to reports draketa told fans that his at his show that london is coming soons this would end up being theeing reunion show. How about this . Last nail ii like beckham. Beckham is the latest celebrity victim of email hacking heking refused to pay 1. 2 million in i blackmail attempt. Hacker obtained unflatteringing emails sent by beckham and attempted to blackmail in order to stem the leak. Eak. Thats relent. The hacker using the pseudonym, told beckham and his team thehe leak is a lot bigger than you imagine and generous donationato was all that was needed to makee the issue good away. The threats were first made lass year. According to his team but only o coming to light now after thet emails were actually publishedd by football leaks. L les. Beckham had initially claimed the emails were fake he since e admitted they are legitimate. Good thing he didnt give ini to that. To i agree. Last week Instagram Post pos comparing photos of selena knewe by guy the weend with her own o parents back in the 90s begang to go viral. To go the striking similarities similr between the couple. Between th ifou the snap mom amanda then 16 holh as baby named selena. While smiling at the camera and her dad ricardo sits behind her with a half grin. Half gr you see the pictures rig there. All right. Compare the side by side which is what were doing right n ow. Side now recent photos of selena and thee weeknd and theres a strikelyel similarity there. No . No . You dont see it. Ee i no. You dont see it. Y i i see it a little bit. Bit a little bit. Tleit just a little bit. Just a lit its the same pos. E. The pos. [ laughter ] am i the only one who seesee it. Yup. Ill keep going. Tony sees il it. Tony on the floor sees it. I austin you see it. It. The cheeks on the weeknd andt the dad. D me and tony are alone on thin one. Despite the differences ines i hairstyle and fashion the resemblance is somewhatewt remarkable at least to me andoed tony on the floor. Oe fl selena clearly got her mothers genes and her boyfriend theher i weeknd well according to me andd tony looks like her father. Okay. Kay. Well round it out with this. This goes in the you go girl file take a look the this. Lohe i yesterday Sports Illustrated 63yearold Christie Brinkley. Right. Also there with her daughtere sailor who is 18 and alexa who is 31. Brinkley came out of herf her retirement to do the shoot but t said quote when this issue comes out ill be 63. 6 but i thought, those days are over. But you know what, to get to do it with my girls, one last go. G in the spread the exquisite trios shows off their modelod bodies and matching black suitss from the gorgeous beaches of of turks and caicos. Aicos. Bravo. Well done. Amazing. Ng. Amazing. You go, girl. Ou theres a full three minuterm video online in case anybodye wants to do a little extra. O a. You were doing research . Ere were you doing research . You i did research. Im sure you were researchini the vacation spots looking thatt blue water. I always wanted to go togo turks and caicos good so have i. Google search and you neverah know whats going to pop up. Ready to go. Zen 41 00. Still to come connecting the haters could be a million a miln dollars idea and it slippedsl right through wisdoms fingers. E all the details coming up ain d. C. Rapper conscious joinssc us live in the loft with a looko at what happens when you combine hiphop and Classical Music. It can be done. D it is being done very well mighg idddd. Back after this. My sweethearts gone sayonara. This scarf all thats left to remem. What she washed this like a month ago the long lasting scent of gain flings hey team, i know were tight on time, but i really need a. Sick day tomorrow. Moms dont take sick days. Moms take nyquil severe the. Nighttime sniffling,sneezing, coughing, aching, fever best. Sleep with a cold, medicine. You said you wanted to feel better about your cereal. General mills big g cereals hear you. Thats why we say yes to whole grains as our first ingredient. And no way to high fructose corn syrup. In every honey nut o. Every lucky charms spoonful. And every cinnamon toast crunch ua you can feel good about General Mills big g cereals. Back at 10 24. At happening right now d. C. Police are on the scene of ad. C. Policl involved shooting. Hootg. Its happening near 13thr 13 street and good hope road. Op roa it happen just after 8 00 thists our bob barnard is live on the t scene now with the new deti maureen, this,hi started off as a purse aur snatching. Snat a man with a gun apparently went into the Good Hope Institute this morning where they wererere having like a group therapyrapy session. This guy stole a womans purse allegedly. Alle then came out on the street and he was chased by several the ofo people in there. In th they called police. Ey called po he got out hliere on to good hoe road, and apparently police confronted him. Ronted he had the gun. The g they allegedly told him to dropo it and he didnt and he was was shot. Now you see a scooter in theote middle of the street. The reet that just happened to be a man n who was passing by a guy named John Williams who saw and heardd it all and he tells us whats wt happened from his perspective. Next thing i know the police