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How remodeled schools in Northern Virginia are paying off to the tune of millions of l dollars. The news at ten starts now. Tonight the white house is looking for a new fbi dwrekor. Im tony perkins and im shawn yancy. President trump fired james comey this afternoon. He said the change was necessary to restore public trust and confidence. Comeys firing comes in the mid of an fbi investigation into whether the Trump Campaign colluded with russia to steer the outcome of the 2016 president ial he lengs. President trump septembe a letter to mr. Comey said the attorney general and Deputy Attorney general went to his can dismissal. Three separate occasions that i am not under investigation i nevertheless concur with the yment of the department of justice. Attorney general Jeff Sessions told the fibromyalgia needed a fresh start. Deputy attorney general rob rosen steen memo. He pointed to the client on email investigation. He undermined the authority of loretta lynn much by saying his conclusion should be closed without criminal charges. Just last week comey was on capital hill before congress. Today the fbi notified congress that comey had miss h statedded key findings during that testimony. Fox fives Anjali Hemphill is live tonight with reaction. This was a surprise to almost everyone, including the fibromyalgia director. Reporter the news certainly came as a shock to everyone i spoke to tonight. Many democrats are certainly reacting to the news expressing both disappointment and concern over trumps move saying trump firing the fbi erodes confidence. They believe the real reason comey was fired is because he are ongoing criminal investigations by the fibromyalgia Counter Terrorism division looking into Trumps Campaign aides and their ties to russia and they are now calling on republicans to stop covering up for trump to step it up and intensifying bipartisan hearings foor a special independent council to investigate the Trump Administration ties to russia. I simply said to him, mr. President in all due respect youre making a very big mistake and a he didnt really answer. And i have said from the get go that i think a special prosecutor is the way to go, but now with whats happened it is the only way to go. Only way to go. I was flan gassed to say the least. I think h this president s actionses outrageous. I think the fact that weve now seen the fibromyalgia director fired, the acting attorney general fired, the current attorney general having to recuse himself. This is from says theres no their their in terms of our russian investigation. We need to redouble our efforts. We need a special prosecutor. I think the behavior today, the action today really has a Chilling Effect on Public Confidence in the process of justice. No one is above the law in america. This is about a country of laws, not of men. And as we learned in the watergate scandal, even the president of the United States was not about the law and thats for donald trump. And for some more perspective we also tonight spoke to distinguished American University history professor alan hickman who forecasted a Trump Presidency and he is also predicting that trump will be i impeached. He just release his book titled the case for impeachment and he of comey quoarkts one of the two most brazen coverups in you s attorney matched objection to the form by the saturday night massacre where nixon fierdz the prosecutor looking into watergate. The dots are being connected, the problem is who is going to do the investigation . H theyve now fired the fibromyalgia director. They fired ever single one of the United States attorneys in every state in the United States. Jeff sessions, the attorney general himself is tainted because he lied to the senate about his contacts with the russias and it is Jeff Sessions, of course at the behest h of donald trump who is going to appoint the new fbi director. Our nation is in deep trouble because the Trump Administration is eliminating all the watch dogs. Mik man goes onto say if there is any truth to collusion with russia that that is a potential the only remedy in that case would be impeachment. Live in northwest, Angelica Anjali hemp5 a local news new tonight, what makes a video go viral. This cellphone video of a confrontation in a Northern Virginia Grocery Store is the latest video from our area to be shared by millions. Fox fives Marina Maracco spoke with an expert about what compels us to click. Reporter all it takeses one post to facebook or really any other social media platform and its a domino fencing from there. A private video becomes public and before you know it millions have watched a chance encounter or a brawl often times gone wrong. In the last 48 hours these three videos have saturated the news cycle. It just not seem ton getting any easier these days. A take down at a pool party caught on camera. Every day folks acting in a questionable manner. The bigger question why cant we turn away or stopwatching. The rubberneck effect, youre going by