Transcripts For WTTG Fox Morning News At 6 20110106

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county are now dealing with the sixth homicide. >> the scene of the latest crime, an apartment building in oxon hill. we are more with what investigators are saying about this violent start. a woman sexually assaulted last year says the same man has attacked her again. details on who police are searching for this morning. fox 5 morning news continues right now. let's take a look at the washington monument this morning. it is thursday, january 6th, 2011. good morning. thank you for waking up with fox 5 morning news. >> we ended 2010 on a nice note and now it is colder. good morn, tony. >> it looks like we'll be in for a cold spell. we have colder temperatures this morning than we had yesterday morning. for the most part, we were mainly in the 30s early. 22degrees at baltimore. 22 at dulles airport. 28 here in the district. frederick, maryland is at 19 degrees. patuxent naval air station, 29 and in fredericksburg, it is 30 at this hour. here is a look at the satellite- radar. there are some clouds out there as the day progresses. we'll continue to see some cloud cover. this is the radar actually. you can see there is snow down across portions of central and southern virginia and then snow off to the north and west. that little system is the system that could bring us some snow late tonight and then early tomorrow as well. we'll keep talking about that through the course of the morning. forecast for today look like this. partly to mostly cloudy skies. some sunshine here and there, i think particularly later in the day. highs again in the upper 30s and low 40s. we'll go with 41 degrees in the district. more details in just a little bit. >> let's check in with julie for a look at traffic. >> if you are making the trip in along 295, we have robs to report. accident activity according to the callers is what is tying up the left and right eyed -- side of the highway. we've got some robs to report right new for those continuing their drive out in manassas. the accident activity tying up the two left lanes eastbound on 66 just past business 234. that is where the crash occurred and again, big delays now starting to formerly this morning as you guys head eastbound trying to work your way in towards centreville and out towards fair oaks. no accidents to report if you are traveling the beltway between annandale and merrifield. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. our big story this morning, another homicide in prince george's county. >> the latest victim was found shot to death at an apartment in oxon hill. sarah simmons is joining us live from police headquarters with the latest. good morning. >> reporter: good morning to you both. prince george's county police have already stepped up patrols. they did so yesterday. uniformed patrols and undercover officers out in some of the neighborhoods where these killings have happened. but yes, since then, at 9:00 last night, we had another homicide. this one occurring in oxon hill, maryland in the 1300 block of south view drive after 9:00. police say there was a resident there that called 911 after they discovered a man bleeding in a hallway there at the apartment building. when police arrived, they pronounced him dead at the scene. they have not released the rick tim's name. they have not made arrests in this case. this though is on top of five people would have already been murdered in this county since the beginning of the year. police say these are not random crimes. they believe these people were targeted. two of them, they believe, are related. four murders happened just within a 4-hour period two days ago. in three cases, police say drugs were involved and in another, they think robbery was the motive behind it. but whatever it is, prince george's county police say they are stepping up patrols. at this point, rest stents are very concerned. police know that. so they are doing what they can, they say, to bring somebody to justice here. but at this point, still, no arrests in these six homicides. sarah simmons, back to you. >> thank you. we want to take a look at our other stop stories. a serial rapist is on the loose in montgomery county. police are looking for a man they say resemble this is sketch. the latest incident happened yesterday morning. >> the unique part of this crime is that the 68-year-old resident told us that this was the same suspect who had raped her this past june, last summer, at the same address. >> and police also think the same man attacked an 86-year- old woman in her apartment two months after that first reported incident. the suspect is described as about 5'10", weighing around 145 pounds. he has no facial hair. the driver involved in a deadly hit and run accident in prince george's county now cooperating with police. authorities say they have also located the vehicle that was involve. it was found at a local repair shop on monday. a woman's body was found along indian head highway in fort washington. officials say neither drugs nor alcohol played a factor in that accident. the 112th congress is now in session. today, the house will read the constitution an also consider cuts to the budgets to some members' offices and committees. yesterday, as lawmaker were sworn in, ohio congressman john boehner was overwhelmingly eelectricitied -- elected speaker of