Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News Edge Eleven 20170807 : comp

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News Edge Eleven 20170807

train. police say a teenager was shot, not long before the train came to a stop. when the train arrived at the platform there was a metro transit police officer who was here who met with the victim and called for medics. metro expects man dan stessel says there were plenty t of witnesses. they were able to provide officers with look out information. the three guys believed to be involved circumvented police but they couldn't escape. back at the tacoma park vied ers were shocked to learn someone was shot on a train. i feel really bad for anybody who was on the train it with happened. i just hope to ride the metro save every day. of koashes i'm going to still ride metro in the future, but it's really not a good feeling. tonight it's still not clear exactly what led up to this or if the suspects and the victim knew each other. the shooting happened on one of the newer series. they are he skipped with high definition cameras. so police should have a clear picture of what happened. metro last nt release any of the hg images. for a while the metro was single tracking. service did return to normal at about 6:00. live in northwest, lindsay watts, fox5 local news. thank you. right now we're learning more about the man police say set fire to an apartment n inside an arlington highrise and then pushed a baby toward the tblaims. firefighters evacuated that building yesterday and three families are now living elsewhere. evan lambert has covered this story all day. evan, what do you know about the suspect. >>reporter: the suspect is fac ing several felonies and we're learning tonight that this all started as a fight with a woman inside one of the units inside this highrise. i think he's sick. mind sick, like maybe inside sor receipt oh \apartment\apts are angry at the man police say intentionally set this fire that damaged thee units and caused hysteria inside the highrise saturday morning. twenty-seven year oldie might russ taylor got into a fight with the woman inside the eighth floor apartment. he assaulted her and pushed an infant inside the stroller toward the flames. the child was not hurt. in the panic neighbors say they feared for their own lives. i even cried a tiny bit at the beginning just to think that she could have gotten hurt from the smoke inhalation. neighbor diana garcia got emotional thinking about how her baby daughter could live been hurt. she wants him to be held accountable for the crimes he committed. no one in their right side of of men could endanger a little baby. they're innocent. for him to actually do that i think he needs assaulted their officers kicking a wall, threatening and spitting on them during questioning. at the high highrise on sunday, restoration crews worked inside the building on the damage that spread to several units. fire officials say a major tragedy was likely prevented by working sprinklers and fire alarms. based on the amount of residents that are in the building it's a life safer. just as in a single family diswelg in your home or my homeworking smoke alarms are key. angelica back life, restoration crews are actually still set up here on scene. taylor, the suspect, he is being held without bond in jail. live in arlington, evan lambert, fox5 local news. >> just a gorgeous weekend, beautiful day yesterday and today even a little bit school out there for august, wouldn't you say? a. in fact, it was picture perfect. it was the perfect unfortunately, folks, it will not continue. let's get over to gwen for more. absolutely right we've got some rain to talk about and even some storms in the forecast, so get read divment grab the umbrella in the morning before you head out. some of the rain starting to move in tonight, i anticipate seeing more widespread rain showers as the day moves on. we're seeing this precipitation on radar moving its way to the east and expect to see some storms once we get into the day low 830s right across the board temperatures should be in the mid to upper 80s. we do have a cooler flow. we have a north westerly fle that's responsible for this. in the meantime, 76- degrees right now, winds from the south, southeast at 7 miles an hour. more of a southerly flea and that will help to boost our temperatures and bring a little bit the humidity back into the picture. sev at manassas and dulles. the same at fredericks, 77 at annapolis, 72 at baltimore. a little cooler at cumberland at 68 and hagerstown at 71. your overnight low, 70-degrees, mostly cloudy with the showers. once we get into the monday, the week is starting off a bit on the stormy side. i'll have all the details and the all important seven day forecast in just a while. thank you, gwen. no word yet tonight on what started a house fire in silver springs this afternoon. investigators say the fire on greek okay road began in the basement. no one was hurt, firefighters had a tough time getting the fire