Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News Ten 20170429 : comparemela.

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News Ten 20170429

daughter. >> and. , gets ready for a blast of summer heat the weekend warm-up and when we can see rain. your news starts now. >> and we begin with that developing story in howard county. tonight an all-out manhunt for a prisoner who escaped from a van outside a mental hospital in jess up this morning. i'm sarah simmons in for tony. >> i'm shawn yancy. >> the prisoner's name is david watson. he was serving a sentence of more than 100 years for attempting to murder police officers. "fox5" laurean is live in jess-up tonight with the latest on this manhunt, la lauren. >> sarah, shawn, it's been more than twelve hours antesearch continues tonight. police still operating under the possibility that david watson is somewhere here in this area outside the clifton tea perkins hospital. look that 28-year-old. tattoos drop on his eye and new photos of tattoos on his body and world evil on the back of neck and on right arm watson his last name and left arm the number 187 which is slang for murder code and then the word cinna cross his left hand. now watt sop was taken by transport van this morning. the officers parked in an area that is called unsecured parking lot. somehow, he got out of his handcuffs and waist chain it's not confirmed he was wearing leg shackles. when officers opened the door he shoved one of them and took off running into the woods. >> they lost sight of him in the woods. but we were able to establish a k-9 trail and we know what direction he was heading and he were able to identify that trail for a distance beyond where he was last spotted. and but, again, we at this point just don't know and cannot answer the questio whether he is still local. >> as county and state police continued their search by helicopter and with k-9s we learned watson is accused of firing shots into the homes of several police officers in micocomo county in 2013. he's incompetent to hold trial for those crimes and he's been serving 100 year prison service. in jess up the nearest neighborhood is a mile and a half away. we spoke people who worked in the industrial park. one man served time himself and he wonders how david watson was able to pull that off. >> i knew the jail was over. there i thought about something like that happening. but i never figured that you know it would really happen. if somebody is on the run they probably willing to do anything you know to stay on the run. >> it's very scary. run into. >> handcuffs they have didn't hook it up right actually cuff him enough that might have an been an accident you're not getting out of out of those without something allowing to you do so. they'll find him eventually like you said hopefully nobody gets hurt in the process for sure. >> officials say that they have nothing to indicate that this was preplanned it's important to point out watson is not believed to be armed all the weapons in the van are accounted for and he was dressed all in white in unmarked clothing and several pieces of clothing were found scattered throughout the wodz with the officers. it's not clear what he would be wearing at this appoi appointment. they announced tonight there's a $5,000 reward for information on his where whereabouts. "fox5 local news". >> tonight, a teenager stabbed at eastern middle school in silver spring is speaking her mother spoke with "fox5" this evening and the daughters says she was attacked by a classmate at school while trying to defend herself she said the girl said the classmate stabbed her and the teen's mom said she went to school with authorities days ago and explained request her daughter was being bullied and said no action was taken. >> i voiced concerns the day before at school and also prior to that like months before, i didn't want my daughter out go to school in the first place because i knew she was not safe. no one ever did anything about it. assistant principle assured me she was safe and that nothing would happen and they didn't have any concerns. but yet she was stabbed yesterday. >> i'm scheduled to go back to school because his friends are there and i feel like they're going to say stuff to me. and just like bully me pretty much. >> the girl involved in the alleged stabbing is expelled and facing charge. >> we reached out high school and a spokesman confirmed a letter was sent home for parents regarding yesterday's incident and he also says, while i can not comment on this specific case i can assure that mcps takes every aels of bullying seriously and we're committed to providing a safe and welcoming learning environment for all our students. let's take it outside tonight. are you ready for the heat. temperatures expected to spike this weekend. but will we see rain. hey, it looks like capital wheel is lit up out. there what are we expecting. >> i bet there's a lot of people out there. it's a gorgeous night. the harbor or favorite spot to be outside and enjoying your favorite dinner other beverage or whatever, just to be outside was great today. and now listen we'll heat things up for the weekend no doubt about that and there's a chance