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When you arrived here four years ago you were among the most promising and most committedt students in the entire country. You had an opportunity to go anywhere. You wanted to go. And today you leave with the most promising secondromi lieutenants in the greatest fighting force in the history of the world. Thats not hyperbole. Hype the vicepresident also told graduates that greater diversite including more women and gay soldiers will strengthen the countrys armed forces. More than 950 cadets received their degrees today. Now to the ranges for the white house. As the primary season heads ints the final stretch, a new Associated Press gsk poll shows presumptive nominee donald trumo ismi potentially facing a gender gap come november. The new poll showed 70 percent of women survive said have an unfavorable view of trump. Meantime the raise democratic nomination is notn is over here. We hear more from foxs stieves her began. Reporter Hillary Clinton isi shaping up to be the likely democratic president ial nominee, but Bernie Sanders is not givini up, threatening to he take theae fight all the way to the t National Convention in july. Hillary clinton has supported all of these trade agreements. Ae its trying to shift its primary focus to the general election. Lc you want to imagine what Trump America will look like picture more kids at risk of violence and bigotry. As donald trump gets closer and closer to clinching thehe republican nomination, he is n already gearing up for a show down against clinton, appearinga at a National Rival Association convention in kentucky trump attacked clinton on gun rights. Trying to over turn the Second Amendment Hillary Clinton iss telling everyone and all women living in a dangerous communitye that she doesnt have the right to defense herself. You have a woman living in an rough community, a bad bad community, sorry, you cant ca defense yourself. Your clinton is making a case that the billionaire lacks the experience to serve as commander in chief and says she will thehe not be silenced by the nra. She made the remark in Fort Lauderdale while attending a foundation started by Trayvon Martins mother. We will not be time date cannedn as long as children anywhere are being killed by gun violence. Lec we will keep fighting. Anyone asking for your vote ohs it to you to fully grapple withh the real challenges facing our families and communities. In recent head to head matchups donald trump and Hillary Clinton appeared to be close to tied. In Fort Lauderdale, florida, stieve her began, fox news. And a reminder, fox5 is teamed up with the heard to bring you on the very latest for the white join them together as they discuss all the events leadingn up to the election l. L. Well be right back. This week on Fox News Sunday,da, the egypt air crash raises new w questions about the terror ter threat and us airport security. With the tsa under the microscope, how will this impact be already long lines at airports across the country . Nty well discuss with home landom secretary jay johnson and conscious man michael ma call, chairman of the Homeland Security committee. Com and then the crash becomes aa focal point on the trump clinton fight on terror. All this week on Fox News Sunday this is fox5 local news at 10. A so can you remember what you rem were doing on march 2, no. There you go. Go me, neither. How about what you had for luncr two weeks ago. No. Me, neither. Ther well, imagine being aible to pull up those memories as iff they happened yesterday. Only a if you dozen peopleple actually have that3oa ability. Its a condition called highly superior auto biographical memory. Ive never heard of this. Never heard of it. But fox5s laura evans has more. When nema vitae paints he saysas its like placing down layers of memories. Because i remember things inn such an impactful way and thattt translates into the textures in the art. Industry say is one of 50 people in the world with highly superior ought biographical memory. Ability to recall specific rec details of ought biographical events. For me as if its film with noth just the sounds, the feelings. When i go back in my memory io remember everything fromry the moment i woke up to what i wore, to what i ate. Am of us have a hard timeime remembering what weed had for dinner two nights ago. We asked vie say what he had a week ago tuesday. Last tuesday, tuna tar at policy bar. It took him a while to rememberm but he says thats normal. It can sometimes take him a week to recall a memory. But when he does it goes right o back to the full sensory of that day. Being p pulled back into theinto moment and i remembered it as if i was there. He was in a study at uc irvine. I have been and remain deeplydep interested in understanding what we leave is the most important ability that we have and thats memory. Dr. Maguel and his team are looking into how the brains of the rest of the population. So far they havent uncovered a pattern, but what they have found is one part of the brains larger in people with h sam. Were still in the process of getting a little bit of this information and that information. We dont have an answer to thehe basis of it yet. Et. What they do know is the ability is associated with obsesstive compulsive behavior and for most people it starts earlier in life. Say say, however, traces his superior memory back to december 15, 2000. De that actually happens to be the day i met my first guy. Othersu. Started noticing how he would remember a certain event. A friend referred him to the uc irv vine study and