Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News Edge At 11 20130118 : compar

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News Edge At 11 20130118

richmond quickly, 1 to 3 down there, in the darker blue 2 to 4, but southwestern virginia i did see spots ranging from 7 to 11 inches all pulling out later tonight. beyond this the headline will be if you're traveling down to the south tomorrow, watch for slick spots. we barely got any precipitation here other than a bit of light rain and i think most of that will dry up and temperatures probably won't drop for a little while yet, but clouds will decrease and changes in the extended outlook i'll tell you about in a bit. no snow here, but a viewer sent this picture from charlottesville this afternoon. we'd love to see your weather photos. you can e-mail them to [email protected]. monitoring about metro tonight. metro signed a major contract to fix the problem of broken escalators, bob barnard with the news. >> it's a common complaint for metro riders. they get off the train with groceries or luggage and face a long climb up the stairs because the escalators are broken. the transit agency signed a $151 million contract to replace or modernize 128 escalators across the system. most of them will be up and running over the next five years, yes, five years, but some will not be online till the year 2020. in the meantime count on more headaches for riders in construction zones like the 1 at dupont circle station for -- one at dupont circle station for most of last year. >> our capital rebuilding effort that's been underway the last couple years is not about band-aid solutions. it's reconstructive surgery. >> i think it's about time somebody did something about it because most escalators in town aren't working at all. it's actually really good they're going to do something about it. >> i'm glad they're finally taking steps to repair those, but i know it's going to cause a lot of problems. >> metro says the project will be funded by federal grants. the pentagon station will be the first to get an escalator makeover followed by bethesda. we've posted a full list on click web links. lance armstrong's tell all interview with oprah winfrey as he admits to doping throughout his career including his seven tour de france victories. >> yes or no? in all seven of your tour de france victories did you ever take banned substances or blood dope? >> yes. i view this situation as one big lie that i repeated a lot of times. as you said, it wasn't as if i just said no and moved off it. >> right. you were defiant. >> oh, yes. >> you called other people liars. >> i understand that. >> joining us now is doug eldridge with pr consulting firm dlc agency. you've watched the interview from pretty much start to finish. is it even possible for lance armstrong to get across and become a sympathetic figure and feel some emotion? it seems like he's not hard wired that way. >> what we just saw there was almost a saving private ryanesque opening in the interview. right out of the gates the bullets came flying. did you use banned substances? oprah teed him up and got him right from the gate. in the context of setting the tone for obviously what came in the following 90 minutes and tomorrow evening, the question will be first did lance admit to it? yes. the second part is does he say he's sorry? we also saw that as well. when we talk about whether or not he can engender sympathy, understanding, i'm not sure that's really in the scope of things or on his goal sheet so much as it is for the first time to say yes, i did it and i'm sorry for doing so. >> if you're going to do this and lay your life out there, i think people in the world of public relations would want -- you'd want some people to feel sympathy for you. here's a man who slandered people and sued people all under a lie. he was a bully and admitted being a bully, but it doesn't seem like in the court of public opinion from what i've seen online it's getting him anywhere. ultimately what's the goal if you're not trying to get sympathy? >> you hit the nail on the head. we're really dealing with two courts, one of public opinion and the second of law. thursday was the presumed deadline for the federal government to join the lawsuit under the false claims act filed by his prior teammate floyd landis which has nine figure implications and jail time as well. this is the duck theory. on the top of the water the duck's head is smooth and nonbobbing while below the surface the legs are churning fervently to proposal the duck forward. what we saw tonight was the head of the duck while lance's team is working fervently to bring these issues rapidly to a close behind closed doors. when we talk about objectives and the court of public opinion, lance couldn't go out today based on his lifetime of tactics. the old pr mantra is you can be the hammer or nail. you can be proactive or reactive and lance has been the proverbial hammer and always surrounded himself with a very aggressive and effective team in that regard. so having that type of background and career strategy as it relates to his image and brand development, you can't then come out and garner sympathy and empathy and immediate forgiveness. it has to be a very matter of fact format and that's what we saw tonight. >> thanks for coming in this evening. if you didn't hear it last night, you surely heard it today at work or on tv. a college football superstar and his star crushed ill fated fake