an accident, you hope everybody is going to be okay. Its compelling. H latest video barely 24 hours old canceled flights at the International Hollywood airport triggered on a full out brawl with passengers and herrives upper darby ticketed events. The more shares, the exciting it is, the more drama it is. We live in the 24 7 drama cycle. Its addictive. This scene also played out in south florida this past weekend. A woman walking her dogs attempts to quiet down an Unauthorized Party at a community pool. The party revelers just so were clear and in site until shes body slammed and then tossed in the pool. You see a bar cellphones catching every second of the chaos but what you dont see is anyone stepping in to help. The more that were exposed to violence and hatred the more likely we come to accept that this is the norm. It might be limiting how quickly we jump in to help the person out. And this video im side a Northern Virginia super market. A local woman caught on tape insulting a muslim woman. Maybe you need to get some help. The woman sees the cellphone taping her, but even that doesnt quell her rant. Its hard for our brains to be cognitive and emotional at the same time. The woman was ramped up in that moment. Im sure later she thought oh, my god, what have i done . That person was clearly videotaping me, why didnt i stop. Metro is in the midst of a budget crisis. We all know that. The Transit Agency plans to race some fairs, cut some service. Tonight transit met in mupt. Just retired washington columnist dr. Grid long was there as a guest. We talked to him about the effect this new plan will have on rider. Theres nothing particularly good in the metro budget for rider. Its a particularly insulting blend of Service Cutbacks and fair increases this year. Its not like this is the first time thats happened. It has happened before, but it basically also contributes to a decline in metro ridership and the depressing thing to me is that metro is planning for its own decline. Their budget is constructed on the idea that theyre doing things that will mean fewer people will want to ride metro. There is some good p news here. Dr. Grid lock says he doesnt believe metro is in any kind of quote, death spiral. He believes the Transit Service will bounce back and improve over time. Developing now, Eleanor Holmes norton is demanding that official with the us national ash reet em apologize to a group of first grade students. The students from a Charter School from the district were on a field trip last week. During that visit a staff member reportedly yelled at a student who was playing near some picnic tables and that staff member called an officer to pond. Students, parents and staffer say they felt unwelcomed. The school issued a statement that says in part, our primary focus is to keep our students safe and focused on yoifl learning both im side and outside the classroom. We appreciate the public support for our students regarding the situation last week at the ash reet em. We value our relationships with partners and working forward to reach a solution so that all students are made to feel welcome. Coming up next at ten, a local School System saving big bucks. The changes they made to aging buildings that saved \million\mills of dollars. A the weather heats h up so does the risk of mosquitoborne viruses like zika. What theyre saying about the reliability of the zika testing after some people who actually had the disease test negative for it. Bring on the benefits of going green. A northern School District says it save millions by going green. One high school cut its electric bill bias much 30 percent. The move to make Schools Energy efficient has apparently saved jobs and programs and infusedded extra cash into prips William County Public Schools. Fox5s teisha lewis reports. Reporter 22 million, thats how much prince William County Public Schools says it saved over the last five years by making tweaks big and small all to preserve energy. Were im side Patriot High School in are making their last minute checks to make sure lights are off in the classroom here. Its one effort making Energy Savings district wide. Students are helping. Its one thing that adds up to getting the electric down. For teachers closing the windows, turning off their lights. We learned that when things are recycled and remade into Something Else youre not starting from scratch. Youre starting from something thats a product thats already been halfway made and so youre saving half of the energy. In most buildings across the district its the room thats using the bulk of the energy much itself hes the mechanical room and part the way the district was able to cut energy and save costs is by shutting down and turning everything off, but to save \million\mills goes beyond changing have converted boilers from fuel oil to natural gas which is a more Energy Efficiencies tell. Weve also replaced lights with ed lights and weve replaced mercury halo lights with t5s and t8s. Weve also put in light sensors so when people leave rooms, the