Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News At Ten 20121116 : comparemel

Transcripts For WTTG Fox 5 News At Ten 20121116

last year in a fight over music. >> the jury found her not guilty on all counts late tonight. fox 5's maureen umeh has the details. >> from the start the defense argued this was a case of self- defense and after three hours of deliberation the jury believed it. >> thank god. >> reporter: relief and joy from alexis simpson's friends and family just minutes after hearing a jury's verdict. the jury found simpson not guilty on all seven counts she faced in the stabbing death of her bowie state university suite mate domonique frazier, simpson's lawyers saying the jury made the right call. >> this was a is of defense case. alexis, there's no question in my mind acted in self-defense and so we are very gratified by the verdict. >> reporter: during the trial simpson testified she was being bulliedly frazier and said she -- bullied by frazier. she said she complained to officials and wanted to move out but was told there were no rooms available. on september 15th, 2011, simpson and frazier fought after simpson turned off music frazier was listening to. simpson ended up cutting frazier's throat. >> she went into the victim's room and she sought the victim out and so we brought this case because we thought that, in fact, what she did was criminal and some disappointed. >> reporter: frazier family said nothing after the verdict. prince george's county state's attorney angela alsobrooks says they're devastated adding there nor winners in this case. >> this is -- there are no winners in this case. >> this is a very sad case throughout the duration. there are no winners. we have a young woman, a beautiful young college student who is dead whose neck was slit. we have another young woman who has experienced this as well. this is a loss for our community. >> reporter: simpson's attorney says the young woman will now try to move on and rebuild her life, a life that despite the not guilty verdict will never be the same. >> she is tremendously remorseful for this incident. it has affected her emotionally and n ways that you can only imagine and so -- in ways that you can only imagine and so i expect that she'll take some time here with her family and reevaluate and see where she goes from here. >> the victim, domonique frazier, would have turned 19 days before she died. friends and family continue to mourn her remembering her contagious laugh. we're following some breaking news now from midland, texas. federal investigators are on the scene of a horrific accident. late this afternoon a freight train crashed into a parade float carrying wounded veterans. the float was on its way good evening wet. four people were killed and 17 others -- on its way to a banquet. four people were killed and 17 others were injured. the crossing gate and lights apparently weren't working at the time. here at home the principal of coolidge high school in d.c. turned herself into police today following assault accusations. thelma jarrett and two other school employees are accused of attacking a former staff member. the victim says it happened earlier this month after the homecoming football game. jarrett is charged with simple assault and placed on administrative leave. aubrey brown will resume the role of acting principal. fairfax county police released a picture of the suspect in an attack in a library about a week ago at the thomas jefferson library in falls church. police believe this man followed a 17-year-old girl into the women's bathroom and assaulted her. the girl screamed and the man took off. if you know who he is, fairfax county police urge you to come forward. a maryland man behind bars charged with sexually abusing two children. anne arundel county police began investigating john charles farrow after two women came forward and said he abused them as children. he is 66 years old. police want to know if he had other victims. police are asking anyone with information to call them. dozens of d.c. families packed the city council hearing tonight to speak out about a plan to close 20 public schools. in fact, so many signed up to speak a second hearing is scheduled for next week so everyone can be heard. fox 5's audrey barnes was at the wilson building today for the hearing. i imagine this was emotional. >> it was emotional. d.c. chancellor kaya henderson told the standing room only crowd her thinking behind the closures. rather than continuing to spend money and use resources on half empty schools she wants to close them and focus on academic achievement. i talked with several people tonight who said the closures will probably force them to abandon d.c. schools altogether including a first year teacher. chita mauchi is a first year teacher recruited from virginia but now comes word that malcomb x elementary is one of 20 schools the chancellor wants to close. >> it's breaking my heart that i came to inner city to students who are in need and they're being forgotten. they're being left behind and frankly, as a teacher i'm feeling that dcps is pulling the rug out from underneath me after 11 weeks of school. >> reporter: if malcomb x shuts down this, teacher has a very big decision to make. >> i may stay with my principal, but i don't know i'll stay in dcps. >> reporter: it's decision time, too for dozens of people who packed the public hearing on the school closure plan. it affects 3,000 students in six wards. most of the schools on the list are east