it happened last night on penn street. >> reporter: dispatchers were flooded with 911 calls from concerned residents who heard the gunshots. now police plan to be very visible in the area to make sure that crime doesn't escalate. the stepped up enforcement near 10th and f street northeast is very apparent, as officers take to the streets in cruisers and on bicycles. >> just increased enforcement. individuals on bicycles and also traffic enforcement in the area as well. >> reporter: two teens on bicycles, chased a motorist firing a hand gun at the vehicle. >> they're not from the immediate neighborhood, but they live nearby. you don't hear about the shooting. that surprised me, it's very concerning obviously. >> reporter: police say they'll maintain a visible presence in the area, to try to beat back crime here before it happens. >> they're trying to redo the area, and make it nicer, that way when people can come in, they can afford it, h street is bad. >> reporter: not everyone welcomes the increased patrols. saying some blacks feel they're being targeted by police, so white residents can feel safer. >> i was coming back home late from work, and i asked the police. he said his job is to protect them from us. i was really, really, really disturbed, and really, really mad. >> reporter: police say there's no profiling going on here. anyone who is not doing what they're supposed to be will be stopped and questioned. an effort, many residents say is welcome. >> i think that's great. i think that can only help things. >> it can't hurt. i mean, i don't know if there's a need for it, but i wouldn't turn it down. >> reporter: police now say they believe last night's shooting victim was targeted after a failed robbery attempt. the increased patrols will continue indefinitely. >> audrey barnes reporting. let's talk about the weather now. a very muggy, and warm sunday for people in our area. it looks like cooler temperatures are coming. but there's a major catch. now a look at your forecast. >> hi wisdom, you're absolutely right, it is going to get cooler, and there is something that comes with it. let's take a look at our maps and we'll begin with our satellite radar composite. take a look at what's happening to the west of us. we anticipated storms into the d.c. metro area today. they really delayed, and their out to the rest and firing up quite a bit. i'm not going to say we're out of the clear. we're still anticipating gets storms through the course of tonight. as we move through the holiday, we've got that in the forecast as well. 82degrees right now at national airport. it's been humid all day long. a southerly wind picks up at 13 miles per hour. here's a look at what we're talking and keeping an eye on in the tropics. it's tropical storm lee that has mow moved its way well inland across parts of louisiana, and the gulf states. a lot of rainfall and storms kicking up there as a result. also, keeping a close eye on katia, who has become a hurricane, category two at this point and is anticipated to strengthen. we're going to be watching that very closely. tonight, overcast, a chance of rain and storms, 71 degrees your overnight low. winds south, 5 to 10. we were lucky enough to salvage just about the entire day from any kind of precipitation. i've got some details and changes for the holiday, and for the thank you gwen, we look forward to it. tropical storm lee is drenching the holiday for people along the gulf coast. no deaths have been reported so far, but the storm has caused major flooding in louisiana, and spawned tornadoes in southern mississippi and alabama. >> i think it's a mess. every year, we go through this, and this was nothing by a thunderstorm. >> we had a lot of family members calling and texting us, so make sure we were safe on the drive over, i think everyone takes more precautions since katrina. >> the rain moves away from the flatter gulf region, and into the rugged appalachians. president obama was in new jersey. president obama toured wayne and patterson new jersey, with governor chris christy, and other officials one week after irene hit, some neighborhoods still have no power. the president meeting residents and reassuring them that relief is on the way. >> i know it's a tough time. you guys hang in there. we're going to do everything we can to help. >> reporter: thousands of homes and businesses damaged. daniel mayo was evacuated from his home on sunday. now it's cleanup time. >> i'm an auto pilot. i've got to just keep on trucking. >> reporter: but president obama says the situation could have been much worse. >> part of what i think has helped to avert even worse tragedies is the responsiveness and far sided thinking of state, local, and federal officials. >> reporter: many residents still are unable to assess the damage, because they haven't been allowed back in the homes. the president insists there will be no delaying assistance from the federal government. >> the last thing that the residents here of patterson need is washington politics getting in the way of us making sure that we're doing what we can to help communities that have been badly affected. >> reporter: president obama and governor christy encourage residents to apply for federal disaster relife, if they need it. in patterson, new jersey, fox news. all right, power companies continue to get electricity back online in the wake of hurricane irene. the numbers of customers without power is now under 20,000. most are in the richmond, and petersburg areas. only a few hundred are without power in northern virginia. in maryland, bg and e says they have restored nearly 100% of affected customers. to capitol hill now, a giant crowd turned out for the labor day concert. one of the featured performers, chuck brown. karen gray houston is live with the story. >> hey wisdom, can you hear this? >> a little bit. >> reporter: the concert is supposed to be over but it is still going on. this is a big birthday bash for chuck brown. he was born here in d.c., so was jazz great duke ellington, and march meister john phillip sousa, tonight, the national symphony orchestra paid tribute to all of them. chuck brown is the master of go go. the undisputed creator of music that is original to d.c. >> just the beats, just the beats. it's so