under control in part because of a hoarding issue. that made it difficult to gain access to the home and we're told the fire caused $100,000 in damage. another fire swept through a home in falls church this morning. firefighters tell us it appears this fire started in the basement of the home on railroad avenue. you're taking a look at some snapshots there. the queues of this under investigation. the homeowners thankfully escaped the flames and were not hurt. the home is not liesk at the moment april will need plenty of repairs. an early morning police suit. trooper spotted a motorcycle speeding along 395 near ed sell road in alexandria just before 3 a.m. the pursuit began when troopers began to pull the driver over. the chase went onto i95 south. at one point the driver was going more than 130 miles an hour. it exited onto route 123 and eventy crashed. the driver identified as client gas kins of woodbridge was pronounced dead at the scene . pence for president. what the vp is saying tonight about rumors that he may run in 2020. we'll be right back. ♪ [brother] any last words? [boy] karma! [vo] progress is seizing the moment. your summer moment awaits you, now that the summer of audi sales event is here. [vo] the grille is distinctive. but it's usually seen from the rear. the all-new audi q5 is here. >> president trump says he's keeping busy even though he's spending time away from the white house while the building undergoes some much needed renovations. the president still making news, his white house council says he has no plans to fire special counsel robert mueller and the president is once again talking about the leaks playing his administration . we get the lat est from fox's kristin fisher >>reporter: the president taking to twitter this weekend to d club in new jersey, tweeting working in bedminster, new jersey, as plan as planned construction is done at the white house. this is not a vacation, meetings and calls. he also addressed the leaks that have been playing his administration. praising attorney jeff sessions after saying after years of leak goes on in washington it's nice to take action. deputy attorney general rod rosenstein appearing on fox news echoing the talks of those responsible. if they violated the law we'll prosecute . including anybody who breaks the law. rosenstein also addressed the ongoing russia investigation circling the administration, specifically the news this week that the special council had emotional paneled a special grand jury. we conduct investigations and we make a determination at some point in the quoars of the investigation about whether charges are appropriate. meanwhile the administration is coming out again times article alleging that vice-president mike pence is preparing for a run for president in 2020. it is absolutely true that the vice-president is getting ready for 2020 for reelection as vice-president. and he's also getting ready for 2018. zero concern. that is complete fix. but vice-president mike pence re lease a statement saying that those allegations are gat categorically false. travelling with the vice-president in new jersey, i'm kristin fisher. >> plenty still ahead, including battling bully. find out how a bench is making some feel less alone. >> back now talking about the weather which has been very beautiful. it's too bad we can't end on today and then not discuss the beginning of the week. that would be fine for everybody, except everyone who has to go to work tomorrow because we're going to have on rain to talk about and some storms and so let's get started and let you know what you can anticipate. we have some stasht ing to move into tonight and into the overnight hours. already some clouds, but some of the rain is currently over parts of our western areas right now. showers moving in tonight, yes. we are talking a very unsettled start to the week. i've got some thunderstorms to talk about middle part of the weekment temperatures, guess what they're going to continue to take you below cease fal just as they were today and here's a look at our satellite radar right now and you can see the rain moving across our western zones here but it won't be long before it starts to cross the i95 corridor . i do anticipate into tonight seeing this become a lot more widespread as it does move its way through. we're developing with a developing low pressure system and tomorrow is going to be a day when we're going to have a lot of low instability and things are going to be fire up. we hit the low 80s at all three airports. and currently it's 76-degrees under the cloudy skies in d.c. winds from the south, southeast at 7 miles an hour and that's another change that we're having . we're going to get more of a southerly flow much that's going to help to warm things up a bit but it's going to bring the picture once again. seventy-six right now at zc as we said. seventy-two at baltimore, 77 at annapolis this hour. seventy-six at quantico. 