we get into showers overnight tonight and then tomorrow and sunday there's a slight chance we maybe have a shower or thunderstorm. it does look like it cooperates and is a pretty good little weekend for us. 7 mild out there. dulles is 74 and westminster 73. frederick up, up and away close to 90 and not reporting temperature now. baltimore 72. let me show what you is happening back out west of us. there have been dying showers comeing across the mountains. so right now we don't have to worry about that. and look at all the rain over there in ohio. most of the state of ohio is getting some sort of rain right now. and further back out to the west there's a lot of severe weather, tornado watchs in place and through portions of midwest tonight. nothing like that for us. i will zoom in here all this is ground clutter and showers popping up within the ground clutter now. we had a little shower trying to move in across 81. as soon as it did it fell apart. future cast shows you see showers and thunderstorms possible overnight tonight and we have to keep them in. and they're all gone tomorrow morning. we will get close to a record tomorrow. matter of fact, if we tie if we get up to our forecasted high of 91 that will tie a record tomorrow and we'll talk more about the full forecast in the 7 sarah. >> now to a "fox5" exclusive. we're hearing from the father ever a delaware state trooper killed in the line ever duty this week. corporate steven ballard was eight year vet reign of the force that grew up in marcie kobriger. ballard's father said he lost his only son. more from alexandra limon. >> it hurts. i love my son. and only time i see him now is a dream or picture. he'll always be rekd. >> forever burned if his heart is a his son delaware state trooper stephen ballard forever burned in the memory is the moment he got the call law enforcement families fear and hope they never get. >> she said that stephen was involved in an shooting. and it doesn't look g he's in grave condition. so i started crying you know and she put the phone she said here you know he can hear you. she put the phone next to his head and i was telling him how much i love him and i'm on my way you can't leave me you're all i have you know and i told her i said i'm on my way. >> after talking to his son, kevin ballard did everything he could to cigarette mar noor delaware despite escort from prince george county police and helicopter provided by delaware state police, he did not make it. and authorities in delaware sent corporate ballard stopped suspicious car on wednesday for possible drug involvement. but rather than stepping out of the car the passenger now identified as 26-year-old burgon sealy pulled out a gun, chased him in the parking lot of a wawa convenience store and then open fired at close range. ballard died at the hospital. >> it's my only son. and he is not going to be able to grow up more children, grabbed kids, you know, he lost his life doing what he loved to do. >> now the only thing getting the family through tough times is remembering that infectious smile corporal ballard was known for a big, wide grin he always wore no matter how tough things got. and the brotherhood and love they felt from law enfor enforcement. >> and everywhere we went to the memorial, where he was shot at, and people diego castellanos people i don't even know hugging us and hugging me and it just tears you up inside because innocent man lost his life doing what he loved to do. help people. >> corporal ballard is sure vivrd by wife, stepdaughter, two sisters and his parents. a memorial fund is set up to help the family and funeral services are planned for next friday in delaware. >> and in the studio, alexandra limon, "fox5 local news". >> all week long we warnld to you sickout today. turns out fewer than two dozen people actually called in sick which is less than a typical workday. transit agency told us bus and railly to ease submitted nearly 500 sick requests and met row turned them down. union leaders though told metro never informed union of number of sick requests it reported to the media. meantime metro workers held a protest rally today and they are upset with the transit agency new sick leave policy put in place last month it requires workers to call out of work 72 hours in advance. and the union says the policy is unsafe and demonstrates wmata disregard of safety for well-being of workers. >> trains are singing tracking between judiciary store and fargate north and saturday they single track from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. and we'll told that work should be completed in time for climate march which starts 12:30. opening up fwhol hours before the washington wizards game that start time has not yet been determined. >> up next, another black mark on the record of former d.c. chancellor kai henderson and treatment she's accused of giving students next and plus a mother is demanding answers. her young daughter wandered off school grounds without anyone noticing and that's not all. >> and a man stepped up to soft life of an army buddy he has not seen in years. their story is coming up. whoa! you're not taking these. hey, hey, hey! you're not taking those. whoa, whoa! you're