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stop forecast. you want to get the kids ready for school this morning and bundle them up, put them in their coats because it is a cold start. temperatures in the 30s primarily from about 32 to 39 degrees. we say 7:08 for the sunrise. i was 7:07. >> close enough. >> not a big deal. 7:07 for your sunrise. >> details matter. >> it could affect your astrological sign or something. >> right. >> we'll see plenty of sunshine. it will be a cool day, breezy this morning but those winds diminishing. highs today in the low 50s. so definitely a cool one being folks. be ready for that. >> hopefully the sunshine helps make you feel a little bit warmer. >> check in with julie wright and get a look at traffic. at least you get a little sunshine today. >> well, that is true. just a little bit. that will help warm us up later on today. right now, we have the seat warmers working as we make our way around the capital beltway. good news, 259 roadwork cleared as you travel between pennsylvania avenue and the 11th street bridge so all lanes are open there. we'll say good morning to the crew in sky fox. they have that cup ofafter aup there with them and keeping warm -- they have that cup of java up there with them and keeping warm. top stretch of 207 is where we had some 85 buckiestown but that has cleared. a slow go here as you travel past business 234. you will also find slow traffic building at 50 headed eastbound towards 123. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. among our topper toies, police finally nabbed the woman who was wanted for a series of bank robberies and car john mark karrings across the area. officers said they arrested stephanie schwab after she tried to rob a bb & t bank in mclean yesterday and led police on a chase along the beltway into bethesda where she crashed on old georgetown road. schwab was already wanted to two carjackings and two bank robberies. the police took down a man accused of a series of carjackings at a wheaton shopping center. henry sanders is said to have carjacked three older men in the past week. a bank surveillance camera also captured a fourth younger victim. sanders is facing charges in both montgomery and prince george's county. howard university is facing a lawsuit from a group of students. sea say university officials didn't do enough after reporting inappropriate sexual contact by a school employee. stacy cohan is on campus with that story. >> reporter: good morning. here what is happened. these two students were assaulted by the map that ran that program -- [ inaudible ] -- assaultedded -- assaulted by the man that ran that program -- [ inaudible ] >> we apologize. having a little trouble with stacy's microphone there. >> let's talk about what is happening in montgomery county where the push for a youth curfew could take another step forward today. the council's public safety committee set to vote on a proposal this morning. curfew would apply to ages 18 and younger and it would be in effect from 11:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. on weekdays. there are some exceptions including for minors who are accompanied by a parent or another authorized adult. ken cuccinelli will run for governor. it sets the statement for a showdown between cuccinelli and the lieutenant governor. former washington capitals coach bruce boudreau with a new job. the anaheim duck hired him as their new head coach late last night after firing their coach. boudreau was fired by the caps on monday. the caps and ducks already met this year and they won't meet again until next season unless they both reach the nhl finals. coming up next, it is world aids day and efforts continue to get more people tested. we'll tell you who is offering free tests today. the u. k. 's embassy in iran attacked. diplomats ordered to leave. details on what is happening there today when fox 5 morning news continues. ♪ [ male announcer ] from our nation's networks... ♪ our city streets... ♪ skies around the world... ♪ ...northrop grumman's security solutions are invisibly at work, protecting people's lives... [ soldier ] move out! [ male announcer ] ...without their even knowing it. that's the value of performance. northrop grumman. the diplomatic war between iran and the u. k. continues. brit i'm kicking out all iranian diplomats an ordering iran to close its embassy in london after a mob stiermd british embassy tuesday in tehran. president obama said he was disturbed by at salt. this morning, european governments are discussing more sanctions on the iranian regime. secretary of state hillary clinton continues her historic visit to burma this morning. she is challenging the leaders of burma to continue political reforms and expand them. clinton is the first united states secretary of state to visit country also known as myanmar in 50 years. she met the nation's president telling him she is encouraged by the step he has taken to provide for his people. today is world aids day. the president will speak at an event this morning at gw. d.c.'s department of health will be set up outside the wilson building from 10:00 until 3:00. howard university is offering free testing from 10:00 until 3:00. free tests will also be offered at prim community