Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News Edge Eleven 20160406 : comp

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News Edge Eleven 20160406

today we learned a man who lived in the basement lost his life. fox5's teisha lewis is life in i gaithersburg with the disturbin new details. > teisha, we understand this is now a homicide investigation. well, tony, that's great and the first sign tony and shawn thatan you know this is not your yo typical fire is behind me. this long fence, it's more thant six feet tall. i won't touched the bashed wires but it is protecting what wha started as a fire investigatione that is now the focal point of f murder case. police identified the victim as 63 year old steven skal brand sa and investigators say his death is suspicion based on what the scene and the autopsy. > police are tight lipped about the specifics that led them to t determine he was murdered, butut investigators returned to thernd home tonight to gather more evidence. sk found in the basement of the of home where he's lived for a few years. he was one of three tenants ten renting a room inside this th house. two of them survived the fire te that destroyed the home and also damaged two neighbors homes.s all of this happened last ha tuesday here on the 1800 block t of wind jamber way. w since then federal investigators have helped analyze the scene se and will remain involved in this investigation. > we have a goal of perhaps being done with our investigations on the scene by wednesday evening. but it's a fluid situation. it just depends on the other o things we find in the house ando making sure that the house stilt remains stable for our folks to be in there. > back out here life again. this was just your typical fire investigation the house would be boarded like it is, but you y would not see this type of fence surrounding it. right now the goal is to protect the en both the cause of the fire and also the cause of the death remain under investigation. but here's what's going to goi happen going forward. police are trying to put together a timeline of skal brand's whereabouts and his hi activities and they say they need the public's help to do do that. > let's take it outside now. i get ready for more frigid temperatures overnight.atur there is a press warning inwarn effect for the morning. sue palka is standing by withtad the latest on the forecast. >> another very colt need, the difference is it's not going to be the wind problem we had thisd morning. if you had to stand at the bus e stop or run to the car yourself or run to school you know how brutal it felt this morning. mo the freeze warning back inck effect tonight and that is our u weather headline going forward. another freeze and i hope you ho did what you had to do to to protect any early plants andnd honestly you don't want to bebe planting this early. it these freeze warningsing go outn so you can protect any planting. temperatures likely will drop into the mid 20s in the suburbs to about 3 # is what we're thinking in d.c. that would ill be a little warmer than last night. culpeper, manassas down to 28. martinsburg 29, gaithersburg down to 30 and d.c. at 40. that's a lot colder than we were this time last night. but of course we don't have those winds. wi we're looking at quite a cold co morning. you can see the range of temperatures overnight.ures let me take you to the sunrise forecast and this very gorgeous picture from marion oh important drag oh. as the sun comes up tomorrow morning at 6:44.:44. can we take a little bit of the edge off at this cold. ard.ound 8 in the morning we mo should be starting to find somed 30s and by the time we get to to the noon hour 48. h check out 66-degrees at 5:00, but that little bit of a breeze. at least it's going to feel a little bit warmer tomorrow afternoon and that breeze will be coming from a warm direction and it won't be gusting over 30 miles an hour. hou a lot of you asking about thursday's we have rain in the forecast. it is the nationals home opener. > sue, thank you very much., th a lot of people, including someo leaders in the district are talking about the story we we brought you last night at 10. at this video shows a group of of illegal dirt bike and atv rideri going down the middle of florida avenue. many residents there have had it and they're asking leaders to do something about it. fox5's marina maracco joins usc outside the wilson building with more. >>reporter: a lot of people are talking and they will continue to do so especially as the t warmer months approach. this all played out on pennsylvania avenue as a group of illegal bikes swarmed downto a similar group of nearly 50 illegal bikes happened to drive by the shaw neighborhood in d.c. here in the district if you're arrest at riding an illegal biki