70-degrees at west martinsburg and 68-degrees at winchester. seven # at culpeper. overnight tonight our lowe's will be in the 60s and 70s. we've got this system to deal with and storm predisiks center has us in a slight risk of severe weather for tomorrow. that frontal system will move ahead and along of it. we do anticipate to see some of the storms firing up tomorrow. it will be a pretty active day. let's time things out for you. looking at rain moving into tonight. tomorrow 7:00 hour we start to see a little bit of activity here. take a look once we get to nine really just firing up over the west and then here we are here with heavier rainfall and i can't rule out that we won't get tomorrow. here it is, it tips right through. we don't get much of a break until we get to 11:00 until tomorrow. 70-degree s, mostly cloudy skies. tomorrow we're talking the storms at about 830-degrees. your fox5 seven day forecast showing you we're going to break tuesday, wednesday. and then we start to move into some more active weather before the end of the week. once again, the temperatures continue to stay blow seasonal. grab the umbrella tomorrow. you're certainly go to need it. let's focus on tuesday and wednesday. >> right. >> we often hear about problems with bullying in schools. one elementary school in south austin, texas is trying to change that with a special bench . that's right the parent- teacher association bought a bench for the school's playground. it's called a buddy been p much. it's a place where have a buddy to play with. i saw somebody on the buddy bench and i played with them. they're really nice and now we're best friends. whenever you're on there you feel sad and then someone comes up and then you feel happy and i just want to talk to them. school leaders say the buddy befn is teaching students important life lessons of empathy and kindness. that is important. let's move onto sports. the nats and cubs face off in chicago. do you know what a rubber match is. i just learned from broked divment it's also officially gay week. how the redskins balance injuries going in to their first week. >> it's first place in the east versus first place in the central. cubs series, if the nats want to go far they're going to need their aces. max scherzer is back after a neck scwhrurry scare. bryce harper in the dug out sharing some sort of finger voodoo ritual. a secret handshake is what we'll call it wilson contrair just puts them out of the park. four earned over five. bases loaded, won a grand slam. don't mind if i do matt weed ers brings them all home. grand slam, game winner, the nats takes the series nine to four. john wall said he reup ed in washington because he said he loves d.c. and won't leave until his jerseys is is retired. i asked a man who know s about that, four time did i beal fabulous player, unfortunately not enough to compete with gold especially state. it's enough to do well in the east. they have to get past o'brien. they're right there. they just need one big time piece and two or three expert role players. what i mean by expert role player, i played with a guy who are as gram. he was epa expert. if you get a couple guys on the inside that could help out, they'll be a dangerous team. it's just golden state with four out of five guys that shoot the free ball great. i'm glad for john. i'm glad he decided to stay here rather than test the waters elsewhere. then we could start making some foist. train ing camp this year has brought with it injuries for nfl. ohio fal could he out with no timetable for his return. the dolphins lost qb for the season. with the first preseason this coming thursday coach jay gruden needs to strike a balance between playing time and injury risk. you got to get them ready to go again, it's a risk involved in pro football no matter if it's a preseason game or not, injuries do take place there. there's a fine line there. we'll make the judgment when the time is right track and field world champion ships woman's 100 meet. elaine thompson of jamaica. off the start,ivory coast, huge lead , but check out the american lunging at the line. a huge come back. it's a photo finish and look at that, barely by one, one hundred dollars dret of championship imoald medal. tornado watch i beau is 26 years old, so she won't be able to complete in the 2020 games. the olympics are coming to la. i am proud to announce that the olympic games are coming back to the united states of america. los angeles mayor eric cigar set i with a big smile on his face confirms the city of los angeles for the 2028 oh limbics. in 2028 we're bringing the games back to la. cigar set i on monday referred to la as a games changer making it perfect to host the event. los angeles had initially been competing with paris to host the 2024 olympics, but this new agreement with the international olympics committee effectively gives france the honor. cigar set i their choice to pull out of the running for 2024. our bid for 2024 was one of the greatest ever assembled. don't take my word for it. we heard that from i ic members time and time again . president trump congratulated