college from # 1:00 to 3:00. coming up income, new numbers paint a starting picture of how poverty is impacting children here in our area. a reminder that the national christmas tree lating is tonight and on this first day of december, it sure feels like wenter. we'll check in with tony for that forecast when fox 5 morning news continues. ontinu the 2011 atlantic hurricane season officially over now. we all remember irene leaving flooding in our region. there were six hurricanes and 19 tropical storms. >> that is neil diamond in new york city for the lighting of the christmas tree in rockefeller center. it will stay lit until january 7th. meantime, tonight by the way is the national christmas tree lighting ceremony here on the ellipse. the preshow starts at 4:30. it will be hosted by carson daly and feature artists like they do a little dress rehearsal too and hopefully, we'll get to hear some of those folks this morning. >> you need a coat though. >> i expect a lot of folk will go down there. it will be dry so that will be good. not too breezy by this afternoon when it is time for the tree lighting. but chilly conditions across the region. but for the bad. it has been worse for other tree lightings. >> let's take a look at what is going on out there. we'll start by showing out current temperatures around the region as we've seen our temperatures drop off a little bit. 38degrees is the temperature right now here in the district. baltimore, you are at 37 degrees. dulles airport, 35. winchester, virginia, 34 degrees. in ocean city, maryland, right now, it is 36 and patuxent naval air station, 39. now, it is rather breezy. winds are out of the north are gusting up to 21 miles per hour. we have a wind chill now of 30 degrees in washington. that is what it feels like to your skin when you step out. 29 in baltimore. 29 at dulles. so quite chilly, downright cold this morning with the winds. the winds will diminish as the day progresses. here is a look at the satellite- radar for the area. not much to show you. frankly, we have clear skies. you will see a nice, bright sunrise this morning. just a couple of clouds out there. that is about it. nothing in the way of precipitation. the next real weather maker is off to the west. it's cold front that will come through here tomorrow in the latter part of the day. we'll get cooler air in here for friday night and for saturday. we expect that front to come through as a dry front. we are not really at this point expecting any precipitation with that. so today, we are dry. the forecast for washington, mostly sunny skies, seasonal temperatures, 53 for your high. that is right about where we should be for this time of year. for tonight, another mostly clear night. so another cold night with your overnight lows again in the 30s ranging from the low 30s to the mid and upper 30s in parts of the area. then the five-day forecast, tomorrow, a couple of clouds come through. mostly sunny but with the passage of the front, a couple of clouds. 56 for your high. 38, friday night. saturday, a a cooldown a little bit, 51 degrees. temperature on monday looks good but i do think we'll have some showers by monday. julie wright has the latest on this morning's rush hour traffic right now. >> there is an accident traveling eastbound along 66 east of business 234. before you reach centerville, accident activity reported here. that is why we have all of this slow traffic coming in out of mannance as as you travel from 234 south. -- out of manassas as you travel from 234 south. we hope to bring you live pictures from the scene in our next report. no incidents to report right now top side of the beltway as you travel between college park and university boulevard. you will find just west of university boulevard there is a slight slowdown approaching colesville road but again lanes are open and the icc is still open and free as you travel between the laurel area and gaithersburg. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. an iraq war veteran has won a battle against the city of falls church over a backyard tree house. he promise his sons he would build a tree house before he was deployed. it is tree house was against local zoning rules and the tree house had to come down. the board reversed that decision only if he agreed to take it down in five years. >> the boys will have had a tree house growing up. sooner or late eric the tree house has to come down. he wanted a tree house to be a come opponent of their childhood. >> he got a lot of support from around the world. more starting numbers about poverty in the d.c. region and how it is impact children. sent us bureau says last year more than 30% of school aged children in the district lived in poverty. some montgomery county, it was 9%. both areas saw increases. the washington examiner says d.c. is one of 73 cities in the nation to pass the 30% mark. coming up next, we'll go live to fox business network in new york and it looks like more holiday shoppers are pulling out the plastic again this year. >> not much of a surprise there. as we go to break, how about the cars of the future being unveiled right now at the tokyo motor show including this little electric number from nissan that can drive itself and find parking spaces. it hasn't tried