Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News Ten 20170213 : comparemela.

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News Ten 20170213

fox5 news at ten starts now.ow. pat >> thank you for joining usouorj tonight. i'm lauren demarco.. >> i'm jim lokay.imokay we're talking weather.eaer expecting strong winds to comeoo our way overnight. >> high wind speeds mean thes mt potential for downed trees andne other damage.amag wander to get right to gwen witg hey there, gwen.. >> absolutely right.ut those winds could definitelycoul cause majodr problems across our area.ea going to increase in theg inc overnight hours.ou. right now, in d.c. we're at a 53 degrees officially.ll plenty of clouds outside. and the winds are very only we believes at 9 miles anea hour. but that is soon going change. wind speeds sustained as you cat see already starting to pick upg in some of our neighborhoods.ds manassas at 23 miles per hour.r. and elsewhere 20 at comer land.. we've got nine at dc, 16 at annapolis and only eight at baltimore. but those wind gusts are goingog to be an and right now winds have already picked up to 44 miles per hourpu wind gusts at martinsburg.nsbu 38 in winchester.r. 47 at cumberland. 25 at 36 at manassas.s we've got a couple of systems that are really kicking in witht this a couple of frontal systems that have created a very strong deepening low pressure system se and that causing all the strongt winds. right now we have advisories ane warnings in effect. in ffec they kick in tonight in thehe overnight hours starting atg a about 11:00 and will be in b i effect right through until theht early evening hours of your monday. high wind warning in the warninr areas we have the potential to o down trees and power lines winds gusting up to 60 miles an hour.u and the advisory area is aas lighter shade that you see here. that wind advisory also where we can see winds up to 50 miles ann hour.hour temperatures now into the 40s te and the 50s but those strongsetr winds are going to create some s wind chills and we're reallyre y going to feel those especiallysc in the early morning hours. hou in the meantime, overnightht tonight, cloudy skies,es, 40 degrees. and those winds as i said willdl start to pick up overnight. back to you. fox5 in montgomery countyou now wher his life tonight after a crash a that may have been caused by aya street race between two other 64-year-old carlos hernandez isi a well-known deacon ineacon i montgomery county. the wreck happened yesterday ony connecticut avenue in kensington. fox5's lindsay watts joins usats live now with more on this story. hey, lindsay. linds >> reporter: lauren, i spoke, is by phone to carlos hernandez'snz son is by his side here at suburban hospital in bethesda. t he says his dad is still in a a mama. he has not woken up yet but hish condition has improved sips hedp was brought here yesterday yesrd afternoon after the crash.rash. family provided this photo of hernandez.dez he's a deacon at saint michael'l the archangel church in silvernr spring and also works full timem at a local catering company.ompa police say hernandez was tryingy to make a left turn from connecticut on to den field fie avenue in kensington when his car was t boned this around 5:33 yesterday.da investigators tell us the manatl who hit hera racing another driver who wasn'' involved in the accident.en police on scene did make contacn with both of those drivers. drie we know the one who crashed is 23-year-old miguel ramirez ofez silver he was injured but is expected e to survive.. no information yet on that second driver. d police tell us that tonight thet crash is under investigation and there are no charges at this point.po i just spoke to a close friendsi of the hernandez family.. she says it's devastating for something like this to happen especially to someone so so committed to doing good for for others. >> his weekends and nights are spent saying mass, um, he goes to walter reed on regular basiso to give communioren and to visis the wounded warriors. he's the kind of soul that sou you'll ever want to meet and and ever want to know. kno really impacting the hard to see somebody who just gives so much of himself to everybody else to see him lying there with she says the hospital has beenln flooded with visitors both today and yesterday.. a lot of clergy from around this area who know and work withith hernandez.rndez. there have been so many visitorr that tonight family says theys t are trying to keep them to ao a minimum.m they are requesting privacy priy right now. but hoping for continued prayers during such difficult time. we're live in bethesda, lindsayn watts fox5 local news.. fox5 in the district tonighg search continues for the suspece who's shot a man and stole his s car.r. >> the stolen vehicle was latert found set on fire and the crime ended up triggering part of a completely separate police chase and scare at maryland liveat mar casino. fox5' mass recent ma morocco isi in northeast d.c. with theh t story. marina. >> reporter: that victim aortert maryland man remains inha ct ria condition tonight and this all took place right here at thist t intersection this is division avenue and je d street here. he. now according to witnesses, thet jumped into the victim's car.. then drove off downhill towardsw burrville elementary school.l the car later found by police complete al blaze in maryland.a but in the immediate aftermath a of the shooting police put out a look out on the victim's vehicle presumably driven by his shooter which caused the chase of an unrelated car and ultimately the evacuation of maryland live as a it was briefly believed that tht shooter was hiding inside the casino.casio now, back here in d.c.'s ward seven, homicide detectives havee taken over the investigation ana according to family members who tell fox5 that this seemed likee was a target act, victims house was broken into just hoursou following the shooting, and a tonight that victim still in critical condition another anthr area hospital.pi and no arrests. live tonight in northeast washington, d.c. tonig marks re a marraco, fox5 local news.alew police are trying to identify human remains found near an industrial park in springfield. remains were found on whim sat s road yesterday. it's unclear how long they werew at that location.n. detectives are stilliv are sti they say it appears remains area of a woman or teenaged an autopsy will be conductedonct tomorrow to determine how theowe person died. dd. police say the body is not thatt of a teenager who recently wentn missing in the she and her child returned homeh last night. ♪♪ it is one of the first tests of this young trumpmp administration.ra north korea firing a ballistic i missile last night in violationt of un nig resolutions. the missile landed in waters wes between korean peninsula andsu japan. the confirmed launch came as cam president trump was sitting dowm at din are inp wa with japanese minister in florida. f more now from fox's garretttt tenney. >> reporter: most expertstxper agree timing of his launch is no coincidence. after all it was only two days s ago that president trump and japan's prime minister heldr hed joint press conference at thet white house and urged northrgedr korea to ban don its nuclear and ballistic missile programs.e p and not to take any further provocative action. actio little over 24 hours later,at north korea responded by launching a medium range ballistic missile into thec eastern sea and this is only the latest missile test by yank and another step towards its goal of developing a nuclear war head wh capable of hitting the united ui states. in the last year the north attempt lased 24 missile launchc along with two nuclear tests. last night the head southead korea's joint chiefs of staff oa said this latest test shows s north korea's president is if hf nat klee obsessed with achieving his goal and if he doesn't stops he said his country will sufferu >> translator: we sternly warntw if the kim jong-un regime does d not give up the north koreann regime will destroy itself in the near future. >> reporter: north koreath under security resolutioners. many unfortunate s leadersea believe in order for the northoh to change it's behavior china c needs to take a leading role ini applying the pressure.ressur >> i can on so many other areass ninety nine has been woebee physical inadequate and they a t could squeeze north korea economically 90% of the importsp and exports go through china. and i think we have to tell thet chinese that they have to put p the wood to north korea in muchh more serious way than they'venye done so far. >> reporter: it's alsot's a important to note just a fewt aw weeks ago defense secretaryta james mattis visited south korek on his first official trip tri abroad and announced an agreement to boost our sharedred defenses against north korea.ea. in washington, i'm garrett gre tenney, fox news. other way protesters tryingg to slow down plan in bethesda.ha >> site is a home of former graveyard what demonstratorsonro want done before building plansa move plus, here we go again. ain another round of safetrackrack repairs on metro tomorroworw morning the first rush hour witw new changes. we'll run them down for when yoe we come back.k. ♪♪ fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we wired the wagner's house th 150 meg internet. cup of coffee, tommy can download 40 songs, and jan can upload 180 photos. 