Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News Edge 6 20171208 : compareme

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News Edge 6 20171208

cambridge, leonardtown, 39 here in washington where it is still well above freezing. winter weather advisories out along 95, those are winter storm warnings in pink, down toward our south and east, where we will see the highest snow accumulations. so, through tonight, developing storm system off shore, will bring the first flakes of the season for tomorrow morning, through tomorrow afternoon. it will be a wet, slushy couple every inches along 95 here in d.c. which may, in fact, break a daily snowfall record for washington. four to 6 inches with localized heavier amounts not out of the question south and east, from dover, delaware, down through virginia. so that's the way it looks, as gee into tonight, and saturday. i will have more on this obviously your full seven day forecast still ahead, at about 6:15. but first, i want to go live out to matt ackland in bethesda maryland. and he's been out there looking at the way the city prepping for our first snow. matt, it is coming early this year, and could already be more than we got last year when it comes to snowfall. >> reporter: yes. you know what, caitlin, everyone is talking about it, whenever you get snowfall. it is definitely the talk of the town, look at our news vehicle here, isn't this great vehicle? if you're going to be in the snow? we will be using this, throughout the day tomorrow, to make sure we cover all of the snow. and there is a good graphic that i'm sure you will be talking about, caitlin. this is where we are looking at the snow right through the washington area, up into the new york, new england area. but what i want to show you is video we took earlier today in the virginia area. take a look at this. this is along i66, and there you can see one of those large trucks spreading that salt mixture getting ready for the snow. now, i want to take you to a command center. this is at the reeves building at 14th and u. this is basically what they call the snow team command center. this is where dc officials will gather together, they can watch so many intersections throughout the city, you can see where the crews are needed, where there might be accidents. they're going to be monitoring this, as soon as the snowfall begins. now when it comes to snowfall, it will be about midnight, once the crews here in d.c. gear up, because they believe that is the time they can head out and really hit the roads, and there is going to be coverage throughout the evening, and into the morning hours. for now, liver in bethesda, matt ackland, fox5 local news. >> several school systems in the region aren't taking chance the with the snow, cancelling activities tonight and tomorrow. some even on sunday. we have those scrolling on the bottom of your screen. and you can also find all of the school updates, as well as the latest forecast, on the fox5 weather app. another quick reminder, sends us your snow photos on social media. use the hashtag fox5 snow day. >> now we turn to major update in the search for the remains after dc woman who went missing back in 2,009. fox5 learning within t those remains after an intense search today in northern virginia, will likely come up short. fox5's paul wagner has been on the story from the beginning, he joins us live, now, with the latest, paul, what's happened out there today? >> yes, tony, disappointing news here in southwest dc. i'm just outside the homicide offers here, that's where derrick butler the brother of pamela butler, met with homicide investigators just around 3:30 p.m. this afternoon i was told that after the search, the investigators have determined that pamela's body un recoverable. we talked to derrick. here's what towed say a few minute ago. >> he told me that the cadaver dog, one hit on several spots, where pam was supposed to be. the other dog didn't alert to it at all he b where. >> in your heart you want to find pam, but you know what they're telling you is unrealistic. >> not realistic at all, yes. i don't think we're going to find her. >> just after 10:00 this morning, along stretch of i59 near garrison ville road, two cadaver dogs appear to alert to area just off the southbound side of the highway. an area where there used to be official vehicle turn around. before construction gannon the express lanes. about a dozen detectives and the two lead prosecutors in the case spent about two hours going over the area. at times, they took photographs, and used a shovel to move some of the dirt. there was no indication that any remains were recovered. a medical examiner van never arrived on the scene. it is unclear if jose rodriguez cruz took investigators to the scene before the search. he was not there today. court order specifically says he's not to leave the district of columbia. pamela butler and rodriguez cruz were got into an argument in the basement of her fourth street home in northwest. he admitted to killing her, taking the body out of a side of the house that was not being