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Loud nerves at this point Police Believe they are two separate incidents. About five miles from there police found another home and a car riddle with bullets over the weekend. Just about 2 00 on saturday morning, a man called to saysay that he heard gunfire out in front of his house and when Police Arrived they found one bullet hole appear in this section of the house, one over here and then one here into the shutter. They also found bullet holes inn a car parked out on the street and a number of shell casings. No one knows whats going. At this point all we have iss someone is shooting at a house, different locations. We dont know if theyre connected or not. Ot. Were finding shell casings inin different locations where gun shots are heard. Like here in this intersection of beautifultifu picture need a fitzgerald drivef and brazil circle. Ircl it was just after 5 when wh multiple people called to say they heard gun shots an saw the shooter. We dont have any gunmen, anygum vehicle also, any suspicion persons that may have been in the area. The only thing that werewer recovering at this point is thes fact that someone has heard gun shots and then later through our investigation we werible to locate shell casings. Back in midfebruary someone fired into a home. At this point police have noo idea why anyone would want too target homes like that. At this point prince williamwill county police cant say whether or not this is the work of onef person or multiple people andple they are either unwilling or unable to say whether any of the ballistics have been able to link any of these shootings. In woodbridge, paul wagner, fox5 local news. S. The fbi needs your help tonight identifying a bank a robber known for his unusual attire. Take a look. They nicknamed him the ban did. You can see the man is wearin neck brazen bandages to try and hide his face. De h hes wanted in connection withcn nine rob wrist across marylandar starting last october and most recently days ago. Investigators say the suspect handed the teller a note in each case and said he was armed and demanded money. The fbi is asking anyone withano information to give them a call. Now to Montgomery County where police say a fire killed l man in gaithersburg is now being investigated as a homicide. This townhouse broke out in flames a week ago. Two people in the home escaped the flames. Once the fire was put out, firefighters found 63 year old Steven School writtens body inr the basement. A medical examiner has determined he did not diaz a result the fire. Police are investigating his death as a homicide. No one is in custody yet. It is a story you saw first here on fox5. Bikers illegally riding in then stre likely to see even more as theth weather heats up. Many residents bond can deer why the police wont do more. There is noaa chase policy in pl the district. The that is not setting well with Council Members who says something needs to be done toe solve the problem. Matt ackland is life with the latest. Reporter a lot of people sae that video that was run on ourur 10 00 newscast last night, including Council Member thateme was shot right here at the intersection of sixth and florida. In fact, a Restaurant Owner across the street, he talked toe us about it and how upset he was to see these atvs, these illegal bikes just raising by. Its not here just in the district. Other areas are also dealing with the same problem. And today we asked d. C. Council members what they plan to do about it. What the expletive. D. C. Police do something aboutoe these guys. Th that was the written message on twitter from Jeff Johnston as he shot this video from the side of pennsylvania avenue sundayunda evening. We showed you this video lastlat night at sixth and floridalori northwest as a group of riders,r some popping wiehle is roaredis through the intersection. We took that video to thehe Council Member who represents the area, bring and den doh. Ough i would say that images like that th Council Member brandon todd is more than concerned. He wants chief cathy lanier to take action. Ctio what do you think should be done. I think mpd has to to enforce force it. I know its tough. It can be a Public Safety issue, but i think the enforcement oftf our current law is whats going to absolutely have to occur. Counsel member ruby may who represents ward 8 says shes worried about her constituents and shes been searching for afr way to fix a problem even searching a spot for riders to operate. The fact of the matter is is that theyre illegal, so even in we get a location for them toto go, how are they going to getet them there . We thought aboutab that in conversation, tha o if e are able to provide the site, that the site had storage on site so that they dont have to bring the bikes there. One problem is liability for the city. So shes hoping maybe a private Company Might step in to help run the site. So once again we want to point out that this is just nott a problem here in the district. There are also issues inn maryland and in virginia. V in fact, tonight we are told that the police chief from d. C. And Prince Georges County are meetth together tonight and onon their agenda these illegall bikes. Life in northwest, matt ackland, fox5 local news. Metro says a long term shutdown will not be necessary to deal with the transit agencys backlog of repairs. That announcement came together feld during a meeting with the montgomery council. Earlier this month whether it feld shutdown the entire system for one day and then he said its possible some lines might have to be closed for six months. Now that is off the table. What can you tell our public. Im not considering thathat extensive of a shutdown anywhere, but i am look aring at again, how weve been deliverinn what we have to deliver and what makes the most sense. Wheat feld does caution that metro cant reduce its hugeuge repair backlog by just doing work in short burst, overnight and weekends. President ial hopeful Bernie Sanders name will appear on d. C. Primary ballot this june. Today the d. C. Council passed emergency to certify candidacy for