12 seconds. that's the power of fiber optics. get 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone for just $79.99 per month for the first year. cable can't offer speeds this fast at a price this good. only fios can. ♪♪ still no word what caused ae fire that swept through ann apartment complex in ashburn. au the fire broke out around 10:00 this morning on braybr terrace. when firefighters arrived theyrt found flames shooting throughth the roof of a two-story apartment building as theydi the entered the fire began to sprear but firefighters eventually got the blaze under control.on we are told at least ninein families will need a new place a to stay. red cross is helping some ofng m them find shelter. >> and we are learning newea details tonight about deadlyton shooting inab montgomery villaga this happened on friday in hock run terrace.. police have identified theifiede victim as 20-year-old of hyattsville. young was not the only one shot. 23-year-old man who ended up in the hospital was also struck byy gunfire. police believe the attack doestk not appear to be random. r they think one of the victimse i had a ranged to meet with the wt shooter. detectives talked to number of t people friday night but salo fao no arrests. meantime, stay in montgomery county. two robbers brought into five i guys caught on camera. sparks from power tools theyrom used to get into theto the restaurant's safe happenedafe overnight last monday at theda e five guys in kensington. the pair made off with cash and police think they may be the t same suspects responsible for several other recent burglaries in aspen hill and rockville. developing to night, plansop are moving forward to redevelopl a neighborhood in bethesda but some community members say not y so fast they turned out for f protest today. demonstrators saying they wanto the county planking board to t table the west bar development l project on river road especially members of the mass don't in a a baptist church.hurc they say some 50 years agogo builders laid down asphalt whata they remember was a graveyard of african-american parishioners. members say they don't want morr construction on the site without first checking whether people' reece mains are there.he >> this is a community effort at this point.oint. people of goodwill just really a don't like the fact that this multi billion dollar company isi trying to dishonor people who have, hooks worked very hard inv their lifetime and who have noww been discarded in death. dth. and they lay under a park -- a driveway right now. n and now on top of that, they tht want to put a garage on top of f the parkway. >> montgomery county planning pn board is expected to review thee development proposal at itsl ati meeting next week. it is another busy week heah for president trump. the canadian and prime ministers will participate in round tablee about women in the work force.or the president also may issue aai new executive order onn immigration and more of hisf h cabinet picks may be approved bd congress but democrats are stils trying to app pose man president's moves.. more now from lauer rinauer blanchard.anch >> reporter: the fight on capitol hill these last fewes weeks to confirm presidentsint trumps cabinet have not beenot ty.tty. slowly but surely the members me are being confirmed but the the trump administration says the sy hold sup hurting americans.cans. while democrats say they're just doing their due diligence.ilige. >> we can't stop these nomineesn we kw thahat. we're going to use our time toit make sure that people understann the background of thesefhese individuals, their commitment to the agency that they are being appointed to, so we can hold c d them accountable.them account >> reporter: on monday theab m senate is voting on formeror goldman sachs executive steven mnuchin to be the nextex secretary. now waiting for the senate toatt schedule a vote on their t confirmation. >> they lost the election in the process of losing their the bottom line s the left isefs gone nuts. they can't understand why theyhy lost. they want to attack trump at every stage. >> although be united front on gettinget president trump's remainingemng cabinets confirmed there are deep disagreements between thern president and some members of of congress. congress president trump tweeting his displeasure to senators on bothb sides of the aisle.le. mccain and blumenthal forha f criticizing his policies to thee media after senator mccainn questioned the recent raid in yemen. during a private meeting thenghe supreme court nominee kneel kne gorsuch expressed concern overpr the president's comments about the judicesent'iary. the president has said the press is mischaracterizing gorsuch'scs comments and has since used hish twitter account to criticizecize both senators blumenthal andntha mccain.cain. mccain has not formally formally responded to the tweets while w blumenthal said he hopes trumpes will listen to his own staff.ff. in washington, lauren blancharda fox news. back outside right now for n another check on the live look at air force memorialm and we are expecting some stronr winds you need to know about the win.w at least we're not dealing witht the snow they're seeing up ineen new england.gland they're feeing get upon feet upp there. >> they are. actual the system which is tually the creating all that sns has a lot to do with why we're e getting strong winds. strong deep pressure system pre heading off to the northeast. na nor'easter in fact.r'er i but you know what, today was aaa cool day here. let's take a look at the lat numbers. we did not get as warm as we had anticipated and the clouds and the system had an awful lot to l do with so unfortunately no 60s here atr all for the three airports. apot but those winds are the main man story for tonight.tonig and they are going to be increasing as we move into theee overnight hours. sustained winds right now fromsw three to fro up to 28 miles per hour.. picking up quite a bit now to to the north at hagerstown and as well at cumberland and if you iy take look at the wind gusts yous can see already 40 miles per0 m hour wind gusts in excess ofexso that for the north and northwest. 44 martinsburg this hour. h 47 at hagerstown. and 41 at comer land. l that's pretty good indi where we're headed. and 23 miles per hour wind gustu now at gaithersburg.sbg 25 at manassas and 38 att winchester.nche. so we do have a high wind w warning in effect.nff and a wind advisory.y. both of these kicking in tonight around 11:00 and into the t overnight hours right throughhtu until monday evening. evening. winds expected to be gusting anywhere from 50 to up top t 60 miles an hour in the warning area. area and we are also talking aboutng the possibility of downed treest and power lines as a result of this. so for tonight, we are talking overnight lows into the 30s anda the 40s. 40s. but with those brisk coldd northwesterly winds, we'll have some wind chills there as wellrw only going to feel like it's inn the 20s and i some areas to thet north and northwest only in the teens. ens. guess what? that sticks aroundd as well for your monday. mda bundle up if you're headed out o in the morning hours it's goings to be a chilly your seven day forecast comingec up lauren? >> thank you gwen. tha how much is too much, how fast is too fast? that is thets debate underwa maryland over speed limits and fines. all are in favor of safety butet some worry this is a way to way drive up more speeding violations and pad thead government bud fox5's matt ackland spoke to on lawmaker who was applying theth brakes to take a better look. >> reporter: new rules couldulec crack down on most all of uss into proposed fines for drivers, bikers even pedestrians.ians the ultimate goal safety. d.c. counsel mary cheh is all for that not hiking penalties pi and lower speed limits in somens places at certain >> it strikes me as a wave wav increasing our revenues becausec it goes to the operating fund.ud >> reporter: cheh says speedayss limits should be low in areashow where kids are n iearbn y but rs questions about lowering speede limits in many other areaserre across the city. she refers to senior centers c where late at night going goi 41 miles an hour will get you a $500 ticket. cheh fought against around theat clock speed limit reductioneducn outside senior centers. cters >> kind of crazy, 15 miles an hour in the middle of the night going past a senioo center or past, you know arcrc recreation field but whatut they've done now, they cut it i back from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.11:0 that's still strikes me as, you know, a reach. so again i want to know show mew some data.somea. >> reporter: some say loweringar the speed limit to 15 miles anan hour in many marts of the city is too slow. slo joe how far are >> 24. take a look.ook we are right next to thishi bicyclist we're going how fastof now? >> 16. 15.ast >> 16, 15. 6, and he's passing us.s. that tells it all right there.he >> you don't think about how abh slow it can be you get the safety aspect but the bike -- >> flying by you.>> >> like an office space. spa watch the opening to that to get that reference. >> all right. i'll take your word for it. >> you shall. s coming up, not everybody isi feeling love this valentine's v day. >> b forget your ex and get over a o bad break up.p. exactly.y. that's how i feel about it.. restaurant chain's offer forffef single people is straight aheade ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ >> yes. >> valentine's day supposed to be about'sbe but it's also big business.usins >> some say that's why it was w created. that's what the guys say whenhay they don't want w to get i was gift. >> it's hallmark holiday.mark h >> chocolate flowers andhocolatf romantic dinner can add of fast. lauren simonetti breaks down tht business of valentine's day.e's >> reporter: love is as fruitful business especiallyspec leading up to that special day in february.ruar it's not uncommon to spend $5000 plus once you factor in dinner roses, perhaps an outing at a a bed and breakfast then you'ren y looking at five, $600 plus.0 p >> reporter: it seems as though may have some people this year. ar national retail federation thene average american will spend $133 for valentine's day with total spending down from last year'ss record of almost $20 billion too just 18.2 mil billion. bilon industry analysts say it's the s one day of the year when wn millions find a way to showoho their loved ones they care c regardless of their budget.get. >> it's the thought that actuala counts but if your significant other wants high-end stuff doo you bay pay for that.or tha you've got to have something a t little something will go a longl way even if it's a small box of chocolates or candy. can >> edible arrangements plans to deliver cool chocolates for thee holiday. jewelry rakes $2.4 billion.. >> despite the drop in spendingd overall one- valentine's day brings big bucks. bucks. >> cost of a year will createe fulfill about 20 million giftsig about a million for valentine'si day holiday period. we're expecting significantignit increase over last year.year. as it moves from sunday to a esesday. magnitude of valentine's day iss tremendous because it comes up u on a couple of days.s but when you're dealing witheanw valentine's day it's not just magnitude of size, rememberingei magnitude of love. love >> make sure that you and yournu sweetie are on the same page when it comes to gift giving. 