Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News At Ten 20131018

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More than a new interior lighting system. It is more than a hot stone massage. And more than your favorite scent infused into the cabin. It is a completely new era of innovation. And the highest expression of mercedesbenz. Introducing the 2014 sclass. The best or nothing. First time in my career someones alibi for murder has been that they were busy planning the same murder. If it werent so frustrating, it would be interesting. Yeah, well, it worked out for peri delancey. Six months on drug charges beats life in prison. Why did you add a photograph of the two delancey kids . Only one of them is a suspect. A short while ago, i obtained a copy of mr. Delanceys estate plan. Now that hes dead, a large part of his fortune goes into trusts for his sons; millions of dollars they will be able to access as soon as theyre 18. Thats only one year away for graham. Also, the young man no longer has an alibi. Peri delancey has admitted she wasnt actually with the boys that evening. So graham himself could easily have snuck back home. Theres no evidence that he knew about abigails history as a poisoner. The very topic i plan to discuss when i confront him tomorrow. Isnt tomorrow titus delanceys Memorial Service . Precisely. You heard what you just said, right . Youre planning to harass a teenage boy while hes mourning his father . If hes the poisoner, he wont really be mourning, will he . You know, the police think abigail is their best suspect . I do. As i told you, i do not share their suspicions. Thats because you were in love with her. What . back when you were a kid when you were writing her, you fell in love with her. You spent almost three hours at her house today. And in spite of what happened with peri delancey, no one thinks shes being framed except for you. I was quite young when my father shipped me off to boarding school, right . I struggled. I was different from my classmates. I was, uh, well, i was more intelligent. Ii was brash. So they tormented me mercilessly. Yes, i remember you saying once that you had been bullied, but i wasnt sure if you were telling the truth. It happened. I overcame it. It was a different time back then. There was no such thing as harassment via text or circulation of cruel cell phone videos. No, my bullies had one tool at their disposal violence. So i was beaten. Fairly savagely and with great frequency. Thats when you started writing abigail. Mm. She was being abused and so were you. Uh, i meant what i said before. Mymy interest in her was academic. She was to be a subject of study, nothing more. I confess, as our correspondence continued, i grew more anticipatory of her letters. They were a welcome distraction from my life. They were an oasis from school. Well, it certainly sounds like you had feelings for her. Perhaps but. Nothing so mundane as love. I was adrift back then. I hadhad no purpose. My socalled peers made me feel that that might always be. The case. Abigail, she gave me a gift. A view inside a mind capable of murder. So she was your first. Killer, yeah. Without intending to, she. She helped me understand who i was and. And what i might do with my life. You never told her you thought she was guilty, did you . I didnt want her to stop writing. I didnt think shed be a threat to anyone else. There was no point. I get that. But if she killed titus delancey, then shes got. Then shell be handed over to the police and shell be punished. But for now, id like to try to help her. Watson graham. Hi. Im joan. This is sherlock. We met the other day. Yeah, youre the people that took anne away. Of course i remember you. How are you and, uh, zack holding up . The past two days, our dad was murdered, our nanny was accused of the crime and our stepmom confessed to thinking about killing him. Were great. I know its a lot. Zacks pretty mixed up. Especially about peri. He liked her a lot more than i did. But our aunt susans here now. Shesshes great. Shes taking care of us. Were you aware that your fathers will leaves you and your brother a substantial amount of money . Yeah, i guess. Never really thought about it. Why . Financial gain has motivated many a murderous endeavor. Wait a second, are you saying you think i killed my dad . Your stepmothers confession has weakened your alibi. We know that she left your home in bedford the night of the murder. Your brother was in his room watching television. It wouldve been easy enough for you. No no way. Everyone knows it was anne or abigail, whatever her name is. She did it. Its all in the papers. Do you have any notion as to why she wouldve murdered your. Father . Unlike you, she had nothing to gain. No, but she and my dad had issues. We havent heard that from anyone else. All i know is they got in a big argument just last week. And i can prove it. Zack had learned this new parkour move and he wanted me to film him. Then i realized my dad was going off on abigail in the hallway. I got it all on my phone. indistinct arguing where did you get this . Graham. Police technicians were able to enhance the audio so we could discern some of what titus was saying. As far as we can make out, someone had