this this is gwen in for tucker. >> good morning. there will be a few high clouds. you're going to have a fair amount of sunshine that you will get to enjoy for today and the other good news is that humidity won't be too bad. a little sticky. 59% right now at reagan national airport. a bit of moisture being pushed in from offshore. we will see some those clouds. humidity will kick in some. currently 62 degrees at dulles, 65 at bwi thurgood marshall airport. for today, temperatures are mild, 77 in want koa, 65 at fredericksburg. 59 degrees at frederick and pretty nice. so for the high today, 79 degrees, partly sunny with light winds, once again, very light northwesterly wind. the weekend forecast looking absolutely great. we have lots took about a little pit later. hopefully you'll get out and enjoy the day. let's go out to lauren dimarco. >> thanks seem to be cooperating at this -- things seem to be cooperating at this hour. we do have some volume, of course, as you travel inbound all over the area. let's take a look. they have wide ened out this camera earlier. it was zoomed in because they had a disabled vehicle on the left shoulder of northbound i- 95. also seeing some delays through stafford. 66 just jammed. very heavy and slow. once you get to centreville, things do begin to open up but very heavy as you get past 50 to fair oaks. new hampshire, starting to see delays stack up. that's a look at the fox 5 ontime traffic. thanks lauren. we begin this morning with the number 1 issue impacting the nation and most of you right in your own homes. we are talking about the economy, of course. >> these days, it's about the bottom line. today, the president is set what the white house is calling a major speech on american's finances but will it set the course of action. doug is here. good morning, doug. >> reporter: good morning, guys. both the president and mr. romney are going to be in the critical swing state of ohio. both will be talking about the economy but the messages will be different. the white house won't say much about the president's big speech on the economy. >> i won't get into details previewing the president's speech because we want you to listen closely when he delivers it. >> reporter: if you do listen closely, you are not likely to hear any major proposal on the economy. this is built as a framing speech. the president has again been telling his supporters that the economy is not his fault. >> i inherited a trillion dollars deficit. we had a surplus. they turned it into a deficit, built in a structural deficit that extends for decades. >> reporter: polls show that the race is tightening. some like this one have mitt romney ahead of the president but still within the margin of of error. the real clear politics average of poll shows that the race is within just one point. the romney campaign is targeting ad buys in isn't swing states, including ohio. romney offered a preview of the president's speech. >> he will speak eloquently but the words are cheap and the record of an individual is the basis upon which you base whether an individual should hold on to his job. >> reporter: romney and the president are competing about the same time slot speaking about the same time 250 miles from each other in ohio. >> doug, thank you. virginia's george allen getting a boost today. he is running for the virginia senate seat opening up in november. later this morning, senator mark rubio will give him a hand. they will appear together at the flour shop. the race is now between allen and democrat tim kaine. coming up, we'll be talking live with george allen in his first television interview since his big win on tuesday. less than a week after the resignation of kwame brown, there is a new council leader. council members argued for the vacancy for pro tem many which is the vacancy after the chair. we sat down with the new chairman on fox 5 news over concerns over the recent drama surrounding the council. >> folks on the outside are frustrated and council members are frustrated. it was kind of unpleasant to watch. on the other hand, this is the process playing itself out. you know, in the past, this would have happened behind closed doors. we are much more faithful to open meetings now, so the public got to see the display. i had hoped that it would be more of a consensus, but we got there. despite these attempts from vincent orange, the council selected michael brown as pro tem many. staying in d.c., the police are on the hunt for a driver involved in a hit-and-run that sent a child, and an elderly victim to the hospital. all three victims are suffering from serious injuries. three major cases are making the headlines. first, former presidential cape date john edwards won't be retried. a judge declared a mistrial on all but one counts. lance armstrong is denying the latest accusation that he is used performance-enhancing drugs. the u.s. anti-doping agency filed formal charges accusing armstrong