Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News Edge Eleven 20171207 : comp

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News Edge Eleven 20171207

tonight her are her brother it talking to fox5. a drug 10,000 more powerful. >> a drive through the california wide fires. your news starts now. >> and we begin tonight with the "fox5" exclusive metro transit police tonight arrested two teenagers accuses of attacking a man that the fort totten station and some confrontation was kawts on camera. marina marraco was live on how it all wentz down. marina. >> yeah, metro transit officers came down to the platform for a fight in progress and victim saying he was hit in back of head by a plastic bottle and it was allegedly at the haendz of teenager that was inside this train and you see him being cranked from a train by the hood in the video and he walked all the way this way to the stall here and it's there at the stall where you see officer put the teenager up against the mr. examinery glance an slammed on the ground. you're look ago the cellphone by metro passenger and a group of teens is loud and rowdy and felt police used excessive force. rooe vently you see the teen pulled off the train by hoodie and walked to stall and pushed up against structure and see what appears to be teen's body slammed on the ground. and what you're hearing is commotion caused as a result witnesses seeing how that all played out. several other passengers pulling out cell phones. film ago rest. metro says while arrest was taking place another tina salted one metro transit officer and tonight a 14 and 15-year-old being charged with salt and a police officer. marina marraco, "fox5 local news". >> the pressure is mounting tonight on senator al frank tone resign. more than 0 down and a number growing all day. the calls come as another woman came forward tore accuse franken of sexual misconduct. senator's office is planning to talk about the allegations tomorrow. but, tonight, senator franken is dismissing reports he willing resign. and he is saying he is talking with family and has not made a final decision and in a tweet, franken says "reports of a final decision are inac inaccurate."there's also reports chuck shumer called franken earlier today and told him to resign. the latest allegation against franken comes from former democratic congressional aid that tells politicalo franken tried to kissmer in 2006 and whether she tried to avoid case she says he told her it's my right as entertainer. >> and this comes on the same day as time magazine announcement of 2017 pep of the year. silence breakers. and the magazine honors those who came forward with stories about being victims of sexual allegations have rocked politics, hollywood and media. and the fallout from those sexual assault allegations continues to hit harvey weinstein tonight and six women are now suing him and the studio he cofounded and they claim weinstein and company functioned like organized crime group using agents producers and others to prey on young women. since "new york times" big report on whine stooep in october more than 08 women accused him of sexual harassment. >> new developments now in search for remains of d.c. woman missing since 2009. earlier this year pamela butler's boyfriend admitted to killing her and agreed to led police to her body. we learned crews will search i 95 in stafford virginia hate they are week. lauren demarco is live on the scene tonight with the latest. lauren. >> shawn, we've been driving along on 95 stafford area where likely commuters later this week will see a good deal of police activity on friday. and now "fox5" learned that police investigators and crews will be searching for the side of the highway for remains of pamela butler and there are wooded areas along both sides of 95 and there are also dense patches of woods that serve as median between north and southbound lanes. pamela was analyst for the environmental protection agency who wept missing back in 2009 her family long suspected her boyfriend at the time jose rodriguez cruz. funlly this year he admitted to killing her during an argument. investigators determined the deadly attack happened in the basement of her home fourth street northwest. rodriguez cruz bled guilty to second degree murder this past october and he was snned to twelve years behind bars and agreed to tell detectives exactly where he buried pamela along i 95 in virginia. tonight we spoke with pamela's brother derrek on video chat and he hopeful for peace after eight agonizing years. >> i hope he's telling the truth and i believe that the district attorney and police vetted him receipt perfectty good before we made the deal and is i'm hopeful but i do have mixed emotions about it. >> even though we know what happened to my sister she still is missing and she did not have a proper burial and she doesn't have a proper resting mace and that's what we want for her. >> eight years have gone by an landscape and terrain change over time and derrek says the detectives are coming through photos of the area from back in 2009 as they he question rodriguez cruz. this is d.c. police case but with body possibly in virginia stafford county will be involved in search and officials tell us virginia state police will be the point agency on friday. derrek butler does plan to be here as crews search for his sister sfarks rodriguez cruz for court order he's not allowed to leave the district of columbia it would be unlikely he'll be out with investigators. but it is important to note that arlington police are searching for his first wife, marta. she disappeared in 1989. instafford, lauren demarco, "fox5 local news". and an 11-year-old prince george county boy remains in critical condition tonight after accidental shooting at apartment complex in suitland. he was babysitting the boy last night and in the pro processes of put ago way a gun when it wept owe off and hit the child. the man rushed the child to the hopped. they're calling it a tramingic accident. the boy's famil released a statementsation they'll limit comments about the case until police finish investigating. >> new tonight, police are looking for this ghaun that robbed a convenience store. take a look at gun. police say it's ak style rifle and this happened early this morning on benning road northeast. gunman walked in with face covered and shoved gun in clerk's face and demanded money and ran off after cleaning out register. if you can help catch him give police a call. >> more than two