Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News Ten 20170218 : comparemela.

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News Ten 20170218

researchers are paying top dollar to get inside about our region's gridlock and how you can cash in on your commute. >> plus tracking a major weather warm-up for your weerkd and how long will the spring like weather stick around. good evening i'm tony perkins. >> i'm shawn yancy. >> we begin in virginia where two u.s. senators and governor have plenty of questions for ice. they're concerned about reports of alleged immigrations and custom enforcement raids taking place in the state. >> there's growing concern about an incident outside of a alexandria church. >> "fox5" lauren demarco joins us with the latest, lauren. >> reporter: well, tony, shawn, ice official tells me that outside of the rising hope church in alexandria one morning as the hypothermia shelter was letting out, two of the officials or agents walked up to a group of men and conducted consensual interviews about a potential target. and they say that during those interviews it turns out two of and were here in the u.s. illegally and they were detained and will likely be de ported. the people here at the church tell the story differently. >> i seen drug raids not that big. >> they areman booster stays at the hope owe thermia shelter and says february 8 he witnessed 7 latino men rounded up as they left for the day and the pastor explains how it went down. >> 6:45 wednesday morning the men walked out of here and they started walking this way towards the parking lot and many of them were leaving to go to jobs or look for jobs and a lot of them were day laborers and they were walking this way as soon as they got across the street, they just swooped in on them in all dreks and. >> handcuffed them at the brick wall. >> handcuffed them at the brick wall. >> one man was let go after proving he had a green card, the rest. >> they put all sim of them in the n. >> the six guys they took away you have seen any of them back here? >> no, no,. don't know what happened to them. >> we went to the ice regional headquarters today in fairfax and we tried to meet with ice officials to find out who are the other people that they've taken. let us know who they are and where have you taken them and what's happening to them. and they not only refused to talk with us when we tried to sent a messenger up there they refused to give us names of neighbor and refused to give us their names. >> senator time kaine sent a let to ice saying he's concerned the church may have been tarringtarringeted and said i would like to know how many were detained and where ice brought them and whether they remained in history and whether any have a criminal record. virginia governor sent a similar record and a letter was sent to the head vice with president trump's executive order on enhancing public safety and he asks whether enforcement actions are happening locations like schools or searches. >> it's hard not to think that they were not profiling these men and casing out rising hope. >> it's a terrible thing that's happening. >> for people to be fearful of coming to worship and people to be fearful of coming to get help and get out of the cold and winter months. >> we received a statement from ice today and i want to read the report about locations like churches, ice sensitive location policy which remains in effect provides enforcement actions at sensitive locations should be generally avoided and require either prior approval from appropriate supervisory official or exgent circumstances necessitating immediate, and on twitter within the past hour isis calls false reports in other cities irresponsible reporting. we have not seen any official responses from the letters lauren lauren, "fox5 local news". >> a closer look at the ice raids happening across our region. are they specificing targeting game members or other criminals or arounding up people hereel illegally and looking for a better life in america. the story continues tonight at 10:30 here on "fox5". we're following a disturbing story out of equals church. a math teacher is jailed tonight accused of sexually assaulting two female students at mary ellen henderson middle school. and police say daniel estrada of clip ton, virginia was removed from the classroom on january 17 once alleged incident became known and heeds been charged with two counts of felony aggravated battery and it's unclear when the alleged abuse happened and earlier we spoke with interim superintendent robert schiller and he says the investigation is ongoing. >> we do not know the full extent of whatever took place and when we worked coop communication to child protecoud protective services and as well as our police department. >> police fear there may be more victims. they want to hear from anyone who had inappropriate contact with estrada. >> let's take it outside right now and yes, it is indeed cold out there and guess what, we're going to get a warm-up this weekend. let's check in with gwen to find out exactly what we can expect. gwen. >> you know what i'm happy when the weekend comes and i can serve up nice weather and that's exactly what's going on. and let's look at where we hit today and temperatures into the 50s. low 50s that is at all three airports and we had a bit of light wind that was out there. right now, it is chilling down though, folks, only 40 right now in the nation's capitol. 36 gaithersburg and 2 dulles and 34 culpeper and same winchester and 37 fredericksburgnd degrees. and now, winds will be light tonight. and we also have some skies that have a few clouds. not a lot happening in the cloud department at all. mostly clear skies before the night is over and with those light winds and clear skies we will get a little bit of radiational cooling. overnight lows anticipated to be primarily into the 0s. and so 38 degrees for tonight. mostly clear. and light winds and chilly and take a look at what is ahead for the weekend. oh, not bad at all. we're certaining up the 60s. look at that. flirting with the 70 degree mark by the time we get to tomorrow. not too hard to take. i'll have more details in the 7 day in a bit. back to you. >> secret service investigation continues into who hacked d.c. system of security cameras before the inauguration. and the mayor's office will not talk about how it happened or what's being done to prevent another breach and so we're going to a cyber security expert. lindsay watts is following this story. >> and camera he's to be taken off-line for at least two days and before that it was candidate hillary clinton who was targeted. >> of course being everyone now is familiar with the dnc attack and we start with the email and fricking or clicking on a link. >> ceo of virginia anti-virus company. and he took us through a typical hack ago text where cyber criminal sends an e-mail that looks like it came from i tunes. >> did i order that movie or did my kid or what? this is example of it looks completely legitimate email from apple the attachment is a weaponizeed exel document. >> they'll see this is the code is running dropping malware and doing other bad things to the machine. >> in ransomware attack the computer will lock up and. >> you're alerted that all your documents photos and files are now encrypted and you have to pay up for a code to get it all back. >> if your data is held hostage twr 200 to 500. >> while ransomware was used in the camera hack they did not pavement and we asked how the hack happened and what is being done to prevent another attack. and the mayor's office is not saying and instead we got a statement that reads in part cyber threats are new reality for all governments and this incident demonstrates the districts was ready to respond quickly as we de ekt it tekted brief and moved weapon a matter of days to resore the system. >> it should not be about reacting to the threat. but getting out in front i think d.c. needs to lock at newer technology and cheerily there's a public safety need here. >> lindsay watt, "fox5 local news". >> and d.c. officials corn firmed two people were arrested in london linked to the camera system hack and the secret service is still serving for others involved again the big take away here they almost always begins with email. >>. >> a local leader hag that story. >> tony he performed at the first wedding here at the trump international hotel and he says he is still receiving backlash and questions about why he performed even to this night. we'll have that story coming up. >> and someone wants you to pay -- someone wants to pay you to drive the highways new northern traffic study could leave you with ar pocket. i'll show you how it works. shawn. >> plus, trimming the fat is metro. head of transit agency says millions are being lost every year because people are not showing up to work. his plans to fix it ahead at 10. now at havertys furniture, it's our