romance, trying to put together the pieces from chicago tonight. >> reporter: from sports fans to sport writers it seems every 1 took the bait. the story of -- everyone took the bait, the story of a notre dame star losing the love of his life and rebounding to play like a champion. the athletic director for the fighting eyish says no one was duped like manti te'o. >> the single most trusting man i've ever met will never be able to trust the same way in his life. that's an incredible tragedy. >> reporter: a statement from te'o reads in part, "to realize i was the victim of someone's sick joke and constant lies was and is painful and humiliating." if te'o was a victim, he certainly inflated the story on a national platform, the gestures pointing two fingers to heaven after a big play, one for his late grandmother, one for lennay could he cuba, the girl friend he -- lennay could he cuba, the girl friend -- lennay kekua, the girl friend he had never met, no one had. the south bend tribune wrote draping romance tale -- a dripping romance tale of the first meeting in 2009 that didn't happen. reported the first encounter was over twitter in 2010. publications wrote of an all night phone call, a comatose kekua increasing her breathing when she heard the sound of te'o's voice. none of it ever happened. on the campus of notre dame steeped in dramatic football legend, students support the linebacker. >> i feel really bad for him. it seems like it's an awful way for this year that was really magical to end. >> reporter: new information about who is possibly telling the truth here. you'll remember that te'o and the university both claim he learned of the scam december 6th when he got a phone call from his supposed dead girl's phone number. te'o mentioned her twice in interviews since then according to the associated press. he mentioned her for a website interview december 8th and again for a newspaper interview december 11th. mike tobin from chicago, fox news. a news alert from prince george's county. the search is on for a man who assaulted a girl walking to her school bus stop in ft. wash this morning. a man grabbed -- ft. washington this morning. a man grabbed the teenager. both fell to the ground. she kicked her attacker and got away. anyone with information is asked to call police. guilty on all charges, a jury in prince george's county convicted a former d.c. police officer of killing his girl friend and letting their 11- month-old baby suffocate in a hot car. the jury took less than two hours to decide the fate of richmond phillips. the family of his ex-girl friend wanetta wright attended every day of the trial and are pleased with the verdict. >> he's the devil. that's all i can say. he's the devil. anyone can do something like that just doesn't have a heart at all. >> doesn't deserve to be. >> he knew that was his daughter. >> prosecutors say they will seek life in prison without possibility of parole when phillips is sentenced in march. secret service in georgetown tonight as the president and mrs. obama celebrate her birthday. find out where they had dinner and the high profile guests who joined them coming up and check out the rundown. we're back. >> this is fox 5 news edge at 11:00. 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our radar suggests it may have changed over and is in the process of doing that even for rehoboth beach and ocean city and perhaps here for lower st. mary's and the northern neck of virginia as this pulls out in the next couple hours. advisories will be getting dropped. over to sentinel radar composite picture which shows a lot more precipitation, but you get the general sense the snow is south and a back edge is indeed beginning to show up through southwestern virginia. i know the snow is reportedly over in charlottesville and this storm system spinning down here will produce snow for hampton roads, very heavy rain feeding in, briefly very heavy snow down there, although we're thinking a lot of that will melt in that region because temperatures are still pretty warm. in terms of advisories the only one really left in our region, st. mary's county, winter storm warnings down through central virginia into the northern neck, a few lingering on the eastern snow. for the rest of the metro area we are in the clear and i do not anticipate problems in the morning. 41 degrees in the district, still pretty mild, 40 degrees in annapolis. as the moisture and clouds clear out and we start thinning out the color, temperatures will drop down to about 30 degrees. here's the area of low pressure that produced it all, snow just to our south. all of it pulls out, weak front slipping through during the day tomorrow. bottom line it's dry, sunny, but as high pressure builds in and our storm departs we get a lot of wind out of that and those winds out of the northwest at 15 to 25 may make it feel like it's in the 20s at time. dress for the wind chill tomorrow. tonight about 30 degrees as clouds decrease and breezes pick up. tomorrow you'll notice that breeze as well, northwesterly 10 to 20, maybe 25, our temperature 39, but it will be a nice bright day even if it will feel cooler than 39 degrees. 