of the river or in northeast. >> it's a good school and i like it. >> reporter: 8-year-old jerny matthews came with her dad to hear for herself, why her school, thurgood marshall elementary, has to close of the family moved here from dallas and it's the only school she's ever known. >> we're not going to have a school that we can hold hands and walk down the street to. so i think that's problematic because they're not just closing down the school. they're closing down the community. >> reporter: that's how erin martin feels, too about the proposal to close frances stevens education campus and send those students to marie reed elementary, a move that could force her family to abandon d.c. public schools altogether. >> we've been through school closings before and we're going through them again. so it's a solution to keep closing schools until we're left with no schools or is the solution to address the root of the issue, which is providing a high quality education and high quality customer service. if you have those two things, parents will come. >> certainly they came to the hearing to speak out. the council will continue that hearing monday and the d.c. school board has four more hearings planned to take public comments. heard son says she'll finalize her recommendation -- henderson says she'll finalize her recommendses in mid-january. recommendations in mid-january. investigation into the deadly cops late attack in libya is -- consulate attack in libya is just beginning on capitol hill. a remark was said that president obama lied and set up a firestorm of accusations during congressional hearings today. fox 5's will thomas is following the developments. >> lawmakers divided as ever. republican lawmakers say they've struggled for weeks to get answers on libya ripping into the obama administration today. now tempers are boiling on both sides with democrats claiming it's all an effort to embarrass the president. >> the committee will come to offend. >> reporter: republicans on the house foreign fairs committee targeted the white house over benghazi. >> i expect to hear some real answers. it's time to fess up. >> i think we need to have a real honest explanation of what happened. >> somebody obviously forgot to circle the calendar on 9/11. >> two months since four americans including u.s. ambassador chris stevens were killed republicans say it's still not clear why more security wasn't in place. >> there weren't three even. there's supposed to be five. the unwritten rule there were three, but there was only one there, only one, the security was lax. >> wednesday president obama sounded off on senate republicans over their criticism over the administration's handling of the attack. specifically accusations u.n. ambassador susan rice lied to the public when she went on five sunday talk shows five days after the raid in benghazi and blame an inflammatory youtube movie trailer for inciting an angry mob. >> if senator mccain and senator graham and others want to go after somebody, they should go after me. >> senator mccain fired back hours later. >> four americans died. is that picking on anybody when you want to place responsibility and find out what happened? >> president obama says they provided every bit of information they have. >> the president himself has intentionally misinformed, read that lied, to the american people in the aftermath of this tragedy. >> outraged at the president being accused of lying democrats shot back. >> i urge that we resist the temptation to persist in political posturing to try to find some elusive advantage. the election is over and this tragedy needs to be dealt with. >> former cia director david petraeus will appear before congress tomorrow for the first time since he resigned over revelations of an extramarital affair. we're told the hearing will focus only on matters related to the september 11th raid in libya. new details now in the david petraeus sex scandal. we now know the identity of the fbi agent who first saw the e- mail exchanges between petraeus' mistress paula broadwell and tampa socialite jill kelley. his name is frederick humphries. he alerted his superiors about the e-mails which then led to the investigation that uncovered the affair. let's take it outside now, plenty of clouds today, kept the temperatures pretty cool. here's live look outside tonight from northwest d.c. will the sunshine break through tomorrow? let's check in with sue palka and find out. >> i think we will have a nice sunny end to our workweek, but we have clouds hanging around tonight and down toward the northern neck and lower southern maryland we're actually seeing maybe some indication of light rain with sleet. you can see it here, a lot of clouds still hanging around the area. this is coming from a weak disturbance well down to the south. i don't think this precipitation will get much further north, but keeping an eye on places like montrose and just to the west of st. george island. perhaps that orange and yellow is a little sleet mixing with very light rain. most of this will clear out and the temperatures in that region aren't cold enough for anything to freeze. there's a little disturbance off the carolinas. it will continue moving out. closer to morning the clouds will also decrease and the sun will be back. what about temperatures? chilly out there now in some spots. notice everyone is above freezing and when we look down toward leonardtown into the northern neck of virginia, temperatures are in the low 40s. it's 45 in the district, 34 in frederick, so not as chilly as last night this hour and temperature-wise this is where we think we will bottom out tonight. chilly but not potentially as cold as last night and we'll start a little bit of a rebound tomorrow as the sun comes out to warm things up. we're talking about the weekend and the firstpart of our thanksgiving holiday weekend as well when i join you upstairs. >> see you then. coming up next the crackdown on gang members accused in vicious robberies across d.c., where they were targeting victims. >> and a little later tonight schools are getting rid of sugary snacks and sodas in cafeterias, but how much impact is this really having? fox 5 investigates. >> an energy drink linked to more than a dozen deaths. we talked to a local man who said he ended up in the hospital at 11:00.  [ dollar ] that's me. l50858544p. but i'm not just a number. i have a purpose. a higher purpose. [ muffled ] have some respect! not good. oh, man. hello? mm, no! finally -- the buck stops here. [ male announcer ] mcdonald's new hot'n spicy mcchicken. tender, juicy chicken with a crispy, spicy coating. at only a dollar, it's spicy, not pricey. but only for a limited time. another big story tonight, nine accused gang members indicted in the district. police say the so-called show out gang is behind several robberies across the city. they aren't just accused of targeting people to rob. they're also ccused of targeting people to beat. fox 5's matt ackland has the latest. >> reporter: officials believe the chillout gang came together on the streets of chinatown. many of their crimes were carried out here and areas across the district. >> victims were left with broken jaws, broken teeth and severe injuries, hospitalized sometimes for days with numerous surgeries. >> reporter: the chillout gang is also believed to have carried out a number of flash mob robberies. this gas station at florida and north capital was targeted. authorities say members took items from the store and threatened the manager with a box cutter. >> we have identified the areas that they have operated in over the past roughly year to include foggy bottom, chinatown, dupont circle, u street, adams morgan and bloomingdale. >> reporter: hate crime charges are being filed against some of the gang members for an in did not that happened here at second and -- an incident that happened here at second and k streets northeast when a homeless man was targeted. members took the man's clothes inside a backpack and even attempted to take his shoes. >> even more disturbing, this gang would target victims for beatings and robberies based on bias. some of these attacks included unprovoked beatings on homeless individuals in some cases as they slept. >> reporter: lanier pointed out the beatings at times were vicious and didn't stop even when the victim was defenseless. >> as a group, they would attack and viciously beat their victims oftentimes continuing to beat and kick unconscious victims after they were down. >> reporter: chief lanier said today that it's likely more gang members will be arrested connected to this group and she believes this group will be connected to more crimes. in the newsroom matt ackland, fox 5 news. new details about a deadly police shooting in riverdale, maryland tonight. a prince george's county sheriff's deputy shot and killed franklin sweeney last night. the deputy was trying to serve him with a peace order. a woman who previously dated sweeney requested that order. investigators say sweeney confronted the sheriff while he was inside the home on 63rd avenue and police say sweeney pulled a weapon and police shot him. turns out the weapon was fake. more than two years after the massive deep water horizon oil spill bp has agreed to pay the largest settlement in history. >> reporter: bp will pay a record criminal settlement to the u.s. government for its massive oil spill in the gulf of mexico back in april, 2010. bp agrees to shell out $4.5 billion will plead guilty to 11 felony counts related to the deaths of nearly a dozen workers during the incident. two bp workers are also facing manslaughter charges. >> today's resolution does not, does not mark the end of our efforts and, in fact, our criminal investigation remains ongoing. >> reporter: bp releasing a statement on the settlement saying, "we believe this resolution is in the best interest of bp and its shareholders. it removes two significant legal risks and allows us to vigorously defend the company against the remaining civil claims." the deepwater horizon rig exploded and sank 50 miles off the coast of louisiana killing 11 workers. an estimated 206 million gallons of crude gushed from the ruptured well on the sea floor. spill contaminated coastal beaches in four states, killed wildlife and closed down huge areas of the gulf for many months on end to fishing and tourism. >> about $2.4 billion of the criminal recovery funds will be dedicated to environmental restoration, preservation and conservation efforts throughout this region. >> reporter: the london-based oil company still faces a big civil trial in february in new orleans. that involves the gulf coast states, the coastal communities, racetracks, casinos and other businesses as well as companies that lost money during that ban on deep water drilling. in miami phil keating, fox news. the senate armed services committee is holding a confirmation hearing for president obama's toys for tots commander in afghanistan. general joseph dunford is speaking to