presidents day event, where you can create the perfect home. from now through february 20th, everything is on sale. save on furniture and accessories for every room. plus, enjoy thirty-six month, no interest financing. come in today and save. with havertys, your home can be perfect. even when life isn't. the presidents day event is on now at havertys. life looks good. >> the former oklahoma attorney general was confirmed despite rolling back the epa environmental enforcement efforts and as attorney general pruit filed 1 lawsuits challenging the epa regulations including limits on carbon emission from coal fired plants. >> and president trump hit the road today for campaign style rally in south carolina spoke to employees there. the president told them he would keep hisobback to the usa. >> as your president i'm going to do everything i can to unleash the power of the persons and put our great people back to work. this is by americans and hire americans. we want product made in america and made by american hands. >> president is expected to hold another big rally no florida sfwlxt and an area of wedding singer says he received backlash after performing at the trump international hotel in the districts and he says the band was booked long before trump became president and now as we go to wedding season he's concerned about the aftermath of performing at one of the president's venues. join us is from the story. tisha. >> shawn, tony, despite the performing here you know what business is business and even though he does worry that prep prens may be forced to turn down gigs here in other places due to the current political climate and patrols online ready to poups. >> i see trees of green red roses too♪ i see them blue for he and you♪ and i think to myself, what a wonderful world♪ >> and that was erin bronis wedding singer based in fairfax virginia he was booked to perform at the first wedding at the trump international hotel just a few months ago and now after the gig he did what many do posted pictures on social media online and that's when the backlash started comments from leagues. friends and strangers asking how he could performt trump hotel. >> my first reaction to that was we were there for the client not for donald trump. so that's separation in and of itself and also one of the things i say to my family and friends is when you take yourself out of the game and you remove yourself from the process you really can't influence or make any changed. and his group was set to perform and the gig was cancelled and you may remember michelle performed tops of backlash for performing at the inauguration ball and death threats and the actor who supported make america great dress started protests and it de ped on the day and there's no rhyme or reason. >> since he arrived on the job metro general manager has been trying to fix a host of problem. cutting do you on absent sea tee six and had a 6% jump in six days and unpaid leave in 2016 compared toy 015 and cutting numbers of abscess can soft transition agency about million dollars a year. >> and for me this is potentially taking jobs from other workers. because if you suck up dollars for more than absent teeism i don't have enough dollars to go arounds as you seen it impact other employees. under policy supervisorer cannot approve nor than two days of absences without pay and employees could face discipline causing fired or excessive absences over a year's managers could be fired for abusing that policy. >> you know traffic can be an absolute mess if you live in this area and sometimes going a few miles may take 30 minute. it's not unusual. >> one university is easing stress behind the wheel by paying you to sit in traffic. we'll explain their master plan and how it could help us all in the long run. >>♪ i'm on the right track, baby, i was born this way♪ >> super bowl fans went gaga overlaidy gaga half time show at the soupier bowl and ratings are in and half time performance was the most watched musical event of all time across all platforms and the show was watched by nearly 118 million viewers and 2.2 million people realtime tweeted about the show and gaga latest record climbed more than 50 sfots number 2 on the billboard shots. >> total of ten arrests made in connection of theas these are three of the five charged with murder. >> middle of the day a car was shot up. >> it will be spring like around here. z29kvz zstz y29kvy ysty did you know 90% of couples disagree on mattress firmness? ere's a bed where you both get what you want every night. enter sleep number and the ultimate sleep number event, going on now. sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. she likes the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! only at a sleep number store. for 5 days only, save 50% on the ultimate limited edition bed. plus 24-month financing. go to for a store near you. z29ksz zstz y29ksy ysty >> of there was frightening moments early in silver spring. a pickup truck crashed into this house than was the scene from sky fox and house sustained minor damage and we're told no one inside the house was hurt and driver of the truck was injured. no word yet on the extent of the driver's injuries or what may have caused the crash. >> and you know i've often thought somebody should may me for the time wasted sitting in traffic. guess what, now someone agrees an you can get paid too. >> virginia tech is working on new smart hope to system that you use in your car and be it helps reduce traffic conditions in the future. joining us with more on how you can cash in, sarah. >> tony, shawn, let's talk money first of all because that's what everybody wants to know. you could make nearly 4,000 if you participate in the full study. not bad for just doing your normal every day commute sitt and now, here is how your fits s to be a more up to date vehicle that has adaptive cruise control where it automatically senses vehicles around your vehicle and slows down speeds up depending how close you are to those. it has to have that. and then what they do is they insert tiny little cameras on the roof of the vehicle somewhere near back here so it can then shootout the back windshield and look at traffic that way and then they also put one up here in the front that allows the camera to look out the front of the windshield. and on top of that there's a data control part of data control system that goes on the windshield near the rear he view mirror here and none of it is supposed to be number your line ever sight in all apparently the wires and that type of thing and the people running the study they're installing it and hide that and all connects to a data box that sits behind the back seeds of the car here. here's what it travellers information system it hooks to a mobile app you use on smart phone and it warns you about congestion emweather events, traffic zones, that type of thing. through this they hope to cut down on traffic congestion and you see how auto matted technology do that. here's how your compensation breaks down this is how you get paid. system installation they pay you $125. if you participate for twelve months, $300 a month you get up to 3600 and 125 to take the system out. so you're looking at fully 3850 for participating this whole thing. so then of course is the other catch. it has to be the certain roadways. certain highways in northern virginia. interstate 66 if you travel that one on regular basis, u.s. route 50. beltway interstate 495 and route 9. if commute then you should definitely look into this possibility. you do have to have a valid u.s. driver's license and if you're worried about privacy with the cameras that type of thing virginia tech says they looked in and hear on top of it and the cameras will not be recording audio. so you should not be worried about those privacy issues. so if you're interested we do have a lincoln our web site. you can go to and it gives you more information about the substitutey and if you want to mack a few extra thousand and bucks sitting in traffic, tony and shawn. >> who sfwlont not bad. >> i think they'll get a good response. >> i think so too. >> and a lot of people travel interstates clearly in northern virginia. >> absolutely. >> all right. >> thank you, sarah. >> whether we come back tonight a virginia community is rallying around an 8-year-old girl and 4-year-old brother and i their mother's exboyfriend is accuses of viciously attacking them. >> how people with coming together to give them a new place to call home. >> we're back with top stories tonight. immigration raid is raising eyebrows in northern virginia xun think. lauren demarco what can you tell us. >> the pastor here at rising hope methodist church in alexandria says some of the latino men that stay in hypothermia shelter here overnight were targeted in a raid as they left february 8 and ice officials say that is not the case and only two men were detained and it was not a raid. two