Transcripts For WTTG Fox Morning News 20130927 : comparemela

Transcripts For WTTG Fox Morning News 20130927

on a strair spending bil temporl that will fund the governmentrnn for at least one more month, but some will strip a provision that would gut funding for the obama care. the white house is willing tous bet thee i house blinks first st speak saying it won't budge, either. >> all right, jimmy kimmel and kanye west. this is funny to me. they are in the middle of an epic rap feud or a spot on pardee of one. this all started on wednesday night when the late night host poked fun at the self promoting interview by having kids act it out.out if twitter is to be believed,ed, kanye didn't like it one bit. >> he called me, he said a lot of things, he told me, he told me i had two choices number one apologize publicly. and that was really the only choice. [ laughter ] >> the other choice, he gave was that my life, your life be he said is going to be much better iif you apologize, and then he started tweeting today, and iy don't know if i have seen, because they are happening as we speak. west is out of line, jimmy kimmel is out of line inin trying to spoof the first honest piece of media in years. jimmy kimmel, i don't at a it's a joke. i don't even know what that refers to. >> on twitter after the show, kimmel promised fans the feud isn't fake.isn' he sent con y kanye saying he wl unfollow him if he keeps the tirade up. >> you know, i heard about that interview, and imagine though, if you are really forthcoming and trying to be honest, and then it's parody or spoofed, your feelings would be hurt.ld e you would get caught up in it. i get it. >> you're kanye west, you are ar public figure.e you i see both sides of it, is what i'm trying to say. >> the thing i seen about it is pretty funny.y. >> the kid is saying your words, is he insin waiting that you is childish. >> and kanye needs to get over himself. greatest thing since sliced bread. >> i think some people are are doubting the feud going back and forth, not just the spoof, but kimmel talking about kanye on air. but i think it's real. >> i think kanye was serious. he kanye doesn't like people making fun of him. >> he is taking on the th photographer every minute. >> i think they're taking him og and he is sick of it, that is what he is doing. >> but a lot of celebrities cois encounter photographers every day. >> he iser ev super talented. i don't think most people arguee that, but it's all the otherr stuff, all the ego stuff. >> and i mean, i like kanye west, i see both sides.h he is coming out with a real, from the heart interview, and it's being spoofed or parody especially with kids. it's sortespe of saying, you kn you are childish and get over yourself. >> i think kanye is picking his battles wisely and this is one that he chose to fight. he is serious, for the first time somewhat of a serious sit down and now jimmy kimmel. you know challenge, late night comed comedians, they aree quitest, you gront towing win whegoing to win whenyou take onm >> he didn't apologize, you're right. >> kimmel is doing his job and kanye is doing his job. >> all right.>> all what have you got. >> i think we agree that sociall media is pretty powerful. >> yes. >> new work, mayor cory booker is making headlines and he has been ak a tive on twitter, pretty -- active on twitter, and he tweets a lot. he has over 4 million followers. he has been keeping this relationship according to reports, he has been keeping this relationship with an exotic dancer, she is a stripper at a vegan dance club called casa diablo. >> a vegan stripper club. >> it all started in februaryua when brook twitter that hehe wanted to be president of new jersey's star trek club. and lindsay lee, tweeted if yout are the president of united states, i call dibs on first lady. they went back and forthwith th private messages, and should het loves you and by the east coast, i mean me. m >> she said now i'm blushing. >> now he is being talked about. >> what are people saying about this? >> when i was looking up thisg story, a lot of people are brushing it off, like so what it's not going to harm him, what do you guys think? thin >> i heard yesterday, i heard some of the talk about it, some the criticism. here is another one, he has a hh relationship with a stripper. >> number one he is single. number two, it's not like he iss trying to hide it. this is playing out on twitter. some of it is private. >> his spokesperson says he is very transparent, he talks to everybody from all walks of life. and booker said that he is notth going to h do anything differen moving forward with how he uses twitter and his exchangeses with messages. it's all out there. >> and i like the fact that you said he is single. we don't know what the what relationship really is beside her supporting whatever he is doing. >> is it really a vegan strip club? >> what does that >> do theyat only serve vegan. >> i guess so. >> that's weird. >> i know. right, it isn't event october yet, but there's a costume that is causing buzz among outrage parents. take a look at this photo, thish is called the naughty leopard costume. >> okay on. d offd it's being pulled off shelves. have it.'t >> oh, we don't have to. >> the naughty leopard. >> it's a costume -- [ laughter ] >> leopard. >> leopard. and it justeopard, shows a little girl dressed in a purple number traditional,, totally innocent, but i think most parents have an issue with the name it's called naughtyy leopard, but the costume itself is fine. >> change the >> it comes with a little head band with cat ears attached toah it, and it's covered up, she is wearing there's the photo. >> there is nothing wrong with it. >> wal-mart has pulled it from m its shelf, and they are changing the name, they are calling the leopard child halloween costume. >> when i looked at it, i think of naughty as being mischievous, kind of like christmas time. >> but i get it. i get it. >> a double -- some people take it a different way. >> this photo it is sexualizing children. >> how is that photo. >> no, i think it's the name, and people will put those two things together.ther. the photo is fine in my book. the costume is fine. the name should be changed. >> now, if the name stayed naughty leopard and the costume itself was more, risque, i woule have an issue with that. >> this is doesn't carry thearrh same way when it's the happyy leopard a. >> you know.ou >> the little leopard. >> the little leopard.le >> right. know what won't sell and that leopard, tuck. >> naughty, nice.naught >> the naughty leopard. >> no. >> all right. >> it could be a reality show. >> thank you. >> we appreciate it. >> you're welcome. still ahead>> at 9:00, a marriage proposal interrupted by an angry baseball fan.base you got toba see this, too., we will show you what happened.e first, when is it time tos take the keys away from dad, grandpa whomever, the best way to go about it, an eld leary el person you love? that the topic on ask allison.  s [ female announcer ] these are the crescents you love on a holiday. and these are the ones you'll love on a school night. pillsbury crescent dogs. with just a few ingredients, you have an easy dinner. pillsbury crescents. make dinner pop! [ pop ] [ horn honks ] kevin! toaster strudel, yah? ♪ warm, flaky, gooey toaster strudel. in today's ask allison an an important conversation with elderly parents. my dad is 74 and his driving scares me sometimes, a little, a too fast. how do i tell a loved one who is a little older that it's time to give up their license. li i'm not saying that my dad needs to, but when he gets older how can i say it? >> i felt really connected to on this one, because of a story i i shared about my sweet grandmother, i called her granny phyllis. there came a time when we had to take away her keys, and we had d to move her out of charleston, south carolina, it wasn't easy, but we did it as a family. she lived a safe life with us for ten years after leaving. lev she always talked about her home so we knew it was right in her e heart. when you drive you have a expense of independence, right. we can -- a sense ofof independence, we knew when we got our license, we didn't havee to depend on anyone to take us anywhere or pick us up. i'm sure that that is wait your daddy feels. you do it by putting yourself i your dad's position and try to understand what your dad is d feeling and hopefully say it ini a way that he can understandrstd what you're asking. as just because he is older and will be older, don't talk down to him, don't talk him like heee is a child. don't accuse him of doing doin anything wrong. dad, i love you, i notice your