not taking that. you're not taking that. you're not taking that. you're not taking that. mom, i'm taking the subaru. don't be late. even when we're not there to keep them safe, our subaru outback will be. (vo) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. >> we're learning new details now about the misconduct investigation of former d.c. schools chief kai henderson. internal investigators found she gave preferential treatment to out of boundy children schools and investigators say the misconduct is administrative and not criminal. henderson stepped down in october and november the city ethics board sent insured her for soliciting charitable contribution f system contractors. henderson issued a statement in my capacity of chancellor i made discretion arie i standby actions and i'm deeply disappointed by these continual attractions on anyone intergity in attempt to be summer. my professional and personal representation. >> a mother is demanding answers after her 17-year-old wandered off from first grade harris elementary. she left her coat on the playground after recess and when she went outside to get it doors locked behind her. she walked to a relative's house. even when the child was returned back she was never notified. >> i was trying to get back in and it would not work and i tried -- and it was not working. >> what did do you then. >> i went to my sister house. >> she could have gotten hit by a car. anything could have happened my child off to school in the morning the note when i come back she's safe in a safe place. >> child's family says they're under impression the child was not called when the girl was discovered missing and district person says police were identified. >> safety and security of students is number one priority. we're look nooingt allegation in this incident and we have measures in place to ensure that students and staff are in a safe learning environment at every school and if those structures broke down, they'll work to restore them. >> they met in the army 22 years ago. tonight they're both recovering from major surgery. they came together most re recently after one posted a note on facebook asking for help and as "fox5" matt aklin shows us their story is incredible. >> it was the mid 1990s which this picture was taken. ty johns and another were serving at ft. bragg this was taken of them yesterday. >> it's die alice sis you know ta >> this is them today 24 hours after kid my transplant surgery at med star georgetown university hospital sglpt feel 100% better. >> that was not the case what kai got terribly sick so he thought. >> doctor is like you should not be standing how are you even vertical at this point. and got to get to the hospital now. >> turned out kai's kidneys failed and he need aid transz mrament so he got on hospital dope or list and also decided to use social media to reach out for help. and that's when his old army buddy who he had not seen in many years responded. >> this facebook post said a kidney for kai and i facebook messengered her and said what can i do to start getting testd robert did not hesitate. knew it was the right thing to do. >> it's not just him. it's any other close army brothers and sisters we have together. >> the surgery was three hours long. georgetown hospital gave us this video. that's robert's kidney being transferred to kai and immediately after the surgery, kai felt energized with robert's healthy kidney in place. >> he got a wonderfully healthy kidney. >> jennifer verbasy did the surgery and she amrawdz robert forereaching out and kai for ab accepting the many feel bad asking for a kidney. >> just tell people what is going on in your life if you tell people about the illness some are private and don't share it. if you share what is going on you would be shocked who comes out of the woodwork and wants to help you. >> it was not just robert who saw the plea for help and offered his kid next self other friends did, too. robert admits he is uncomfta surgery but helping his friend was worm it. >> for somebody to step up and i knowingly just save your life, that's -- you cannot come up with a word for it. >> matt ackland, "fox5 local news". >> wonderful story. >> yes. especially when you think possibly you're? this alone and it's a very lonely place to be when you're sick or needing help. >> and -- >> not a family member but a friend. >> yeah. >> in years. >> and up next tomorrow is president trump's 100 day in office. >> how would you grade performance hear from neighbors in a local county that helped him get elected >> our live coverage of inauguration. >> thousands attacking airports nationwide. >> neil gorsuch. >> president trump will not have to mark his 100th day me office with government shutdown. >> congress approved a stopgap spending bill to keep the government running through next week. house and senate voted to approve the extension and they have until next next friday and is within reach and they worked out key obstacles and like the money to build a president wall on the mexico bourd are eer. today we visited neighbors in a local county that helped elect the president. >> we wanted to find out how the people culpeper county virginia would grave