come out to cut and they got started shooting. In i jumped off the scooter. Scootr reporter youre okay . No, im not okay. Okay. Im shook, man. Im disturbed. I take a like of psych im disturbed like i dont know whatd li. They ran in the alley and heh came back up, then thats whenan the police came up on, told himm to drop the gun. G. He wouldnt drop the gun. Gun. So they shot him. H. Hes not real gun, why didnt d you drop it. Why you keep holding the gunun for . Reporter so police say say they did recover a gun whetherur it was real or not were not wet sure again you see mr. Williamss scooter is in the middle of thet street. Theres some police yellowello markers there showing where the bullet shell casings rentalled r up. Were told by police that thetht man who was shot by a police pic officer was taken to the hospital, in surgery veryy serious condition. Tion we dont know if hes alive or dead. But was allegedly here on thee n street with a gun, good hope h road southeast, and had robbed a lady of her purse inside this t clinic to start this whole thini this morning around 8 00 oclock, guys. Thanks forgetting the story for us, bob. Appreciate it. 8 00 nowap. N rightet and comin minutes on tv today. It did have to be me. E m coming up next singer, actor and now daytime tv host harryry connick, jr. Will join us live. V he cant stay away from me. Stae i can help it. About theut. O him all show now some hes got a few f months under his belt and whatw we can expect in the days ahead. 10 27 is our time right now. Sing it, love. Z27mlz z16fz y27mly y16fy en w is one of those moments we make you feel really really oldy believe it or not, the movie waynes world came out 25 years ago. O. The movie 25 years ago. So in celebration the 90s duo will come back to theaters. Smash hit raked in more than a hundred Million Dollars backkedk 1992 money. 92 money. The movie of course based on tht skit starring mike myers ande mn dana carvey their charactersraes host add show out of their illinois home. Ome. Twentyfifth anniversary style y on the big screen y souty can ch it in dv, rockville, sterling, columbia, arlington, alexandria, fairfax and link on the home the page of our website with thee w full list of movies times and a locations. Ons. I never even saw this movie. Really . 1992 i was in college. Colle you were just that was aj different wisdom. Ent wi he was seeing other things. Hs you had other things to focuo on. I had to study and make surer i graduated. Gruated. Wisdoms world was a lotms l different than ways world. I know who remembers thisemet e vie vividly. Who . Tucker barnes. R baes. I guarantee youve seen it int n the last year. E lastear. Waynes world. Orld. I saw a clip of it not too long ago. Have you seen the movie . Yoe saw the whole movie. Mie i saw clip of it. F i its a long story. Tory. Yes. Yes. Have you seen the whole movio before ever . Foreve of course i have. Arent there like seven wayneings worlds wisdom has nos seen it yet. I yet we were trying to explain it. Ini wisdom it wont change yourer life but you are definitelyre d going to appreciate itef. I dont think its going to g change my life because im notat going to get involved in it noww im a little too old for it now. All right. Lets see if youre too old forr weather conditions. Onditions. [ laughter ] thank you. Ou 56 in washington. Hey, so heres the deal with w today. Were still looking ati a temperatures in the upper 60s to about 70 degrees. Grs yesterday felt very spring likek with all the sunshine across the area and daytime highs in thehe low 60s temperatures will bes le warmer than that today. Tay we wont get quiet as muchs muc sunshine as yesterday. Rd all in all, when you look a february not a bad afternoon tot look forwardn frederick. Derick look off to the south and we have, manassas and fredericksburg 62 degrees. Ee cloud officer out there. T a lot of cloud cover. Cov kind of filtered sunshine toe to look forward to today. Today. You can see the rain up into pennsylvania warmer air surgingr to the north our winds are out of the south. Very very mild conditions thists afternoon. And a cold front will come wille through tonight. Thugh tonight. Heres your setup for lateor lat wednesday and early thursday. Ta so i want to give you heads up. Today 70 degrees. Ees. Tomorrow in the 60s late le tomorrow afternoon and tomorroww evening our temperatures willesw start to cool down as we gete g that northwest flow going and ii looks like see the blue lineluei thats a cold front well get al area of low pressure rolling rli along and that will likely giveg us a period of rain to snoww around here thursday morning, guys, so get ready. 