attempted to access his tablet without his permission and he was upset about it. He was crazy that day. He thought id tried to steal it or something. Had you . No. Of course not. You should know that, as we speak, the police are attempting to locate his tablet at the delancey home. Theyre hopeful that it will shed some light on the investigation. Why would it . Its been theorized that. Titus uncovered your secret, that he had evidence of it on his tablet and his aim was using that against you. Youre a beautiful woman. He was in a bad marriage. Perhaps he prevailed on you for other services. Thats not true. Mm . It was rather a heated argument. And frankly, im. Curious as to why you never mentioned it before. I forgot about it. He. Titus apologized. He said he ooverreacted. It wasnt a big deal. Youyou understand that im trying to help you, and i cant do that unless youre completely honest with me. Of course im being honest. Ive always been honest with you. Well, we both know thats not true. What are you talking about . I know that you poisoned your father, abigail. Why are you saying that . You said that you believed me. I avoided the subject whenever possible. Not all the time. You said you believed me. In a letter dated september 91, you mentioned the passing of a beloved neighbor, heart condition. You often ran errands for her. She was the unwitting supplier of the nitroglycerin that you used to poison your father, was she not . January 92, you wrote that you were with a classmate at the time of his death, but. At trial you said that you went to the store. Shall i go on . Because i can. I know the truth, abigail. Ive known for 22 years. Get out. Abigail. Get out. sighs hey. The guys are striking out here. I mean, theres no sign of delanceys tablet. What about you . I dont know. I might have something. Looks like someone tried to pry this drawer open. Other than you. chuckles give me some credit. I used to be a surgeon. I would never leave a mess like this. clicks well, why would someone lock an empty drawer . Habit. sighs drawer shuts well, we know from the video that he was angry because he thought that abigail had gotten ahold of his tablet. Right . So if this is where he kept it and if there was Sensitive Information about her past on it, maybe these scratches made him suspicious. You know, my ex used to keep her tablet in a case that looked just like a book. Maybe its on one of these shelves. sighs there are five air vents in this room. And the capital of michigan is lansing. You know youre starting to sound like your partner. knocking well, dont you think its odd . I mean. The room is not that big, right . Theres usually one vent for intake, and then. knocking . Maybe one or two to blow cold air. knocking five is definitely overkill. How do you know that . My uncle was a contractor. Hey, check this out. This isnt a vent. Its just supposed to look like one. phone rings watson, im on route. I will be at the delancey home shortly. You can turn around. We found the tablet. Was there evidence he knew about abigail . No. But i think you were right last night. I think maybe graham did kill his father. What did you find . Videos of titus with graham. He was sexually abusing him. [ tires screech ] [ laughter ] [ screaming ] [ tires screech ] [ laughter ] [ tires screech ] are you serious . [ horn honks ] whoo hoo hoo i had no idea we were capable of doing Something Like that. Made me look at camry different. Im shaking right now [ man ] toyota camry. Lets go places. For those nights when its more than a bad dream, be ready. For the times you need to doublecheck the temperature on the thermometer, be ready. For high fever, nothing works faster or lasts longer. Be ready with childrens motrin. Its so much more than coffee. Brew the love. Keurig. Ah, mirabai, mirabai, mirabai hi patsy jambo gooday cobba dude look what the cat dragged in Eduardo Lucas oh mama ni hao ma hello mama namaste wrong number . Let me talk hi bon jour priviet woohoo this is dr. Flamenco. Dr. Flamenco . Clearly inappropriate virginias newspapers on revelations that. Ken cuccinellis office secretly helped an outofstate. Energy company that ripped off virginia landowners. But gave a hundred thousand to his campaign. A federal judge called it shocking. The Inspector General launched an investigation. And now cuccinelli has been questioned by. The fbi about the Star Scientific scandal. Investigations, gifts, scandals Ken Cuccinellis not for us. Nextgen Climate Action committee sponsored this ad. door opens ms. Moore . Tom gregson. Appreciate you bringing your nephew in to talk to us. Marsha whitman, i represent the family. How do you do . This is ms. Watson, mr. Holmes. They consult for the department. Theyre the ones who harassed graham after the service yesterday. We, uh, apologize for any violation of decorum, but as it turns out, it was absolutely necessary. If we hadnt spoken, we may very well have never learned the truth. You recognize that, right . Its my dads. Whered you get that . It was hidden in your fathers office. You tried to take it out of his desk last week, not abigail. Gregson maybe you were thinking about turning him in. Or maybe you were thinking about stopping him from hurting your little brother, too . What