u.s. senators from virginia and governor have now sent letters to ice asking for clarification on what happened here and immigration policy and enforcement in the state. >> a man's future in is jail tonight accused of sexually assaulting two female students in false church. school officials removed daniel estrada january 17 after they learned of the investigation. investigators are trying determine if there do be any re epa scott pruit was sfwhorn tonight and the senate confirmed pruitt today des separate objections. which he was attorney general he filed 14 lawsuits challenging epa regulationsen including carbon emission from coal fire plants. >> and what a cool day today and chilly night tonight and warm-up on the way for you. 48 in d.c.. light, southerly wind. and the light wind and clear skies as we're seeing the clouds finally moving out we will have radiational cooling and but warmer air is on the way. to the north of eastern sea board things on the chilly side and we'll get influx of warmer air pushing in from the south and that really helps to boost temperatures once we get to tomorrow. and a little bit of light disturbance as well that moves its way across the area and weapon that a slight chance tomorrow night of maybe a passin nothing to be t accuweather 7-day forecast and president day is looking absolutely great at 62 degrees and as you look at saturday and sunday no shortage of sunshine and look at temperatures. we're headed to the 60s and we're in the low 50s today and very nice warm-up for this time of year and as we progress into the end of week oh, wow, that warm-up continues. more coming up in a bit, back to you. >> all right. we're learning new information about the merdz of of sgaimingersburg teenager fairfax county police say 15 year damarisreves died from trauma to her upper body her remains were found last saturday at an industrial park in springfield she went missing from maryland to two months ago. on wednesday police arrested four adults and sixteen agars with connection of the murder and identified the aunder all the circumstances ult jose re se. wilmer sanchez sorano and alzer wilmer sanchez sorano and alzer carcamo immigration and custom enforcement tells "fox5" agents have detainers on four adults. in recent days we've seen a number of ice raids in northern virginia and some wonder if these raids are specifically targeting gang members and other criminals or if they're arounding people up here illegally and looking for a better life in america. and "fox5" alexandra limon has more. >> the day is over when they can stay if in our country and raek havoc. >> president trump made it clear he's taking a hard stance on illegal immigration antepresident message has been this. >> we have bad umbres here and we want to get them out. >> how many detained and reported are hardened criminals. we reached out to ice for data and because the administration is so new the numbers they h reflect a specific raid or week. hover a look back gives us clear idea of the breakdown of exactly who is being de ported from the united states. according to ice data in 2016, 240255 people total were de ported and which includes people arrested in ice raids and people who were arrested by other law enforcement agencies and headed over to ice. that was a% increase from 2015. 2057 were classified as suspected or confirmed gang members. that means less than 1% of the total people de ported in fiscal year 016 were associated with gangs. and on the other hand, 4 2% or 1015 directly from ice were not preev yutsly convicted of any crime. alexandra limon, "fox5 local news". his employer at the adrenalin studio tipped off police and he also worked at stage door in mannasas and detectives are concerned there may be more victims. >> we have three victims trying to make sure there's no more vick tem and if there are we can have them come forward and place charges accordingly. we want the parents to talk to their children and two over them with -- over with them what's appropriate and inappropriate contact with an adult. >> charged with carnal knowledge of a childe ws a horrible story out of princess anne maryland back in december you may recall police say a mana tacked his exgirlfriend and her two young children with a hammer. and the woman aerial sars was also stabbed and she later dpied and her 8-year-old daughter and 4-year-old son survived and they are recovering from traumatic brain injuries and the children's grandmother valentinea downing will care for them when they get out of the hospital and earlier today workers with habitat for humanity began work on downing's home to make it more accessible for the children and workers help the house will be ready by the time the children leave the hospital. >> certainly hope so too. >> when we come back tonight president trump former national security advisor resigned and michael flynn was talking with a russian am bar doss in september. >> and the general should have known that phone call was wire tapped. latest in this developing story when we come a major reason for boost homes for major tax return. tokz setting i boost and dow closing at record high for 7th straight session and get this the dow surprise 4% since trump's inauguration and that is the dow's best first 30 days in office for any president since franklin rose he velt last term in 19 45 meantime drivers will need a little extra cash at least for now the national average for regular unleaded gas rising this week and average gallon sitting about 50.9 that's higher than same time last year and point click and buy during the holidays online shopping over the final three months of last year rising to 103 million of more than year. that's business i'm neil cavuto >> developing tonight a russian fly trip is flying off the costs of united states. and it's still considered to be in international waters. fox news was first to report the sighting of the ship off the coast of delaware on tuesday. u.s. officials say the ship is equiped with xhup kation and signal intelligence gathering equipment. >> and the resignation of national security advisor michael flynn this week raised new questions about wire tapping and spying. >> flynn's down fall was trace todd a conversation he had with russia am bar door to the u.s. and that phon not happen anyone a vacuum and in fact the feds were listening in. rich edson has the latest. >> general michael flynn spoke on the phone to russian am bar tore to the united states. flynn should have known others were listening. >> a man of mike flynn's experience and understanding should have known for certain that heeds not having any private conversation with the russian am bar door. >> foreign intelligence act gives u.s. intelligence services authority to monitor foreign agents and as other nations monitored americans and 2014 surveillance caught assistant secretary of state victoria newland bad mouthing in a conversation u.s. am bar door to ukraine. >> it would be great haveto have un glue it -- >> and officials us is inspectioned russia of leaking that call. at the time they object todd publicizing and posting of of assumption of those operating in state craft that foreign surveillance is usually listening in. and the national security dozens of phone conversations including german chancellor americale and the germans strongly ob sdwrekt the a posture they claim is hypocritical. >> allis and enemies engage in this active i and the american public should hope the u.s. does it as well. it's extremely aggressive world out there. we're not operating as a community of nations on this planet. it could be nice to think so. >> one republican congress manziel he objects to the revelation of u.s. intelligence activities. >> we don't want the russians to know what we're doing or how we're doing t. if it was done. >> there's issue of corporate espionage and then passes trade secrets along to company in their country and u.s. long maintained it does not engage benefit of american businesses. at the state department rich edson fox news. >> it is years from opening but deliveryes are already being made for barack obama presidential library and air force cargo plain landed with a shipment of historical items from the national archives and artifacts will end up in the obama presidential center in chicago and scheduled to be completed in 2020. >> and he's a member of greatest generation and world war two vet bob broclhurst got a chance to soar once more. and once he got by the controls he took this p 5 1 mustang for a ride. another pilot road with them. brocklehurst says the night was skill rating. >> made me feel at home it was like putting the car in the garage you do it without thinking. >> it's a national treasure like the i said i'm playing with a national tren are you. >> the comings foundtation made it possible and he served nearly 0 years in the air force and when when he wept for his ride he tried out tricks doing a loop and barrel roll. good