the president's job today. "fox5" bob barnard has more. we came back to culpeper virginia trump country where we said the day after the election. there is much love for the 45 president of the united st states. >> i believe in what he does and believe he will turn it around. >> i think he's doing the best we can. >> he's president we need to respect that. all in all it will work itself out. that will be fine. >> what he does not know he does backup with knowledge of staff an cabinet. and i'm really glad he got in office. >> he's different, definitely different. what the country needd we spoke to breakfast mates bob and mark. >> you have a lot of time left >> you have a lot of time left. >> i think people's opinions have probably changed since election he did and said things controversial ithy can see how people change. >> it was great it deposit need to be made great again. >> she owns a hair salon in mannasas and says be careful calling culpeper trump country. >> i'm not sure how you can continue to support someone who maybe grandiose plans and gestures and saying he will do this and this and this and so far there's very little positive or concrete evidence that that will happen. >> sampling of opinions in a country where donald trump won 60% of votes in november. in culpeper, virginia, bob barnard, "fox5 local news". >> all right up next be on guard we'll tell you about a parking ticket scam and making a change that has sounding off on social media. we'll talk about a mean uchange here. we'll tell what you is in next at 10:30. >> right now at 10:30 the manhunt in marcie kobriger. we're live as police hunt a prisoner that escaped while on his way to a psychiatric hospital. >> and some of your taxpayer dmrarz may be paying family of terrorists that kill americans. tonight we're following the money trail. >> and find out why the feds are warning dozens of celebrities about what they post on social media. 10:30 starts now. right off the top tonight the search continues for escaped prisoner in howard county. thanks for joining us i'm shawn yancy. >> i'm sarah simmons. >> david watson was serving time for attempted murder and he escaped from a van outside of a mental hospital in jext ss with this morning. live in jessup this morning. lauren, new? >> just that police continuing to search. we see the helicopters. it's been more tan twelve hours and they're operating under the possibility david watson is in this area near the psychiatric hospital. police released new photos showing tattoos all over his body and said he was wearing all white today when escaped from a van here. he was somehow able to break free of his handcuffs and waist chain. it's not clear whether legs were shackled. police found articles of kloming in the woods. so it's not clear what exactly he would be wearing now. but, if anyone has information on his where abouts you are asked to call 911. >> and new details about the misconduct investigation of former d.c. schools chief kai henderson. internal investigators say henderson gave special treatment city officials by transferring children to out of boundary schools. they say it happened 7 times in 2015. and the investigators say misconduct is a henderson stepped down as chancellor in october. >> and track work is underway along the red line tonight. right now metro red line trains are single tracking between judiciary square and fargate north. saturday and sunday they track from 7 a.m. to 3 . gary. well, we're going to watch a few showers and storms back out to the west of us rights now we're all dry though. let me show you, mild overnight tonight. i think we'll become mostly cloudy and there's a threat of that shower or thunderstorm moving across. and not many though. 72 for the low and in the city tonight and lower 70s all down i 95 and out in the suburbs west and north i think we talk about mid toll upper 60s out. there so again a very, very mild overnight. and hot tomorrow. we're still going for it. high temperature tomorrow in the city of 91 degrees. and if we get there, that will tie a record. perhaps 92 for fredericksburg and a lot of folks will be rights up there in the upper 80s touching 90. 8 a quick look at the 7 day forecast it keeps the weekend into view. 91 tomorrow. sunday not bad. 84. we'll talk more about this in the full forecast coming up, guys. >> a bill currently before congress is demanding that the pal stipulateian authorities stop paying families of terrorists who kill americans. united states gives palestinian authorities several hundred million a year and some of that money is turned over to the families. and members of congress say that is a slap in the face to the united states and they want it to stop. and fox's eric shawn reports. >> taylor force was a west point graduate who served in afghanistan and iraq and is per august nba vanderbilt his future was bright. >> tyler was stabbed to death while he was in israel by a palestinian. >> the 28-year-old was sa savagely knifed to death as he strolled on a tel aviv boardwalk last year. his wounded ten others. >> all dadsing, all moms are broud of their kids. taylor basically did everything right but he was humble about it. >> taylor's parents robby and stewart