president. Iden earlier this month sanderssand submitted the paperwork and feea to be on the ballot on the d. C. Democratic notified the board of elections after the deadline. Actaviss challenged the issue and got things turned around. The white house is not responding to a petition too arrest republican president ialub donald trump. Lidona the petition received more than 100,000 signatures in 30 days. It called on the obamama administration to arrest trump for insighting public violence. The petition cited a 1969 Supreme Court case that allowed the government speech designedeg toen site or approach imminent,e lawless action. The white house says it doesnt respond to petitions that urgeue the support or opposition foros candidates of elected office. President obama has condemned the violence at trump rallies across the country. Before you get the latestlate iphone update we do have ahave warning you should hear about. Straight ahead at 6 tonight, how a Software Glitch could allowalo anyone access to your private photos hasty and bizarre exit from a United Airlines airplane is is going viral. Sue. Cold enough for you . It is unbelievable. Last night we dropped to 30degrees. Thats the coldest morning here since march 3. Si and for this date, coldest low since april 8, 2007. 8, another cold one tonight. More freeze warnings are issued. Well have your seven dayl forecast coming up when fox5 local news at 6 returns. Urns. Stroand restoring aing a newbfathers faith. Its standing tall after one surgery. Not six. Stronger is being a typical kid. Despite a rare disorder. Stronger is finding it earlier. And coming home sooner. Stronger is seeking answers. And not giving up, until you find them. Because we dont just want your kids to grow up, we want them to grow up stronger. Welcome back, everybody. Om the irs headquarters billings will be closed for the remainder of h week. Thats the one in downtown d. C. The fire in the basement of the building yesterday afternoon yes affected the air handling system. Employees will be working fromrm home. The irs says tax processing wil not be effected by this closure. Theyre going to work on our tax returns at theyve got computers so they can work from just out anywhere, mr. Perkins. You dont like that idea. I dont. United Airlines Flight attendant deployed the emergencm slide and just slid down. It happened monday at the George Bush International airport in houston. You can actually see the attendant sliding down the the emergency slide and just sort oo walking away. Aw united Officials Say there was no emergency. They called the employees behavior unacceptable. The Flight Attendant has sinceta been suspended. It was kind of like im done. She might be done. A new ios bug could allow strangers to browse the personal data on your iphone 6s or 6sr plus and apparently its pretty easy. Tech experts say from the lock screen activate sewer i and askk it to search twitter for ann email address and then select h create new contact and youll be able to browse through all ofou the did we just tell everybody te how to do it. Dont listen to anything tony said. Just tell how tech experts say if youre worried deactivate sewery. Apple has not commented on the bug. Sorry about that. T we just gave step by step st directions. What is going on here . People e keep trying to walk into this th studio while were doing the news. Get. If you could only see whats going on behind h the scenes. Were doing a show. Do you want to come in, too o come in lauren. Please do. Visiting a virtual doctor may be more convenient, but it also hurt your chance of getting theg right diagnosis. When it comes to ankle injuries or strep throat visualu doctors may not be as accurate c as seeing a dr. In person. Virtual doctors the doctors that you do your visits with web we chats. One in four of those patience got the wrong diagnosis or no or diagnos im not shocked by that. Me either. E obviously if its something reat serious youre going to want to followup with an inperson doctor, anyway. A if your ankle swollen your oh going to see a dr. In persons she got the scoop and now shes got some haters because oa it. I dont get this. T where a third grader beat the real news stations to a murder scene. Sc do you want me to talk, tony is it okay . Yes. The epic way to cap off march madness villanova made it happen. The local connection when fox5 news continues at 6. 6. Wont keep you up at night. N know you have insights from professional investment strategists to help set your mind at ease. Know that planning for retirement can be the least of your worries. With the guidance of a pnc investments financial advisor, know you can get help staying on track for the future youve always wanted. Thats no joke. She is the real deal and very serious. Ous. Nine year old p pennsylvaniald girl firing back at her critics who say shes too young to be a newses report. Hill da kate lies acc received l tip overie the weekend about hey Police Activity on ninth streett so she took a pen and a camera to the scene. She posted the story online and it turns out it was a murder and she beat out the local daily da paper. Well, her commitment to news did not sit well with some. Critics posted mean comments too the third graders website saying she was too young to report and that her parents shouldnt encourage her behavior. Well, i disagree. I disagree, too. For the record, lies accs father was a reporter for the daily news and says he supportss his daughters hobby. Obb she can do whatever she wante to if thats what shes interested in. In a lot of kids get interested inn something, weather, whatever it is at an early age and start to explore it. T. I think they were upset,upse shes nine, thats too much to talk about, but i mean if you saw this little girls blog. She reports on everything,ve crime, weather. Good for her. Shes nine years old. Im going to check out the blog. These online haters. Hate the wild, wild west. West you have to really filter out a lot of that. I dont. I personally dont readrs comments. If people think its just going into a general file, theyre so mean. There you go. Ou you cant hurt us. I