for him. look at him. >> deposit lose it at all. >> pop up display in northeast d.c. may have some folks wonder what is going on. the reason behind this exhibit and what the artist is hoping will happen >> and coming up at 11 the questions that are sure ourpding a new app seeing a spike in use by high profile government officials. ♪♪ know you have a dedicated advisor and team who understand where you come from know you can craft an investment plan as strong as your values ♪♪ know that together, you can establish a meaningful legacy with the guidance and support of your dedicated pnc wealth management® team. did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet that's 10 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to internet speeds up to 150 mbps. and add phone and tv for only $34.90 more a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. >> gluten free diets seem popular. there may be a down side. fluteen free diets had higher concentration of ars in addition in urine and mercury in their blood than those that did not do a gluten f researchers suggest rice flour used adds substitute for wheat accumulates those toxic metals. >> and well new tonight if you're near wisdom martin in nebraska avenue in north west d.c. theodore kartder is looking at something you didn't expect to see. kasht he laid out the who let the ducks out. it's mall hard ducks made with plastic tape and deck crated are bottle caps with horse hair. the ducks took 15 months to put together and he's hoping for one thing from viewers. >> i hope they enjoy it and stop and take a look and see something we were not expecting to see. >> i think i like the cleaner room duck. i made one out of all the things my daughter found when cleaning her room. >> carter says if the display is not trashed or taken away he plans on leaving it up until sunday. he weet tweeted out the location of the display minutes before he put not get stopped. >> urban art there you go. >> there you go. >> and so it would be a great weekend if folks wants to check it out the. >> absolutely a great weekend. we have great weather saturday and sunday and for president's day monday. >> so you know what i love when i can say that on the weekend for everybody and people have plans and it's weather definitely will cooperate and it's quite a treat this time of year that we'll get temperature-wise and we're headed to 60s. upper 60s. that's not hard to take at all. not a bad night out there right now. we have some clouds that are getting out of the way. and we're talking mostly clear skies for tonight and here's a look at highs we got today and looking at low 50s at all parents and temperatures above seasonal and we'll go higher over the next day or so for you. in the meantime showing light tonight and light winds and clearing skies and radiational clearing leaves us with overnight lows in the 30snd couple of exceptions by the time we get to the early house of the more and late tonight. 39 quantico and d.c. at 40 and we've got 4 gaithersburg this hour and only at frederick and 32 winchester and 35 at mar continuesburg. and we'll seat jet stream give us a break in terms temperatures. it will be more north of us and we'll benefit from a nice southerly flow. today in the 50s. tomorrow take a look at this as i said headed to 60s. it's going to stay mild and warm right into the entire weekend. and the good news is as i said the weather is going to cooperate in terms of our sky conditions as well. and can't rule out maybe a little bit of a light sprinkle on saturday due to disturbance that moves through the area and 20% chance of passing shower by saturday night and other than that not bad at all with clearing skies and sunshine for tomorrow everywhere across the board for front move to the north and 60s head in and we have chilly weather coming only by the time we get to monday as we see the front become a backdoor frontal system and cooler air moves in across the region. and in the meantime ridge of high pressure and that means sunday will be even nicer than saturday. take a look. here's a look at temperature trend for you and we'll start to cool down once we get to beginning of week and in the meantime by midday tomorrow a very nice 61 for you and 38 for tonight and then here's a look at "fox5" accuweather 7-day forecast 62 by president's day and 67 tomorrow and take a look a few showers once we get into wednesday and hump day and temperatures stay in the 60s into the week not bad just a cool down as i said once we get into tuesday after president's day. >> and brody standing by with sports for you. hey, proceedy. >> hey, gwen, this week the clock started for teams to use the franchise tax to allow their fr a free agents of course here in washington that brought the question of kurt cousin franchise for second straight year or let them pass free agency a report from jason reed says kirk cousins doesn't want to be in ashburn and also wants the franchise tag for 2017. why wouldn't you want the franchise tag that would guarantee him around 24 million dollars this season and he gets another run with a talented redskins team and there were rumors he would want to reunite with skins oc kyle shanahan with 49ers and i think all that is blown out of proportion and cousins is the best quarterback available in the market and market for his services is small. in fact the redskins are best possible place for him at least for this year and begging for a franchise tag because this year's market is terrible. take a look. this is what the market looks like when you take the redskins out of the picture and 3 nfl teams and first take out the teams that establish good quarterbacks that eliminates 20 teams y outside these teams know who starting qb is and look at teams symptom of them like cousin and recently draft aitd young signal caller or assigned someone to cap killing deal that took them out of the market. houston the rams would be a nice fit with shawn mcvay and he has goose to proom and they're sticking with first arounder patchton lynch and this is basically market here. it's assumed puff low will cut tyrod take already and along with bears, browns, 49ers and jets and these teams win combined 25 and 87 remove jets they have whoing -- so you mean to it will me kirk cousins 9 before the start of next season probably on last big contract will spin his prime plague for in competitive team? i don't buy it and neither should the redskins. they shouldal because i don't think let him test the market. i don't think he'll spend his prime years 29 to say 3 waiting for the had 49ers to get good. >> you have quite the business mintd don't you. >> that's what i'm thinking here. and i could be wrong which people on social media love to tell you you're wrong if you think i'm wrong tweet me at brody logan or brody logan "fox5" on facebook and tell me where i'm wrong. i think redskins should let them tell the mark sglet kirk cousins says you're wrong. >> kirk cousins agent -- >> he probably will. >> he's up a little bit. >> you're costing me millions. >> well thought out. >> thank you, brody. >> coming up next at 10 hillary clinton is spotted having dinner with one saturday night live star in new york. >> they're about to meet up with we come back. >> they dined before clinton saw production of sunset boulevard on broadway and according to tabloid they laughed a lot during the meal and mcken on got rave reviews of her portrayal of the former presidential nominee. >> imagine getting picture with two of them that would be cool. >> from comedy to horror next season of american horror story will focus on the 2016 presidential election and this is real news. during a recent interview creator ryan murphy revealed season 7 will be about recent race for white house. there's no title for the upcoming season but they'll start shooting in june. >> "fox 5 news" at 11 starts now. >> >> right now a defense conducting raids on immigrant at a virginia church and what a pastor told "fox5". >> and plus is it a political problem? a local musician says his business took a hit all because of a wedding gig he took. >> my reaction for that was we were there for the client and not there for donald trump. >> and we're checking out the new app gaining popularity with high profile government officials. your news start right now. we'll begin tonight with developing story in prince william county virginia. police are investigating a deadly stabbing involveing a man and woman and it happened around 6:30 tonight for easter lane in mannasas and we're told the woman died and the man is now at the hospital in critical condition and police say this appears to be a domestic incident. >> and also tonight, questions about immigration raids in virginia. two u.s. senators and governor of virginia want answers following several incidents involving immigrations and customs

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Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News Ten 20170218 :