of using a blood booster called epo, blood transfusion and other performance-enhancing drugs. as a result, armstrong has been barred from competing in the triathlon and as a result, he may be stripped of all of his seven tour de france. if he appeals, he can face a trial. and yesterday was another day of trial against jerry sandusky. one witness who was a foster child at the time of the alleged abuse said that he stayed quiet because sandusky threatened him. another one said that he didn't say anything because he wanted to continue getting tickets to penn state games. back here at home, allison, a fairfax elementary school teach is in hot water charged with having child porn. he is 26-year-old robert fin. he finished his work with special ed students. investigators say they found pornography pictures of children at his home here. they arrested him at poplar elementary school in chantly a senior prank backfired on a group of students in fairfax county and today they are missing out on today's graduation ceremony. sherry lee has the latest from herndon high school. the three herndon high school students, instead of going to the ceremony today will receive their diplomas privately despite an appeal to fairfax county schools to lift that graduation ban. that's the punishment for this senior prank. the student spilled baby oil in the hall. chris shoe maker one of six students involved now admits it was a bad idea. the school unamused gave the student a three-day suspension. he and his parents appealed, arguing their case before a hearing officer yesterday but did not succeed in getting the punishment reduced. >> i think if they had been forced to mop or clean or month floors in the presence of other student and received a little ridicule, the message would have gotten across. >> students at the school were spread on whether this punishment was too harsh. shoe maker and his parents said that one disciplinary infraction in 13 years should not result in a graduation ban but the school system is not budging. he will receive his diploma, instead, privately. that's the latest here in herndon. back to you. the red shot washington nationals just keep getting hotter so hot they are on fire. another win last night but it's the three-second remark from that star, it the 19-year-old the phenom bryce harper getting all the attention. >> bryce -- >> that's a clown question, bro. >> thanks to bryce, that's the catch phrase. dave ross is up next with sports and what that response was to. >> boy. and take a look at your screen. where one of you, a whole bunch of you saw this scene last night. did you see it last night? people say it was a u f o. the real story about this out of the world sight. >> that's rosswell, new mexico. and something that we are used to seeing, next, the traffic. time now 7:11. i'm drinking dunkin'. medium iced, cream and sugar. dunkin' iced all day long. dunkin' keeps me going. it gives me the boost i need. dunkin' iced keeps me moving and grooving. i run on dunkin'. america runs on dunkin' coffee. this bridge. your new car probably rode thesed rails. that shipment you just received was tracked by satellite. we build and maintain. we invest and innovate. so we can deliver what america needs. this year alone, freight rail companies plan to spend twenty-three billion of their own money, not taxpayer dollars, to build bridges, maintain track, and develop new technologies to keep freight rail and our economy moving. there's a lot riding on these rails. all right. folks were talking about it last night. talking about it this morning. take a look. these are pictures from twitters from what many saw on the beltway around 11:00 last night. it looks like a u f o on top of a flatbed truck. people calling us said they saw it on 270. >> here is the deal. maryland state police say it's a drone made by nor thrup gummian transported in virginia. here is a picture when the same aircraft rolled through kansas last year again on its way to maryland. here is why it's in our area. the defense tech websites reported last december that engineers practiced aircraft carriers taking off and landing with the drone on a strip of runway at patuxent. the strip is painted to resemble a carrier deck. >> i am surprised they didn't cove it up. >> the spaceship enterprise. >> did i hear you earlier that you were looking forward to talking about the five-day. i wonder why? >> well, because it's a nice one. a few high clouds during the course of the day. we have an east-northeasterly flow. currently, 69 degrees at reagan international airport. humidity won't be quite as bad as yesterday but it's going to be out there. so just be prepared. currently, 56 degrees at bwi thurgood marshall airport. 