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Thats almost hard to believe. Believe. Marco rubio has been out of thit race so long now. Ng n. Exact. Absolutely. Bsol listen, with so much at stake ii maryland right now, we have thee primary coming up on tuesday, td five different states, thetes, t candidates have been campaignini of course donald trump has setas the campaign tonight in haguesag trauma many alongside rival tedl cruz and john kasich also also stumped in the free state last week. Maryland is very big, a lot t of delegates, we got to vote. V and heres whats going to goi happen and heres what i promise, folks. Ol my win will be a lot to do with right here. Right here i believe the people ofieve maryland want to get behind a positive optimistic forwardrd looking conservative campaign. This one is important one we have to accumulate delegates. Eg we dont accumulate delegateses time to go only but wellbut wll accumulate delegates. They all want to accumulateu delegates. Thats the name of the game ne f right now. Ye that there are a lot less delegates separating donalding a trump and this nomination thanha there are delegates separatingat ted cruz and john kasich from fm this nomination. N theyve got long way to go. G yeah. Yeah. You get the sense this week,e bob, that trump can taste it now, that he thinks its i within reach and he wants tod s close this out before cleveland . He was in bit of trouble bito after he lost wisconsin and thet new york came up big 89 of the knife delegates ted cruz got zero. So trump does have the momentumn and if you look at the polls, ps maryland and these other four fr states, hes winning all of them right now. Right now. He doesnt have th mow moan he has the numbers. Umbers. You sort of crash your head andd wonder what the other candidates are doing in this race aft thiss point in the game new york pogyg showing the whole point of theon candidates staying in the raceyg was to take those delegates away from trump in new york. Mpn ne they didnt do it. O right. Ri now you just contested Convention Even wew talk about it so much, now it i seems like trump might win thisi thing fair and square. Sar well talk about the winnersw and losers this week later on. T i think the biggest loser thisot week was never trump. This nameless face lessessace candidate out there who is i supposed to come in on a whitehi horse and rescue the republicann party. Never trauma happen a very badyd week this week because big big victory in new york. Or donald trump looks moree presumptive than he has probabll until about two months rightwoo now. Yes. And weve also got this otheo back channel thats opened uppe from the trauma Many Campaign to the democratic nationalatna committee that, oh, this is juss been an act. Owl these outrageous things that hes been saying. Hes been sa watch, hell be morewatc president ial. Ential. But ronica, do you believe thist this donald trump has been veryr successful. Successf why would he change that . T it is a good question. Uestn. But, you know, the trump thatru was successful in the general is going to be a different trump tp who is successfu race. He has to app pole to ao a different voter a more moderate voter, and i wonder when i look at the, you know, as you said the failure of the never trump movement, is it an lector rate sort of resigning themselves to the inn evident ability of trump or is it the success of the the campaign that change in thehe campaign the change in the styls as hes appealing to what yout o would argue is more moderateerat voter in place like new york ink these five primary races this ts upcoming tuesday . Well neverev really know for sure, but definitely lends itself to thats question. Yeah, i think overall,vell though, republicans arent t theyre they dont like ted cruz he has a like ability problem. Prob john kasich only his home state. Hes too too moderate. Theyre not comfortable with the alternative. Iv i was with ted cruz on the trail. Trail. The theme hes uniting the partp talks about this epp course ma manies from jeb, Lindsay Grahama all of these people i you its not true. E theres no way you can argue a that ted cruz is the one unitini the party. Lindsay graham has made ite i completely clear to anybody whoo will listen to Lindsay Graham ga hes doing this with his fingers firmly placed on his nose. Absolutely. Absolel run say graham is looking ato cruz especially to disrupt throw trump off kilter and perhaps, upping, maybe become a candidata himself later on in the processe paul ryan has said if theres te another nominee it should behoue somebody who actually ran for president. Iden. Lindsay graham did run for run f president although he didnt dod very well. Ve the democrats competed hardad these past few days. Past few da. Yesterday Bernie Sanders was ine balt simore while Hillary Clintn stopped by rhode island andslana connecticut. Nnec the economy was a big talkingal point for both of them. The people on top will not n continue to accumulate billions of while children in baltimore and inter cities throughout thisou country go hungry. Un we have to figure out what t do about it. We cant just watch it and a complain about it and pray about it and worry about it. Nd worry a weve got to figure out what to do about it, went need more good jobs with rising incomes. I tell you, Hillary Clinton also had a big day last tuesday. New york would have been a gameg changer if Bernie Sanders had won. Won. Did he not and if you look at i the polls for so called primary, she is winning nearly all of o them a couple states are closerc but she is the big favorite. Its important for them. Po they were starting to worryng tr about new york. Out york yes. In a big way. Way