Transcripts For WTTG Fox Morning News At 6 20121026 : compar

Transcripts For WTTG Fox Morning News At 6 20121026

that it will able to tap into. that will reenergize it as it approaches the mid-atlantic. even as it starts to fall apart here over the next 24 hours. it will be a very strong storm when it approaches the mid- atlantic later this weekend. this you can see it moving off to the north and west at 13. time frame for us would be later on sunday. i think by sunday afternoon, sunday night, we'll start to get some rain in here and monday, tuesday will be the main event us for. right now, it is looking like landfall could be as close as the delaware bay. that would be a major impact across the mid-atlantic. let's do some local weather and 63 at reagan national. your friday forecast looks fine. no issues today. no issues tomorrow. it won't be beautiful outside but we won't be looking at any rain. a little fog to start your day. might be a little drizzle in a spot or two. let's see if the fog is doing anything to the commute this morning. let's check in with julie wright and get the latest. >> so far, so good. we are off fay quiet start around the capital beltway. southbound bw parkway and nursery road checking for accident activity here at this location. if you are traveling 359 at the 14th street bridge coming out of virginia headed over to the southeast-southwest freew crossing over the pat -- over the potomac. traffic volume moving at speed south of father hurley boulevard moving into rockville. that's a check of your fox 5 on-timetraffic. imetraffic. >> thank you. some are dubbing it a frankenstorm due to its potential to bring high wind and rain right before halloween. >> hurricane sandy is heading for t east coast. the forecast has people from our area up to new england getting ready for the worst possible scenario and the storm has already slammed into several caribbean islands. the death toll from jamaica, haiti and cuba now stands at 22. right now, hurricane sandy is pounding parts of the bahamas. the emergency management offices in d.c., maryland and virginia and up to -- all the way up toking now are beginning to take action in advance of the storm warning the public to get ready. >> we know our area utility companies are preparing for this so-called frankenstorm. both pepco and bge are planning for hundreds of thousands of potential outages so workers on stand-by. pepco says they have 400 contractors ready plus an additional 150 local crews. bg &. says they have 500 contractors ready to go. here are some things that you can do in order to prepare for the storm. might be a good idea to clean up the fallen leaves that are probably already on your lawn right now. they can clog storm drains, making flooding even worse. also, bring in the bikes, lawn furniture, other loose items inside that could become projectiles in high winds and all check smoke detectors. you will need for charge your cell phone, make sure to have a full tank of gas and an emergency kit with batties, flashlights, nonperishable foods, springs and some cash on hand. >> stay with fox 5 as we continue to track this potential superstorm. you can follow its track on my fox check out enhanced images, a live chat and much more. you can download the free fox 5 weather app. it is available for apple iphones and droids. also, police some leesburg say they are looking into a suspicious death this morning that they learned about overnight. investigators say a woman in her early 20s was found inside an apartment at the fields of leesburg on edwards ferry road. that was around 1:00 this morning. police say they were contacted by relatives of the woman who had not been able to make contact with her for a few days now. unclear how the woman died. investigators say there is no threat to the public scientist former fbi agent is found guilty on all charges for killing a teenager while driving drunk i'm prince george's county jury convicted adrian johnson of homicide by motor vehicle while intoxicated. he crashed into lawrence garner's vehicle killing him and seriously injuring his best friend. johnson faces up to 13 years in prison. he is scheduled for be sentenced in d.c. general though his attorneys say they will appeal the verdict. police in prince george's county are looking for a possible serial arsonist after they say nine cars were lit on fire in less than 24 hours. this happened in kettering and upper marlboro and as you can see, some of the cars are just a total loss. neighbors say they heard loud popping noises before the cars caught on fire. police suggest leaving your outdoor lights on at fight and ask anyone with information to call them. making headlines this morning, president obama cast his ballot before the election. why this made history in more ways than one. and a look at the latest polls this morning. >> also ahead, more fall outfrom an undercover video of a candidate's son caught up in a conversation about voter faud. fox 5 morning news is back in a moment. mo anncr: which do you believe? what mitt romney's tv ads say about women? or what mitt romney himself says? mitt romney: do i believe the supreme court... should overturn roe v. wade? yes. and it would be my preference that they, that they... reverse roe v. wade. hopefully reverse roe v. wade. overturn roe v. wade. planned parenthood, we're going to get rid of that. i'll cut off funding to planned parenthood. anncr: no matter what mitt romney's ads say. we know what he'll do. president obama: i'm barack obama and... i approve this message. imillion dollars for marylandnd one hundred schools.ty... question seven will double it. rushern baker: question seven will add table games and... a new casino, generating millions of dollars... every year, without raising taxes. leggett: and audits will ensure the money goes... where it's supposed to. more jobs, and millions for schools. baker: question seven will be good for our kids... our teachers, and our schools. leggett: keep maryland money in maryland. baker: please vote for question seven. leggett: vote for question seven. making headlines, president obama has cast his ballot. he voted yesterday near his chicago home. illinois is one of 32 states that allows early voting along with the district of columbia. president obama is the first sitting u.s. president to vote before election day. president obama will be at the white house today. he has several interviews scheduled including one with mtv. republican challenger mitt romney will campaign in iowa and ohio today. and on monday, president obama returns to the battleground state of virginia way stop in prince william county. a new fox news poll of likely voters in virginia showed governor romney with 47% support compared to president obama's 45%. there is some more fallout now from that undercover video that has rocked the rehigh pressure election campaign of republican congressman jim moran. arlington police have now al anbar. ed a criminal investigation and the chair man of the arlington county republican committee is calling for congressman moran to step down. someone from a conservative group asked moran's son how to cast ballots in the name of 100 voters who rarely show up at the poll. patrick moran showed him how to do it and he has since resigned. we continue to track hurricane sandy and the superstorm it could help create. people from florida and up to maine and everywhere along it is east coast are getting ready for this. >> tucker has the storm's latest track when fox 5 morning news continues. continues. [ edmonds ] he doesn't r really care where a good idea c comes fro. you know, it could come from a democrat like me or it could come from anybody. we made things happen. we balanced budgets. i knew he really cared about all of the things we had to get done. and the work that we were doing and its impact on people. [ lindstrom ] he was very sensitive to those programs and taking care of the women and children. [ edmonds ] i see qualities in the man that makes me know i can put the nation in his hands and feel very good about it. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i approve this message. when we think no one is looking. is what we do... mitt romney: believe that they are victims. anncr: mitt romney thought no one was looking when... he attacked forty-seven percent of americans. his companies shipped jobs overseas. his plan cuts millionaires' taxes, but raises yours. he'll voucherize medicare... and make catastrophic cuts to education. so remember what romney said... and what his plan would do. president obama: i'm barack obama and... i approve this message. welcome back. the beaches there look pretty. not going to much longer. we continue to keep an eye on hurricane sandy. people from florida to maine and inland ohio are preparing for a possible hit from this. there is a chance sandy could mix with a winter storm and it has already killed 21 people across the caribbean. new york mayor michael bloomberg is among the officials monitoring the situation. >> we don't know when or if or where the storm is going to hit. the forecasters say it could be dangerous but i think the word that they've been using most is it is unpredictable. >> now, of course, our area is also preparing for sandy. that includes local utility companies both pepco and bge. they say they already have hundreds of workers on stand- by. lots of people on the roadways this morning. hopefully, they are not all going to the grocery store just to stock up on everything right now. >> we have plenty of time here. we want to emphasize the time frame with this would be second half of monday, we start to get rain showers in and monday, tuesday would be the main event. we still have several days. no need to set off the panic meter quite yet. and a lot could still happen with the storm. this is a very interesting storm and something that the hurricane center has been emphasizing is that the storm is forecast for become what we call a hybrid. it will have characteristics of the tropical storm that we're all familiar with and a mid- latitude storm. our computer models don't handle that very well. these storms are relatively rare. many people familiar with the perfect storm back in 1991, this was sort of similar to the one today. these are very uncommon i'm lot could happen. we could have serious impacts around here starting monday morning. so that would be the time frame. we'll take a look at it right now. >> let's start with a look at -- let's talk local conditions first and just let you know. today will be another fine day. no issue with your friday. we are looking at highs today about 70 degrees with afternoon sunshine. 