the house. he replaces nancy pelosi. another american apparently detained in iran. she is being held on spying charges. a report in the iran farci daily says the 55-year-old woman hid spying technology or a microphone in her teeth when she was detine trained by customs agents. it said she arrived from armenia without a visa. this is the fourth american arrested on spying charges in iran in less than two years. more fall outover the controversial study which claimed to link autism to a common vaccine. new details that many believe prove the findings were flat out false. a convince pal and -- a principal and a vice principal shot by a student and one of those administrators is now dead. we'll have the latest on that coming up. never in my lifetime did i think i could walk 60 miles in 3 days. 60 miles compared to what a cancer patient goes through is a walk in the park. from the moment i registered, people started immediately supporting me and asking me how they could help. you meet the most wonderful, inspiring people. when you accomplish those 60 miles, it's truly life-changing. (man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime. a vice principal in nebraska is dead after a high school shooting. police in omaha say 58-year-old vicki casper died just hours after being shot by 17-year-old robert butler, jr. he also shot the school's principal before turning the gun on himself. we are told he is the son of a police detective. no word on why he targeted school administrators. robert gibbs is stepping down from his current post as white house press secretary. he plans to work as an outside political advisor and will still play a key role in the president's decision making. he says he will leave the white house early next month. a popular study that drove parents worldwide to skip out on the mmr vaccine for their children over concerns that it caused autism has already been days discredited and now there is more trouble for the researcher behind it. a new report says andrew wakefield based the findings on doctored information. the 1998 study said the 12 children involved were normal until they received the mmr shot and now a british journalist said five of those children already had developmental problems before receiving the vaccine. the study called an elaborate fraud has been denounced by many in the medical community. one of the two oners of the megamillions drawing plans to come forward today. two tickets sold in our area will give something a big bank account boost. >> we'll check back in with tony for more on our chances of snow coming up. fox 5 morning news will be right back.  welcome back. we'll take a look from our tower cam pointed toward downtown and the river and the washington monument in the middle there. it is a chilly one out there today. >> want to know more about who won the megamillions? >> the jackpot was even bigger. the two winning tickets were sold out west. the washington state winner is a retiree who plans to come forward today. we don't know who won in idaho. now, around here, there was one ticket sold worth # 50,000. it was sold just outside the richmond -- one ticket sold worth $250,000. thousands of players lucked out thanks to the tv show lost. more than 9,000 people played a set of numbers featured on the show. the character won a $14 million jackpot playing the numbers. those numbers matched four of the six numbers in tuesday's drawing. they won $150. >> that is weird. >> that is strange. >> what is going on with our weather besides it just being cold. >> it is cold. we have more clouds today than i think we've had. we are setting the stage for a little bit of snow. not a major event but some snow showers around here probably during the overnight hours and probably tomorrow morning. >> okay. don't cancel school just yet. >> i would not. 28degrees is the current temperature in the district. manassas is at 25. dulles at 24 degrees this morning. frederick, maryland, 21. let's take a look at the satellite-radar composite. we can show you what is going on. there is your cloud cover. much more cloud cover this morning andic today -- and i think today will be a cloudier day generally speaking. got a couple of systems we are looking at done to our south -- down on our south. some snow showers in central virginia and south central virginia as well. out to the with is, here is your little clipper system. it is making its way eastward. that is what is likely to bring us some showers -- or some snow showers rather. as you can see, it is not particularly impressive. the timing on this, some of you might see a flurry or two during the day today, but for the most part, we'll start to see some snow move across portions of the viewing area. i think during the overnight area, about 1:00, 2:00, something like that, into the early-morning hours tomorrow. we'll show you how that model run is showing things. this is showing by 3:00 in the morning, start to see some snow out to the west. then that moves across the washington area. again, not a lot of snow. there you've got it. tucker and i told you this yesterday. we think right during the morning rush hour is what you will be getting snow. not a lot of snow but that will be problematic for people because you will be driving, snow will be blowing around a little bit. it will cause some problems out there although as far as accumulation goes, we are expecting a dusting