driving has changed, i'm afraid' for you and i'm afraid that you may be hurting someone else. el keep driving this conversationet home. and hopefully, your dad will get gt what you are trying to say. this is important. you need to have options,ons, because your dad is driving.ivig he needs to go where he wants, when he wants. are you willing to drive your dad around? can you arrange for transportation, arrange for help with a cab or help with the pass. for your dad because if they don't have a plan to get somewhere, then they're notey'r going to hear anything only thaa i'm not going to be able to get to the store, i'm not going to be on able to visit my friends. we're all going to face this in one form of one thing or another, with a loved one or a parent or us, some day somebody is going to be tell us the same thing. try to remember where you aree right now.yorigh we can all relate to this one. i want to this, if none of this works, you want to give you some rules that you didn't know. i didn't know this, my producerr chris smith was kind enough to give me some rules put out in aaa. d.c. you have limited renewal options people who are 70 and over. you have to apply in person for every renewal and you need a a physician certification, people 70 and older, they have to provide a physician statementn t certifying that they are capable of driving safely. let's take a look at maryland now. maryland, you need, you are vision tested people 40 and over, this kind of happened of h other to me.. i'm needing the readers now. no. i'm facing this myself, people 40 and older renewing by mailil must submit a report on the vision specialist n the commonwealth, virginia there are limited renewal options people 80 and older must apply in in person for every renewal. re my father who is in his mid-70s, he wanted his license, he had mobility issuesu now. wanted his license to have identification and to feell a sense of empowerment, fortunately, because of his his physical state he is not able t drive nor is my mother, but when they had to stop driving, we had to step in and that is what yous have to do if you're going to to say you cannot drive. you can't't >> there's got to be a plan. an >> bottom line show love and respect to your father.ther. let him know how you feel from r your heart. he take heed of those driving restrictions or what the dmv in your different area tells you to do. good luck, i know it isn't easy, but it could save his life and d the life of somebody else on the road. keep up the allison questions, answer a question every friday here in the 9:00 hour. head to and click ol the morning tab for a link and k send them to facebook to us. that is where i got this this question and a lot of good ones come in on facebook. thank you very much tasha for tending that. it's about to be 9:19, why anle's neapple's new operating s being blamed for making people motion sick.. >> reporter: hang, tony and allison. i'm having a blast. put another one this there. put another one in there. we are checking out their annuau fall festival this morning.rnin. it gets bigger and better each t and every year. look at -- we will tell you whyu your family needs to come out and have a little pumpkin jaamia as well. it's all coming up on fox 5 fo morning news. we all have our little tricks. mom swaps one of my snacks for a yoplait. i don't mind, i mean it's orange crème. and when mom said bobby was too edgy... 'sup girl. i just swapped him out for tyler. 'sup girl. mom never questioned bobby again. two can play at this game. [ female announcer ] swap one snack a week for a yoplait. and everybody wins. yoplait. it is so good. now we're on the air. >> we were just saying hi to our guests as a they walk an executive from the world's largest pasta company has sparked a boycott. italy based borilla. said that his company would woul never feature ads with gay families. if people object, they should eat a different kind of pasta. within hours, the hash tag, boycott aborilla was trending on twitter. the chairman issued a statementt for his remarks and said he wasw trying to raise attention to the central role of people within families. complaints about the latest operating system update for apple devices. >> one big grippe. some say that the new up grate is making them sick, literally sick. icons appear to float on the screen for a 3-d effect, and and sometime applications zoom in and out rather quickly. qu some users complain that it's it dealinleading to motion sicknes know what that means is nausea.s you can go to settings, find general, accessibility and optce on tossi reduce the motion. >> that ought to help. >> that should help. >> all right, good.go >> still ahead in our next half hour, catching up with cousin danny.y. comedian and actor danny valentine is in town, but firstt he is bringing the act to fox 5. i didn't know they made chicken. crunchy taco or four cheese lasagna? can i get another one of those actually? [ superfan ] hey, america, we're here to help. ♪ [ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant. when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant  [ mom ] in my family, so we just look for this g. 'cause general mills makes over 40 yummy flavors that are 130 calories or less per serving. and they're packed with vitamins and minerals. from lucky charms to cheerios. over 40 cereals. 130 calories or less. [ laughs ] ♪ [ female announcer ] hey ladies. you love it. you've got to have it. cinnamon toast crunch, 'cause that cinnamon and sugar is so irresistible. everybody craves those crazy squares.® 'cause that cinnamon and sugar is so irresistible. i'm m terry mcauliffe, candidae for governor, and i sponsored this ad. for 30 years i've worked as an obgyn, my job is to protect the health of women. so i'm particularly offended by ken cuccinelli. cuccinelli wants to make all abortion illegal ... ... even in cases of rape and incest. ... even to protect a woman's health. i want a governor who's focused on schools and creating jobs, not someone who wants to do my job. who's ken cuccinelli to interfere in the lives of women across virginia? mom swaps one of my snacks for a yoplait. i don't mind, i mean it's orange crème. and when mom said bobby was too edgy... 'sup girl. i just swapped him out for tyler. 'sup girl. mom never questioned bobby again. two can play at this game. [ female announcer ] swap one snack a week for a yoplait. and everybody wins. yoplait. it is so good. welcome back. has rejoined i know you got clouds and weand look at the window and it doesn't look promising. back to the mid-70s. >> my greatest moments has beenn walking out of the studio and it's is nice, it's mild and and sunny. keep the windows open in the house, you know, i don't have to listen toow, my air-conditioneri going or my heater. >> it's been nice this weekend. temperatures reagan national 55, it's cool out there at the moment particularly with the cloudpart 52 in baltimore, 55 in manassas, and out at dulles and 55 in fred frederick. we will see the temperatures warm up. once the sunthe startswarm to bryant upr up the skies a little bit. we will see the temperatures in the mid-70s, see the milky lk white, that is the cloud cover,o moving off to the north andan east. coming off the ocean. it's fairly thin layer of cloud cover and it's starting to breakup. the trend will be more sunshine this mo afternoon, either way either even with a cloud cover we are not expecting any rain, you can see we are not having any rain locally. we are putting on tonight the weekend. tonight it looks great, we are cooling off back into the 50s 50 rks it's all about highhigh pressure, and it's the same area of high pressure, that's not thh man i wanted to use, we will se what happens with that one. the same area of high pressure i that is giving us nicece conditions in the past several days. you are not seeing that, because that will not happen. >> that will not happen to us this weekend. that is the wrong map. i'm going to get the guy who made that. t 74 today, early clouds, and mild afternoon, winds out of the east at 5, and gerch, overnight low,o it's going to keep us nice and quiet, no cold front and no rain this weekend.d. and saturday and sunday into early next week. it would be nice if we could get some rain as we are going to be immediate arounkind of dry arou no rain this weekend. tony, back over to you. all right, tucker, thank yoa very much. of course, you recognize ouu next guest from his recent re appearances on chelsea lately, and for our fans, he will be cousin vinny, i was still watching it the other night. it still holds up, it's a greata show. d.c. for a stop att the