do you mean hurting . Graham, whats he talking about . Nothing. Its okay, graham, you can tell us the truth now. I dont understand. Are they saying that. . Are they saying your father. . I dont want to talk. With you about this. Graham . No i want you to leave. Both of you, now. I cant allow you to. I dont care just leave now mr. Delancey is 17. He is within his rights to talk to us alone. door closes whats on there doesnt prove anything. What it proves is that your dad was a monster. And it certainly suggests that you have a very understandable motive for wanting him dead. You knew about abigails past. Thats why you used nitroglycerin. Thats not true. This is a report prepared for your stepmother by a private investigator shed hired to look into your father. These are your fingerprints. Abigails whole story is in that file. A story which independently inspired you and your stepmother to conceive the same plan. It seems that killing your father and framing abigail was an idea whose time had come. Hmm . Only you beat peri to the punch. You procured some nitroglycerin illegally online, if i had to guess. A few tablets in your fathers bourbon and. It was done. I doubt very much that you relish what your plan means for abigail. But. Compared to the hell that your life had become . To the idea that your secret would get out . To the idea that it could happen all over again to zack . It mustve felt like you had little choice. Excuse me. Im looking for graham delancey. His little brother just called me in tears, saying the police came and took him away. Yeah, graham is in with the captain right now. Why . Bell im afraid i really cant discuss. You. You saw graham almost every day. Did you have any idea what was going on . Miss moore, please. Wait, what are you talking about . Holmes i didnt mourn your fathers death, not for a moment. But abigail loves you. Like you were one of her own. And i know you care about her. If you stay silent, shell go to prison. Does she really deserve that for something that she didnt do . Watson graham, you can help her. And we can help you. You just need to tell us the truth. Whitman i need a few minutes alone with my client. Now. gregson sighs what the hell is going on . Bell Abigail Spencer came in. She ran into grahams aunt and lawyer in the hall. And they told abigail about grahams father. Next thing i know, abigail wants to make a confession. She says shes the one who poisoned titus delancey. Crawford and gleason are in interrogation talking to her now. She say why she did it . According to her, titus uncovered her real identity a few weeks ago. He was using it to try to extort sexual favors. sighs sighs heavily the District Attorney will not pursue a case against graham without a confession. Which he is unlikely to give us now that you have confessed to killing his father. Why did you do it . Kill titus . I already explained that. No, why did you confess to a murder that you didnt commit . I am a murderer. You said so yourself. You were right. Graham poisoned his father. You and i both know that. Graham is an amazing kid, and he has his whole life ahead of him. He shouldnt be in prison. Theres no doubt in my mind that i did the right thing. By killing titus delancey. You know, you dont even need to do this. We have proof of what titus did to graham. He committed murder under mitigating circumstances. Its unlikely he will serve more than 18 months. 18 months. Thats about the amount of time you and i wrote letters to each other. Felt like a lifetime, didnt it . Especially when youre branded the kid who killed your dad. And graham deserves better than that. whispers youre innocent. No. Innocent . He was being brutalized right in front of me, and i should have seen it, and i should have stopped it. Sooner. Titus got whats coming to him. And now, so am i. Finally. sighs thank you for agreeing to speak with me. My school is near here. My aunt thought it was too soon for me to go back, but. I dont know. Im tired of being at home. Abigails confession aside, you and i both know the truth. Im gonna be watching you. And if you resort to those. Extreme tactics again in the future, im gonna make sure youre brought to justice. Is that clear . Have you spoken with anyone about what happened to you . My aunt susan tried to ask me some questions last night, but. It happened. Its over. Talking about it wont change anything. Youre wrong. I have never known a betrayal asas profound as what youve experienced. But i do know that being victimized is. Is corrosive. And sometimes, talking about it. That can help. So you ever want to. Talk about it with someone who knows the story in its entirety. Im at your disposal. Captioning sponsored by cbs and ford. Captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org an area restaurant with a [ male announcer ] the founder of mercedesbenz once wrote something on a sheet of paper and placed it in his factory for all to see. Four simple words where the meaning has never been lost. The challenge always accepted. And the calling forever answered. Introducing the allnew 2014 sclass. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. Yeah. [ male announcer ] try campbells homestyle soup brimming with farm grown veggies. Huh, just like yours. Huh. [ male announcer ] and roasted white meat chicken. Just like yours. Huh. Soup this good could never come from a can. [ male announcer ] people will say, soup this good could never come from a can. I love this show. [ male announcer ] so good theyll think its homemade. Try campbells homestyle soup. Mm mm good. A lot has happened since the government shutdown. The National Zoos baby panda has learned to walk and talk. That is precious and well show you more of it tonight. Plus are you having trouble with the obamacare website . Wait until you hear how much you are paying a Foreign Company to build it. A moms pain. I just miss him so terribly that i just i need the answers. Her son with Downs Syndrome died after he was forced out of a Movie Theater. And now shes suing the theater and the cops. Also tonight, as federal workers return to the job today, another group is out of work. Good evening, im jan jeffcoat. And im derek mcginty. Well have all of the stories for you in moments. But first your world in 90 seconds. Investigators got back to focusing on earnings now that congress has reached a last minute deal to reopen the government and temporarily avoid a u. S. Default. Disappointing sales from ibm pulled the dow down 2 points but the nasdaq raised 24. Federal workers back on the job. I was sick of being in the house. Thousands of staffers for Government Agencies shutdown for the last 16 days made their regular morning commute. If they dont find a larger compromise, the government could run out of money again early next year. It is good to be back. It is a welcome site, especially for food truck owners. We are at the bottom of the food chain. We are all off with no jobs. It affects us the most. It kept the park surf and maintenance crews up all night at world war ii memorial. The minute we heard the government was open. These people werent about to let their first honor flight to washington be ruined by the shutdown. The guy takes his kia, does a uturn and smashed into a barricade and breaks through a back window there. He sneaks in and stachs snatches a 3yearold boy. Doesnt get far. Out in the stairwell he is surrounded by police. The little boy is fine. This the cartoon publishes today in the New York Post titled the washington slurs. Do you think the Washington Redskins is equal to a nazi symbol or a confederate flag. Comparing the redskins to the nazis, forget it. Well the shutdown is over and done for now. But now there is a new group of people out of work. And this has nothing to do with the federal government. Wusa 9s ken molistina tells us about son station sanitation employees out on strike and now apparently out of a job. We work with trash and they treat us like trash. Jose is about 150 disposality and recycle disposal and recycle workers fired for going on strike. Aerial footage from sky 9 shows the group taking to the streets with signs after one of the co worker was fired for what they say was an action to unionize. When the Company Found out, their leader was shown the door and so they followed. Were going to keep in this fight no matter what happens. We are going to keep in this fight because we have to push. This is described as a possessive business. He said the benefits were poor and inadequate. The company said they are welcoming employees back to work and said unit disposal has been servicing its clients and meeting all obligations. We cannot discuss personal matters but weve always provided our employees with good wages. These workers haver should have these workers should have the protection to strike and shouldnt be filed. This is from the labor Union International of north america. She said they are attempting to bust the union by getting rid of the employees leading the charge. But they say they just want equal treatment at work. The company is being so respectful. They treat us like trash. They are paid 129 aday and the assistants make 60 to 75 a day. And while this is worked out, subcontractors have been brought in. The union tells us they plan on pursuing the issue until the employees are back at work with fair wages and Adequate Health benefits. Ken, thank you. Federal work res back on the job. Our monuments and museums have reopened and life in d. C. Is getting back to normal. Tourists spent the day taking advantage of the free attractions. Federal employees are worried congress will let this happen all over again. If they would just put themselves in our shoes for a moment, maybe not receive a paycheck, maybe it would hit home for them. Congressional lawmakers began working on a longterm budget solution today. The current solution does fund the government through january 15th and the debt ceiling will have to be addressed by february 7th. So currently legislation only buys us three months and that came with a hefty price. And attached to the budget, billions of dollars of pork. They say we shouldnt be talking about shutting the government down we should talk about government waste and out of control spending. Interest on the debt right now is the Third Largest item in the federal budget and in about 10 years it could be the largest item. Nobody can survive if the biggest payment you make on a monthly basis is interest on your credit cards. The city against government waste website said the National Debt will reach 17. 