having done this, having beatena Bernie Sanders, not just beatena hem, she beat him good. Yes. In new york. Right . Thats a strong firmon f decisive victory. Does Bernie Sanders have anyoney in the Democratic Party which he has not been a par way to tap Bernie Sanders on tho shoulder and Start Talking abouu when and if Bernie Sandersrs leaves this race because rightar now bob he says he wont. E wont that will be the next did yot go after tuesday. Goue for now the Clinton Campaign is saying, okay, we know hes notnn going to get out of the race,utc thats fine. We just want him to talk bout to issues because they were stunnee a little bit when he went aftert her on wallhen street and thehe transcripts that she has not n released publicly. Ubcl so i think theyre not there tre yet. But eventually and that democrat, that could be, n coulc be barack obama who makes a cala to bernie to say you got to get out. Its fascinating race if we w look specific toll maryland, mar clinton she not only leads in the polls, she leads in whites,i she leads in blacks, she leads a in people over 50, people underr 50. I mean, this is sort of weref looking at now the clinton thata we sort of expected to see whenw this race started and bernie bei sanders. Sander shes recapturing that mow moann tum. The new york victory wasyork vry tremendous for her. Wonder what is he, what is hese doing . Do you get a sense here thats the Bernie Sanders message hassa kind of run out of gas in the gt last couple of weeks . You know, and i circle the day of the daily news interview when he wasnt able to kind of enunciate and clearly explain how youlain break up the big banks. N have you seen that, bob. Seen th i think so. I talk to couple people that that are sanders people and thet want him to talk about more mor Foreign Policy. Icy whats the Foreign Policy issue that everyone in the sandersande campaign wants to talk about,bo her vote for the iraq war. Raq w so overall, that is i think is h Bernie Sanders next move. M you can see a lot is at stake at for the candidates in maryland l and someone who knows first hand what i mean is john fritz writer for the Baltimore Sun covers all things washington for the paper. We welcome him this morning viav skype for his take on tuesdayss primary. John, thanks for being with us. W thanks for having me on. Vi me first question i want to aska overall is, what do you think is and republican president ialsidea primaries in maryland . Who doho you think is the big favorite . Who do you think could make maybe somewhat of a spot . Well, i think that trump has clear, s clearly the frontrunnen according to polls, and i thinki clinton is clearly the t frontrunner on the democratic side. I think its interesting like ag lot of states where trump has h been successful and he doesntee have sort of what we considere e the traditional organization. An. You dont really see a lot ofot cam paper stuff on the ground. N theyre not doing the kinds of f things that we typically see president ial or even a candidati for local office doing but hesh been successful as we know kno despite not having that kind off organization. So i think, um, where guy like L John Kasich or ted cruz may have some ability to be successfulucl here perhaps not winningng statewide, but perhaps beinghapb able to pull off a District Western part of the state or Eastern Shore maybehory pick up some delegates in an evident to stop trumps marchar toward the 1237. 123 you know, on democratic side iid think were seeing less yesterday interestingly aftertit early voting in the state was over, its not clear thatar t Hillary Clinton will makemake another appearance. Eanc theyre both on the air in thehe state than that far less than in other states. Otr st i think maryland is a state that always is going to do well for f hillary. Llar john, let me stop you withetp the thought for moment here. T h. Its no secret maryland has a republican governor larry hogan who has, you know, firmly said i that hes not very pleased withw what easies in the republicanca race and his own party. Ar with hogan saying these thinghet and not endorsing anyone ofny these candidates, even hisven h fellow governor, john kasichic which you would seem to think t that he lines up politically with, does that affect thi all or is this trump an animaln of his own being and rash less l of what republican governor sayy or doesnt say about him hell h just do his own thing . Thi i think it might be a littlei bit of both. Bit of i think youre right to point to hogan its totally fascinating. I hogan is the most popularopular governor weve had in reallyll long time in maryland. Arylan the polls have him pretty muchv off the charts. Crt the fact that he hasnt engageng here is probably smart for him. But its definitely, you know, o when you have these guys coming in to your states in this real l Campaign Going on and youre non saying anything, i think peoplel certainly take notice of that. A youre right that kasich is the kind of guy hogan could probabll align with. Align wi kasich hasnt done too well. Oo w so i think it is really not just hogan but on the republicans ins the state in a little bit of pickle. Le. The other sort of best knownno republican is an harris a congressman who represented thee Eastern Shore, the firstheir district of maryland, he endorsed ben carson early they were colleagues together au johns hopkins. Pkins. But has since not said anything and he was not at events thisnti week and i think youre right tt note its part of this thinghi g that trump had in other statess as well where established republicans, f john well havelv you stand by our discussion off marylands price maries willie w continue next with a look atk at heated