you're talking about 30 days ini jail and a $500 fine. d.c. police union say most of the recent 100 cases of those th two-thirds were neither charged or simply dismissed. d now, the remainder third of offenders who actually did face a judge they got off with wit absolutely no jail time are your hands tied? >> they are tied in the respect that we can't chase the vehiclee also. it just creates a more dangerous situation to chase them aroundment the officers are very conning. we out smart them all the time. we catch them at gas pumps, dashing vehicle also in alleys and we make arrests and we cease the vehicle also and put peopleu in not charged with name? >> the safety of people are a first and we have somed issues around theh region and we are exploring neww ways to deal with it. we do hope to annoyance a something soon. > you are willing to propose legs. >> i don't know that we need legs. > how would you move to get them off the streets. st >> like i said, i'd be happy to talk to you soon. soo > something will be comingill soon. we want to make sure we have your word mayor. >> i just said it twice. > and council member ken onmacm duffy says that he is willing to propose legs to force stricter penalties or at least try and curb these and particulars herea in the district. mayor bowser doesn't think that necessary is necessary, but she's hoping to make some sort o of announcement sometime soon. > life from the wilson building, marina maracco, fox5 local new. > just one month after he was hired to mental hospital in d.c., doctorr james edward kyle has been asked to leave. mayor bowser appointed kill toer lead the facility in february, but concerns about his qualifications playinged theic process from theat beginning. we learned that previously pr hospitals under kyle's supervision have been shutdown because of negligence. mayor bowser spoke with our marina maracco, as you you a, a, earlier today and told her she asked for dr. kyle's resignation, but she wouldn't wd say much more. > can you tell us why you asked for his >> no, it's a personnel matter r but we want to move on and we we will. > does it have anything to do d with his accreditation, hisat background? do you think he lied to the city. ci >> i'll say this, i can't talk specifically about personnel matters, but we want to move ine a new direction, so we will. > we tried contacting dr. kyler today, but so far he has not ha returned our calls. > thousands of people paid their respects to a va state a t trooper who was killed in then t line of duty last week. he proved every off duty that he was a true professional. > trooper chad deer meyer was a shot to death during a training session at a greyhound bus station last week. another troopers then shot and killed the shooter, james brownb funeral services were held in hamilton, virginia., he leaves behind a wife and twoa small children. > police in prince william county are struggling to explain a string of shootings. over the weekend multiple people called to report gun shots at the intersection of beneath a fitzgerald drive and brazil circle. police found shell casings. ca we don't have any vehicleç als, any suspicion persons in the the area. the objection to the form thing that we're recovering at thisto point isre the fact that someone has heard gun shots and then later through our investigationr we are able to locate shell casings in the roadway, bullets in a home. months after someone shouted different rounds on ban joeba court. > if you have any informationn call police. > d.c. mayor bowser band travel to north carolina after they banned transgender people from using public bathrooms that dos not match the gender on their th birth certificates. >> david grasso introduced a bill that would ban all city ci travels that discriminates di against the lgtb community. co grasso wants to see the bill pui into law instead of relying on a mayor-issued order.issu > a long term shutdown will not be necessary in an effort to deal with the transit agency's backlog of reverse he lookever pairs. you may remember after shuttingh down the entire metro system fos one day, the gm said it it mighi possible that some lines would i have to be closed for up to six months. paul they can't do everything on on short terms and over the weekend but he doesn't believe the long shutdowns will occur.s wi > still ahead at 11 tonight, the cyber hack that took med to star off line for five days mayy have been preventable. the simple upgrade that may hava saved the system. paisely is in d.c. for the alzheimers research. > after months of speculating beyonce is opening up no not about her new fit wear line. she's going to respond to the critics of her song formation and those who said her ong was anti police. we'll be right back. this is violet. she's been waiting for