recorded by elaborate security system. that she had installed on her house. now, rodriguez cruz, in return for telling investigators where the body was, only got 12 years in prison, derrick butler tonight is telling me he's hoping to get that possibly reversed. we're live in southwest, paul wagner, fox5 local news. >> all right, tonight in fairfax county, police are warning of a possible deadly strain of heroin that's to blame for six deaths in just the past week. they believe it may have been laced with fentanyl or car fentanyl which is extremely powerful stuff. fox5's more on what it is putting drug users, their family members and first responders at risk. this is pretty scary. >> fentanyl is actually a tranquilizer that is used on elephants, on people it is saponated end even breathing it in could kill you. still awaiting test results, but fairfax county police believe that is what is killing people, all over the county. take a look at this map. we have seen ten overdoses resulting in six deaths, in just the last seven days, in several different cities, in fairfax county. investigators believe a deadly batch of heroin laced with fentanyl or even worse car fentanyl is to blame. these are both synthetic opioids, that are lethal even in small doses. now, we toning to second lieutenant james cox, who says, he's worried about his officers as well as members of the fire department who are first responders on the scene of any overdose. it was just back in october when a fairfax county police officer was hospitalized after coming into contact with heroin, while responding to an overdose in mcclane, and they're not the only ones at risk. >> you know, if you have a citizen that sees something like this, and then render aid, then that person's potentially coming into contact with an illegal drug that could possibly be on somebody's body. so not just a problem for the people that are using or the families. it is an epidemic that can affect everybody. >> because this drug is so dangerous, there are changes being made here at the police and fire departments officers are now know longer allowed to field test drugs on the street, and it is being recollected they wear nitro gloves, because they're finding latex does not protect against these drugs. that's the latest here in fairfax county, fox5 local news. >> new tonight, former kkk leader turned catholic priest says shame stopped him from apologize to go maryland couple after he burned a cross outside their home four decades ago. father william watch son wrote apology and paid them as part of civil judgement. even so the african-american couple says it is not >> he's caused me great hardship, anger, pain, suffering that i should not have had to suffer through. but, like i said, i don't forgive help yet. but he needs to stop and think about what he really did. and how it affected our lives. >> barbara and philip butler along with their attorney, ted williams, say they're considering a lawsuit against the catholic church for what they describe as a blatent attempt to cover for father acheson, 40 years ago while in college he burned a cross on their front lawn, in recent weeks he wrote the butlers apology letter stating hissings was test pick job that was dis inch jen you us, it was phony, and we believe it was a conspiracy on the part of the catholic church. as a result of that, suffered definitely emotional distress, in light of the fact that this matter was brought back up. >> the diocese of arlington posted a response on their website saying plans for his future ministry work are still being considered. >> all right, national news, those wild fires still raging out west. the president now taking action to help with relief efforts, and we will have those details for you coming up. >> we want to show you more textures from southern maryland, some traffic problems out there. it is rush hour, but no doubt, the wet weather is aiding in that, there is some snow on the ground, we've seen some snow falling there during the last few hours, we will bring you the latest on all of that, and tell when you it is expected to head into the washington area, in just a bit. >> ♪ ♪ >> ♪ ♪ looks nothing like yesterday. trails are covered. paths aren't what they used to be. roads nowhere to be found. ( ♪♪ ) and it's exactly what you're looking for. ( ♪♪ ) >> administrator for prince george's county school is on leave involving a student. associate superintendent for supporting services cents accused of grabbing female student by the arm she threw trash out after bus at wise high school. the trash hit his car. an internal investigation is ongoing. was being called the thomas fire, continues to rage in ventura county, california. the flames burning 132,000 acres, forcing more mandatory evacuations. more than 400 structures have been destroyed by the wild fire. it broke out monday, right now, it is only about 10 percent contained. the thomas fire is by far the largest, and most destructive of the wild fires, raging in southern california. but crews are also battling five others. today, president trump declared a state