the defining moment came when the researchers asked him what happened august 7, 2008. St he immediately 7 remembered that was when michael films won eighthth gold medal. Edal i i use my art was a way to channel the feelings and the impact not in only a positive creative way, but quite often a therapeutic way as well. The one draw back, forgetting ie a luxury i dont have. Laura evans, fox5 local news. You know what, gwen, i can remember what the weather was this time a week ago. Wee so maybe i have this gift. It was maining. I want to forget. You are on top of this. Okay. Thats going to be the weathereh for the next couple of days,s, too, right. To you know what, were going to get some breaks. Well kind of get the positivepi out there, before it. Re matt is making a face. Were over it. Whatever. Hes like dont even try it. Dont even try it. What we will get a few anyway. You know, im not talking supere sunshine here. Dont break out the sunglasses or anything of that sort, mind you, or the sun tan lotion, but definitely we will get somesome breaks. Not a total washout with the wet weather. But we do have some showers thaw are going to move in tonight to form well have some scattered showers as well. Temperatures blow seasonal. Mid week weve got sunshine forh you, a couple of days where we have no rain yea, thumbs up. And temperatures on the rice. Were headed to the 80s. So get ready for that ride. Ide. Right now satellite radarate showing you that he we have theh clouds moving in h. We have some moving its way to the north and some to the southe if you take a look back here you can see just exactly whats happening. All of that is going to move its way toward the mid atlantic. Were not quite out of the clear and were still going to have to deal with it tomorrow, but oncec again, some breaks tomorrow. Brea so its not all bad. Bad. Heres a look at current gaithersburg. Weve got 56 at quantico, 53 at dulles, 54 at frederick and 53degrees at martinsburg. So it is a little on the cool side. Si our temperatures still continuet to be well blow cease l until. Se if you take a look up the midhem atlantic you can see were not a i loan. Loan once we get to the south we start to see the warming trendai and we start to benefit fromnefi that once we get into the mid td later part of the week. We heres a look at futurecast forr you. Here we go, with the trend of looking how this is going to shape up for your sunday. We have a fair amount ofof rainfall. This is by the 6 00 hour. Not everybody is going to getget this, mind you. Look at 10 00 tomorrow night were really socked in here. We even have some of this lingering with a little bit of scattered shower activity forctv your monday, also as we startwe the week. There you can see that. Tuesday is actually going to be the first day where its going to be totally rain free. E. For this weekend we calculate yesterda so far heres what were talking about, by the weekend is overs just over an inch of rainfall. Were going to see coolerler conditions once again still settling in until we start too warm up. Tomorrow not a washout. We have a little piece of energy that is going to fire itself upf to give us some of the rain shower activity t. Memorial day weekend, were jumping ahead for you so you can make your plans. Heres a look at what you can expect. On saturday it will be partly sunny skies, 83degrees. 3d thats the best day to getge outside and do the cookout because sunday and monday therea is a chance we can see some som storms. Im sorry i have to even tell you this, possible storms fortom the holiday weekend, but nonenoe the less well be into the low 80s. Its spring, we have to kind ofo role with it. 54degrees for tonight, mostly cloudy skies. Fog in the Early Morning hours. If youre heading out to morning services, just be prepared for that. Were not talking a washout tomorrow. 62 is your daytime high. High heres a look the at the fox5 seven day forecast where im whe happy to say weve got some sunshine for weather day with the nats on wednesday, 79degrees, full sun actually. Au just a few clouds on tuesday, 71degrees. Looking good. And wire warming up to the 830s. You know what, 80s with a few storms and rain. An it just goes to show you you just cant have everything at hv the same time. Im well takee. It when we can t it. Its pretty sad when i hear you say its not going to be a washout tomorrow and im a little excited that well have a little sun. A few breaks here and there. I appreciate. Remember can you can track the weather 24 7 on the go with your mobile device. Download the fox5 news and fox5 weather apps. All you need to do search d. C. News and d. C. Weather in your app store and remember thosehose apps are free. You just saw it here on fox5. The nats facing the marlins, oh, my goodness looking fourth straight game. Ame. Brody logan has all the detailse from miami. Hes not in miami, but hes going to have the details from miami coming up. Well have all that coming up. Stay with us. It was an emotional day at the preakness stakes. Take tragedy stuck in baltimorein during some of the polymerases. A four year old philly broke her left leg during the fourth raise of the day. Officials say she was youth niced on the track. Th her jockey was thrown from the horse and broke his collarbone. During the first raise of thethe day, a nine year old gelding collapsed and died after winsins his rack. Track officials believe thatbeli horse suffered a heart attack. Tc thats terrible. I remember when i heard about this, i dont think ive ever heard of two h type of complication. It shows you everything