great, it gets your bones going. you can't help it. chuck with the guitar. >> reporter: this isn't really the kind of music you would expect from the national symphony orchestra, and its new pop conductor. >> it's basically a stretch, and that's a good thing. >> reporter: great really, for those stretched out on the lawn in front of the capitol, enjoying the cool breeze. the duke for one, who's distinctive sound defines jazz. ♪ [ music ] and marches by john phillip sousa, who wrote 136 of them. for friends and fans of living legend, chuck brown, this was special. >> they recognized that chuck has music that not only reaches the inner city, but the international outer city. >> chuck brown is amazing, clearly, the godfather of go go, but also go go that my grandparents will also listen to. >> he will make them dance from 9 to 70. chuck started playing the guitar in prison. in fact, a guy made a guitar for him. >> reporter: he says he and chuck have been friends for the last 40 years. he said a woman said recently, he is 75, going on 35. that he is kind of like the energizer bunny who keeps going, and going, and going. kind of like this concert here. still going on. >> 75 is the new 35. according to chuck brown fans. thank you very much for that report karen. back to politics now. president obama taking hits from the republicans who want his job. what the gop candidates are saying about the president's job performance. and unlikely admirer for secretary of state hillary clinton. dick cheney's surprising praise. fox 5 news at 9:00 continues, stay with us. with unemployment still high in this country, republican presidential hopefulling are taking this time to convince americans that they can put the economy back on track. fox 5's sarah simmonds has more. >> reporter: unemployment centers around the country, still buzzing with people out of work and looking for jobs. even the white house knows, there's little improvement predicted for the future, predicting the unemployment rate will stay at about 9% come election day next year. on the sunday morning talk shows, gop presidential hopefuls said a change in the economy must start with overhauling the tax code. >> it needs to be simplified. it needs to be fair, and it needs to be reduced. what we do know is the current corporate tax rate is killing job creation. >> i've been there and done that. i know how difficult it is to make the numbers work. you've got to find the revenue somewhere that you can reinvest back in the tax code to bring down the rate for everybody. >> reporter: on wednesday, the gop candidates will debate over how they will do a better job as president. on thursday, the president will follow up the debate, by unveiling his plan on how to create jobs. and his supporters urge him not to back down on this. >> i don't think he with shrink from the threats of the right. i don't think he can have a program that simply gives more tax breaks to the people who got us in the struggle in the first place. >> reporter: there are positive signs, car sales are up, manufacturing continues to grow, but slowly. the president is getting low approval ratings on his handling of job creation. he will try to jump start that thursday night, before a joint session of congress. it's not just bachmann taking shots at the president. cain was in florida. >> we have become a nation of crises. we've got an immigration crisis. we've got a foggy foreign policy crisis. the biggest crisis we have is a severe deficiency of leadership crisis in washington, d.c. >> the former businessman was the only presidential can't date to attend that event. governor rick berry spoke at an event in new hampshire. >> as we consider this economic misery that's spread across this country by the obama administration, we don't need a nominee who's going to blur the differences between themselves and barack obama. we're going to have a nominee in a clear contrast. the differences between president obama and myself are great. >> perry is one of the gop front runners for the 2012 presidential race. former vice president dick cheney raising eyebrows this morning. he said he thinks hillary clinton may have been an easier president to work with than the current commander in chief. >> perhaps they might have been easier for some of us who are critics of the president to work with. but you know -- >> why do you say that? >> i have the sense she's one of the more competent members of the current administration and it would be interesting to speculate about how she might perform were she to be president. >> the former vice president also talked about his book and his criticism of secretary of state condoleezza rice. >> i felt that the north koreans continually walked away from commitments they had made. and the tendency of the state department was to make another concession to see if that wouldn't get them to fulfill their commitments and their obligations. they never did. i don't believe i attacked her integrity. i tried to make a strong case on the merits on the substance of the issue. >> in his book titled in my time, cheney also criticizes former secretary of state colin powell. claiming powell spoke with the media about his problems with bush's iraq policy. powell has denied those allegations. a warning from experts as we get closer to the anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks. small planes could be a threat at this time. fox new's correspondent explaining. >> reporter: the 10th anniversary is one week from today, the fbi says now is the time al-qaeda wants to strike us again, possibly with small aircraft, and perhaps even with renten private planes loaded with explosives. the fbi's bulletin about this says in part, al-qaeda and its affiliates have an interest in obtaining aviation training. we do not currently have intelligence of an attack planned. independent senator joe lieberman says a quick glance at the calender should have americans keeping their eyes pethel. e, and there's no question, they'd like to do us damage every day, but particularly around september 11. we know from papers seized from bin laden's compound in pakistan, that he was focused on encouraging the terrorists to strike us around september 11, 2011. >> reporter: house intel chairman committee mike rogers