much in d.c. but maybe in tokyo to works. honda is out with electric models that have portable batteries. and we can't leave out a prius that just plugs in. >> i would drive that. ♪ [ cellphone rings ] cut! [ monica ] i have a small part in a big movie. i thought we'd be on location for 3 days, it's been 3 weeks. so, i used my citi simplicity card to pick up a few things. and i don't have to worry about a late fee. which is good... no! bigger! bigger! [ monica ] ...because i don't think we're going anywhere for a while. [ male announcer ] write your story with the new citi simplicity card. no late fees. no penalty rate. no worries. get started at no late fees. no penalty rate. no worries. is to see things through. confident that no matter what the obstacles we can build something better, together. with the planned combination of at&t and t-mobile, we're making a commitment, to create a stronger network for all our customers. we will invest an additional eight billion dollars and build out the next generation of mobile broadband to nearly everyone in america. that'll mean better coverage and call quality and faster downloads. but it will also create as many as ninety-six thousand american jobs. and we will begin bringing five thousand jobs to america from overseas. we're committed to investing in america now. why? well, we know it's good business. because america has always been and always will be a smart investment. at&t they're for keeping us trtradittogether.not for keepi. ♪ [ boy ] to dad, love sam. [ mom ] say "merry christmas." [ boy ] merry christmas. [ female announcer ] hallmark recordable storybooks. [ boy ] charlie brown spotted a small, scraggly pine tree. ♪ the markets end november on their baste day in more than two years. holiday shoppers apparently find degree little harder to resist pulling out the credit card this year. lauren simonetti is live in new york with this morning's business beat. good morning, lauren. >> good morning. >> what a good day for markets yesterday and boy, we needed it. >> yeah. exactly. it was the best point and percentage gain for the dow, up 490, that we've seen. the seventh biggest in all time basically. it was huge. each of the major averages surging. the dow was up more than 4%. wherever you looked, i like to say investors popped open the champagne yesterday on the moves by the fed and central banks from tokyo to geneva to pump cash into the global financial system to cushion the blow in the event of another financial crisis just like back in 2008. we also got tons of good data on housing, on the job market. you name it yesterday. really a great day. after that champagne yesterday, we're a little bit hung over. dow futures slightly lower. nothing to write home about. yesterday was a good end to the month of november and perhaps we can have a santa claus rally this month. >> apparently, folk are getting a little bit lax. it looks like people are pulling out the plastic again. you think, have we learned nothing. >> i know. credit card use seems to be back up on black friday. >> there is anecdotal evidence wherever you look that consumers are comfortable and confident using their credit cards over their debit cards for a bunch of reasons. one of them being it is a little bit easier to get a credit card now in addition to financial regulations making it more company we aresome to use debit cards. you usually spent more money as you know and i'm sure you do too on your credit cards when you use debit or cash. so be very careful not to ring in the new year with a balance. >> it is difficult to do. but everyone wants to celebrate. it has been a long hard year. thank you so much. we'll check with you tomorrow. >> see you later. coming up next, herman cain is on the campaign trail vowing for now to stay in the race. there is one person who he has not talked to about an allege ad affair face to face. we'll tell you when the candidate plans to talk personally with his wife. also ahead, howard university, the target of a sexual harassment lawsuit. what a group of students says the school did not do to protect them and how the school is responding to the allegations. time now, 6:25. we'll be right back. [ male announcer ] for andy, tracking his spending with citibank is as easy as... making breakfast. omelet? sure. scrambled eggs. [ male announcer ] actually, it's easier. citi financial tools. easier banking. standard at citibank. citi financial tools. and even though you do what you can to take care of it, sometimes you want to give your immune system some support. try new airborne chewable tablets. each serving contains 14 vitamins, minerals and herbs... including zinc, echinacea, ginger, and a blast of vitamin c. it's the easy, great-tasting way to help support your immune system. airborne. in fast-acting effervescent formula, and new super-convenient chewable tablets! [ beep ] hi. dave here. [ male announcer ] for dave, using citibank's online bill pay is as easy as setting up voicemail. hi, it's dave. [ male announcer ] actually, it's easier. hi, it's dave. i'm out of the office. [ male announcer ] online bill pay. easier banking. standard at citibank. join us tomorrow at stuff a truck day and here is where we're going to be. it is at the giant food locations that