8 a.m. 38, a few clouds, by noon 40 and by 4:00 36 degrees for a pretty decent friday. across the area tomorrow it will mostly be in the 30s. breezy conditions means it will feel colder. into the weekend saturday 49 degrees. nice for our visitors coming into town for our inaugural, 46 degrees sunday which is a little bit cooler. front comes through sunday night and makes our inauguration quite a bit chillier in the upper 30s and looks like passing snow showers and a mix of clouds and sun. your fox 5 accuweather seven- day forecast, here you go. cold stuff is coming. the weekend is nice. inauguration 38 degrees and rolling into tuesday, wednesday next week we're talking temperatures near freezing, thursday about 39 degrees, more winter cold back in the forecast. perfect for hockey fans. that's what scott is starting out with tonight. here's his sports report. there's been a lot for the caps to absorb in a short amount of time, but the week long cram session is just about over. the caps leave for tampa tomorrow for saturday's season opener, but tonight a special thank you to the patient fan base, an estimated 10,000 fans poured into the verizon center tonight for the free event where they watched practice, eat free food, which is always good, and engage in a q and a with the players. all week the fans have showed up, standing room only crowds at the practice facility certainly hungry for hockey and speaking with owner ted leonsis earlier he expressed his appreciation. >> reporter: for you to look around and see this, what does it mean to you? >> it's been so warm and welcoming just to see so many friends and fans back in building is a really good feeling. i said before i'm very apologetic we lost those 34 games, but put that behind us and drop the puck saturday and tuesday i expect this place sold out again. we'll keep our sellout streak alive. >> to the practice itself one of the last ones for new head coach adam oates before the puck drops. oates has had a busy week and ready or not the season is here. >> of course i think it's going to be a very tough game. of course, it's going to be hard for a couple shifts, but i think everybody is going to be ready and it's going to be a good game. >> there's definitely a lot of kinks, but we feel like we're good. we're definitely happy about the system that's going to be played and hope everybody's body feels good. i feel good personally and i hope everybody else feels the same. coming up one of the most dominant closers in the game has a natitude tonight, the introduction of rafael soriano next. rafael soriano had 42 saves last year closing games for the yankees. that's the plan this year with the nats. soriano will go in as the 9th inning guy. the 7th and 8th will be left for tyler clippard and drew storen. then again you don't pay a guy $20 million for two years without that expects. soriano was introduced today slipping on the curly w and white 29 jersey. washington has turned into a baseball destination. the gm is happy to have landed such a major piece in soriano. >> he's here because he's got great talent, great character, great ability and has done it at the highest level at one of the toughest places to perform in new york city. so he's battle tested. he's certainly not afraid and he's only going to add to what we believe is a great young deep and talented bullpen. the other big nats news is sending michael morse to seattle as part of a three team trade in exchange for pitching prospects. it was assumed morse would be the odd man out once adam laroche was resigned, but today rizzo said it wasn't a given. >> we wanted to make sure we got the right deal. the right players had to be involved or we wouldn't have made the deal. once the right players were involved and players that we really wanted for a talented player like michael that i didn't find any reason the to do the deal. finally former redskins receiver coach ike hilliard has taken the same position with the buffalo bills and defensive back coach ra him morris has interviewed -- raheem morris has interviewed with the cleveland browns defensive coordinator job. the news edge will wrap up right after this. touch acquiring nfc. hearing evolving with beats audio. wireless charging activated. introducing droid dna by htc. it's not an upgrade to your phone. it's an upgrade to yourself. now you have the news edge. of course, the news is always on back here tomorrow. hope you will be, too. as always thanks for staying up late. see you.   >> fox 5 news isn't over. go to now for news, weather and entertainment updates. fox 5 news is washington's best news on air and online at brought to you by verizon 4g lte. eep number e. a collection of innovations designed around a bed with dual-air technology that allows you to adjust to the support your body needs each of your bodies. our sleep professionals will help you find your sleep number setting. exclusively at a sleep number store. sleep number. comfort individualized. save $500 on our special edition bed set. plus, 48-month financing on all beds. now at the sleep number white sale.

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Charlottesville , Virginia , United States , New York , Australia , Fredericksburg , Charles County , Maryland , Washington , District Of Columbia , Seattle , Prince George County , South Carolina , Milano , Lombardia , Italy , Ocean City , Cuba , France , Jersey , Chicago , Illinois , Australian , America , Bob Barnard , Lennay Kekua , Adam Laroche , Notre Dame , Rafael Soriano , Floyd Landis , Cleveland Browns , Mike Hilliard , Manti Teo , Richmond Phillips , Adam Oates , Doug Eldridge , Michelle Obama , Charles Schumer , Maureen Umeh , Raheem Morris , Ted Leonsis , Mike Tobin , Lance Armstrong ,

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