70 to morning snow by thursday. A toss it back to you. All right. All r sounds good. Ds anksks tuck. Lets just say, gang, dreams dod come true on a tuesday at l me. Me. Thats because this morning i mg crush yet again who by the way throws one heck of a Party Every Day on his daytime entertainmenn show im talking about the one t and only harry connick, jr. Ck, j of course, you all know wevewe met before, and now were goingi to do it again. Ain live on good day. Harry joining us now from newro york to dish all about harry which airs weekdays right here h on fox5. Hey, friend. Friend. Its good to see you again. Ain how are you . Im doing very well. Im really interested to seeo s here we are, you know, six six months into your show. W how its going. Its going so well, holly. Hl were having great time. Im its exactly what i was hoping it would be. Just a celebration, a big partyy lots of heart. Celebrities. Lebries. Music, comedy, um, and the thing that excites me the most is just every day folks that i get to meet, um, it really, it real sa good time, and im so t that i have the chance to do itt i wore my party dress todaysd just kecnew i was going to talk to you. Ou and speaking of parties ties yeah, man. Speaking of parties, fewer biggy than mardi gras ii as understand you have a special sl sweepstakes going on next week. We do. So if you watch the harry show w every day this week, theres ths going to be a secret word. Wd. If you enter that secret word on my Facebook Page, youree eligible to win a trip to new nw orleans to hang out with me at my big or nias parade party onty monday february 27th. Y 27th it is going to be absolutelyolel wild and im so excited that t people from all over the countrt that get to enter this competition will some of themsoe will win and ill get to meet me them and hang out with them inhm my hometown of new orleans. Ns. It really is going to be fun. Te so make sure you watch the show this week and then enter thentee word on my Facebook Page. How many times can you enter i mean im just askcaing forgor friend. [ laughter ] well you can enter as manytem times as you want because we know each other. Ow e thats right. We go why back. K they didnt believe me here, h harry. Ha before you go, i know we dont n ve much h time. Im itinterested in this turn ou the camera episode. Rn ra esode. Whats that . . So we decided to try t something that had never beenevn done on a nationally sinnedy sin indicated unscripped televisionv show. We got rid of all the of big b cameras that Everybody Knows,bo, when you see these tv shows thee have those giant cameras thatha are wheeling around the studio. I we got rid of those, and all ofo the camera operators use smart a phones to film the show. Its totally wild. Wild. Its like nothing that ive ever seen. Se its unprecedented. Cented it will be on this friday. Fday. So make sure you tune in. I its pretty cool. C you know ill be watching. Atn its always great to hear yourey voice. Good to see you. And until we meet again, my friend. Sure. Thanks so much for having me,orn holly. All right. Hes going to catch it. T catch the kiss . I thought they were going tog take the shot down. Oitake t he caught it. You just didnt see it. Listen, yes, dont forget for harry is on 2 00 oclock on foxx right here 4 00 oclock on my tv20. Tv20 watch it and look for that secret word of the day you coulu win a trip to mardi gras to hana with harry. Wi har a lot of fun. Not just because i adore thet man but who better to be at mardi gras than harry connick,o, jr. If youre going to go with a local to show you going around,o straight to the top. Top thats awesome. There you go. This might be a millionli dollar idea and it could havet been this guys because its got your work all over it. Umhmm. But its not. N. Sorry about that the millionn dollar idea loss, wis. Wis dont hate on it. Hate o it. Woo err talking about brand neww dating app that is especially for haters. R ters. Well explain. Are you sure its not mine . Youre still here. Youre still here. Now at havertys furniture, its our president s day event, where you can create the perfect home. From now through february 20th, everything is on sale. Save on furniture and accessories for every room. Plus, enjoy thirtysix month, no interest financing. Come in today and save. With havertys, your home can be perfect. Even when life isnt. The president s day event is on now at havertys. Life looks good. 10 39. Wisdom our good friend here may have missed out on million t ghroooughd issehrough tete. Now this morning werengre introducing fox5s ultimate hater to the new dating appin a especially for haters like him. H now to be fair, we know yourene not in the market for anyone. A youre not looking to make a match. Tch youre just j the ultimate hater that weert know. Our resident hater. I dont understand. Well talk later. I dont understand. You have a cup full of i d wei dohaterade right theoure. H. Every morning just in time for valentines day, mor whaniti does, it matches people notpeno based on the things that theyy like toget things that drive them crazy. Caitlin monty from our sister s station in houston tells us howw it works. Reporter dating apps arepps nothing new. And theyre not for everyone but this new app wants to change tht way you find a match by makingan you think really hard about what you hate. Houston traffic, you know, wo hate that. Te tha grocery shopping. Ppin eaeaning. Yeah. We like it to be clean but wt dont like to clean. Clean. We dont like to clean reporl roar among all the couplesea we spoke to during super bowl weeke it seemed pretty clear, commonn enemies seems to bring peopleeo close but how close . The new dating app hater believes it ca result in love. You swipe on stuff that youpo hate and