thatvery these horses go through for these raises, the trainingrain leading up to it and then all the rigors that are put on their body to get prepared and then run the raises. Later tonight, the nats game and towards the end i thought theret could be a chance. There was a about it of a chance towards the end there. Well have that in a minute. But back to the raising, though. The good side, after a 37year wait, last Year American far ohh became the first triple crown winner. This year could we see another e triple crown winner, nyquist. Start, off in the preakness. Right out of the gates nyquist was running who the on the muddy track holding the lead for the first threequarters of of the raise, neck and neck. K. Just down the stretch, exaggerator past. R after that nyquist ever able too regain footing. Exaggerateor beat nyquist foror the first time and an estimated 900,000 for jockey and hisnd brother keith who is all aboutll knowledge and riding the rail. I was on the fence and nail statewide. St these turns, you want to takeake the fence. We did did, they didnt and i think not for nothing, but knowledge is power. I did what i could to get himim fresh and happy and wrong. Ive always said hes always hal a great ability to recover ander he showed it today. The nats have seen an offense resurgence in the games. Thanks to add ted contributionse from the elder, ryan skim and jason werth. Batting 313 with two homers in the last week. Werth has been showing out in the plate and in the field. Convenient objection to the forj isec facing off against souper man. A huge miss match. A couple of super heros there,r, clinton robinson, hes been the nats pinch hitting hero. Robinson fires one right back up the middle. That will score, surprisingly the nats take an early 10 lead. Justin bore a northern virginiai native from center trillion,rill bores a hole into the upper deck signage. A tworun home puts the nats in a 31 hole. Jason werth pinch hitting and he does possibly the worst possibls thing, goes into a double play. The nats fall to the fish the lacrosse tournament, maryland shaving their heads for their teammate who has cancer. Pat young, the terps up 21. The second half, young againoung fights through the defender, attacks. Young had four goals on the day. The terps beat sire russ 134. 4. Who will they face, maybe navy. Tj hand situate, his 23 goal off the season. Navy down bias many as four goals. They came roling back fourth goal. Down to seven minutes left. Case i rhys, brings navy win one. He led the mids with five goals. They fall to brown 11 to 1067891 the redskins start otas this week, three days where the team is back together after an off of first round pick josh docks on. H in the interim kirk cousins says he and the team have beenee working on basically everything. Im just trying to become their quarterback in every way. Understanding our assistant veteran, take another step forward, finding what ourou identity is and getting reallyll good at that and maybe expandina upon where we were weak try to grow into my understanding withu then teammates. The list goes on and on and on. Every single day you try to attack it. It football is a complicated gameol and theres a lot of facets when you look at offense, defense, special teams, but from an offensive perspective we got to protect football at all costs. If you can do that and make good decisions, we definitely have a great team. Gr it will be a big test to see if they can do it again, for kirk cousins. He signed a one year tender with almost 20 million, maybe a longyear extension if he can do it again. A lot of people are hoping are. What do you think the key is to a successful marriage. A one woman says she knows what ih is and it may surprise you. U. That story and more coming upup after the break. Welcome back. When it comes to getting aheads at work, could the secret be in how you dress and how you look . According to a new s answer is yes. Researchers at two universitiese studded both the appearance and income of 14,000 Young Professionals between the ages of 24 and 32. And results found attractive peoplea do better at work than everyonev else. This is true for both genders,ee but especially for women who put more effort into their looks. Ok. The study also found attractive people earn 20 percent more than their socalled less pretty coworkers. Wow. Thats a lot, 20 percent more . Thats an interesting case study. I dont know. I think it depends on where you live. I think this is probably very true in la. A newly wednesday blogger is defensing her vow to stay who to the for her husband. Amanda man is a writer in lossos angels she says the vow is a secret to a successful marriage. She says all you have to look good and wait on your husbands every need and she says in return for looking goodd for her husband hes very attentive and buys her nice things. Being a femme nice is about you own choices and saying this is how im goingni to live my lifef and im not going to let anyonen dictate it for me. Wow. Im a believer in people live their lives the way they want. Everybody has an opinion. If its works for you, then awesome. I think both men and womenomen should abide by that. Am men think their wives shouldd stay attractive, but do your best. I think that visually attractive, some people dont p care so much about that as long as the person is attractive. She also says wait on your husbands every needs, so its not about looks. I think it goes both ways. Wa your whenning day is supposed to be the happiest dave of youro life. But

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