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News Ten 20170218

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researchers are paying top dollar to get inside about our region's gridlock and how you can cash in on your commute. >> plus tracking a major weather warm-up for your weerkd and how long will the spring like weather stick around. good evening i'm tony perkins. >> i'm shawn yancy. >> we begin in virginia where two u.s. senators and governor have plenty of questions for ice. they're concerned about reports of alleged immigrations and custom enforcement raids taking place in the state. >> there's growing concern about an incident outside of a alexandria church. >> "fox5" lauren demarco joins us with the latest, lauren. >> reporter: well, tony, shawn, ice official tells me that outside of the rising hope church in alexandria one morning as the hypothermia shelter was letting out, two of the officials or agents walked up to a group of men and conducted consensual interviews about a potential target. and they say that during those interviews it turns out two of and were here in the u.s. illegally and they were detained and will likely be de ported. the people here at the church tell the story differently. >> i seen drug raids not that big. >> they areman booster stays at the hope owe thermia shelter and says february 8 he witnessed 7 latino men rounded up as they left for the day and the pastor explains how it went down. >> 6:45 wednesday morning the men walked out of here and they started walking this way towards the parking lot and many of them were leaving to go to jobs or look for jobs and a lot of them were day laborers and they were walking this way as soon as they got across the street, they just swooped in on them in all dreks and. >> handcuffed them at the brick wall. >> handcuffed them at the brick wall. >> one man was let go after proving he had a green card, the rest. >> they put all sim of them in the n. >> the six guys they took away you have seen any of them back here? >> no, no,. don't know what happened to them. >> we went to the ice regional headquarters today in fairfax and we tried to meet with ice officials to find out who are the other people that they've taken. let us know who they are and where have you taken them and what's happening to them. and they not only refused to talk with us when we tried to sent a messenger up there they refused to give us names of neighbor and refused to give us their names. >> senator time kaine sent a let to ice saying he's concerned the church may have been tarringtarringeted and said i would like to know how many were detained and where ice brought them and whether they remained in history and whether any have a criminal record. virginia governor sent a similar record and a letter was sent to the head vice with president trump's executive order on enhancing public safety and he asks whether enforcement actions are happening locations like schools or searches. >> it's hard not to think that they were not profiling these men and casing out rising hope. >> it's a terrible thing that's happening. >> for people to be fearful of coming to worship and people to be fearful of coming to get help and get out of the cold and winter months. >> we received a statement from ice today and i want to read the report about locations like churches, ice sensitive location policy which remains in effect provides enforcement actions at sensitive locations should be generally avoided and require either prior approval from appropriate supervisory official or exgent circumstances necessitating immediate, and on twitter within the past hour isis calls false reports in other cities irresponsible reporting. we have not seen any official responses from the letters lauren lauren, "fox5 local news". >> a closer look at the ice raids happening across our region. are they specificing targeting game members or other criminals or arounding up people hereel illegally and looking for a better life in america. the story continues tonight at 10:30 here on "fox5". we're following a disturbing story out of equals church. a math teacher is jailed tonight accused of sexually assaulting two female students at mary ellen henderson middle school. and police say daniel estrada of clip ton, virginia was removed from the classroom on january 17 once alleged incident became known and heeds been charged with two counts of felony aggravated battery and it's unclear when the alleged abuse happened and earlier we spoke with interim superintendent robert schiller and he says the investigation is ongoing. >> we do not know the full extent of whatever took place and when we worked coop communication to child protecoud protective services and as well as our police department. >> police fear there may be more victims. they want to hear from anyone who had inappropriate contact with estrada. >> let's take it outside right now and yes, it is indeed cold out there and guess what, we're going to get a warm-up this weekend. let's check in with gwen to find out exactly what we can expect. gwen. >> you know what i'm happy when the weekend comes and i can serve up nice weather and that's exactly what's going on. and let's look at where we hit today and temperatures into the 50s. low 50s that is at all three airports and we had a bit of light wind that was out there. right now, it is chilling down though, folks, only 40 right now in the nation's capitol. 36 gaithersburg and 2 dulles and 34 culpeper and same winchester and 37 fredericksburgnd degrees. and now, winds will be light tonight. and we also have some skies that have a few clouds. not a lot happening in the cloud department at all. mostly clear skies before the night is over and with those light winds and clear skies we will get a little bit of radiational cooling. overnight lows anticipated to be primarily into the 0s. and so 38 degrees for tonight. mostly clear. and light winds and chilly and take a look at what is ahead for the weekend. oh, not bad at all. we're certaining up the 60s. look at that. flirting with the 70 degree mark by the time we get to tomorrow. not too hard to take. i'll have more details in the 7 day in a bit. back to you. >> secret service investigation continues into who hacked d.c. system of security cameras before the inauguration. and the mayor's office will not talk about how it happened or what's being done to prevent another breach and so we're going to a cyber security expert. lindsay watts is following this story. >> and camera he's to be taken off-line for at least two days and before that it was candidate hillary clinton who was targeted. >> of course being everyone now is familiar with the dnc attack and we start with the email and fricking or clicking on a link. >> ceo of virginia anti-virus company. and he took us through a typical hack ago text where cyber criminal sends an e-mail that looks like it came from i tunes. >> did i order that movie or did my kid or what? this is example of it looks completely legitimate email from apple the attachment is a weaponizeed exel document. >> they'll see this is the code is running dropping malware and doing other bad things to the machine. >> in ransomware attack the computer will lock up and. >> you're alerted that all your documents photos and files are now encrypted and you have to pay up for a code to get it all back. >> if your data is held hostage twr 200 to 500. >> while ransomware was used in the camera hack they did not pavement and we asked how the hack happened and what is being done to prevent another attack. and the mayor's office is not saying and instead we got a statement that reads in part cyber threats are new reality for all governments and this incident demonstrates the districts was ready to respond quickly as we de ekt it tekted brief and moved weapon a matter of days to resore the system. >> it should not be about reacting to the threat. but getting out in front i think d.c. needs to lock at newer technology and cheerily there's a public safety need here. >> lindsay watt, "fox5 local news". >> and d.c. officials corn firmed two people were arrested in london linked to the camera system hack and the secret service is still serving for others involved again the big take away here they almost always begins with email. >>. >> a local leader hag that story. >> tony he performed at the first wedding here at the trump international hotel and he says he is still receiving backlash and questions about why he performed even to this night. we'll have that story coming up. >> and someone wants you to pay -- someone wants to pay you to drive the highways new northern traffic study could leave you with ar pocket. i'll show you how it works. shawn. >> plus, trimming the fat is metro. head of transit agency says millions are being lost every year because people are not showing up to work. his plans to fix it ahead at 10. now at havertys furniture, it's our presidents