Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News Edge Eleven 20171209 : comp

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News Edge Eleven 20171209

those victims ended up in the northbound lanes. this is scene right now sky fox flying over the scene. we're told at least one person has been killed. three others were injured as you can see this a lot of police and firefighter activity at that scene. here's what you need to know. traffic is shut down in the northbound local lanes of 270. some traffic is getting by in the southbound local and main lanes. we have a reporter headed to the scene and we'll bring you alive update as soon as we get it. >> breaking right now from capitol heights, maryland, several town homes caught fire tonight in the 1300 block of dillon court. the fire is out now and thankfully there are no injuries to report. "fox5" lauren demarco just getting on that scene and we'll check in with her in a moment. >> and now to that big winter weather alert we're talking about tonight. a storm system stretching from boston to gulf of mexico is bringing first snowfall of the season. >> the snow already falling in some parts of d.c. region. a l it's not snowing there now and did snow few hours earlier today. there are weather advisories and warnings in effect across the region. let's get to caitlin roth for an update what we can expect tonight and this weekend. caitlin. >> tony, sarah, it will be a different picture if you weak up tomorrow morning and snow falling and expected to accumulate thought the day tomorrow as it will be our first snow of the season. coming kind of early this y year. we've already seen snow late this afternoon into this evening areas south of us. had you to go pretty far so south for tonight into tomorrow winter weather advisory in purple couple inches slushy snow 95. winter storm warnings in pink. it's already gun to snow in places like st. 345eur mary county, eastern shore. 2 to" accoladeed and higher amounts to central portions of vir vur. you can see where the snow set up on stormtracker. that cutoff line still has been very far south and east of washington all day. it will snow to reach us. but where it is snowing it's coming down heavy. extreme southern st. mary county over into the northern neck and back up along the eastern shore. these are areas really just border our coverage area and that snow will be shifting norm westward overnight. and temperatures colder where it is snowing. leonardtown, cambridge. marginal in washington, 37, just above freezing in areas norm and west which could behinder snow from initially sticking to roadways. which is okay. we don't want it to stick to roadways. it will be nice and snowy and kind of festive tomorrow with snow beginning in the lirl morning hours accumulating from mid-morning to mid afternoon. tapering off to flurries by late evening. here's what we expect with snowfall accumulations. to 4" on side roadways for tomorrow along 95. dusting to inch or two along 81. 4 to 6" locally and stretch from cambridge to leonard taken to towards fred fredericksburg virginia. that's how it looks now your sarah. >> i'm sorry not sarah, korey. we're going to you who has been live in california, maryland this evening and she's where it is snow ago and has been snowing. korey we're happy you're able to snow us images of the snowfall this evening. what you can tell us now. >> we've about checking out roadways because it's been on and off in extreme part of st. mary country. take a look at roadways we crossed over further north parts where the snowfall has stopped and we've seep anywhere from light dusting especially on sides just like you mentioned where rally is not sticking to roads and light dusting anywhere from that to even one to" in the thick of it. when we were speaking with shoppers earlier. now some folks we talked to say they're happy to see that the roads are fairly clear. and we asked them what they thought about those seasoned snowfall. they told us as we encountered people not phased by it at all. take a sdpr no i'm used to the cold. >> what are you out shopping for tonight. >> trying to find cowboy boots we have a dpans to go to. >> no snow boots. >> no. >> the old are you get the more snow is inconvenience more than actual fun thing. so, i'm more at the age of i just don't like it anymore. >> i like. it i honestly i was hoping it would have been after christmas. but it's pretty. >> now i asked her why after christmas and she said really6 it's because she's used to seeing seeing that snowfall come later in the january or february months. so, i think some people agreed with her that really you know a couple weeks ago we were seeing 70 degrees. 60 and 0 degree temperatures an a lot of people for the most part excited and cheery about snowfall. they say it puts them in holiday mood. did d.c. crews will be out around 1 a.m. starting to treat the roads in that further north. further north you go the drier you'll be. we encounter thick and heavy and wet snowflakes in that southern part of st. mary county. guys. >> all right. thank you so much, korey. thankfully it looks like it's melting on the roadways. snow is something that people in texas, south carolina and georgia rarely see and they are seeing a lot of it for them at least in places and san antonio texas three inches blanketed the area. people in south carolina woke up to these flakes. people in atlanta got first real taste of winter. despite snow schools in city stayed open. >> you can find out snow updates in the latest forecast and "fox5" weather app and send us snow pictures using #fox5snowday. new tonight a student is under arrest for threatening to shoot students and teachers into blow up a northern virginia school. that student goes to george mason high school in false hearing about the suspect as plan tuesday and the school contacted the alleged stu student's parents and said their child needed to stay home until the investigation was completes. he was arrestsed this morning with charges to threaten to blown up the school. they found bb guns altered to look look real guns. the soup iser intend end braced the person 2459 reported threats. >> a letter was sent home saying "while police believe this a single threat made by single student we urge students, staff an