63 right now in washington. 6 # in quantico. these temperatures aren't too bad. 52349 frederick. -- 63 in quantity you co. 59 in frederick. a repeat from yesterday. remember the fog we had across the area? it is back. our wind are out of the east and that is pushing it off the ocean. it is a shallow layer so we should start to see breaks of sunshine by afternoon. a partly sunny afternoon. might be a the drizzle or a lone some shower in a spot or two today. out to the west, that is a cold front. that is a strong cold front. there is some seriously cool air behind it and dry air. guess what, cool, dry air does not like tropical moisture and when those two interact later this weekend right across the mid-atlantic, that canada cause some issues. here is your tropical satellite picture. your signature here with sandy not looking as impressive as it was 24 hours ago. we still have a strong storm and still maximum winds of 08 miles per hour. the forecast is for it for weaken here for the time being. over the next six to 12 hours, this storm may weaken a little bit. as it interacts with the cooler and drier air off for our west, that will reenergize it. it will have characteristics of both storms. let's talk about a possible track of the storm. maximum winds 80 miles per hour. northwest movement at 13. pressure, 968 millibars. watch the track t look like it want to go out to sea. it gets picked up and pulled back toward the mid-atlantic. this would be a very unusual track. it doesn't mean it can't happen but it hasn't happened a whole lot in lift. we'll see if it does verify f it does and if this hurricane were to come on shore here along the bay of delaware by early tuesday morning, this would be some very serious impacts across our viewing area. -- if it does. we could have hurricane-force winds across the lower eastern shore. he can freemenly heavy rain, five, six, eight, 10 inches of rain across parts of the area. the worst part, the storm will very slowly fizzle out. it will continue to batter away at the washington area here for a couple of days time before it finally gets forced to the north. a lot to be concerned about. a lot could still happen with it. let me show the spaghetti tracks real quick. more and more of the computer tracks are taking it closer to the washington area. today, no problem. 71degrees. early fog and afternoon storm. this is the calm before the storm. there is your accu-weather seven-day forecast. a couple of showers later tomorrow as the coal frond gets in here. question mark, monday, tuesday, how much rain, how serious will the impact be. we are not quite sure but that would be the time frame, monday, tuesday. hopefully, we'll get it out of here in time for halloween. let's do some traffic and a great big good morning to julie. >> on the roads, you will find your lanes are open. so far, so good, no problems to report around the capital beltway. southbound 270 coming in out of hyattstown. the beltway looks good traveling between college park and bethesda. we have received word there is a fellow missing a tire here so he is in need of some assistance. no incidents to report headed up to the beltway. that's a check of your fox 5 on-timetraffic. etraffic. coming up next, we'll go live to fox business network in new york. get ready for sticker shock if you are shopping for colleges. >> for the looking forward to that. >> as we go to break, a few ideas if you are shopping for halloween candy and want to be the cool house on the block. skittles is the most popular candy. >> it has to be the chocolate. reese's cups. >> starburst comes in in second place and reese's peanut butter cups come in in third place. there is some of your chocolate. >> number three? number one on my list. >> okay. >> we'll be right back. anncr: their ads, hopelessly untrue. a west virginia casino launching the biggest ad barrage ever. don't be misled. the washington post says question seven is just... common sense. it'll create 4,000 permanent jobs. and stop maryland from losing millions to other states... every year. that's why business, labor, and teachers all support... question seven. and so does the washington post. vote for question seven. it's just common sense. no surprise here that college costs are going up but wait until you hear the tab for some schools. we'll have more on that in just a minute. first, let's talk about the markets. lauren simonetti with fox business network is live in new york with business beat. happy friday to you. >> happy friday. it is a bad friday. >> it's bad friday. let's go ahead and you expound on the bad friday. >> well, we finally saw some positive territory yesterday, right? we had the suv and the nasdaq up four points. the dow up 26 points. small gains after some big losses but come in this morning, dow is off 95 points here in the premarket. so it is very possible we lose the 13,000 level today. we get gross domestic product today. and we all get how consumers feel about things with the consumer sentiment numbers coming out. >> let's talk about college. i went for a asmall college, it was $7,000. now, i'm reading this report about some colleges with $0,000 a year bills. what's up? >> try $61,236. that is how much sir alawrence college in new york costs. it's liberal arts school. $61,000. if you look at this list here, new york university, columbia here in new york, wesleyan in con cop. all of these cast more than $5 #,000. all in all, 151 colleges in the u.s. cost more than $50,000. we're going to start telling our kids to be artists and actors and i mean we'll revert back because you know, who can afford these bills? yes, this includes tuition, room and board, all the fees but still. it is a lot of money. >> it's lot of money. afond a fiscally conservative guy like me, we have to get scholarships in my house. >> i bet you all three of your kids go dad, i want to go to sarah lawrence. that will happen too. >> we'll see how mr. fiscally conservative deals with that request when it happens. no telling how much it will be by the time they get grown. we'll have to figure out something. all right. always god to see you. have a great weekend. we know the storm is coming so batten down the hatches. >> i know. you too. see you monday. >> back to the morning's big story. a potential superstorm heading our way. there are concerns it could become part of a dangerous weather combination here in our area. we'll have more on that when we come back.  anncr: their ads, hopelessly untrue. a west virginia casino launching the biggest ad barrage ever. don't be misled. the washington post says question seven is just... common sense. it'll create 4,000 permanent jobs. and stop maryland from losing millions to other states... every year. that's why business, labor, and teachers all support... question seven. and so does the washington post. vote for question seven. it's just common sense. we had a good group of people. good group of employees out there. this was a booming place. and mitt romney and bain capital turned it in to a junk yard. i was suddenly, 60 years old. i had no health care. mainly i was thinking about my family. how am i going to take care of my family. he promised us the same things he's promising the united states. and he'll give you the same thing he gave us. nothing. anncr: priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. welcome back. forecasters are warning of a major storm that could hit the coast early next week. people from florida to maine are getting ready for what some have dubbed a frankenstorm. cities along the east coast are brace identifying storm surge now. -- bracing for a storm surge now. >> that said it all pretty much. >> thank you, tucker j have a good weekend, everybody. it is still a hurricane, hurricane sandy. you mentioned the cold air. by the time it gets to us, it will be what we call a hybrid. all bets are off. we don't really know how that will completely interact. we had some ideas and one of those is the wind field will be extremely large. the wind field could stretch from roughly richmond to north of new york city where there could be widespread damage. up fortunately, one of the big concerns -- unfortunately, one of the big concerns around here will be a potential power loss. i think if the storm does make landfall close to us, that could become an issue. there is tracking off to the north and west at about 13. it will loss a little intensity today. as it encounters the colder air to the north and west, it will reenergize itself. what is the time frame for the impact locally? i would say by late in the day sunday, we'll start to get rain showers in here. no need to panic today. you have today and all day tomorrow and honestly much of sunday before we start to feel the impact. >> the marine corps marathon, people are asking. >> i would say it will be mostly cloudy. there might be a few showers around sunday morning but not a major storm at that hour. >> should be okay. >> they have to do their own planning but not a major deal sunday morning. 