day event, where you can create the perfect home. from now through february 20th, everything is on sale. save on furniture and accessories for every room. plus, enjoy thirty-six month, no interest financing. come in today and save. with havertys, your home can be perfect. even when life isn't. the presidents day event is on now at havertys. life looks good. >> the former oklahoma attorney general was confirmed despite rolling back the epa environmental enforcement efforts and as attorney general pruit filed 1 lawsuits challenging the epa regulations including limits on carbon emission from coal fired plants. >> and president trump hit the road today for campaign style rally in south carolina spoke to employees there. the president told them he would keep hisobback to the usa. >> as your president i'm going to do everything i can to unleash the power of the persons and put our great people back to work. this is by americans and hire americans. we want product made in america and made by american hands. >> president is expected to hold another big rally no florida sfwlxt and an area of wedding singer says he received backlash after performing at the trump international hotel in the districts and he says the band was booked long before trump became president and now as we go to wedding season he's concerned about the aftermath of performing at one of the president's venues. join us is from the story. tisha. >> shawn, tony, despite the performing here you know what business is business and even though he does worry that prep prens may be forced to turn down gigs here in other places due to the current political climate and patrols online ready to poups. >> i see trees of green red roses too♪ i see them blue for he and you♪ and i think to myself, what a wonderful world♪ >> and that was erin bronis wedding singer based in fairfax virginia he was booked to perform at the first wedding at the trump international hotel just a few months ago and now after the gig he did what many do posted pictures on social media online and that's when the backlash started comments from leagues. friends and strangers asking how he could performt trump hotel. >> my first reaction to that was we were there for the client not for donald trump. so that's separation in and of itself and also one of the things i say to my family and friends is when you take yourself out of the game and you remove yourself from the process you really can't influence or make any changed. and his group was set to perform and the gig was cancelled and you may remember michelle performed tops of backlash for performing at the inauguration ball and death threats and the actor who supported make america great dress started protests and it de ped on the day and there's no rhyme or reason. >> since he arrived on the job metro general manager has been trying to fix a host of problem. cutting do you on absent sea tee six and had a 6% jump in six days and unpaid leave in 2016 compared toy 015 and cutting numbers of abscess can soft transition agency about million dollars a year. >> and for me this is potentially taking jobs from other workers. because if you suck up dollars for more than absent teeism i don't have enough dollars to go arounds as you seen it impact other employees. under policy supervisorer cannot approve nor than two days of absences without pay and employees could face discipline causing fired or excessive absences over a year's managers could be fired for abusing that policy. >> you know traffic can be an absolute mess if you live in this area and sometimes going a few miles may take 30 minute. it's not unusual. >> one university is easing stress behind the wheel by paying you to sit in traffic. we'll explain their master plan and how it could help us all in the long run. >>♪ i'm on the right track, baby, i was born this way♪ >> super bowl fans went gaga overlaidy gaga half time show at the soupier bowl and ratings are in and half time performance was the most watched musical event of all time across all platforms and the show was watched by nearly 118 million viewers and 2.2 million people realtime tweeted about the show and gaga latest record climbed more than 50 sfots number 2 on the billboard shots. >> total of ten arrests made in connection of theas these are three of the five charged with murder. >> middle of the day a car was shot up. >> it will be spring like around here. z29kvz zstz y29kvy ysty did you know 90% of couples disagree on mattress firmness? ere's a bed where you both get what you want every night. enter sleep number and the ultimate sleep number event, going on now. sleepiq technology tells you how well you slept and what adjustments you can make. she likes the bed soft. he's more hardcore. so your sleep goes from good to great to wow! only at a sleep number store. for 5 days only, save 50% on the ultimate limited edition bed. plus 24-month financing. go to for a store near you. z29ksz zstz y29ksy ysty >> of there was frightening moments early in silver spring. a pickup truck crashed into this house than was the scene from sky fox and house sustained minor damage and we're told no one inside the house was hurt and driver of the truck was injured. no word yet on the extent of the driver's injuries or what may have caused the crash. >> and you know i've often thought somebody should may me for the time wasted sitting in traffic. guess what, now someone agrees an you can get paid too. >> virginia tech is working on new smart hope to system that you use in your car and be it helps reduce traffic conditions in the future. joining us with more on how you can cash in, sarah. >> tony, shawn, let's talk money first of all because that's what everybody wants to know. you could make nearly 4,000 if you participate in the full study. not bad for just doing your normal every day commute sitt and now, here is how your fits s to be a more up to date vehicle that has adaptive cruise control where it automatically senses vehicles around your vehicle and slows down speeds up depending how close you are to those. it has to have that. and then what they do is they insert tiny little cameras on the roof of the vehicle somewhere near back here so it can then shootout the back windshield and look at traffic that way and then they also put one up here in the front that allows the camera to look out the front of the windshield. and on top of that there's a data control part of data control system that goes on the windshield near the rear he view mirror here and none of it is supposed to be number your line ever sight in all apparently the wires and that type of thing and the people running the study they're installing it and hide that and all connects to a data box that sits behind the back seeds of the car here. here's what it travellers information system it hooks to a mobile app you use on smart phone and it warns you about congestion emweather events, traffic zones, that type of thing. through this they hope to cut down on traffic congestion and you see how auto matted technology do that. here's how your compensation breaks down this is how you get paid. system installation they pay you $125. if you participate for twelve months, $300 a month you get up to 3600 and 125 to take the system out. so you're looking at fully 3850 for participating this whole thing. so then of course is the other catch. it has to be the certain roadways. certain highways in northern virginia. interstate 66 if you travel that one on regular basis, u.s. route 50. beltway interstate 495 and route 9. if commute then you should definitely look into this possibility. you do have to have a valid u.s. driver's license and if you're worried about privacy with the cameras that type of thing virginia tech says they looked in and hear on top of it and the cameras will not be recording audio. so you should not be worried about those privacy issues. so if you're interested we do have a lincoln our web site. you can go to and it gives you more information about the substitutey and if you want to mack a few extra thousand and bucks sitting in traffic, tony and shawn. >> who sfwlont not bad. >> i think they'll get a good response. >> i think so too. >> and a lot of people travel interstates clearly in northern virginia. >> absolutely. >> all right. >> thank you, sarah. >> whether we come back tonight a virginia community is rallying around an 8-year-old girl and 4-year-old brother and i their mother's exboyfriend is accuses of viciously attacking them. >> how people with coming together to give them a new place to call home. >> we're back with top stories tonight. immigration raid is raising eyebrows in northern virginia xun think. lauren demarco what can you tell us. >> the pastor here at rising hope methodist church in alexandria says some of the latino men that stay in hypothermia shelter here overnight were targeted in a raid as they left february 8 and ice officials say that is not the case and only two men