los angeles for itself arrested on an outstanding he ' success. a white house statement says the games will demonstrate the best in american creativity and hospitality. hosting the olympics isn't cleep. it's expected to cost billions of dollars. la's deal with the i i c reportedly includes more than 2 billion-dollar, plus advanced funds. the city plans to also use existing infrastructure to cut down on costs. the last summer olympics in america were held in 96 in at lapt a. salt lake city hosted the winter games in 2002. in 2028 i anticipate all the new games like air surfing. >> dog sfi i don't know, low bot, like mek wars. it's going to be a celebrity spotting thing. i need to be really fame famous by 2028. >> up next, a final check of your wakeup forecast. stay with us. >> we've got some storms for tomorrow head out in the morning. \rain\reign\ is moving in overnight tonight. some thunderstorms tomorrow. 80- degrees, temperatures this week are going to be cooler. a little bit blow the seasonal average. certainly feeling that . it doesn't feel like a hot august. it's star started. it will be a nice couple of weeks tornado watch the last week of august. my kneeses are here. how much more time in summer do we have? the count down on, the back to school shopping has started. we have started seeing the ads for school supplies. >> hopefully it will heat up so we feel like we have some summer left. have a great week, everybody. q. bye. stronger the better. and best of all, this new truck is actually- oh my... the current chevy silverado. it's the chevy summer drive. get a total value of $9,600 or, get 0% financing for 60 months on find new roads at your local chevy dealer. >> right now on "matter of fact ," gridlock in washington. congressional moderates say it is their turn to>> we can make s better. >> they cannot ignore us. >> y 100 members say it is time to put the brakes on their own house parties. and, a housing crisis putting a sqe c>> we don't have a balanced st>> w housing unaffordable for am ? plus, ruth bader ginsburg, the opera? the supreme lesson of finding harm

Related Keywords

United States , New Jersey , Arlington , Texas , Annapolis , Illinois , Washington , Bedminster , Jamaica , Ohio , Russia , France , Chicago , America , American , Diana Garcia , Dan Stessel , Ruth Bader Ginsburg , Russ Taylor , Fox Kristin Fisher , Los Angeles , Bryce Harper , Elaine Thompson , Evan Lambert , Jay Gruden , Kristin Fisher ,

© 2024 Vimarsana
Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News Edge Eleven 20170807 :

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News Edge Eleven 20170807

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train. police say a teenager was shot, not long before the train came to a stop. when the train arrived at the platform there was a metro transit police officer who was here who met with the victim and called for medics. metro expects man dan stessel says there were plenty t of witnesses. they were able to provide officers with look out information. the three guys believed to be involved circumvented police but they couldn't escape. back at the tacoma park vied ers were shocked to learn someone was shot on a train. i feel really bad for anybody who was on the train it with happened. i just hope to ride the metro save every day. of koashes i'm going to still ride metro in the future, but it's really not a good feeling. tonight it's still not clear exactly what led up to this or if the suspects and the victim knew each other. the shooting happened on one of the newer series. they are he skipped with high definition cameras. so police should have a clear picture of what happened. metro last nt release any of the hg images. for a while the metro was single tracking. service did return to normal at about 6:00. live in northwest, lindsay watts, fox5 local news. thank you. right now we're learning more about the man police say set fire to an apartment n inside an arlington highrise and then pushed a baby toward the tblaims. firefighters evacuated that building yesterday and three families are now living elsewhere. evan lambert has covered this story all day. evan, what do you know about the suspect. >>reporter: the suspect is fac ing several felonies and we're learning tonight that this all started as a fight with a woman inside one of the units inside this highrise. i think he's sick. mind sick, like maybe inside sor receipt oh \apartment\apts are angry at the man police say intentionally set this fire that damaged thee units and caused hysteria inside the highrise saturday morning. twenty-seven year oldie might russ taylor got into a fight with the woman inside the eighth floor apartment. he assaulted her and pushed an infant inside the stroller toward the flames. the child was not hurt. in the panic neighbors say they feared for their own lives. i even cried a tiny bit at the beginning just to think that she could have gotten hurt from the smoke inhalation. neighbor diana garcia got emotional thinking about how her baby