to maybe a half inch. maybe if you are lucky, an inch. that is about it. not a whole lot with this system. then saturday, more snow falling out to the west at #:00 p.m. some indication we could see a few more snow flurries around here as well on saturday. -- then saturday, more snow falling out to the west at 6:00 p.m. for tonight, another cold night, light snow possible. little accumulation and again main snowfall is late, late tonight during the overnight hours. i think when we come to work. 30degrees for your overnight low. that is not too bad. and maybe some snow flurries on saturday. check out your temperatures, much colder, well below normal. after today, our highs will be in the 30s. that is a look at what is happening with the weather. let's get an update on traffic. >> a lot happening out there on the roads this morning. let's start off headed into southeast washington. accident activity northbound 295 here at malcolm x. callers report we have activity on both the left and the right side of the highway. play pay close attention to this south of 66. this is where we have the crash. 4 northbound at balls ford road, right now the two left lanes are blocked but they have questioned a medevac helicopter. now, we'll tax you out to the cameras on 66. trouble eastbound after business 34. the two left lanes tied up right here at the scene of this crash. delies -- delays forming out of gainesville. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. >> thank you. the public hay chance to weigh in on how it feels about pepco's reliability. there was a special panel last night in montgomery county. pepco executives laid out a five-year improvement plan at a cost of $256 million. the public laid out complaints about power loss during the summer storms and also the back- to-back blizzards last february. a 30-year county resident says the problem just keep on getting worse. >> if i'm not casted by future outage responses by pepco, i'm going to call the chairman at his home number. if i'm going to be inconvenienced, so is he. thank you. if you shop in the district, you either carry your own reuseable bags or you've become accustomed to paying that nickel a bag tax. the city has raised $2 million. they were expecting to raise about $3.5 million. they are viced that so many have changed their habits. we'll talk about some good news on the job front in our business beat. >> a new look for starbucks. it unveiled the latest logo. it doesn't include starbucks or coffee. the come says it is part of a plan to branch out into new products. the cups and napkins will start appearing in march.  some good news on the employment fronted sent stocks surging. lauren simonetti joins us with our business beat. >> good morning. >> we had another good day another market yesterday and it looked like futures are up today. what is behind the rally? >> jobs, job, jobs. the adp employment survey said that nearly 300,000 jobs were created last month minister private sector. that was more than three times what the analysts were expecting. that fueled those gains yesterday. there you have it. the dow up by half a percent. the nasdaq higher by about 21 points. wade very good day on wall street yesterday. what this is doing is raising expectations for the government's jobs report which is tomorrow. we were expecting about 140,000 jobs. after that adp number came out, that number revised higher to 175,000 jobs create in the month of december and that is essentially when he need to bring down the unemployment rate. >> see if we can parlay that into good news throughout the rest of the week. we talked earlier in the week about facebook and goldman sachs. is there a chance at an ipo in the near future? what is the latest development there. >> there is awe chance of a facebook incident po but goldman sachs is doing everything -- ipo but goldman sachs is doing everything it can to prevent that from happening. the latest is that they have stopped soliciting investeddors due to overwhelming desire for the share they were selling. only certain people could buy if they had a minimum investment of $2 million. they are ending that share sale two days early because it is so popular. what goldman is doing is trying to arrange some sort of reek where the shareholders would count as just one shareholder and they don't have to file all of that paperwork with the sec. not sure for it is going to work. if it doesn't, we will see a facebook ipo sometime probably this year. the company is valued at about $2 billion in revenue last year. >> no doubt that the interest is there for interestors. what is coming up later today on fox business network. >> we'll talk to mike huckaby about president potential 2012 presidential run. coming up next, a violent start to the new year in bridge county. an investigation under way into the area's sixth homicide in just five days. first, we are talking about the chances of some snow in the forecast. how much? we'll find out. we'll check in with tony coming up so stay tuned. d d ó13ósó.