improve. welcome back to the show gary valentine. >> how are you. >> good as to see you. >> so it holds up, huh, the show. >> good to know. >> from the 1950s, you inner ner know. it's a great show.. >> yeah, it really is, we we railroad poproudof that show, i. >> welcome back to washington. >> thank you.ha >> i know you werenk here a coue years ago, there's been big changes in your life. we will talk about that in a a moment. >> looking forward to the improve. >> i'm looking forward to the improve. i'm tired, i flew last night and i did a show. i -- well marriage is what we'rh going to talk about. >> you got married. >> and in doing so, i havehave gained a couple of pounds. >> uh-huh. it onon like to pack during the fall months.month >> you plan it. it >> i like to make sure that we're okay going into winter. [ laughter ] >> but, we should talk about your chain of restaurants. re >> the perkins cake and plate. >> do you like them. >> yes. >> they save me a lot of money, i got from you in the fall. >> i want to talk about healthy laity, because you have a greatr time in on that show. you have been doing it for fo several years now. >> yeah, four years. >> when i watch the show, i wonder, does someone tell youyo the topics you are going to do or you're just ripping on stuff. >> tony, nobody tells me ever ev what to do, that is first thing. >> i'm sorry.'m >> and the second thing, is yese they tell us what the topics are had. we get the topics kind of an of hour before the show, kind of write our material. a lot of it starts the improvehe for me. i don't mean, i mean to plug thh improve when i say. say. that i improvise a lot and that the way i like the spot. >> you do that in your statestae show as well.s >> i do, >> is there, when i -- i did comedy for nine years, manyye years ago, andar there was alwas in my set, i built in time to just play around, you know, with the audience and all of thatl ot kind of thing, do you build it t in or whatever happens, whatevep comes to mind. >> you know, what. i can't build anything, so i an leave it to be. i mean, i -- it just, to answern your question, i don't.don't some nights are more improvised than others, and other nights, i kind of stick to the script but i like to have i get bored, you know, kn especially with my act. [ laughter ][ laught >> it's just boring.boring >> but, you know, i have a fun act, ac though, it's good, but i like to play with the crowd.t >> all right, veryhe good. >> i wanted to talk to you about, married life. >> marriage life. >> do you have kids? >> well, i married a fil filipio girl, because i wanted to haveha brown kids. >> yay. >> because i grew up kind of light. >> kind of light. some>> k color. >> i wanted a little flavor in that. you got to mix it up. and no, she is great. she is from the philippines, shh really she is from manilla where theyth make the envelopes which is nice.e. >> she puts up with this. >> yeah, she puts up with this, trust me. me she is great. we had our two year anniversary and we are trying to have kids.e >> are you. yo >> very good.>> v >> yeah, but we're a little older, you know, i mean, she is not me. [ laughter ] >> i knew something was coming.g >> she just got into her 40s, so those of us that are there, we know. i don't have eggs tony, but they do. >> right, right.ig >> and i didn'tht, mean to toucy breasts. >> i happen to touch my breasts and talk about eggs at the same time. >> you are showing a knowledge n of basic anatomy which is good.. >>she has eggs and they get get older and i'm learning about all of this stuff and we will see w whatil happens. >> do you think she minds you talking about her older eggs. >> i hope not. >> i hope not. she is not with me on this gig. >> i got you. >> you mentioned flavor flay, and i also see the watch, can you hold the watch up, it is rather large.large >> it's a timepiece. yes trks , it's a timepiece. >> it's a curtis watch, hewa contacted metc and told me will you wear a couple of them on t.v. and help us out on. on. >> i played right into it. >> i should get a watch. >> you should get a watch. >> he will get you a watch, tony. >> all right. the shows are tonight, there's a new rule no punching of any other people who come to the improve. >> keep it clean. >> gary valu valentine tonight,g tomorrow night, a great venue, largely improve. conga actualations ocongratulat. >> thank you. 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[ female announcer ] zero to pizza. pronto. we're all fam yash yarr with thefamfamiliar with theexpressip >> it's listed with the oxford english dictionary made famous by non-other than homer simpson. and this year the fox show is celebrating its 25th season. is that the longest.. >> yes. >> it is now the longest, we we probably say this or maybe i i shouldn't say it. the premier said to air onon sunday. it features the hilarious voice of christian yo wig. wi the episode is called what else, homer land. >> take a listen. >> i want you to know, i'm the e best there is at finding outfind what you are up to. i can torture you. i can give you incredible sex or tell me what i want to know.ow. you're spun.ou're >> i'm the one in bed with two w beautiful women.eaif >> you think i'm beautiful. >> in a breaking kind of way. wa >> give me something or i'm not leaving. >> let's say i got to get too work on time. me if you knew me, you would know w how odd that sounds. so >> who are you talking to? >> no one. >> you are in too deep, penny. >> are you real. re >> either way. >> i love my job. >> if you watch homeland, that, is great; the simpsons, allisonl is longest running scripted show in television history. it keeps going and going, butgo that isin why because they stay relevant.levant apparently not everyone get warmev and fussy over a public l marriage pops al.. >> you're noal-- proposal. prop >> we will set it up for you. u. >> kenny had family and friends waiting as he asked hisses longg time girlfriend to marry him. hi take a look at what happened when a friend snapped a picturea of the special moment. a woman sitting a few sits away, flips the bird at the photographer. >> she and her companion mr. grumpy pants, the photographer ended up telling tl them that she was shooting the marriage proposal.e they didn't care.didn this is' the result up to 20 pictures, all had the couple giving nasty looks, and nasty gesture like this one we blurred out. couldn't the photographer haveapher gone in the aisle. is it against regulations. you understand what they're signed of saying but perhaps peh they can move or something, or r lighten up. >> we're in agreement, lighten up. >> it's 9:40. we will be right back. 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[ laughs ] ♪ [ female announcer ] hey ladies. you love it. you've got to have it. cinnamon toast crunch, 'cause that cinnamon and sugar is so irresistible. everybody craves those crazy squares.® made gluten-free cereals in a bunch of yummy flavors. like cinnamon chex, honey nut chex, and chocolate chex... we're in cereal heaven. so thanks. from the mcgregors, 'cause we love chex. ali southern here is proofrn that he the fall season has finy arrived.arri a don't want is to end, holly. knreporter: well, you know, when we pulled up here this morning, i was like, are we at the right place? i mean, this place has owe involved sevolvedso much. there's so much here for you to see. the person who is here to see it all. john, john we were just talking about this, one of my favorite t.v. memories you and i running through the corn >> on a piggy back ride and youo were kicking me like a pony trying to get me to run through the corn maze. that is the way i remember it. >> reporter: so much that we should pull that video, and i, n think it was a decade ago. you were wearing those same overalls. >> these are new ones, and i i wear overalls every >> reporter: it's importanty that youer wear: overalls evey day, it's important for people to understand that templeton farm is a working farm. >> we are lucky to have 24have 2 wonderful facility.wo wender are standing beside our e addition this year. this this is the agriculture exhibitt in our new visitor center and an exhibit building. >> reporter: which is amazing to me because the first year we did it, it was a 10 by 10 and a0 little bit of corn, now here we are, we got new amenities. over the years, we have grown and added new features. this is our 14 year having thee fall festival and corn maze. each year we add to it, and tryt to get more new things and mored and more people to >> reporter: this is al chancea for people too come and learn an about the mistor history of farf which is important.import >> not