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Portion of this video tonight. Its actually seven minutes long. But its very disturbing. Were only going to show a few seconds of it. About 30 seconds of the initial encounter as the officers arrived at the scene. Here it is. video playing put the knife down. Put the knife down. Get out, get out. Get out. Reporter according to a source, the mother was shown a portion of that, or she may have seen the entire thing. What we understand is that against protocol, the mother was shown tha may not have been able to see the knife in real time. Thats why the Mayors Office released these still photos showing the knife in the mans hand. When you watch the video in real time, you may be able to see it. When she said he didnt have a weapon, didnt have a weapon at all, it basically told the community that he may not have been armed, and so i asked the mayor about that today. I said had this video been released earlier or these still shots been released a little bit earlier then it would have calmed down the community. Heres the mayor. Response to that. Im not exactly sure when or where, ill ask the deputy and mayor to speak to that to when or where she saw it. Typically, we would show it once its been reviewed and a decision has made to publicly release it. We show it to the family. Prior to the public release as a courtesy. And it is hard ive seen it many times, ive seen it slowed, ive seen it frame by frame. But if youre seeing it quickly, you may not see the same thing that you have seen after reviewing it. Many times. So it is possible and i can see it as possible for somebody who may have viewed it quickly not to have seen the to see everything that the officer encountered. Reporter in addition to the actual videos being released. The Mayors Office did release two photos. Youre seeing them now, showing this man, hall, standing in the doorway of that home on walnut street that morning that holding that night. This is part of the mayors plan for transparency, shes done this several times now, where theres been a video thats been released that is what she says an interest to the public and thats why she goes and releases these office before releasing them. Internal Affairs Division is investigating. S once they finish, they will turn over the investigation to the Us Attorneys Office and will determine whether or not the shooting was justified. Live outside the wilson building, Paul Wagner Fox 5 local news. Police still on the scene of a shooting near stone what will Jackson High School in prince with my county virginia. Lauren demarco is live on the scene with the latest. Reporter were standing stand in a shopping parking lot. Police are doing their evidence sweep at this time. This is where one person was shot, another injured, i have with me officer Sergeant Jonathan frako prince Williams County police. We know they were teenagers, late 20s, t here and one injured. Can you tell me a little bit more about what happened shortly after 3 30 this afternooning to this area to investigate the shooting, we found two victims, one suffered a gunshot wound to the upper body. The other sustained a nongunshot related injury to the face. They were transported to area hospitals, both believed to survive at this point. Investigation were still continuing as far as identifying suspects in the case. Reporter i want to means theres three schools nearby, they were briefly placed on lockdown. That has been lifted it has. Lifted a few hours, an hour or so ago. Reporter you know that because the suspects were in car, you believe, they got out, there was the altercation and then the suspects took off. Any description on the vehicle as of right now, we know its a sedan, possibly darkcolored, anything else, we havent been able to narrow down specifically as far as what type or make or model at this point concerned youre thinking this was an incident where the suspects knew the victims we do, would have information as of right now were still following up on that leading us to believe that as of right now its a known relationship between the suspects and the victims, but were still trying to narrow that down a little bit. Reporter youre not thinking theres a threat to the public not as of right now. Thank you so much, sir. I appreciate you joining us. Thats the latest here. We do not know that again, the lockdown on the local schools has been lifted. The children were allowed to be released to their families, go home as usual. And the Police Investigation at this time continues. Thats the latest here in manassas. Back to you at the studio much more lauren, thank you. Did you hear somebody say snow, tony perkins ive heard the word, yes, the new year could bring our first chance of Winter Weather to the dmv. Sue palka is tracking it all you would never thinking of it because of getting up to 57 today. Kind of comfortable. If afternoon and evening, you felt the breeze. You felt that temperature dropping and cold air is about to get into play. Yes, maybe a little bit of snow to soon follow. Let me give you a look at our weather map you can see that while nothing is around at this hour, were watching potential snow out toward the only had a omaha area and that will streak very quickly on fast jet stream wind this way and its possible that even by this time tomorrow night, we may start seeing snow in our western suburbs moving in our direction. Already Winter Weather advisories which you see in purple have been posted and they do include Garrett County maryland all the way through West Virginia to ohio. Nothing posted here but ill bet we will see playthingss posted tomorrow because the timing is rough for maybe even the tail end of thursday commute as well as friday mornings commute. Its