the committee which includes john mccain and joe lieberman. the a man topic? focusing on getting troops out of afghanistan. general dunsford believes it can happen in 2014, but senator mccain challenged his credibility. >> that's interesting to me the guy that's going to take over the command is not even included in those conversations. >> senator, i think i have an understanding of the framework in which that decision out to be made. i've identified the most important variables that need to be considered but have not been involved in detail planning. >> the man general dunsford would replace, general allen, is not attending the hearings. it's the worst outbreak of -- it's the worst outbreak of violence in four years. several rockets were fired into tel aviv from gaza. at least three people were killed. israel carried out its own military strikes that included dozens of hamas links in gaza. cripples managed to steal more than a million dollars -- criminals managed to steal more than a million dollars worth of ipad meetings. >> plus president obama's emotional meeting with some disaster victims on staten island next.  president obama made his second trip to the northeast since hurricane sandy. parts of the area are still in n shock after the storm leveled towns and -- in shock after the storm leveled towns and left areas flooded. >> reporter: embracing his role as comforter and chief, president obama toured staten island, parts of which were devastated by hurricane sandy. >> i promise to everybody that i was speaking on behalf of the country when i said we are going to be here until the rebuilt is complete and i meant it. so i'm going to come back today, but i'm also going to be coming back in the future to make sure that we have followed through on that commitment. >> reporter: he visited a fema disaster recovery center which provides hot pleas and showers and offers -- meals and showers and offers victims information about applying for government help, his visit meant to demonstrate the commitment of the government appreciated but some say it's far from enough. >> reporter: what do you want them to do? >> step it up. come down here. put on a pair of boots and gloves and get out of your $800 suit and dig in the dirt. come and take a look. i'll show you my house. come in. get a little dirty. people don't want a pat on the back and say it's going to be okay because it's not. >> reporter: marge gatta's house is a total loss. >> this is all the receipts. >> reporter: she's been dealing with fee marks but her family said the red tape -- fema, but her family says the red tape is frustrating. it is a landscape of ruin. this land remains deposited in the middle of the street. meanwhile a makeshift memorial pays tribute to the 85-year-old vet jimmy rossi who drowned in his bungalow's backyard trying to flee the floodwater. the gattys survived but only have memories. >> whiffed here 32 years, raised -- we lived here 32 years, raised my kids and grandkids, all gone. >> reporter: the 2 and 4-year- old little boys brandon and connor moore who were swept away, president obama visited their mother. he said the country's spirit will get them through this. tonight fox 5 investigates the junk food fight playing out in schools, vending machines with sugary snacks disappearing from cafeterias, but are junk food bans making a dent in children's waistlines? fox 5 is back in a few minutes. ♪ [ male announcer ] from our nation's networks... ♪ our city streets... ♪ skies around the world... ♪ ...northrop grumman's security solutions are invisibly at work, northrop grumman. this is fox 5 news at 10:00. cities and counties nationwide are now going after america's expanding waistlines. the latest food fight is against junk food in schools. fox 5's sherri ly investigates how the school cafeteria is becoming the latest battleground. >> reporter: transfats, supersize sodas, even happy meals are under attack. now some schools are turning on junk food. >> we understand that we have a responsibility to ensure the health and well being of these students. >> reporter: during the school day in montgomery county it's hands off sugary snacks and sodas. >> those kind of products are only available in vending machines after the bell at end of the school day. >> reporter: kids can still buy chips, cookies and poptarts, but don't be fooled. these are low fat we hope grain versions -- low fat whole grain versions of the real thing. >> there has to be 35% calories or less from sugar, fat and 10% or less calories from saturated fat. >> reporter: in the cafeteria nothing is fried, not even french fries. they're baked. buying lunch, grab a fruit or vegetable. that's the rule even if it's hard to stomach. >> people just like to have their own food and get to choose what they want to eat instead of kind of be forced. >> reporter: this year new federal nutrition guidelines put school systems nationwide on a healthier diet. the healthy hunger free kids act mandates fruits and vegetables. it may snack of the food police, but it could be working. one in five kids is obese and a recent study for the american academy of pediatrics found states with the toughest rules against school junk food saw obesity rates drop. >> kids on average are getting about 1/3 of their calories during the school day. so if you clean up the school food environment, it's a really good start. >> reporter: the center for science in the public interest says we need more federal involvement, not less, but critics draw the line