only history, but we goto stuff in here that teaches you about modern technology and modern farming as well. we are standing or getting ready to go into our new level certified center. >> reporter: this isce our educational component. they have a big, fun componentme and just in case you nie nis mit earlier in the hour. can we talk about the pumpkinpu scan ncannon. >> it's one the funnest funn features, we have kids doing iti and all the way to adults rorlz that pumpkin cannon, that was me hitting the bull's eye. >> i think it was the third shot. incredible. some people will shoot 100 pumpkins and not hit a bull's eye. >> reporter: you said that was'ster: my third shot. it was pretty, pretty amaze. >> it was pretty fun. the pumpkin cannon is a total blast, fun, and pun, totally intended. and you can shoot some corn. >> we have corn cannons that wee have every year we have had corn cannons. the pumpkin blasters we have had for a few years, paint ball shooting gallery which is really fun. long can c: how people spend here.nd re >> you should plan on spending at least several hours here. we have concessions, of course, you can get food. we got the gift shops here. >> reporter: so let's talk about the giftle shop, because this wills is new. this is a green certified building. >> this building is our on new visitor center. this room most of the time is used for meetings and parties and birthday parties and thingsn like that. during the fall festival, creatr our little country store.y got a lot of unique gifts, and things for people to get. jellies, jams, pickles, candy, a kind of fun stuff, too. unique candy. remember the old pennsylvaniapev dutch candies. >> love it, lollie pops, we got locally grown apples. ap rowrs anany honey crisp. >> we have fuji, gala and golded delicious. >> reporter: i will take three of or those. >> we have cider. >> you have fall. have you have fall right here in this wonderful, wonderful barn. >> reporter: ul john, always al great to see you b buddy. always a pleasure to be here. hard to top that piggy abackab ride to the corn maze. you come and try to the top the fun. when you are talking about the h temple hall farm this year and the corn maze they are staying thank you to firefighters. that is what the theme of theof maze is, and they got cool old fire trucks down here to get onn and enjoy which is what i'mwhat going to do right now. happy weekend, everybody. happy fall. back to you in the studio. >> yeah. >> happy fall. >> you,u, right, thank holly. that.ant to go out to >> yeah, it looks really good. have you ever wondered why we celebrate oktoberfest in september? >> i have, i have as well. the tradition started with a wih royal wedding in october of 1810. >> today the oktoberfest in munich is the largest festivalrg in thees world, pardon me, but over at our own national harbor, the best oktoberfest kicks off f tonight. tucker is live in the fox learning all about it. tucker. >> reporter: i'm learning an an awful lot. lo an awful lot. you want to come out and learnd with me. you mentioned the oktoberfest. i saw in the news earlier thatrl oc fest isie in full display ovv in germany right now. i guess, we're going to do kind of a celebration around here arn this weekend. i'm joined by the one and only greg, greg is one the organizer of the event here this weekend in or at national harbor. it starts tonight, right? >> it starts tonight. >> we have a special freu friday night.nig everybody, as they saw the movie beer fest, they get a great big boot. theeporter: you fill boot with beer. >> you fell fill the boot withot beer. >> reporter: i like where this event isther: going. tell us how long you have been a doing it at national harbor. >> this is our 6th or 7th. verybeen there and successful.succes we usually have 10,000 people once we within the to two days.a last year we were saturday and n sunday, and this year we switched to friday and saturday. tonight we are doing a sausage dinner for people, and tomorrow is the oktoberfest. >> reporter: what can people expect. >> 150 beer and wine, and the lecutchin, they are ginger bleed cookies, and you have the ump a girls here. >> this is awesome. i had no idea we had this locally. >> you mentioned you have a couple of associates here withhw you, and over to my left. is this traditionally in germane, too. >> absolutely. >> when people come to oktoberfest, they wear theirther traditional uniforms, the girls are wearing a traditional she i wearing -- that is what they're all wear there and a lot of people thatlo come to our show will wear outfits, some authentic, some are costumey, but they're all ready to have fun. there specialls prizes for the outfits.ou >> the girls have a contest onco the main stage. >> they have a beer belly contest and a miss october contest. the girls come dressed up everyone is ready. >> tony, we got to go to on this event.evt. >> so, obviously, those outfitsi are they comfortable. >> yeah, they're okay ok >> reporter: do you lookou forward to wearing them every year?year? >> yes. >> tell me more about the foode that is served. you look like you cooked up aa special brew here. >> we made you the traditional sausages. that is what it's all about. if you go to mew in, yo munich,l get every kind of worst that yo can come up with it. there's chicken there. potato german potato pancakes, there's schnitzle there. >> and allschn of it is from germany. have one pizza e guy there for someone who doesn't want german food. >> what is upa. you mentioned ump a girls andnd ump pa band. a lot of people refer to traditional german bands at umpm a bands. >> ump a, ump a. >> what are you wearing. do i have to wear these if i want to get in. >> these are real, and it's beautiful, there's a lot of pageantry. in the germany all the peopleople come from different villages, vi they have their own insignia ana they all march into munich together to start oktoberfestok and oktoberfest is kind of a misnomer, it ends in theth beginning of october. >> i love it. it. >> tell me about the event and v the >> dc friday 6:00 to 10:00. you get a6: sausage plate with your entry and there's 150 beers, wines. on the water, the national harbor is gorgeous sniernlings >> i'm changing my i'm coming. >> tony and allison, don't walk, run we got food and it's friday.  [ wind howling ] [ female announcer ] it balances you... [ water crashing ] fills you with energy... and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. in a convenient two bar pack. this is nature valley... delicious granola bars made with the best ingredients in nature. nature valley. nature at its most delicious. back now with great new photos ofck now the national zo girl panda. a second vet exam shows the cubc is three pounds and more than 14 inches long, her heart and an lungs sownt sound very healthy.e her eyes are not open yet. the cub is very active.. zookeepers say they so trying t support her own weight. and you know those little markings are in, too. >> she is so cute. >> yes, she is. >> love it. >> you got quite the party goiny on here. >> i walked into this party, buu i'm changing my plans for for tonight. >> i'm not a beer drinker, but, bu this is going to be a popular event this weekend. >> you got to love any foodfo where he pours the beer directl into the sausage. , that is great, it does get underway tonight at national harbor. >> tonight at 6:00 and tomorrow at 9 to 6:00. >> you mentioned 10,000 people. >> washingtonians, they enjoy having aington relief every onca while. way of blowing off of some steam before they shut thee government down.t [ laughter ] >> good point. poin >> good point. >> would you do the forecast. >> i will do weather real quick. we have clouds out here at the moment but we should see things gradually turn partly to mostlyo sunny this afternoon with high h temperatures in the low to mid-70s.70s. the weekend looks great. i don't know if the seven days are up, we are looking fine, with sunny conditions andand mid-70s continue. dj rags is here. here. >> you are wonderful. wo >> say hi to my daughter ashley. >> ayehi ashley. >> hi ashley. >> these are cool points for me. that doesn't happen very often. >> it's so hard to believe. >> you ladies are so lovely. thank you for coming out today. you are lovely, too, but you -- [ laughter ] >> another one we don't have any. go.e we beer. >> allison what do you think you about the umpa outfits.its. >> i think they are so cute. >> if they come in a bigger size i will rock them. >> this oktoberfest. >> there you go. t [ laughter ]r >> have a great weekend, everybody. >> have a great weekend. >> we will see you on monday, cheers oktoberfest.  hi.