say their grief was compounded by the fact that the family of their son's murderer is making money off taylor's death. the palestinian authority pays jihadists and survivors involved in acts of terrorism money. critics say it's derived from u.s. funds. congressional bill named forte lor called the taylor force act would out off usa to the palestinian authority if it does not stop the payments and republican senator lindsay gram is main sponsor. >> can you imagine growing up in a country where your government pays four killing someone else through a terrorist act. >> u.s. gives palestinian authority more than $300 million a year and out that much to families, 7% of total budget. >> taylor's killer was identified as 22-year-old bashar mass alad shot to death by israeli police after the attack. palestinian am bar door to the united nations depends the payments. >> there's a large number of palestinian who's are receiving compensation and they are victims of israeli terrorism. >> taylor's parents hope the will thomas discourage acts of terrorism. >> it's so important that the taylor force act passes so that other sons and daughters brothers and sisters are not lost in this way. >> senator gram says president trump will sign the taylor force act and passage remains uncertain because so far not one democrat supports. it in new york. i'm eric shawn. fox news. >> all right i want to warn you now about a parking ticket scam making rounds in win chester virginia. a ticket stated her car was blocking a loading zone or fire zone and advised to call the traffic department with fine with credit card. parking tissues are onlyish bud by winchester and police officers and always placed on windshield e they're handwritten and computer generated and placed inside green or orange envelopes. >> up next tonight, people are upset by a mcdonald's menu change and also ahead, the feds are going after celebrities online. new rules they're enforcing on stars and their social media posts. we'll be right fios is not cable. we're wired differently. maybe that's why we've been ranked highest in customer satisfaction by jd power 4 years in a row. and now you can love fios too. get 150 meg internet, tv and phone. all for $79.99 per month online, for the first year with a two-year agreement. it's the only internet with equal upload and download speeds. cable only offers upload speeds that are a fraction of their download speeds. plus get hbo for a year and free multi-room dvr service for two years. and verizon wireless customers can stream tv on the fios mobile app, data-free. get the best. go to (vo) love. i got it. i gotcha baby. 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(vo) love is why we built a car you can trust. now and for a long time to come. the all-new subaru impreza sedan and five-door. a car you can love no matter what road you're on. the subaru impreza. more than a car, it's a subaru. >> federal trade commission is racking counsel done social media adds. fda sent letters to cele celebrities, athletes and companies paying them warping celebs to label any sponsored social media post adds advertisement. tc endorsement code requires celebrities to disclose post as ad in first three lines of captions to viewers don't have to click more to see. it social media attorney agrees what the ft scxt doing. >> if you want to go to a restaurant and red ate review if you knew the review was paid for it might affect your opinion whether or not you want to go to the restaurant. >> and the violations might eventually result in the ftc forcing celebrity or companies to return profits they earn from deceptive posts. >> i actually have seen recently kim kardsahian posted something and in it, it said this is ad or 'tis le. i getty understand it makes sense. >> posting that stuff all the time. >> all the time. >> and here's what we were talking about earlier. mcdonald's planned to phase out the popular high-c orange drink as early as next week. they'll stop carrying altogether after july. mcdonald's plans to replace it with spite tropic cherry. >> nick tweeted please don't discontinue. hi-c and chick sent may milk and cookie and it breathes life in any day and getting rid of orpth hi-c is worst news i've gotten since learning ceasar was made of anchovies. how many retweets to save it. >> i was dispointed too. >> in all honesty i have not tasted it in five or six ye years. i loved orange drink and french fries it was best thing like milk and koojyes. i have not even mcdonald's 7 years either still i'm saying i you know -- i don't know i'm getting hankerring for chicken nuggets. >> and orange drink. don't take away the orange drink. >> still ahead breaking down the redskins draft day she significances. >> special night for all local students. we'll party at their prom with them coming up next. two become one. then you're a couple. think of all you'll share... like snoring. does your bed do that? the dual adjustability of a sleep number bed allows you each to choose the firmness and comfort you want. so every couple can get the best sleep ever. does your bed do that? for a limited time find final clearance prices on the cse bed. save $600. ends saturday. only at a sleep number