Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News Edge Eleven 20170112 : comp

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News Edge Eleven 20170112

evening during the aftermath the mall remained on even though two people were stobd dripping with blood inside. a security team is now reviewing the incident. it was business as usual inside parts of west field wheaton mall tuesday afternoon despite not one but two people barely alive after being stabbed on first floor. both ultimately died and by all accounts during the attack and after the mall remained on. >> that's private property. i don't know what the protocol may be. if they want our advice we'll certainly give it to them. i don't know that this thing happened at 3:15 i don't think they were trying to evacuate people at 4:45. >> at 5:17 tuesday west field wheaton map tweel the the earlier today an incident was handled by npd news and we thank them for responding to the matter. there was no word if shopper parts of mall and in fact we asked mall security live on the care. >> excuse me you're live on "fox" d.c. is the mall opened or close. >> i cannot give that information. >> that's the information we're getting now tony that they cannot give us information. "fox5" learned initially mall security determined closing off the area where the attack happened was sufficient a source close to mall surety team would only describe tab stabbing aftermath as fluid. surveillance cameras were rolling before, during and after the fatal stabbings. >> before the stabbings there was a conflict between the suspect and two of the victims, the two victims who suck only todd injuries and the two victims who were stabbed and a short time later the suspect the two victims and two other subjects happenstance again in the lower level of tl area aall footage was turned over to police. those same cameras kawing the suspect taking off. we have seen a tax an at kations in malls in our area before. on january 25, 2014 columbia mall a gunman walked into a clothing store and fired shots killing two employees. and just lasts may montgomery mall was scene in series of spore attic shootings by a former federal law enforcement officer. >> this incident here reportedly will raise awareness for security team and we're told security is of utmost importance every day here what we know is that security staff is combing over surveillance images and video and learning more about what happened and how to prevent it from happening. again. >> tisha lewis, "fox5 local news". >> all right we have breaking news right now just into the newsroom an update to tis' app arrest this afternoon in the mall stabbing and police say 17-year-old angelo lamont jackson is responsible for the double fatal stabbing inside the mall. they were able to identify him from pictures in the surveillance because they had prior "him in the past. we're told they arrested him this afternoon as he was leaving his home. again he's charged as adult with two counts of first degree murder. >> new at 11 police trying it figure out what led to deadly multi-car crash in northeast. those are photos from the scream and police say the crash happened 6:30 new york avenue bridge east of florida avenue and three cars were involved in the crash and you might be able to make it out. one of them was wrapped around a light pole. one person confirmed dead and another was hurt. at this point, police are not very leased any identities. >> u.s. park police are looking for two people wanted for armed robbery in georgetown that happened this afternoon 3 p.m. in the 3500 block of water street north police say the gunman robbed two people out walking and investigators canvassed the area looking for clues. >> and there is no word tonight what sparked a fire on 13 floor of newly renovated watergate complex in north west. they worked quickly to put out the flames and smoke could be seen from several floors. nobody was hurt. you may recall the complex is famous for the hotel which was sight of watergate break ins that led to impeachment and reds iing nation of president richard nixon. >> bitter cold at the start of the week gets moved out of the way unfortunately wet out there. umbrellas in force. let's focus on tomorrow. the sun will come out tomorrow and sue it is looking better. >> we'll see those temperatures soaring. if you thought today was warm, jim, milder tomorrow by 10 or 11 he did degrees. nice little january thaw which is what we call warm spell in middle of january and it is not going to last long. we'll be seeing a little bit of weren't for the weekend. but, let's deal with what we have at hand right now and that is a batch of fairly light rain for the most part moving on out tonight. that's why you saw those umbrellas around and length areing showers some of which really just redeveloped in the last hour or so over howard county and prince george county will likely move into the district and mostly through montgomery country and even a couple up towards frederick and fairfax county. these are stragglers that may linger behind a little bit longer and i believe even those will be gone by the tomb you start morning commute tomorrow. clouds will still be hanging around and you know what else mild temperatures hang around. temperature at 11 has just gone up now to 50. it was in the 40s. we're awfully mild out there and it's a warm