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United States , Philippines , Netherlands , New Jersey , Munich , Bayern , Germany , South Carolina , Maryland , Virginia , Washington , District Of Columbia , Italy , Baltimore , Filipino , America , Dutch , German , Lindsay Lee , Cory Booker , Allison Al , Casa Diablo , Jimmy Kimmel , Fred Frederick , Terry Mcauliffe , Danny Valentine , Gary Valentine , Ken Cuccinelli , Temple Hall , Chris Smith ,

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Transcripts For WTTG Fox Morning News 20130927 :

Transcripts For WTTG Fox Morning News 20130927

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on a strair spending bil temporl that will fund the governmentrnn for at least one more month, but some will strip a provision that would gut funding for the obama care. the white house is willing tous bet thee i house blinks first st speak saying it won't budge, either. >> all right, jimmy kimmel and kanye west. this is funny to me. they are in the middle of an epic rap feud or a spot on pardee of one. this all started on wednesday night when the late night host poked fun at the self promoting interview by having kids act it out.out if twitter is to be believed,ed, kanye didn't like it one bit. >> he called me, he said a lot of things, he told me, he told me i had two choices number one apologize publicly. and that was really the only choice. [ laughter ] >> the other choice, he gave was that my life, your life be he said is going to be much better iif you apologize, and then he started tweeting today, and iy don't know if i have seen, because they are happening as we speak. west is out of line, jimmy kimmel is out of line inin trying to spoof the first honest piece of media in years. jimmy kimmel, i don't at a it's a joke. i don't even know what that refers to. >> on twitter after the show, kimmel promised fans the feud isn't fake.isn' he sent con y kanye saying he wl unfollow him if he keeps the tirade up. >> you know, i heard about that interview, and imagine though, if you are really forthcoming and trying to be honest, and then it's parody or spoofed, your feelings would be hurt.ld e you would get caught up in it. i get it. >> you're kanye west, you are ar public figure.e you i see both sides of it, is what i'm trying to say. >> the thing i seen about it is pretty funny.y. >> the kid is saying your words, is he insin waiting that you is childish. >> and kanye needs to get over himself. greatest thing since sliced bread. >> i think some people are are doubting the feud going back and forth, not just the spoof, but kimmel talking about kanye on air. but i think it's real. >> i think kanye was serious. he kanye doesn't like people making fun of him. >> he is taking on the th photographer every minute. >> i think they're taking him og and he is sick of it, that is what he is doing. >> but a lot of celebrities cois encounter photographers every day. >> he iser ev super talented. i don't think most people arguee that, but it's all the otherr stuff, all the ego stuff. >> and i mean, i like kanye west, i see both sides.h he is coming out with a real, from the heart interview, and it's being spoofed or parody especially with kids. it's sortespe of saying, you kn you are childish and get over yourself. >> i think kanye is picking his battles wisely and this is one that he chose to fight. he is serious, for the first time somewhat of a serious sit down and now jimmy kimmel. you know challenge, late night comed comedians, they aree quitest, you gront towing win whegoing to win whenyou take onm >> he didn't apologize, you're right. >> kimmel is doing his job and kanye is doing his job. >> all right.>> all what have you got. >> i think we agree that sociall media is pretty powerful. >> yes. >> new work, mayor cory booker is making headlines and he has been ak a tive on twitter, pretty -- active on twitter, and he tweets a lot. he has over 4 million followers. he has been keeping this relationship according to reports, he has been keeping this relationship with an exotic dancer, she is a stripper at a vegan dance club called casa diablo. >> a vegan stripper club. >> it all started in februaryua when brook twitter that hehe wanted to be president of new jersey's star trek club. and lindsay lee, tweeted if yout are the president of united states, i call dibs on first lady. they went back and forthwith th private messages, and should het loves you and by the east coast, i mean me. m >> she said now i'm blushing. >> now he is being talked about. >> what are people saying about this? >> when i was looking up thisg story, a lot of people are brushing it off, like so what it's not going to harm him, what do you guys think? thin >> i heard yesterday, i heard some of the talk about it, some the criticism. here is another one, he has a hh relationship with a stripper. >> number one he is single. number two, it's not like he iss trying to hide it. this is playing out on twitter. some of it is private. >> his spokesperson says he is very transparent, he talks to everybody from all walks of life. and booker said that he is notth going to h do anything differen moving forward with how he uses twitter and his exchangeses with messages. it's all out there. >> and i like the fact that you said he is single. we don't know what the what relationship really is beside her supporting whatever he is doing. >> is it really a vegan strip club? >> what does that >> do theyat only serve vegan. >> i guess so. >> that's weird. >> i know. right, it isn't event october yet, but there's a costume that is causing buzz among outrage parents. take a look at this photo, thish is called the naughty leopard costume. >> okay on. d offd it's being pulled off shelves. have it.'t >> oh, we don't have to. >> the naughty leopard. >> it's a costume -- [ laughter ] >> leopard. >> leopard. and it justeopard, shows a little girl dressed in a purple number traditional,, totally innocent, but i think most parents have an issue with the name it's called naughtyy leopard, but the costume itself is fine. >> change the >> it comes with a little head band with cat ears attached toah it, and it's covered up, she is wearing there's the photo. >> there is nothing wrong with it. >> wal-mart has pulled it from m its shelf, and they are changing the name, they are calling the leopard child halloween costume. >> when i looked at it, i think of naughty as being mischievous, kind of like christmas time. >> but i get it. i get it. >> a double -- some people take it a different way. >> this photo it is sexualizing children. >> how is that photo. >> no, i think it's the name, and people will put those two things together.ther. the photo is fine in my book. the costume is fine. the name should be changed. >> now, if the name stayed naughty leopard and the costume itself was more, risque, i woule have an issue with that. >> this is doesn't carry thearrh same way when it's the happyy leopard a. >> you know.ou >> the little leopard. >> the little leopard.le >> right. know what won't sell and that leopard, tuck. >> naughty, nice.naught >> the naughty leopard. >> no. >> all right. >> it could be a reality show. >> thank you. >> we appreciate it. >> you're welcome. still ahead>> at 9:00, a marriage proposal interrupted by an angry baseball fan.base you got toba see this, too., we will show you what happened.e first, when is it time tos take the keys away from dad, grandpa whomever, the best way to go about it, an eld leary el person you love? that the topic on ask allison.  s [ female announcer ] these are the crescents you love on a holiday. and these are the ones you'll love on a school night. pillsbury crescent dogs. with just a few ingredients, you have an easy dinner. pillsbury crescents. make dinner pop! [ pop ] [ horn honks ] kevin! toaster strudel, yah? ♪ warm, flaky, gooey toaster strudel. in today's ask allison an an important conversation with elderly parents. my dad is 74 and his driving scares me sometimes, a little, a too fast. how do i tell a loved one who is a little older that it's time to give up their license. li i'm not saying that my dad needs to, but when he gets older how can i say it? >> i felt really connected to on this one, because of a story i i shared about my sweet grandmother, i called her granny phyllis. there came a time when we had to take away her keys, and we had d to move her out of charleston, south carolina, it wasn't easy, but we did it as a family. she lived a safe life with us for ten years after leaving. lev she always talked about her home so we knew it was right in her e heart. when you drive you have a expense of independence, right. we can -- a sense ofof independence, we knew when we got our license, we didn't havee to depend on anyone to take us anywhere or pick us up. i'm sure that that is wait your daddy feels. you do it by putting yourself i your dad's position and try to understand what your dad is d feeling and hopefully say