store or >> today is siping day for a thousand and student in the district gathered on george washington campus today to celebrate the huge smile stone. p it is the city's third an signing day and honors more than 1500 students in d.c. school heading off to skool college. >> you are putting yourselves on a pathway to getting a great education, being ready for a job career in life and just as we heard unique say. you have a whole city pulling for i hope you know that. not just your family, your neighbors, your friends, but all of us are so invested in your success. >> d.c. college signing day is part of first lady michelle obama initiative to inspire students nationwide to pursue and complete higher education. . >> one of the mosten deering event of the school year. >> the annual best buddies prom took place this evening at the ronald reagan budding in northwest. "fox5" photo journalist paul lester is at tonight's event and shows us sights and sounds from the special prom. >> we had to look online at the different types of dresses and the million colors they come in and pink is her first we had to find a pink that fit and she loves dancing and when he to make sure she could move in the dress. since she is year 12 grade this is fourth best buddies prom and she's gone every year as a senior she gets to go to the high school prom. she has two to go to now. >> this night is so impo important. for best bud writes in the capital region virginia and washington d.c. it's a full on prom for our students who many don't get the chance toss go to the prom student with or without disabilities 50 across the dmv and to southern virginia they come and they have a full on prom and d.j. and food and drink and photo booth and they get to enjoy things that many of us who don't have disabilities take for granted. i love seeing young people on the dance floor and i have two sophomores in high school and i'm a parent first. and to see all of these children being togethe each other no matter what their devrpss or different abilities are is enormous. this year we are hoping to raise money for citizens program adult friendship program and what is that the one to one friendship between adults with and without disabilities in the community and it allows our young people who aged out of the school system whose friends are have gone off to sklem or work to remain a party of the community at large and do all the things that those of us who don't have biss abilities take for granted. >> love this event. awesome. every singing year. >> looked beautiful. they were having a great time, too. >> dancing was great too. >> this weather makes you want to dance like dpary there apparently. >> that's all i got. >> i don't know what that means. >> you might want to get your money back from the less do don'ts. >> yeah. >> or maybe i need to government that's the point. >> there you go. >> that was me after lessons we would really be in trouble they would have to give me back double. here's what' for the weekend's forecast i don't know would that work. >> no. >> i've been asking for years and not received any money you. >> won't get any money. >> keep on asking you. >> would be surprised though some people would like to be able to. any way, whatever, record heat tomorrow is possible and gorgeous ot there tonight and there's capital wheel and doesn't seem to be moving. it's all lit up. if we get to 91 in city tomorrow that will be tieing a record so 92 would be a good record and record for dulles is 8. we should surpass that dulles will debt up to 89 maybe 09 then abaltimore the record high is 91. and no more close records today, warm, reagan national 84, dulles 83, bwi 84. we should be warmer at all locations for highs tomorrow. actually this looks like what i think we'll end up being on sunday with temperatures back in the lower to mid 80s. little cooler than tomorrow. 74 now in town. dulles 74 and mannasas 69 and west mip nicer baltimore 2 and by the water in annapolis probably the very best place you can be out there this evening really, really good. look back out west that's where all the rain is and it really is looking like the concentration of the rain here will stay norm of us pulling out of ohio up through pennsylvania and but that does not mean we night not get 'straingler or two that tries to drop down to the south and come over the mountains and bring us shower even a thunderstorm overnight ton tonight. modeling is backing off on that we figured it would. and i'll show you in a second. all we're seeing now is ground klut area round the radar site and all the rain now and few thunderstorms well off to the north and northwest. and here's future cast doing a good job. it is showing where most sevrtion midnight that's in app hour, hour and a half or so. clouds here nights tonight. again this is a lot less activity than it was showing. 