40% of consumer surveyed saidves they would like to receive aldi gift of experience like ticketss or a gym membership, only 24%4% plan to give in new york, i'm lauren simonetti, fox business.s. who gives a gym membershipem for valentine's [ laughter ]r va >> really?eay? >> that's like buying your mom a vacuum cleaner for mother' daysd >> maybe the person wants it.t. they can be expensive.xpsi >> okay. i don't have to worry about that. th if you'll be flying solo thiso s valentine's day, hooter security there for you.urther the restaurant chain is offerino up free wings to anyone who brings a picture of ex-boyfriend or girlfriend.ri they'll shred the picture for uf this is the second year hooterse offered the promotion. last year more than 25,000 2 people took them up on the on t offer. but you know what, the wings are good. i'm just telling you. y the wings are good. >> good job hooters.. >> up next, another round of safetrack work on metro. >> did we use a heart effectingg tomorrow is the first morningnig rush with new change what is you need to know before your commute coming up straight ahead bef. ae as we head to break, here's' a look what's coming up tomorror on fox5 news morning and good g day we're going to take a look atkt the price of roses. of ros are you getting gouged.ou gouged is the right word.ed is >> yes. >> for waiting until the dayaiti before valentine's, plus what'sa on the menu? we'll show youhow thou cook up impressive meal fol less than 75 bucks. >> lean cuisine there's somecuis really good ones these days and that's like 75 cents.ts >> god. >> i'm a real romantic, aren'trt i? we're back after this. ♪♪ >> this is fox5 local news at 10:00. >> northeast dealing with big winter storm. this the scene in boston earlied ston to the city already canceledgh scho for tomorrow and officials arefs urging people to stay off theofe roads if they can. albany new york heavy know falling there. more than foot of snow isth that expected to be on the ground byy tomorrow morning.tomo it's not just the snow causing i problems. 50 miles an hour wind gusts andd coastal flooding are expected tt hit the region.n >> it wasn't snow but heavyeavy rains that caused some damage in hawaii. ha the rain and wind caused largedl tent at a community college to o collapse yesterday.rd the community college holding aa three people suffered minorin injuries the when the tent gavea way. the rain was so intense we'reenw told it was coming down at a doa rate of two to 3-inches an houru in some areas. man, we have been lucky here.hae i know we had little bit b of rr but it's been so for february. . >> i know. hates been mild. we didn't get ashate warm todays we had anticipated the samehe s thing as yesterday but i want w tell that you that same systemee that's really causing all thesig issues in new englandl responsible for our wind. win >> i'd rather have the winds i think.thk. >> than that whole storm.le srm >> yeah. they're getting blasted.'re get it's a nor'easter as wbleas cta. and on the back side of it we ie are definitely going to get hitg tonight with strong winds. so no snow to shovel for us.elor that's good news. ns you don't have to worry about ao the umbrellas.e umbas i want to say to the south todat parts of central virginia they t actually had little bit of af a rumble of thunder or two therete today with so but you know what the cloudss in full force yesterday andrday today keeping us quite cool.eoo so here's a look at the currentt wind speeds because the are my major story tonight in i the forecast as we've beene' b speaking about.spng about. these are the sustained windseds right now. and you can see they're rangingn anywhere from about five to up to 29 miles per hour winds righr now at hagerstown.agerow we've got 24 at winchester.ter. 20 at culpeper, and those windsw are going to continue to increase as we progress into tht overnight so here's a look at the current wind gusts, and look how they'rt picking up. up 29 at cumberland. 39 at hagerstown. look at martinsburg already 52 miles per hour wind gustsusts here. 37 at winchester.esr 25 at manassas. we've got 25 at annapolis, too. so this is pretty goodd indication where we're headed he and why we have the current winn advisories and warnings that ara in place. so ridge of high pressure pss building in to the west, but that nor'easter off to the northeast and that's where allta that snow we're talking aboutkia but really tight pressure gradient in between those twohot and we've had frontal sy pressure system continue to go t depend and intensify.en as a result we're getting these winds 50 to 60 miles per hourou winds anticipated across thehe ar.a. we already saw in the 50-mile 5i range. this is where we have the highe wind warning in effect.t. and this is where the lighter lg sections where we have the windd advisory in effect both of these kicking in by around the the 11:00 o'clock hour and right r through into about the early e evening hour of monday to abouto maybe 6:00 o'clock or so beforer it's expected to expire.o pi and here's a look at the windhew gusts as we take a look at theke future, and this is at midnighth where we're seeing they're starting to pick up 36 in 44 there at martinsburg buttinsg already they've started toed t increase more. model but we but w are anticipating getting evenn stronger than this.his. this is 4:00 o'clock in the'c i morning. and this is 11:00 o'clock in tht morning as well. wl. but we're also talking damage possibility.possit downed trees and power lines ara possible in the warning area.rne driving very difficult with higg profile vehic minor structural damage as wells the strongest winds being in tht overnight hours from tonighton into the early part of theof the tomorrow today's highs as i saidd struggling into the low 50s and the 40s.. colder air still very much inuci place and we're not going to geo that much of a warmup as we movm through into tomorrow.omorrow. that low pressure systeme ste continuing to pull out. o ridge of high pressure pulling n we'll get sunshine for tomorrowm so pretty bright but we'll have wind chillsd cll because of those winds so it's ' going to feel like it's only inl the teens and the 20s by they t time we hit the 8:00 o'clockcl hour if you're heading out earlr in the morning. the mning 11:00 o'clock still only feelinn like it's in the teens of 20's and struggling four org ur 5:00 o'clock in the afternoonloi later at night tn tho have it ff even warmer than the 20s. so by midday tomorrow, air temperature 44 degrees.grees but only feeling like it's in the twenty sevens here's a look at youren fox5 acc setter seven day forecast.orast some sunshine for valentine'sens day but a cold night at only 30 bum many your honey if you'rey r taking them out.king after that, we've got plenty off sunshine.nshine seasonal to slightly above.y a back to to yo >> thank you gwen. fox5 tracking metro tonight and the latest round of o safetrack work got underwayy yesterday.sterday. this surge effects passengers oe the blue line and the repairs rs expected to last through the eno of the month. >> fox5's alex dre limon has lim more details on the impact fromf metro riders. >> reporter: next safetrack saf surge is going to last 18 dayss and it means big headaches fords people who commute to and fromrm d.c. and virginia.a here's what you need to know. ko it will impact service between this station rosland and a pentagon station.ta it also means that the arlington cemetery station is closed, andd there are no blue line trains on weekdays. now that's going to cause a lott of trickling problems primarilyy your connection to silver linere and orange line trains will thus cut off.t o blue line trains will beins ll b replaced with yellow plus rushs ns.ins. metro says trains across the potomac willol be extremely crowded because off this.. if teleworking is on option that might be a good plan. pn. >> pretty much i take the blue u line to get into rosland but yes i had to take another transferred to the silver linern as well. wl. i took that one.t one but it took me a lot longer hadr to switch over to l'efant plazaa first and then come over thisomr way. >> we were trying to go from d where our apartment is to arlington and it messed us up.p. >> you didn't know there were ne blue line trains.ras >> we in no clue until we gotilt our metro card. cd oh, no. no. >> and got to the station. sti it's okay. we're figuring it out.. we're trying to catch a bus now. >> reporter: some of yourr options include express buses slugging, car pooling are even n biking. officials say biking across acrs bridge might be your best bet bt and maybe even the fastest tosto get across the potomac becauseec you can be sure that this surges of safetrack is going to causese lot of extra traffic on the roads as people wheel and hop on the beltway. i-66 and drive across a bridges. br you just need to mentallyll prepare for the next 2.5 weeks.s reporting in arlington,ingt, alexandra limon fox5 local news. tomorrow will be the firsthe weekday rush with the newhe n safetrack surge in place.rge in. make sure you stay tuned to foxx news morning and good day d.c. c we will keep you updated on alla of the delays on metro and the roads, plus details on a new tool that can help you trackrack traffic that is tomorrow morning rightrr here on fox5ning. sunday means it is time for our favorite sports segment. smt the top five plays of the week.. >> caps rookie goal scoring twow different teams in two days.t a how is that possible? we'll explain sports coming up next. . did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet that's 10 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to internet speeds up to 150 mbps. and add phone and tv for only $34.90 more a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. >> one sick you're 22 and on th' caps roster the next you're back in the minorsthe . for caps zac sanford what w difference 24 hours made.erenho he started the system making tht caps roster.caps roster. he was sent down. recalled this week after a hand injury and last night sanford ii 21st nnl pick the perfecter night to net his first goal. g it was the game winner the capsp defeated the ducks six to four r and right after the game sanforn was sent back down to then t hershey bears.rshebears. why? because the caps areuse ca hitting their bye week thishi afternoon sanford in uniform fof the bears on the road againstgat the bridgeport sound tigers anda he scored not once but twice.wi the bears lost five-four but fio really a remarkable two days for sanford.saord. so the caps enter their bye weee which is new nhl on quite a a role.le leading 84 oints. six straight wins, 11 straight home games scoring at least five goals that's a record set by the 1970-'71 bruins. bin 12 game home win they center since 2017.7. hopefully they won't lose thee e it is sunday intt's time to shoh you the best plays in sports. st time for the close five top fivv plays of the week we start witht a little hockey.littlekey. number five dallas stars versusu the ottawa senators senatorsor called for pep tee. pepee the stars pull a goalie and bring in the drop pass butut problem nobody is ready for it.r what does he do? he scores ints his own net. >> ooh. wait. does that count for the other team. >> yes it does.t counheres i >> no!does. >> uh-huh. senators fans say thank you. symbolic of the stars lousy season.ason they lost by a goal.theyost >> oh, no.. >> yup. let's move on. >> bad day.