it ini a way that he can understandrstd what you're asking. as just because he is older and will be older, don't talk down to him, don't talk him like heee is a child. don't accuse him of doing doin anything wrong. dad, i love you, i notice your driving has changed, i'm afraid' for you and i'm afraid that you may be hurting someone else. el keep driving this conversationet home. and hopefully, your dad will get gt what you are trying to say. this is important. you need to have options,ons, because your dad is driving.ivig he needs to go where he wants, when he wants. are you willing to drive your dad around? can you arrange for transportation, arrange for help with a cab or help with the pass. for your dad because if they don't have a plan to get somewhere, then they're notey'r going to hear anything only thaa i'm not going to be able to get to the store, i'm not going to be on able to visit my friends. we're all going to face this in one form of one thing or another, with a loved one or a parent or us, some day somebody is going to be tell us the same thing. try to remember where you aree right now.yorigh we can all relate to this one. i want to this, if none of this works, you want to give you some rules that you didn't know. i didn't know this, my producerr chris smith was kind enough to give me some rules put out in aaa. d.c. you have limited renewal options people who are 70 and over. you have to apply in person for every renewal and you need a a physician certification, people 70 and older, they have to provide a physician statementn t certifying that they are capable of driving safely. let's take a look at maryland now. maryland, you need, you are vision tested people 40 and over, this kind of happened of h other to me.. i'm needing the readers now. no. i'm facing this myself, people 40 and older renewing by mailil must submit a report on the vision specialist n the commonwealth, virginia there are limited renewal options people 80 and older must apply in in person for every renewal. re my father who is in his mid-70s, he wanted his license, he had mobility issuesu now. wanted his license to have identification and to feell a sense of empowerment, fortunately, because of his his physical state he is not able t drive nor is my mother, but when they had to stop driving, we had to step in and that is what yous have to do if you're going to to say you cannot drive. you can't't >> there's got to be a plan. an >> bottom line show love and respect to your father.ther. let him know how you feel from r your heart. he take heed of those driving restrictions or what the dmv in your different area tells you to do. good luck, i know it isn't easy, but it could save his life and d the life of somebody else on the road. keep up the allison questions, answer a question every friday here in the 9:00 hour. head to and click ol the morning tab for a link and k send them to facebook to us. that is where i got this this question and a lot of good ones come in on facebook. thank you very much tasha for tending that. it's about to be 9:19, why anle's neapple's new operating s being blamed for making people motion sick.. >> reporter: hang, tony and allison. i'm having a blast. put another one this there. put another one in there. we are checking out their annuau fall festival this morning.rnin. it gets bigger and better each t and every year. look at -- we will tell you whyu your family needs to come out and have a little pumpkin jaamia as well. it's all coming up on fox 5 fo morning news. we all have our little tricks. mom swaps one of my snacks for a yoplait. i don't mind, i mean it's orange crème. and when mom said bobby was too edgy... 'sup girl. i just swapped him out for tyler. 'sup girl. mom never questioned bobby again. two can play at this game. [ female announcer ] swap one snack a week for a yoplait. and everybody wins. yoplait. it is so good. now we're on the air. >> we were just saying hi to our guests as a they walk an executive from the world's largest pasta company has sparked a boycott. italy based borilla. said that his company would woul never feature ads with gay families. if people object, they should eat a different kind of pasta. within hours, the hash tag, boycott aborilla was trending on twitter. the chairman issued a statementt for his remarks and said he wasw trying to raise attention to the central role of people within families. complaints about the latest operating system update for apple devices. >> one big grippe. some say that the new up grate is making them sick, literally sick. icons appear to float on the screen for a 3-d effect, and and sometime applications zoom in and out rather quickly. qu some users complain that it's it dealinleading to motion sicknes know what that means is nausea.s you can go to settings, find general, accessibility and optce on tossi reduce the motion. >> that ought to help. >> that should help. >> all right, good.go >> still ahead in our next half hour, catching up with cousin danny.y. comedian and actor danny valentine is in town, but firstt he is bringing the act to fox 5. i didn't know they made chicken. crunchy taco or four cheese lasagna? can i get another one of those actually? [ superfan ] hey, america, we're here to help. ♪ [ female announcer ] at 100 calories, not all food choices add up. some are giant. some not so giant. when managing your weight, bigger is always better. ♪ ho ho ho ♪ green giant  [ mom ] in my family, so we just look for this g. 'cause general mills makes over 40 yummy flavors that are 130 calories or less per serving. and they're packed with vitamins and minerals. from lucky charms to cheerios. over 40 cereals. 130 calories or less. [ laughs ] ♪ [ female announcer ] hey ladies. you love it. you've got to have it. cinnamon toast crunch, 'cause that cinnamon and sugar is so irresistible. everybody craves those crazy squares.® 'cause that cinnamon and sugar is so irresistible. i'm m terry mcauliffe, candidae for governor, and i sponsored this ad. for 30 years i've worked as an obgyn, my job is to protect the health of women. so i'm particularly offended by ken cuccinelli. cuccinelli wants to make all abortion illegal ... ... even in cases of rape and incest. ... even to protect a woman's health. i want a governor who's focused on schools and creating jobs, not someone who wants to do my job. who's ken cuccinelli to interfere in the lives of women across virginia? mom swaps one of my snacks for a yoplait. i don't mind, i mean it's orange crème. and when mom said bobby was too edgy... 'sup girl. i just swapped him out for tyler. 'sup girl. mom never questioned bobby again. two can play at this game. [ female announcer ] swap one snack a week for a yoplait. and everybody wins. yoplait. it is so good. welcome back. has rejoined i know you got clouds and weand look at the window and it doesn't look promising. back to the mid-70s. >> my greatest moments has beenn walking out of the studio and it's is nice, it's mild and and sunny. keep the windows open in the house, you know, i don't have to listen toow, my air-conditioneri going or my heater. >> it's been nice this weekend. temperatures reagan national 55, it's cool out there at the moment particularly with the cloudpart 52 in baltimore, 55 in manassas, and out at dulles and 55 in fred frederick. we will see the temperatures warm up. once the sunthe startswarm to bryant upr up the skies a little bit. we will see the temperatures in the mid-70s, see the milky lk white, that is the cloud cover,o moving off to the north andan east. coming off the ocean. it's fairly thin layer of cloud cover and it's starting to breakup. the trend will be more sunshine this mo afternoon, either way either even with a cloud cover we are not expecting any rain, you can see we are not having any rain locally. we are putting on tonight the weekend. tonight it looks great, we are cooling off back into the 50s 50 rks it's all about highhigh pressure, and it's the same area of high pressure, that's not thh man i wanted to use, we will se what happens with that one. the same area of high pressure i that is giving us nicece conditions in the past several days. you are not seeing that, because that will not happen. >> that will not happen to us this weekend. that is the wrong map. i'm going to get the guy who made that. t 74 today, early clouds, and mild afternoon, winds out of the east at 5, and gerch, overnight low,o it's going to keep us nice and quiet, no cold front and no rain this weekend.d. and saturday and sunday into early next week. it would be nice if we could get some rain as we are going to be immediate arounkind of dry arou no rain this weekend. tony, back over to you. all right, tucker, thank yoa very much. of course, you recognize ouu next guest from his recent re appearances on chelsea lately, and for our fans, he will be cousin vinny, i was still watching it the other night. it still holds up, it's a greata show. d.c. for a stop att the