dozen alleged gang members under arrest tonight. authorities calling it coordinated take down involving more than 300 law enforcement officers in virginia, maryland and d.c. areas and 28 are arrest stem from joint tavrment f and fbi investigations into g gang-related crimes and agents seized thoyss of grams of cocaine, crystal meth, heroin and 75 firearms. >> it's a drug 50 times deadier than heroin and showing up in northern virginia. loudoun county first known case of carfentanyl overdose in nation. korey kauffman is live in loudoun with more on this dangerous drug. dory. >> loudoun are a little worrieded. look that penny here. i'll place a tiny white dot in the middle of. it that represents 200 milligrams of fentanyl that is enough to be deadly. carfentanylself, 100 times more potent because it's meant as tranquilizer for elephants. so let's give you another view of that comparison. this picture from the drug enforcement agency. this gives you an idea of how deadly synthetic opiates can be. carfentanyl 50 times deadliar than heroin and 10,000 more deadly than morphine and 100 times stronger than fents nal. loudoun county sheriff office is warning public about this. this is so potent there's a risk of overdose by breathing in trace amounts of the drug which skomz in powder form and there's been instances of medical emergencys with first responders themselves being exposed to synthetic opiates and with the first three cases reported now here of carfentanyl overdose in loudoun county experts need to account for presence of drug here. the more potent synthetic drug here in county and now sheetz gas stations are trying to stamp out drug use in own bathrooms and trying a pilot program using blue flight bathrooms to prevents overdoses, i want to show you how it works. we're using a plaque light tonight. using this light they hope drug abusers will not be able to see their vains so they won't be able to get into those bathrooms to use them and it will also they hope provide a safer environment for other people who are just trying to use the restroom. so this is pilot program. this is happening at one location so far in innocence county they had 179 deaths so far this year. and they hope to expand it to all sheetz locations including loudoun county if it works, guys. >> korey kauffman. >> prince george county school board member now calling for allegations of grade fixing and questionable graduation rates. board member edward bur rows told a state panel more state intervention is necessary and bureaus is one of four board members that wrote letters to larry hogan asking the state to investigate the alleg allegations. they did not find evidence of systemic corruption but found grades of more than 5,000 students were changed. >> and county still is refusing to hold school system leadership accountable. school system leadership celebrated audit of this all school base and somehow all these principles and all these fools and all parts of county were all fraudulently graduating students and exact same way at the exact same time. >> prince george county public schools has until end of month to submits a corrective plan to state board of education earlier this week throat school d eo sent a letter to parents listing improvements the district is starting to make. >> and deve why it is not getting any easier for firefighters who are battling massive wildfires out west and plus the landmark that somehow survived the flames and the popular show that's delayed because of disaster. plus, it looks like normal, expensive jewelry. but find out how to has ties to terrorism. >> also ahead a sky did h having santa trying to bring joy to a little girl and then ran into trouble. what he told her after a rough landing. >> and coming up on "the final 5" tonight we'll show you how spotify new ad cam pain is poking fun at politics as well as users streaming habits. catch "the final 5" tonight coming up at 11:30. how's it going down there? that's good. lica misses you. it though. (laughter) that's fine. i miss her more than you anyway. ♪ ♪ ♪ hey, my window is closing. yeah that's okay. alright miles. i love you. (phone hangs up) ♪ ♪ ♪ yeah i love you too. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> president trump announcing major diplomatic shift signing legislation to recognize jerusalem as capital of is israel. us embassy will move from tel aviv to the holy city. and israel applauded announcement palestinian officials say it's a step back for diplomacy. it could cause violence in the rare antiques that it says isis was traffickingen including gold ring, coins and necklace. u.s. alleging terror group markets and cells items to finance. >> the brim over the monocacy remains closed of hit by a garbage truck. en -- >> and. >> developing at some time a state of emergency is still in effect in southern california tonight. massive wildfires continue to burn. fire fooringters are battling four separate wildfires. one brock out early this morning in la suburb of bell air. imagine this is your morning commute drive on that highway surrounded by the flames in front of you on the side of you and look at that. hundreds of fire fightsers meantime are still out there battling these flames on the ground and up in the air by dropping water and fire retardant and the flames already destroyed hundreds of homes and evacuation orders remain in place for tens of thousands of people. >> i just wanted to get out of the house so we left basically with just colleges on our back. >> i've been here all my life and to see this happen now is freaky. >> it doesn't take a lot under these conditions to start a fire. when you you put wind behind it, embers can travel miles downwind which creates another fire. >> meantime tonight take a look at this iconic lands mark on foot mill is standing in southern california and despite the wildfires sarah cross is there. it was plantsed in grand park 1941 and serves as road sign for many travelers and back drop for thousands of weddings and flames scorchs most of the park including trees and power lines and the cross is still standing tall. >> meantime the tires affected hollywood. hbo halted production of sci-fi the show was shooting second season in area near two fires and cbs show squat had to delay production because of fires. >> and wow what an impact that fire is having on everything out there. >> really is. >> crazy. >> and they had a bad round around thanksgiving too. that was further north towards sack menlts owe into the nap avalley