>> b day >> number four from the pitch p fernandez torres with insanee goal. goal. did you see that. >> it went over the net thattha went in? isn't watch it again.. >> you'll see it. you'll see it. back to the net. overhead kick. >> it just snuck in there.snuck >> yeah. >> wow. >> looks like a semi bicycleicyc kick. but -- >> who said 32 was old?d 32 w o >> i'm just 32 is not -- that is not not considered prime playing age foe some >> man. >> i'm just saying. number three collegehreeolle lacrosse john hopkins versusersu vyvy. joe, appears to give the ball to john crowley but he doesn't. hidden ball trick. tck didn't full the broadcasters but did mull the midst. he scored long distance navy goalie looking the other way.. >> camera guy knows where he ish >> exactly he did his jobs j followed the ball and tenney asa he execute the the hidden ballnb trick to perfection. >> wow!ow! >> hopkins won.opns w >> waying to >> six to eight. >> he getsix a little credit there.there. number two, north dakotanohd state hosting denver. off the miss cabellas give chash a behind the back safe.ack saf he scores into his own basket. >> this is sort of a themeof a e tonight. [ laugerer ]to >> yes. >> i've never seen that at a basketball goal. goal in hockey it happens.apns cabellas with two for the didn't cost north dakota stateaa by the by sons won by 18 pointsi >> what's going on in the world >> i know.the fundamentals here. here. number one, sorry wizards nancen got to show this again.. kevin love finds lebron jamesn j and you know the rest. incredible fake shot. sho that's why he's the king. .3 seconds to go in this gamee newsroom went wild because thise was not supposed to happen. lucky and good at the same time. >> 140-145 in overtime. overt one of the best regular seasonea games every played. p that says it right there.. >> i mean, i know that feeling. >> you got to love moments liken that.. >> that's the best part abouts itbe. he was auditioning for remake oe home alone or kevin mcallisterce these days there you have it.e i >> good job, jim., jim. >> thank you. >> you're welcome.>>ou'r um next remember the instagram pregnancy announcement from beyonce' that went viral? her photo is getting a new twisi thanks to artist in us a strahle y stay with us. we're back in a moment. back in a moment. ♪♪ afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we wired the wagner's house th 150 meg internet. which means that in the time it takes mr. wagner to pour a 20oz. cup of coffee, tommy can download 40 songs, and jan can upload 180 photos. 12 seconds. that's the power of fiber optics. get 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone for just $79.99 per month for the first year. cable can't offer speeds this fast at a price this good. only fios can. ♪♪ music world is mourning the loss of legendary jazz singer aa giroux tonight. he died at a los angeles a hospital just days afters announcing his retirement from touring because of exhaustion. he won seven grammys over themme course of his 50 years in musicc the cause of his death has not n been released but he had he had experienced a number ofr of respiratory and cardiac issues e in recent years. al giroux was 76 years old. tonight prince's music nowow freely available to stream to am again. in 2 pulled from every streaming service except tidal.. after legendary music died his estate sued and claimed tidaledd didn't have exclusive streamingg rights. tidal no exclusive for prince much his albums are available on spotify, google play and apple e music.c. >> the big thing everyone willnn be talking -- well, adele maybey but talking about the grammys.. >> why are they happening.y ng >> are they going on?? >> you know, let's be realisticc it's happening.ning. laugughter ] >> a lot going on tonight. tonit >> a lot going on. on people talking about adele.dele. the other thing i think was beyonce''s performance which waw interesting. my take away frorem that she she looked beautiful.if pregnant with twins. twi and she was up there doing her h thing. i mean you got to giv e it toito her. >> yeah. >> beyonce''s pregnancygnancy announcement no doubt you saw sw this. this. this quickly became the mosthe s liked instagram of all time.e. now, it has been turned into a t mural.ral. check this artist in australia r building in melbourne.bourne people are already pushing tohit get a photo in front of the mural including pregnant womenam who want to channel beyonce'. she's such a following.lowi >> she does indeed. >> yeah. but she looks great seriously.iy >> last sunday we were talkinger about lady gaga's bigsig performance at the half time tim show. now her next move her own line l of drinks.s. she's calling it g geo girls. wine, wine coolers, cocktailsai and it's also the title on bonus b track from her latest album. >> tying it all in.>> t >> tie in right there. grigio business.usines >> business in colorado servingi up wine for your pets. >> bottling beverages for dogsod and cats.. >> dan, has the story. >> reporter: with all the healthy, tasty and variety ofiey dog and cat food these days,ay your pet should be perfectly plsesed. right? view he just might say, i am, a tired of drinking water. that's where brandon comes in. he's a pet lover. pet lov lov love cats. >> and dogs, too.>> ands, that's why he created apollo peak pet wines much you heard e me. i said pet wines. >> pinot me woe.oe catbrier nay.tbrier n new one for cats called meowallw teeny coming out. >> they're not actually winesct but a healthy pet beverage madem with beets. >> beats are full of anti-oxidant for pets. pets. they make this beautiful red r color that looks like a >> reporter: what could bed b better to wash down a bowl of dry food than a little chardognay.char >> what kitty can say n refreshing peppermint and catnip cat bore nay. (sigh).igigh). >> where can we get this much ih need to get this for my dog.y d [ laughter ] >> you have a daughter.ghter [ laughter ] >> that's hilarious yous. you i think there's a brewery doingg some sort of dog beer aimedeer i towards dogs but the profits goo towards animal rescue effortsts that sort of thing.att of thing. >> that's cool. so much fun.>>uch the dogs will look at you like k what? what? >> what is this? >> they drink out of toilets too sometimes.metimes. >> they dodge okay.>> candy shop in new york isnek trying something different thist valentine's day.lent they are talking -- takingg chocolate hearts very seriously. sweet jenny's ice cream and chocolates crafted candies to cs that look like a real heart ventricles and all.ll. it weighs less than human hearta but looks pretty close to thelot real thing. real t >> the an tom any cal hearthiana became about i thought it wouldt be a really neat play on givingg your heart for valentine's day and you always see the cartoon t style heart and never an actual as far as shape, die am meter ae and texture all of it the ventricles, the veins on it, it, it's accurate. >> another life he was a doctoro >> they plan to sell theellhe chocolate hearts past val types day as long as people keepeoplke buying them.nghem >> a lesson for kids.for kids. >> that is true.. >> another interestingeresti valentine's day special.peal what better way to say i lovee you with cheese curds. cds cheese shop in lucks zen work,e, wisconsin selling pink and red colored cheese curds.escurd they're calling them sweethearte curds they have turned into a a hot selling item. item >> i'm never going to knockno cheese curds. >> they're delicious. the >> have you had them deep fried. >> >> delicious. >> and perfect for the chocolate heart, too. t plug the chocolate hearts. >> missing antique wedding drese that was a family heirloom founf thanks to facebook. the dress tess wore on her on we great great-grandmother hadn'ttt been in her family nearly 150 years.years while mother took the dress to dry cleaner after the wedding, g oh no, only to have the cleanern go out of business soon after at the dress was lost. los she put out a post on facebookk hoping somebody would be able tt track the dress down. down the landlord of the deanf the da cleaners saw it, called her andr they were able to tell her where to find the dress. >> that's incredible g mys cred goodness.good. eah.eah. great great-grandmother 1500 years. i don't think i would havethin brought that to the dry cleaners.clea >> you got to do something toett keep it around.ep it oun >> i don't know what. i d stay tuned.on we're back after this. afterhis. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ r. ♪♪ because going around is rarely ever as enjoyable... going right through. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ >> this is fox5 local news at 11. 11. thank you for joining usk yo tonight i'm lauren demarco. >> i'm jim lokay. we're talking about the weather specifically the winds. we got strong gusts coming in overnight.ernight. >> that means the potential forf down trees and other damage. dam we want to get right to gwenwen with with details on all of t that. >> hi that. a few other things popping up right now as well. let's get right to the winds.hes major story tonight as they as e continue to gust across our area. a deepening low pressure system responsible for that.for th nor'easter causing lots of actf viv weather off to the northeasr of us. but in the meantime here's he' what's happening here at home. h those sustained winds now wheree from seven to up to 35 miles pe hour. gaithersburg. 37 at hagerstown.. but they are gusting even stronger than that will continui to do so in the overnight hourss here's the current wind gusts. 58 miles an hour wind gusts forr 55 for

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Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News Ten 20170213 :