improve. welcome back to the show gary valentine. >> how are you. >> good as to see you. >> so it holds up, huh, the show. >> good to know. >> from the 1950s, you inner ner know. it's a great show.. >> yeah, it really is, we we railroad poproudof that show, i. >> welcome back to washington. >> thank you.ha >> i know you werenk here a coue years ago, there's been big changes in your life. we will talk about that in a a moment. >> looking forward to the improve. >> i'm looking forward to the improve. i'm tired, i flew last night and i did a show. i -- well marriage is what we'rh going to talk about. >> you got married. >> and in doing so, i havehave gained a couple of pounds. >> uh-huh. it onon like to pack during the fall months.month >> you plan it. it >> i like to make sure that we're okay going into winter. [ laughter ] >> but, we should talk about your chain of restaurants. re >> the perkins cake and plate. >> do you like them. >> yes. >> they save me a lot of money, i got from you in the fall. >> i want to talk about healthy laity, because you have a greatr time in on that show. you have been doing it for fo several years now. >> yeah, four years. >> when i watch the show, i wonder, does someone tell youyo the topics you are going to do or you're just ripping on stuff. >> tony, nobody tells me ever ev what to do, that is first thing. >> i'm sorry.'m >> and the second thing, is yese they tell us what the topics are had. we get the topics kind of an of hour before the show, kind of write our material. a lot of it starts the improvehe for me. i don't mean, i mean to plug thh improve when i say. say. that i improvise a lot and that the way i like the spot. >> you do that in your statestae show as well.s >> i do, >> is there, when i -- i did comedy for nine years, manyye years ago, andar there was alwas in my set, i built in time to just play around, you know, with the audience and all of thatl ot kind of thing, do you build it t in or whatever happens, whatevep comes to mind. >> you know, what. i can't build anything, so i an leave it to be. i mean, i -- it just, to answern your question, i don't.don't some nights are more improvised than others, and other nights, i kind of stick to the script but i like to have i get bored, you know, kn especially with my act. [ laughter ][ laught >> it's just boring.boring >> but, you know, i have a fun act, ac though, it's good, but i like to play with the crowd.t >> all right, veryhe good. >> i wanted to talk to you about, married life. >> marriage life. >> do you have kids? >> well, i married a fil filipio girl, because i wanted to haveha brown kids. >> yay. >> because i grew up kind of light. >> kind of light. some>> k color. >> i wanted a little flavor in that. you got to mix it up. and no, she is great. she is from the philippines, shh really she is from manilla where theyth make the envelopes which is nice.e. >> she puts up with this. >> yeah, she puts up with this, trust me. me she is great. we had our two year anniversary and we are trying to have kids.e >> are you. yo >> very good.>> v >> yeah, but we're a little older, you know, i mean, she is not me. [ laughter ] >> i knew something was coming.g >> she just got into her 40s, so those of us that are there, we know. i don't have eggs tony, but they do. >> right, right.ig >> and i didn'tht, mean to toucy breasts. >> i happen to touch my breasts and talk about eggs at the same time. >> you are showing a knowledge n of basic anatomy which is good.. >>she has eggs and they get get older and i'm learning about all of this stuff and we will see w whatil happens. >> do you think she minds you talking about her older eggs. >> i hope not. >> i hope not. she is not with me on this gig. >> i got you. >> you mentioned flavor flay, and i also see the watch, can you hold the watch up, it is rather large.large >> it's a timepiece. yes trks , it's a timepiece. >> it's a curtis watch, hewa contacted metc and told me will you wear a couple of them on t.v. and help us out on. on. >> i played right into it. >> i should get a watch. >> you should get a watch. >> he will get you a watch, tony. >> all right. the shows are tonight, there's a new rule no punching of any other people who come to the improve. >> keep it clean. >> gary valu valentine tonight,g tomorrow night, a great venue, largely improve. conga actualations ocongratulat. >> thank you. [ wind howling ] [ female announcer ] it balances you... [ water crashing ] fills you with energy... and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. in a convenient two bar pack. this is nature valley... delicious granola bars made with the best ingredients in nature. nature valley. nature at its most delicious. [ horn honks ] kevin! toaster strudel, yah? ♪ warm, flaky, gooey toaster strudel. faster than kenny can dodge a question. honey, how'd that test go? [ female announcer ] in just 60 seconds, you've got snack-defying, satisfying mmmm. totino's pizza rolls. mmm hmmm. mmmm. [ female announcer ] zero to pizza. pronto. we're all fam yash yarr with thefamfamiliar with theexpressip >> it's listed with the oxford english dictionary made famous by non-other than homer simpson. and this year the fox show is celebrating its 25th season. is that the longest.. >> yes. >> it is now the longest, we we probably say this or maybe i i shouldn't say it. the premier said to air onon sunday. it features the hilarious voice of christian yo wig. wi the episode is called what else, homer land. >> take a listen. >> i want you to know, i'm the e best there is at finding outfind what you are up to. i can torture you. i can give you incredible sex or tell me what i want to know.ow. you're spun.ou're >> i'm the one in bed with two w beautiful women.eaif >> you think i'm beautiful. >> in a breaking kind of way. wa >> give me something or i'm not leaving. >> let's say i got to get too work on time. me if you knew me, you would know w how odd that sounds. so >> who are you talking to? >> no one. >> you are in too deep, penny. >> are you real. re >> either way. >> i love my job. >> if you watch homeland, that, is great; the simpsons, allisonl is longest running scripted show in television history. it keeps going and going, butgo that isin why because they stay relevant.levant apparently not everyone get warmev and fussy over a public l marriage pops al.. >> you're noal-- proposal. prop >> we will set it up for you. u. >> kenny had family and friends waiting as he asked hisses longg time girlfriend to marry him. hi take a look at what happened when a friend snapped a picturea of the special moment. a woman sitting a few sits away, flips the bird at the photographer. >> she and her companion mr. grumpy pants, the photographer ended up telling tl them that she was shooting the marriage proposal.e they didn't care.didn this is' the result up to 20 pictures, all had the couple giving nasty looks, and nasty gesture like this one we blurred out. couldn't the photographer haveapher gone in the aisle. is it against regulations. you understand what they're signed of saying but perhaps peh they can move or something, or r lighten up. >> we're in agreement, lighten up. >> it's 9:40. we will be right back. 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[ laughs ] ♪ [ female announcer ] hey ladies. you love it. you've got to have it. cinnamon toast crunch, 'cause that cinnamon and sugar is so irresistible. everybody craves those crazy squares.® made gluten-free cereals in a bunch of yummy flavors. like cinnamon chex, honey nut chex, and chocolate chex... we're in cereal heaven. so thanks. from the mcgregors, 'cause we love chex. ali southern here is proofrn that he the fall season has finy arrived.arri a don't want is to end, holly. knreporter: well, you know, when we pulled up here this morning, i was like, are we at the right place? i mean, this place has owe involved sevolvedso much. there's so much here for you to see. the person who is here to see it all. john, john we were just talking about this, one of my favorite t.v. memories you and i running through the corn >> on a piggy back ride and youo were kicking me like a pony trying to get me to run through the corn maze. that is the way i remember it. >> reporter: so much that we should pull that video, and i, n think it was a decade ago. you were wearing those same overalls. >> these are new ones, and i i wear overalls every >> reporter: it's importanty that youer wear: overalls evey day, it's important for people to understand that templeton farm is a working farm. >> we are lucky to have 24have 2 wonderful facility.wo wender are standing beside our e addition this year. this this is the agriculture exhibitt in our new visitor center and an exhibit building. >> reporter: which is amazing to me because the first year we did it, it was a 10 by 10 and a0 little bit of corn, now here we are, we got new amenities. over the years, we have grown and added new features. this is our 14 year having thee fall