you see on your screen right here. hyattsville station, brentwood here in the district, rockville, maryland, montrose crossing and then greenbriar out in fairfax in chantilly. we'll be there all day. you can drop off nonperishable food items starting at 6:00 a.m. the truck will be there throughout the day. everything benefits the capital area food bank. we hope you get a chance to stop by. stop by any location. you are welcome to go to whichever one is closest to you. if you happen to stop by the brentwood location, you get the added benefit and pleasure perhaps of getting to see our very good friend, mr. tony perkins. >> you're there 6:00 a.m. to 11 11:00 p.m. >> i'm there through the show. >> rumor has it that julie might meet you. >> and she will be out towards the end of the show. wpgc broadcasts from there. >> not to take anything away from the other locations. if you happen to be near brentwood or you can get this, stop on out. >> we want the nonperishable food items and cash. sometimes people, they don't have a chance and they bring checks or cash. we take that as well. >> by we, we mean thed for bank. >> don't give it to tony. >> i'll put it in a box. i'll take a small percentage. that is not true. >> just kidding. >> take a look at the sent fell radar and here we go. >> this is nothing to see on the sentinel radar. it will be dry today. if you have stuff to do outdoors, i know a lot of folk are still putting up their lights. today is a fine day for it. it will be cool but okay. temperatures right now, 38 degrees in the district. 40 down at quantico. 32 in gaithersburg. 42 in annapolis. dulles airport is at 45 degrees. sunshine today. not really going to warm us up. it will still be a good day looking for highs in the low 50s. coming up for ask the weather guys, today is december 1st. it is the beginning of meteorological winter through december, january, february. so we will have our official winter forecast. now, a few week ago, we talked about what we thought the first snow would be. today, we bring you the official winter forecast. we'll look forward to that. we've got it for you today. >> julie doesn't want to hear it either way but you are agoing to get it. >> i'm counting down two things. 24 days until santa and then however more days until summer. >> oh, julie! we must teach you to enjoy the winter. >> i'm done. this is enough. >> i'm sitting on the space heater in the office right now. i'm done. >> let's say good morning to the crew in sky fox. they are all bundled up up there. the remains of this accident eastbound 66 before business 234, the activity was blocking that left lane and as tony was doing the weather, we were able to seat fire truck pull off from the scene. so again the activity is on the shoulder, our lands are opened but it is definitely gridlocked as you travel eastbound on 66 trying to work your way past the virginia visitors center and continue in towards centreville. v-d.o.t. mentioned there was a hit and run crash eastbound on 66 at 28. that activity also on the shoulder with lanes open. as you can see, this is a stuff commute for you guys traveling eastbound this morning. traveling out of gains gainesville. pick your alternates. 55 could save you some time as well as using 234. meanwhile, if you are travelling a little further eastbound 66 after at accident scene, the slow traffic continues out of manassas headed in towards centreville and that is where accident number two is reported near the exit for 28. you will fiewp land are open if you are traveling southbound along 270, starting to seat build-up in volume slowing you down headed past mva. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. checking our top stories, the woman wanted for a series of bank robberies and carjackings in custody this morning behind bars arrested yesterday. police picked up stephanie schwab after she tried to rob a bb & t bank some mcclean and led police along a chase into bethesda. there you see the results. schwab was already wanted for two carjackings and bank robberies. the man accuse affidavit string of carjackings at a wheaton shopping center is expected to be in court today for a bond hearing. police say 50-year-old henry sanders carjacked three older men at gunpoint in the last week. a bank surveillance camera captured a fourth younger victim who was able to get away. sanders is facing charges in montgomery county. stacy cohan is live at howard university. >> this lawsuit was filed just yesterday by a group of students that claim they were sexually harassed by a man that ran the work-study program. that man's name is george bright-abu. he was in charge of the program and a couple of students involved in that say he tried to isolate them, to grope them. he sexually salted them. they claim they reported it to the school but howard university failed to take action. >> around april, mr. bright-abu called me into the office and told me he wanted me to help him with some works. he then started touching me and saying inappropriate things to me. >> she told me what had happened. i felt like something definitely needed to be done. >> the students did go to the metropolitan police department and the gentleman, bright-abu was charged with misdemeanor sexual salt and sentenced to 