not a lot but we do think it will arrive probably after 4 00 to 7 00 p. M. We may start to see snow. It snows into friday, were thinking right now a dusting to an inch but a few places could fluff up to two inches and theres a Second Chance for snow, theres a saturday much bigger that right now appears to be staying a little bit south of our area, but we have to watch that because its a little too close for comfort. But heads up, tomorrow evening as well as friday morning could be just a little bit slick in a few spots. Road crews, i know, are going to be scrambling to get ahead of this for sure. Tony will have more in a few minutes. An unusual discovery was made this afternoon in the district. A woman found a violin case near the boathouse at Fletchers Cove in northwest. When she opened it, there was no violin. What she did find was two guns. She took the weapon to the accident boathouse and called dc police who went back to the location and found another case full of guns. Ca. The roads have since been reopened a crackdown on try to tamper with the court issued gps monitoring devices. Dcs mayor signed a bill that close as loop hole and allowed criminals to tamper with the devices without consequences. Anyone who violates the law can face up to six months in prison. The new law comes days after the man accused of murdering a dc Yoga Instructor failed to show up to get his gps monitoring device for another case. The Virginia Legislature isnt even in session and already theres a controversial bill on the table. The physical privacy act says transgender people would not be able to use facilities of the gender they identify with inside government owned buildings. Bob impartial said it has nothing to do with disliking members of the lgbt community, but others disagree i did this in response to concerns about 600 or so parents who attended meetings in distinct opposition to an effort to have separate regulations to guys who say theyre transgender to use girls facility lockers and bathrooms it speaks that bob impartial doesnt like lgbt people. The bill is expected to be a big turkey of topic of discussion when the Legislature Begins next week. The shed on capitol hill over healthcare is underway. Democrats fit together save it. Republicans pledging to repeal it. Whats at stake for thousands of americans. President elect trump Controversial Campaign manager has a new gig steps from the white house. As republicans gear up for the trump administration, president obama is offering advice to congress. While the president met with house and senate democrats, Vice President elect pence was also on capitol hill. Pence announced republicans held a the first steps after the inauguration. Up first is repealing and replacing obamacare. Make no mistake about it. Were going to keep our promise to the American People and repeal obamacare and replace it with solutions that lower the cost of Health Insurance without growing the size of the government. What was your advice to democrats look out for the American People. That advice from the president came after lengthy closed door meetings with democrats in congress on how to preserve obamacare. Donald trumps former Campaign Manager opened up a Consulting Firm steps from the white house, they fired corey. Its located at the same address as the trump transition headquarters headquarters. Hes helping to promote the trump administration. What was build as a huge Going Away Party for president obama has changed quite a bit the organizers realized street closures would be in effect the blind wino a facility in southwest stepped in to help. This poses a challenge. Some attendeeings say theyre confused and disappointed, the tongs of the party still the same. Let us know what you think about all things political. Anything you want to talk about. More plaque and. Oralb crossaction is clinically proven to. Remove more plaque than sonicare diamondclean. My mouth feels so clean. Ill only use an oralb the 1 brand used by dentists worldwide. Z27mlz z16fz y27mly y16fy from track inspector supervisor firings to intimidation allegations and happened at a heated Union Meeting martin decaro contributed to break it all down. Before we get into that. And talk about everything that happened with the Union Meeting, we understand there were two metro employees hurt. One of them suffered electric shock. This was between for the totten, two workers out there, one holding a metal rod contacted accidentally the third rail, he was shocked. Another worker was also injured. Both nonlifethreatening injuries, both very lucky. Third rail carries 750 volts. Its deadly. A lot of strict protocols moving around the third rail. We dont know exactly what happened here yet lets talk about what did happen today with these meetings. The main event today is that the local union represe employees is unhappy with how the employees are being treated and painted, they say, by metro management. The Transit Union local 689 represent 8500 front line martin workers, including some who were fired last month after the derailment at East Falls Church. Silver line train came off the tracks in an area where the tracks are deteriorating and the reports filed previous did not depict the status of that, the track condition was rotting and turned out according to metros investigation that track inspection reports not just at East Falls Church but across the system have been falsified for years. But the Union Members say thats not the case. Saturday . What do they say they deny theyve been falsifying track inspection record. That was points of the meeting. It was a News Conference held by the union, they went on the offensive. This is happening while theres a Contract Negotiation going on. So Union Leadership has said for decades