ó hello, tony. >> hello, there. how are you? >> just had to bundle i'm bit on the way out this morning. >> it is cold out there. got a couple of spots in the teens. so a colder start to the day. this will set us up for a period of cold days. i think today we'll get to 40, 41. after that, 30s is what we'll be looking for. >> all right. >> let's start with a look at the radar and i want to show you what is happening out there as we show you there is some spots of precipitation not here in the district or the immediate area. but well out to the west and well down to the south. a little bit of precip across southern and central virginia in the form of some snow, some rain showers across eastern north carolina. and then out to the west, snow across portions of ohio, kentucky, pushing into west virginia. that little system could bring us some snow flurries later on today and then more likely some snow showers during the overnight and i mean late overnight, really early morning tomorrow hours. so that is what we're looking at. right now, reagan national is reporting a temperature of 28 degrees, relative humidity is at 59%. winds are out of the northeast at five miles per hour. here is your day planner for today. lots of clouds hanging around today. we are looking for a high of only about 41 degrees. 40, 41 degrees, something like that. and it is slightly breezy but nothing to right home about. there you go. coming up in about 15 minutes, today's edition of ask the weather guys. was there another earthquake in the washington area about a week ago? >> really. >> was there? that is the question. someone will answer that question in a few minutes. >> let's check in with julie. >> a lot going on early this morning. the crew in sky fox over accident number one which occurred out on 66. we'll take the live shot from them. coming eastbound out of gainesville this morning, expect early delays headed out to the crash at business 234. this is the one that is tying up the two left lanes. so you guys coming out of gainesville, coming eastbound, that is where we have the accident scene. it is the two left lanes that are blocked and you will find traffic slowing out of gainesville trying to work your way into manassas and more slow traffic waiting for you at 50 fair oaks head eastbound towards 123. we have the accident activity which occurred on 295 northbound at malcolm x. that is along the left and right side of the highway. the second accident to report out to the west occurred on 234 south of 66 at balls ford road. this one on the northbound side of the highway in the direction of 66 is tying up the two left lanes. medevac helicopter has been requested at the scene. on 66, after business 234, a separate accident tying up the two left lanes. so a lot going on as you work your way out to the west. here we are live northbound i- 95 at the prince william parkway. southbound along 270 out of germantown, heavy and steady. that is how she rolls headed out towards mva. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. >> we want it check our big story this morning as police are investigating yet another murder in prince george's county. >> the latest murder, awe man shot to death in oxon hill. this is the sixth homicide of this new year. sarah simmons joins us live from police head quartz with all the dedays. what a terrible way to start off the new year. >> reporter: it certainly is. a lot of people just waking up this morning may have heard about the five others from yesterday but it is possible, after they went to bed, that this is indeed another one we are hearing about this morning that happened at 9:00 last night, the sixth homicide of the year. this one happening in oxon hill, maryland at an apartment complex, the 1300 block of south view drive. police say they got a call freight resident there who said they discovered a man bleeding in the hallway of the apartment. when police arrived, they discovered the man dead at the scene. they have not released a name. they have also not made an arrest in this case. this is in addition to the five people would have already been killed in prince george's county since the beginning of the year. there were four murdered altogether just in one 24-hour period two days ago. police are saying these are not random. they believe these people are targeted and that two of these cases could be related. in three of the cases, they believe drugs were involved in this in some way. another one being robbery was possibly a motive. but whenever the reason is behind these cases, police say they are doing what they can to stop it. >> this is not an unknown phenomena. we've had spikes in homicides before. the main thing the community is looking for us, i believe is a steady hand thatter on top of it, that we are fully -- that we are on top of it, that we are fully engaged and we are. >> reporter: undercover police officers are out in the neighborhood where some of of the homicides have already occurred. still as of this morn, no arrests in any of these six homicides. we are live here in palmer park, sarah simmons being back to you. >> thank you. we want to take a look at our too top stories. a serial rapist is on the loose in montgomery county. police have released a sketch of the suspect. they say he attacked and elderly woman last summer and then again. neighbors say they are on edge. >> it is sad. hopefully, he will get caught. maybe one day he will crawl into the wrong window, you know. right now, while he is out there, this community is not going to rest. >> police also believe the same man attacked an 86-year-old woman in her apartment two months after the first reported incident. the suspect is described as about 5'10", weighing around 145 pounds with no facial hair. a rash of burglaries has