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And the new record removes iraq and syrians will be subject to the same 95 day ban travelers and 100 day for refugees and it does not affect green card holders and language that seemed to give priority to christians since were removed. The air has been focused on making sure whatever would be would be able to pass the muster of the cords that ruled on. It will it hold true . Well see. That last provision seems to be a major role in it because a lot of people said it established litmus test for religions that predominantly discriminate against muslims. Attorney general Jeff Sessions says it is within the president s pour to make this executive order. Like every nation United States has a right to control who enters our country and keep out those that would do us harm and this executive order seeks to protect the American People as well as lawful immigrants by putting in place an enhanced screening and vetting process for for visitors if six countries. Three of these nations are state sponsors of terrorism. And the other three have served as safe havens for terrorist countries and countries where government have lost control of territory to terrorist groups like isil oral kind aand affiliates. In this case it seems u. S. And government of iraq came to an agreement on how they screen them that country which is why iraq is removed from the list and some with saying still you dont talk about saudi arabia and other countries. Which is what well hear from the folks arguing against this. Society for law and policy, caroline, starts us off tonight. Hi caroline. Hi, what is different from this time to last time or is it the same . I guess you could say its slightly more tailored vering of the same thing. You know it is still target people who h to be involved in terrorist activity in this nation. Not one of those six countries has had somebody involved in terrorism in this country and no refugees and so it remains big question of what this ban is actually designed to accomplish because protecting us from terrorism doesnt seem to be objective. Caroline the administration is working on this weeks to maketure is would pass the muster compared to previous travel ban. What sort of opposition do you think we will see . Do you think we will see the same kind of opposition we saw the last time around . Protes at the airport and protests in front of the white house . I think theres still going to be a great deal of protests that is this measure and muslim ban and you can renainl it and put a bow on it it boils down to the same thing. Its a little less poorly drafted in that they recognize people already have valid legal status in be swept up and the broad ban is really still going to meet with strong opposition both in the courtroom and out in the general public. You heard Jeff Sessions talk a moment ago saying the president has the right to preclude certain people from the country and immigration and nationality act of 1952 and any aliens or class of aliens in the United States that would be detrimental to interest of the United States could be band by president or entry could be suspended and that seems to be language that the Trump Administration goes back to. So, whats wrong with that. You know it does not allow the president to do thungz irrational. So i think whats atsh uhere you can look at the department of home land security just put out a report that says newspaper of these countries is associated with terrorism in this country. Unfortunately terrorists accounts were person dated way more by otherpe countries. So i think the basic thing we need to ask of our president and dovrment is to do things rational. We want to be safe from ter six but this is not the way to go about it. Caroline, thank you for joining us we appreciate your per pecktive tonight. She perceives this as muslim ban. Its got in their word. Put it has a lot of people talking. The council of islaming relations reacting to the new travel band our own ronica cleary has that angle. Thanks, jim, shawn, were outside of care. This is council on islamic American Relations and earlier today they held a press conference responding to new executive order. Theyre calling it muslim ban 2. 0 now during todays remarks they called this new executive order a partial victory. However they did say that they still feel sgrim nature against muslims and they believe i unconstitutional and i asked how it could be a victory or partial victor dwri if they feel theres these very serious concerns and i had a chance to ask them about something the attorney general said earlier today. He said that theyre in fact 300 refugees being investigated by the fbi drpinging forth this example of why this executive order is necessary. I asked him to respond that as well. Take a listen. We believe Trump Administration was forced to change language and we consider that a victory. However it is partial victory because we believe still this new order target exclusively muslims and common denominator among these six countries is being muslim. What does that mean under investigation for potential terrorism either somebody did something wrong and should be arrested or they have not and why would you indat they may do something wrong in the future and it just is one of those figures that you wonder where it comes from and what it actually means. When you drive up to cares headquarters you cannot help but notice this large sign muslims register here and in small writing underneath says just kidding not on our watch join care in depending we religious freedom today. During todays remarks they noted register me first web site. Takes play on words to something they feel is brought up during the campaign. This idea of Muslim Registry and were not seeing that presented or suggested by the Trump Administration now. But you say they have fears of that and with that asking people who support their cause to register and call to them for action. As time progresses with things theyre concerned about possibly coming out of the back to you. The other big story tonight a brewing war between white husband and fbi after trump claims former president obama wire tapped him though he did not bring evidence. In unprecedented move james comey asked the Justice Department to publicly reject the klailz. Democratic strategist and professor at George Washington management and sullivan is with us tonight. Spencer let me start with the you fbi director said no go and forler director of