at the lunch room door. >> we don't live in a one size fits all country. i think the result is going to be a lot of wasted food. >> they eat the fries and burger and kind of toss the vegetables and fruit. >> reporter: it's the same across the country where what's healthy is trashed. so in fairfax county the menu is put to a taste test. >> nothing goes on our menu that hasn't passed a taste party. >> reporter: fairfax, too bans junk food vending during school, but a report card by cspi gave virginia a d and maryland a d plus while schools that cracked down may face a backlash, not just from kids but parents revolting. >> they feel in some ways it's unamerican that their children should be able to make the choices that they want to make. >> reporter: unamerican for schools to ban what's bad for you? they can serve up whole wheat hamburger buns and post the calorie count, but they can't make kids eat it. sherry hi, fox 5 news. >> the food fight over -- sherri ly fox 5 news. >> the food fight over lunch has spilled into congress where some republicans have called for the new guidelines to be thrown in the cost saying it will cost schools more than $3 billion to comply. the future of twinkies and wonder bread could be decided tonight. the deadline is up for hostess workers to end their strike upset by pay cuts. if they don't go back by the end of tonight, hostess says it will ask the bankruptcy cost to liquidate the company and cost 18,000 people their jobs. >> the problem is we don't have enough crossing lines to maintain normal production and keep our customers in stock. >> it's already agreed to a contract with their largest union, but thousands in another union went on strike last week. the company is asking those workers to come back to work tonight and find a new job if they don't like compensation package. some brave burglars on the loose in new york tonight stole thousands of apple ipad minis from jfk. the heists happened before midnight monday. they used one of the airport's own forklifts to load two palettes of apples into the truck. they could have gotten three more, except an airport employee scared them off. if you voted for gay marriage last week in the election, you're invited to a special wedding. we'll sit down with the couple whose video has gone viral. their ceremony is now open to any voter who gave the thumbs up to the issue. a storm in the job market from superstorm sandy, week jobless claims at the highest level in 18 months, the surge in applications coming in large part from states in the east coast hit hard by the storm. meantime a lot of workers over at to being tore and gamble are taking a hit. the make proctor and gamble are taking a hit. the maker of popular consumer projects says it will cut up to 2,200 nonfactory jobs. consumer inflation higher in october led higher by rising food costs. bp settling with the government over that deep water horizon oil spill in 2010. the cost? try 4.5 billion bucks and luke skywalker is now a hall of famer of that's because star wars action figures along with the classic game of domino's just elected to the national toy hall of fame. the toy icons beating out other nominees including lite brite and twister. that's business. i'm neil cavuto.   >> this fox 5 stock market report is brought to you by your lexus dealer. live life heroically.  have a good night. herre you go. you, too. i'm going to dream about that steak. i'm going to dream about that tiramisu. what a night, huh? but, um, can the test drive be over now? head back to the dealership? [ male announcer ] it's practically yours. but we still need your signature. volkswagen sign then drive is back. and it's never been easier to get a passat. that's the power of german engineering. get $0 down, $0 due at signing, $0 deposit, and $0 first month's payment on any new volkswagen. visit today. a vicious attack in a massachusetts convenience store caught on camera. watch as two men in masks and hoods attempt to rob the store hitting and pistol whipping the clerk who puts up a pretty good fight. lucky for him an elderly customer walks in and scared the robbers who left without the cash. the clerk suffered a pretty bad cut on his face. drug charges have been dropped against jon bon jovi's daughter who was found unconscious in her dorm room yesterday after an apparent heroin overdose. she was charged with possession of heroin and marijuana. however, the d.a. dismissed the charges against she and another student. under state law someone who has a drug overdose and seeks help cannot be prosecuted for having any amount of heroin. new details about the man who wrongfully accused elmo's puppeteer of sexually abusing him as a teenager. 