then it matches youes y with someone that hates the samh things as you. What do you think about that . I think thats awesomeyou th. It avoids all the other stuff. Tf right away like if it were a first date, youd have a commono bond. Bo reporter relationship expert maryjo row peen knee says some of her clients are excitedd to give eight try. To give eigh they just feel like theres a maybe theres cynical enheyre t they just bond over this. This. Whats annoying. Reporter as you swipe on spo everything from the bachelor to shy la leboeuf hater builds youb profile a bit more fun than a t long survey but still more inorn depth than just a picture and basic information. Mation youll see a percentage for howh well you match people in yourr area. Its trying to make peoplee feel disarmed and vulnerable. Ne reporter fop three most hated items on the app right non according to the company, the president ial election of 2016, drain hair and bad sidewalkid etiquette. Tt thats important. Why . I dont like slow walkers. Reporter i stpoke t loik te founder of hater who says thista isnt the about bullyingys. Were very very against any y sort of hate speech or bigotry or discrimination. At he were want people to have funf with online dating. At reporter hater has over o 30,000 people already on the apt which officiall february 8th. 8. I think its a great ice r breaker. Any more than that, time willeil ll. R becauter because as we sekn aow, it doesnt take a pert match to find perfect love. Ove weve been married for 35 years. Years. Hes a texan and ill a a pipitals. Really care about each othert all that other stuff they can tc work it out. It out. If you want to give eight trg head to my Facebook Page searcha Caitlin Monty fox 26. F i posted all the information onr there. There. Id love to hear what you thinkk do you love it . Do you hate it. For fox 29, im Caitlin Monty. 100,000 people already signed up. Eo i reapldsi agned few of the revo the site. E se. He went on and read reviews. Theres got one person said thii happen did more in like since ive had than the last 17 years. Really . Great at the time of all timi that person loved it. Another person their criticism i was theres only 50 things tos o possibly hate on the site. He sit they wanted more than thats one rivaling wisdomso hate. It doesnt matter whatt er w an about it. T. What really matters is, what abo this. This is what we thought wisdomm would think about this. Thi [ laughter ] you guys are so funny. Un you guys are so funny. Fny i just want to let you know, kn, number one, i hate the Michael Jordan meme. An meme. You are crying. You in every photo. In ery photo i hate the Michael Jordan meme. Yes. What else you hate . And i hate these pictures. Wha yes. Im just saying. Yi i hate them too. M t its perfect. You guys named three things i hate on. Name three. Redskins, the wizards ar nk yhank you. I dont hate the wizards. E wa anything that costs money. Ony the nationals exact. Michael your crying meme. Ing me. What was the third thing. Bad parenting. Enting. Kids that dont listen that youy coach in basketball. I dont hate them. Yes, do you. Do y you dont hate them. Y you hate on them. Ou dten th kids that wake up and cut the grass first thing in therst g it morning. Coordinating your outfit. Fit. Yup. No dc sports team everyea e winning a championship. He might hate us on any giveg day. Tom brady and his cheatingrac ways. He see. S you guys dont know me. You we dont know guy you atl i like tom brady. Right. [ laughter ] put up that crying meme again. I cant believe you guys went and got michameelelie jordan cry meme for me. Meme what is that . See. Now hes starting to hate uses again. We do it out of love. L i got no hate. Te when temperatures are below belo i do hate. Is below 56 degrees i hate tha. Or above 90 degrees. Ee right. All right. Keut the kids dont take out the garbage. Garbage. Umhmm. When the kids dont clean the house. The when the kids dontkidshn tlisten. Listen. When the kids are just kids. S when the chickfila platterl isnt ready. Isn how long is this segment. T rt when the vending machine is e out of snickers bars. Are you going to send mede these people to commercial breab or what. When his pocket square is non just right. I hate when segments run tooo long. I didnt know it was turning t into the wdo session. When editorial meetings too long. G. Listen [ laughter ] wow wow i mean even the floor crew is chiming in. Gn. Pro lockers put him on blasta im surprised chris did notps jump into this. Internet gamers start typingn in. Listen. So much hate. Say it again chris. In pop yourself up chris and saynd it. Pop yourself up in the corner. I can think of one thing. Tng i can thing of one thing wisdomo hates. What . R7. 