5 trillion by the end of 2013. That amounts to a price tag of 148,000 for each taxpayer. It all comes with a cost. And it does. And as a taxpayer you should know how much the obamacare website and all of the glitches it has is costing you as well. Reuters is reporting that the contract to build the online insurance website has grown from nearly 93 million to nearly three times that size at 292 million. Now the new Service Reuters said the Canadian Company that built the website has come under scrutiny with robert gibbs calling for some folks to be fired because this is excruciatingly embarrassing. It has been three weeks since the website is up and it is still plagued with problems in a lot of states. The house panel is investigating this company and the contract and a hearing is scheduled for october 24th. Well this next story you will only see here on wusa 9. The mother of a young man who died after he was handcuffed and taken out of a Movie Theater for not having his 12 ticket is now taking legal action. Every son her son 26year old ethan taylor has died. The family of the frederick man with Downs Syndrome who died after three sheriffs forcibly removed him from a Movie Theater in january filed a lawsuit. Claiming gross negligence, recklessness and unwillingness to listen led to the young mans death. It names the deputies, Regal Cinemas, the project manager and the county itself. It doesnt ask for an amount. So why now . Well patty sat down with us today to tell us why. I dont know why they did it. I dont know how they hurt him. I just want the truth. Reporter the truth of what happened the night patty saylors son ethan went to see a movie and never came home. I replay what i think are the five minutes or ten minutes in which he died in my mind no less than five times a day. Reporter this 12 count civil lawsuit could provide answers. What is known is ethan cent back into the theater to watch the film zero dark 30 the second time the night of january 12th without a second ticket. His aide followed behind. The lawsuit said a theater employee blocked her and said ethan had to go. The aide tried to tell them he will freak out if touched. But they ignored here and called three deputies working security. That is the first allegation of negligence. And they allege he was handcuffed and held by the deputies and ended up went floor with one deputy on top of him. As the deputies man handled saylor they fractured his pharynx, as a result he died a violent death. He is physically dragged from his seat, handcuffed and strain restrained and his far inks was cut off. The sheriff stand by the deputies and is he they werent negligent and their actions were reasonable and appropriate. There actions were reasonable and if there actions were reasonable and appropriate he wouldnt be dead. They say there was not enough Training Provided to the deputies. The sheriff said there is no formal type of training that deals with people with ethans disability. It is the sheriffs job to make sure that his deputies have the training that they need to deal with the members of community. Reporter attorney joe es poe filed the suit and said there are violations of the american disabilities act and ethans civil rights no dollar amount has been asked for. Patty said no dollar can bring ethan back. I just miss him so terribly, that i just need answers. We called Regal Cinemas and the project manager and the count and nobody called us back. One of the deputies referred us to his lawyer and said he didnt see the lawsuit yet. The day in court may come unless this is settled. And well be there. Thank you. Heads up if you buy prescription or pets drugs online. There is a widespread scam out there and the Drug Enforcement agency wants you to watch out for it. The scam artists are calling you claiming to be federal agents. Next they convince you it all can be fixed if you wire money to off shore accounts. The dea said people in bethesda have reported being victimized and we need to be alert. This is not how the dea operates. No federal agent would call a citizen on the phone and threaten to arrest them and demand money in exchange for that. So if you receive one of these calls and you are asked to call the dea or report it on their website immediately. Well a woman in training to be a nun charged with murder tonight. Shes accused of of killing her newborn child. The girl was studying at the Little Sisters of the poor in northeast and according to the washington time, she gave birth at the convent and then moments later suffocated her on son doctor her own son. Today bond was set at 200,000. She remains in the hospital under guard. Two convicted killers on the run after they broke out of prison. But these guys didnt dig their way out of any crazy secret tunnel. No, they just walked right out using cleverly forged documents called for them to be let go. This went down at a florida prison and it is all just coming to light recently. Investigators think the two felons must have had outside help to get the documents with the forged signatures from youths and from judges and prosecutors and they are checking to see if any other inmates have used the same scam. We