24-year-old sheldon stevens has recanted his story and said the relationship was consensual. stevens is an aspiring model but it's reported he has a troubled past. he was accused in 2009 of receiving stolen property. the case was later dismissed. tonight at 11:00 a man convicted of murder but the evidence clears his name. two jurors tell us how it feels to know they sent him to prison. >> a warning for people who crave an extra boost of energy, why the fda is investigating 5- hour energy shots at 11:00. p  what can we do that would be different that would reach out to the undecideds still in maryland to get them to come out and vote for question 6? when i came up with my little tag line about if anyone votes yes or votes for question 6, i want to invite them to our wedding. >> guess what? the guest list could be huge. two weeks before the election chris and shawn riley pushed for question 6 before they read it. they wanted a wedding ceremony with their friends and family in maryland and it looks like they got their wish and then some. chris and john join us now. gentlemen, thanks so much for being here. we appreciate. >> thank you. >> i have to ask you were you confident? have you guys been involved in the fight in maryland for some time because we know this has been kicked around in the legislature for a while. >> we've been through it several times now where we've gone and we were testifying in support of the bill and, of course, we were also there when the bill was stowed away a couple times and then finally we made it through the house, through the senate and made it on to the governor's desk and got signed into law and then we knew that we had another struggle and fight coming up when we had the referendum. we got that passed, too. >> shawn, were you confident that it would pass that, maryland voters would vote yes for gay marriage? >> i was a little bit scared truthfully. i was concerned that maryland would vote against it. there's a lot of conservatives, but, however, now that it's passed i'm thrilled. i'm so excited. >> let me ask you because opponents will still say marriage is supposed to be between a man and woman and will ask what's wrong with just having a civil ceremony if you're still afforded the same rights as a married couple. let me let you answer, chris. >> well, separate but equality is not equal. we have been fighting to have equality, not to take a second class stance and therefore, having marriage just like everybody else is just as important to us as anybody other couple that's out there. we're not looking to impede on any religious group or to step on anyone's toes. we feel that our civil marriage is exactly a civil marriage. religious institutions are still going to have holy matrimon. >> two weeks before the election you -- matrimony. >> two weeks before the election you said if this passes you are inviting everybody. are you still holding to that? >> yes. >> have you picked a date? >> it looks like april 13th. >> how are folks going to find out about this? >> we are still going back and forth on reddit. we started a website which is and that's where we're keeping -- i'm keeping up on all that with all the information. there's a little calendar that will let people know how far we've gotten with our planning. again, we're in the preliminary stages now. it just passed, so give us a little chance. we got to get everything figured out here, but it's going to be beautiful. >> are you guys going to be able to accommodate all the maryland voters? >> we'll figure it out. >> i'm guessing if people are watching, they'll be happy to help out because it did pass in maryland. so there's a lot of people out there who are in support. thank you so much for coming in. >> thank you. >> and by the way, best of luck. >> thank you. >> i want to know what the price is on that open bar. >> what about the reception, guys? by the way, i'll work on the weather forecast for you. maybe the cherry blossoms will still be around, too beautiful time of year. a little rain on the radar. >> very light rain, either light rain or sprinkles. there might have been a tiny bit of sleet to our south, but everybody is dry for the most part. that's part of a small disturbance that will eventually clear the clouds out of our area as it gets off the coast. it's the reason we did not have much in the way of sunshine today. i think it will be brighter tomorrow. we go ahead and start with a look at our radar. you can see it's mostly clouds. while this looks impressive on this picture, it's very light. it will be less than .1-inch for most areas. we'll get in closer because it has tried to sneak very lightly into charles county, maybe through st. mary's county, a little portion of calvert. in the yellow areas is where we think sometimes a little sleet shows up, but not a big deal. it's above freezing down there. maybe a couple sprinkles toward warrenton, but we do expect to see most of this cloud cover as well as the disturbance creating that light rain moving out to sea. you can see that down here. we're kind of on the northern edge. here come some clear skies breaking out. bottom line, i think we'll be back in the good stuff tomorrow with the sunshine. it is rather quiet across the country, too. so no big weather stories to report on in the short term. i think we'll be able to keep that trend going as we get into the big travel days next week. sun is back on friday. the weekend forecast isn't bad either. temperature right now, though is, down to 45 degrees and certainly our suburbs are cooler as they always are. one of the colder spots is winchester at 32 degrees, warmer than last night. frederick 34, baltimore 42 degrees, annapolis 46. with the cloud cover that we'll still have in place a few more hours temperatures likely bottoming out in the 30s, 37 d.c. to maybe 40 degrees in fredericksburg, 44 leonardtown and where it get clear faster you'll get a little bit colder, too temperatures in the low 30s, right around freezing to our north and west. tonight 37 degrees, clouds kind of breaking up going away, but again staying rather chilly in the suburbs, tomorrow 53 degrees, great to have the sun back. it pops our temperature up warmer into the low 50s as opposed to the lower 50s we were in today. they still had 51 at reagan national, but it was in the 40s at dulles and bwi. you'll