7. I think this is one thing wisdom hates. Ha [ laughter ] oh, god. Oh, my god g [ laughter ] well, now we know why theow y segment went on so long. L somebody was looking up ang a picture. Where did you find that. Did i hate you, cthhris. I hate you, chris. Oh, my god i like it. I hate you, chris. Hr you set me up. Me you set me up. U well done, chris. Chris. Well done. Weone. Well played. Yed well played. I knew he was stalling. Tag. Nice. Nice. Okay. Its a hater app. Hat a just enjoying the single lifeeif what are your dating rolls . R this is interesting when it e comes to deal breakers, whats,ha tops your list . Are you ready . Okay. A contracted phone screen. Een i do hate that. Ha a new survey finds theres nn shame actually in sleeping withw someone on a first date butat b having an android or a cracked screen is not okay. Really . Thats right. These are the young begins of today. E the f ratingeyre people. Cracked screen no one. Ac 86ke of women survey say a cracked phone is a total turn off. Off. When it comes to online datingat the picture isnt the only thing. Grammar plays an important role. Umhmm. Land thatandiannally date keep the phone away. Keep h more than half of those surveyee is wrong. Ro the survey also finds more thant half a millennials admit theyr lonely and 30 of them want a a relationship in 2017. 01 in addition, are you ready for f this, men fall in love averageve of three times more than women. N women are pickier. Pic and men are more likely to use e sex to determine if they are ine love or not. When you go back to the firsr thing on the screen ee the cracked phone. Pho im willing to bet 100 oflie the men if they sleep withleep t someone on the first datee theyre okay with whatever phone they have. They dont care if its android or google. The screen is cracked. Sck if its shattered in af itmillion pieces. smilln pi youre lonely because youre fixing that cracked pho screen. Wow. All right, hater, good aheadd coming up, classic klee dopeo well show was happens when hiphop meets classic music andsd trust me you dont want to misss this. Is. D. C. Rapper conscious life in l the loft coming up next. Up well be right back. Back. Z25eiz z16fz y25eiy y16fy our next guest local rappert creating a name for himselfgungm e because of his fusion of hip hahn Classical Music. Us his ban state of mine along witw Classical Group make up classic klee dope. Ee dop theyll be performing a freeg ae concert at the ken did he centee tomorrow. Ow classical side of hiphop b thatt happens the group joins us live right here in the loft with a w special performance and here too perform sound of the city pleass welcome classic klee dope. Klee. Take it away. [ applause ]ause ] good job. Ood job good to see you. Yo good to see you. See y welcome to fox5. E to f5 give shout out to everybody. This is grace, mr. Michael,el michelle, sam, brian cunninghamg mr. Ron wood, jr. D, all right. Tell me about your music. Mic why Classical Music and hiphop . Merging genres. All a responsibility to see howh far push the envelope and push s the culture. Ltur. Okay. I think its one of the best ways to do it. Its when youyou red you were coming up in the hiphopp world . Rock kim. Ock k never gets recognized thoughh i know. Black thorn. Ho. Tell me three things abouts t that people will be surprised to know. Ow any three things. This. Any three things . Ngs . Yeah. I wish i was over sick feet. Fo oone. [ laughter ] i wish i can play instrumentt like the ensemble. He eembl okay, thats two. And, um, absolutely lovey l being a father. Beina fa thats three. Ats t thats awesome. Tom thats awesome. People can see you. You yes. Es tell me about your project. Ro any projects youre working on, any new projects youre working on. On just dropped two singles. Millicent and sound of the cityh located on my website conshens. Com. He. Com working our first project s styled classically dope and s and r foundation put a group o n georgetown. Gegeto where did the name come from . Ro i went to school forl psychology. Got you. Conscience is that inner voice and that guide thatha affects your behavior. Mew music becomes your consour schenn and it affects yourfects behavior in positive way. Way cool. Coo thank you very much. Than for coming in and hanging oun with us this morning. S mni we need to get conscience for my coworkers so they can stop all that hate. Hating on me all morning long. Thats nice picture. Icre from my high school days. L dy thank yall very much. Mh thank you very much. Ou ver continued success. Ce lets wrap it up back over hereh Tucker Barnes and the rest of r the crew. Kennedy enter. My wishes that steve is overr 6 feet tall, too. Why you putting it on steve. E what about you . Hey. H im like 6foot one. One 70 today. 70 degrees forecast high. Righright. I guess we wont go to the seven snows early thursday morning. Aym record high temperatures today. Snow thursday morning. Tg. Get out now. Love that forecast, tucker. Classically dope by the waybe they are dope. Kennedy center. Check them out. My hygienist told me to try. A mouthwash. So i tried crest. It does so much more than give me fresh breath. Crest prohealth mouthwash provides all. You get better dental checkups. Go pro with crest mouthwash. Checkup . Nailed it im lucky to get through a shift without a disaster. My bargain detergent couldnt keep up. So, i switched to tide pods. Theyre super concentrated, so i get a better clean. Tide. Number one rated. Its got to be tide live from new york city, its the Wendy Williams show. We wont judge, but were judging. Now heres wendy [ cheers and applause ] wendy now [ cheers and app

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