3, 4, 5:00 in the morning certain hi possible again one of those piece koz could drop off and go down from northwest and bring us a shower or thunderstorm. it doesn't look likely. and it looks like once it moves through it gets out of here quickly. so we'll wake up tomorrow morning dry. with some clouds but i think it will be mostly sunny quickly tomorrow morning. so, if it's not mostly sunny and 8 p.m. we'll probably be mostly sunny by at least 10 a.m. or so and expect a lot of sunshine tomorrow. certainly by noon. and by noon, we're already going to be up into the mid 80s pretty much area wide and we see how warm it will be and tomorrow evening there may be widely scattered shower or thunderstorm. and i think we're going to end up being mostly dry and another chance of showers coming up on sunday. so, hot tomorrow. temperatures in the upper 80s and 90s and front north and west. and it should stay up the that will cool temperatures offer just a little bit. and 7 day forecast looks like this. 91 tomorrow. that will be a record. and 84 a little cooler on sunday and maybe a chance of shower or thunderstorm. and again on monday, temperatures in the middle 8 80s. we'll be sunny and cooler on tuesday and next week, thursday, friday, looks like it will be wet and next weekend not nearly as good as what we'll have this weekend. brody they said rapid and toss it to you. >> wrap is up. >> it's so warm on 7-day that you're not wearing socks you. >> never wear sidewalks. >> you never wear socks. >> you have breaking news. >> sorry it's all out there. >> even during the wizards crazy run in the second half of regular season what this were missing road wins. brady beal says he need to focus on against thousands of owe popsing fans. when they need a road w to move on to second around and tonight they got that focus. john wall tryinging to avoid having a must home on surprised tonight i'm calling him john wall because he was not living atlanta with an l. outlet dunk hard challenge, 31 points for beal tonight and the wall so look at this chase down block on one end and then ensuing possession weaving through and up and over the glass. my goodness, wall at a new level tonight. final minute. looks like a replay. up and under again and check this out. after he hits it, waiver going bye. that does it for atlanta. 41 points, eight assists for wall. wizards advance 115 to 9 12k3w4r-9 nfl teams scout far and wide for draft pick and redskins had to look down the street with first round pick they took a kid from ten minutes away. alabama jonathan allen who played high school ball at stone bridge high and second round pick not far from allen college position taking defensive teammate outside linebacker ryan bama. should add pass rush help for allen in the inside and third round, washington selected ucla corn dorner back fabian morrow seen as first rounder before he pulled a pectoral mussp on his pro day. which will be the job ever the skins first round pick. allen 6' 3, 286 pound defensive lineman plague inside or outside and should be 3-4 defensive end and allen productive won the 20 16 chuck bednarik awards as nation's top defender on college football top defense of alabama and from leesburg virginia minutes away from redskins headquarters. >> blessed. blessed. words cannot describe how i'm feeling now. honestly it was so worth t i couldn't think of better step air joy for myself and family. >> we have toty the best position and defensive lineman in the draft and we never thought he would be there. but the chance to really add another big body guy who can do a lot of different things at him with mcclain and ziggy and guys we have in the building some of the young guys magee we think we have a good group now. >> it's a pretty school story. i talked to someone with the redskins a couple weeks ago and they said how cool would it be if we got the local kid talking about allen and hi was supposed to be a top five picky said no way dropping to 17 obviously i know nothing they fell and they got the kid down the street. >> excitinging for him and family and friends. >> they don't have to move. >> thanks, brody. >> we'll be right back. frez trump's first 100 days for stocks huge. dow rising more than 6% since president trump inauguration and that's fifth best percentage game to start president first term in history and meantime we get a mixed reed on economy from a couple different governm the 1st quarter at slowest pace in three years. and the main reason, shoppers pulling back a bit on their spending. and workers are actually getting more on payday. total compensation which includes wages and benefits rise in the first three months of the year. and drivers are getting a break at the pump at least this week. and the national average for regular unleded gas following a bit 2.40 a gallon still autopsy round 23 cents this time last year. that's business i'm jerry will is. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. 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friday. >> there you go. >> that does it for us 10:30. >> "fox5 local news at 11" starts right now. >> tonight prison break last seen running wooded area. >> all out manhunt for dangerous escaped convict continues. new details about how he got away and what he left behind a 14-year-old girl stabbed at a bus stop. the victim's mother told "fox5" bullies targeted her daughter. get ready for a blast the weekend warnlup and when we can see rain. your news starts right now . >> developing tonight in howard

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