need sunglasses for the early morning commute, temperature 41 degrees. by noon we're brighter still at 49 and by 4:00 about 52 degrees. into the weekend with high pressure mostly in control. as it nuns our system out of the way, it -- nudges our system out of the way, it will return us to full sunshine tomorrow and it will keep a bit of ridging in place. that keeps at bay another system that will try to develop off the carolinas, a weak system, might get as close as carolina or the virginia beach area, but for the most part saturday here probably will be sunny and into sunday portion of the time frame maybe some clouds, but we're thinking it will be dry. some of our latest models suggest sunday should be fairly sunny. quick look at our futurecast. the system is pulling out of town, by 8 a.m. sunny west of d.c., a few clouds east, sunshine for everybody into the afternoon. you can seat system pretty far down to -- see the system pretty far down to our south on sunday. your fox 5 accuweather seven- day forecast has thanksgiving on it. it got here so fast. there i go. we walked right in. can we get that seven-day back? we'll talk about temperatures in the low 50s where you think by the big travel day the day before thanksgiving, 55 degrees, sunshine and thursday 57 and that is pretty good leading up to thanksgiving. sometimes we have big storms, makes it tough to travel. this should be an easy week. >> we need a little easy. thanks, sue. time for this week's 4 down showdown. each week we pit a member of the redskins offense against the defense to find out just how much they know about the upcoming opponent. sunday it's the philadelphia eagles. here's fox 5's lindsay murphy. >> this is the 4 down showdown presented by your local nissan teachers. >> reporter: welcome to the 4 down show -- dealers. >> reporter: welcome to the 4 down showdown. knees guys have had plenty of time to -- these guys have had plenty of time to study their trivia, right, madieu williams? >> i'll take my chances. >> reporter: kirk cousins, backup quarterback is your challenger. how do you feel about getting the offense, making up the ground? >> i better make sure i get it done. >> reporter: are either of you trash talkers? >> not the best, but i can try. >> reporter: how about you? >> not at all. >> reporter: there will be no trash talking in this one. 1st down, give me one nickname for philadelphia. >> brotherly love. >> the city of brotherly love. >> reporter: i'll give that to you because it was close enough. >> i'm from the midwest. >> reporter: i thought everybody knew that. >> i'm the underdog. i got to overcome this. >> reporter: 2nd down, this line of snack foods is headquartered in philly, a, tasty cakes, b, eftenman's, c, hostess? >> hostess. >> reporter: no. 3rd down which of your team may wants is a form e eagle? >> -- teammates is a former eagle? >> kris wilson. >> reporter: no. not according to the redskins stats. he's a special teamer. got a good foot. >> sav rocca. >> reporter: 4th down, rookie quarterback nick foles who will likely start sunday went to what college? >> arizona. >> but he also went to michigan state. >> reporter: you got it. you won. you won. n. >> he's too quick for me. >> it was in my person until report. >> reporter: the defense probably should have gotten that one. >> he also went to michigan state his freshman year. >> reporter: we can give you a half point. you want to do one just for fun? what round was he drafted? >> 2nd. >> 3rd. >> i lost to you by a half a point. i made it interesting. >> reporter: that's all from the 4 down showdown. >> just in case you wonder, we checked the record for sure. >> what do you mean we? >> brian. kris wilson did play for the philadelphia eagles. >> 2001, september 2nd, 2011 he was released. >> reporter: they were right both of them. lindsay, we have to check on you and the person who gave you your information. it is the weekend twilight fans have been waiting for. kristen stewart weighs in on saying good-bye to the movie franchise next. >> two jurors speak out after sending the wrong man to prison for decades in a news edge exclusive. now your capital rundown with tom fitzgerald. >> we're back with your look at what's upcoming, new and noteworthy. it's your capital rundown for the week of november 19th, 2012. on monday, november 19th, d.c. city council chairman phil mendelson continues hearings into the closing down of school buildings by d.c. public schools. that hearing starts at 2 p.m. at wilson building. tuesday, november 20th, the senate come tee on homeland security and government -- committee on homeland security and government affairs considers the commission of robert oku to be the associate judge in the district of columbia at 2:30 p.m. in the dirkson building. wednesday, the electric vehicle association holds its monthly region into looking at ways drivers can expand their use of evs in the silver spring library at 7 p.m. on thursday the washington national cathedral conducts its annual thanksgiving service at 10 a.m. on wisconsin avenue and friday, november 23rd, national park service will offer an evening special presentation at the national world war ii memorial from 7:00 to 9 p.m. telling the history of the memorial. that's your capital rundown for the week of november 19th, 1212. you'll famed us on and our twitter hashtag is -- november 19th, 2012. you'll find us on and our twitter hatch tag. have you thought about going vegan carl? 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