lights go objection to the form the mission here and across the district to go green, stay green and save money. By saving 22 million and reducing our energy costs well be able to put that money back into schools and provide benefits. Again, saving jobs, adding staff. The district says its Energy Conservation efforts are equivalent to cutting out 20,000 cars on the road each year and the Energy Saving mission has also kept plenty of employees on the road heading to work and a green cleaner, money machine. Lets take it a little l chilly out there once again tonight. If youre outside, get warm. Grab a jacket. Whats ahead, hopefully a warmup. Lets check in with sue palka and find out. It will be a warmer day tomorrow t and tonight wont be as frosty cold as yesterday was. Lots of sunshine, little in the way of wind, made the 67 greece at Reagan National feel pretty comfortable. Bwi tied their record dropping at 36 last night. It could bounce back into the mid 60s. Tomorrow we should get closer to 70. Thats right, youre on the chilly side. Fortynine, winchester is down to 45. D. C. 56degrees. The difference tonight we do have a little bit of cloud cover thats going to come through from time to time. There is a weak system passing by to our south and west. Well see a few of the clouds from that system. Well have a mix of sun and clouds during the day tomorrow. To be sure its on the chilly side, but what you dont see is quite as many 30s as we had on the map last night. Martins bugger you may drop down to 38. Dulles should stay right around 43. Frederick 41 and gaithersburg, 44. It is a chilly start but i think wednesday is going to be another nice day and i suggest you enjoy it because we have one more day of sunshine and after that were going to bring in more clouds and eventually another soaking \rain\reign\ before this week is over. Well talk about the timing for that and much more coming up a little bit later. Tony. All right, sue, thank you. Now to the district as the weather gets warmer we will be seeing more mosquitoes flying around and then have the potential to infect people with the zinc a or west nile virus. Last week members of the d. C. Health department were collecting sample to test for those dioceses. Meanwhile we are learning the results from a new round of zika testing performed on the initial batch of testing came under fire when the d. C. Lab made a mistake. Some of the people who tested negative for the zika virus actually had the disease. So a retest was order here are the results. We then had auditors come in. They looked at the laboratory. They saw the corrective actions that we had proposed and weve actually put into place and they said, all right, youre doing the corrective actions well allow you to maintain your certification. Thats all been resolved. Here are the results of the 423 people retested, 394 came back negative again. Three were positive and 26 test ts were inconclusive. While the lab initially made a mistake, Officials Say corrective action has been taken. The lab is currently testing the samples it collected last week and the Health Department will continue to do testing in the coming months. New tonight, police in Howard County are trying to track down the person a dog from a shelter in ellicott city. It happened overnight saturday at the small miracles cat and dog rescue on baltimore pike. Someone got in the shelter and took this fourmonth old husky named becca. Police are urging people to be on be on the look out at vet nair yair i clinics. Vitterts say someone shot a cat with a high powered pellet gun last tuesday in the 5200 block in large audience plate oh. The cats leg was shattered and had to be amputated. A 1,000 reward is leading to information following the arrest. It was a case that made national headlines. A maryland episcopal bishop was convicted in a deadly dui. Today she tried too get out of prison early. The heart breaking Discovery Police found in the car after pulling this h woman over for drunk driving for the third time. You wont fox5 is in the district where police are searching for the gunman behind a deadly hooting. It happened around two this afternoon in the 100 block of irvington street southwest. This is right near the Prince Georges County county line. They found a man laying in the middle of the road. He was taken to the hospital where he later died. Investigators are still trying to determine a suspect and a motive. Officials rejected an early parole for a former episcopal bishop who hit and killed a cyclist while driving drunk in baltimore. Heather cookies currently serving a seven year prison sentence. In 2015 he hit tom pennsylvania layer oh mow and killed him. She. She was eligible for pol want you to think of a six and an ate year old who wished their dad was still here. I want you to think of me and my pain. During the hearing, she did not accept responsibility. She lacked remorse. She called it a brutal irony and she did not apologize to the victim. Cook was the first female bishop in her diseases. This was not her