front coming through tonight and that's why we have no concern at all that we'll see refreeze of wet roads. mild overnight. in fact we're like ling to see temperatures steady or rise a little more as we get closer to morning. th showing you pretty much going to stay exactly where they are an a little taste of spring in the middle of january is what we've got in the forecast for you on thursday. we're taking a welcome at that and the weekend in just a few minutes. jim. >> thank you sue the head of prince william country board of supervisors is runing for virginia governor and today he made good on campaign promise to giveaway assault rifle. "fox5" ronica cleary caught up with cory stewart on the message he wants to get across. >> cory stewart made headlines when he said he would giveaway one of these an ar 15 today he awarted it to rick thompson. >> congratulations on winning the rifle. >> so was this about second amendment right or publicity stunt. >> it's a student, it is a stunt calling for the attention to constitutional carry in the commonwealth of virginia and a stunt to demonstrate second amendments don't make us less safe but more safe. >> and maybe this is not that in maryland who is doing something very similar ar 15 raffle. senator michael huff. what does this do for holtation. does it put them into a box? or does it expand their base? >> i think it's very important that a leader, someone who wants to be governor leads. if you don't necessarily look at the polls to find out where everybody is you have to demonstrate that we need constitutional carry in the commonwealth of virginia and people hear first what's that. and then they'll hear about it and i hope to lead on the second amendment issue and not follow behind polls. >> what do you think about poll intergitys using guns to raise money and awareness. and i love to hear from you. you can find me on facebook and twitter@ronica cleary. we're sending it back to you. >> if putin likes donald trump guess what, folks? that's called an asset not a liability. i don't know that i'll get along with i hope i do. but there's a good chance i won't. and if i don't, do you honestly believe that hillary would be tougher on putin than me? does anybody this room really believe that? give me a break. >> despite the accusations of russia's involvement in presidential election president-elect donald trump today says his relationship with vladimir putin could be an asset not a liability. mr. trump held a i press conference at trulp tower in new york it's first in six months. >> we're nou nun days away from donald trump done's inauguration ceremony and getting people in and out saferly it number one for law enforcement. >> if you plan to protest know your rights. if you get into the altercation with police. marina marraco joins us with tips on that. >> american civil liberties union unrolled a smart phone toop help them help you if you're involved in app altercation where your rights on someone else's have been violated including arrest. mobile justice d.c. app on the main screen you see record. once you hit that it takes a couple seconds to load and right now we're live streaming to aclu d.c. office there's an intake specialist watching you videos come in in realtime. if you wonder what if i am arrested andhone confiscated everything recorded is being sent back directly and archive todd aclu offices. >> and. >> usually, police in d.c. do a pretty good job. they understand their role as facilitating not disrupting demonstrations. just in case we have information about dealing with police understanding what to say and most importantly whatnot to say and what to do if things go wrong. >> what should you say and not say. >> you should give your name an address if asked and you should not answer questions about what the police are aling that you did. don't give explanations. don' if you're being arrested or questioned you should say that you want to remain silent and that you want a lawyer. >> now it's your constitutional right to protest but if you do get arrested during a demonstration here are other dos and don't suggested by the aclu. do keep hands in plain view and do feel free to videotape officers as long as you're not interfering. do know that police can lie to you if, for instance, they promise you'll get out faster if you answer questions. as for don't touch the officer or equipment and don't yell or escalate the situation and don't lie to police or provide fake documents. it's important if you go down and protests you know your rights as well as know the law. as for the app mobile justice it's a tool to be used any day of the year not just for the presidential inauguration. jim, shawn. >> thank you very much. >> and well president-elect donald trump is not the only remember of the trump family defying tradition. incoming first trump is doing same. we'll explain how she's breaking mold come up. >> and remember movie twelve years of slave how you can see a piece of actual history from where that story began here in our region. we'll explain coming up. as ceo of exxonmobile... rex tillerson put exxon's interests before america's i'm not here to represent the us government's interest. instead, tillerson sided with putin. with billions in russian oil deals... he opposed us sanctions on russia... ...for war crimes forced to pay hundreds of millions for toxic