National Intelligence say it didnt haten and forler president obama denied it. Democrats say its another way to divert away from investigation into russians medaling in the election. We have to recognize director comey as a pawn. Depending on the year the left or right doesnt recognize him as villan or hero. With director comey back in the news and public eye these allegations again get back to trump space. Trump is talking to base and it puts a focus back on former president obama in the election you know changes topic from the defensive posture that President Trump was in the past week. We were talking again about the election and president obama and although president obama was not on the ballot his policies were and some felt left behind by these policies. Lets bring you in on this conversation we had the statement it was rather extraordinary. President owe bham amany times blamed george w. Bush for one thing or another. This is a whole different plateau. I dont get how it helps trump. It he gave a great speech by 48 Million People and 76 had favorable reaction. Why is he constantly stopping his momentum. It seems like every time he builds up momentum he says Something Like this that distractsing from it. Let me ask you this spencer, i ohno you were saying this is playing to the president base but when you see the tweets that came out over the weekend accusing former president of felony and then actually short time later seeing him go after Arnold Schwartz naiinger for a completely different reason who is that for for the same base . And do you think these are the actions of someone who should be the president of the United States . Look President Trump surprise outsider and he legged by outsider and electorate voted him because he was begun the status quo the fact hes governing in a different way should not be surprised. Every president since fdr or before them communicated in different ways. But specifically his tweets as president sp weight more than anybody else in the United States. It plays out to people around the country and theyre also looking at that from us. I would argue fire chats holdle weight and former president obama addresses were to hold that weight and of course President Trump twitter hold that weight and maybe future president would snap chat at 4 00 in the morning. We dont want that anybody snap chatting at 4 00 in the morning. He was elected as outsider and will govern as outsider and that should not be a surprise. We want quick sound Kellyanne Conway they asked her about this and this is what he he had to say. People sdevb to know why not include in existing investigation into russia this aspect that whether or not this actually happened. The other things going on here we have a double standard for anon us in sources and media loved Anonymous Sources for anything and everything that can be negative in administration and yet they refused to give any credibility to such sources when it may be something positive or sculptory. Fy sat at that anchor desk and made that same claim that president obama was wire tapping President Trump youre damn sure i would have to bring a fact to the table. Thats part of my job as journ sfwliingt thats right. And i think what is frustrating to a lot of people the white house said were not talking about this anymore. Dont they offer that to the American People or owe that to the american sglem yes but a free with kelly and i think the congress should investigate all this and for sake of republicans they should do it quickly. In 5 years they had precedencey in both chambers of congress six years. They have amazing opportunity to get things done and keep getting distracted by side issues. Gentleman i dont think side issue will stot stop any time soon. Well continue this co something well into the future. Gary and spener thank you for joining us tonight. All right. Lets talk about the forecast this week, here we go. Once again. Up and down up and town. And what else sue. We have it all for you jim. Today we are just dealing with a few light showers out there tonight. So if you head out this evening maybe grab umbrella i dont think youll need it very much. We need rain and more tomorrow not enough though to put a dent in the drought that is ongoing around our area and what i do have it another warmup tuesday, wens, thursday as eye pressure pumps in 60s and if we get breaks of sunshine through more of a cloudy day tomorrow you couldcy spots hitting 70s. We have few showers hit or miss in the morning and break and few more tomorrow evening one last batch that through. And look that High Temperature tomorrow 67 for d. C. And 60 hagerstown and 59 par tipsburg. The warm part of the week the next three days tomorrow 67. Were back to full sunshine on wednesday at 65 and thursday 6. But two chances for snow on 7 day forecast. Lighter mix on friday and something more significant potentially to watch on the saturday, sunday time frame but again so many days out and many times that either rachs up or goes away. Well each watching this one. Shawn and jim thats the 7 day. Thank you, sue. I was kind of hoping we were done. I was predicting april second week of april snowfall. Really . Coming sgloon maybe, maybe, maybe. You want to tweet us and talk about us. We certainly dont have a lack of thingso see you after for all those pokers, prodders, shuckers and sniffers, [ inhales ] all giant produce is triple checked. Farm, crate, and store. Were focusing on fresh. So you dont have to guess. My giant. Z25eiz z16fz y25eiy y16fy welcome back House Republicans awaited long awaited plan for unraveling the health care law. Takes package that at least the ap says would scale back the governments role in health care and they say it may leave more americans uninsured and House Committee plan to begin voting on 123 somebody calling me about it. They want to talk about t. Yeah, yeah. They plan to begin voting on the 123 page legislation wednesday that could be defining battle it in congress. House gop members there its gets a lot of work to go through. I tweeted this one out. Last time we had debate on healthcare big job on democrats and out this time and anybody who has investigated interest should read it it may be tedious. Lot of reading. And new developments in the virginia teen fiinging to use School Restroom that matches gepder identity and today Supreme Court opted out of deciding whether gave ingrim has right to use boys restroom at gloucester country high school. The High Court Decision