management of metroas placing them in situations where theyre afraid to report problems, where their conditioned to fill out reports incorrectly because their work loads are excessive and encourages cutting corners, the union said dont blame the workers theyre put in an outcome where the only outcome can be negative. Another worker came forward today, an 11year metro employee after he was fired after falsifying allegedly six track reports. He denies it all metro is saying if you go back to the report that Paul Weidefeld read from back in december. He pretty much said that the issues arent just the workers. Its also the environmental that has been created there by some metro supervisors and managers. Metro acknowledges its not just a worker problem. Theyve fired supervisors. They fired managers not just from this case but for a number of cases since Paul Weidefeld ago. Thats metros argument. If someone falsify as record with all the outlets they have to report problems that they cant work at the transit authority. Weve been given the wrap. I got to ask you last question, bottom line, what does this mean for all of us this is about safety and we have workers blaming management. Management firing back. Independent experts saying that oversight of metro from the federal government is never really been strong enough. While all the jurisdictions that contribute to metro are supposed to set up an independent safety commission. Its questionable whether that will happen. Riders want the folks in charge to get it straightened out so they can be confident there wont be more derailments and fatalities. Well see how this goes. Thanks so much for coming in. We appreciate it. We dont want people to be surprised if it starts showing up up 7 00 evening, thats often whats happens with these little systems, they get going early and maybe they depart a little bit earlier. Its not a lot of snow were talking about but it could be just enough if roads are not treated to produce slick spots not just for friday morning but the later part of our thursday evening, light snow is what were talking about for thursday, hard to believe when we hit these temperatures mid and upper 50s across the region, you have felt that breeze picking up and the temperatures are certainly dropping out already down to 48 from 57 earlier today in the district. 39 for gaithersburg, its going to be cold tonight. Its going to be cold and blustery tomorrow. Thats the setup to allow this fast moving disturbance to come on through find the cold air it would need to produce the first widespread light snow. I know a few have seen snow squalls. Youll need the layers if youre going to venture out. 30 miles an hour in the district. 32 in dulles, 24 for culpeper and that brings in the 20s tonight, so it is going to be a cold but dry start for the kids tomorrow morning at the bus stop but throws 20s after the last couple of mornings have been warmer. Youll definitely notice it. A lot of clouds tomorrow morning, were going to keep it dry after school. 32 to 38. A lot of clouds. I think that any flakes we we see will approach the area 7 00, 8 00, 9 00, western suburbs first. Highs tomorrow, on the chilly side. Only in the mid and upper 30s all across the region and that wind will noticeable. This is what we want to see. The futurecast started at 8 00 in the morning and run to 5 00 and still cloudy but we can see the snow showing up on other side of the mountains and getting ready to start reinstate 68 and 61, when does it get here . Maybe 8 00, 9 00 . Theres a little bit of enhancement, we see our temperatures staying pretty cold well run this out especially north and west by 8 00 in the morning its gone well call for a coating. Why we do not have a Winter Weather advisory issued because the timing may impact the morning commute theres a sxhns theres a saturday storm and it is forecast to stay just to our south i will see models have been trying to bring it closer. Right now i would say there saturday in the southern delmarva and around southeastern virginia, hampton road, virginia beach, but too close for comfort. We have to watch it. Otherwise its a cold weekend for us with the first chance of snow again tomorrow evening, heres your fox 5 accuweather forecast sevenday forecast. Look at all these 30s on saturday and sunday, monday 36, tuesday up and over 40 getting to 42 degrees with a few clouds maybe a few showers possible on wednesday at 51. That is your sevenday forecast. But dont go anywhere. Fox 5 news at 6 00 will be right back. Eat well for less. My giant. Great price on this boneless chicken yeah. We love low prices. No bones about it. [ laughter ] thousands of blue tags. Thousands of low prices. My giant. Theres a new jewelry line to die for. Literally. A woman in texas turns the bones of road kill into fashion statements. Omg kristens featured in galleries and magazines across the country. She does realize her jewelry may not be for everyone i thought it was going to be something that, you know, my friends would like some of it and maybe id sell a few pieces. I didnt think i would be a big deal. I would rather they be alive and happy and running around she assures the bones are thoroughly clean do you think she changed her name to sound like bone yard . Good marketing. Flush the shed is underway over obamacare and both sides brought in big names. The run down this is one of the hottest stories, we invite you to join the conversation. Tweet us, use the 5at630. Lets get to it. Healthcare reform. Front and center, during president elect Donald Trumps campaign he promised to get rid of the Affordable Care act or obamacare. Today, Vice President elect pence did not mince words on capitol hill make no

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