pollution... ...putting profits ahead of our kid's health. tell your senators to reject rex tillerson. and protect american interests not corporate interests. >> just about a week and a half until inauguration day and incoming melania trump. >> she is defying tradition and convention. >> in the trump administration office of the first lady is reportedly going to be called office of the first family that may signal emergence of dual administration rules for two of the most important them his life daughter and wife. >> she has potential to be next jacqueline kennedy she's high fashion icon and she's a business woman. she's involved with philanthropic and charitable endeavors. >> she will bring uncommon background second lady born outside the u.s. and first born in xhoun united country and she's fluid in many languages and first to be super model and first to pose nude. her decision to stay in new york through the first months of administration is based 10-year-old son bar ron who will finish school year there and second factor may be discomfort in it the political sphere her first major fore into it speech at the gop convention. >> that your world is your bond. >> ended with findings of plagiarism. she retreated from campaign speaking after that but denied it was because ever the speech. >> my priority is our son and want to be a mother first. >> her withdrawal owe owe coincided with ivanka rise. her leave of absence from the trump organization and apparel and accessories business her ings tension is to level playing field for female entrepreneurs and whoever occupies office of first family will find a bumy pulpit. >> it's a podium with a very, very cloud voice and any first lady when they arrive they don't have any idea about how loud that voice can be. >> melania promises not to shy away from it no matter how intense the incoming fire. >> you know i'm very strong. handle everything. >> both trump women expressed a desire to protect interest of children and ivanka asking for tax free childcare account and defunction for those making under 500,000 a year. >> doug mcelwy, fox news. >> all right. soy was outside earlier today and deposit have sajacket. >> felt nice. >> felt nice and then i realized not bring a jacket to work it was raining. >> and there's still a couple showers for the walk home tonight, jim. i'm happy to give you a lift it will only be $5. >> suber. >> suber [ beep beep [. >> what about tomorrow? >> it's looking fantastic. what will you do in the mid 60s that we'll have tomorrow. >> we're coming to your house to barbeque. >> there you go. outstanding, maybe i'll on the kiddy pool i bought i kiddy pool i bought this summer. >> excellent. >> fill it with warm water. >> there's something for you twitter. not. tonight maybe use of umbrella for the next hour or so if you walk home like jim and there's only a couple spotty showers lingering. this has not been a lot of rain and so nice that it is staying mild tonight and we don't have to worry about the refreezing tonight. it is a taste of spring that we're advertising for thursday after we burn off the clouds tomorrow. we should head for 67 degrees. we may have fog in the morning, too. if the clouds that we have around tonight break up a little bit. there will be a lot of moisture. otherwise i think it's just patchy fog and we get temperatures cranking into the mid 60s in the ach and again wouldn't be shocked in a few spot touch 70. cooler friday and a frontal boundary that comes through thursday night and drops temperature friday to 57. then we talk about the weekend. i'll get to that in a moment. there goes departing weather system this is warm front coming on through and you can see have redeveloped and in the wake of this system passing on moving quickly. maybe, jim, it will be drier than you think for the walk home. these pushed to howard county and baltimore country and anne arrundel and might be a couple stragglers behind that still and they'll be very, very light and rather spotty compared to what we had earlier. >> 50 at 11:00. not bad at all. mannasas you're 50. fredericksburg 52. leonardtown 5. incredible when you think the arm high for the day is about 43 degrees and this is a very nice change in temperature since last night we were about 9 to 10 warmer than we were 11:00 last night. here's a look at manner for tomorrow. 00 in the morning, 51. probably more clouds than sun. then sun should make a break mid-morning at the latest. 62 by noon hour. nice and warm. 4:00. 66. as you watch that warmth surning up and all the way up into new england whether it be in in the 60s and a lot of 70s south and you see on this map more cold air poised to come on in and that will get in here on saturday. so for tomorrow a look at temperatures around the region. 