claims they're beefing up security. >> things they wanted to do, he talked about and he listed. some of those were exactly that. small trains and things that were all aspirationaly meeting. there's no intelligence they're conducting these operations, but we know they talked about wanting to. >> reporter: authorities are saying this week, if you see something suspicious, please say something. in washington, peter deucey, fox news. one week ahead of the ten year anniversary of the september 11 terrorist attacks, fox 5 news is telling the stories of the people who's lives were forever changed. up next, how people impacted by the pentagon attack are marking the day. the tenth anniversary of the september 11 terror attacks is exactly one week from today. responders are sharing their personal memories at the pentagon. >> reporter: this is actually my favorite picture of my dad and i. it's a picture taken when zach was four or five years old. david was an army civilian who rushed home from the pentagon most days to be with his son. >> every single day, we would play catch, we would play basketball, every single day. >> reporter: he did not come home in september one day. one of the people killed when american flight 77 crashed into the pentagon. >> i think it was about three or four days later, when i actually found out that he had passed away. >> reporter: zach was just 9 years old. he's 19 now, and it's like his dad is still there. >> i just try to make him a part of my every day life, even though he's not here with me, i try to keep his memory alive. >> reporter: the memories also remain for a pentagon police officer who was at nearby fort myer when he got the radio call. >> emergency, emergency, a plane had just hit the pentagon. >> reporter: arrived a minute later. >> can't believe it. you're looking at this big fireball. people screaming. calling out for help. the smell. >> reporter: a smell that still sticks with the man who was cast with finding survivers and recovering bodies. >> as soon as we walked in the door, we encountered our first victim that had been severely burned. you get that smell of a victim that's more of a taste than it is a smell. >> reporter: a horrible odor befitting the reality inside. >> for the most part, a lot of the victims were just dismembered and spread out. there were people, you know, some people found in five or six different places. >> reporter: william lair was on the other side of the pentagon, he and thousands of others were able to evacuate. far from where 125 others like david could not escape. >> what it must have felt like to see that plane coming at you, and being able to do nothing. >> reporter: leaving a 9-year- old to become his own man. allison seymour, fox 5 news. on friday, u.s. defensive secretary leon panetta kicks off a call to compassionate the washington national cathedral. he will speak during a concert to honor. the three day event honors victims of 9/11, and troops who had died in the wars in iraq and afghanistan. when we continue, a police officer in the hospital after a man ran him over. the family of the man accused of running him over speaks to fox 5. and tough new rules for district tanning salons are on the way. we will tell you who will no longer be able to get a winter tan in d.c. navigating today's real estate 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arrest, but they are being kept in the dark. they say they've still not been allowed to talk to him. >> if our son was in the wrong, then we would know what to do with it. >> reporter: they say they're son is schizophrenic, and bipolar. he's accused of hitting a police officer with his car. >> the officer was standing about right here at an angle, telling him, stop the car, stop the car. >> reporter: nicholas says he heard the officer shutting at the car. multiple witnesses say the officer fired his gun into the windshield of the car. >> i see the front of the car lurch up over the top of the cop. >> reporter: he says he found the officer on the ground here, unconscious, and bleeding from his head. >> ran over half the body. there were tire marks coming up his uniform. >> i was squeezing his other hand, rubbing his hand, trying to keep him awake. >> reporter: police say rested daniel washington iii at the scene. his father was there, just after the incident. >> they wouldn't let me in after i identified myself as his father. i was told he was being arrested. >> reporter: they said he will be charged with malicious wounding and attempted capitol murder of a police officer. >> basically, we want the media to know that we do care about the other officer. we really do. we care about our son as well. >> an update to that story. the officer that was involved is now in stable condition. on now to the story about salons in the district. they will soon have a lot more rules to follow. d.c. is rolling out 74 new pages of rules. anyone under 18 would need parents permission and tanning beds can't get higher than 180 degrees fahrenheit. amputee veterans take on celebrity opponents in the wounded warriors softball game. >> thousands of people came to watch the mets play the nationals but stayed to watch the wounded warrior softball team at nats park in washington. the whole team is made up of veterans missing limbs. but they have not slowed these heros down one bit. their coach said they're ready to take on anyone. from we have some guys on our team that do not like to lose at all. our goal is not about winning. these guys joined the service after 9/11. they went overseas. they got injured. they had an amputation. they rehabilitated to the next level and can play at this competitive store. we only play able bodied teens. >> their opponents were celebrities. it was the wounded warriors team that inspired the crowd. something the hard hitting players say makes all of their efforts worth it. >> i will give like 100%, just to therapy. you have to do what you have to do to get up and moving again. sports was one of my outlets and a reason which i found the motivation to get back up. >> reporter: after a lot of painful rehabs, looks like they can still swing and throw with opponents who were not hurt in battle. that is a really great thing to see. in washington, peter deucey, fox news. some of th