race underway retama toea fill the Maryland Senate seat. S stay with us. With were back in just a fewt a f minutes. If you misplace your you can use freeze it to prevent new purchases on your account in seconds. And once you find it, you can switch it right on again. Youre back freeze it from discover. Get it at discover. Com. Bring back the housecall . Open walkin clinics in convenient places . Help more moms get prenatal care . Or use technology to find insights that Lower Health Care costs . Maybe help doctors spend more time with patients, not paper work . What if you did all of this, and more . Because its all connected to better care, and better care means better health. Unitedhealth group built for better health. Welcome balk on tuesdayome Maryland Voters wont be the only ones voting for the nexthex president. Pr but theyre also be figuring oun who is going to fill the state s soon to be Vacant Senate seat. Incumbent Robert Mikulski is not running for reelect on theelect democratic ballot in the prima primary. Chris van holland and donnaand o edwards are ru running. Run poles are shows van holland with sevenpoint lead over donad oved edwards. Ed we want to bring john back in bk from the Baltimore Sun to talk l about whats at stake ine marylands senate race. E weve see sawed in this race,s r john, back and forth betweenetwe Chris Van Holland and Donna Edwards right now it looks likel van holland is back up on top. T how surprising is this thattha edwards has given him the run she has up to this point . Well, thats certainly beenha the narrative outt of washingtg that its been a surprise. Surpr i think people who followollo politics closely in marylandand never thought this was not going to be competitive. Ti you know theres a racial aacia component here, and if you look at the 2006 race fume may andnd car den. Fume wasnt on tv until the very end of the race he came within h few thousand votes of his opponent this race was doing toi be close. Donna edwards has run a much m Better Campaign and its a great race. Ce the polls have been all over the place. Ace most recent polls show littlehot bit of momentum for van hollanda but then a bunch of new of advertising came in the state im think its reallye close. John, as far as the groundheo game as you know van holland has a big Campaign Cash edge. E do you think that van hollandsa machine is going to be better b than edwar thats great question. Que whenever we get all these endorsements and holland has ala these endorsemenndts from elec e officials all across the statets all of us you guys, me, we me,e always ask what does it matter . E what does that mean . Mea and i think well fine out. If some of these endorsements these folks bring a great grouno game a great operation then itte could really help them. He i have seen some numbers fromrso both campaigns that would seem to suggest that van holland hass knock on more doors, done moreoe polls although those numbers ara really easy to manipulate. Anipul i dont put a ton of stock in them. Em john i was looking at numberm at a recent monmouth universityi poll came up with. Wh it says van holland has 60 approval rating. Edwards 50 approval rating. Ra. When you look at the fact thataa congress itself has 15 approval rating, i feel like these are two fairly wellliked candidat candidates. Do you think that mighthink potentially maybe drive more people to the polls, more connected to theseo the candidates and you might say miy they do to congress in general . It might. Might everybody still likes theirkeshe local congress people, right,ig but not congress generally. Campaigns do good job of playina on that idea. I think, you know, van holland a is popular in montgomery countyu which is his home base. Se. Donna edwards is very popular ir Prince Georges County which ish her home base. Be. The battle all along has beeneen baltimore. And the baltimore region notoren just the city but the surrounding counties. You know i think what probably really drive voters in this racs at the top of the the ticket ann the bottom. Ot so the president ial insofar asir its still competitive ontive tuesday which it look like itt will at lost kind of have theint feeling of being competitive ono the democratic side bernie ber coming in spending money and soo forth and then bottom of thehe ticket we have this fantastictac mayors race in baltimore. Mo i think a lot of people areloofp going to come out to vote forote that and that those two racesac will probably be the oness driving turn out in the i was reading one article ini the post voter said he actually lot of sleep over choosingver between edwards and van hollandl i have to say i fine little bit refreshing that somebody wouldy consider their vote that t vot seriously and actually really feel, you know, connected toneed this process so much. I think that president ial raceil is having that effect. Yeah, look, they both have b been around for while. Whi theyre not hugely different ont policy. Cy. Right. Right. They have taken most the samehes votes. What they bring is a differentit stylistic point of view to the job. Jo van holland passed himself morem as someone who can advance ancen agenda, cut deal, he sort off questioned her effectiveness. Tis she has brought more in some som arguments more of a purist pur sense. Sens that she wouldnt support some of the things he supporteds heuo because they didnt carryry progressive ideals, and so i a s think theres a real choice here to be made on style and what type of senatop thanks for joining us john. N. Thank you. So, you know, thank you, john. Jo. So who are representativesnv van holland and edwards . Wear w said this little bit ago but vat holland currently representing marylands eighth district. D now that includes parts of carol, frederick and montgomeryr countmontgomerycounties and popp than 747,000 people. Eople now its split between 49 male and 51 foe mail. Ail. 70 of the population is whitenw and have a median householdoused income of 90,000. ,000 now, one of the interestinger candidates in this race its is david trone a businessman. Inessm self funding his campaign. Spent 9. 