62 annapolis and leonardtown you had all that snow over the weekend. you will melt it all off. 63 if you have not already. frederick, 61. haikers town 61. and again little bit of breeze tomorrow because this low pressure which will be driving our front closer to us will be in close opposition to that area of my refresh you're and that will make for a tight gradient winds could gust 20 to 30 miles an hour. i want to show you future cast because as it takes the showers out of here and maybe just maybe produces one or two straggling showers in the morning and we break for sunshine in the afternoon and i also want to you see this is frontal boundary coming through on thursday night and that stalls to the south where then friday night look at this 10:00 we see a little mixed precipitation headed our way and that's why we have a messy mix on our 7-day forecast for saturday. it should not be a lot but it would be icy. rain a nomination of freezing rain, sleet and snow with temperatures of 3. sunday, 4. we could start with light mix. should change over to rain and we have to watch this because often that takes a long time especially north and west. for martin luther king holiday being observed monday 47. we're in mid 50s tuesday and wednesday and maybe few showers possible on tuesday. that temperature of 56 looking very nice. jim, shawn, over to you. >> thank you, sue. >> if you have seen the movie twelve years a slave you're familiar with the story of solomon north a black man ab ducked and sold to slavery of the slave men he was shelled at the corner of 7th and independence. >> william williams owned the slave pen today it was dedicated with two plaques. you can find the plaques near faa and department of transportation buildings. long hid from view and it would be easy for us to want to hide this sight's history because it makes us uncomfortable. it starts conversations we might not want to have and it remines us of some of the darkest times of the history of this nation but it's for that reason that we have to shine a light on us. >> officials say the plaque served not only as reminder of the past but a sign of the work we still need to do. >> tonight a rivalry renewed as capitals hosted penguins. we'll talk that when sports comes up ford a well organized closet. mama, my throat hurts. and a few extra minutes in the morning. you've got ten more minutes. make room for what matters. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. rld before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. at ikea, we believe everyone should be able to afford a well organized closet. mama, my throat hurts. and a few extra minutes in the morning. you've got ten more minutes. make room for what matters. >> alex ovechkin introduced himself with this incredible goal in rookie snn 2006. tonight in career game 880 the great 8 was looking to become the were at work. opponents pittsburgh penguins. before the game ove and caps wearing those caps. first minute ever game caps break out ovechkin and beats andre to the glove side with career goal 545 giving him 1,000 career points. see how he stick handles and shows little patiencep before releasing shot. that's all it takes. that's what happens when you play 880 games. power play. carlson sends it to ove and two goals, 1 on the year and caps win 5-they have now won 7 in a row breaking penguins streak. meantime floyd money may warm for celtics in boston and less than six minutes to go in the game. porter from the corner knocks down the three pointer. just like that. 0 points wiz up by one. it would be their last lead of game red hot down the stretch. 20 of game high 38 points in final quarter and wizards fall 117 to 108 biggest news after the game words between john wall and jake crowder getting face to face crowder puts the pinger up there retaliated and scrum ensues. wall had to get an extra on left wrist which is not good. calm down, guys. >> colonials facing vcu. gw jared -- here we go. gw, jared signa has pass stolen by leapingaiquawn lewis. gw thrilled by 14 at the half and then in second half things just keep on getting worse. alley-oop dunk there, gw dominated gi vcu. >> players report to spring training in over a month for nats it's good-bye viera and hello that we be the shared home of nats and astros. the park is nearing completion and pitcher's mond for the first time taking shape and stadium will seat 6500 people. all these years for all these people who like to travel home where am i sitting here. >> you can sit wherever you want. >> i learned -- >> wherever you want. >> everybody plans trips to florida for spring training. change of venue. >> that's this year right. >> this year. >> can't wait. >> ready for it. thanks for squoyping us tonight, everybody. >> tmz is next good night. new girl, huh? yeah, i'm -- i couldn't help but notice you checking out my name your price tool. yeah, this bad boy gives you coverage options based on your budget. -oh -- -oh, not so fast, tadpole. you have to learn to swim first. claire, here's your name your price tool. -oh, thanks, flo. -mm-hmm. jamie, don't forget to clean the fridge when you're done. she seems nice. she seems nice. [ door closes ] she's actually pretty nice. oh. yeah. harvey: wow. guess who is a couple? weekend and selena gomez! >> this is huge. and she's part of the girl squad. there's no loyalty to bella. >> is bella in the girl squad? >> gigi. bella is not there yet. >> i like them as a couple. >> at some point we got to let it happen. >> so you divorce your wife and i come over and i'm in there making pancakes. >> knock yourself out. >> and take my wife while you're at it, dude. >> ben affleck was at l.a.x. and he's going through t.s.a. and he gets patted down for a solid minute. this guy is like feeling his butt. and then he goes to his front, feeling like around his belt area. >> at what point do they go, ok, sir, in the other room. we need to put our finger up your butt. >> never. >> can you ask for it?