daughter could live been hurt. she wants him to be held accountable for the crimes he committed. no one in their right side of of men could endanger a little baby. they're innocent. for him to actually do that i think he needs assaulted their officers kicking a wall, threatening and spitting on them during questioning. at the high highrise on sunday, restoration crews worked inside the building on the damage that spread to several units. fire officials say a major tragedy was likely prevented by working sprinklers and fire alarms. based on the amount of residents that are in the building it's a life safer. just as in a single family diswelg in your home or my homeworking smoke alarms are key. angelica back life, restoration crews are actually still set up here on scene. taylor, the suspect, he is being held without bond in jail. live in arlington, evan lambert, fox5 local news. >> just a gorgeous weekend, beautiful day yesterday and today even a little bit school out there for august, wouldn't you say? a. in fact, it was picture perfect. it was the perfect unfortunately, folks, it will not continue. let's get over to gwen for more. absolutely right we've got some rain to talk about and even some storms in the forecast, so get read divment grab the umbrella in the morning before you head out. some of the rain starting to move in tonight, i anticipate seeing more widespread rain showers as the day moves on. we're seeing this precipitation on radar moving its way to the east and expect to see some storms once we get into the day low 830s right across the board temperatures should be in the mid to upper 80s. we do have a cooler flow. we have a north westerly fle that's responsible for this. in the meantime, 76- degrees right now, winds from the south, southeast at 7 miles an hour. more of a southerly flea and that will help to boost our temperatures and bring a little bit the humidity back into the picture. sev at manassas and dulles. the same at fredericks, 77 at annapolis, 72 at baltimore. a little cooler at cumberland at 68 and hagerstown at 71. your overnight low, 70-degrees, mostly cloudy with the showers. once we get into the monday, the week is starting off a bit on the stormy side. i'll have all the details and the all important seven day forecast in just a while. thank you, gwen. no word yet tonight on what started a house fire in silver springs this afternoon. investigators say the fire on greek okay road began in the basement. no one was hurt, firefighters had a tough time getting the fire under control in part because of a hoarding issue. that made it difficult to gain access to the home and we're told the fire caused $100,000 in damage. another fire swept through a home in falls church this morning. firefighters tell us it appears this fire started in the basement of the home on railroad avenue. you're taking a look at some snapshots there. the queues of this under investigation. the homeowners thankfully escaped the flames and were not hurt. the home is not liesk at the moment april will need plenty of repairs. an early morning police suit. trooper spotted a motorcycle speeding along 395 near ed sell road in alexandria just before 3 a.m. the pursuit began when troopers began to pull the driver over. the chase went onto i95 south. at one point the driver was going more than 130 miles an hour. it exited onto route 123 and eventy crashed. the driver identified as client gas kins of woodbridge was pronounced dead at the scene . pence for president. what the vp is saying tonight about rumors that he may run in 2020. we'll be right back. ♪ [brother] any last words? [boy] karma! [vo] progress is seizing the moment. your summer moment awaits you, now that the summer of audi sales event is here. [vo] the grille is distinctive. but it's usually seen from the rear. the all-new audi q5 is here. >> president trump says he's keeping busy even though he's spending time away from the white house while the building undergoes some much needed renovations. the president still making news, his white house council says he has no plans to fire special counsel robert mueller and the president is once again talking about the leaks playing his administration . we get the lat est from fox's kristin fisher >>reporter: the president taking to twitter this weekend to d club in new jersey, tweeting working in bedminster, new jersey, as plan as planned construction is done at the white house. this is not a vacation, meetings and calls. he also addressed the leaks that have been playing his administration. praising attorney jeff sessions after saying after years of leak goes on in washington it's nice to take action. deputy attorney general rod rosenstein appearing on fox news echoing the talks of those responsible. if they violated the law we'll prosecute . including anybody who breaks the law. rosenstein also addressed the ongoing russia investigation circling the administration, specifically the news this week that the special council had emotional paneled a special grand jury. we conduct