are just Getting Started with wusa 9 news at 11 00. Still ahead, a one man crime spree on the not so quiet streets. And russ ptacek mixing it up with investigators. And the baby panda, just looks adorable. And the sound she makes. Just might be the cutest thing youll ever hear in your life. Maybe. That is cute. That is just cute. 77 today. One cold front went through making for a cooler bus stop. We are tracking another cold front for th clearly inappropriate virginias newspapers on revelations that. Ken cuccinellis office secretly helped an outofstate. Energy company that ripped off virginia landowners. But gave a hundred thousand to his campaign. A federal judge called it shocking. The Inspector General launched an investigation. And now cuccinelli has been questioned by. The fbi about the Star Scientific scandal. Investigations, gifts, scandals Ken Cuccinellis not for us. Nextgen Climate Action committee sponsored this ad. You might remember the name new big juan. It would kind of stick with you. Violations shut it down in our january report. And it is back again. Suspended again. In tonights restaurant alert, nine such closures and a special treat caught on camera. Russ ptacek facing it off with state department guards at one restaurant and live roaches at another one. We are smack in the middle of china town. Once again at new big juan. We have our camera and once again it doesnt look good. In a new closure, 32 violations, including live roaches, dead roaches and several dead fish. And watch what we found. That fish that is upside down, that looks dead. Is that dead . No. Remember this january restaurant alert at new big wong, similar closure, same restaurant. And just like when inspectors were there, they told us no one trained in certified and certified in food safety. Who is in charge trained in food safety right now . [ inaudible ] on m. Street Southwest House of kabobs were cited for insecretaries and rodent insects and rodents. They didnt want to talk or look inside of their kitchen. On k street meyer kabob house was closed citing 19 Violations Including a live roach in the bar area and hazardous food temperatures like raw chicken at 56 and lamb at 47. Look what we found. We have a live one crawling around back here. Still have a few problems. The manager told us what we were seeing was an improvement and theyre working closely with certainlyators. On 14th street northwest, they closed black and orange citing hot water violations and no one certified in food safety. They showed us they are now in compliance. On capitol hill, in spectors closed the bon cafe on Second Street southeast citing no valid food lightence and license, with a Garbage Disposal turning the wrong way and causing a backup. They showed us it is fixed. This is not a public building . No. Thanks. We came to 2401 east street northwest looking for a subway restaurant. Were looking for sub way. The Health Department said it was operating without a license. It is in a building with state Department Offices guarded by u. S. Diplomatic service officers. We are not turning off the camera but well leave. Well leave. In district heights, rosies cafe was closed for operating without a Health Department permit. And two 7eleven stores were shut down for bug and rodent problems. And at the sleeve on Mount Pleasant street northwest inspectors mentioned a heavy infestation of vermin and a dead roach at the coffee pot station. This 7eleven is a franchise. The one in brent wood corporate owned and both are saying they cant comment until they check in with headquarters. Im russ ptacek, wusa 9. What was the name of the restaurant in china town again . I dont know. Any way that would be the first time federal agents have stood between russ ptacek and a closed down department. The state said they regret the confrontation and said they should have worked with russ to get into the subway. That subway and all of the other locations except roses cafe passed reinspection and they all reopened, including the one in china in china town. If you want to know about health closures first, follow russ ptacek on twitter or like him on facebook. Tonight in news where you live, we start in Montgomery County with a guy going berserk in bethesda. He broke into an apartment and terrified a woman and child inside. Then he sneaked into a second apartment and snatched a 3year old boy. Well police snatched him in the stairway and tonight that little boy is doing okay. The suspect is undergoing a mental exam. And now to the district. A robot called the real bionic man, a guy fitted with all types of leading edge technology, chalked full of artificial organs and limbs. The goal here to show case break throughs in synthetic body parts that could help people overcome disease and disability. [ inaudible ] you know, i have to tell you it almost sounds like a real 18 monthold kid. Or maybe 9 months old. It is not a kid, it is a baby panda. 5 pounds and whimpering during the veterinarian examination. And there was 16 days where we couldnt see the panda because of the government shutdown. No panda cam. Now it is back online and guess what . It looks more like a panda now, doesnt it. I dont think ive ever heard a little baby panda. Nobody really has, have we . Now we dont know, they dont roar, they squeak. It does sound like anin fact. Like my daughter. There you go. I can understand bickering over the budget, but for crying out loud open the government for the panda cam. That was the motivation. That was the tipping point, as they say. Lets start with a live look outside. 