55 to the to the west in win chester, 59 degrees at frederick. here is a look at the day planner for the day of the we are talking about mainly partly sunny skies, a few clouds, not much to be concerned with. 77 degrees by the time we hit mid-day. 799 degrees by the 5:00 hour and, yes, the weekend looks great and so does the five-day. >> love it. >> thanks, gwen. >> let's heads over to lauren dimarco. >> so far, so good, no unidentified objects this morning, so there's that. we do have a little bit of volume on the beltway. greenbelt, reports of a wreck on the outer loop between route 1 and then just prior to 95. here we are. things are moving despite reports of a wreck. traveling 270, looking pretty good right here. you will be off and on on the brakes getting past falls road as you travel towards the split in bethesda. no incidents reported. 66 is jammed through manassas and again right here approaching route 50, fair oaks. once you get to 123, things open up for you. 395 heavy from the beltway, past edsal road, through duke and seminary. that's a check at the fox 5 ontime traffic. >> thanks, lauren, with a little cough this morning apparently. like all of us, right. >> poor baby. >> time to ser up a little sports breakfast with dave ross. i guess we can talk about how hot the nats are. >> but we'll talk about why bryce harper is making headlines but not for another home run? about the ufo story, that would be a better story if it was a ufo. >> a little disappointing. >> we'll talk about bryce. allison said she didn't think that the 19-year-old was quite ready for the all-star team. >> no, no, no. i just said perhaps he should not be included and he is ready and he would slay. remember the word slay? >> and nice use of slay by the way. >> thank you very much. >> i went back and i did some homework on the stats. .3203 batting average. that leads the washington nationals, seven home runs, 19 rbis. home run, third on the team. he only played in 411 of the 61 games. he didn't start the year up here so allison has a very valid point. if you put the numbers and extrapolate -- good use of that -- over what people have done, maybe his numbers are not quite all-star worthy as of yet. but my point is more to the excitement level, that it is the fans' game. >> he is a flashy dude. >> they want to see him. they want to see all of that stuff. i don't know if he's going to make it. they have to appeal to major league baseball and the commissioner bud selig. >> but, no doubt he fills the seats. >> he fills the seats and the nationals are filling seats. tyler moore filled the seats twice. stephen strasburg, allison and i agree should definitely be on the all-star. >> we agree. >> he is the first guy in all of major league baseball to do that. the nats are amazing ever day. that's all they do, win, win, win. >> no matter what. >> right, right. right now, to me this is downing. they are 38-23, 15 games over .500, percentage points behind the l.a. dodgers. >> you're going to have to start hearing these stories. >> there is a great story that came out out of toronto this week. that, of course, is the question, the catch phrase that we have all been talking about. he was asked after the first game in toronto, being 19, if he would have a cold canadian beverage because up there the legal drinking age is 19. he is legal to have a beer at 19 in canada. this is now his famous answer. >> i'm not answer that go. >> yes or no. >> bryce. >> that's a clown question, bro. >> it's a clown question, bro. >> wow. >> and that has spawned t- shirts all over the internet. what do you think? which one to you like. >> i like the one on the right. >> yeah, i like that one. >> yeah. >> i actually kind of like the clown. >> one for day, one for night. >> and i can't wait. we'll go to the nats park. yankees are in town all weekend. we'll try to talk to bryce as to what constitutes a club question. >> he is a smart kid. he is a fun kid. i hope he is on the all-star team. >> all right. thank you. new questions this morning about the ms. usa pageant. we are still talking about. this the unfortunate of virginia continues to find itself in a controversial spotlight. faculty members take new action over the firing of the university's president. those stories and much more coming up next. and plans for prince george's county. it's 7:21. 7:25. back now on fox 5 morning news and word that a second con contestant from the ms. usa pageant says that the cop test was rigged. the contestant said that ms. pennsylvania saw the list hours before the pageant. ms. pennsylvania was the first to say that. donned trump says that's false. the pageant is now suing ms. monin the school board of visitors announce that had theresa sullivan would step down in august pause of philosophical differences over the future vision for the school. 