festival and corn maze. each year we add to it, and tryt to get more new things and mored and more people to >> reporter: this is al chancea for people too come and learn an about the mistor history of farf which is important.import >> not only history, but we goto stuff in here that teaches you about modern technology and modern farming as well. we are standing or getting ready to go into our new level certified center. >> reporter: this isce our educational component. they have a big, fun componentme and just in case you nie nis mit earlier in the hour. can we talk about the pumpkinpu scan ncannon. >> it's one the funnest funn features, we have kids doing iti and all the way to adults rorlz that pumpkin cannon, that was me hitting the bull's eye. >> i think it was the third shot. incredible. some people will shoot 100 pumpkins and not hit a bull's eye. >> reporter: you said that was'ster: my third shot. it was pretty, pretty amaze. >> it was pretty fun. the pumpkin cannon is a total blast, fun, and pun, totally intended. and you can shoot some corn. >> we have corn cannons that wee have every year we have had corn cannons. the pumpkin blasters we have had for a few years, paint ball shooting gallery which is really fun. long can c: how people spend here.nd re >> you should plan on spending at least several hours here. we have concessions, of course, you can get food. we got the gift shops here. >> reporter: so let's talk about the giftle shop, because this wills is new. this is a green certified building. >> this building is our on new visitor center. this room most of the time is used for meetings and parties and birthday parties and thingsn like that. during the fall festival, creatr our little country store.y got a lot of unique gifts, and things for people to get. jellies, jams, pickles, candy, a kind of fun stuff, too. unique candy. remember the old pennsylvaniapev dutch candies. >> love it, lollie pops, we got locally grown apples. ap rowrs anany honey crisp. >> we have fuji, gala and golded delicious. >> reporter: i will take three of or those. >> we have cider. >> you have fall. have you have fall right here in this wonderful, wonderful barn. >> reporter: ul john, always al great to see you b buddy. always a pleasure to be here. hard to top that piggy abackab ride to the corn maze. you come and try to the top the fun. when you are talking about the h temple hall farm this year and the corn maze they are staying thank you to firefighters. that is what the theme of theof maze is, and they got cool old fire trucks down here to get onn and enjoy which is what i'mwhat going to do right now. happy weekend, everybody. happy fall. back to you in the studio. >> yeah. >> happy fall. >> you,u, right, thank holly. that.ant to go out to >> yeah, it looks really good. have you ever wondered why we celebrate oktoberfest in september? >> i have, i have as well. the tradition started with a wih royal wedding in october of 1810. >> today the oktoberfest in munich is the largest festivalrg in thees world, pardon me, but over at our own national harbor, the best oktoberfest kicks off f tonight. tucker is live in the fox learning all about it. tucker. >> reporter: i'm learning an an awful lot. lo an awful lot. you want to come out and learnd with me. you mentioned the oktoberfest. i saw in the news earlier thatrl oc fest isie in full display ovv in germany right now. i guess, we're going to do kind of a celebration around here arn this weekend. i'm joined by the one and only greg, greg is one the organizer of the event here this weekend in or at national harbor. it starts tonight, right? >> it starts tonight. >> we have a special freu friday night.nig everybody, as they saw the movie beer fest, they get a great big boot. theeporter: you fill boot with beer. >> you fell fill the boot withot beer. >> reporter: i like where this event isther: going. tell us how long you have been a doing it at national harbor. >> this is our 6th or 7th. verybeen there and successful.succes we usually have 10,000 people once we within the to two days.a last year we were saturday and n sunday, and this year we switched to friday and saturday. tonight we are doing a sausage dinner for people, and tomorrow is the oktoberfest. >> reporter: what can people expect. >> 150 beer and wine, and the lecutchin, they are ginger bleed cookies, and you have the ump a girls here. >> this is awesome. i had no idea we had this locally. >> you mentioned you have a couple of associates here withhw you, and over to my left. is this traditionally in germane, too. >> absolutely. >> when people come to oktoberfest, they wear theirther traditional uniforms, the girls are wearing a traditional she i wearing -- that is what they're all wear there and a lot of people thatlo come to our show will wear outfits, some authentic, some are costumey, but they're all ready to have fun. there specialls prizes for the outfits.ou >> the girls have a contest onco the main stage. >> they have a beer belly contest and a miss october contest. the girls come dressed up everyone is ready. >> tony, we got to go to on this event.evt. >> so, obviously, those outfitsi are they comfortable. >> yeah, they're okay ok >> reporter: do you lookou forward to wearing them every year?year? >> yes. >> tell me more about the foode that is served. you look like you cooked up aa special brew here. >> we made you the traditional sausages. that is what it's all about. if you go to mew in, yo munich,l get every kind of worst that yo can come up with it. there's chicken there. potato german potato pancakes, there's schnitzle there. >> and allschn of it is from germany. have one pizza e guy there for someone who doesn't want german food. >> what is upa. you mentioned ump a girls andnd ump pa band. a lot of people refer to traditional german bands at umpm a bands. >> ump a, ump a. >> what are you wearing. do i have to wear these if i want to get in. >> these are real, and it's beautiful, there's a lot of pageantry. in the germany all the peopleople come from different villages, vi they have their own insignia ana they all march into munich together to start oktoberfestok and oktoberfest is kind of a misnomer, it ends in theth beginning of october. >> i love it. it. >> tell me about the event and v the >> dc friday 6:00 to 10:00. you get a6: sausage plate with your entry and there's 150 beers, wines. on the water, the national harbor is gorgeous sniernlings >> i'm changing my i'm coming. >> tony and allison, don't walk, run we got food and it's friday.  [ wind howling ] [ female announcer ] it balances you... [ water crashing ] fills you with energy... and it gives you what you are looking for to live a more natural life. in a convenient two bar pack. this is nature valley... delicious granola bars made with the best ingredients in nature. nature valley. nature at its most delicious. back now with great new photos ofck now the national zo girl panda. a second vet exam shows the cubc is three pounds and more than 14 inches long, her heart and an lungs sownt sound very healthy.e her eyes are not open yet. the cub is very active.. zookeepers say they so trying t support her own weight. and you know those little markings are in, too. >> she is so cute. >> yes, she is. >> love it. >> you got quite the party goiny on here. >> i walked into this party, buu i'm changing my plans for for tonight. >> i'm not a beer drinker, but, bu this is going to be a popular event this weekend. >> you got to love any foodfo where he pours the beer directl into the sausage. , that is great, it does get underway tonight at national harbor. >> tonight at 6:00 and tomorrow at 9 to 6:00. >> you mentioned 10,000 people. >> washingtonians, they enjoy having aington relief every onca while. way of blowing off of some steam before they shut thee government down.t [ laughter ] >> good point. poin >> good point. >> would you do the forecast. >> i will do weather real quick. we have clouds out here at the moment but we should see things gradually turn partly to mostlyo sunny this afternoon with high h temperatures in the low to mid-70s.70s. the weekend looks great. i don't know if the seven days are up, we are looking fine, with sunny conditions andand mid-70s continue. dj rags is here. here. >> you are wonderful. wo >> say hi to my daughter ashley. >> ayehi ashley. >> hi ashley. >> these are cool points for me. that doesn't happen very often. >> it's so hard to believe. >> you ladies are so lovely. thank you for coming out today. you are lovely, too, but you -- [ laughter ] >> another one we don't have any. go.e we beer. >> allison what do you think you about the umpa outfits.its. >> i think they are so cute. >> if they come in a bigger size i will rock them. >> this oktoberfest. >> there you go. t [ laughter ]r >> have a great weekend, everybody. >> have a great weekend. >> we will see you on monday, cheers oktoberfest.  hi.

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