1 million quiten qu possibly, historic amount ofmouo money spent in a congressional race. Ra. But, you know, cash is not necessarily the key to victory. Y i couldnt help but think of jeb bushs, you know, war chest he brought into monumental diss poi appoint thaa he had and another candidate wha people are talking about is jeannie less kin and tom indom thought about all the time you spent covering noahs law and i think that that is a thing thatt the Maryland Voters really feele passionately about. Aut. How do you think that will you affect them . They might in the al all be trone. Tr not everybody has tron money. M none of thighs candidates arehi Walking Around withca their ther pockets inside out. Pockets in there are massive amounts ofts o money spent in this district. Tr its one of the wealthiest ineat the country right outside ofsido washington, d. C. C. You know, youve got a wellknown former televisionelio news anchor and business executive. A lot of own money. Her husband Chris Matthews wellw known across this country as progressive talk show host. But, you know, the washingtonto post this weekendersed kathleene matthews. He now that surprised a lot of lot people because matthews does not have any political experience. But to read the posts editoriai this week even somebody whoody o works for the wonderfulon publication such as the hill you must have kind of been surpriser a little bit by that. About how they lauded all this t praise on Kathleen Matthews at m the end of the endorsement say jamie raskin does a lot of work, too. O unusual move bite washingtoni post though weve seen in thev past whether its self furthersr or whether you get endorsed by major newspapers, sometimes tham doesnt help and actually it cat back fire on you. E on you. In this type of weird cycle where you have trump and outsiders dominating, maybe that would hurt her. D hurt h i dont know. I but it was a very unusual nua they go with experience. Right, right. Ig to continue our game ofame o Musical Chairs this morning, mng because Donna Edwards is running for that senate seat, thatst going to mean that her old congressional seat is now open. E edwards currently representss maryland district. Thats made up of anne arundel n and prince georges counties cne with a population of more than 735,000. 735,00 thats broken down into 48 male, 52 female with 32 of the population is white, while 54 is black. Lack the Median Household Income is about 71,000. 71,0 so ronica just ran down the makeup of montgomery county. Dramatically different in princf georges county and you will a w slate of candidates therehere reflects that. Tha yeah. What do we know about thebo t race right now to replace epl former lieutenant governoranver running, we have a former states running. Ing. We have a delegate running right now. I dont get a sense that one ofo them have broken free of the ote others at this point. S poi no. Anthony brown of course lot of governors race. Vernorsace. Hes gotten some endorsementssee also eric holden the formerr attorney general backed glennkel ivy a hispanic candidate getting support from hispanic groups gro much this is a race in th of district to say, im the most progressive, and im more imor progressive than you and you. And because whoever wins this is clear going to be in congress. S one of of the things i thi thought about when i was researching primary with anthona brown in a congressional prima primary, he has name recognitioi which is very important. Mpta but not good name recognitioi in a lot of places. F pla the fact that he lost tolostt governor had he began whenegan w Governor Hogan approval ratingg is 70 , upping, theres no votev remorse right now in maryland ml over Governor Hogan. Og i almost think that could be a,a n name recognition could be a disadvantage. Anta so i agree no one has reallyea broken from the packet its ae very interesting array off delegates. I think it may be a surprise. Ss people forget, too. Too Anthony Brown had a long histors in the house of delegates representing parts of this very congressional delegation. Elegio. Yes, he had surprising there is larry hogan but this was goodd district for him to run if heli be successful anywhere itst probably going to be here. It will be interesting toti bottom are neck. Top of the hill, hillaryf clinton had a great week. Th she is the frontrunner clearly. Bottom of the hill neverill n trump the effort to dislodge dis donald trump from the nominatioo seems to be taking a big stepte back this week. Thats our show thanks fornkf joining us. Inin us. Fox news sunday with chrisith c wallace is next. Ex well see you back here neckn sunday. Nd take care. Team trump says we will soon see a new candidate on the campaign trail. Youll hear from the man behind the planned makeover of the gop front runner. Only on fox news sunday. We caught a glimpse of a more president ial donald trump in his new york victory speech. Senator cruz is just about mathematically eliminated. For one night no more lying ted. But can it last . Now, my wife is constantly saying, darling, be more president ial. I just dont know that i want to do it quite yet. Paul manafort, trumps new top adviser, discusses the pivot to a more traditional campaign. Its a fox news sunday

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