this moment for awhile. a moment other kids wouldn't think twice about. her first bowl of cheerios. because now that cheerios are gluten free, violet, and many others are enjoying their first bowl today. take a good look.ta do you recognize this man? the? fbi says he is a serial bank se robber wanted in connection with nine bank robberies in most recent happened on april 1 in elridge. the man is wearing a next bridge and bandages to cover part areae his face. if you recognize this manman contact the fbi.fbi. > it was preventable. a person familiar with theiar investigation told the associated press that med stared health had a vulnerable computer center that could be fixed with manually deleting two lines of software code. > we've learned that the irs building in downtown d.c. willwl remain closed for the rest of the week following a fire in the buildings' basement. yesterday a transformer caughtmr fire and forced an emergency evacuation.on. employees have been approved for tell he work until the end of the week. tax processing is not impacted by this closure. > the today the d.c. departmen of health unvailed its plan to trap and test mow quit could hes. it will place already if youe notice mosquitoes in your area, contact the c defendant health. > new tonight, the alzheimer'se association held its annual national dinner right here inhee the delegates came from all acrossal the country. the did it ease impacts more than 5 million americans.meri maryland nor barbara ma columna ski was awarded for her decades of service to combat alzheimer's disease. tonight's event is just one of several planned in the district. 1200 advocates from around the cunt have come together to storm capital hill and paint the capital purple tomorrow to increase the air wares of alzheimer's' disease.s' it is the six leading cause ofad death in the united states andst it is the only one that doesn't have a prevention, a cure or a way to slow it. > the acquisition treating k beerily williams paisely also p spoke the at the event.vent her mother was diagnosed withos the disease back > it's a chilly day today and another cold night tonight.oni get ready for that minus theth wind. it's a little easier to take. you'll notice that chill in thet morning, but i think by theth afternoon it will feel a lot better. finally we're going to come out, tonight only i think we'll be close to 60 tomorrow afternoon. i can't believe that a fewfew places got a little bit of snown this morning. >> yikes. > even reagan national got a trace of snow overnight as theç blustery winds were bringing in a little l lake effect of snow. once again we're up for another freeze region. reagan national dropped to 30 degrees and that is significant because that is the coldest april low temperature that we've seen around here since 2007. pretty cold. tomorrow will be closer to the 32-degrees. average lois 44-degrees. high pressure is right on top op us tonight which is why have the big winds and that illh with be sliding off the coastoas tomorrow which will help us gete a little warmer. we'll have clear skies withskie light winds. we're going to be tanking and we already are. at the bus stop, 25 to 35. winds shouldn't be a big issue.e it will certainly be cold. after school, a whole lot better. the breeze will be picking up, out of the southwest. > average high now 63. when we talk about only being 45 you know that's a real early february setback. wednesday, tomorrow, and then we're up to about 63 on thursday. a home opener will feature a little i will show you that. friday, 66-degrees and thenn saturday 47 and there could bee some snow showers around here on saturday as the clipper moves through the area.rea. so, april you're just full off we're down to 28 in gaithersburi and frederick, 29 martinsburg. some of these than you were last night. we might be talking about 24 in some of our northern suburbs. > focusing on thursday, tomorrow we'll see a nice day, especially in the afternoon. thursday a front will be approaching and it will push rain i think the morning commute mo thursday is going to be soggy. i wouldn't even be shocked ifckd there is a rumble of thunder. for the afternoon and evening an second front approaches.. while it won't have as much rain it will bring some showers. there's a potential for a delay with the nats.s. the rain is beginning to cometo into d.c. and you can see acan swath of heavy rain.a by 10:00 a.m. the heavy rain isr right on d.c. by the time we get to noon it's over to the beeps. you might get a rumble of thudden out of that. by 4:00 as our game may be getting started you can see there are scattered showerstt around the region and those will continue on through.hrou looking at that a couple of days out we've got t see there's a chance of delay and by the mr. at the snow in