77 was the high. A cold front goes through tonight and in fact it is through. Well cool off just a little bit. Nothing dramatic. The live michael and son weather cam. 78 and relative humidity, and the cooler air will move in quickly. Here is the radar. Last batch of showers. We had two. Most of which were from the district northward toward baltimore, Howard County and they are headed across the bay and headed toward the delmarva. So cooler and drier air. It is cool and dry at the bus stop. Not cold but cool. Grab your sunglasses tomorrow. A great finish to the week and a great night for High School Football tomorrow with temperatures in the 50s and 60s. Clearing overnight and breezy and cooler. Lows 4856. Winds will become northwest at about 1015. So well break it down. In the morning, temperatures in the 50s and generally clear. 55 at 9 00. Again if you are in the burbs, you might find upper 40s early in the morning. And then 60 by 11 00 and 64 and comfortable by 1 00. Next three days. We kept friday the same. Mostly sunny and gorgeous, near 70. Added the clouds earlier. Now made them bigger and more showers, temperatures around 70. So not a washout on saturday, we have the gold cup, not a hume problem but a huge problem but showers will come in earlier and possible in the late day. And not touching season. Cooler with temperatures in the mid60s and that is for the game at fedex. Upper 60s on monday. Near 70 on tuesday. Another front goes through. A little shower activity but then the real headline is much cooler air, almost chilly air rolling in on wednesday and thursday. Probably the coldest air of the season. Some 30s in the burb im terry mcauliffe, candidate for governor, and i sponsored this ad. Ken cuccinelli has reached a new low. The truth. There is no allegation of wrongdoing by mcauliffe or hundreds of other investors. Its Ken Cuccinelli who should worry us. His office is being investigated by the Inspector General for helping rip off virginia landowners. And now cuccinelli has been interviewed by the fbi in the Star Scientific scandal. False ads. A scandalous record. Its Ken Cuccinelli we cant trust. Would you invest in a professional Football Player . Well fan text. Com is hoping you will. The San Francisco based company has come up with a venture where investors can put their money in players and theyve already signed one. Texans running back arian foster. You can invest in the guy. The company is giving him 10 million in exchange for 20 of his football salary, endorsement deals, post career monies. For example if he becomes an announcer in perpetuity. Typically agents get money for stuff like that. Tonight i called the ceo of the company and asked him whether the agents feel this type of deal infringes on their territory and he said not exactly. Our goal is not to then activate the brand, ie go get the commercials to put him in or other opportunities, our job is to create the awareness of the brand in the macht place that then has the marketplace that has potential endorsers that want to activate the brand. So in the industry, the Sports Marketing agents job is the activation of the brand. We are investing in the brand in and of itself to create that value in the market. Really smart or it will flop. And time to announce the win of this weeks poll. Briar wood tomorrow night. This is a fan text thing and it is interesting. Who would you invest in. And i sponsored this ad. Candidate for attorney general, if you think Ken Cuccinelli would take virginia in the wrong direction, wait til you meet his attorney general candidate senator obenshain. Like cuccinelli, obenshain believes politicians should dictate our most personal decisions they cosponsored a bill together to ban the Birth Control pill; and outlaw abortion, even in cases of rape and incest. Cuccinelli and obenshain together a dangerously wrong turn for virginia dont let the holidays sneak up on you. Shop early with kmart free layaway. And get 5 off toys when you put them on layaway this weekend. Kmart. Get in. Get more christmas. Tonight an editoral cartoon comparing the redskins name to nazis and this has fired an argument that has those in washington fighting mad and choosing sides. This next segment is dereks opinion, not that of the station. Clearly not mine. And so this is derek, lets be real. The cartoon is only a problem because this isnt not that serious. Nobody is dying. This is an argument over an nfl team with a name some of us think is offensive and many others do not. And lets be real, even native americans are divided over the name redskins but perhaps we can agree on this much. Time and sensibilities change. In 1933 when team owner George Preston marshall named the team you might have described your neighborhood with a mental disability being retarded or a bad with a bad leg a gimp. But we are realized there are kinder ways to talk ab

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