first arrest for drunk driving. She is set to be release in 2020. To wisconsin now on a dangerous drunk driving arrest. Police say a milwaukee woman arrested for her third dui had her eight year eeld son sitting on her lap steeferg the car. The car was entering an on ramp police pulled them over and found the boy crying telling officers he didnt want to go to jail. Impaired and failed field sobriety try test. She was arrested and the chiel was turned over to child protective services. That is just awful. Shawn and i will be back at 11. Jim and sarah is coming up next. Grab your airline tickets, but leave your laptop. Theres a big expansion in a law that could affect electronics and another airline uproar. What being done bit. Giving mores johns to the american people. Why robots to be to blame for disappearing jobs in the us. They cant do our job, though. See you at ten 30. We know our kids are always watching. Copying what we do, whether good or bad. Thats why we try to show them how be safe and healthy. But sometimes they pick up habits we never intended to teach. Beverages like soda, sweet tea, and sports drinks are full of sugar. The more we drink them, the more they will as they grow up. Drinking water instead will show our kids how to have a healthier future. Learn more at revyourbev. Com Award Winning interface. Award winning design. Award winning engine. The volvo xc90. The most awarded luxury suv of the century. This t is fox5 local news at ten 30. Mr. President , with all due respect, you are big mistake. Now, at 10 30, President Trump says goodbye to james comey. Summer travel season is almost here, but some big changes on airlines could impact your plans to get away. How a proposal to expand the laptop ban may keep you from dreaming while flying the friendly skies. And Spirit Airlines cancels several flights after a reported labor dispute with pilots, causing chaos in the terminal. Why a judge is stepping in and telling the pilots union to knock it off. The 10 30 starts now. And lets get started at sovment. Thirty im jim lokay and im sarah sympthomimetic objection to the form. The big story of the day, President Trumps firing of fbi james comey. Anjali hemphill is live with that developing story reporter things are quiet at fbi headquarters, but Many Democrats dispointed over President Trumps mood. They are believe the real reason comey was fired is because he confirmed before congress that there are ongoing criminal investigations by the fbi looking Trumps Campaign aides and their ties to russia. Now theyre calling on republicans to stop covering up for trump and intensify bipartisan hearings to investigate trumps ties to russia. And video of the confrontation in a virginia Grocery Store has many wondering what makes a story go viral. That video has been shared by millionses. Why experts say were so compelled to click. Before you know its the private video that has now gone public and in hours has been seen by millions. These viral videos the latest to saturday iter new cycle. A brawl at a florida airport, a woman tossed into a pool during a Community Party and a rant during a super market line. A woman in Northern Virginia and a psychotherapist says the more we say, the more accepting we become to this behavior. I think that there is see because we have access to so many sources of media that it becomes as if its happening constantly all over the place. Is it true or not, im not sure, but i do think that itself become more the norm where were accepting a higher l tolerance of stuff that is not okay. And d. C. Eleanor Holmes Norton demanding officials at the Us National Arboretum apologize to a group of first graders. Students from a Charter School in d. C. Were on a field trip when a staff member reportedly yelled at a student who was playing near picnic tables. Students, parents and staff say they felt unwelco school issued a statement saying they hope they be reach a taiment with the arboretum to ensure that all students feel welcome. Lets go outside. It was a little nicer today, but now cooling off once again as we give you a look at the national harbor. How long is this sunny weather going to last . Lets get over to sue. Enjoy the sunny weather tomorrow because the clouds will likely start filtering in tomorrow night and during the day on thursday. One good thing, while it is chilly were not looking for any frost warnings. Last night dulles and bwi dropped to 36degrees. Well be chilly, but well mainly stay in the 40s. Not cold he in you have to do scraping of the windshield like you may that have had to do this morning. It will be another sunny day with a few clouds from time to time and a little bit warmer than it was today. The raping in temperatures from 63 to 78degrees. \rain\reign\ is back in the forecast, it may be around late on thumplets with us on thursday and boy does the rain look like it may be heavy. A pretty good soaking friday into saturday. Well wednesday dry, but friday into saturday could feature one to two inches of rain especially a little bit south of