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News Ten 20170213

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fox5 news at ten starts now.ow. pat >> thank you for joining usouorj tonight. i'm lauren demarco.. >> i'm jim lokay.imokay we're talking weather.eaer expecting strong winds to comeoo our way overnight. >> high wind speeds mean thes mt potential for downed trees andne other damage.amag wander to get right to gwen witg hey there, gwen.. >> absolutely right.ut those winds could definitelycoul cause majodr problems across our area.ea going to increase in theg inc overnight hours.ou. right now, in d.c. we're at a 53 degrees officially.ll plenty of clouds outside. and the winds are very only we believes at 9 miles anea hour. but that is soon going change. wind speeds sustained as you cat see already starting to pick upg in some of our neighborhoods.ds manassas at 23 miles per hour.r. and elsewhere 20 at comer land.. we've got nine at dc, 16 at annapolis and only eight at baltimore. but those wind gusts are goingog to be an and right now winds have already picked up to 44 miles per hourpu wind gusts at martinsburg.nsbu 38 in winchester.r. 47 at cumberland. 25 at 36 at manassas.s we've got a couple of systems that are really kicking in witht this a couple of frontal systems that have created a very strong deepening low pressure system se and that causing all the strongt winds. right now we have advisories ane warnings in effect. in ffec they kick in tonight in thehe overnight hours starting atg a about 11:00 and will be in b i effect right through until theht early evening hours of your monday. high wind warning in the warninr areas we have the potential to o down trees and power lines winds gusting up to 60 miles an hour.u and the advisory area is aas lighter shade that you see here. that wind advisory also where we can see winds up to 50 miles ann hour.hour temperatures now into the 40s te and the 50s but those strongsetr winds are going to create some s wind chills and we're reallyre y going to feel those especiallysc in the early morning hours. hou in the meantime, overnightht tonight, cloudy skies,es, 40 degrees. and those winds as i said willdl start to pick up overnight. back to you. fox5 in montgomery countyou now wher his life tonight after a crash a that may have been caused by aya street race between two other 64-year-old carlos hernandez isi a well-known deacon ineacon i montgomery county. the wreck happened yesterday ony connecticut avenue in kensington. fox5's lindsay watts joins usats live now with more on this story. hey, lindsay. linds >> reporter: lauren, i spoke, is by phone to carlos hernandez'snz son is by his side here at suburban hospital in bethesda. t he says his dad is still in a a mama. he has not woken up yet but hish condition has improved sips hedp was brought here yesterday yesrd afternoon after the crash.rash. family provided this photo of hernandez.dez he's a deacon at saint michael'l the archangel church in silvernr spring and also works full timem at a local catering company.ompa police say hernandez was tryingy to make a left turn from connecticut on to den field fie avenue in kensington when his car was t boned this around 5:33 yesterday.da investigators tell us the manatl who hit hera racing another driver who wasn'' involved in the accident.en police on scene did make contacn with both of those drivers. drie we know the one who crashed is 23-year-old miguel ramirez ofez silver he was injured but is expected e to survive.. no information yet on that second driver. d police tell us that tonight thet crash is under investigation and there are no charges at this point.po i just spoke to a close friendsi of the hernandez family.. she says it's devastating for something like this to happen especially to someone so so committed to doing good for for others. >> his weekends and nights are spent saying mass, um, he goes to walter reed on regular basiso to give communioren and to visis the wounded warriors. he's the kind of soul that sou you'll ever want to meet and and ever want to know. kno really impacting the hard to see somebody who just gives so much of himself to everybody else to see him lying there with she says the hospital has beenln flooded with visitors both today and yesterday.. a lot of clergy from around this area who know and work withith hernandez.rndez. there have been so many visitorr that tonight family says theys t are trying to keep them to ao a minimum.m they are requesting privacy priy right now. but hoping for continued prayers during such difficult time. we're live in bethesda, lindsayn watts fox5 local news.. fox5 in the district tonighg search continues for the suspece who's shot a man and stole his s car.r. >> the stolen vehicle was latert found set on fire and the crime ended up triggering part of a completely separate police chase and scare at maryland liveat mar casino. fox5' mass recent ma morocco isi in northeast d.c. with theh t story. marina. >> reporter: that victim aortert maryland man remains inha ct ria condition tonight and this all took place right here at thist t intersection this is division avenue and je d street here. he. now according to witnesses, thet jumped into the victim's car.. then drove off downhill towardsw burrville elementary school.l the car later found by police complete al blaze in maryland.a but in the immediate aftermath a of the shooting police put out a look out on the victim's vehicle presumably driven by his shooter which caused the chase of an unrelated car and ultimately the evacuation of maryland live as a it was briefly believed that tht shooter was hiding inside the casino.casio now, back here in d.c.'s ward seven, homicide detectives havee taken over the investigation ana according to family members who tell fox5 that this seemed likee was a target act, victims house was broken into just hoursou following the shooting, and a tonight that victim still in critical condition another anthr area hospital.pi and no arrests. live tonight in northeast washington, d.c. tonig marks re a marraco, fox5 local news.alew police are trying to identify human remains found near an industrial park in springfield. remains were found on whim sat s road yesterday. it's unclear how long they werew at that location.n. detectives are stilliv are sti they say it appears remains area of a woman or teenaged an autopsy will be conductedonct tomorrow to determine how theowe person died. dd. police say the body is not thatt of a teenager who recently wentn missing in the she and her child returned homeh last night. ♪♪ it is one of the first tests of this young trumpmp administration.ra north korea firing a ballistic i missile last night in violationt of un nig resolutions. the missile landed in waters wes between korean peninsula andsu japan. the confirmed launch came as cam president trump was sitting dowm at din are inp wa with japanese minister in florida. f more now from fox's garretttt tenney. >> reporter: most expertstxper agree timing of his launch is no coincidence. after all it was only two days s ago that president trump and japan's prime minister heldr hed joint press conference at thet white house and urged northrgedr korea to ban don its nuclear and ballistic missile programs.e p and not to take any further provocative action. actio little over 24 hours later,at north korea responded by launching a medium range ballistic missile into thec eastern sea and this is only the latest missile test by yank and another step towards its goal of developing a nuclear war head wh capable of hitting the united ui states. in the last year the north attempt lased 24 missile launchc along with two nuclear tests. last night the head southead korea's joint chiefs of staff oa said this latest test shows s north korea's president is if hf nat klee obsessed with achieving his goal and if he doesn't stops he said his country will sufferu >> translator: we sternly warntw if the kim jong-un regime does d not give up the north koreann regime will destroy itself in the near future. >> reporter: north koreath under security resolutioners. many unfortunate s leadersea believe in order for the northoh to change it's behavior china c needs to take a leading role ini applying the pressure.ressur >> i can on so many other areass ninety nine has been woebee physical inadequate and they a t could squeeze north korea economically 90% of the importsp and exports go through china. and i think we have to tell thet chinese that they have to put p the wood to north korea in muchh more serious way than they'venye done so far. >> reporter: it's alsot's a important to note just a fewt aw weeks ago defense secretaryta james mattis visited south korek on his first official trip tri abroad and announced an agreement to boost our sharedred defenses against north korea.ea. in washington, i'm garrett gre tenney, fox news. other way protesters tryingg to slow down plan in bethesda.ha >> site is a home of former graveyard what demonstratorsonro want done before building plansa move plus, here we go again. ain another round of safetrackrack repairs on metro tomorroworw morning the first rush hour witw new changes. we'll run them down for when yoe we come back.k. ♪♪ fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we wired the wagner's house th 150 meg internet. cup of coffee, tommy can download 40 songs, and jan can upload 180 photos. 