were detained and it was not a raid. two u.s. senators from virginia and governor have now sent letters to ice asking for clarification on what happened here and immigration policy and enforcement in the state. >> a man's future in is jail tonight accused of sexually assaulting two female students in false church. school officials removed daniel estrada january 17 after they learned of the investigation. investigators are trying determine if there do be any re epa scott pruit was sfwhorn tonight and the senate confirmed pruitt today des separate objections. which he was attorney general he filed 14 lawsuits challenging epa regulationsen including carbon emission from coal fire plants. >> and what a cool day today and chilly night tonight and warm-up on the way for you. 48 in d.c.. light, southerly wind. and the light wind and clear skies as we're seeing the clouds finally moving out we will have radiational cooling and but warmer air is on the way. to the north of eastern sea board things on the chilly side and we'll get influx of warmer air pushing in from the south and that really helps to boost temperatures once we get to tomorrow. and a little bit of light disturbance as well that moves its way across the area and weapon that a slight chance tomorrow night of maybe a passin nothing to be t accuweather 7-day forecast and president day is looking absolutely great at 62 degrees and as you look at saturday and sunday no shortage of sunshine and look at temperatures. we're headed to the 60s and we're in the low 50s today and very nice warm-up for this time of year and as we progress into the end of week oh, wow, that warm-up continues. more coming up in a bit, back to you. >> all right. we're learning new information about the merdz of of sgaimingersburg teenager fairfax county police say 15 year damarisreves died from trauma to her upper body her remains were found last saturday at an industrial park in springfield she went missing from maryland to two months ago. on wednesday police arrested four adults and sixteen agars with connection of the murder and identified the aunder all the circumstances ult jose re se. wilmer sanchez sorano and alzer wilmer sanchez sorano and alzer carcamo immigration and custom enforcement tells "fox5" agents have detainers on four adults. in recent days we've seen a number of ice raids in northern virginia and some wonder if these raids are specifically targeting gang members and other criminals or if they're arounding people up here illegally and looking for a better life in america. and "fox5" alexandra limon has more. >> the day is over when they can stay if in our country and raek havoc. >> president trump made it clear he's taking a hard stance on illegal immigration antepresident message has been this. >> we have bad umbres here and we want to get them out. >> how many detained and reported are hardened criminals. we reached out to ice for data and because the administration is so new the numbers they h reflect a specific raid or week. hover a look back gives us clear idea of the breakdown of exactly who is being de ported from the united states. according to ice data in 2016, 240255 people total were de ported and which includes people arrested in ice raids and people who were arrested by other law enforcement agencies and headed over to ice. that was a% increase from 2015. 2057 were classified as suspected or confirmed gang members. that means less than 1% of the total people de ported in fiscal year 016 were associated with gangs. and on the other hand, 4 2% or 1015 directly from ice were not preev yutsly convicted of any crime. alexandra limon, "fox5 local news". his employer at the adrenalin studio tipped off police and he also worked at stage door in mannasas and detectives are concerned there may be more victims. >> we have three victims trying to make sure there's no more vick tem and if there are we can have them come forward and place charges accordingly. we want the parents to talk to their children and two over them with -- over with them what's appropriate and inappropriate contact with an adult. >> charged with carnal knowledge of a childe ws a horrible story out of princess anne maryland back in december you may recall police say a mana tacked his exgirlfriend and her two young children with a hammer. and the woman aerial sars was also stabbed and she later dpied and her 8-year-old daughter and 4-year-old son survived and they are recovering from traumatic brain injuries and the children's grandmother valentinea downing will care for them when they get out of the hospital and earlier today workers with habitat for humanity began work on downing's home to make it more accessible for the children and workers help the house will be ready by the time the children leave the hospital. >> certainly hope so too. >> when we come back tonight president trump former national security advisor resigned and michael flynn was talking with a russian am bar doss in september. >> and the general should have known that phone call was wire tapped. latest in this developing story when we come a major reason for boost homes for major tax return. tokz setting i boost and dow closing at record high for 7th straight session and get this the dow surprise 4% since trump's inauguration and that is the dow's best first 30 days in office for any president since franklin rose he velt last term in 19 45 meantime drivers will need a little extra cash at least for now the national average for regular unleaded gas rising this week and average gallon sitting about 50.9 that's higher than same time last year and point click and buy during the holidays online shopping over the final three months of last year rising to 103 million of more than year. that's business i'm neil cavuto >> developing tonight a russian fly trip is flying off the costs of united states. and it's still considered to be in international waters. fox news was first to report the sighting of the ship off the coast of delaware on tuesday. u.s. officials say the ship is equiped with xhup kation and signal intelligence gathering equipment. >> and the resignation of national security advisor michael flynn this week raised new questions about wire tapping and spying. >> flynn's down fall was trace todd a conversation he had with russia am bar door to the u.s. and that phon not happen anyone a vacuum and in fact the feds were listening in. rich edson has the latest. >> general michael flynn spoke on the phone to russian am bar tore to the united states. flynn should have known others were listening. >> a man of mike flynn's experience and understanding should have known for certain that heeds not having any private conversation with the russian am bar door. >> foreign intelligence act gives u.s. intelligence services authority to monitor foreign agents and as other nations monitored americans and 2014 surveillance caught assistant secretary of state victoria newland bad mouthing in a conversation u.s. am bar door to ukraine. >> it would be great haveto have un glue it -- >> and officials us is inspectioned russia of leaking that call. at the time they object todd publicizing and posting of of assumption of those operating in state craft that foreign surveillance is usually listening in. and the national security dozens of phone conversations including german chancellor americale and the germans strongly ob sdwrekt the a posture they claim is hypocritical. >> allis and enemies engage in this active i and the american public should hope the u.s. does it as well. it's extremely aggressive world out there. we're not operating as a community of nations on this planet. it could be nice to think so. >> one republican congress manziel he objects to the revelation of u.s. intelligence activities. >> we don't want the russians to know what we're doing or how we're doing t. if it was done. >> there's issue of corporate espionage and then passes trade secrets along to company in their country and u.s. long maintained it does not engage benefit of american businesses. at the state department rich edson fox news. >> it is years from opening but deliveryes are already being made for barack obama presidential library and air force cargo plain landed with a shipment of historical items from the national archives and artifacts will end up in the obama presidential center in chicago and scheduled to be completed in 2020. >> and he's a member of greatest generation and world war two vet bob broclhurst got a chance to soar once more. and once he got by the controls he took this p 5 1 mustang for a ride. another pilot road with them. brocklehurst says the night was skill rating. >> made me feel at home it was like putting the car in the garage you do it without thinking. >> it's a national treasure like the i said i'm playing with a national tren are you. >> the comings foundtation made it possible and he served nearly 0 years in the air force and when when he wept for his ride he tried