06 days probation. howard university says they did act on the allegations, that they went to police when they were informed and have fired that individual. he is no longer employed here at the university. the students, however, decided to move forward with their civil suit. i'm stacy cohan. back to you. >> thank you. on the campaign trail, herman cain was back at it yesterday vowing not to least race without a fight. but all the claims of sexual harassment and most recently an affair have caused the candidate to take a big hit in the polls. our tom fitzgerald has more. >> reporter: herman cain says he is not going anywhere. >> they want you to believe that, with enough character assassination on me, that i will drop out. >> reporter: cain launched his comeback just after jink are white, the woman who says she was his mistress and on abc. >> that is something that he has to look himself in the mirror and ask himself. >> reporter: cain blamed others for this. >> one of the ropes they want to try to shoot me down and tear me down is because of the strength of my message that has rest netted with the american people. >> reporter: if cain's message is resonating, the polls aren't hearing it. cain was in first place just a week before the harrassment algigs broke. since then, he has been in free fall now in third place and still falling. newt gingrich gained the most from cain's fall. >> i hope he reaches whatever is right decision for them. >> reporter: while herman cain may stay in the race, that doesn't mean his supports are will stay with him. >> there are too many questions about his character, his candidacy and conservative republicans are looking elsewhere. >> reporter: with the new hampshire primary just 41 days away, time may have already run out for herman cain to mount a comeback. now, the latest rasmussen reports poll has mitt romney leading in new hampshire with 34%. in second place is newt gingrich with 24%. despite all the polls and opinions, new hampshire is key because it represents relate voters and real delegates. tom fitzgerald, fox 5 news. we heard from herman cain's wife not long after the sexual harrassment allegations broke but she has not spokeen publicly about the fair. cain said he has only spoken his campaign schedule has been busy this week. the candidate says won't make a final decision as to whether or not he will continue his race until he sees his wife in person tomorrow. coming up income, a look at the morning's other headlines including a push by president reagan's would-be assassin to send more time at home. let's hear from more of our troops overseas. >> this is master sergeant john cronin currently stationed in maryland. i would like to say hello to my family. merry christmas, guys. i'll see you in just a couple of months.  the man who tried to assassinate president reagan wants more time away from the hospital where he has been held since the early 1980s but prosecutors say he continue to be deceptive. >> reporter: although john hinckley was treated he is still treated like a prisoner he and to be listening very carefully today as his attorney told the jump his client is a fundamentally decent person whose mental illness is in remission. there is no recent video ever hinckley. what you see was recorded years ago. barry levine told the court john hinckley has made countless excursions into the city over the years, numerous trips to williamsburg where his mother lives and there has been no record of any violence. prosecutors say john hinckley continues to lie and cited a recent trip to williamsburg in which the secret service watched him go into a bookstore. he first pretended to buy a ticket to a movie and then went into the bookstore where he looked at book on ronald reagan and presidential assassins. when he returned to st. elizabeth's, prosecutors say hinckley lied about seeing movie and described the plot as if he went. watching the testimony from a front row was hinckley's brother scott who now lives in texas. over the next several days, a number of doctors will be called to stand to testify about hinckley's mental health. dr.tyler jones was the first telling the court he agreed with the other doctors at st. elizabeth's that john hinckley was a low risk for danger and recommended he be allowed to spent as long as 24 days with his mother in williamsburg where he will attend group therapy sessions and volunteer at a nearby hospital. dr.jones testified john hinckley's major depressive and psychotic disorders are in full remission and he continues to take medication for treatment. >> s that wall wagner reporting. hinckley's hearing is expected to last into next week. also making headlines this morning, billy graham is in the hospital. the 93-year-old is being treated for a possible case of pneumonia. a statement from the north carolina hospital where he is staying says he was alert, smiling and waving when he was admitted. graham's most recent crusade was in 2005. before we get to ask weather guys, it is time for a look at the forecast. >> oh, yes, that's right. okay. let's get right to it. we'll start with the current temperatures around the region, it's cold start to the day, folks as you expected. temperature in the 30s. 38degrees right now here in washington. we're at 40 degrees down in quantico. cambridge, maryland is at 41 degrees. palmetto is at 37. martinsburg, 33. and let's see, we'll take a look at fredericksburg, it is 36 degrees there. -- baltimore is at 37. winds at 15 at patuxent naval air station. 