police in prince william county asking for the public's help. there have been about a dozen break-ins in the lake ridge area since mid december. jewelry seems to be the main target. >> since these are occurring during the day, we know there are people home and trying in the area. don't always assume that someone else will call the police. if you see something suspicious, be the first to call because we would rather go out and be nothing than to not get a call and have another burglary. >> police remind to you lock your doors during the day and have your alarm set if you have one. newly released surveillance video shows john wheeler confused and dior yented two days before his body was northbound in a landfill. he is seen here in a parking garage with a suit and no tie, wearing only one shoe and carrying the other one. police say wheeler refused help as he wandered around. his body was found friday in a load of trash. police are investigating the death as a homicide. history is being made on capitol hill with the beginning of the 112th congress. >> today, the house will read the constitution and consider cuts to the budgets, to some members' offices and committees. we get more from fox's shannon breem now. >> god bless you, speaker balkaner. >> reporter: it is official, republican john boehner is now the 53rd speaker of the house, flush with 242 gop reppives to 193 democrats. furthermorely in the majority but urging modesty. >> the american people have humbled us. they have refreshed our memories for just how temporary the privilege of serving is. they have reminded us that effect here is on loan from them. that includes this gavel which i accept gratefully knowing that i am but its caretaker. >> as nancy pelosi stepped down, she did so with less than unanimous packing by her party. >> however we may differ, let us never lose sight of our common laws for this exceptional nation and our shared obligation to the way forward. >> reporter: her successor echoed the call. >> there is a great deal of scar tissue that has been built up on both sides of the aisle. we can't ignore that nor should we. my belief has been that we can disagree without being disagreeable. >> reporter: that call for civility will be tested and soon with house republicans teeing up a all-out repeal for the health care law. though the gop is likely to easily win that battle, the senate is where the decembers hold an advantage. and both parties will face pressure on i arrange of issues from newly elected members from the tea party. and the 50 plus returning house member who already count themself among the new tea part caucus. boehner today sounded like a man ready to get to work. >> welcome to the people's house. welcome to the 112th congress. >> republicans are bringing in their biggest freshman class in 90 years. robert gibb is stepping down as white house press secretary. he says he is leaving for i aless demanding career, giving paid speeches and we ill continue to work as an outside political advisor. gibb plans to leave by early next month. still ahead, with playoffs kicking in soon, we'll so you some ways that football fans can use their smart phones to get in on the action. he left home for the holidays and came home to find his home leveled. we'll have more on the mix-up behind this massive mistake when we return.  you.yo don't have a choice of getting breast cancer. i had no choice. that 3-day gave me that opportunity. and i can actually do something to help. 60 miles in 3 days-- i can do that. we can rid the world of this terrible disease... so that no mother... granddaughter... sister... daughter... mother... go through what my wife had to go through. (man) register today for the... and receive $25 off your registration fee. because everyone deserves a lifetime. new thunderstorms brought in more pounding rain to two parts of northeast australia. the area has been besieged with severe flooding before christmas. one bright spot, an overblowing river in rock hampton appears to be receding now. facebook is expanding. soon, you will be able to get amber alerts on the popular social networking site. all you have to do is zone up for alerts in your region of the country. america's missing broadcast emergency response is credited with at least the recovery of 5 # 5 children. a home owner's worst nightmare. his house was supposed to be fixed up while he was away for the holidays. when he came back, it was gone. this happened in pittsburgh where crews mistakenly demonthly underred the house along with a neighboring house. the owner saws he has all the proper paperwork telling the contractor not to demolish the house. the city says it will no longer be using that contractor. the contractor has not issued a comment. >> what does the home owner get? >> homefully a new house. >> i told steve a big fat check and probably a better home than where he lived. you certainly don't want to lose all your personal belongings. what are we expecting in the weather. >> we do think we could get some snow in the overinto the hours but no major accumulation. let's look at what is going on out there right now as our temperatures are in the 20s for the most part. gaithersburg, maryland coming in at 21 degrees at least at the reporting station. 