of emergency for california, as tens of thousands of people have been forced out of their homes. and the fires are still not contained. in san diego county, the fire dubbed as the lilac fire, h gutted dozens of homes, destroyed cars, and is threatening hundreds of other structures. >> it was a lot more wind than i've ever felt. i mean, it was incredible, like being in a wind tunnel, just things whipping, i'm surprised more trees didn't come down. embers from, you know, could you just see them, i mean, it was really, really putting -- pretty nerve wracking. >> officials say the lilac fire started thursday morning, and quickly spread, because of those dry windy conditions. we're told several people suffered burns, while evacuating their homes. >> well, if you're a game of throws fan, you heard winter is coming for a long time. well, winter is finally settling in. where this rare snowfall took place today. >> and: there is another live look at conditions here in our area. caitlin is going to have your full forecast after the break. >> just talking about we're seeing some ofhe weather here, but also, nationwide. you know, new orleans, texas, and i thought i heard somebody saying two days ago, it was like eight a degrees, and now they have snow? >> i wouldn't doubt t incredible cold front came through, places really ever see it, brownsville texas basically in mexico. >> yes. >> and they got, for the third time ever, it snowed there. >> corpus christi texas, 7 inches of snow. winter making it self known. >> this is part that far system? >> yes, all strung out along the eastern seaboard, from literally border to border, all snow, all the way to up maine, through tomorrow, so, places that never see snow are seek snow, we'll see the first snow of the season, at lan tax down there, we've heard about grounds stops due to de-icing, in fact, fox5 viewer let us know she is trying to get out of heart field jackson international, has been on the tarmac for five hours. >> oh,. >> that's a night march. this is a live look outside in southern maryland, at some of the streets, yes, wet. we've had report of snow, and snowing heavily at times, al but you can kinds of see on the view right now looks like route 243, or sorry, route five down in southern maryland. and the snow may mix a little bit. it may kind of go on and off through this evening, but eventually, most of southern maryland, will see our highest accumulations in the order of four to 6 inches before all is said and done, and that would be tomorrow afternoon. so, yes, it is the first snowfall of the season coming early this year, as we're not even officially into winter. we are expected to break a daily snowfall record, for tomorrow. december 9th, setback in 2005, 1.6 inches, we are forecasting two-four, along 95. now, we do measure officially at reagan national, a tendency to come in on the lower side, so we'll see if we break the recovered, we should. temperatures right now all above freezing with the exception of where it is cents snowing down in leonard time, cambridge, 32 degrees there, but we have a ways to go here in washington, the snow's not going to come in until overnight. temperatures will be lower then closer at least to the freezing mark. the snow, there is a sharp cut off from about northern california, county, bridges george's county northern charles county. see where the cut off s that is where the snow will remain, far toward our south and east, saulsbury, some of the beaches, in fact, drawing a line across the bay, into portions of southern virginia, over toward richmond, but you can see some of the rain getting in, there is a little bit of mixing with the snow going on, across areas toward our south and east. here's the whole system strung out from dc still across parts of the southeast, where it continues to snow near new orleans, up through at lan tax mountains of the appalachians, through virginiament fox future cast shows as we go through this evening, it is going to be quiet, dry here in the metro. don't expect any snow. even in fact by midnight you have the line, has not made much northwest ward progress. overnight, it will. and by the time you wake up tomorrow morning on saturday, luckily, the snow will be falling just about everywhere. we do expect the bulk of the accumulation to be tomorrow morning, and far south and east, eastward may change over to rain for a bit. at 1:00 still snowing, by 5:00 . and even into tomorrow, evening, we could have some left over flurries, along arctic front that will come through to reinforce the cold air for sunday. snowfall apartments, here's what we are expecting, highest amounts are south and east of us, four to six south of fredericksburg through st. mary county, calvert county, up toward dover, delaware, into portions of south jersey. you're going to get mixing further south and east that far which will compromise amounts along 95, this is wet slushy two-4 inches expected. mainly on grassy surfaces and secondary roads, i think the majors will largely be okay, dust to go inch or two along the 81 corridor north and west. so, that's