12 in baltimore. this is giving us wind chills in the low 30s. satellite-radar composite, clear skies. things look good. not a lot to see here. we expect the skies to remain mostly clear for today so it is going be for a sunny day today. i know those clouds hung in there yesterday. sorry about that. today, plenty of sunshine, seasonal temperatures. 53 for your high. rather breezy this morning but the wind diminish. for tonight, more clear skies. overfight lows in town, mid- 30s. five-day forecast, a pretty quiet five-day forecast. for tomorrow, 56. lots of sun. saturday, a few clouds hanging around with a milder or cooler temperature i should say. 51degrees. sunday, those of you headed to fedex field where i predict the redskins will beat the new york jets, it will be a nice day and monday we get rain showers moving in here. that is a look at the weather. ladies and gentlemen, please say good morning to mr. tucker barnes. >> good morning. tony is in the business of making predictions this morning. >> that is what we are about to do. this is the big one. the one that people are always interested in. it is time for act weather guys, the most popular segment in local television on channel 5 at this time of the day. tucker and i put our big heads together to swore your most pressing questions. today's question comes from chris hunt in culpeper, virginia. chris writes, what is your prediction for this winter's forecast. >> a big one. >> we predicted the first southbound of the year. >> as you mentioned with this being meteorological winter, the first day, big celebration. we encourage everybody to come to the weather cent engineer. >> a party, cake, balloons. >> crazy hats. >> we celebrate the beginning of each meteorological season. >> how have we missed this over the years? >> we've never been invited. >> we'll give you what we think is going to happen for the winter i will tell you this. it is what i would call an educated guess. we can tell you -- >> it is going to get colder and it might snow. >> we'll do more than that. >> that's it. >> thank you for your question. >> here is the deal. forecasted are more accurate the shorter the time period is. for example, tucker and i can give you with pretty much 100% accuracy what the forecast is for the next three hours. beyond that -- no, no, when you are going over a period of three months. >> makes sense. >> there are things we look at models, projections. >> trends. >> do you want to jump in. >> let's go right to the graphic and we'll start to break it down for you. and again, we did something with sue a few weeks ago for the night side. >> we talked a little bit about this. >> sue and gary talked about the winter weather. i think that everybody here in the weather department pretty much is expecting an average winter. that is the consensus among meteorologists in the mid- atlantic that nothing too extreme. we are not going to be looking at the big blizzards that we had. but it won't be -- we think this will be a more typical year, what we typically get here in washington. >> we'll show you. >> an average winter. so looking forward here, tony and i have glimpsed into the month of december. we can do a pretty good job doing that. december looks to be warmer than normal. i think the next four week will be warmer than normal. i don't know if we'll see any snow at all for the month of december. >> o. s are not looking good for a white christmas. january and february, the normal cold we would get. on any given day, we might have a day where we're waking up and it is 16 degrees. it will get cold, we know that. average snowfall amount, at reagan national, the snowfall amount is about 16 inches or so. at dulles, the average is over 20 inches. we think we'll have an average snowfall amount for this year. >> parts of the area have a 3 to 4 in. head start. we are generally thinking 6 to 10-inch storm. >> in january or february. >> i will take an average winter. after the win thes are we've had jut recently, i will take just average. >> that is what we think. it is an educated guess. we feel pretty good about this forecast. >> you can have a warm winter and still have big snowstorms because the temperature varies a couple of degrees. >> there you go. >> we'll be happy with average j we've had some really big ones the last couple of years. thank you, chris, and everybody else who asked the question. the degree of accuracy goes down over a period of time. if it snows on new year's eve. >> we're in the going to hold you to it. >> someone will. >> we appreciate you giving us the big picture. >> if you have a question you want answered -- >> those are our winter aliases. >> that kind of look like you. >> i don't know about that guy. >> what is his name herby or kirby? >> hermie. >> he has a really high voice. >> and he wants to be a dentist. >> julie wright, is it true the rumors that we are hearing that you are following coach boudreau out to the west coast just to stay warm? >> well, you know, it is california. and it is warmer