out tricks doing a loop and barrel roll. good for him. look at him. >> deposit lose it at all. >> pop up display in northeast d.c. may have some folks wonder what is going on. the reason behind this exhibit and what the artist is hoping will happen >> and coming up at 11 the questions that are sure ourpding a new app seeing a spike in use by high profile government officials. ♪♪ know you have a dedicated advisor and team who understand where you come from know you can craft an investment plan as strong as your values ♪♪ know that together, you can establish a meaningful legacy with the guidance and support of your dedicated pnc wealth management® team. did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet that's 10 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to internet speeds up to 150 mbps. and add phone and tv for only $34.90 more a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. >> gluten free diets seem popular. there may be a down side. fluteen free diets had higher concentration of ars in addition in urine and mercury in their blood than those that did not do a gluten f researchers suggest rice flour used adds substitute for wheat accumulates those toxic metals. >> and well new tonight if you're near wisdom martin in nebraska avenue in north west d.c. theodore kartder is looking at something you didn't expect to see. kasht he laid out the who let the ducks out. it's mall hard ducks made with plastic tape and deck crated are bottle caps with horse hair. the ducks took 15 months to put together and he's hoping for one thing from viewers. >> i hope they enjoy it and stop and take a look and see something we were not expecting to see. >> i think i like the cleaner room duck. i made one out of all the things my daughter found when cleaning her room. >> carter says if the display is not trashed or taken away he plans on leaving it up until sunday. he weet tweeted out the location of the display minutes before he put not get stopped. >> urban art there you go. >> there you go. >> and so it would be a great weekend if folks wants to check it out the. >> absolutely a great weekend. we have great weather saturday and sunday and for president's day monday. >> so you know what i love when i can say that on the weekend for everybody and people have plans and it's weather definitely will cooperate and it's quite a treat this time of year that we'll get temperature-wise and we're headed to 60s. upper 60s. that's not hard to take at all. not a bad night out there right now. we have some clouds that are getting out of the way. and we're talking mostly clear skies for tonight and here's a look at highs we got today and looking at low 50s at all parents and temperatures above seasonal and we'll go higher over the next day or so for you. in the meantime showing light tonight and light winds and clearing skies and radiational clearing leaves us with overnight lows in the 30snd couple of exceptions by the time we get to the early house of the more and late tonight. 39 quantico and d.c. at 40 and we've got 4 gaithersburg this hour and only at frederick and 32 winchester and 35 at mar continuesburg. and we'll seat jet stream give us a break in terms temperatures. it will be more north of us and we'll benefit from a nice southerly flow. today in the 50s. tomorrow take a look at this as i said headed to 60s. it's going to stay mild and warm right into the entire weekend. and the good news is as i said the weather is going to cooperate in terms of our sky conditions as well. and can't rule out maybe a little bit of a light sprinkle on saturday due to disturbance that moves through the area and 20% chance of passing shower by saturday night and other than that not bad at all with clearing skies and sunshine for tomorrow everywhere across the board for front move to the north and 60s head in and we have chilly weather coming only by the time we get to monday as we see the front become a backdoor frontal system and cooler air moves in across the region. and in the meantime ridge of high pressure and that means sunday will be even nicer than saturday. take a look. here's a look at temperature trend for you and we'll start to cool down once we get to beginning of week and in the meantime by midday tomorrow a very nice 61 for you and 38 for tonight and then here's a look at "fox5" accuweather 7-day forecast 62 by president's day and 67 tomorrow and take a look a few showers once we get into wednesday and hump day and temperatures stay in the 60s into the week not bad just a cool down as i said once we get into tuesday after president's day. >> and brody standing by with sports for you. hey, proceedy. >> hey, gwen, this week the clock started for teams to use the franchise tax to allow their fr a free agents of course here in washington that brought the question of kurt cousin franchise for second straight year or let them pass free agency a report from jason reed says kirk cousins doesn't want to be in ashburn and also wants the franchise tag for 2017. why wouldn't you want the franchise tag that would guarantee him around 24 million dollars this season and he gets another run with a talented redskins team and there were rumors he would want to reunite with skins oc kyle shanahan with 49ers and i think all that is blown out of proportion and cousins is the best quarterback available in the market and market for his services is small. in fact the redskins are best possible place for him at least for this year and begging for a franchise tag because this year's market is terrible. take a look. this is what the market looks like when you take the redskins out of the picture and 3 nfl teams and first take out the teams that establish good quarterbacks that eliminates 20 teams y outside these teams know who starting qb is and look at teams symptom of them like cousin and recently draft aitd young signal caller or assigned someone to cap killing deal that took them out of the market. houston the rams would be a nice fit with shawn mcvay and he has goose to proom and they're sticking with first arounder patchton lynch and this is basically market here. it's assumed puff low will cut tyrod take already and along with bears, browns, 49ers and jets and these teams win combined 25 and 87 remove jets they have whoing -- so you mean to it will me kirk cousins 9 before the start of next season probably on last big contract will spin his prime plague for in competitive team? i don't buy it and neither should the redskins. they shouldal because i don't think let him test the market. i don't think he'll spend his prime years 29 to say 3 waiting for the had 49ers to get good. >> you have quite the business mintd don't you. >> that's what i'm thinking here. and i could be wrong which people on social media love to tell you you're wrong if you think i'm wrong tweet me at brody logan or brody logan "fox5" on facebook and tell me where i'm wrong. i think redskins should let them tell the mark sglet kirk cousins says you're wrong. >> kirk cousins agent -- >> he probably will. >> he's up a little bit. >> you're costing me millions. >> well thought out. >> thank you, brody. >> coming up next at 10 hillary clinton is spotted having dinner with one saturday night live star in new york. >> they're about to meet up with we come back. >> they dined before clinton saw production of sunset boulevard on broadway and according to tabloid they laughed a lot during the meal and mcken on got rave reviews of her portrayal of the former presidential nominee. >> imagine getting picture with two of them that would be cool. >> from comedy to horror next season of american horror story will focus on the 2016 presidential election and this is real news. during a recent interview creator ryan murphy revealed season 7 will be about recent race for white house. there's no title for the upcoming season but they'll start shooting in june. >> "fox 5 news" at 11 starts now. >> >> right now a defense conducting raids on immigrant at a virginia church and what a pastor told "fox5". >> and plus is it a political problem? a local musician says his business took a hit all because of a wedding gig he took. >> my reaction for that was we were there for the client and not there for donald trump. >> and we're checking out the new app gaining popularity with high profile government officials. your news start right now. we'll begin tonight with developing story in prince william county virginia. police are investigating a deadly stabbing involveing a man and woman and it happened around 6:30 tonight for easter lane in mannasas and we're told the woman died and the man is now at the hospital in critical condition and police say this appears to be a domestic incident. >> and also tonight, questions about immigration raids in virginia. two u.s. senators and governor of virginia want answers following several incidents involving immigrations and customs

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