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Leonardtown , Maryland , United States , New York , Prince George County , Virginia , Fredericksburg , Florida , Boston , Massachusetts , Fairfax County , Howard County , Russia , Baltimore , Montgomery County , Russian , America , American , Cory Stewart , Angelo Lamont Jackson , Ben Affleck , Martin Luther King , Jake Crowder , Jacqueline Kennedy , Shawn Yancy , Vladimir Putin , William Williams , Rick Thompson , Gw Jared , Rex Tillerson , Tony Perkins , Richard Nixon , Selena Gomez , Michael Huff , Tisha Lewis ,

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Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News Edge Eleven 20170112 :

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News Edge Eleven 20170112

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evening during the aftermath the mall remained on even though two people were stobd dripping with blood inside. a security team is now reviewing the incident. it was business as usual inside parts of west field wheaton mall tuesday afternoon despite not one but two people barely alive after being stabbed on first floor. both ultimately died and by all accounts during the attack and after the mall remained on. >> that's private property. i don't know what the protocol may be. if they want our advice we'll certainly give it to them. i don't know that this thing happened at 3:15 i don't think they were trying to evacuate people at 4:45. >> at 5:17 tuesday west field wheaton map tweel the the earlier today an incident was handled by npd news and we thank them for responding to the matter. there was no word if shopper parts of mall and in fact we asked mall security live on the care. >> excuse me you're live on "fox" d.c. is the mall opened or close. >> i cannot give that information. >> that's the information we're getting now tony that they cannot give us information. "fox5" learned initially mall security determined closing off the area where the attack happened was sufficient a source close to mall surety team would only describe tab stabbing aftermath as fluid. surveillance cameras were rolling before, during and after the fatal stabbings. >> before the stabbings there was a conflict between the suspect and two of the victims, the two victims who suck only todd injuries and the two victims who were stabbed and a short time later the suspect the two victims and two other subjects happenstance again in the lower level of tl area aall footage was turned over to police. those same cameras kawing the suspect taking off. we have seen a tax an at kations in malls in our area before. on january 25, 2014 columbia mall a gunman walked into a clothing store and fired shots killing two employees. and just lasts may montgomery mall was scene in series of spore attic shootings by a former federal law enforcement officer. >> this incident here reportedly will raise awareness for security team and we're told security is of utmost importance every day here what we know is that security staff is combing over surveillance images and video and learning more about what happened and how to prevent it from happening. again. >> tisha lewis, "fox5 local news". >> all right we have breaking news right now just into the newsroom an update to tis' app arrest this afternoon in the mall stabbing and police say 17-year-old angelo lamont jackson is responsible for the double fatal stabbing inside the mall. they were able to identify him from pictures in the surveillance because they had prior "him in the past. we're told they arrested him this afternoon as he was leaving his home. again he's charged as adult with two counts of first degree murder. >> new at 11 police trying it figure out what led to deadly multi-car crash in northeast. those are photos from the scream and police say the crash happened 6:30 new york avenue bridge east of florida avenue and three cars were involved in the crash and you might be able to make it out. one of them was wrapped around a light pole. one person confirmed dead and another was hurt. at this point, police are not very leased any identities. >> u.s. park police are looking for two people wanted for armed robbery in georgetown that happened this afternoon 3 p.m. in the 3500 block of water street north police say the gunman robbed two people out walking and investigators canvassed the area looking for clues. >> and there is no word tonight what sparked a fire on 13 floor of newly renovated watergate complex in north west. they worked quickly to put out the flames and smoke could be seen from several floors. nobody was hurt. you may recall the complex is famous for the hotel which was sight of watergate break ins that led to impeachment and reds iing nation of president richard nixon. >> bitter cold at the start of the week gets moved out of the way unfortunately wet out there. umbrellas in force. let's focus on tomorrow. the sun will come out tomorrow and sue it is looking better. >> we'll see those temperatures soaring. if you thought today was warm, jim, milder tomorrow by 10 or 11 he did degrees. nice little january thaw which is what we call warm spell in middle of january and it is not going to last long. we'll be seeing a little bit of weren't for the weekend. but, let's deal with what we have at hand right now and that is a batch of fairly light rain for the most part moving on out tonight. that's why you saw those umbrellas around and length areing showers some of which really just redeveloped in the last hour or so over howard county and prince george county will