63 in washington. dulles, bwi marshall, 62 degrees. your forecast for friday looks just fine. about 70 this afternoon with a little sunshine working in by affect and -- by afternoon and we should be dry today. maybe a sprinkle or isolated shower. >> let's check in with julie wright now. ight now. again arks tough ride for those coming from the north to the south. let's map it out for you. traveling south on the baltimore-washington parkway, 295, that accident activity approaching 175 at nursery road here. the accident activity is what is tying up the two left lanes so heads up there. we've also got the delay as you continue northbound on route 5. the guy is missing a tire. he is stuck out there on the roadway. you will find deliz on 66? several stretches as you continue eastbound. down to about 35 miles per hour. -- you will find delays on 66 in several stretches as you continue eastbound. lanes are open continuing out of hyattstown out to the truck scales. that's a check of your fox 5 on-timetraffic. etraffic. we've been saying this all morning. some are dubbing it a potential frankenstorm. >> hurricane sandy heading towards the east coast and could combine with two other weather systems leaving much of the east coast preparing for the worst. mary ann rafferty has latest. >> reporter: in parts of florida, rough waves are already crashing on the shoreline as hurricane sandy approaches the u.s. >> we are keeping everybody out of the water. we are not putting the guards in the towers because it is dangerous with the wind to inoccupy the towers. >> reporter: as the hurricane moves north, it is expected to merge with a winter storm and a blast of arctic air. weather forecasters say there is a good chance much of the east coast will get hit with gale force winds, heavy rain, flooding and maybe even snow. >> because it is such a large area, you are just going to have lots of people affected. >> some folks in maryland are already heading to home depot to stock up on supplies. >> it has been a very active morning. we've moved a lot of storm preparation product. >> looking at a general rotor. it is time to have some backup. >> reporter: although the storm is not expected to hit until early next week, utility officials in cop cop aren't taking any chances. >> we are having conversations right now with mutual assistance organizes and contractors within a two to three-day drive from here drying to ascertain their availability. >> reporter: some say the worst it was could be focused around new jersey and new york city. >> they were saying new jersey has never experienced anything to this magnitude before. we are monitoring very closely. >> reporter: residents on long island, new york are taking precautions while still hope for the best. >> an ounce of prevent is a pound of cure or something like that. so when you get prepared, nothing happens. >> forecasters say the severe weather system could reach as far inland as ohio. >> reporter: in new york, mary ann rafferty, fox news. >> you can download the free fox 5 weather app available for apple iphones and also droids. time now for the morning ga between the giants and tigers. san francisco came in leading one game to none. -- game two of the world series between the giants and tigers. baumgartner would go seven innings and allow no runs. prince fielder tried to score from first. go, go, go, go! get down. no, he's out. he was thrown out at the plate. giants win 2-0 and take a two games for none lead. game three is in detroit tomorrow night here on fox 5. o now to the latest on the redskins injury bug. left hand don fletcher's streak of playing 231 consecutive games is in jeopardy. he has missed two straight practices because of problems with his balance and a hamstring injury. pierre garcon may need surgery. the skins head back out on the road this sunday to face the pittsburgh steelers. can you catch the action here on fox 5. kickoff is at 1:00. coming up income, a look at what is new at the movies. >> the sessions is hitting theaters based on a true story. find out why it is already getting a whole lot of oscar buzz. fox 5 morning news back in a moment. would cost our economy. newspapers called it "economically destructive." like allen's votes to give tax breaks to companies... that ship jobs overseas, his economic plan would... help big corporations, devastating the middle class. allen even voted against tax breaks for small businesses. virginia can't afford to go back to george allen. the democratic senatorial campaign committee... is responsible for the content of this advertising. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] combine the pnc cashbuilder visa credit card with a qualifying pnc performance select checking account and earn 75% more than cards earning 1% cash back on almost everything. and this is maryland. earning 1% cash back teacher: this is west virginia, pennsylvania, delaware. every year marylanders spend five hundred and fifty million gaming at casinos in these other states. question seven will build a new casino and bring table games to baltimore... generating hundreds of millions for schools. and that money has to go to education. it's the law. so vote for question seven. so we can stop spending all that money here, and keep maryland money in classrooms like mine. joining us now -- wait is this kevin mccarthy. >> i wore this today because it is movie related. clarence worley is the character. >> you got the costume. you look campylobacterly like it. >> i want all out. if you haven't teen it, it is my favorite movie of all time. my girlfriend is going as alabama. wait until you see her costume. you'll have pictures next week. >> we want to seat pictures. you know we like to talk about your girlfriend. we think you are a lucky man. >> if you haven't seen it, it is quentin tarantino's first script. tony scott recently passed away. he directed true romance. it is appear incredible film. the dialogue is master tfl. jetes a get to the movies we want to talk about. first one, we've got two we want to talk about today. first one is cloud atlas. a lot of big people in this movie. -- let's get to the movies we assistant to talk about. >> this is based on a book. there are three directors. there are six stories. it's three-hour film. here is the deal. the film, every story is interconnected. it starts off in the 19th century with a story about an enslaved man moving on to the 1930s about a musician writing a masterful score called the cloud at always sex attempt t. to 2012 about a man escaping a nursing home to a post apocalyptic future and a korean ask story as well. the problem with this film is you have six stories. three of them are incident rhetting. the other three are boring. so as you are going throughout the film, you are cutting back and forth and every story is connected but three of them are not engaging. so you find yourself kind of bored for a little bit over half the film but it is such an ambitious idea that the movie is so masterful and epic in concept but mediocre in the execution. tom hanks, halle berry, hugh grant, they all play sick caches in the movie. so they're changing genders, changing race throughout the film. my problem with that is that you are watching the movie and make-up effects going is that tom hanks? is that halle baeryen. >> so it was distracting. >> it is like watching an animate voice that you don't quite know and you try to figure it out the whole movie. the problem with having six stories and three of them not being as engaging as the others, as you reach the climax moment for the movie, i didn't feel the impact i wanted to feel emotionally because there were so many different characters throughout. the good side is it all does come together. great directors. two of the stories are the ones i was not particularly fond of. the one that takes place in the 1930s about the musician writing the score is absolutely incredible and could have been a movie on its own. this is a very, very ambitious huge movie. there is a lot going o it is based on the book. you do not have to read the book to follow it. know when you go in, you will experience some gnaws. it is a little bit long. you gave day three out of five. i didn't love t i wanted to be more blown away but i think it is very ambitious. >> let's move op to the -- on to the next one. helen hunt. >> here is the deal. john hawkes, very underrated actor. he he is a 30-year-old polio suffer earlier and i wants to figure out how do this. he has been bedridden. he says go ahead and do this. he reaches out to this sex therapist played by hell enhunt and that is the story and their love story and the six sessions they experience. it is a railroad emotionally driven film. john hawkes does something so rare that you rarely see in hollywood. he transforms emotionally and physically for a role. he had to wear a soccer ball under his back to contort his body. it is absolutely incredible. he will be nominated for an academy award as will hell enhunt. a phenomenal film. -- as will helen hunt. i gave fay four out of five. i really think that john hawkes deserves an academy award for his performance. highly recommend checking you out to the. >> thank you, clarence worley. >> follow me on twitter. a bunch. other movies out in theaters now called sister. we have great interviews coming up including the cast of sky fall in the next couple of weeks. >> thank you. >> back to you. >> all right. time now to talk about weather. you got a lot to talk about. >> i've been enjoying a cup of coffee over here. >> you've been randomly drinking sarah's coffee. >> sure she'll love that. let's talk about the forecast. temperatures right now, 63 in washington. we had the fog move back in overnight. when the sun gets up here, you you won't see a whole lot of it for at loft the first part of the day as we've got the cool maritime layer. a little fog and low clouds across the area at the moment. 62 in quantico. 