investigations and we make a determination at some point in the quoars of the investigation about whether charges are appropriate. meanwhile the administration is coming out again times article alleging that vice-president mike pence is preparing for a run for president in 2020. it is absolutely true that the vice-president is getting ready for 2020 for reelection as vice-president. and he's also getting ready for 2018. zero concern. that is complete fix. but vice-president mike pence re lease a statement saying that those allegations are gat categorically false. travelling with the vice-president in new jersey, i'm kristin fisher. >> plenty still ahead, including battling bully. find out how a bench is making some feel less alone. >> back now talking about the weather which has been very beautiful. it's too bad we can't end on today and then not discuss the beginning of the week. that would be fine for everybody, except everyone who has to go to work tomorrow because we're going to have on rain to talk about and some storms and so let's get started and let you know what you can anticipate. we have some stasht ing to move into tonight and into the overnight hours. already some clouds, but some of the rain is currently over parts of our western areas right now. showers moving in tonight, yes. we are talking a very unsettled start to the week. i've got some thunderstorms to talk about middle part of the weekment temperatures, guess what they're going to continue to take you below cease fal just as they were today and here's a look at our satellite radar right now and you can see the rain moving across our western zones here but it won't be long before it starts to cross the i95 corridor . i do anticipate into tonight seeing this become a lot more widespread as it does move its way through. we're developing with a developing low pressure system and tomorrow is going to be a day when we're going to have a lot of low instability and things are going to be fire up. we hit the low 80s at all three airports. and currently it's 76-degrees under the cloudy skies in d.c. winds from the south, southeast at 7 miles an hour and that's another change that we're having . we're going to get more of a southerly flow much that's going to help to warm things up a bit but it's going to bring the picture once again. seventy-six right now at zc as we said. seventy-two at baltimore, 77 at annapolis this hour. seventy-six at quantico. 70-degrees at west martinsburg and 68-degrees at winchester. seven # at culpeper. overnight tonight our lowe's will be in the 60s and 70s. we've got this system to deal with and storm predisiks center has us in a slight risk of severe weather for tomorrow. that frontal system will move ahead and along of it. we do anticipate to see some of the storms firing up tomorrow. it will be a pretty active day. let's time things out for you. looking at rain moving into tonight. tomorrow 7:00 hour we start to see a little bit of activity here. take a look once we get to nine really just firing up over the west and then here we are here with heavier rainfall and i can't rule out that we won't get tomorrow. here it is, it tips right through. we don't get much of a break until we get to 11:00 until tomorrow. 70-degree s, mostly cloudy skies. tomorrow we're talking the storms at about 830-degrees. your fox5 seven day forecast showing you we're going to break tuesday, wednesday. and then we start to move into some more active weather before the end of the week. once again, the temperatures continue to stay blow seasonal. grab the umbrella tomorrow. you're certainly go to need it. let's focus on tuesday and wednesday. >> right. >> we often hear about problems with bullying in schools. one elementary school in south austin, texas is trying to change that with a special bench . that's right the parent- teacher association bought a bench for the school's playground. it's called a buddy been p much. it's a place where have a buddy to play with. i saw somebody on the buddy bench and i played with them. they're really nice and now we're best friends. whenever you're on there you feel sad and then someone comes up and then you feel happy and i just want to talk to them. school leaders say the buddy befn is teaching students important life lessons of empathy and kindness. that is important. let's move onto sports. the nats and cubs face off in chicago. do you know what a rubber match is. i just learned from broked divment it's also officially gay week. how the redskins balance injuries going in to their first week. >> it's first place in the east versus first place in the central. cubs series, if the nats want to go far they're going to need their aces. max scherzer is back after a neck scwhrurry scare. bryce harper in the dug out sharing some sort of finger voodoo ritual. a secret handshake is what we'll call it wilson contrair just puts them out of the park. four earned over five. bases loaded, won a grand slam. don't mind if i do matt weed ers brings them all home. grand slam, game