12 seconds. that's the power of fiber optics. get 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone for just $79.99 per month for the first year. cable can't offer speeds this fast at a price this good. only fios can. ♪♪ still no word what caused ae fire that swept through ann apartment complex in ashburn. au the fire broke out around 10:00 this morning on braybr terrace. when firefighters arrived theyrt found flames shooting throughth the roof of a two-story apartment building as theydi the entered the fire began to sprear but firefighters eventually got the blaze under control.on we are told at least ninein families will need a new place a to stay. red cross is helping some ofng m them find shelter. >> and we are learning newea details tonight about deadlyton shooting inab montgomery villaga this happened on friday in hock run terrace.. police have identified theifiede victim as 20-year-old of hyattsville. young was not the only one shot. 23-year-old man who ended up in the hospital was also struck byy gunfire. police believe the attack doestk not appear to be random. r they think one of the victimse i had a ranged to meet with the wt shooter. detectives talked to number of t people friday night but salo fao no arrests. meantime, stay in montgomery county. two robbers brought into five i guys caught on camera. sparks from power tools theyrom used to get into theto the restaurant's safe happenedafe overnight last monday at theda e five guys in kensington. the pair made off with cash and police think they may be the t same suspects responsible for several other recent burglaries in aspen hill and rockville. developing to night, plansop are moving forward to redevelopl a neighborhood in bethesda but some community members say not y so fast they turned out for f protest today. demonstrators saying they wanto the county planking board to t table the west bar development l project on river road especially members of the mass don't in a a baptist church.hurc they say some 50 years agogo builders laid down asphalt whata they remember was a graveyard of african-american parishioners. members say they don't want morr construction on the site without first checking whether people' reece mains are there.he >> this is a community effort at this point.oint. people of goodwill just really a don't like the fact that this multi billion dollar company isi trying to dishonor people who have, hooks worked very hard inv their lifetime and who have noww been discarded in death. dth. and they lay under a park -- a driveway right now. n and now on top of that, they tht want to put a garage on top of f the parkway. >> montgomery county planning pn board is expected to review thee development proposal at itsl ati meeting next week. it is another busy week heah for president trump. the canadian and prime ministers will participate in round tablee about women in the work force.or the president also may issue aai new executive order onn immigration and more of hisf h cabinet picks may be approved bd congress but democrats are stils trying to app pose man president's moves.. more now from lauer rinauer blanchard.anch >> reporter: the fight on capitol hill these last fewes weeks to confirm presidentsint trumps cabinet have not beenot ty.tty. slowly but surely the members me are being confirmed but the the trump administration says the sy hold sup hurting americans.cans. while democrats say they're just doing their due diligence.ilige. >> we can't stop these nomineesn we kw thahat. we're going to use our time toit make sure that people understann the background of thesefhese individuals, their commitment to the agency that they are being appointed to, so we can hold c d them accountable.them account >> reporter: on monday theab m senate is voting on formeror goldman sachs executive steven mnuchin to be the nextex secretary. now waiting for the senate toatt schedule a vote on their t confirmation. >> they lost the election in the process of losing their the bottom line s the left isefs gone nuts. they can't understand why theyhy lost. they want to attack trump at every stage. >> although be united front on gettinget president trump's remainingemng cabinets confirmed there are deep disagreements between thern president and some members of of congress. congress president trump tweeting his displeasure to senators on bothb sides of the aisle.le. mccain and blumenthal forha f criticizing his policies to thee media after senator mccainn questioned the recent raid in yemen. during a private meeting thenghe supreme court nominee kneel kne gorsuch expressed concern overpr the president's comments about the judicesent'iary. the president has said the press is mischaracterizing gorsuch'scs comments and has since used hish twitter account to criticizecize both senators blumenthal andntha mccain.cain. mccain has not formally formally responded to the tweets while w blumenthal said he hopes trumpes will listen to his own staff.ff. in washington, lauren blancharda fox news. back outside right now for n another check on the live look at air force memorialm and we are expecting some stronr winds you need to know about the win.w at least we're not dealing witht the snow they're seeing up ineen new england.gland they're feeing get upon feet upp there. >> they are. actual the system which is tually the creating all that sns has a lot to do with why we're e getting strong winds. strong deep pressure system pre heading off to the northeast. na nor'easter in fact.r'er i but you know what, today was aaa cool day here. let's take a look at the lat numbers. we did not get as warm as we had anticipated and the clouds and the system had an awful lot to l do with so unfortunately no 60s here atr all for the three airports. apot but those winds are the main man story for tonight.tonig and they are going to be increasing as we move into theee overnight hours. sustained winds right now fromsw three to fro up to 28 miles per hour.. picking up quite a bit now to to the north at hagerstown and as well at cumberland and if you iy take look at the wind gusts yous can see already 40 miles per0 m hour wind gusts in excess ofexso that for the north and northwest. 44 martinsburg this hour. h 47 at hagerstown. and 41 at comer land. l that's pretty good indi where we're headed. and 23 miles per hour wind gustu now at gaithersburg.sbg 25 at manassas and 38 att winchester.nche. so we do have a high wind w warning in effect.nff and a wind advisory.y. both of these kicking in tonight around 11:00 and into the t overnight hours right throughhtu until monday evening. evening. winds expected to be gusting anywhere from 50 to up top t 60 miles an hour in the warning area. area and we are also talking aboutng the possibility of downed treest and power lines as a result of this. so for tonight, we are talking overnight lows into the 30s anda the 40s. 40s. but with those brisk coldd northwesterly winds, we'll have some wind chills there as wellrw only going to feel like it's inn the 20s and i some areas to thet north and northwest only in the teens. ens. guess what? that sticks aroundd as well for your monday. mda bundle up if you're headed out o in the morning hours it's goings to be a chilly your seven day forecast comingec up lauren? >> thank you gwen. tha how much is too much, how fast is too fast? that is thets debate underwa maryland over speed limits and fines. all are in favor of safety butet some worry this is a way to way drive up more speeding violations and pad thead government bud fox5's matt ackland spoke to on lawmaker who was applying theth brakes to take a better look. >> reporter: new rules couldulec crack down on most all of uss into proposed fines for drivers, bikers even pedestrians.ians the ultimate goal safety. d.c. counsel mary cheh is all for that not hiking penalties pi and lower speed limits in somens places at certain >> it strikes me as a wave wav increasing our revenues becausec it goes to the operating fund.ud >> reporter: cheh says speedayss limits should be low in areashow where kids are n iearbn y but rs questions about lowering speede limits in many other areaserre across the city. she refers to senior centers c where late at night going goi 41 miles an hour will get you a $500 ticket. cheh fought against around theat clock speed limit reductioneducn outside senior centers. cters >> kind of crazy, 15 miles an hour in the middle of the night going past a senioo center or past, you know arcrc recreation field but whatut they've done now, they cut it i back from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.11:0 that's still strikes me as, you know, a reach. so again i want to know show mew some data.somea. >> reporter: some say loweringar the speed limit to 15 miles anan hour in many marts of the city is too slow. slo joe how far are >> 24. take a look.ook we are right next to thishi bicyclist we're going how fastof now? >> 16. 15.ast >> 16, 15. 6, and he's passing us.s. that tells it all right there.he >> you don't think about how abh slow it can be you get the safety aspect but the bike -- >> flying by you.>> >> like an office space. spa watch the opening to that to get that reference. >> all right. i'll take your word for it. >> you shall. s coming up, not everybody isi feeling love this valentine's v day. >> b forget your ex and get over a o bad break up.p. exactly.y. that's how i feel about it.. restaurant chain's offer forffef single people is straight aheade ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ >> yes. >> valentine's day supposed to be about'sbe but it's also big business.usins >> some say that's why it was w created. that's what the guys say whenhay they don't want w to get i was gift. >> it's hallmark holiday.mark h >> chocolate flowers andhocolatf romantic dinner can add of fast. lauren simonetti breaks down tht business of valentine's day.e's >> reporter: love is as fruitful business especiallyspec leading up to that special day in february.ruar it's not uncommon to spend $5000 plus once you factor in dinner roses, perhaps an outing at a a bed and breakfast then you'ren y looking at five, $600 plus.0 p >> reporter: it seems as though may have some people this year. ar national retail federation thene average american will spend $133 for valentine's day with total spending down from last year'ss record of almost $20 billion too just 18.2 mil billion. bilon industry analysts say it's the s one day of the year when wn millions find a way to showoho their loved ones they care c regardless of their budget.get. >> it's the thought that actuala counts but if your significant other wants high-end stuff doo you bay pay for that.or tha you've got to have something a t little something will go a longl way even if it's a small box of chocolates or candy. can >> edible arrangements plans to deliver cool chocolates for thee holiday. jewelry rakes $2.4 billion.. >> despite the drop in spendingd overall one- valentine's day brings big bucks. bucks. >> cost of a year will createe fulfill about 20 million giftsig about a million for valentine'si day holiday period. we're expecting significantignit increase over last year.year. as it moves from sunday to a esesday. magnitude of valentine's day iss tremendous because it comes up u on a couple of days.s but when you're dealing witheanw valentine's day it's not just magnitude of size, rememberingei magnitude of love. love >> make sure that you and yournu sweetie are on the same page when it comes to gift giving. 