61 in leonardtown. good morning. all right. let's talk satellite-radar. i mentioned the cool mayor you time lay are. you got to look real carefully. see the light gray there. it is very shallow. enough to give us a cloudy start to our day. t to our day. there might be a drizzle or shower. a decent friday for you and an okay saturday. by tomorrow afternoon, that cold front out to the west will start to make its impression felt across the region way few scattered showers around here by saturday afternoon. this will an big player in our forecast towards the end of the week and early next week. i'll have more on that coming up in a little bit. just remember that. here is your forecast for today. early clouds and fog, some afternoon sun. winds out the east at about five miles per hour. there is your accu-weather seven-day forecast. let me emphasize again. we're nice and quiet. rain showers would aright by sunday afternoon and the worst would be monday and tuesday. we have plenty of time for fine tune the forecast. a lot could happen but the question marks are monday, tuesday, what will the impacts of sandy be on the d.c. area here. >> all right. we're bracing for it. >> all right. and tony perkins is here now. >> good morning to you three. and good morning, effect. you know whats time for. it is time for ask tony and tucker. -- you know what it is time for. here is today appear question. it is a question that i think all of us have been hearing for last day or so. people are wondering what could make this storm, sandy, and the storm we're talking about, a super storm. so here we go. it is a combination of things, right? >> it is a combination of things. i i think the most important thing that would make it different from your traditional storm is that you will have a combination of a tropical storm and a mid latitude storm. so it will become what we call a hybrid. all bets are on when a hi branch davidian forms because we don't understand them very well. they are fairly well. last one sort of significant one, many people are familiar with the george clooney movie, the perfect storm. that was hurricane grace and that combined with a hid- latitude storm much like the one we are looking at. we are looking back at 1991 at the perfect storm. you can see it there off to the east. you see it swirling out there, that little eye. >> see those other systems moving in with it. >> so we could have a similar scenario setting up this time. the difference and if we can go to max 2, i would like to show you some maps. the difference will be this time the storm will track much closer to land areas and will inner act with a cold front just out to the west. the impact will be much more locally felt. that one was generally out to sea and caused problems up in the canadian maritimes. here is the latest with sandy. i want to go through a couple different possible scenarios here. it is moving off to the north and west at 13. we'll probably lose a little steam during the course of the da but what will reenergize it is the cold front. that will cause the storm to really flare up as we get into the end of the weekend. >> may i ask a question that our news director asked me yesterday that i didn't know the answer to. when you are talking about the cold air, usually like the tropical storm needs warm air and warm water to keep it energized. wouldn't pulling the cold air tend to make it fall part some? >> well, yes, it will lose its structure. it will lose its tropical structure but it won't lose its intensity because you have an enormous amount of energy available. let me show you the wind field. notice your cold front out to the west. see months lines -- see those lines? see where they're tightly packed together. watch what happens as we get into the monday, tuesday time frame. that storm moves right over us. and the cold air is just out to the west so it will able to tap into that and -- the cold air gets sucked into this storm. >> it energizes it. it puts it on steroids basically. so it will be ready to go. let me emphasize generic lot could happen with the storm. they might not synchronize. it could move farther north. still a lot of possibilities. the national hurricane center has been emphasizing this for the last couple of days, our models don't handle a hybrid storm very well. they are built to handle tropical storms. er they are not sure how the cold air -- they are not sure how the cold air will interact with the storm. rainfall, how about 5 to 8 inches by tuesday. we could have winds gusting sustained 50 or 60 miles per hour even here in washington. that would cause a lot of problems. the full moon is monday. that will cause a lot of tidal problems along it is chesapeake and atlantic. >> look for coastal flooding, beach erosion. >> here is your futurecast. this is starting to get a handle on it. notice the cold air off to the west and then, as it approaches, we start to get some rain around here by sunday afternoon. that is sunday at twelve noon. put it in motion for you and you can see things gradually -- can i point out something right there. can see how it pulls in the cold air, in west virginia, southwestern virginia, the tip of western maryland, that causes that precipitation to turn over to snow. >> mountain snow still a possibility as well. still some question mark how that might interact. a lot can happen her actual still a couple of days away. no need to set off the panic button yet but we have to be concerned about it. >> it is so strange because you talk about it being hybrid. i'm sure for you guys too even more uncertain because the models, your computer models can't do what they normally do. >> it doesn't happen that often. not a lot to base it on. >> a great explanation. thank you. >> thank you, folks. we will keep you informed today and throughout the weekend as a matter of fact. if you have a question you want answered, go to and click on the weather tab. we'll try to answer it for you. >> let's check in with julie wright and get the latest on our traffic. >> busy again on the roads this morning. lets get to it. southbound on 295 approaching nursery road. accident activity involving a couple of vehicles. coming southbound from 895, it is heavy, slow and steady. 95 would be a better alternative route for you. this fellow is missing a tire. this will impact your commute. to the west on 66 where lanes are open. you are down to about 35 miles per hour headed eastbound. down to that miles per hour here at fair oaks and by the time you reach the beltway, down to 60 miles per hour headed unbound towards the capital beltway. we do have accident activity to report. this is going to be eastbound on bell pre approaching connecticut avenue. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. still ahead, introduce your kids to all europe has offer. no air fare or passport needed. >> i like that. >> holly is live with more on the kids euro festival. we'll have more when we return. we'll be right back. anncr: their ads, hopelessly untrue. a west virginia casino launching the biggest ad barrage ever. don't be misled. the washington post says question seven is just... common sense. it'll create 4,000 permanent jobs. and stop maryland from losing millions to other states... every year. that's why business, labor, and teachers all support... question seven. and so does the washington post. vote for question seven. it's just common sense. prand you're seeing that rightno quitit in now.ica... over five million new jobs. exports up forty one percent. home values... rising. our auto industry... back. and our heroes are coming home. we're not there yet, but we've made real progress and the... last thing we should do is turn back now. here's my plan for the next four years: making education and training a national priority; building on our manufacturing boom; boosting american-made energy; reducing the deficits responsibly by cutting where... we can, and asking the wealthy to pay a little more. and ending the war in afghanistan, so we can... do some nation-building here at home. that's the right path. so read my plan, compare it to governor romney's... and decide which is better for you. it's an honor to be your president... and i'm asking for your vote... so together, we can keep moving america forward. i'm barack obama and i approve this message. welcome back. you know, a leesburg family is going viral with their extreme hall wean decorations. take a look. ♪ gangnam style ♪ >> covered with lights and are choreographed to the song "gangnam style." what's it called, tony? >> gangnam style. >> anyway, he posted it on youtube and already a million and a half hits. it will take thousands of light bulbs and a big electrical bill to put this together. >> we'll get to tony in a bit. work on your own words for the 7:00 show. >> whitney anderson, i can say that name, she's our facebook fan of the day. she says she's a big fan of fox 5 and of tucker barnes. with stormy weather possibly bearing down on the east coast, tucker needs all the good vibes we can send him. leave a comment under whitney's picture for your chance to be monday's fan of the day. >> good vibes. >> time now to send it over to tony and -- >> i thought it was gangnam style. >> it says gangnam style. >> see, that's kind of what i was saying. >> all right. >> we're going to do other things. it's all right. you two can work it out. >> hard hitting news at 7:00. better than what we really have to talk about, this top story, all eyes on category sandy, the category one hurricane went through the bahamas last night. >> what's being done locally to make sure the d.c. region ised with for whatever mother nature brings. >> plus, another busy day in the race for the white house. the president staying local while mitt romney renews his focus on the economy in iowa. with 11 days to go now, a huge shift in the polls for one of them. fox5 morning news at 7 :00 starts right now. there you go, folks, we've got mist out there, some fog, traffic problems here and there. everybody is bracing, getting ready for what may be a rather interesting late weekend and early part of next week. good morning, i'm tony perkins. >> i'm alison seymour.