winner, the nats takes the series nine to four. john wall said he reup ed in washington because he said he loves d.c. and won't leave until his jerseys is is retired. i asked a man who know s about that, four time did i beal fabulous player, unfortunately not enough to compete with gold especially state. it's enough to do well in the east. they have to get past o'brien. they're right there. they just need one big time piece and two or three expert role players. what i mean by expert role player, i played with a guy who are as gram. he was epa expert. if you get a couple guys on the inside that could help out, they'll be a dangerous team. it's just golden state with four out of five guys that shoot the free ball great. i'm glad for john. i'm glad he decided to stay here rather than test the waters elsewhere. then we could start making some foist. train ing camp this year has brought with it injuries for nfl. ohio fal could he out with no timetable for his return. the dolphins lost qb for the season. with the first preseason this coming thursday coach jay gruden needs to strike a balance between playing time and injury risk. you got to get them ready to go again, it's a risk involved in pro football no matter if it's a preseason game or not, injuries do take place there. there's a fine line there. we'll make the judgment when the time is right track and field world champion ships woman's 100 meet. elaine thompson of jamaica. off the start,ivory coast, huge lead , but check out the american lunging at the line. a huge come back. it's a photo finish and look at that, barely by one, one hundred dollars dret of championship imoald medal. tornado watch i beau is 26 years old, so she won't be able to complete in the 2020 games. the olympics are coming to la. i am proud to announce that the olympic games are coming back to the united states of america. los angeles mayor eric cigar set i with a big smile on his face confirms the city of los angeles for the 2028 oh limbics. in 2028 we're bringing the games back to la. cigar set i on monday referred to la as a games changer making it perfect to host the event. los angeles had initially been competing with paris to host the 2024 olympics, but this new agreement with the international olympics committee effectively gives france the honor. cigar set i their choice to pull out of the running for 2024. our bid for 2024 was one of the greatest ever assembled. don't take my word for it. we heard that from i ic members time and time again . president trump congratulated los angeles for itself arrested on an outstanding he ' success. a white house statement says the games will demonstrate the best in american creativity and hospitality. hosting the olympics isn't cleep. it's expected to cost billions of dollars. la's deal with the i i c reportedly includes more than 2 billion-dollar, plus advanced funds. the city plans to also use existing infrastructure to cut down on costs. the last summer olympics in america were held in 96 in at lapt a. salt lake city hosted the winter games in 2002. in 2028 i anticipate all the new games like air surfing. >> dog sfi i don't know, low bot, like mek wars. it's going to be a celebrity spotting thing. i need to be really fame famous by 2028. >> up next, a final check of your wakeup forecast. stay with us. >> we've got some storms for tomorrow head out in the morning. \rain\reign\ is moving in overnight tonight. some thunderstorms tomorrow. 80- degrees, temperatures this week are going to be cooler. a little bit blow the seasonal average. certainly feeling that . it doesn't feel like a hot august. it's star started. it will be a nice couple of weeks tornado watch the last week of august. my kneeses are here. how much more time in summer do we have? the count down on, the back to school shopping has started. we have started seeing the ads for school supplies. >> hopefully it will heat up so we feel like we have some summer left. have a great week, everybody. q. bye. stronger the better. and best of all, this new truck is actually- oh my... the current chevy silverado. it's the chevy summer drive. get a total value of $9,600 or, get 0% financing for 60 months on find new roads at your local chevy dealer. >> right now on "matter of fact ," gridlock in washington. congressional moderates say it is their turn to>> we can make s better. >> they cannot ignore us. >> y 100 members say it is time to put the brakes on their own house parties. and, a housing crisis putting a sqe c>> we don't have a balanced st>> w housing unaffordable for am ? plus, ruth bader ginsburg, the opera? the supreme lesson of finding harm

Related Keywords

United States , New Jersey , Arlington , Texas , Annapolis , Illinois , Washington , Bedminster , Jamaica , Ohio , Russia , France , Chicago , America , American , Diana Garcia , Dan Stessel , Ruth Bader Ginsburg , Russ Taylor , Fox Kristin Fisher , Los Angeles , Bryce Harper , Elaine Thompson , Evan Lambert , Jay Gruden , Kristin Fisher ,

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