d. C. Keep that in mind for your weekend plans. We think we can dry mothers day out. 55degrees at eight in the morning with lotsz of sunshine. A few clouds around at noon. By 5 00, 73 greece. Thats a lot warmer than it was today. It should be a beautiful day. Thats a look at your forecast and ill have the seven day forecast in just a few minutes. Just ahefd the Summer Travel season there could be a massive change for airline passengers. Homeland security is now expanding a ban on carry on electronics. Right now laptops and other Large Electronics are banned on flights from several middle eastern and north africa countries. Theyre looking to ban from f the us. This change could come as soon as this week. Terrorists remain committed to blowing up airliners. Theres just nothing more opportuning visually than an airplane going down in flames. Theres nothing thats going to be more clat clis mik to people in. It would have to bother me to check a bag that i usually wouldnt because that would be extra money that i usually dont pen to travel. Theres been push back from the Airline Industry on this. The group that represents hundreds of Airlines Says it is not a long term solution. You might have seen the video from Fort Lauderdale airport, \chase\chaises erupting over flight keadgeses. Spirit airlines canceled flights because of a dispute between the airline and blames the cancellations on pilots who were refusing to pick up unassigned ships. People believe spirits labor problems are causing the confusion. Weve been waiting in line over here for almost three and a half hours. Multiple flights have been canceled today and all of a sudden one particular flight got canceled and a mob ensued up here at the front counter in fronlt of everybody else who had been waiting in line. Today a judge sided with the spirit, order its pilots to stop boy coting flights. Spirit also took to twitter and tweeted out links, directions on how to rebook. A pool party over the weekend in south florida got way out of hand. The shows a teenager violently throwing a 68 woman to the ground and then tossing her into a pool. This all happened after the woman apparently tried to quiet down the party while she was walking her two dogs. Sixteen year old leon bell for turned himself into police shortly after that incident. He appeared in court today where he confessed to throwing nancy james. Balance foretold investigators that he messed up and has to own up to it. Still many people in the community are on edge over this. It was sickening. It was really sickening. That kids can actually do that. That is awful. It could have been me. It was a nice day out. I was going to give them a few hours. When it got dark i probably would have gone out there and told them to pipe it down. Bell more was charged with about theory on a are older. Hes been put on home detention until his next hearing. What experts are saying about the threat of robots putting you on the of a job. Were back after this. More americans are telling their boss i quit. The number of workers voluntarily leaving their job in march picking up from the previous month. Thats usually a sign more employees are finding new jobs or believe they can get one soon. And the quit ers may be onto something because the number of job openings is at an atemonth high, meaning the people looking for work do have more options now. And for those of you who are job hunt h hing you might want to set your sites on costco. Forbes just naming the big bongs retailer americans best large employee. Its based on worker from workers from thousand involves of companies. Carter wilkerson many retweets to get free nuggets. They said 18 million. But wendys giving it to him after he reached 3. 4 million retweets and bumping ellen degeneral rest and hers on jar selfie out of the top spot. Why didnt i think of that. S that bits. Im david asman. Narrator the time is always right to do what is right. Ralph northam. Army doctor during the gulf war. Volunteer director of a pediatric hospice. Progressive democrat. In the senate, he passed the smoking ban in restaurants, stopped the transvaginal ultrasound antichoice law, and stood up to the nra. As lieutenant governor, dr. Northam is fighting to expand access to affordable healthcare. Ralph northam believes in making progress every day. And he wont let donald trump stop us. Chevy is the most awarded car Company Three years in a row. Really. Lets see how quickly you can read through all their awards. 2017 motor trend car of the year. Kelly blue book 2016 best resale value. U. S. News best cars for the money 10 best blah blah blah only about 90 more to go 2017 iihs. Top safety. 