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Transcripts For WTTG Fox Morning News At 6 20121026

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that it will able to tap into. that will reenergize it as it approaches the mid-atlantic. even as it starts to fall apart here over the next 24 hours. it will be a very strong storm when it approaches the mid- atlantic later this weekend. this you can see it moving off to the north and west at 13. time frame for us would be later on sunday. i think by sunday afternoon, sunday night, we'll start to get some rain in here and monday, tuesday will be the main event us for. right now, it is looking like landfall could be as close as the delaware bay. that would be a major impact across the mid-atlantic. let's do some local weather and 63 at reagan national. your friday forecast looks fine. no issues today. no issues tomorrow. it won't be beautiful outside but we won't be looking at any rain. a little fog to start your day. might be a little drizzle in a spot or two. let's see if the fog is doing anything to the commute this morning. let's check in with julie wright and get the latest. >> so far, so good. we are off fay quiet start around the capital beltway. southbound bw parkway and nursery road checking for accident activity here at this location. if you are traveling 359 at the 14th street bridge coming out of virginia headed over to the southeast-southwest freew crossing over the pat -- over the potomac. traffic volume moving at speed south of father hurley boulevard moving into rockville. that's a check of your fox 5 on-timetraffic. imetraffic. >> thank you. some are dubbing it a frankenstorm due to its potential to bring high wind and rain right before halloween. >> hurricane sandy is heading for t east coast. the forecast has people from our area up to new england getting ready for the worst possible scenario and the storm has already slammed into several caribbean islands. the death toll from jamaica, haiti and cuba now stands at 22. right now, hurricane sandy is pounding parts of the bahamas. the emergency management offices in d.c., maryland and virginia and up to -- all the way up toking now are beginning to take action in advance of the storm warning the public to get ready. >> we know our area utility companies are preparing for this so-called frankenstorm. both pepco and bge are planning for hundreds of thousands of potential outages so workers on stand-by. pepco says they have 400 contractors ready plus an additional 150 local crews. bg &. says they have 500 contractors ready to go. here are some things that you can do in order to prepare for the storm. might be a good idea to clean up the fallen leaves that are probably already on your lawn right now. they can clog storm drains, making flooding even worse. also, bring in the bikes, lawn furniture, other loose items inside that could become projectiles in high winds and all check smoke detectors. you will need for charge your cell phone, make sure to have a full tank of gas and an emergency kit with batties, flashlights, nonperishable foods, springs and some cash on hand. >> stay with fox 5 as we continue to track this potential superstorm. you can follow its track on my fox check out enhanced images, a live chat and much more. you can download the free fox 5 weather app. it is available for apple iphones and droids. also, police some leesburg say they are looking into a suspicious death this morning that they learned about overnight. investigators say a woman in her early 20s was found inside an apartment at the fields of leesburg on edwards ferry road. that was around 1:00 this morning. police say they were contacted by relatives of the woman who had not been able to make contact with her for a few days now. unclear how the woman died. investigators say there is no threat to the public scientist former fbi agent is found guilty on all charges for killing a teenager while driving drunk i'm prince george's county jury convicted adrian johnson of homicide by motor vehicle while intoxicated. he crashed into lawrence garner's vehicle killing him and seriously injuring his best friend. johnson faces up to 13 years in prison. he is scheduled for be sentenced in d.c. general though his attorneys say they will appeal the verdict. police in prince george's county are looking for a possible serial arsonist after they say nine cars were lit on fire in less than 24 hours. this happened in kettering and upper marlboro and as you can see, some of the cars are just a total loss. neighbors say they heard loud popping noises before the cars caught on fire. police suggest leaving your outdoor lights on at fight and ask anyone with information to call them. making headlines this morning, president obama cast his ballot before the election. why this made history in more ways than one. and a look at the latest polls this morning. >> also ahead, more fall outfrom an undercover video of a candidate's son caught up in a conversation about voter faud. fox 5 morning news is back in a moment. mo anncr: which do you believe? what mitt romney's tv ads say about women? or what mitt romney himself says? mitt romney: do i believe the supreme court... should overturn roe v. wade? yes. and it would be my preference that they, that they... reverse roe v. wade. hopefully reverse roe v. wade. overturn roe v. wade. planned parenthood, we're going to get rid of that. i'll cut off funding to planned parenthood. anncr: no matter what mitt romney's ads say. we know what he'll do. president obama: i'm barack obama and... i approve this message. imillion dollars for marylandnd one hundred schools.ty... question seven will double it. rushern baker: question seven will add table games and... a new casino, generating millions of dollars... every year, without raising taxes. leggett: and audits will ensure the money goes... where it's supposed to. more jobs, and millions for schools. baker: question seven will be good for our kids... our teachers, and our schools. leggett: keep maryland money in maryland. baker: please vote for question seven. leggett: vote for question seven. making headlines, president obama has cast his ballot. he voted yesterday near his chicago home. illinois is one of 32 states that allows early voting along with the district of columbia. president obama is the first sitting u.s. president to vote before election day. president obama will be at the white house today. he has several interviews scheduled including one with mtv. republican challenger mitt romney will campaign in iowa and ohio today. and on monday, president obama returns to the battleground state of virginia way stop in prince william county. a new fox news poll of likely voters in virginia showed governor romney with 47% support compared to president obama's 45%. there is some more fallout now from that undercover video that has rocked the rehigh pressure election campaign of republican congressman jim moran. arlington police have now al anbar. ed a criminal investigation and the chair man of the arlington county republican committee is calling for congressman moran to step down. someone from a conservative group asked moran's son how to cast ballots in the name of 100 voters who rarely show up at the poll. patrick moran showed him how to do it and he has since resigned. we continue to track hurricane sandy and the superstorm it could help create. people from florida and up to maine and everywhere along it is east coast are getting ready for this. >> tucker has the storm's latest track when fox 5 morning news continues. continues. [ edmonds ] he doesn't r really care where a good idea c comes fro. you know, it could come from a democrat like me or it could come from anybody. we made things happen. we balanced budgets. i knew he really cared about all of the things we had to get done. and the work that we were doing and its impact on people. [ lindstrom ] he was very sensitive to those programs and taking care of the women and children. [ edmonds ] i see qualities in the man that makes me know i can put the nation in his hands and feel very good about it. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i approve this message. when we think no one is looking. is what we do... mitt romney: believe that they are victims. anncr: mitt romney thought no one was looking when... he attacked forty-seven percent of americans. his companies shipped jobs overseas. his plan cuts millionaires' taxes, but raises yours. he'll voucherize medicare... and make catastrophic cuts to education. so remember what romney said... and what his plan would do. president obama: i'm barack obama and... i approve this message. welcome back. the beaches there look pretty. not going to much longer. we continue to keep an eye on hurricane sandy. people from florida to maine and inland ohio are preparing for a possible hit from this. there is a chance sandy could mix with a winter storm and it has already killed 21 people across the caribbean. new york mayor michael bloomberg is among the officials monitoring the situation. >> we don't know when or if or where the storm is going to hit. the forecasters say it could be dangerous but i think the word that they've been using most is it is unpredictable. >> now, of course, our area is also preparing for sandy. that includes local utility companies both pepco and bge. they say they already have hundreds of workers on stand- by. lots of people on the roadways this morning. hopefully, they are not all going to the grocery store just to stock up on everything right now. >> we have plenty of time here. we want to emphasize the time frame with this would be second half of monday, we start to get rain showers in and monday, tuesday would be the main event. we still have several days. no need to set off the panic meter quite yet. and a lot could still happen with the storm. this is a very interesting storm and something that the hurricane center has been emphasizing is that the storm is forecast for become what we call a hybrid. it will have characteristics of the tropical storm that we're all familiar with and a mid- latitude storm. our computer models don't handle that very well. these storms are relatively rare. many people familiar with the perfect storm back in 1991, this was sort of similar to the one today. these are very uncommon i'm lot could happen. we could have serious impacts around here starting monday morning. so that would be the time frame. we'll take a look at it right now. >> let's start with a look at -- let's talk local conditions first and just let you know. today will be another fine day. no issue with your friday. we are looking at highs today about 70 degrees with afternoon sunshine. 