33 faculty members sent a letter to the board asking for a better explanation. the board is holding a meeting on monday to discuss potential kaint david. the washington post says it has obtained a copy of a the tragic memo written by sullivan which outlines her top five concerns about the university and the post-says some of what sullivan wrote about are the very same themes that the board claims she was not addressing strongly enough. prince george's county executive is creating a commission to advice him. he said that the group will provide him with recommendations on how 0 mu the school system forward. the panel will include parents, educators and business leaders. and the county executive will give us more details about his effort to improve education when he joins us in studio coming up in our next hour. we have been hearing about this for a while. terrible things happening to children caught up in all of the fighting in syria. >> tortured and used as human shield atop tanks. that's the word on the ground. is there something that we can do to help? we will talk with the international red cross. >> and it was prices continue to fall even going below $3. what's the outlook for the summer? >> hmm, not around here, not yet. >> we'll take a look at the traffic outside from gwen and lauren, coming up next. when mitt romney says "planned parenthood we're gonna get rid of that." romney is saying he'll deny women the birth control and cancer screenings they depend on. when romney says "do i believe the supreme court should overturn roe v. wade? yes." he's saying he'll deny women the right to make their own medical decisions and when his campaign can't say whether he'd support equal pay protections. "and we'll get back to you on that." romney's putting your paycheck at risk. planned parenthood action fund is responsible for the content of this advertising because mitt romney is out of touch and wrong for women. well, if you were with us yesterday, we hope that you saw this. an early birthday salute to the army from the army field brass band brass brass quintet. there are several ceremonies, there is the wreath laying in arlington, and a flyover will e and mascot screech and the racing presidents will join top army officials in cutting a birthday take in the pentagon court yard. >> i hope that does not get messy, screech throwing the cake. another celebration kicks off in baltimore >> we are talking about sail -a-bration. they're going to spend the next week to commemorate the bicentennial of the 1812 war. there will be concert and fireworks at fort mchenry, a blue angels air show. love those. and daily tours of the ship. we're going to be live at the sail-a-bration. >> beautiful aerial which shows the scope of it. gorgeous. >> nice. and a nice day today. >> and that's great, too. >> definitely the weather for it. could not ask for a perfect combination to get out there. yesterday was nice and we are continuing that friend for you. we are on a weather-winning roll so let's not stop. you're going to enjoy today if you enjoyed yesterday because there will be a little less humidity. the weekend is going to stay very calm, weather wise. not a lot to talk about and temperatures will stay very comfortable as well. wait until you see the five-day forecast. i think you might like it. here is a look at the composite radar. just a few high cloud. a little moisture coming in off the coast and that will give us a little bit of cloud coverage. 58% humidity. wind from the northeast at 10 miles per hour. the wind will stay light throughout the course the day. and it is currently 63 at manassas. 66 at fredericksburg. we have 63 at gaithersburg. to the west, 55 at winchester, the same at cumberland and 71 degrees at this hour at annapolis. ridge of high pressure to the north will hold us through the weekend. take a look at where we are headed in terps of the weekend. dry conditions. going to be just down right pleasant. you're get out to have a chance to get out. partly sunny with light wind today. high of 799 degrees. wind from the northeast and as i said, northeasterly. martelli cloudy and mild, 62 degrees. as we move to the beginning of the weekend on friday, we are still looking good at 80 degrees. a few cloud. saturday and sunday, bright sunshine. and then we are back to mild temperature as well. temperatures staying in the upper 70s, low 80s, right where we should be. very comfortable and i hope that you are ready for the weekend: nothing but good news from the weather center, thank you, gwen. bill berth corner, south of route 50, we've got a wreck. traffic is alternating directions to get by it single file. let's take a live look at traffic lens. 95 northbound, we had records of a disabled vehicle as you head into short done. pretty heavy in the main lane as you make your trip towards newington. 395 heavy from the beltway toward seminary and here at the 14th street bridge. and broken down bus blocks the ramp to head eastbound from the beltway to maine avenue. leaving the mixing bowl, you are off on the brakes as you head towards van dorn street. 66 remains jammed through manassas and then getting past through fair oaks and now we have reports of a wreck at nutley street. 270 southbound off and on on the brakes from the split almost on a d