area. >> southern california tear ebl and sarah we have plenty of red flag warnings and daepinger is really high tomorrow. it's little better friday. but it's not done really until the weekend. we'll look at some of those fire daipinger areas here in a moment. and today, locally, though, back to december feel which you know who was happy about that. >> who. >> everyone at the capitol. >> ah. >> a, distraction. >> yes. >> and this is true. >> in many ways. >> and reason to get outside and i see something gorgeous and check out this really huge tree. >> wow. >> just to let you know hi to check the stats i don't remember a tree this tall but they'rof from the national for nest montana and of course down at the capitol they've been li lighting tree since 1964. boy they seem to go after big trees an i have to say it's spectacular and gore us and weather cooperated for the u.s. capitol tree lighting ceremony. they've been doing that on regular basis since 1964 at the capitol. sad are news. this is again elaborating on fire danger that remains in place for southern california and also parts of southern arizona as well. this is where it's been bad due to santa ana winds inland blowing winds that go through all these valleys and canyons and start to pick up speed and they can gust between 50 and 7 a5 miles an hour and unfortunately it's been so dry out there that's what happens. the forecast ahead wind gusts of 50 to 25 mile apz hour increasing late and tomorrow relative humidity order of 5 to 10% terrifying for them out this we're hoping for change can in weather pattern very, very soon. we certainly had own change in weather pattern. feels like december. at the bus stop tomorrow morning thursday, 32 to 38. would not be surprised if a few spots are closer to 30 in morning and we've had clouds pushing through tonight they should thin out for morning hours especially north happen west of d.c.. after school depending where you live you have more clouds south and east and priingter north and west and you know what, radar showing few showers ocean city might be getting a few of these and down through lower sections of peninsulas and into the tide water area of virginia beach. they're continuing to see weak areas of low pressure right along the stalled outboundy. notice how much cloud cover is around the area though trying to thin out a little an i have to show you this why because i'm from lake effect snow country this is my hometown here look at all the snow affecting mainly buffalo today. i'll tell you i saw spots a foot to 18". other areas only got about an inch. wow. bad step air joy up there tonight and you can see temperatures are down to the freezing mark in upstate new york. d.c. 44. chicago 28, here comes colder air still plowing into town. check of temperatures locally here at 11:00. 44 in district and it's not terribly cold throughout tonight. drops a little more. we'll likely be down near 0 and northern and western suburbs to 37 for district and low 40s south and east. your forecast for tonight then mostly cloudy, colder, tomorrow we should brighten up in many areas and more sun west, more clouds east. our temperature around 49. only a degree off the high temperature this time of year. and you know what. friday is colder 42. maybe flurries well south and east. maybe enough to coats the grass if you get far enough south. lower southern maryland might see that. sunday is also another cold day we may track snow showers saturday n we keep it chilly next week as well with another chance of snow showers tuesday with temperatures of 42. 7 day forecast. sarah, shawn back to you. >> up next how skydiving santa handled rough landing. >> and coming up tomorrow on "fox5"can a radical diet reverse life-threatening diseases and new study may mack you think twice about that and decorating home for holidays on budget and kevin mccarthy sits down with pro wrestler and actor john cena it all kicks off 4:25 a.m. ♪ hi i'm mar it i wanted to wish my wife and daughter and dog a happy ♪ ♪ because everyone likes easy. sure do. because everyone is on the go. because we all like to save energy, but sometimes we slip up. reaching up. shhh. because sometimes we want it cool at night then toasty in the mornings. energy saving, adjustable from everywhere, easy on the wallet and the eyes, nest thermostat e. e is for everyone. what do you think? hey, think ben will like it? yeah, was i the only one hearing the angelic music? i'm serious, i never know what to get him. just tell me you got him fios too. sigh. mrs. layne, fios is a 100% fiber-optic network. that, plus this sick console, he'll be like whaaaaaattt. your new tech is best on the 100% fiber optic network. so get fios. now just $79.99 per month with a 2-year price guarantee with a 2-year agreement. >> a skydiving santa grand entrance went horribly wrong. here look. he he was flying in on elf on sell of to little girl on florida beach. >> it's taken everybody too tloping get over to them. >> probably shocked. >> ended up crashing to tree and light pole as you saw. santa broke his leg in the accident and is expected to make a fullry covery. he'll be okay. after word the young girl received a note he can joking about the situation and said as we were about to land this big tree up jumped out in front ever us and wristing in hotel and everyone keeps calling yohospital. >> i hope he goes back to north pole soon. >> not only does she have santa trauma but tree trauma. >> tries can jump, what knew. >> santa will be okay. >> christmas is still on. >> you need to walk on to the beach next year. >> thanks for joining us tonight >> jim lokay is up next with the final five. have a great night. americans work hard. what if we could keep more of what we earn? trillions of dollars going back to taxpayers. who could possibly be against that? well, the national debt is $20 trillion. him. and her. and her. congress, we should grow the economy. not the debt. ♪♪ all right coming up on final five the world reacts on president decision to declare jerusalem on capital of israel and fravringen will he resign and daca when comes to aid voing a government shutdown and lawmakers investigating russia and most democrats vote to kill impeachment effort in the house. this is the final five. let's do this. >> if feels eye little high tonight. there we go. both phrase and protest over president trump app announcement own jerusalem. he said today u.s. will officially recognize jerusalem as capital of

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