follows President Trump decision to withdrawal pros obama order that allowed students to use the rests room that matched gender identity. Joining us 5 at 6 01 dar after mc bride, high, sarah. Hi, how are you. Were well. Lets talk about the Supreme Court decision not to rul on this. Whats the take away from the hrc here. Its certainly a disappointing development. We obviously love to see the Supreme Court provide clarity that transgender students across the country deserve and need. But its delay. Its not defeat by any stretch imagination and reality remains that transgender students across country remain protected from discrimination under title nine and federal civil riht the court and at the tension of guide frens by Trump Administration doesnt change that fact transgender students remain pro tokt tekted. What is next in the fight. Does gave ingrim case i know folks were hoping to have nationwide implication and certainly when we saw Trump Administration roll back Administration Order a lot of folks were dispointed. What comes next now. Well the case now goes back to the Fourth Circuit which is court after peels that overseas among other states virginia and court will rehear the kiss and re decide the case based on developments Trump Administration removing guidance and theres also a number of other cases pending in circuits around the country and what were going to see is more and more courts weigh in on this and look at this question. But again the reality remain that transgender students are protected because a number of court already ruled that it include discrimination against transgepdzer students well see it back to the lower court and see a positive decision. Perfect we go quickly Trump Administration seemed to imply this would be a state right issues are you staying should not it should remany federal blanket all 50 state issues. Absolutely federal civil rights laws are part of sake receipt promise our government introduced 40 and 50 years ago no student should fear discrimination or bullying and every student has sacred prols of federal government and safe quality education including transgenter students and states rights before and wrong then and theyre wrong now. Thanks for joaning us. Well talk about white house president sean spicer. Well explain what this is about when we come back 5 630. Stronger is blasting her tumors. Without risking her bones. Its training her good cells. To fight the bad guys. Stronger is less pain. New hope. More fight. Its doing everything in your power. And everything in ours. Stronger, is changing even faster than they do. Because we dont just want your kids to grow up. We want them to grow up stronger. Welcome back, 5 60 David Letterman remember him . Of course. Its been so long since weve seen him on the air offering tough love it a fellow community. And interview with vulture magazine. Forler host said he would have handled trulp differently than fall on. He referenced the moment when jmy fallon played with the president s hair when still a candidate. Letter man said i dont want to criticize squmy fallon i could only to only tell what you i would have done. I would have gone to work on trump. You dont have to concoct a prems to he no longer watches late night tv retired after 3 years on the air. Right now you have colbert and loan owe di say len owe . Fallon played it safe and leno played it safe and lettermans years. And you see interesting he has a whole new look. Take a look that sean spicer dressed up at easter bunny. Wow. Wearing costume at easter egg roll 2008 under bush residency. Spicer seemed to enjoy the experience noting only the getup can get very hot you. Know what, you have to be a big sport to play the easter bunny. For kids. And be hot out there so you know and then the picture shows up a couple years later. Great. Uhhuh. You saw laura bush there shes spilling secrets on her husband. What shes saying about something he did. Was not you know very good. In fact he got in trouble for. It well be back. Did you know slow internet can actually hold your business back . Say goodbye to slow downloads, slow backups, slow everything. Comcast business offers blazing fast and reliable internet thats 10 times faster than slow internet from the phone company. Say hello to internet speeds up to 150 mbps. And add phone and tv for only 34. 90 more a month. Call today. Comcast business. Built for business. All right former First Lady Laura Bush says her husband was once booted out of yoga class for behaving badly interview she she said former president and secretary of commerce don evans joined her at yoga class and were joking and play around so much they were actually asked to leave. Laura bush says mr. Bush now has other hobbies like painting and the form president is currently promoting new book portraits of courage book ever paintings of war veterans. You can imagine that though . So you have a yoga class going on and you have the president and first lady in class and president acting up so much they have to be like you have to get out. I dont imagine him as the person that goes all to yoga, yoga pants and hes wearing sweat pant and he was not doing the downward dog right and pushing over the commerce secretary or something. Just yoke joking around. Rough housing. We would love to hear who else was in the class. Its interesting. George w. Bush is doing the right thing these days making tours its a different bush than a lot of people are used to. Totally. Thank four joining us have here with us and especially we appreciate all the tweets. In the meantime see you tonight. More news at 10 and 11 make it a great night everyone, see you tomorrow re wired differently. Maybe thats why weve been ranked highest in Customer Satisfaction by jd power years in a row. And now you can love fios too. Get 150 meg internet, tv and phone. All for 79. 99 per month, for the first year with a twoyear agreement. Its the only internet with equal upload and download speeds. Cable only offers upload speeds that are a fraction of the download speeds. Plus get hbo for a year and free multiroom dvr service for two years. Get the best. Go to getfios. Com z23wnz z5yz y23wny y5yy fios is not cable. Were wired differently. Maybe thats why we en ranked highest in stomer satisfaction jd power 4 years in a row. And now you can love fios too. 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Hes in the caribbean . No, hes in jamaica. Thats the caribbean

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