the forecast for tomorrow. snow throughout the day. temperatures in the 30's. we do see the sunshine by sunday. breezy and cold. accuweather seven day forecast, after our snow day tomorrow, enjoy it, it is a saturday. we will see the sunshine return, but then another front will give us a chance of some snow showers as we turn very cold, later next week. that is a look at your seven day forecast, tony, cold out there. the snow is here. and just couple of weeks out from christmas. so if you're not yet in the holiday spirit, here's something that may get you in the mood. >> yes, along with the snow, the winter walk of lights, in vienna, virginia, fox5's brody logan is there live. having a good old time with a look at this year's display, hey, brokedy? >> you know, it is interesting that you mention if you're in the really feeling the spirit yet. if you want to lose your scrooge, this is the place to go. meadowlark botanical gardens, you're kind of buddy the elf when he comes in and does all of the decorations, you make all of this happen. how extensive is this display? >> almost a million lights. we've got half mile walkway to go and view all of those incredible displays. >> there is a ticking proceed shnewer. >> right. you go to winter walk every light. com. so make sure you go, you know, buy those ticket early. because we do sell out some nights. >> how many people are expecting. >> over the eight weeks, probably 80,000, 85,000 people. >> how much work goes into this? how far back are we talking just even conceptually putting this together? >> this is our sixth year, and everybody in the nova parks work together to create, to make this botanical gardens, a place every wonder for all ages. >> you mention all of the people coming through in nova parks. where does the money go toward that you get through ticket sales for this event? >> nova parks owns and operates 33 parks throughout the region, so we have all sorts of historical parts, nature areas, so it gunned a lot of that programming. >> so if you want it get in the mood, come on out here in vienna, virginia, and you can walk through, about half mile walk. so it is nice, it will be snowy tomorrow. so it is perfect for pictures. >> that sounds amazing, i think you need hot cocoa for that. thank you, brody. we will be back in just a moment, but first holiday greeting from our military service members. >> i'm from virginia, i want to wish everybody a happy holiday and happy new year. >> southern california still engulfed in flames. look at that video. >> the potential is there. couple of inches of snow. >> hey, everybody. >> oh, my goodness. >> police are on the look-out for lucy, snoopy, and charlie brown. >> so serious. there is a police urie man who says peanuts holiday decorations right from the front yard. david count says his father started a tradition of displaying the popular peanuts characters in the 60s. and he decided to carry on that tradition, the display has become very well known among his community and neighbors and police all hoping to track down those involved in this theft. >> they were pretty heavily anchored, with some metal rods into the grounds, about six to 8 inches deep. they're hand made. i made them about 20 years ago following in the tradition of my dad, who was known for his christmas display. >> that's a real grinch. count posted information about the theft on facebook, and hoping that someone recognizes the cut outs, and that they're returned safely. >> probably sad for the kids there. >> yes, i hope so. >> all right, your final words? >> final word, waiting on the snow, not until after midnight here in d.c. so your friday night is fine if you are going to be out and about. it is cents snowing, though, in southern maryland, tan will continue to do so. that's where we'll see through mid-afternoon tomorrow. it is a saturday. it is going to be a snow day. it will take a little bit for it to stick. but still good two-4 inches expected here in the metro, that's the wet kind of slushy, not great for making snowballs-type of snow, but big fat flakes falling from the sky. >> no major pressure, because it is a weekends. >> enjoy it. it is holiday season. >> practice for us. >> festive. see you at 8:00 on fox5 plus. >> 5@6:30 coming up right after the break. with o'we promised my to sell my grandmother's jewelry that the kids and i would never ware. bags inside the bag, kkk recruitment material. >> your honor, the hero. we say, thank you god bless you and may you rest in peace. must be hard being a first responders, did you ever consider a less stressful profession? >> no? you don't get to choose who live and who dies. . slick conditions right now, i think it's fair to say that >> they may not fall across the area, as jim mentioned it's coming down right now. you can see from down the side of your screen, this is hot story right now, get it hot. let's check in with caitlin and see what we can expect tonight and tomorrow with the weather news. >> it's actually hot. sarah and jim, but yes, we do expect the snow t

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