40% of consumer surveyed saidves they would like to receive aldi gift of experience like ticketss or a gym membership, only 24%4% plan to give in new york, i'm lauren simonetti, fox business.s. who gives a gym membershipem for valentine's [ laughter ]r va >> really?eay? >> that's like buying your mom a vacuum cleaner for mother' daysd >> maybe the person wants it.t. they can be expensive.xpsi >> okay. i don't have to worry about that. th if you'll be flying solo thiso s valentine's day, hooter security there for you.urther the restaurant chain is offerino up free wings to anyone who brings a picture of ex-boyfriend or girlfriend.ri they'll shred the picture for uf this is the second year hooterse offered the promotion. last year more than 25,000 2 people took them up on the on t offer. but you know what, the wings are good. i'm just telling you. y the wings are good. >> good job hooters.. >> up next, another round of safetrack work on metro. >> did we use a heart effectingg tomorrow is the first morningnig rush with new change what is you need to know before your commute coming up straight ahead bef. ae as we head to break, here's' a look what's coming up tomorror on fox5 news morning and good g day we're going to take a look atkt the price of roses. of ros are you getting gouged.ou gouged is the right word.ed is >> yes. >> for waiting until the dayaiti before valentine's, plus what'sa on the menu? we'll show youhow thou cook up impressive meal fol less than 75 bucks. >> lean cuisine there's somecuis really good ones these days and that's like 75 cents.ts >> god. >> i'm a real romantic, aren'trt i? we're back after this. ♪♪ >> this is fox5 local news at 10:00. >> northeast dealing with big winter storm. this the scene in boston earlied ston to the city already canceledgh scho for tomorrow and officials arefs urging people to stay off theofe roads if they can. albany new york heavy know falling there. more than foot of snow isth that expected to be on the ground byy tomorrow morning.tomo it's not just the snow causing i problems. 50 miles an hour wind gusts andd coastal flooding are expected tt hit the region.n >> it wasn't snow but heavyeavy rains that caused some damage in hawaii. ha the rain and wind caused largedl tent at a community college to o collapse yesterday.rd the community college holding aa three people suffered minorin injuries the when the tent gavea way. the rain was so intense we'reenw told it was coming down at a doa rate of two to 3-inches an houru in some areas. man, we have been lucky here.hae i know we had little bit b of rr but it's been so for february. . >> i know. hates been mild. we didn't get ashate warm todays we had anticipated the samehe s thing as yesterday but i want w tell that you that same systemee that's really causing all thesig issues in new englandl responsible for our wind. win >> i'd rather have the winds i think.thk. >> than that whole storm.le srm >> yeah. they're getting blasted.'re get it's a nor'easter as wbleas cta. and on the back side of it we ie are definitely going to get hitg tonight with strong winds. so no snow to shovel for us.elor that's good news. ns you don't have to worry about ao the umbrellas.e umbas i want to say to the south todat parts of central virginia they t actually had little bit of af a rumble of thunder or two therete today with so but you know what the cloudss in full force yesterday andrday today keeping us quite cool.eoo so here's a look at the currentt wind speeds because the are my major story tonight in i the forecast as we've beene' b speaking about.spng about. these are the sustained windseds right now. and you can see they're rangingn anywhere from about five to up to 29 miles per hour winds righr now at hagerstown.agerow we've got 24 at winchester.ter. 20 at culpeper, and those windsw are going to continue to increase as we progress into tht overnight so here's a look at the current wind gusts, and look how they'rt picking up. up 29 at cumberland. 39 at hagerstown. look at martinsburg already 52 miles per hour wind gustsusts here. 37 at winchester.esr 25 at manassas. we've got 25 at annapolis, too. so this is pretty goodd indication where we're headed he and why we have the current winn advisories and warnings that ara in place. so ridge of high pressure pss building in to the west, but that nor'easter off to the northeast and that's where allta that snow we're talking aboutkia but really tight pressure gradient in between those twohot and we've had frontal sy pressure system continue to go t depend and intensify.en as a result we're getting these winds 50 to 60 miles per hourou winds anticipated across thehe ar.a. we already saw in the 50-mile 5i range. this is where we have the highe wind warning in effect.t. and this is where the lighter lg sections where we have the windd advisory in effect both of these kicking in by around the the 11:00 o'clock hour and right r through into about the early e evening hour of monday to abouto maybe 6:00 o'clock or so beforer it's expected to expire.o pi and here's a look at the windhew gusts as we take a look at theke future, and this is at midnighth where we're seeing they're starting to pick up 36 in 44 there at martinsburg buttinsg already they've started toed t increase more. model but we but w are anticipating getting evenn stronger than this.his. this is 4:00 o'clock in the'c i morning. and this is 11:00 o'clock in tht morning as well. wl. but we're also talking damage possibility.possit downed trees and power lines ara possible in the warning area.rne driving very difficult with higg profile vehic minor structural damage as wells the strongest winds being in tht overnight hours from tonighton into the early part of theof the tomorrow today's highs as i saidd struggling into the low 50s and the 40s.. colder air still very much inuci place and we're not going to geo that much of a warmup as we movm through into tomorrow.omorrow. that low pressure systeme ste continuing to pull out. o ridge of high pressure pulling n we'll get sunshine for tomorrowm so pretty bright but we'll have wind chillsd cll because of those winds so it's ' going to feel like it's only inl the teens and the 20s by they t time we hit the 8:00 o'clockcl hour if you're heading out earlr in the morning. the mning 11:00 o'clock still only feelinn like it's in the teens of 20's and struggling four org ur 5:00 o'clock in the afternoonloi later at night tn tho have it ff even warmer than the 20s. so by midday tomorrow, air temperature 44 degrees.grees but only feeling like it's in the twenty sevens here's a look at youren fox5 acc setter seven day forecast.orast some sunshine for valentine'sens day but a cold night at only 30 bum many your honey if you'rey r taking them out.king after that, we've got plenty off sunshine.nshine seasonal to slightly above.y a back to to yo >> thank you gwen. fox5 tracking metro tonight and the latest round of o safetrack work got underwayy yesterday.sterday. this surge effects passengers oe the blue line and the repairs rs expected to last through the eno of the month. >> fox5's alex dre limon has lim more details on the impact fromf metro riders. >> reporter: next safetrack saf surge is going to last 18 dayss and it means big headaches fords people who commute to and fromrm d.c. and virginia.a here's what you need to know. ko it will impact service between this station rosland and a pentagon station.ta it also means that the arlington cemetery station is closed, andd there are no blue line trains on weekdays. now that's going to cause a lott of trickling problems primarilyy your connection to silver linere and orange line trains will thus cut off.t o blue line trains will beins ll b replaced with yellow plus rushs ns.ins. metro says trains across the potomac willol be extremely crowded because off this.. if teleworking is on option that might be a good plan. pn. >> pretty much i take the blue u line to get into rosland but yes i had to take another transferred to the silver linern as well. wl. i took that one.t one but it took me a lot longer hadr to switch over to l'efant plazaa first and then come over thisomr way. >> we were trying to go from d where our apartment is to arlington and it messed us up.p. >> you didn't know there were ne blue line trains.ras >> we in no clue until we gotilt our metro card. cd oh, no. no. >> and got to the station. sti it's okay. we're figuring it out.. we're trying to catch a bus now. >> reporter: some of yourr options include express buses slugging, car pooling are even n biking. officials say biking across acrs bridge might be your best bet bt and maybe even the fastest tosto get across the potomac becauseec you can be sure that this surges of safetrack is going to causese lot of extra traffic on the roads as people wheel and hop on the beltway. i-66 and drive across a bridges. br you just need to mentallyll prepare for the next 2.5 weeks.s reporting in arlington,ingt, alexandra limon fox5 local news. tomorrow will be the firsthe weekday rush with the newhe n safetrack surge in place.rge in. make sure you stay tuned to foxx news morning and good day d.c. c we will keep you updated on alla of the delays on metro and the roads, plus details on a new tool that can help you trackrack traffic that is tomorrow morning rightrr here on fox5ning. sunday means it is time for our favorite sports segment. smt the top five plays of the week.. >> caps rookie goal scoring twow different teams in two days.t a how is that possible? we'll explain sports coming up next. . did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back? say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet that's 10 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. say hello to internet speeds up to 150 mbps. and add phone and tv for only $34.90 more a month. call today. comcast business. built for business. >> one sick you're 22 and on th' caps roster the next you're back in the minorsthe . for caps zac sanford what w difference 24 hours made.erenho he started the system making tht caps roster.caps roster. he was sent down. recalled this week after a hand injury and last night sanford ii 21st nnl pick the perfecter night to net his first goal. g it was the game winner the capsp defeated the ducks six to four r and right after the game sanforn was sent back down to then t hershey bears.rshebears. why? because the caps areuse ca hitting their bye week thishi afternoon sanford in uniform fof the bears on the road againstgat the bridgeport sound tigers anda he scored not once but twice.wi the bears lost five-four but fio really a remarkable two days for sanford.saord. so the caps enter their bye weee which is new nhl on quite a a role.le leading 84 oints. six straight wins, 11 straight home games scoring at least five goals that's a record set by the 1970-'71 bruins. bin 12 game home win they center since 2017.7. hopefully they won't lose thee e it is sunday intt's time to shoh you the best plays in sports. st time for the close five top fivv plays of the week we start witht a little hockey.littlekey. number five dallas stars versusu the ottawa senators senatorsor called for pep tee. pepee the stars pull a goalie and bring in the drop pass butut problem nobody is ready for it.r what does he do? he scores ints his own net. >> ooh. wait. does that count for the other team. >> yes it does.t counheres i >> no!does. >> uh-huh. senators fans say thank you. symbolic of the stars lousy season.ason they lost by a goal.theyost >> oh, no.. >> yup. let's move on. >> bad day.