had a miniscule number of followers and they dropped me and i said why did they drop be nice because iming whying to tell you about cold weather. Maybe you wont want to be nicee crazy cold last night, droppingp to 30 degrees and were going to have another cold night tonight. Perhaps well be a few degrees warmer. Dulles dropped to 29, bwi28 and8 did you know that overnight and early this morning some places had snow. A trace of snow reported att reagan national. Nati we got some pictures especiallyt out here around the ocean citycy area. Watch some of the snow. We think it was a combination of some of the colder air that came in from the front and maybe a kick from the delaware bay. Bay i put a great picture onpict facebook that i just got from jay showing the snowy su that he woke up to. Woke it looked like an inch or so. I know theres was a littlewa bit of snow toward the salsbury area and out toward front royala we wont repeat the moisturemois tonight, but we will havell another freeze. Eeze we had a freeze for tonight. For that has been changed to ao warning meaning freezingmean conditions are expected. Xpec and its quite a widespread area. 28 to about 33degrees tonight t but without the wind. High pressure right on top of uf will make it even colder for somes a. Mes protect the plants if you have anything sensitive out identify. It will be clear and cold and we wont have any surprise snow fo you down in ocean city or anywhere else for that matter. I want you to know thatnow wednesday should feature a nice jump in temperatures, at leastls up to about 59degrees, so a lot better than today. And for the nats home opener still expecting some rain, 63degrees, but the good news is the bulk of that rain on thursday think will be before the game gets started. St but we cant rule out a shower at game time as well. Ell. Well have to see if that causes any delays. But we do know it will be a lot warmer than it was today. With a wind chill most of the day it did feel like a 46degrees already right now. Actually, wait a minute. Thats our current temperaturerr so not bad at all, but it will be going down. Own. The sun sets around 7 30 and the temperatures will continue toesw drop as we get closer to dawn. High pressure in a different position tomorrow means its no so windy and it wont be quitee as cold. As l cool to be sure, but not so cold. Thursdays weather maker is a strong front that is going to be approaching and that will bring the showers around, especially in the morning. For tonight 43 in the district, 20s in the suburbs. Winds much lighter out of north at 5 to 10 Miles Per Hour andhor well have a few high clouds tomorrow getting up to about a 59degrees with a few of the clouds coming in late in theomin day. Were thinking 59 to 60 foror southern suburbs. Maybe 57 to 58 to the north. Last stop,c futurecast for thursday because im thinking about anybody who wants to watch the nats play or has aic t, itti looks like the heaviest of the rain willing in the morning. Orng 1 00 everything off to the easta buth theres still a few scattered showers around, but not nearly as much. So hopefully this trend will get us onto the dryer side for the home opener on thursday. It will be a warmer day, at least 63degrees. 56 on friday. You can see we have snow showers now in the forecast as we look at saturday. Thats a setback. And theres another nats game on s. Id love to see them get that off. Off. As we get toward midapril wer going to start coming out of of this pattern. 68 on tuesday with a few showers. April showers, but not snow showers. Thank goodness. Ha i have a friend who is a motivational speaker, will i jolly. You just met him at church. He says a setback is nothing bu a set up for a come back. I like that. Jim lokay is back here. What a game last night. They are celebrating ineleb philadelphia after last second win in last nightss ncaa championship. We were all here and as soon as he hit that last night we werere all it was great. The exciting part is its ats local guy. Love it. Quite a bit about chris jenkins. He became an indent nova legend, but if you mention the name of the gonzaga high around these parts, they would always tell you he was destined for big things. 4. 7 seconds left. Tied up, novas arch, boom, thats all she wrote. 7774 nova wins the first title since 1985 when they upset george washington. If you thought the celebrations were big in houston. We put a lot of work in. This team, everybody has thehe confidence to catch and shoot once i saw it leave his hand, i just jumped up because i was like fuck it, ill obviously you watched it as long as ive beene able to watch the game and watch the final fours. The best finish of in College Basketball and do it in thehe biggest games of that event is incredible. Talk about the connection,con too. That little personal connectionn there. Theres got to be celebration c all around. Indianapolis women did did their time stay with us. This is why classes were canceled at villanova. They are returning to thehe stadium right now. Ght look at the crowd. E what an exciting day for them. And when they won yesterday, everybody went crazy. Well see you tonight at 10. Good night, everybody. Find fantasy shows. When it comes to the things you love, you want more. Get lost in every embrace. Into sports . Follow every pitch, every play and every win. Change the way you experience tv with x1 from xfinity. Today on tmz Rob Kardashian has officially proven everybody wrong. He is now engaged to blac chyna. Blac chyna, can we see that rock now . Can we see that . Harvey who in this room gave this more than two months when it started . Rob kardashian was a recluse. Hes now smiling, happy, arguably in love. Arguably . He just got engaged last night. Fetty wap. We say to him, whats to say in two years your career keeps going and you get more money are you ever going to add an eye . Harvey its a moniker. It makes me want to see fetty wap more, even though he cant see me more. It makes me want to see him more. Camilla alves, Matthew Mcconaugheys wife. She turns around. Did not expect that

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