63 right now in washington. 6 # in quantico. these temperatures aren't too bad. 52349 frederick. -- 63 in quantity you co. 59 in frederick. a repeat from yesterday. remember the fog we had across the area? it is back. our wind are out of the east and that is pushing it off the ocean. it is a shallow layer so we should start to see breaks of sunshine by afternoon. a partly sunny afternoon. might be a the drizzle or a lone some shower in a spot or two today. out to the west, that is a cold front. that is a strong cold front. there is some seriously cool air behind it and dry air. guess what, cool, dry air does not like tropical moisture and when those two interact later this weekend right across the mid-atlantic, that canada cause some issues. here is your tropical satellite picture. your signature here with sandy not looking as impressive as it was 24 hours ago. we still have a strong storm and still maximum winds of 08 miles per hour. the forecast is for it for weaken here for the time being. over the next six to 12 hours, this storm may weaken a little bit. as it interacts with the cooler and drier air off for our west, that will reenergize it. it will have characteristics of both storms. let's talk about a possible track of the storm. maximum winds 80 miles per hour. northwest movement at 13. pressure, 968 millibars. watch the track t look like it want to go out to sea. it gets picked up and pulled back toward the mid-atlantic. this would be a very unusual track. it doesn't mean it can't happen but it hasn't happened a whole lot in lift. we'll see if it does verify f it does and if this hurricane were to come on shore here along the bay of delaware by early tuesday morning, this would be some very serious impacts across our viewing area. -- if it does. we could have hurricane-force winds across the lower eastern shore. he can freemenly heavy rain, five, six, eight, 10 inches of rain across parts of the area. the worst part, the storm will very slowly fizzle out. it will continue to batter away at the washington area here for a couple of days time before it finally gets forced to the north. a lot to be concerned about. a lot could still happen with it. let me show the spaghetti tracks real quick. more and more of the computer tracks are taking it closer to the washington area. today, no problem. 71degrees. early fog and afternoon storm. this is the calm before the storm. there is your accu-weather seven-day forecast. a couple of showers later tomorrow as the coal frond gets in here. question mark, monday, tuesday, how much rain, how serious will the impact be. we are not quite sure but that would be the time frame, monday, tuesday. hopefully, we'll get it out of here in time for halloween. let's do some traffic and a great big good morning to julie. >> on the roads, you will find your lanes are open. so far, so good, no problems to report around the capital beltway. southbound 270 coming in out of hyattstown. the beltway looks good traveling between college park and bethesda. we have received word there is a fellow missing a tire here so he is in need of some assistance. no incidents to report headed up to the beltway. that's a check of your fox 5 on-timetraffic. etraffic. coming up next, we'll go live to fox business network in new york. get ready for sticker shock if you are shopping for colleges. >> for the looking forward to that. >> as we go to break, a few ideas if you are shopping for halloween candy and want to be the cool house on the block. skittles is the most popular candy. >> it has to be the chocolate. reese's cups. >> starburst comes in in second place and reese's peanut butter cups come in in third place. there is some of your chocolate. >> number three? number one on my list. >> okay. >> we'll be right back. anncr: their ads, hopelessly untrue. a west virginia casino launching the biggest ad barrage ever. don't be misled. the washington post says question seven is just... common sense. it'll create 4,000 permanent jobs. and stop maryland from losing millions to other states... every year. that's why business, labor, and teachers all support... question seven. and so does the washington post. vote for question seven. it's just common sense. no surprise here that college costs are going up but wait until you hear the tab for some schools. we'll have more on that in just a minute. first, let's talk about the markets. lauren simonetti with fox business network is live in new york with business beat. happy friday to you. >> happy friday. it is a bad friday. >> it's bad friday. let's go ahead and you expound on the bad friday. >> well, we finally saw some positive territory yesterday, right? we had the suv and the nasdaq up four points. the dow up 26 points. small gains after some big losses but come in this morning, dow is off 95 points here in the premarket. so it is very possible we lose the 13,000 level today. we get gross domestic product today. and we all get how consumers feel about things with the consumer sentiment numbers coming out. >> let's talk about college. i went for a asmall college, it was $7,000. now, i'm reading this report about some colleges with $0,000 a year bills. what's up? >> try $61,236. that is how much sir alawrence college in new york costs. it's liberal arts school. $61,000. if you look at this list here, new york university, columbia here in new york, wesleyan in con cop. all of these cast more than $5 #,000. all in all, 151 colleges in the u.s. cost more than $50,000. we're going to start telling our kids to be artists and actors and i mean we'll revert back because you know, who can afford these bills? yes, this includes tuition, room and board, all the fees but still. it is a lot of money. >> it's lot of money. afond a fiscally conservative guy like me, we have to get scholarships in my house. >> i bet you all three of your kids go dad, i want to go to sarah lawrence. that will happen too. >> we'll see how mr. fiscally conservative deals with that request when it happens. no telling how much it will be by the time they get grown. we'll have to figure out something. all right. always god to see you. have a great weekend. we know the storm is coming so batten down the hatches. >> i know. you too. see you monday. >> back to the morning's big story. a potential superstorm heading our way. there are concerns it could become part of a dangerous weather combination here in our area. we'll have more on that when we come back.  anncr: their ads, hopelessly untrue. a west virginia casino launching the biggest ad barrage ever. don't be misled. the washington post says question seven is just... common sense. it'll create 4,000 permanent jobs. and stop maryland from losing millions to other states... every year. that's why business, labor, and teachers all support... question seven. and so does the washington post. vote for question seven. it's just common sense. we had a good group of people. good group of employees out there. this was a booming place. and mitt romney and bain capital turned it in to a junk yard. i was suddenly, 60 years old. i had no health care. mainly i was thinking about my family. how am i going to take care of my family. he promised us the same things he's promising the united states. and he'll give you the same thing he gave us. nothing. anncr: priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. welcome back. forecasters are warning of a major storm that could hit the coast early next week. people from florida to maine are getting ready for what some have dubbed a frankenstorm. cities along the east coast are brace identifying storm surge now. -- bracing for a storm surge now. >> that said it all pretty much. >> thank you, tucker j have a good weekend, everybody. it is still a hurricane, hurricane sandy. you mentioned the cold air. by the time it gets to us, it will be what we call a hybrid. all bets are off. we don't really know how that will completely interact. we had some ideas and one of those is the wind field will be extremely large. the wind field could stretch from roughly richmond to north of new york city where there could be widespread damage. up fortunately, one of the big concerns -- unfortunately, one of the big concerns around here will be a potential power loss. i think if the storm does make landfall close to us, that could become an issue. there is tracking off to the north and west at about 13. it will loss a little intensity today. as it encounters the colder air to the north and west, it will reenergize itself. what is the time frame for the impact locally? i would say by late in the day sunday, we'll start to get rain showers in here. no need to panic today. you have today and all day tomorrow and honestly much of sunday before we start to feel the impact. >> the marine corps marathon, people are asking. >> i would say it will be mostly cloudy. there might be a few showers around sunday morning but not a major storm at that hour. >> should be okay. >> they have to do their own planning but not a major deal sunday morning. 