likely move into the district and mostly through montgomery country and even a couple up towards frederick and fairfax county. these are stragglers that may linger behind a little bit longer and i believe even those will be gone by the tomb you start morning commute tomorrow. clouds will still be hanging around and you know what else mild temperatures hang around. temperature at 11 has just gone up now to 50. it was in the 40s. we're awfully mild out there and it's a warm front coming through tonight and that's why we have no concern at all that we'll see refreeze of wet roads. mild overnight. in fact we're like ling to see temperatures steady or rise a little more as we get closer to morning. th showing you pretty much going to stay exactly where they are an a little taste of spring in the middle of january is what we've got in the forecast for you on thursday. we're taking a welcome at that and the weekend in just a few minutes. jim. >> thank you sue the head of prince william country board of supervisors is runing for virginia governor and today he made good on campaign promise to giveaway assault rifle. "fox5" ronica cleary caught up with cory stewart on the message he wants to get across. >> cory stewart made headlines when he said he would giveaway one of these an ar 15 today he awarted it to rick thompson. >> congratulations on winning the rifle. >> so was this about second amendment right or publicity stunt. >> it's a student, it is a stunt calling for the attention to constitutional carry in the commonwealth of virginia and a stunt to demonstrate second amendments don't make us less safe but more safe. >> and maybe this is not that in maryland who is doing something very similar ar 15 raffle. senator michael huff. what does this do for holtation. does it put them into a box? or does it expand their base? >> i think it's very important that a leader, someone who wants to be governor leads. if you don't necessarily look at the polls to find out where everybody is you have to demonstrate that we need constitutional carry in the commonwealth of virginia and people hear first what's that. and then they'll hear about it and i hope to lead on the second amendment issue and not follow behind polls. >> what do you think about poll intergitys using guns to raise money and awareness. and i love to hear from you. you can find me on facebook and twitter@ronica cleary. we're sending it back to you. >> if putin likes donald trump guess what, folks? that's called an asset not a liability. i don't know that i'll get along with i hope i do. but there's a good chance i won't. and if i don't, do you honestly believe that hillary would be tougher on putin than me? does anybody this room really believe that? give me a break. >> despite the accusations of russia's involvement in presidential election president-elect donald trump today says his relationship with vladimir putin could be an asset not a liability. mr. trump held a i press conference at trulp tower in new york it's first in six months. >> we're nou nun days away from donald trump done's inauguration ceremony and getting people in and out saferly it number one for law enforcement. >> if you plan to protest know your rights. if you get into the altercation with police. marina marraco joins us with tips on that. >> american civil liberties union unrolled a smart phone toop help them help you if you're involved in app altercation where your rights on someone else's have been violated including arrest. mobile justice d.c. app on the main screen you see record. once you hit that it takes a couple seconds to load and right now we're live streaming to aclu d.c. office there's an intake specialist watching you videos come in in realtime. if you wonder what if i am arrested andhone confiscated everything recorded is being sent back directly and archive todd aclu offices. >> and. >> usually, police in d.c. do a pretty good job. they understand their role as facilitating not disrupting demonstrations. just in case we have information about dealing with police understanding what to say and most importantly whatnot to say and what to do if things go wrong. >> what should you say and not say. >> you should give your name an address if asked and you should not answer questions about what the police are aling that you did. don't give explanations. don' if you're being arrested or questioned you should say that you want to remain silent and that you want a lawyer. >> now it's your constitutional right to protest but if you do get arrested during a demonstration here are other dos and don't suggested by the aclu. do keep hands in plain view and do feel free to videotape officers as long as you're not interfering. do know that police can lie to you if, for instance, they promise you'll get out faster if you answer questions. as for don't touch the officer or equipment and don't yell or escalate the situation and don't lie to police or provide fake documents. it's important if you go down and protests you know your rights as well as know the law. as for the app mobile justice it's a tool to be used any day of the year not just for the presidential inauguration. jim, shawn. >> thank you very much. >> and well president-elect donald trump is not the only remember of the trump family defying tradition. incoming first trump is doing same. we'll explain how she's breaking mold come up. >> and remember movie twelve years of slave how you can see a piece of actual history from where that story began here in our region. we'll explain coming up. as ceo of exxonmobile... rex tillerson put