community and to remain vigilant and yes, if you see something, say something with the the alleged student had a hearing in court and it's not nope what punishment he could pace. >> developing tonight fairfax county police need your help to find missing 11-year-old girl. take a look at screen. there's picture. rear name is maria isabel weighs 105 pounds. last seen last night around 7:00 in the 7700 block of duringer court in springfield. >> and assistant superintendent with prince george county schools is is on leave tonight. mark faucet is accused of grabbing a female student bit arm after she threw something out the window of bus at wise high school and it hit his c car. this happened last friday. faucet oversees supporting services for the school system sfwlt search is on or over rather tonight for remains of d.c. woman that went missing years ago. pamela but her was killed in 2009 and the man that killed her jose rodriguez cruz told investigators he buried butler on a stretch of i 95 near garrison road near vir vvrm. while cadaver dogs seemed to get a hit on remains this morning searchers say it would be impossible to find them since they're likely buried under 30 feet of dirt. >> which he dog one hit on several spots where pam was supposed to be. the other dog deposit alert to it at all. and he believes that pam's there, but exactly where, they don't know. butler and rodriguez cruz were dating at the time when the two fwot into an argument, in her home. he admitted killing her and taking her body out of side of the home not being reported by security systems. off duty metro bus operator is credited with loaded begun. the employee witnessed someone happeneding the gun. it happened 9:0 this morning. employee told metro transit police and officers hel the train. they later found and arrested a 19-year-old for carrying a gun without awe license. and up next, what a congressman was asking staffers at now led resignation. >> and following that breaking news we told about you at the to much the show and multi-vehicle crash on i 270 tonight that snarldz traffic. we understand one person is killed in that accident we'll have a live report in the break. >> this may look like any other picture of a kid with his picture tape with santa clause and there's a funny reason why this went viral. >> coming up on final five we could be on the verge of government shutdown two weeks from tonight. is there a long term fill or 2013 all over again. final five is tonight at this new day looks nothing like yesterday. trails are covered. paths aren't what they used to be. roads nowhere to be found. ( ♪♪ ) and it's exactly what you're looking for. ( ♪♪ ) >> an doesn't on i 270 rockville. evan what you can tell us. >> sarah, we learn that one person is dead in this crash here. take a look. we're woo! ton parkway 270 and you can see the cars here on right of screen northbound lanes moving by extremely slowly. according to montgomery county fire and rescue officials this crash happened in the southbound lanes. and we understand two cars collided out and then those people were hit. thrown from the southbound lanes into the northbound lanes. and total 6 or 7 people have been evacuated evaluated as you take a look at sky fox here video. and we do understand two people have life-threatening injuries. and then one person again as we just learned is dead as a result of this crash here on 270 originally happening in the southbound lanes and then moving to the northbound lanes as two people were thrown according to fire and recuse officials. if you take a look at other side of the overpass here, look at all that traffic backed up in those northbound lanes. it goes back for extremely long period of time at least to that next overpass there as well. so, again, one person dead he in this crash. two people with life-threatening injuries and other two cars crashed here at 270 near woo!ton parkway and false road a little more accurate. that is the latest right here. live in rockville. evan lanl bert. "fox5 local news". >> and also breaking right now, from capitol heights, maryland, several town homes caught fire tonight. >> this happened in 1300 block of dillon court our own lauren demarco arrived that that scene. lauren, what can you tell us. >> tony, sarah, still a very active scene. fire started in a townhouse. it appears it started in end unit townhouse and then spread to two others. there's three total that us is stained damage here. and broke out just about 10 p.m. and actually i have with me a woman named bianca chandler that lives behind the homes. you saw this breakout and you sai saw the flames and as we're talking to you i hope they can show pick of the fire. tell me what you saw and did. >> i don't live here houses and i saw the smoke and i call the fire department and they alerted me that they were already on their way. and so i drove up here and i just saw the flames and i -- you know i did not panic or anything i saw other people out here i was not the the only one. but i started knocking on people's doors and in the third house there was elderly lady two elderly ladies and little boy and they were frantic trying to get out of the house i helped them outside of the house. and there was another father his daughter in the house that i helped them get out as well letting them know there's a fire and you know the fire was spreading. it was two houses we didn't know how far it would go. >> you said you carried a little girl out with no shoes? she deposit have any klonls on they were asleep she had no pants or shirt on i put sure on her area helped her with her parents on and her father was trying to gamer everything i picked her the house i needier ooz shoes and you all to come how fast us snrs. >> bianca great job tonight. thank you for talking to me. because of bee ankle aand others that helped from response of father no injuries reported. you can see significant damage to the homes. there was flames or were flames shooting from the roof. again, three town homes damaged here. two of them it appears from where we're standing very any skaptly and we don't know the cause of the fire. bianca heard a man that lived in the first home was not home at the time and we know taken dults displaced and two children displaced and three pets. gut but, again, no