63 in washington. dulles, bwi marshall, 62 degrees. your forecast for friday looks just fine. about 70 this afternoon with a little sunshine working in by affect and -- by afternoon and we should be dry today. maybe a sprinkle or isolated shower. >> let's check in with julie wright now. ight now. again arks tough ride for those coming from the north to the south. let's map it out for you. traveling south on the baltimore-washington parkway, 295, that accident activity approaching 175 at nursery road here. the accident activity is what is tying up the two left lanes so heads up there. we've also got the delay as you continue northbound on route 5. the guy is missing a tire. he is stuck out there on the roadway. you will find deliz on 66? several stretches as you continue eastbound. down to about 35 miles per hour. -- you will find delays on 66 in several stretches as you continue eastbound. lanes are open continuing out of hyattstown out to the truck scales. that's a check of your fox 5 on-timetraffic. etraffic. we've been saying this all morning. some are dubbing it a potential frankenstorm. >> hurricane sandy heading towards the east coast and could combine with two other weather systems leaving much of the east coast preparing for the worst. mary ann rafferty has latest. >> reporter: in parts of florida, rough waves are already crashing on the shoreline as hurricane sandy approaches the u.s. >> we are keeping everybody out of the water. we are not putting the guards in the towers because it is dangerous with the wind to inoccupy the towers. >> reporter: as the hurricane moves north, it is expected to merge with a winter storm and a blast of arctic air. weather forecasters say there is a good chance much of the east coast will get hit with gale force winds, heavy rain, flooding and maybe even snow. >> because it is such a large area, you are just going to have lots of people affected. >> some folks in maryland are already heading to home depot to stock up on supplies. >> it has been a very active morning. we've moved a lot of storm preparation product. >> looking at a general rotor. it is time to have some backup. >> reporter: although the storm is not expected to hit until early next week, utility officials in cop cop aren't taking any chances. >> we are having conversations right now with mutual assistance organizes and contractors within a two to three-day drive from here drying to ascertain their availability. >> reporter: some say the worst it was could be focused around new jersey and new york city. >> they were saying new jersey has never experienced anything to this magnitude before. we are monitoring very closely. >> reporter: residents on long island, new york are taking precautions while still hope for the best. >> an ounce of prevent is a pound of cure or something like that. so when you get prepared, nothing happens. >> forecasters say the severe weather system could reach as far inland as ohio. >> reporter: in new york, mary ann rafferty, fox news. >> you can download the free fox 5 weather app available for apple iphones and also droids. time now for the morning ga between the giants and tigers. san francisco came in leading one game to none. -- game two of the world series between the giants and tigers. baumgartner would go seven innings and allow no runs. prince fielder tried to score from first. go, go, go, go! get down. no, he's out. he was thrown out at the plate. giants win 2-0 and take a two games for none lead. game three is in detroit tomorrow night here on fox 5. o now to the latest on the redskins injury bug. left hand don fletcher's streak of playing 231 consecutive games is in jeopardy. he has missed two straight practices because of problems with his balance and a hamstring injury. pierre garcon may need surgery. the skins head back out on the road this sunday to face the pittsburgh steelers. can you catch the action here on fox 5. kickoff is at 1:00. coming up income, a look at what is new at the movies. >> the sessions is hitting theaters based on a true story. find out why it is already getting a whole lot of oscar buzz. fox 5 morning news back in a moment. would cost our economy. newspapers called it "economically destructive." like allen's votes to give tax breaks to companies... that ship jobs overseas, his economic plan would... help big corporations, devastating the middle class. allen even voted against tax breaks for small businesses. virginia can't afford to go back to george allen. the democratic senatorial campaign committee... is responsible for the content of this advertising. ♪ ♪ [ male announcer ] combine the pnc cashbuilder visa credit card with a qualifying pnc performance select checking account and earn 75% more than cards earning 1% cash back on almost everything. and this is maryland. earning 1% cash back teacher: this is west virginia, pennsylvania, delaware. every year marylanders spend five hundred and fifty million gaming at casinos in these other states. question seven will build a new casino and bring table games to baltimore... generating hundreds of millions for schools. and that money has to go to education. it's the law. so vote for question seven. so we can stop spending all that money here, and keep maryland money in classrooms like mine. joining us now -- wait is this kevin mccarthy. >> i wore this today because it is movie related. clarence worley is the character. >> you got the costume. you look campylobacterly like it. >> i want all out. if you haven't teen it, it is my favorite movie of all time. my girlfriend is going as alabama. wait until you see her costume. you'll have pictures next week. >> we want to seat pictures. you know we like to talk about your girlfriend. we think you are a lucky man. >> if you haven't seen it, it is quentin tarantino's first script. tony scott recently passed away. he directed true romance. it is appear incredible film. the dialogue is master tfl. jetes a get to the movies we want to talk about. first one, we've got two we want to talk about today. first one is cloud atlas. a lot of big people in this movie. -- let's get to the movies we assistant to talk about. >> this is based on a book. there are three directors. there are six stories. it's three-hour film. here is the deal. the film, every story is interconnected. it starts off in the 19th century with a story about an enslaved man moving on to the 1930s about a musician writing a masterful score called the cloud at always sex attempt t. to 2012 about a man escaping a nursing home to a post apocalyptic future and a korean ask story as well. the problem with this film is you have six stories. three of them are incident rhetting. the other three are boring. so as you are going throughout the film, you are cutting back and forth and every story is connected but three of them are not engaging. so you find yourself kind of bored for a little bit over half the film but it is such an ambitious idea that the movie is so masterful and epic in concept but mediocre in the execution. tom hanks, halle berry, hugh grant, they all play sick caches in the movie. so they're changing genders, changing race throughout the film. my problem with that is that you are watching the movie and make-up effects going is that tom hanks? is that halle baeryen. >> so it was distracting. >> it is like watching an animate voice that you don't quite know and you try to figure it out the whole movie. the problem with having six stories and three of them not being as engaging as the others, as you reach the climax moment for the movie, i didn't feel the impact i wanted to feel emotionally because there were so many different characters throughout. the good side is it all does come together. great directors. two of the stories are the ones i was not particularly fond of. the one that takes place in the 1930s about the musician writing the score is absolutely incredible and could have been a movie on its own. this is a very, very ambitious huge movie. there is a lot going o it is based on the book. you do not have to read the book to follow it. know when you go in, you will experience some gnaws. it is a little bit long. you gave day three out of five. i didn't love t i wanted to be more blown away but i think it is very ambitious. >> let's move op to the -- on to the next one. helen hunt. >> here is the deal. john hawkes, very underrated actor. he he is a 30-year-old polio suffer earlier and i wants to figure out how do this. he has been bedridden. he says go ahead and do this. he reaches out to this sex therapist played by hell enhunt and that is the story and their love story and the six sessions they experience. it is a railroad emotionally driven film. john hawkes does something so rare that you rarely see in hollywood. he transforms emotionally and physically for a role. he had to wear a soccer ball under his back to contort his body. it is absolutely incredible. he will be nominated for an academy award as will hell enhunt. a phenomenal film. -- as will helen hunt. i gave fay four out of five. i really think that john hawkes deserves an academy award for his performance. highly recommend checking you out to the. >> thank you, clarence worley. >> follow me on twitter. a bunch. other movies out in theaters now called sister. we have great interviews coming up including the cast of sky fall in the next couple of weeks. >> thank you. >> back to you. >> all right. time now to talk about weather. you got a lot to talk about. >> i've been enjoying a cup of coffee over here. >> you've been randomly drinking sarah's coffee. >> sure she'll love that. let's talk about the forecast. temperatures right now, 63 in washington. we had the fog move back in overnight. when the sun gets up here, you you won't see a whole lot of it for at loft the first part of the day as we've got the cool maritime layer. a little fog and low clouds across the area at the moment. 62 in quantico. 