the mountains on thursday night. here's our forecast. we're going to go with 63-degrees with clouds andand showers. wrapping it with your the sevenr day forecast. after we get through that, friday should be a dryer day. if you're going to the nats gams saturday you might have a few snow showers around. sunday is cold again at 50 anda5 then we're starting to come out of the winter setback here by monday and tuesday. tuesday is 68-degrees with justt a few showers possible. > that's your forecast. what's going on in hockeyhock tonight. >> advantage for the miami mar lance at least for the natshe coming in. in we'll see how that goes. hockey braden local pee ties the history books. tieing the all time record forod season wins by a goal '. how tough could it be first period, caps within thecas face off.ff and then it goes right back to alex ovechkin. that is his 46th goal of the season. 2-1 caps.caps alex ovechkin, there he goesgoes down. the caps build a 3-1 lead. tied up a the three. and then he gets it over to thomas hickey who nets the game winner. the record tieing 48 within. > to victor go the. the ncaa returned to am contact pus. the wild cats celebrating theirb first title since 1985 when they beat georgetown. the parade is set for friday in center city philadelphia not suburban radnor where nova iss actually located. u connecticut facing cause. u connecticut up 50 to 23 at the half. but syracuse down 33 went p on a 16 run in the third brittany sypes cut the le 17. u syracuse native two of her 246789 connecticut wins 82-5 # an unprecedented and the 11th overall title as the huskies winning streak now hits 75 > in september georgetown linebacker todd williams was paralyzed in the season opener. $25,000 in rehab equipment. eq williams joined with the owners of the bmw sterling dealership to make the annoyance. paying it forward to a kid that could really use the help. > still ahead, bee and sayd clears the air about the meaning behind her song formation. we'll be right back. we'll be ♪ (man) some things are worth holding onto. (man) that's why we got a subaru. or was it that tree? (man) the twenty-sixteen subaru outback. love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. put more fun in your day with ice-cream-flavored coffees at dunkin' donuts. go for delicious flavors like butter pecan, cookie dough, or new pistachio. enjoy one today. america runs on dunkin'. he was flicking matches on me... for my life. my ex-husband's intentions were to murder me. glenn: i made sure yvette's abuser went away for good, and put in place tougher sentences, because domestic violence can never be tolerated. yvette: mr. ivey showed compassion. i felt like i could trust him. narrator: glenn ivey. as state's attorney, a proven leader. in congress, he'll combat domestic violence, and protect president obama's legacy. glenn: i'm glenn ivey and i approve this message, because i'm on your side. > beyonce responded to criticss whopo said her new song formatim was the anti police formation. formation is against the police is completely mistaken.i she told ethanol magazine quotet i have so much admiration and respect for the officers and the families of officers whowho sacrifice themselves to keep uss safe. they stands against policeains brutality and injustice. > people just mess myselfed by the dancing. > we find a way to show beyonce video as much as possible. > you're not upset. >> i'm not upset at all.ll. > we're all looking.ooki much better. > cold stuff tomorrow.old if you want to see that seven day forecast again it's a ill can i day tomorrow but we will e start to warm it up a little bit on thursday. tmz is next. ...we've helped our investors or over 75 years. call us or your advisor. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. may not always be clear. but at t. rowe price, we can help guide your retirement savings. so wherever your retirement journey takes you, we can help you reach your goals. call us or your advisor t. rowe price. invest with confidence. >> today on "tmz" -- >> rob kardashian has officially proven everybody wrong. he is now engaged to blac chyna. >> blac chyna, can we see that rock now? can we see that? harvey: who in this room gave this more than two months when it started? rob kardashian was a recluse. he's now smiling, happy, arguably in love. >> arguably? he just got engaged last night. >> fetty wap. we say to him, what's to say in two years your career keeps going and you get more money -- >> are you ever going to add an eye? harvey: it's aoniker. it makes me want to see fetty wap more, even tugh he can't see me more. it makes me want to see him more. >> camilla alves, matthew mcconaughey's wi. she turns around. did not expect that. >> she used to be a house clea

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