22 in hagerstown, 25 in manassas. leonardtown is 28 degrees. quantico is at 27 degrees at this hour. all right. here is a look at your satellite-radar composite. you are wondering where is this snow. it is out to the west. and look, it is not that impressive nor will it be when it gets here. we could see, some of our viewers, i think particularly to the west, a snow flurry or two during the day today. the bulk of the snow heldz off until late, late, late tonight, really, in effect, early tomorrow morning. -- the bulk of the snow holds off until late, late, late tonight, really, in effect, early tomorrow morning. a chilly afternoon today. 41degrees for your high in town. for your overnight lows, maybe not quite as cold. light snow possible, late overnight. very little accumulation. 30degrees for your overnight low in town. five-day forecast, check you out to the. tomorrow, friday, that is what we're talking about the snow in the morning. 35 for your high. this is the main thing for the next several days. colder temperatures, highs only in the 30s. chance of some flurries on saturday. i'll give you a little bonus since the five-day forecast only goes to monday. on tuesday, we could see more snow and that would be more significant than what we're talking about for tomorrow. certainly a possibility of that. that is a look at what is happening with the weather. it is now time for ask the weather guys, the sexment where tucker barnes and i put our big heads together to answer your most pressing questions, weather-related or otherwise. sometimes we call in an expert as we are doing today. today's question comes from diane brown in alexandria. she writes, on saturday, january 1st, between 12:30 and 1:30 in the morning, i felt a definite shaking while i was lying in bed. than there was a slight pause and i felt it again. i was telling a friend at work about this and she felt it too and she lives in dale city. was there some kind of shake that happened? >> this is january 1st, new year's day. >> i had the same suspicions but i not not what this woman does so diane, we are phoning a friend for this one. joining us now is mike blandpede with the u.s. geological survey. are you there? >> yes, i am. >> here is the question. the woman was in alexandria. she has a friend in dale city. she says at 12:30 in the morning, they felt a slight shake. she wants to know was -- we want to know was there a seismic event in our area? >> an earthquake, in other words. >> yeah. >> well being we looked into this. and fortunately, usgs and our partners do operate seismometers throughout the country and in this case in virginia and maryland so we were automobile to look directly at what the earth was telling us at that time. it turns out that there is a seismometer that is operated at corbin. it is operated by virginia tech and they have their information online. we talked to our experts and they looked at that time of the night on the 1st and the instruments showed absolutely nothing. so whatever the shaking was, i'm sure something was felt but shaking can come from a number of syverss. in this case, it was not the earth. >> so it may have been -- sometimes a truck -- a big truck could go by and cause rumbling in a house. so no seismic event and these obviously -- they're accurate and they can pick up even minor events. >> yes, very light. you will remember some months ago we had that giant super quake or actually small earthquake up near gaithersburg. it was fairly widely felt in the area. that was picked up on a number of seismometers in the area and it was the largest earthquake we had had since we had been recording earthquakes in the area. we've picked up earthquakes that are considerably smaller than that that aren't even felt. >> incident -- interesting. >> tell us what people can do if they think they've experienced something. you all want to hear from folks. >> we main tape a very popular web site if people go to or and we have a whole range of information on the remember including all we know about earthquakes in real time. as soon as the seismometers pick up an earthquake, the computeers identify an earthquake has having happened being that information goes up on maps. if it is a significant earthquake causing widespread shaking, then we create a map that shows the distribution of shaking. if it is one that is likely to have cause the human impact, then we have maps and information about that as well. all of that goes up within minutes -- within a couple of minutes for any earthquake in the u.s. if people suspect they may have felt an earthquake, they can go right on the web and find that out. >> that is very good. mike, you guys do wonderful work. thank you. and they really did look right into the specific report. we thank you for doing that, taking the time to do it. and go to the web site, there is a lot of of interesting information there. thank you, mike. good to talk to you. we'll talk to you again sometime. >> thank you. no seismic event. don't know what else my -- might have been going on. >> it was new year's. there could have been fireworks in the area. any number of things. >> if you have a question that you want answered, go to and click on the weather tab. the cars, shake it up. haven't heard that in a while. >> felt the earth move. >> we'll get that. >> i was getting ready to hit it. dance all night. i like that song by the cars. >> haven't heard that one in a while. >> it is a good song. >> speaking of the cars, we have a couple that have run into each other. you will fine this