one hurt here tonight. that's the latest in capital hight. right here in the studio. >> president trump holding campaign style rally in pensacola tonight. president touched on a number of issues, tax reform, climate change and the president turned attention to turned attention to next week's controversial senate race in alabama. president urged people in alabama to vote for republican candidate roy moore even though moore is accused of sexual misconduct. >> we need somebody in that senate seat who will vote for our make america great again agenda. which involves. which involves tough on crime. strong on borders. strong on immigration. we want great people coming into our country and building walls and strengthen our military. aand new details on abrupt resignation of gop representative interpret franks a former -- carry his child and one point offering mother. those kvrks took place in private sometimes frank's car an she repeatedly told him she was not interested. statement is from law maker says he regrets these kchings caused distress. >> all right one of the other big stories tonight is weather. changes to the warm we have cold air in place. and some folks already seen snow, caitlin. >> yes, they are. are we ready for first snow of the season. >> whether whether he like it or in the it's year. >> it's not a choice. either are or represent and it's fall owe on a saturday and shouldn't be bad when comes to road conditions. temperatures marginal. a live look outside 37 in d.c. well above frozeing. but it will be a snow day. nonetheless the snow is expected to move into metro overnight and last through much of the day tomorrow. as we begin with accuweather forecast let's go through headlines what to expect first snowfall of season f we get over 3 1/2" of snow is that the will be more than last winter. so i'm just out last winter and starting to make up for it quickly beginning with tomorrow. snow moving towards d.c. and whole 95 stretch overnight and periods of snow on and off. through the day tomorrow accumulations will range from slushy 2 to 4" in d.c. and 4 to 6" south and east and maybe more and snowin all day in southern st. mary and calvert county. additional snow showers and sunday looks cold but sunny. stormtracker radar light shower. southern calvert and st. mary and stretching across the bay to portions of vir vr. you have to get to dark purple you gets steadier snow and accumulations of 2 to" in places like southern st. mary country, california, maryland, where korey kauffman was out this evening. it's mixing and we're waiting for a system to pivot back north and west. it's a system that brought sow as far as south as mexican border and southern texas it stretches up the eastern sea board and as it intensifies overnight it moves more westward. 38 annapolis and 3 cam brim and leopard town and pictures there pretty, mid 30s norm and west. norm and west we'll see least amount of snow out of the season. which is unusual. usually they see the most this favors areas east. fox future cast shows snow line backing westward and bringing snowflakes in predawn hour. 4 to 5 a.m. and increase-si inen tensety in the morning hours. most likely you'll wake up and see snow falling and pretty. hopefully saturday. i are where you want to be anden joy the show as it is. snow will accumulate mid-morning to mid afternoon and pretty much tapers off into the evening hours and if you have saturday night plans hopefully with major roadways being okay you can still get out and about. snow ends rapidly with leftover light flurries in snow showers saturday evening and we wake sunday morning. one last look at snow totals, to 4", 95. 4 to 6" south and east. and that is just dusting to" norm and west. accuweather 7-day forecast quick. after snow day tomorrow sunny and cold sunday. starting workweek nice. mixed showers front late tuesday night and bring in next round of fresh very cold air. 32. all for next wednesday. that's 7 day forecast sarah and tony we'll send it back to you. ( ♪♪ ) when it comes to holiday shopping, my wife loves style, my son is all about technology and my daughter? she just loves horses. don't you just love one-stop shopping? i do. ring in the holidays with buick. get up to 20% below msrp uv models. that's over $7,100 on this buick envision essence. experience the new buick this holiday season. snv it's a tradition for many families kids taking picture at the mall. >> and one was not happy with his wrist visit and he su suddenly let the world know. his mom posted this picture saying we taught our baby sign language want this is sign for help. oh, the kid's face seemed to be telling the same story too. santa was like none the wiser used to posing with kids and not -- unless screaming and crying but that was cute. >> i love that. that's a great photo. what a great thing teaching your toddler sign language. >> if you teach them young they can learn any lang sglaj anything, anything. >> a r >> snow moving in overnight and waking up to snowflakes. >> final five is next. force. rogress is an unstoppable brace yourself for the season of audi sales event. how's it going down there? that's good. lica misses you. i'm over it though. (laughter) that's fine. i miss her more than you anyway. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey, my window is closing. yeah that's okay. alright miles. i love you. (phone hangs up) ♪ ♪ ♪ yeah i love you too. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ [vo] the season of audi sales event is here. audi will cover your first month's lease payment on select models during the season of audi sales event. >> it's friday we made it through another weekend. trump is fall for roy moore and what led franken top resign and trump administration de februarying decision on jerusalem to the rest of the world and cnn screws up and man the president is happy about that. will we face a government shutdown in two weeks or can congress mack a deal. where'smonty when you need him. this is is the final five. let's do this. >> all right let's go. president trump tonight in florida. his event was called a make america great generally and seems he was there to drum up support for roy moore. the event was held in pensacola close to the alabama

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