exxon's interests before america's i'm not here to represent the us government's interest. instead, tillerson sided with putin. with billions in russian oil deals... he opposed us sanctions on russia... ...for war crimes forced to pay hundreds of millions for toxic pollution... ...putting profits ahead of our kid's health. tell your senators to reject rex tillerson. and protect american interests not corporate interests. >> just about a week and a half until inauguration day and incoming melania trump. >> she is defying tradition and convention. >> in the trump administration office of the first lady is reportedly going to be called office of the first family that may signal emergence of dual administration rules for two of the most important them his life daughter and wife. >> she has potential to be next jacqueline kennedy she's high fashion icon and she's a business woman. she's involved with philanthropic and charitable endeavors. >> she will bring uncommon background second lady born outside the u.s. and first born in xhoun united country and she's fluid in many languages and first to be super model and first to pose nude. her decision to stay in new york through the first months of administration is based 10-year-old son bar ron who will finish school year there and second factor may be discomfort in it the political sphere her first major fore into it speech at the gop convention. >> that your world is your bond. >> ended with findings of plagiarism. she retreated from campaign speaking after that but denied it was because ever the speech. >> my priority is our son and want to be a mother first. >> her withdrawal owe owe coincided with ivanka rise. her leave of absence from the trump organization and apparel and accessories business her ings tension is to level playing field for female entrepreneurs and whoever occupies office of first family will find a bumy pulpit. >> it's a podium with a very, very cloud voice and any first lady when they arrive they don't have any idea about how loud that voice can be. >> melania promises not to shy away from it no matter how intense the incoming fire. >> you know i'm very strong. handle everything. >> both trump women expressed a desire to protect interest of children and ivanka asking for tax free childcare account and defunction for those making under 500,000 a year. >> doug mcelwy, fox news. >> all right. soy was outside earlier today and deposit have sajacket. >> felt nice. >> felt nice and then i realized not bring a jacket to work it was raining. >> and there's still a couple showers for the walk home tonight, jim. i'm happy to give you a lift it will only be $5. >> suber. >> suber [ beep beep [. >> what about tomorrow? >> it's looking fantastic. what will you do in the mid 60s that we'll have tomorrow. >> we're coming to your house to barbeque. >> there you go. outstanding, maybe i'll on the kiddy pool i bought i kiddy pool i bought this summer. >> excellent. >> fill it with warm water. >> there's something for you twitter. not. tonight maybe use of umbrella for the next hour or so if you walk home like jim and there's only a couple spotty showers lingering. this has not been a lot of rain and so nice that it is staying mild tonight and we don't have to worry about the refreezing tonight. it is a taste of spring that we're advertising for thursday after we burn off the clouds tomorrow. we should head for 67 degrees. we may have fog in the morning, too. if the clouds that we have around tonight break up a little bit. there will be a lot of moisture. otherwise i think it's just patchy fog and we get temperatures cranking into the mid 60s in the ach and again wouldn't be shocked in a few spot touch 70. cooler friday and a frontal boundary that comes through thursday night and drops temperature friday to 57. then we talk about the weekend. i'll get to that in a moment. there goes departing weather system this is warm front coming on through and you can see have redeveloped and in the wake of this system passing on moving quickly. maybe, jim, it will be drier than you think for the walk home. these pushed to howard county and baltimore country and anne arrundel and might be a couple stragglers behind that still and they'll be very, very light and rather spotty compared to what we had earlier. >> 50 at 11:00. not bad at all. mannasas you're 50. fredericksburg 52. leonardtown 5. incredible when you think the arm high for the day is about 43 degrees and this is a very nice change in temperature since last night we were about 9 to 10 warmer than we were 11:00 last night. here's a look at manner for tomorrow. 00 in the morning, 51. probably more clouds than sun. then sun should make a break mid-morning at the latest. 62 by noon hour. nice and warm. 4:00. 66. as you watch that warmth surning up and all the way up into new england whether it be in in the 60s and a lot of 70s south and you see on this map more cold air poised to come on in and that will get in here on saturday. so for tomorrow a look at temperatures around the region. 