61 in leonardtown. good morning. all right. let's talk satellite-radar. i mentioned the cool mayor you time lay are. you got to look real carefully. see the light gray there. it is very shallow. enough to give us a cloudy start to our day. t to our day. there might be a drizzle or shower. a decent friday for you and an okay saturday. by tomorrow afternoon, that cold front out to the west will start to make its impression felt across the region way few scattered showers around here by saturday afternoon. this will an big player in our forecast towards the end of the week and early next week. i'll have more on that coming up in a little bit. just remember that. here is your forecast for today. early clouds and fog, some afternoon sun. winds out the east at about five miles per hour. there is your accu-weather seven-day forecast. let me emphasize again. we're nice and quiet. rain showers would aright by sunday afternoon and the worst would be monday and tuesday. we have plenty of time for fine tune the forecast. a lot could happen but the question marks are monday, tuesday, what will the impacts of sandy be on the d.c. area here. >> all right. we're bracing for it. >> all right. and tony perkins is here now. >> good morning to you three. and good morning, effect. you know whats time for. it is time for ask tony and tucker. -- you know what it is time for. here is today appear question. it is a question that i think all of us have been hearing for last day or so. people are wondering what could make this storm, sandy, and the storm we're talking about, a super storm. so here we go. it is a combination of things, right? >> it is a combination of things. i i think the most important thing that would make it different from your traditional storm is that you will have a combination of a tropical storm and a mid latitude storm. so it will become what we call a hybrid. all bets are on when a hi branch davidian forms because we don't understand them very well. they are fairly well. last one sort of significant one, many people are familiar with the george clooney movie, the perfect storm. that was hurricane grace and that combined with a hid- latitude storm much like the one we are looking at. we are looking back at 1991 at the perfect storm. you can see it there off to the east. you see it swirling out there, that little eye. >> see those other systems moving in with it. >> so we could have a similar scenario setting up this time. the difference and if we can go to max 2, i would like to show you some maps. the difference will be this time the storm will track much closer to land areas and will inner act with a cold front just out to the west. the impact will be much more locally felt. that one was generally out to sea and caused problems up in the canadian maritimes. here is the latest with sandy. i want to go through a couple different possible scenarios here. it is moving off to the north and west at 13. we'll probably lose a little steam during the course of the da but what will reenergize it is the cold front. that will cause the storm to really flare up as we get into the end of the weekend. >> may i ask a question that our news director asked me yesterday that i didn't know the answer to. when you are talking about the cold air, usually like the tropical storm needs warm air and warm water to keep it energized. wouldn't pulling the cold air tend to make it fall part some? >> well, yes, it will lose its structure. it will lose its tropical structure but it won't lose its intensity because you have an enormous amount of energy available. let me show you the wind field. notice your cold front out to the west. see months lines -- see those lines? see where they're tightly packed together. watch what happens as we get into the monday, tuesday time frame. that storm moves right over us. and the cold air is just out to the west so it will able to tap into that and -- the cold air gets sucked into this storm. >> it energizes it. it puts it on steroids basically. so it will be ready to go. let me emphasize generic lot could happen with the storm. they might not synchronize. it could move farther north. still a lot of possibilities. the national hurricane center has been emphasizing this for the last couple of days, our models don't handle a hybrid storm very well. they are built to handle tropical storms. er they are not sure how the cold air -- they are not sure how the cold air will interact with the storm. rainfall, how about 5 to 8 inches by tuesday. we could have winds gusting sustained 50 or 60 miles per hour even here in washington. that would cause a lot of problems. the full moon is monday. that will cause a lot of tidal problems along it is chesapeake and atlantic. >> look for coastal flooding, beach erosion. >> here is your futurecast. this is starting to get a handle on it. notice the cold air off to the west and then, as it approaches, we start to get some rain around here by sunday afternoon. that is sunday at twelve noon. put it in motion for you and you can see things gradually -- can i point out something right there. can see how it pulls in the cold air, in west virginia, southwestern virginia, the tip of western maryland, that causes that precipitation to turn over to snow. >> mountain snow still a possibility as well. still some question mark how that might interact. a lot can happen her actual still a couple of days away. no need to set off the panic button yet but we have to be concerned about it. >> it is so strange because you talk about it being hybrid. i'm sure for you guys too even more uncertain because the models, your computer models can't do what they normally do. >> it doesn't happen that often. not a lot to base it on. >> a great explanation. thank you. >> thank you, folks. we will keep you informed today and throughout the weekend as a matter of fact. if you have a question you want answered, go to and click on the weather tab. we'll try to answer it for you. >> let's check in with julie wright and get the latest on our traffic. >> busy again on the roads this morning. lets get to it. southbound on 295 approaching nursery road. accident activity involving a couple of vehicles. coming southbound from 895, it is heavy, slow and steady. 95 would be a better alternative route for you. this fellow is missing a tire. this will impact your commute. to the west on 66 where lanes are open. you are down to about 35 miles per hour headed eastbound. down to that miles per hour here at fair oaks and by the time you reach the beltway, down to 60 miles per hour headed unbound towards the capital beltway. we do have accident activity to report. this is going to be eastbound on bell pre approaching connecticut avenue. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. still ahead, introduce your kids to all europe has offer. no air fare or passport needed. >> i like that. >> holly is live with more on the kids euro festival. we'll have more when we return. we'll be right back. anncr: their ads, hopelessly untrue. a west virginia casino launching the biggest ad barrage ever. don't be misled. the washington post says question seven is just... common sense. it'll create 4,000 permanent jobs. and stop maryland from losing millions to other states... every year. that's why business, labor, and teachers all support... question seven. and so does the washington post. vote for question seven. it's just common sense. prand you're seeing that rightno quitit in now.ica... over five million new jobs. exports up forty one percent. home values... rising. our auto industry... back. and our heroes are coming home. we're not there yet, but we've made real progress and the... last thing we should do is turn back now. here's my plan for the next four years: making education and training a national priority; building on our manufacturing boom; boosting american-made energy; reducing the deficits responsibly by cutting where... we can, and asking the wealthy to pay a little more. and ending the war in afghanistan, so we can... do some nation-building here at home. that's the right path. so read my plan, compare it to governor romney's... and decide which is better for you. it's an honor to be your president... and i'm asking for your vote... so together, we can keep moving america forward. i'm barack obama and i approve this message. welcome back. you know, a leesburg family is going viral with their extreme hall wean decorations. take a look. ♪ gangnam style ♪ >> covered with lights and are choreographed to the song "gangnam style." what's it called, tony? >> gangnam style. >> anyway, he posted it on youtube and already a million and a half hits. it will take thousands of light bulbs and a big electrical bill to put this together. >> we'll get to tony in a bit. work on your own words for the 7:00 show. >> whitney anderson, i can say that name, she's our facebook fan of the day. she says she's a big fan of fox 5 and of tucker barnes. with stormy weather possibly bearing down on the east coast, tucker needs all the good vibes we can send him. leave a comment under whitney's picture for your chance to be monday's fan of the day. >> good vibes. >> time now to send it over to tony and -- >> i thought it was gangnam style. >> it says gangnam style. >> see, that's kind of what i was saying. >> all right. >> we're going to do other things. it's all right. you two can work it out. >> hard hitting news at 7:00. better than what we really have to talk about, this top story, all eyes on category sandy, the category one hurricane went through the bahamas last night. >> what's being done locally to make sure the d.c. region ised with for whatever mother nature brings. >> plus, another busy day in the race for the white house. the president staying local while mitt romney renews his focus on the economy in iowa. with 11 days to go now, a huge shift in the polls for one of them. fox5 morning news at 7 :00 starts right now. there you go, folks, we've got mist out there, some fog, traffic problems here and there. everybody is bracing, getting ready for what may be a rather interesting late weekend and early part of next week. good morning, i'm tony perkins. >> i'm alison seymour.

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