2017 north american car of the year thats a lot of awards get 20 below msrp on all malibu lt models. Thats 5,200 on this chevy malibu. President trump has publicly shamed businesses for shipping jobs overs and vowed to bring manufacturing back to the United States. Some say they are going to be replaced with robots. The possible hit to the job market. Reporter American Workers will been a hallmark of his presidency. Bring manufacturing jobs back to america. I campaigned in the promise i will do everything in my power to bring those jobs back into america. Mr. Trump says theyve been lost because of bad trade deals, but a recent tud did i paints a different picture. Our tud did i is clear that trade accounts for some manufacturing job losses, but the majority of thoses are due to activity in general. After studying job losses from 2000 to 201088 percent of jobs were lost to automation. Does that mean things like artificial hicks says, no. The are Bad Production does all kinds of other things. It demands power, it demands transportation. While weve lost seven and a half transportation jobs weve gained closer to 10 million logistics jobs. The ought missing has really been about new technology, which is generated more jobs because of the new engines that we build. We think its a collaborative activity. We think there are certain things robots are very good for. But when it comes to decision making, when it comes to potentially some unique human tactile functions we think humans are much better. Experts say the workforce must adapt. Now, these dull, dangerous dirty jobs are being performed by robots many thats a good thing but the skills that we need forth the workers to fill the jobs that are going to be open were not teaching. Corporate america is recognizing some of these missed opportunities and is encouraging students to embrace science and technology. Were teaching children how to use technology of things. They understand the coding. They are learning how to do robot iks. Theyre understanding how to build drones over time and so more and more were going to continue to infuse this learning and this curricula with the latest technology so that kids are relevance. I think p we dont look at the opportunity side were going to be left behind in the United States. For the First Quarter of the Year American companies ordered nearly 9800 robots. Thats a 32 percent jump present the same period last year and a new record. In new york, im lawr especially simonette, fox business. Coming up a little girl with a big heart. Were telling you how nats are helping one girl for Cancer Research coming up after the break. Art. It can be sculpted, bringing to life beautiful detail. Or painted in luxurious strokes. And in rare cases. Both. Stronger is rebuilding a newborns heart. And restoring a fathers faith. Its standing tall after one surgery. Not six. Stronger is being a typical kid. Despite a rare disorder. Stronger is finding it earlier. And coming home sooner. Stronger is seeking answers. And not giving up, until you find them. Because we dont just want your kids to grow up. We want them to grow up stronger. All i really wanna do is, baby, be friends with you target or as the cool kids service which hope rivals amazon. Target is going to test it out right now with its employees in minneapolis which is its home base. It will eventually expand the service. Heres another reason to shop online, amazon is making it easier to get your items shipped without a primary account. Starting today the online retailer is dropping the minimum requirement for Free Shipping from 35 to 25. This is the second time this year alone that a. M. Done has cropped the shipping price. Back in february they lowered it to 49ed from 49ed rather to 35. So they just keep going down, down, down. Well never have to wait for anything again. Keep in mind there is some great local businesses likely in your neighborhood you can check out, too, every now and then. I agree with that. Support your small businesses. And your small weather lady who needs your small. But what can i say. We have another chilly night. Its noting whying to be frosty cold if you got up enough nuf today you might have had to do some scraping of your windshield. That will not be part of tomorrow. Especially joy the day. It is going to be a cool start. Plenty of sunshine and afternoon temperatures that should be a little warmer than today was. I thought today was spectacular. If you can get the sunshine without the wind around here you are in bonus territory even in the mid six 30s which we do not get enough of as i always say. Before you know it its going to be really hot. This is king george, virginia loving the sky. You can see some of the high thin clouds going on by. There are a few clouds out there tonight. Theyll help to keep us a little bit warmer. Another high that will be high, likely tree poll own. It was certainly high tree. Grasses, mold, weeds are on the low side. Likely be right back uch here much as we get closer to spin, heres my positive spin, the pollen goes away. How close are we to summer, 42 dwais, june 21 at 126789. Twentyfive in the morning. It will be here before we know and well autopsy be running down to the ocean to have some fun in the surf. A delightful day with a temperature that was a little warmer than it was day. Well be mild in the afternoon with a few clouds coming in as well and a few clouds around tonight. A lot more in