62 annapolis and leonardtown you had all that snow over the weekend. you will melt it all off. 63 if you have not already. frederick, 61. haikers town 61. and again little bit of breeze tomorrow because this low pressure which will be driving our front closer to us will be in close opposition to that area of my refresh you're and that will make for a tight gradient winds could gust 20 to 30 miles an hour. i want to show you future cast because as it takes the showers out of here and maybe just maybe produces one or two straggling showers in the morning and we break for sunshine in the afternoon and i also want to you see this is frontal boundary coming through on thursday night and that stalls to the south where then friday night look at this 10:00 we see a little mixed precipitation headed our way and that's why we have a messy mix on our 7-day forecast for saturday. it should not be a lot but it would be icy. rain a nomination of freezing rain, sleet and snow with temperatures of 3. sunday, 4. we could start with light mix. should change over to rain and we have to watch this because often that takes a long time especially north and west. for martin luther king holiday being observed monday 47. we're in mid 50s tuesday and wednesday and maybe few showers possible on tuesday. that temperature of 56 looking very nice. jim, shawn, over to you. >> thank you, sue. >> if you have seen the movie twelve years a slave you're familiar with the story of solomon north a black man ab ducked and sold to slavery of the slave men he was shelled at the corner of 7th and independence. >> william williams owned the slave pen today it was dedicated with two plaques. you can find the plaques near faa and department of transportation buildings. long hid from view and it would be easy for us to want to hide this sight's history because it makes us uncomfortable. it starts conversations we might not want to have and it remines us of some of the darkest times of the history of this nation but it's for that reason that we have to shine a light on us. >> officials say the plaque served not only as reminder of the past but a sign of the work we still need to do. >> tonight a rivalry renewed as capitals hosted penguins. we'll talk that when sports comes up ford a well organized closet. mama, my throat hurts. and a few extra minutes in the morning. you've got ten more minutes. make room for what matters. afoot and light-hearted i take to the open road. rld before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. the east and the west are mine. the north and the south are mine. all seems beautiful to me. at ikea, we believe everyone should be able to afford a well organized closet. mama, my throat hurts. and a few extra minutes in the morning. you've got ten more minutes. make room for what matters. >> alex ovechkin introduced himself with this incredible goal in rookie snn 2006. tonight in career game 880 the great 8 was looking to become the were at work. opponents pittsburgh penguins. before the game ove and caps wearing those caps. first minute ever game caps break out ovechkin and beats andre to the glove side with career goal 545 giving him 1,000 career points. see how he stick handles and shows little patiencep before releasing shot. that's all it takes. that's what happens when you play 880 games. power play. carlson sends it to ove and two goals, 1 on the year and caps win 5-they have now won 7 in a row breaking penguins streak. meantime floyd money may warm for celtics in boston and less than six minutes to go in the game. porter from the corner knocks down the three pointer. just like that. 0 points wiz up by one. it would be their last lead of game red hot down the stretch. 20 of game high 38 points in final quarter and wizards fall 117 to 108 biggest news after the game words between john wall and jake crowder getting face to face crowder puts the pinger up there retaliated and scrum ensues. wall had to get an extra on left wrist which is not good. calm down, guys. >> colonials facing vcu. gw jared -- here we go. gw, jared signa has pass stolen by leapingaiquawn lewis. gw thrilled by 14 at the half and then in second half things just keep on getting worse. alley-oop dunk there, gw dominated gi vcu. >> players report to spring training in over a month for nats it's good-bye viera and hello that we be the shared home of nats and astros. the park is nearing completion and pitcher's mond for the first time taking shape and stadium will seat 6500 people. all these years for all these people who like to travel home where am i sitting here. >> you can sit wherever you want. >> i learned -- >> wherever you want. >> everybody plans trips to florida for spring training. change of venue. >> that's this year right. >> this year. >> can't wait. >> ready for it. thanks for squoyping us tonight, everybody. >> tmz is next good night. new girl, huh? yeah, i'm -- i couldn't help but notice you checking out my name your price tool. yeah, this bad boy gives you coverage options based on your budget. -oh -- -oh, not so fast, tadpole. you have to learn to swim first. claire, here's your name your price tool. -oh, thanks, flo. -mm-hmm. jamie, don't forget to clean the fridge when you're done. she seems nice. she seems nice. [ door closes ] she's actually pretty nice. oh. yeah. harvey: wow. guess who is a couple? weekend and selena gomez! >> this is huge. and she's part of the girl squad. there's no loyalty to bella. >> is bella in the girl squad? >> gigi. bella is not there yet. >> i like them as a couple. >> at some point we got to let it happen. >> so you divorce your wife and i come over and i'm in there making pancakes. >> knock yourself out. >> and take my wife while you're at it, dude. >> ben affleck was at l.a.x. and he's going through t.s.a. and he gets patted down for a solid minute. this guy is like feeling his butt. and then he goes to his front, feeling like around his belt area. >> at what point do they go, ok, sir, in the other room. we need to put our finger up your butt. >> never. >> can you ask for it?

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