out in california than it is here in d.c. >> we're beginning to wonder. who won in that deal? i think the coach did pretty well. >> i think he did quite well. >> absolutely. he is a great guy. i had a chance to meet him at a couple of events. a wonderful guy. best of luck to him out there. on the roads, best of luck to you. it is not an easy commute. this is a live shot of eastbound 236. the wreck is on the left shoulder so the lanes are open but it is wall-to-wall traffic coming in out of gainesville at this point. eastbound 66 gridlocked out of gainesville. we've got slow traffic leaving cent areville with another incident at 28 on the shoulder and then more slow traffic after 123 headed towards the capital beltway. very much a tough go trying to get past this incident here at business 4. you can see the flashing lights there, v-d.o.t. still on the scene blocking that left shoulder. we'll update the ride on the other side of town coming inbound on route 50 this morning approaching 197 here in bowie. authorities checking for the accident scene here. 50 will slow as you travel inside the beltway at 202 at cheverly headed down towards new york avenue. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. >> thank you. we are taking a look at today's my fox half off deal right now. $15 gets you a dozen gourmet cupcakes. you can pick any flavor you want from the classic happy birthday vanilla or maybe something a little different like the sweet potato cupcake. go to and look for the my fox half off on the right side of the opinion. a sweet night on the x factor for bowie's own marcus canty. nty. it was michael jackson night there on expect factor. marcus performed pretty young thing adding aing flair with a flip during his routine. the jacksons children, mother and brothers were also in the audience for this. marcus got rave reviews from nicole and paula. simon and l.a. reid had good thins to say too. the latest round airs tonight at #:00 on fox 5. >> how exciting for him too. >> and then all the family was there watching. >> it is great. coming up, another side of christmas in washington. it is time for the national christmas tree lighting. >> we are live down on the ellipse with a preview of this evening's big event. coming up soon. as we go to break right now, here is how you can be a part of our fox 5 holiday edition. help us time our fox 5 christmas tree. we'll decorate it with ornaments that you send in. we'll get some from local charities as well that we'll feature over the next couple of weeks. we donate the ornaments to a woferghty group here in the region. you can -- to a worthy group here in the region. you can send the ornaments to the address on your screen. we cannot return the ornaments to you but we will assure you that they will all go to a worthy cause. thank you in advance for your support. hey, good morning, everyone. i'm annie yu, filling in for holly morris today. today is a very, very special day because it is the 89th national christmas tree lighting and it's an event that all of us look forward to, not just everyone in the d.c. area, but for everyone across the country because it is the nation's tree. and we're going to -- of course the tradition began in 1923, president calvin cool i think was the first president to light the tree and tonight president obama and his family will get to do that around 5:00. so we'll talk to everyone involved with the event today. they have a star-studded lineup for the concert. so we'll find out all the details coming up on fox 5 morning news. back to you. >> it is a fun time every year, annie, thank you so much. time to say good morning now to our facebook fan of the day. it is janet gray from fredricksburg, virginia. and janet says she cannot start her morning without us. thank you, janet and congratulations on being fan of the day. if you want to be tomorrow's fan of the day, find us on facebook by searching fox 5 morning news and just post a comment under janet's photo. that does it for the 6:00 hour. let's send it over to allison who is joining steve. good morning. >> good morning, sarah, thank you so much. coming up on fox 5 morning news on a thursday morning, a local university under fire this morning, what a group of students claim the school didn't do that led to a lawsuit. we're going to have the details in a live report straight ahead. plus, as the republican -- is the republican presidential field about to get leaner? word this morning that casey kahne could be just one day out -- whether herman cain could be just one day out. we'll explain. and just less than 72 hours after he was fired from the cast, bruce budreaux lands a new job. where he is headed today. fox 5 morning news continues at 7:00 right now. take a look outside right now. just about five minutes away from the sun officially coming up on this thursday morning, 1st day of december, 2011. and it kind of feels like it outside. there's a crunch in the air if that makes sense at all. >> a crunch? >> feels crisp out there, don't you think? >> when you say crunch, i think of nestle crunch. >> 7:00, good start, right? glad you're with us, for more on the crunch, tony perkins joins us now with maybe some meteorological words. >>

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