the way of cloud cover developing on thursday. It drops our temperature a little bit. 68degrees as winds start coming in out of the east and later in the day. Right now i would say its probably evening, if not later than that we start to see some showers coming on into the area. Meanwhile its 56degrees now. We are seeing a few chill can i spots. Wip chester youre already down to 46. Culpeper, 46. There could be especially if you get enough clearing skies that drop into the up 30s. A little bit of disturbance and were going to watch this track because this is really going to be kind of the highway for precipitation over the next few days as multiple systems are going to be rounding down to our south and west and getting into our area. Upper 30s to low 50s, thats a big range for sure. The 51 will be relegated to the city. Upper 40s for the suburbs. Not as chilly as last night. Tomorrow with a good amount of sunshine and a few clouds a mild afternoon as we get up to about 75degrees. I mentioned rape is going to be on the way in. Did i mention its going to be a chilly rain, 60degrees on friday. Rain likely. This could be one to two inches for some areas. Were going to have to watch for flood potential because we had a lot of rain last week, too. Right now the forecast is looking better for sunday, mothers day, 72 and next week looking brighter, dryer and warmer much thats your seven day forecast. Thank you, sue. A couple weeks ago we introduced you to a young nats fan who calls colorado her home. She is a big fan of jason werth. But what we couldnt teles the size of her heart and generosity. She got a lot of attention when the cameras spotted her and her favorite jays oon wefort. A couple weeks ago, look who was back, screwed, jason werth spotted her. With all that attention found out that she was planning to shave her head. When nats faps found out what she was all about. They paid the favor and her goal was nearly obliterated. Now shes raised nearly 1,200. Im doing something with kids my age through cancer and going through all the chemo treatments. Were really proud of her doing this. With it started as an ate year old shaving her head and we run into jason and we were hoping jason was going to remember her from last year and he did. And so that perps was great and then all the nats fans. It was an emotional saturday with all the support that she got and then of course saving her hair. I dont think she expected it to feel the way she did. Emotionally. By the way, jason werth kicked in some money, too, and jude was the only young girl to take part in buzzing off her locks. What a great girl. Shes so ahead of her time. Shes just eight years old. Very self less. She put a big smile on my face. To be so young and girls, its all about the hair. Would love to come to a nats game. Shes been a nats fan and not been in nats park yet. I suspect that will happen. Thank you guys, of course the big story tonight. Weve got more on the 11 at the scudden firing of fbi director james comey. Thats right. Were going to have reaction from the local leaders. Also, tonight this house is for sale, but after you hear about the creepy online listing for it, theres a good chance you would never even think about buying it. The bizarre story coming up tonight at 11. It loose like grandma may not know best after all. A new survey suggests leaving kids in the care of could actually pose a risk to their health, the reason outdated ideas. 24 percent should not know that infants should be put to sleep on their back. 44 percent think eyes bats. It depends on the grandparents. Planning your Summer Vacation perhaps a new travel survey says americans may not travel as far or as long as in years past. People are leaning more towards shorter vacations than longer ones. Socalled micro adventuress that amount to a long weekend away. P 5 percent of americanss are planning to take a long weekend trip this summer. Why not. Take more dayses. Not just a weekend. Or you take a bunch of little l trips. Thats it for 10 30. The news at 11 starts now. This is fox5 local news at 11. Right now trump fired fbi director james comey. Were live with reaction to the minimum wage oor shakeup theyre the latest viral videos what is it about them that makes you want to watch . A psychologist breaks it all down and it looks like a regular house for sale, but an online listing forth hours, well, its a little bizarre. Your news starts right now. It came quingly and without warning today. President trump fired fbi director james comey sending a shock wave through the nations capital. Thanks for joining us, im tony perkins and im shawn yancy. The president fired comey in the midst of the fbis investigation into whether Trump Campaign advisors colluded with russia to affect the outcome of the 2016 president ial election. The president sent comey a letter said the attorney general and Deputy Attorney general recommended he be fire because of the way he handled the clinton email investigation. He wrote,

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