activity south of 66 along 234 at balls ford road. we have report of callers telling us the delay is beginning back at sudley manor drive. track is able to squeeze by single file to the left and again that is where the delay is forming headed northbound on 234. we were told that a medevac helicopter was requested at the scene of this crash. right now, traffic headed northbound in the direction of 66 is squeezing by the scene single file to the left and those delays are beginning back at sudley manor. traveling eastbound on 66 after business 234, the crash still in play tying up the left side of the highway here. delays for this beginning back at 29 gainesville. forget about using 29 through the battlefield. it is jam packed trying to work your way up towards 66. northbound i-95 out of newington, heavy and steady up to the beltway. backlick road at the franconia springfield parkway for an accident. northbound side of the roadblocked. more delays in rockville and the crash on the outer loop of the beltway at colesville road, now cleared and the lanes are open. more and more people trading in their older cell phones for smart phones these days and apps are the rage. >> let's go to lauren demarco. she is focusing on sports. okay, lauren. there you go. >> good morning. well, if you are mourning the loss of your fantasy football league, don't despair. this is a smart phone app that should make watching the sports more exciting and interactivity. free play sports is quickly gaining attention. many here have been encouraging me to feature this one. it is free and available for iphone users. what do you think they will do here, run it up the middle or throw a pass. pass, good tucker. but for how many yards. next time you feel like you know what is going to happen like tucker thinks he does on the field, can you prove it. go head to head with other users predicting what will happen during a live nfl game. if you lunk it with your facebook opinion, can you play along with your friends -- you can play along with your friends. preplay has been sending its top uses are to see their favorite teams play live. the creators tell me tickets to the super bowl will soon be up for grabs. some bars and restaurants are also getting in on the game hosting preplay leagues. so now, can you satisfy your competitive edge during the playoffs as well. for more on this app and others we've covered, head to look under the morning tab for the smart phone zone. you can also submit suggestions for apps you would like to see featured. with ament to say thank you to all of our fox 5 facebook fans who have been sending in suggestions. youu -- preplay sports is available only for iphones. coming up in our 9:00 hour, i'll be back with an app that works on several mobile systems. does your key chain look like this? your wallet stuffed with these guys. we'll find out how you can ditch all of this plastic and keep your loyalty card info in one place. you guessed it, on your smart phone. we'll talk with the founder of that app. that is coming up in our 9:00 hour. >> that is the one i can use. >> right. >> the sports one, these fellows can use. >> there you go. take them all. >> coming up next, it is a crown yule? one of the district's most famous that neighborhoods. >> the history of style of one georgetown home will take center stage in an event that is any antique lover's dream come true. holly is live with more on the washington winter store. >> that is something else interesting. well, i love a deal on a designer bag as much as the next girl! love! i love love love! as a buyer for t.j.maxx, i'm always on the hunt. i check out the shows. i see what's happening on the street. and i work deals directly with the designers. so when i score... you score. gimme a fashionista... i'll make her a maxxinista. t.j.maxx. let us make a maxxinista out of you! >> reporter: good morning, everybody. i'm holly morris. and one of the greater things about getting older is sometimes you become worth more, especially if you are well preserved. and that's the case if we are talking about antiques. we are live on the campus of the best antique show. they have 40 dealers from across the country and some from as far as europe that are here today. and the theme this year is georgetown, 200 years of style from tudor place. we're getting a preview of it all this morning. this is right up your alley, gurvir. >> i

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Germantown , Maryland , United States , Australia , Alexandria , Al Iskandariyah , Egypt , Lake Ridge , Virginia , Rockville , Brock Hampton , Queensland , Washington , District Of Columbia , Richmond , West Virginia , Tudor Place , Hagerstown , Prince William County , Dale City , Oxon Hill , Baltimore , Leonardtown , Fredericksburg , North Carolina , Iran , Armenia , Kentucky , Quantico , Gaithersburg , United Kingdom , Washington Monument , Prince George County , Nebraska , Idaho , Fort Washington , Montgomery County , South View , Ohio , Capitol Hill , Centreville , Annandale , Franconia , America , British , American , Robert Gibbs , Robert Butler Jr , Vicki Casper , Rick Tim , Nancy Pelosi , Holly Morris , Robert Gibb , John Wheeler , Andrew Wakefield , Facebook Ipo , Hmike Huckaby , Crown Yule , John Boehner , Sarah Simmons , Diane Brown , Lauren Demarco , Fox Shannon , Tucker Barnes ,

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