>> b day >> number four from the pitch p fernandez torres with insanee goal. goal. did you see that. >> it went over the net thattha went in? isn't watch it again.. >> you'll see it. you'll see it. back to the net. overhead kick. >> it just snuck in there.snuck >> yeah. >> wow. >> looks like a semi bicycleicyc kick. but -- >> who said 32 was old?d 32 w o >> i'm just 32 is not -- that is not not considered prime playing age foe some >> man. >> i'm just saying. number three collegehreeolle lacrosse john hopkins versusersu vyvy. joe, appears to give the ball to john crowley but he doesn't. hidden ball trick. tck didn't full the broadcasters but did mull the midst. he scored long distance navy goalie looking the other way.. >> camera guy knows where he ish >> exactly he did his jobs j followed the ball and tenney asa he execute the the hidden ballnb trick to perfection. >> wow!ow! >> hopkins won.opns w >> waying to >> six to eight. >> he getsix a little credit there.there. number two, north dakotanohd state hosting denver. off the miss cabellas give chash a behind the back safe.ack saf he scores into his own basket. >> this is sort of a themeof a e tonight. [ laugerer ]to >> yes. >> i've never seen that at a basketball goal. goal in hockey it happens.apns cabellas with two for the didn't cost north dakota stateaa by the by sons won by 18 pointsi >> what's going on in the world >> i know.the fundamentals here. here. number one, sorry wizards nancen got to show this again.. kevin love finds lebron jamesn j and you know the rest. incredible fake shot. sho that's why he's the king. .3 seconds to go in this gamee newsroom went wild because thise was not supposed to happen. lucky and good at the same time. >> 140-145 in overtime. overt one of the best regular seasonea games every played. p that says it right there.. >> i mean, i know that feeling. >> you got to love moments liken that.. >> that's the best part abouts itbe. he was auditioning for remake oe home alone or kevin mcallisterce these days there you have it.e i >> good job, jim., jim. >> thank you. >> you're welcome.>>ou'r um next remember the instagram pregnancy announcement from beyonce' that went viral? her photo is getting a new twisi thanks to artist in us a strahle y stay with us. we're back in a moment. back in a moment. ♪♪ afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. fios is not cable. we're wired differently. so we wired the wagner's house th 150 meg internet. which means that in the time it takes mr. wagner to pour a 20oz. cup of coffee, tommy can download 40 songs, and jan can upload 180 photos. 12 seconds. that's the power of fiber optics. get 150 meg internet with equal upload and download speeds, tv and phone for just $79.99 per month for the first year. cable can't offer speeds this fast at a price this good. only fios can. ♪♪ music world is mourning the loss of legendary jazz singer aa giroux tonight. he died at a los angeles a hospital just days afters announcing his retirement from touring because of exhaustion. he won seven grammys over themme course of his 50 years in musicc the cause of his death has not n been released but he had he had experienced a number ofr of respiratory and cardiac issues e in recent years. al giroux was 76 years old. tonight prince's music nowow freely available to stream to am again. in 2 pulled from every streaming service except tidal.. after legendary music died his estate sued and claimed tidaledd didn't have exclusive streamingg rights. tidal no exclusive for prince much his albums are available on spotify, google play and apple e music.c. >> the big thing everyone willnn be talking -- well, adele maybey but talking about the grammys.. >> why are they happening.y ng >> are they going on?? >> you know, let's be realisticc it's happening.ning. laugughter ] >> a lot going on tonight. tonit >> a lot going on. on people talking about adele.dele. the other thing i think was beyonce''s performance which waw interesting. my take away frorem that she she looked beautiful.if pregnant with twins. twi and she was up there doing her h thing. i mean you got to giv e it toito her. >> yeah. >> beyonce''s pregnancygnancy announcement no doubt you saw sw this. this. this quickly became the mosthe s liked instagram of all time.e. now, it has been turned into a t mural.ral. check this artist in australia r building in melbourne.bourne people are already pushing tohit get a photo in front of the mural including pregnant womenam who want to channel beyonce'. she's such a following.lowi >> she does indeed. >> yeah. but she looks great seriously.iy >> last sunday we were talkinger about lady gaga's bigsig performance at the half time tim show. now her next move her own line l of drinks.s. she's calling it g geo girls. wine, wine coolers, cocktailsai and it's also the title on bonus b track from her latest album. >> tying it all in.>> t >> tie in right there. grigio business.usines >> business in colorado servingi up wine for your pets. >> bottling beverages for dogsod and cats.. >> dan, has the story. >> reporter: with all the healthy, tasty and variety ofiey dog and cat food these days,ay your pet should be perfectly plsesed. right? view he just might say, i am, a tired of drinking water. that's where brandon comes in. he's a pet lover. pet lov lov love cats. >> and dogs, too.>> ands, that's why he created apollo peak pet wines much you heard e me. i said pet wines. >> pinot me woe.oe catbrier nay.tbrier n new one for cats called meowallw teeny coming out. >> they're not actually winesct but a healthy pet beverage madem with beets. >> beats are full of anti-oxidant for pets. pets. they make this beautiful red r color that looks like a >> reporter: what could bed b better to wash down a bowl of dry food than a little chardognay.char >> what kitty can say n refreshing peppermint and catnip cat bore nay. (sigh).igigh). >> where can we get this much ih need to get this for my dog.y d [ laughter ] >> you have a daughter.ghter [ laughter ] >> that's hilarious yous. you i think there's a brewery doingg some sort of dog beer aimedeer i towards dogs but the profits goo towards animal rescue effortsts that sort of thing.att of thing. >> that's cool. so much fun.>>uch the dogs will look at you like k what? what? >> what is this? >> they drink out of toilets too sometimes.metimes. >> they dodge okay.>> candy shop in new york isnek trying something different thist valentine's day.lent they are talking -- takingg chocolate hearts very seriously. sweet jenny's ice cream and chocolates crafted candies to cs that look like a real heart ventricles and all.ll. it weighs less than human hearta but looks pretty close to thelot real thing. real t >> the an tom any cal hearthiana became about i thought it wouldt be a really neat play on givingg your heart for valentine's day and you always see the cartoon t style heart and never an actual as far as shape, die am meter ae and texture all of it the ventricles, the veins on it, it, it's accurate. >> another life he was a doctoro >> they plan to sell theellhe chocolate hearts past val types day as long as people keepeoplke buying them.nghem >> a lesson for kids.for kids. >> that is true.. >> another interestingeresti valentine's day special.peal what better way to say i lovee you with cheese curds. cds cheese shop in lucks zen work,e, wisconsin selling pink and red colored cheese curds.escurd they're calling them sweethearte curds they have turned into a a hot selling item. item >> i'm never going to knockno cheese curds. >> they're delicious. the >> have you had them deep fried. >> >> delicious. >> and perfect for the chocolate heart, too. t plug the chocolate hearts. >> missing antique wedding drese that was a family heirloom founf thanks to facebook. the dress tess wore on her on we great great-grandmother hadn'ttt been in her family nearly 150 years.years while mother took the dress to dry cleaner after the wedding, g oh no, only to have the cleanern go out of business soon after at the dress was lost. los she put out a post on facebookk hoping somebody would be able tt track the dress down. down the landlord of the deanf the da cleaners saw it, called her andr they were able to tell her where to find the dress. >> that's incredible g mys cred goodness.good. eah.eah. great great-grandmother 1500 years. i don't think i would havethin brought that to the dry cleaners.clea >> you got to do something toett keep it around.ep it oun >> i don't know what. i d stay tuned.on we're back after this. afterhis. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ r. ♪♪ because going around is rarely ever as enjoyable... going right through. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ >> this is fox5 local news at 11. 11. thank you for joining usk yo tonight i'm lauren demarco. >> i'm jim lokay. we're talking about the weather specifically the winds. we got strong gusts coming in overnight.ernight. >> that means the potential forf down trees and other damage. dam we want to get right to gwenwen with with details on all of t that. >> hi that. a few other things popping up right now as well. let's get right to the winds.hes major story tonight as they as e continue to gust across our area. a deepening low pressure system responsible for that.for th nor'easter causing lots of actf viv weather off to the northeasr of us. but in the meantime here's he' what's happening here at home. h those sustained winds now wheree from seven to up to 35 miles pe hour. gaithersburg. 37 at hagerstown.. but they are gusting even stronger than that will continui to do so in the overnight hourss here's the current wind gusts. 58 miles an hour wind gusts forr 55 for

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